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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ AA LARGE doz. d !" , BAKERY nner :i,.: ........................ do,. 36 .... ea. 25+ ca. 39 2 °" 29 .... Cans / "'":'" V2 Gal. ............... 33 (, .... Qt. Wesco Fancy• 8 oz. Tin i Shop-Rite Fresh -"agger Maxwell H ouse 10 ,oz. Jar DARIGOLD FANCY ARDEN Gal. ESKIMO PIES pkg'. Oil SPLIT BROILERS . . . STRICTLY FREsH WASHINGTON GROWN... PLUMP, TOP QUALITY ~aaJesty Sliced . . . ~hed Bacon With A Delicious POUND laver ...................................................... sw,,, 49 Premium Sk n eks ........................ . ...... POUND Cross-Rib. Boneless. U.S. Choice Beef ............................................ LB. r Beef Chuck • • . VNF Blade or 7-Bone Cuts .................................................................. POUND Lean - Fresh - Pure ................. POUND Swift Premium By The Piece ........................ POUND L or Perch. Fresh Fillets .................................... POUND U.S. Choice VNF Beef For Shishkabobs .................................... POUND We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 15,16,!7. LIMIT RIGHTS New Hours 9 - 9 Mort. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10.7 FROZEN ORANGE "FRESIt AS A DAISY" Fancy ...................................... POUND "Fresh As A Daisy" Crisp, Tasty ....................................................... POUND Fancy Sunkist .................................... for Puss-N-Boots Quality .......................... Tall Tins Vet's... Regular ,or Liver .................... I, Tall Tins Carnation Instant .............................................. Pkg. i* Ze Very Reg. Best ........................ Rolls Gold Medal .......................................... 25 •Pound Bag Shortening .................................................... 3-Pound Tin Zee Quality ............................ 4-Roll Pkgs. Duchess . . . Goes Great 6 With Hot Corn'N Butter ............................................................. 26 oz. Pkg. ........................ 22 oz. Bottle Giant Box ........................ Reg. or Horse- radish 20~/~ oz. Jar ...... Maxwell House . . . Save At Shop-Rite 3-POUND TIN CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN ......................................... EACH Swanson's Frozen Each Donald Duck, Flavorful, '6 OZ. Tins Allyn :S 114eld over from last week.) l:ly CIIARI,OTTE VAN ,'~I,YKE ALLYN--Cars and boats packed the highways last weekend with lots of visitors for Allyn-folk over the 4th. The Don Shcllgrens had Vicki and Bill ~,Valbaums for the weekend. Simron and Gene Floyd, Vert and R()n Itesp a;~d thei rthrec children spent three days at Mason Lake. They helped celebrate Martha and Frank' Jolley's 26th anniversary Sunday with water-skiing and dancing at tile Belfair Barn Sat- urday night. The Tom Van Slykes spent a busy holiday siding with l~er sister, the Floyds at Mason Lake. Also taking in the Barn dance plus his folks at Victor had a family pet- hmk. Topping the 4th off witl~ Madelon and Don Shellgren, Mar- gie and Dan Beeson qnd kids, Vicki and Bill "Walbaum and themselves taking in the Hood Canal fire- works from Myrtle and Phil Ba- rey's beactl. Celie and Chuck Amacher spent the day with their two kids, Vicki and Mike, and Hazel and Vic Ra- s0nie at Copalis where they've had It week vacation. The Izetts had a family of 19 for potluck. Jim, Gene, John, Jill and Joe from Goldbeaeh, Ore. spent the weekend. Their daughter, Mrs. Howard Haley, came by boat from Tacoma with Dennis and Jimmy. Also Mr. and Mrs. Leever from Seattle. their granddaughter Ka- ren Odell from, Ore., along with friend Linda Davis. The Pete Hansons spent the week at their smnmer home from Edmond. %roll and Dorothy Baker had a picnic with tile Les Aliens. Also there has been no change of news with Dorothy's mother. The Steve Boyces entertained 31 friends and family over the fourth. The Sam Clements entertained a family picnic of 10 at their home on Allyn waterfront. MARGAR,ET AND DON Young with kids Terry, Todd, Tammy, and Tracy had a holiday dinner with her folks, Doris and Fred Stock. Also attending was son Ed with his date, Peg Price. Gloria and Ken Crawford were home with the Ruby and Bill Mof gans over the holiday. Marvin Griffey's brother Har- ivey with wife Emma has spent a, few days in Allyn from Fresno. Calif. Marvin's son, Lester Griffey, is back from Alaska to spend a few days before heading for Sam- oa. Wes and Jeri G riffey and son Brian and niece Cooky Evans went to the Hoh River fo rthe weekend. Jeri al~) has her sister, Jean Hag- gard from North Port, Va., visit- ing, who hasn't been to Allyn for eight years. "Wes, Jeri and Jean went to a cook-out at Paradise Es- tates with host m~d hostess as Norm Cofleman and wife. Rit~ Griffey is visiting in Long Beach, Calif. with ller mint, Jackie writ- son. Brian also went with Aunt Dorothy Griffey and family for picnic at Belfair State Park. TIlE AUSTINS had more ttmn 30 family out, Mildred and Larry King from Moves Lake, Virginia and Don Nelson and daughter from Gig Harbor, Hank Austin and chil- dren, Ma,rv and Fred Lindaey and five children from Silverdale, herfenbergs f r o m Bremerton , and Bob Austin. Allyn folks visiting elsewhere were the Terrells who went to Se- attle with a regular group of 16 who meet at John Williams. June Wilkerson is spending some time with her mother, M, rs. Siegel at Colville. Betty and Augie Lund of Victor entertained the Donald Rangers of Bremerton, the Pete Petersons of Tacoma, Pete Rasmussons of Ta- coma and daughter Lois with her husband and children, also of Vic- tor. Lois' comment on what went on at her mom's was "ate all day." JANE AND HARMN Van. Slyke of Victor entertained a family ~roup consisting of Carol and Bill Krabler, Sherry and Bill Krabler J*r. and two kids, Mona Gabrielson and son Larry, Pat a.nd Don Ga- brielson and three kids, Bernie and Warren Bradley, Nancy Goodricl~ and son Glen, also Jane's mother, Mrs. Bradley. Daughter Cartoon , Fenton, with husband Art, Jane's i son Tom Van Slyke with wife ;Charlotte and Jane and Harm's four grandchildren, Debby, De- anna Fenton and Kim .and Jon Van Slyke. Terry McKean is home on leave visiting him parents, Dee and Clem Sargent. Allyn was saddened by the death of Lawrence White's wife last week. Allyn people with news items of interest please call CI~, 5-2729. Life Is Subject Of Scientist Service The Lesson-Sermon in Christ- ian Science churches this Sunday iv on the subject of "Life." It de- scribes 1he nature of man's spirit- ual life as an klca which exists forever in the divine Mind. The Golden Text is fro]n Proverbs 16: "Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it." The readings will also incl;~de this pa~;sage from the Chri'~tian Science textbook: "The tinder-, standing lhat Life is God, Spirit, lengthens our days by str~.ngihen- mg our trust in the deathless real- ity of Life, its ahnightiness and immortality" (Science and Health with Key' to the Scriptures by Ma~5' Baker Eddy, p. 487).