July 16, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 16, 1920 |
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NO. 31
Mason County has been advised
through the office of the Secretary
)f State that it has been relegated
to the seventh class, with its popula-
tion according to the late lamented
,census at something less than 5,000.
This will have the effect of shad-
,ing official salaries a bit, and some-
what lowering our people in their
wn esteem. The 1910 census gave
• Mason County 5156. Th 1920 cen-
sus figures just issued give Mason
County 4919 a decrease of 237, or
4.6 per cent.
Regardless of what the official cen-
sus returns may give us most citi-
zens will feel that the county really
has as many neople if not a trifle
vnore than ten years ago. It is true
that some of the larger logging
.camps then in the county have
worked over the line into the ad-
joining count, and that Shelton has
grown little m population over that
"perLod, but there has been a material
increase in the number of settlers in
most of the fanning districts and es-
pecially along the bays that should
Several hundred visitors are ex-
pected to attend from all the Penin-
sula counties and Grays Harbor the
meeting in Olympia next Saturday
afternoon, and a delegation plans to
go from Mason County. New by-
laws are to be adopted and a new
organization • effected to boost for the
Olympic Highway and the counties
through which it goes. Entertainment
will be provided by Olympians in-
cluding a banquet at the new hotel
and a dan'ce at the Tumwater Club
at evening.
SEATTLE, July 14, 1920.mIf vot-
ers of the state of Washington pass
favorably on Referendum No. 1,
known as the Carlyon good roads
bill, this state will have 1,500 miles
of well paved, conne'&ed highways, of
uniform width, touching 29 counties
and serving 90 per cent of the pop-
ulation, according to the Automobile
Club of Western Washington.
It is pointed out that this measure
should not be considered as a local
or sectional proposition, but one of
A/1][i][ |Cillpll ] stores and the like. In actual figures /
more than offset any loss in the float- state-wide importance. The framers .i||.|llH.|.t|.% lil||Lll,l| [the tax on farm lands in that state
ing population, of this measure considered the needs v8,a# a,v- l in 1918 was $974,421.91, and in 1919
Not a few residents are known of the people of the state as a whole IlllVTmvn watt #lrUtTlran|lr lthe farmers paid $2,386,294, or near-
to have been overlooked in the cen- and not those of any county or see- ]H||I. |i LHAL ly three times as much as for the
sus taking, and the hap-hazard man- tier of the state. ,a,a,q, taa, iw ,a,m,I lOrevious year. Needless to add that
ann aaalmamara lllr#11tlrlrla only the bright side of the picture
Ai i"AK.i00i00K00 rlbRl00 " ' ' • ".
Is gzven by exthe speake
her in which ,the work w.as h:dd With a broad, comprehensive, paved
and the lack of supervismn z highway system constructed by the
che. enumerators i^,,cnecyng :Peer state , the counties will have all Referring to local conditions itw.'ts
their districts .- - -* '[their road funds freed for construe- " urged that the'timber interests es-
)verlooked gave advance assurance [tin and paving roads to connect caped with little taxes while the poor
that the census would be but another [wit the state trunklines. In this RADICALS AND FORMER SOCI- farmer was bearing the burden. Ma-
,evidence of administration bunfing. ]way every county in the state will be ALISTS WERE NECLEUS OF ]son County has had several assess-
Following is the list of samnes bev[efited the agricultural sections
whch will be drawn by the neW[a s well s the cities and towns. GATHERING ]ors, each elected by the taxpayers,
ets he ta e 'char e m
• county offic " W • -' I Referendum No, '1, provides for and judging by the failure of either
.January: Auditor, $1400fi_ Clerz,rearlthes e ira-roved oads almost immedi Camouflaged under the name of [big or small interests to do much
[complaining under past officials most
Sheriff $130o; memvers "
;surer and " 'L .... .--:--atelvthat is--it has been figurei] the Farmers' and Workers' Picnic" people must feel that they have not
of the Board of County ommlSsluner - . ....
