July 16, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 16, 1920 |
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" ...... * ' ' ' .. PAGB
- Prayer Meeting 7'30 Thursday " --
|||||H||||||||||||||||||l||||i||||iH||||||`[|||||!|||||||meSderry Sk.lann,en.pa..:Si.nc!iii!ilevEray ereeCeg at 3. mh?rsday I y
'7 i*i00i / I *:e /
I E Reed is undergoing P -! . • • ...... "'" - "-" =
• " "" i week candidates, f[hngs now being permxs- , ,/j!i::. \\;
ati:n En ReetdtlieS tnsderg an uw,-I ealdd-:te:,--l:mgs'no-being permis, tAwdwan d :oeSa:l BAPTIST CHURCH I ,'i
Read of Seattle spen a i -- • - • . 'venilt servlce o p.s.. ,
Jerome . . err m thxs section. , - ni ht o
-'-------- t .............. let since [seis in motion an a . _ . t s o'cteck.. _ .... _, .,,I TAKE A KODAK WITH XOU
een ranr u • , in
. neiton ns • q • m fl htin sni s ancnorea wis Smm o Tacoma wm
Mrs. A. G. Cushman of Lake C,sh It he bi celeiation while the. pubhc I s Slants sogth g the nPembers do not ,. " seLees of meetingsnext Sun- _ . . / ,, _ 1_ .... .e ....... ,,,,,.
man was Shopping in town on mvu- is restin u m the festivmes, and o ,. m world The =.;=,,+ o the c Don't fail rnur .Rrf[orrt l 0U llOW £tr .you WA
. g l __ l feel molated fro the . : ...... ..... .. hurch ....... r ......... er el s _ . , ,
day. vacations are in oruer. /buildins are well arranged and corn- to'come and hear him. . T2"^,lr t-,11 rn, whore v0U weng ana wna
. fortabl,and arranged for convenience Eve bOdy welcome. --t uu, --., ...... .
Mrs. J. Jemson of. Skokomsh Va!- Chas. Whittig, the Goodyear fac- as well as privacy, and the old poe- ry .Addison Self, Pastor. v0U saw The pleasure of the trap can never
ley was a nelton snopper as zn- tory expert, will demonstrate the ple who are enjovin its priveleges ........ vr. .... + .... a ÷r re'.h
day. care and conservation of t!res at the seem to be 'content. °The only. corn- ___,: ....... iaae wire ciean-cu ou v,yo ..........
Joe Forrestdin.g the des k. Shelton Garag_toa:. s week 2ak?ntgmkhh°fd Cv°°r2oS:li! -: CATHO:Curch" a laggard memory. Brownies $3.30 up
in Hoquiam wittt ms mser, u . The Sbelton tiarage has t . fie, with something of limits ... St. Edward s Ca looaKS Irom tL up
Howard Oakland. delivered "490" Ctevroms m nas. late due to the appropriation geeing On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at ,
.... .... er Foster and Al. ors oz nelon short
Mrs. G. v'. weaver and flaugnt s and H F. Rensing of .Oakland Bay
of Skokomish Valley were in tow Logging Company.
Tuesday )n business.
-------- The Women's Relief Corps will
hold its regular meeting this Friday
Mrs. W. E. Edwards, of Portage,
spent several days this week at the
ranch on Pickering assage.
Clarence Thompson came up from
Fort Worth, Texas, last week to
spend a month with his mother here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clothier left
yesterday for Lake Cushman ard ex-
Dec, to spend a day climbing hit.
Mrs. Bertha W ilson of Skokomish
was visiting her sisteI, Mesdames
Kelsey and Jason Smart at Wflla]m
last week.
Clyde Deegan, who has not been
recovering his health as rapidly as
expected, has gone to Seattle to
onsult a speeialls
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loop and am-
ily of Tacoma are expected 'ar-
rive tomorrow evening to spend the
week-end with Mr. nd Mrs. . E.
Mr. and Mrs. 12Ians Carln and
daughter Elna leR on "Tuesday for a
afternoon, 2 p. m. at Odd Fellows
hall, and all members are asked to
turn out.
Miss Florence Lister, of Tacoma,
s visiting friends in the Agate com-
nmnity this week. Several years
ago Miss Lister taught in the Agate
The painting spirit has just struck
town and there is plenty of room
for others to get busy. The Post-
office and Journal buildin and the
Horn building ar receiving fresh coats
of paint this week, and the ware-
house at ,be dock is also being
painted. ""
,a. m. and second Mass at Sk0ko-
mish at 10:45 a. m.
