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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1920
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL , ....... PAG THREI "Are You GettingReal Tobacco" MASKS RECALL .... says the Good Judge There&apos;s more good, last- ing taste in a little of the Real Tobacco Chew than you get out of the ordi- nary kind. You don't need a fresh chew neirly so often-- that's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT ts a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine,cut tobacco 850,000 Japane0men Work at Average Daily Wag.of Ten to Twenty Cents for a Twelve Hour Day. There are more women In kadustry in Japan than there are men, accord- to a statement recently made by the War Work Council of the Young We. Inen's Christian Association. The world war has brought 850,000 women and girls Into the daily grind <f industry according to this state- ment; 80,000 of them little girls under fifteen years of age who work twelve hours at a wage of ten to twenty cents 2. day, that the world may have silk ,dresses and nmnttions. In Tokyo alone, a city of two and one-half million people, there are 100,- 900 women employed in sixty-two In- dustries and businesses varying from work as telephone operators, clerks, .stenographers and bookkeepers to work' in silk and other sorts of fac- /' tories and domestic work. Each year thousands of these we. nen go back to their homes in the • country, broken in hehlth and victims f tuberculosis because of the poor ondittons under which they work and I llve. They are housed in dormitories ! in the factory compound. These dormi' ortes are frequently unsanitary. The &,ris work long ImUre, have no recro - atlon and on finishing their long day ,go immediately to bed, oftentimes a Here is Sir Thos. Llpton's fa. bed which a girl who works at night mona wooden eagle, a coat-of. has been sleeplg In all day.  arms of the United States, which As part of its world serVie for we- S now the mascot of men, the Young Women's Christian IV. In the background is the • Association plans to build dormitories ehallenger as it made its initial In manufacturing towns where girls trial in American waters. - tnay live cheaply under healthful +++๗+++++4.e++++๗ hysleal and social conditions, to send 4. 4" ut secretaries who can Introduce rec- 4" NATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS 4" reation Into the factory compound and 4"" DEPEND UPON WOMANKIND 4" direct games and social lifo. 4. This Is done with the cooperation ๗ of the factories' mamlgers and pro- ๗ 4prietors. One o the most Influential 4. zf these Is Mrs. Suaukl, the most 4, remlnent woman manufacturer in 4. Japan, who Is owner and manager of a 4- lrm which exported $11,000,000 wocth 4- of bean oil to America last year. Recently Mrs. Suzuki decided to mploy one thousand women In her efltces. She could not find enough well trained ones so she established a permanent school where Japanese girls may be trained to enr the bush hess world. The greatest danger ahead of Japan, she sas, is in its growing materialism, /End Japan's Ireatest need, the development of her women. L JapaneN Diplomat 8aye Men ๗ Alone Cannot Create Interns- 4. tlonal Frle'adllnese. 4. International friendship be- 4. tween nations depends largely 4. upon the friendly feeling between 4. OLD SHAMANISM Carvings Throw Light on Super- stitions of Alaska. IMPLICIT FAITH OF NATIVES Belief in Words and Actions of, the Shaman So Strong Whole Te(bea Would Go Hungry Rather Than In- cur His Displeasure by Eating Foods Which He TabooedLand Otter Too Sacred to Be Killed, Masks in the possession of Joseph Bourke of Valdez, Alaska, carved from a single piece of wood, brightly col- ored, with long wooden tendrils pro- truding from the top of the head like a devil fish's arm, recall to those fa- miliar with the natives of Alaska their Hoodsport LumberCo. Our new mill is now tem- plet. and ready to handle any and all orders for rough and dressed lumber. Address H00DSPORT LUMBER CO. Hoodspo]% Wash. Nick Ward Manager. ALDERBROOK MILL Send in your order for' ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER On Navy Yard Highway Postoffice, Union, Wash. H. E. STUMER, Mgr. 4. the women of those nations, ac- 4. 