e any for the time actually l that wthm mx years the enhre the Non-Partisan Leaguers held a Been unfairly treated in the matter
v .* - ...... , their/system could be completed. By this
, ne eliormtm ' '
spen in P: ' • ..... ance/means the automobilists of this en- convention at the Kneeland Park in of assenments. This was merely one
s The aDoe is an auv
dutie : " . " • ......... e-/eration would have the benefit of Shelton Sunday, attracting a gather- of the class of untruths uttered not
particularly harmful because every
e the resen smanes, vu -, i., - - -., -
ov ".. P.-" , ^--- ^ +e ' me Raven roas, .nne paymen ing .o some seventy persons. The intelligent person who heard it knows
hat less nan WOUO. nv u-- .. --
w , ........... over would be extended over a perma o socialists of, the county were well better. These officials have all been
e nan lason ouny snowa
as ...... ---^ class 20 years Those of the following gen- [reoresented and some of"those who Mason County citizens, and so far
5000 u,amn. ,a ,-u ..... - . " .. • ,admt hawn been ,,stunr,,efOr$16 ,
• , . pop .......... ...... eratmn, who parhcpate m the use as we can recall have fully as good
"nflcation" Will save z.ne county o,,,. ..."' .1.,^' ns,1, , ___l_w,'vw d ra. v a hart of I bwU:retheconsrelcufasrmrSr h abCsOnn:Y a reputation for honesty, decency and
;$7{)0 in annual salaries .... thecost ". .... a
fairness, and possibly shade better
Spread Benefits Widecast Fred Ferris2 well known for his so- Americanism, than anyone whom the
cialist actimties prior to and during League might put fomvard from its
the war, presided at the meeting,
4'AMPIR,,r,..a, FOUND Under the present system of road ranks.
ROCKS construction and Daring, some sec-
tions of the state would be without
County Agent Drew is working for
a considerable palcy of Mason Coun-
ty fr, rmers to join in the excursion
to" the Puyllup Expermient Station
on Thursday, Jub 22nd. It will
offer a splendid opportunity to see
the many varieties of products
grown side by side and note which
make the best showing, ales to learn
all the new ideas of farming as
practiced by those who make the
industry their study. Those who
wish to go must p.rovide their own
conveyance but will be entertained
at the station.
The Shelter Baseball Club added
another scalp to its belt last Sun-
day when the- filed up a score of 18
to 0 at Rainier. The game was too
one-sided to be interesting d was
a walk-awar for the local bo3s. The
strangers didn't even have a look in.
The best tlmy couht do was one
measly little hit in the seventh in-
Burke who pitched for Shelter
struck out 12 men while Kinke and
Hoffman who took turns at tossing
the ball for Rainier managed to fan
seven. Miller, for ShelteR. knocked
a home n the first thne at bat and
The Mason County Memorial Fund
is to be swelled nearly a thousand
dollars as a result of the Fourth
celebration this year in the opinion
of the Fourth Commttee although
no final statement can be made until
all of the receipts have been checked
over and the bills received and paid.
The Shelton Elks last week turned
over to the Fund $379.77 which was
the balance from their automobile
contest after all accounts were set-
tled. The balance from the two
dances given during the celebration
was nearly. $400, and the women's
lunch sewce netted $320. 94, after
covering expellees of $146.68. The
lamb donated by Charles Saeger
brought in $51.99.
As. soon as the accounts are all
collected the committee will make a
complete statement of all money col-
lected and turned over to the Fund.
crone back later with a 3-bagger.
Twenty-live local rootet accompan CAI,L MEETING OF DIST. 309 TO
led the team to Rainier and were a DECIDE UPON AUCTION OF
hand to insure a victory but their OLD BUILDINGS AND
assistance along that line was not
needed. 'LAND.
This Sunday Shelten will play the
American Legion team of Aberdeen Notices are posted for a special
bere. The game was previously meeting of the el'ectors of Consoli-
scheduled to bc plaved in that city dated School District No. 309 on
but the Harbor bo'ys preferred to MomLay, July 26th, to authorize the
make the trip. A hard game is an- sale of land, buildings and personal
ticipated and the Shelton lads ex- propely belonging to the district as
pect to turn the tables on the Aber- 'a result of its consolidation with a
deen nine who walked away with a
victory, here last month, number of small outlying districts.