On fouth Sundays mass at 9 a.m.
The marriage of Miss Alma Larsen
and Rudolph Sandstrom of Oakland
Benediction after mass.
Mass Monday morning.
Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S. B
Bay took ]lace in Tacoma at the
home of the bride's parents on
June 30th. The bride is a well known
countv girl and the daughter of Mr. I Notice is hereby given 'to the own-
and irs. Louis Larsen. Mr. Sand-
stem has been employed at the Oak-Lers of oyster lands in Mason County
land Bay Logging Company for sen- !that a general meeting of the oyster-
oral months They will be at homelmen is called at my office in the
| court house at Shelton on Sattrday,
at the head of the Bay. " | July 17th, for the purpose of di.cuss-
ling oyster land assessments and mak-
SUPERIOR COURT. ling adjustments thereon for the ]ur-
I poses of taxation ......
[ J.B. SHEL'rON,
The following matters in probate , County Assessor.
were dis]0osed of by Court Commis-
sioner Iattie E. Garfield Saturday.
In the estate of John Nye, de- The usual Fourth of July rain was
ceased, decree of settlement and deferred until the 12th, when it came
to catch considerable hay in the mak-
final distribution,
[ In the estate of Gust Johnson, ing. Again on Thursday morning
]deceased, dece of settlement and something'of a thunder shower came
]final distribution. [to drench vegetation and should in-
] An order of dismissal was signed ]sure a good harvest of all vegetables
ly Judge Wright in the case of I
State vs. Wm. Thompson. and grain.
I J. B. Arnett, accompanied by Dr. at
]Askey, of Tacoma, passed through
If you have friends visiting, go ou
a trip or do anything of interest to
the community, let us know. Births,
deaths ickness, weddings, trips or
any mmilar items are of interest to
your neighbors and help make the
local page more lpletming, t a lL
Write, phone or tell us. Let peopm
00ow,oo.00 All Hats Cost
Two non-resident couples made
risit to their oRd home at, l[utson, Shelton their Gretna Green and were --
Wisconsin. They vlfl "oe .atty for joined in wains by local justi.ces ,town Tuesday en route for Thnya ,
several weeks, last week. Thomas Gibbs and Ether ]where Mr. Arnett has a rp,V . -o Closing out for new
..... Gibbs ,an eldrl=v couple from o[ym-linterested 'with Gee. Colaevm .m , Fall Stock
Hiram Norto Mrs. L..'. ort_on pia, were marritl bY fins|lee 3*ohn- sheep-raising. He reports the shoW-
and Miss Jessie Knight drove 'to.'L'a- son, July 9th, am Harry A. Nls, ing for the first year to be verysat- For one week c0m-
coma to meet Mrs. L. B. Fredson, of Poulsbo, was married to l.um]isfactory and they will increase me]r nencing Friday, July
.of Los An eles, -who wilt pend a Schmidt, of 1Van|aria, by Justice ]herd addin some new stock f the
.. ,_..t.e_ re --otlv ]best breeding. On the .return tri, iGtla, " ' ' ' r
! litu! 1 SHI!K'S
Mr. and Mrs. Se, mour Wlia s . , ing. The ar{.iva, of . . ,rifle " • • " smTO!i M 92oP-ORT
Olvmpia, are sptmding 'the -week in I loads .of indelmdent gas in 'the[ peaceable man and a stranger to. most
to(on visiting Mrs. Emi!iiiBvei:nda north,"est has had a tendency to re-|people here and does .not feel that
.other friends. ':Mr. Wi .... I liens the 'amim. . [anyone is after him. . : (Rev" d y , 1, ) .
traveling representa.ti.ve of te lner-[ . __ . | _ _..
national Correspondence cat)ois. I The season price zor ltares,1 The Cushman Camps opened tins Butterfat ............. ....... $ .60
--------- _. ] based on Yakima new crop willab| Horn building are receiving flesh coats Oats, per ton ................ 65.00
Mr. and Mrs. rhomas B_snop .ar-/between $50 and $60 at ope i g [on the, job. Some Of the loggers Potatoes, per ton ............ 160.00
rived last wedk from bnnymae, |big growers are refusing to c?tact s have ah'eady gone back to the imp- Eggs . ...................... 42
Yak|ms County, driving over tne| for less. It is unlikely that p I son camns, and thd main crews will. Retail Prices
mountains, for ' -iSit at tae jBmn/will g be]ow tl.se figuredhrSoYea/go back to the s wo:d:chnecetXeMonda iSugar, .new, per pound ........ 26
farm on the Skokom,sh axct _wj; and those avho avea !arm re'tact !when the camp .... Wheat, 125 pounds ..... • .... 6.805
2Hr. and Mrs. RyEe}ls in town. 'riaey|potaes, or any other.. P /sume operations. Corn ...................... ;. '
report a very sdortrOa? :ana nO|for that matter, :snoum mae goo/ Ground barley .............. 4.50
trouble from ga g. money this season. " Oil meal .................... 5.50
f An Enviable Record.