4. cording to representaUves of the 4. 4. Japanese embassy in Washington. 4. 4. Their theory Is that there can'๗ 4. be no firm friendship between 4. 4. two nations unless the women of & 4. those two countries know and 4. 4. like one another, as co-operation 4. 4. between nations, as In the state 4. + and In the family, Is based on co- 4. 4" operation between men and  ๗ 4. men. 4. 4. Therefore. If Japan and Am'l- 4" 4. ca are to have a real, lasting 4" 4" friendship, to really know and 4" 4" understand one another, the we- 4" 4" men of the two nations must 4" 4" learn to play together, to study 4. 4, together and to think together. 4" 4" The Y. W. C. A. is one of the 4" 4. best mediums for bringing about 4" ๗ this friendship between the two 4" 4" nations, according to diplomatic 4" 4" representatives of Japan, as that 4" Herds where we MSan[lb-"te'Y'-Kt's-of the,:hOfiSe sted. At last, dressed in full regalia, the body was lashed to a board. One of the two bone sticks used by every well- accoutered shaman was placed through the hair and the other through the orifice cut in the nose. The head was cowred with a basket woven of small tvlgs and grass, and at night the body was carried secretly to some remote cavern or crevice. Thereafter the members of the tribe never entered this burial plnce, for it was supposed to he filled wlth evil spirits. Mr. Bourke's collection of native mnsk, weapons and utensils is said to be oe of the finest in Alaska. Y. W. C. A. TRAINS WOMEN. Young women students from forty- four states and nine countries--China, the Philippine Islands, France, Bulga- ria, Holland, Russia, Armenia, Canada and Mexico  are registered in the National Training School of the Young Women's Christian Association in New York. They are studying methods of Y. W. age-old shamanism. C.A. work with a view to taking up Shamanlsm, or superstition and sor- cery, always has played an important osltions in Y. W. C. A. work either in part in the life of the Alaskan native, this country or in ether of the coun- So implicitly did these natives of tries where the Y. W. C. A. is carrying on, openln and expanding its work. not many years ago believe in the g ........ words and actions of the shaman that a whole tribe would go hungry rather ......................... " ......... ' than incur his displeasure by eating foods which he had tabooed; The shaman attained his position and power by unusual methods. By fasting and prayer amid the solitudes of the woods or mountains, where he fed only upon grasses and roots, he prepared himself to become a shaman. By this method, it was conceded, the candidate's body became sufficleutly purified to become the abiding .place of the spirits, and all, successful shamans had to have num(.rous spirits at their immediate command. Usually the spirit willing to abide with the shaman sent the novitiate a land otter r' which the can(lhlate killed. The ottes tongue he preserved ,,s a talisn, an for away from all human view, for should the talisman ever be seen, it Was be- lieved the slmnmn would go insane or be turned into the anlnml from which THE POET says a ross. • $ $ BY ANY other name. wouL= as AN= Hk:s . gh RuT .O.ET00N00' ;L*" a rose. WON'T CHANGE its smell o: covd not. ANO i'dno'00 Loc00ng, 'POOR TURKISH tobacco. WHICH ,S es; expensive. $ AND NO; :o goo00 *NO TH;R00' 00bacco CALLEO'TRIS., whl NEVER SAW Turkey. .UT GR;W" 00;ous=ds. • $ OF MILES •away. kND DOKSN'; even. • • * TASTE IlfE ?urkish BUT JUST telling you. * " • • • ', * AND IS the good Turki=h: RIGHT OUT. * * * " • , • THAlr8 REALLY from TurkY HAT THERE are only,, , " " : " ' . . . " THAT YOU get 'rHREE GRADES ...... ' . * *.- • . . IN TH m cigaretteS. OF TURKISH tobacco ..... .a*-'m - . • • ,-, .,..