If the electors vote in favor of the
Follox ing is the box score of the sale at the meeting the property will
Rainier-ShelteR game. be disposed of at auction to the high-
SHELTON AB R H PO A E est bidders. The different buildings,
P. Fredson, If .. 6 2 3 4 0 0 property and equipment will be sold
Hall, 3b ........ 6 1 3 0 1 2 separately. Among the property
Lowe, c 4 2 1 0 1 0 which will be disposed of are: the
Carlson, ]b'::::'" 3 3 2 7 0 1 building and land' of old district NO.
Miller, rf ...... 6 1 3 0 0 0 34 (the Brumbaugh school); the
0 building of old dstrict No. 15 at
Spiker, 2b ...... 1 3 0 2 0
Slade, ss ...... 5 2 1 1 3 1
Jemison, cf .... 5 3 2 0 0
Burke, p ........ 3 1 3 0 1 0
Arcadia; the building and land of
old distqct No. 28; the building of
old district No. 50 at the Rollway
and also the building at the Point
school at New Kamilche formerly
The opening speech was made by Roast County Representative Total ........ 41 18 18 14 8 4
Homer T. Bone, a young attorney One or two of the speakers "took RAINIER AB R H PO A E in the same district.
these roads for from 60 to 178 years only known through his activity in 'afait" out of the Mason County rep- Stevens, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 2 3 In addition to the buildings and
yet these sections are among the socialistic movements of all kinds and resentative, M. E. 'Reed, who happens C. Hoffman, cf ... 4 0 0 3 0 1 land there is considerable number of
:FOUL PLAY MAY HAVE BEFAL- most important from the tourist and his being called to defend the T W. to be the only representative of "Big Payne, c ........ 4 0 1 1 1 0 desks, tables, chairs and other fix-
tEN SEATTLE DRAFTSMAN agriculturist viewpoint. W.'s, s,ndicalists and seditionists in Biz" in sight. Mr. Reed's efforts Carlson, lb ...... 3 0 0 10 0 1 tures, whiclf will be disposed of at
ON DOSEWA'LLIPS, RIVER Referendum No. 1 would assist in the vicinity of Tcoma. Those who were confined, so' the audience was Pratt, ss ........ 3 0 0 0 1 1 the sametime. The manner of dis-
t of ood roads heard him say he made a very ........ slation assed for • 0
carryinr the benefi.s .g! . . ^ m, o geung teg P. , . Burnham, rf .... 3 0 0 2 0 nosal of this propelv is up to the
to many -arts of re smze ann to smooth talk and one. calculated to the benefit of his class ann neglect- Dusinm If 3 0 0 3 0 0 ltr .f £ annl;f]Ltd District
PORT TOWNSEND, July 1.c-_The each county almost simultaneously ap)eal to the unthm,kin.l and those ing the other interests of the county. Wier,"2b ..:::::: 1 0 0 0 2 0 an-dw'il(-be-decided"upon - at" th
body of Theodore P. scaes, a arap- b rovtding a special fund for this incnnen o see me ren sine ot mngs. Any Mason County farmer couldhave Kinekie, p ...... 2 0 0 0 3 1 I meetinm
man and demgner of. Seattle, e wyr' leavin the permanent mgh. Based .on a. feWwWaellrtOaWnnd and told the outsider of many. things E. Hoffman, p .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 I -
ound late yesteroay..tymg .on , way fund to be used with the roaq .rnmrut son.es oI... -g_ a ..p ,: asked by our farmers and county ....... t '
Dosewam s ver oy nd the d, strict roaQ neemng, ne rnwauee ranroaa th m
:cocks in the ' "P and bridp'e fund a • " i. j "o . people which were secured for e r Tot4, ........ 27' 0 1 '19 9 7 ?