harles Churc'nfl of Daybon let Mr .and Mrs. Will Grisdale, and| Chop ...................... 3.60
C week for an extended trip Mrs Anne MclI*.hon returned last| (From July Farm Bulletin) 'Mill run, 80 pounds... ...... 2.50
.last - ,,,= ,exnects visit .... {- Crom Yak|ms. where they at-| Dr. James Mitten, Veterinary In- Alfalfa hay ........... : ..... 50.00
nrougn ...... -=7. ............... " ".
many points in Britmh Columbia and tended the State Antx-tubereuloms] specter for the State Department of E. M. timothy hay .......... 56.00
• he Alberta country, a witl e gone convention. They rep.or.t a. pteasan A,riculture has recently completed Butter, two --ounds ...... .... 1.25
Best lard, ten pounds ......... 3.00
several months, and intoning dp, bu mlsse ne . ...........
the .testing of 282 head of cattle in Bacon, per pound .55
cool Sound breezes over the way.
George Fredson successfully pas- The distance to Yakima is 260 miles Mason County for tuberculosis and Ham, per pound ............... 50
sed through a'na sl oueration at a and was made in one d, but on the in all that number not a single in- Flour, per sack .............. 3.80
Seattle hospital on Wednesday morn- return one night ,as spent at :El- fected animal was found. . Oats ........................ 4.00
ing and at last report was resting lensburg to lighten the trip. This indeed is a splendid record Scratch feed ................ 5.00
Alfalfa meal ................ 2.85
easily. He was accmnied,o Seat-
tle on Monday by M-r. George Me- and one that the people of Mason
l(hins who returned the following BUILDING PROGRESS. County may well be proud of. Ths -,
day. Floyd Ferdson is. with h
brother in Sea,erie. Good progreeing made on does not mean that there are no
Shelton's new mfidiags, the .Reed tubercular cattle in the county for We are prepared to
Judge and Mrs. J. T. Rend|d, f residence promises to be fim_s.hed only a small part of the cattle in
Seattle, accompanied by old friends early in August and the new Hos- the county were tested, but it does serve you at the
from New Orleans, Dr. and Mrs. pital building before the first of
Dickson, were visitors in own a few September. Te finishers are at work show that there is considerably less
hours yesterday entente for motor putting in the doors and windows and than there was when the testing PEERLESS rRI
trip to Lake Crescent. They were interior finish|rigs in the former, and was first started in the county.
entefftained by Mr. and Mrs. C. It. the llumbers and electricians have In previous tests approximately
Lewis and were guests at a luncheon completed their part in the hospi-
on the Pritchard lawn. tal and turned the work to the lath- 6 per cent of all cattle tested have
ors and plasters- proven to be tubercular. These have We sell 0nly Govern-
been killed and precautions taken
John Wyatt, one of Shelton's older
residents and well-knom to all, wen to keep the plague from spreading ment Inspected Meats
to Seattle last week and Wednesday BIOLOGICAL SURVEY through the herds. So successful
went under an operation for gall -- and you can depend on
sones. It is under stood that the con- The Mason County Game Commis- has this work been that, although
ditions disclosed offered little hope sion has received the following letter every herd was tested this time in
from the State Fish Commissioner, • their being the best
which infected animals were found
for his recovery. Mrs. Wyatt, Her-
man Wyatt and Mrs. Roy Ashley, Darwin.
are in Seattle with Mr. Wyatt. Imn pleased to advise you that at the last testing, not a single an|- always.
real had newly infected.