__. F|RST. GOOD Turkish. • • " fUR resident buyers in Turkey WHICH IS mighty good  are experts. They know .we. • • • want the best--and we get it. I AND ALSO eXlaSiv the same with Domestic leaf. B • • • them together--by that can't-b- AND SECOND. . copied methodand you let a • . • [ smoke that actually does "saJ/." the tongue Was taken. The skin of the otter was kept by the shaman as a sign of his profession. Otter a Sacred Animal. Thus It came ahout that the land otter was regarded as too sacred an animal to be killed by other than the shamans, and neither Aleutian natives nor those ofthe nmlnland would kill the otter until long after the coming of the Russians. Sometimes it happened that the fast- mg and prayer lu solitude did not bring to the would-be shaman the spirits craved. In this emergency he betook himself, still fasting, to the grave of some deceased shanmn and passed a night with the corpse, taking one of the teeth of the cadaver in his mouth. Upon the shaman's return to his tribe his skill was then tested by a shaman of known powers. For each spirit which the shaman could produce he had a separate wooden mask with features as hor- rible as the tastes of the carver could devise. , Healer and Prophet. The shaman had many duties to per- form. He was supposed to heal the sick, to cast out the devils from the frail bodies of his subjects, to foretell the future, and with the aid of his spirits to enable one to avoid misfor- tune and disaster, The tricks of his trade, paraphernalia and charms gen- erally des,ended from father to son. The shaman's hair was never cut, for to lose his locks would be to lose his powers. When he died he was not cremated. After death his body was allowed to rentals in the spot where death came for 24 ho'urs, so that the wandering spirit might find its tne- misi'']hy'should it so hesire.  en two suns had waned the body was removed to another corner of the house, this procedure continuing until the body_ had.. rested, in .gver..corner. DOING THEIR : The /ti: J Scores of Shelton Readers are Learn- ing the Duty of the Kidneys 4" organization Is teaching 3apanese 4" • • , 4" women recreation, showing them 4" To filter the blood s the kidneys 4" how to enjoy out-of-door life and ๗ I duty" When they fail to do this the kid- + sports. It Is particularly neces- 4. [neys are weak. 4" sary that Japanese women learn 4"  Backache and other kidney ills may 4. to enjoy and appreciate recrea-4, l follow. 6 tlon, they say, since the great 4.  Help the kidneys do their work. 4" Influx of women into industry 4"  Use Dean's Kidney Pills--the test- + and business, as Japanese we- 4" ed kidney remedy. FORDSONS Are Coming l! For the first time in months we are able to secure shipments of Fordsons and will have machines for de- livery within the next two weeks. Now is the time to place your order to make sure of a Fordson n plenty of time for your fall farm work. Install a Fordson on your farm and you insure your crops by the best and most efficient attention. It is a time and labor saver. Ask for a demonstration with one of ๗ men, formbriY so conservative, 4" Ask your neighbor proof of their 4" are going into business and doing 4" }worth in the following: 4" man things which they had ๗ Mrs. E. H. Heckler, 821 E. Sixth 4" neveYr thought of doing before the 4" I St., Olympia, Wash., says: "I never 4" war. 4./hesitate to recommend Dean's Kidney The Y. W. C. K. has been as- 4" (Pills for I know from past exper- 4" ullest ossible co-oper- ๗ [ienee that there isn't anything better 4. sured the f P • n't been 4. atlon of the Japanese embassy ๗ tf or hdney trouble. It has ....... ๗ and the Japanese people in mak ๗ [';e'):na, uVueseoUhCa;; its "World Service program 4. sign o + ing ...... Lbackache occasionall.v. At such times ๗ for three million uouars to no . , ....  ;. • " irl in tba -1, IDeas s Kinney ius always gave 4. used for women and g.: - =- ฃ I ouick relief." . ๗ United States, Inca, umna, da- - I- o-e 60c at all dealers Don- 4. pan, South America, Egypt, S- -. l almply ask for a kidney remedy--get 4. berta, the Near East and Mexico .. }Dean's kidney pills---te same that 4. a success. .e Mrs. Heckler had. Foster-Milburn 4. 4- + + ๗ +..+..+...+. + 4. 4. + + + 4" 4" Co.., Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. the new machines which are due to arrive shortly. W allace Johnson Motor Co. Shelton, Washington