• " n er Ahl Jeffauson Coun_ty. "n 8.817'142 annually, extensmn, mrplane ,product n, shp- b their re resentative and of the [SECRETARY OF STATE
]orest Rag , • fund totalli g $ " ' • " a Y P • • • -- -- --
r notified and the on local count building and other cost plus w r o ah t re
authorities ,/we e " - uffmolested for use Y . . ? " absolute failure of their soc] s p-
here late last re osed mx eratlons for whmh the present o t a
body was brought . .... _.highways. Durin t.hep "" "" .... i r onsible and resent.%ive they once. elec ed in cn0000ie,00inHi00n00 TARW I OF WASHINGTON DIES
'night. There were a..numver,.o year building permd, county aumor- nu.msra:on was., esp ....... period of tem)orary aberration o ao sstavx,v a
t t.?85.]d have the $ Ca t t} etin for,,refeen * STEPS TO GET BLOCK I CAPT. I. M. HOWELLA:TSRSES
-that the bruise, :were ca,sd bn; 'A' Tef?etsoiw t fealy that efer- eXP.neS eitzfen?e oppressed and suf-[radicals like to-mPut/disregarding OF ROAD BOND MONEY I AWAYIN TACOM
ffall fro,m the: vanKo], the,vetn i would be of vital im: I en g c _. , ....... , ..... : lthe fact that, all adica!, and, labor ..... / o ............. .
tea S 11: is uwx ue[ £o lw Rtrut ress" wnue me , i 1¥1
%he K. ----.Pg,,r_m"areni'niportance to the farming section o£] .. , . iorgans re 'kept_p. ., . " ., IWILL SECURE $60,000 I t i ...... ----'-.- ,-a---rye
had been suP:nng.'. o . ] the state It would give them large ] Two oner speaers were ueague I only newspapers of the country reaLy [ STATE FOP CONSTRUCTION , apt. I. . noweu, wno n s s . u
of the arteries . - - r I addtt" ionai funds for bilding and pav agonizers who follow, that line for independent and free ............... from all iuflh- i W]RI( ON I{IG'IWA f 're as secretary of state since 1908, die
Scares ace p - in lateral roads to connect with thela living and devoted themselves, tolence to voice the pmons of their} " u." t,G FIRST at Tacoma Tuesday ater...y, x
om amed by a frappe f om a ew
named Blunt, left Seattle ab_°ut Ju:ve.. I stagt highway system At present!the farmer element among their t editors for the best'iiterests of their] ......... days illness. Hewas a wmeLy nown
21, the two. in.enoea o .spenu , -' a large additfonal funds for building hearers...They were not so adept .in [ clientele of.neighbors and. home read-. ]. ......... ............ omissioners met and .p°pular state. Official,. with .l°ng,
eral weeks m the moqntns, scates/ a in lateral roads to connect lsandwchmg the truths along wxth[ers is the httle old county paper, hket n regular session. Present Win. ljh prewous experience m the auditor s
failed to return o.camp,.an.d Blunt and Pt tate highway system At their arguments, and their appeal[the Journal / ])anlels, J. A: Col? and Chairman r. office of Perce County. He was
notified .Ranger AIU. and tne twOiresent a large ; of the*road svs/evidently found no new converts for| At the conclusion of the %,en m-'e-A'tulueUaer, aul-]e6h°, f th$oara, flied born in Iowa in 1864 and leaves a
started a searcfl. .... jf$ A: ren a large hart of leJnone came fox, yard to c°ntributelin a caucus of the Non2Palisans[ report o' the work "done on contract widow 'and one son. His title was
Papers in the dead mans effec ::] *: ,,e h used" for main- another $16 to their political jackpot.|x s 1 and the only matter ivenlfor Permanent 1-Ilghway 4 E. Kent & gained by some fifteen years spent in
• Re- u ............ ''] ' o ..... . o |l lvingstone contraett)rs Appro'ca. ana .... , .