we have just completed arrange-
Mrs. Emma Kern and Mrs. Maggie men,s witt! Prof. J. N. Cobb, head It is probable that there will be SF S
Harris from Lebanon, Indiana, are of the CoIge of Fisheries of the
University of Washington, whereby no more work of this nature in the eci00ls every aturday
here visiting the former's sisters,
Mrs. Horace Dunbar of this city, Mrs. we are to immediately begin mak- county until April, 1921, for there
Mattie Ledferd of Roy, Wash. and ing a biological survey of the fresh will be no funds available in the
Mrs. Annie McLaughlin of Snohomish water streams and lakes of this state until that time. It would be
a splendid thing if we could clen up
The sisters have not met for forty- The object of this is ,o secure a =rtv TO tD
five years. Mrs. Harris who accomp-
anied Mrs. Hem west is a cousin, sufficient working knowleqe to serve the entire county at that time and Wheeler
as a basis for systematical stock- know that there was not a tubercu- )S
-- ing; and provide a satisfactory means lar cow in the county. Talk it over
Miss Myrtle Ffsk entered the T a- of obtaining a large amonnt of van
coma Clinic July 1st, to talcs a course
in nursing, but yesterday her father uable information m the easiest and with your neighbors and send in your
Sam Fisk, was advised that she was most rapid way consis tent with ac" applicati°n t° have °ur °wn herd Restaurant
suffering from an attack of apuendi- curacy. I tested.
citis and taken to the Genertfl hos- Washington is tl only state in " '
pttal for operation. Mr. Fisk left !the Union Wossessing a 'College of
Fisheries. The plan is to make use l Plan to go to Puyallup July 22 to F NOT YOU ARE OVERLOOK-
for Tacoma to be with her andMr. of the student body in doing this I learn what the Western Washington ING THE BEST. AND HAND-
I Fisk, who had gone to Portland to 1 IEST pLACE TO GET YOUR
visit another daughter, is expected work. Standard men'hods for the ex- Experiment Station is doing. iEALB.
lamination of lakes and streams as
to return at the end of the week. Short Orders
-- How about that registered ram
roved bY the states of New York,
sachu#etts, and New Jersey, will
James Freeman and Herbert Nel- ib e followed in Washington in mak- that, you are purchasing for use this
son were over from the RollwaYing this survey, fall? Are you going to wait until
yesterday and reorted that a bolt o ZOlm affi z¢
of lightning stuck a tree near the { Also at the present time we are
|u leased to advise you that Pof. F. two weeks before breeding time to
.oyu..r.vr *o**e o, u,- or il
storm Thursday morning an spnn-|gaged in making a study of the food registered rams will be greater than 'Iome of Good Coffee"
tered it badly, giving the nse loys of the various secies of trout in this ever before this fall and early selec-
living in the boom house a bad scare.
The St|rosen Mill company has about state for thls dep at'mont. ,ion means the securing of real John" Wheele, Prop.
five million feet of logs in its booms You cannot afford to miss the ex. sires, late selection the chan'ce to ob-
and is not expected to resume opera- rain the culls.
tions until, September 1st. ottron to Puyallup on July 22.
Paine's Restaurant
We have purchased a new all electrically
run Butter Kist pop corn and peanut machine
to be installed this week. This is one of the most
sanitary machines made, as nothing is touched
by the hands, everything is done by electricity.
Come in and see it run.
L. B. ALLPHIN, Prop.
WE have just received a
splendid assortment of
Form-fit Brassieres. Ten
styles" to select from--flesh
and white. These Bassieres
are guaranteed not to rip
under ordinary wear and
against any ',imperfections
in manufacture. Hooks and
eyes will not rust. Each gar-
ment has the guarantee sewed in the hem. All
sizes. Price ...... ............. $1.75 to ,$4.00
Accordion box and side pleated in the very
desirable dark plaids. If you are in need of a
sport skirt it Would be well to look over this
We are expecting daily a shipment of.
ladies waists in Voiles, Georgettes and Crepe
de Chine .
Narrow Leather Belts
Many kinds .of the very desirable narrow
leather belts.
i i
10-pound cn of Mountain Flower Honey, de-.
livered, $3.00; five pounds for $1.75; 2J/ pounds
for $1.00.
Omm 'ro. Po'h, Wasl
CORNELL WOOD BOARD I In these days of high priced fer-
II Cornel Wood Board in shee as { tilizers a manure pit will more than
|large aa ,x12 feet, for liaand ahoy, |pay for itself in 0" r ,e. A manure
rtitlons ere Easily a q
1lga , • ' |nit will save at least one third of
a lied, and panelled, painted or kal-/£ ....... - uaniti end over
I/:pp ...... .... ....... ,-- -,,-
|l clmlne{l InaK lS nnQ ,llnu. xx*
[50 per cent in value
I at Journal Stationery Shop. " , , -