show that he had a snu . Danz / • state roads To refute tbe story that the farmers of zesolutmns" - wluch • " Ii hwa ommis building up the National Guard of
• " ' 'in the raining and constructing , '. . out was a set . transmitted to State I- g Y ,, " , . ' r" the
ount. He leaves a widow. : . nt of mone of Dakota were aymg fully.tw,ce as/ar rir[te elsewhere for the mfo'-] sh)ner 'for payment Amount of esti- the state, and he etxred th
..... err -thus reducing the arnou .Y e p d . ...... ," -'" " " • to th
Phflh runes. He was aoout f Y • , • much taxes as efore ne on-Par- • ' r ho mate $1,89.22., . tank oi cRpaln 3us pro1 r' e
P r ount roads which matron of the pubhc The pat w , Wright
ttorne aaflable fo c y , . ' " in . 7 1 etition and bond of Edgar J. " " , "" "n
two years of age. County A Y ...... -- *h ,c,relt,u'-: tman League sneaked rote power .... 4., ,h -,*- is ri-'ht mob- ........ : ........ t-. roaxi Spamsh-Amercan ar. Hm remm s
a to are Dactty neeaeu uy .... ........ d .... ""' .... "'*" , Ior tile estaDllSllnlelll, u[ t tuu, #• r ' " "
Holman left for eattle tod y • _... that state one of the speakers urge Jse,,n,, that the Journals attitude to be known as the Vright road., lload were interred under Masomc auspmes
]earn more about the dead ,man and ms. ,, that the money was given as a onus', ",' t, hostile It holds to[described as follows: Commo*cmg t yesterday. ,
o make" - an effort to obtain the an- Pave Through BOnd Issues to ex ..... service men As a matter of "' "f:" :WY ;- * " " " "0 | the S. line. of Lot Nineec"tunnmg u-cc:lwP/: z .... .
...... r ne ene: na anything aemgnea | N Range One . r ,
dress of the widow. ' - • fact a small portion was gven fo I • .1 direction through the SW. r
endum No 1 rowdes for the southel y
avinRefer el .... ms comprenen" P .......... sve ,,+e the bonus but the. greater portion, destroy, the government, .... te social[, of. the ND. / endinand LOtat" SiXthe m.. tl.e, neSald,} UMIMPi I &IIUDI ll:d%
• ,:-ha --g'" system ',]th," ' funds raised was squandered m state entepmses,, relatmns or the home s sedtmus and I cctiO?stretcn andstana,-, tn"-g ..... hol distance be- t}]L|]|.iJ H,t
N0N PARTISAN LEAGUE thou h" beRYl issues These bonds, extravagance ..... and propagamla,,, hbe dangerous and should have no appeal ing about one mlle. . ri" i |J D|a]
" "..g ...... " --.--:- .,a sides lar;e sums w .... ........... . . ' Entneer ordered to survey ann re- | |a]llYl |1] J['L]
AifiDT l}iTqfil IITIIM .w?uta .e pare, n Pr'aL;[aine credulous farmers for co-operative [to the American. . port "to tl}e Board. E Daniels and sec- If?dltEI. J']t|P A| |PI
LUXlt ttiXVal|t..lnel'est,, aN Q Iale. ". *'uuu -.-^n.uS , € " .,,,aL°ved D L_ .%olo" " tlat larl" Dickin- FUI DILUIZ4LLIDtVl
Dy I; /%e s%e ]lom ne prucc ° o, u tl ,n i
e wthout in son'be appolute.d C st' c on E g- .
motor vehicle hcens s, I lason wounty at $(i 00 p
- ' " " neer for 1 . '. "
a A polntnlent to cease %% hen the
ANOTHER MILD DEM AND IN creasing the license fees or levying d y. P . . .' " , BLIND TOM Musr L]AVE WITH
next county englneer In elected. I .,, ............
THE ADVANCE TOWARd:' .n 'cent of taxes against real
t _ = Claim of dam.ales in. the amount of[ THREE CO'IFAINIULN 1'1 ,.
x , 0"1 -- $115 00 of Fred 1 , om for ue con-
..... nCTALISM • estate or personal property. Ts Farmers who belong to the Toxmley Ica/e _ struction of the Stretch island road, I I, W. W. ACTIVITIES
o.x. ..... ' : lolan is the only feasible way LO . " . " received and allowed. Claim to be
finance such a system of highways frme"s who own land and are r ,pons..ble, solid ,td from the funds of Road District l . . .........
The following resolutions, purport- within a reasonable time and at a " /
Cltl e that Letter received from the State High
"ing to have been actopea,at me reasonable cost, according to Auto " "zens--should rememb • Townley and his No. s. , . CENTRALIA, July .-rnomas
Non-partisian League. coUnty con- Club members, c:osest adwsers and alds Socm_hsts of the extreme , We'veC°ntssnoerds:tltngrnthtohm e I 1 ]%sf:er'reCchenr s\\;B°rnngatdy n
• " a nave veen r. ,
,vention m Shelton Sund Y, . __ ,^ri For 1. years this ,rate has bec: r] r +- succeed in ainin contro I government for distrlbutionl F!eledeived|jUl T in Lewis County superior tour
t e. an .v - tj o Reel! nation of M Ktnn y C 1 nten
ent the Journat vtll requ att [) 1;O abolish rl- I by the State ame warden p- • "
s erupting to constnct a stae pn- YP ..... • ..... *' " - - " '' ' " " '- ";- " and" aeee- [ of criminal synd'ealism, were se -
publication: ...... ,.,q [mary ad secondary hihv.,ay, system, Of the government their a_m wlll e . p_ , lied. r. *vVi]liam ]Iorris appotnted to!c.ed .th, s afrnoon bY Juc4ge Geor
Resolved that, Amo c , _ - rniand yet has only pa.ehes nero ann ........... "L.'_ ^..e 1,-] nrl ,,4"]"lia'p T'f]'IOPTV J.n ne I [fill the vacancy, caused by the resxgna-]A. Abet el rays tiara.or oun.y, be-
be o
dren, therefore they should " -d Ihere of unconnected roads. In re- vae OWlit2rlLl[J u ltt,u , j,,- ,t----.r ,-_-,j.., __. l i tier of M. Kenneav. . ............ l fore whom they were re(t, ater me
d00Ctlonarv of the Soclahsts capl,ansm noes _.. I. ] wa,, e'ommissioncr stating that the n: / court had enteled a mohon for a w
in health, reared in comort ann e - cent year-$1,000,000 has been sent • • " " " "' , " IlOU Letter received from x.ne ate t, •- • -" ne
• neared to .their capvci.ty ....... • /annually or grading and graveing "- " ,, , " The I strlrnnts delivered to Arthur L.rV'arflt trial.
We condemn as a lamename :an- .......... [
-,o ÷ --resent individualistic and/u none oz ms nas een user or
r .... :, ....... | paving. In these 15 years there has
unscientific nemm. system, and_ ae-] not been enough money appropriated
rnand that the Stae assume xull re-/
sponsbility for the health of i| by the legislature that could be up-
eo le |propriated to one highway on the
P-P '. .............. :--^' "'-a,, as-you-go" policy to complete
Ame*ca IS ner CnlLuren, tn ***Vl , #" _ ....
each child reared by parents is an]the grading anQ gravetlng or one
economic and social asset to the|road.
.state---we demand that "eden anQl --
every child be endowed by the state|
at its birth, that it may be reared| J. B.. Shelton was an Olympia vis-
"in comfort. |itor yesterday to look over the ,as-
America is her children, and we[sessmen_t ..lcords of, Thurston County ' clarion July :i.Tt 1929. Board advised|. .' ,1( .... [ .... : ."
<lemand complete equipnent for|oyster lands wxm me wew oz ma- keep out of it. | that they will be present. [lOWlng me Armtsuce Day luinngs la
schools and the most gifted souls and] in adjustinents, in the valuation of " , (Continued on lmge 4) Centralia. * .
ntellects for their teachers, this class of lands in Mas County. [