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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HARDING "CANS" FIRST SPEECH OF CAlVlPAIGN Senator Harding, Republican prestdentialinomlnee, deltvers his tlrst campaign addrese into a phonograph. With an audience of one individual, the operator of the machine, the senator makes his initial epeech on "Americanism," which will be distributed throughout the country. An address by Calvin Coolidge, vice presidentialnominee, appears on the raver de. , ,.&apos; ..... i ' TNVE:NTY'YEARS.AG0 " (From Joulmal of July 13, 1900) Miss Hattie Beaven returned last Thursday from a visit to her home on Vashon Island. L. K. Munson was in Montesano yesterday proving up on his home- stead claim in Chehalis County. • J. W. Blackwell who has ;2barge of the Skokomish fish hatchery, spent the holidays in Taconm. Riley Jacobus, a cousin of Robert Bariekman, has been visiting here for the past week. Mr. Jacobus is now a prosperous fmnef in Cowlitz County, but logged much of the land near Little Skookum Bay some twen- ty years ago. Miss Clara Ansorge retrained from a isit to vher parents in Oregon Wed- nesday, accompanied by grandmother Day of St. I]elcns. M. D. Stewart, formerly of Picker- ling but now of Seattle, was in town i Tuesday. Rev John Pitman and wife of Los Angeles are vtsitin Mr. C. W, Fisk. Mrs. Pitman is a sister of Mr. Fisk. Wellington Haywood this week purchased one of the Germaine dwellings near Chas. Huntley's. James Neff has also purchased two lots of Mrs. Sadie 2hompson on North Fifth street. The town council last week award- ed the contract for the constiction of 'the sewer to Willey & Wood, their bid being- $1098. J. B. Shelton appeared before the commissioners at the last meeting an offered the town the water sup- ply springs for $900. ATTENTION TIRE USERS Chas. Whittig, the Goodyear Factory Expert, will demonstrate the care and conservation of tires at the Shelton Garage, Friday, July 16, 1920. Come and learn something of interest to all automobile owners. Oood Paint i$ Insurance -never look upon it as en expen,s'e. IrUL00,gJ PAI N'!1" minds • ---..--- . . r of Dollars '$ U00OD I00,m ! lo,t ye,rly l throughout the ..... | Pacific North- i ',. " west by property owners 'who fail to protect their houses and buildings with paint, o-_. FULLER Paint saves many thousands of dollars yearly " to property owners. It .saves a great deal more than i eots Insure your pro erty against ' the ravages of "I e elements with FULLE Paint. Take a few minutes mad look ever your property today. " W.P. Fuller & Co. , r.mIR" 1849-1920 T i | Northwest Branch ,  X _ • Look Up a [ Houses at Portland, ,-'-, S e a t t I e, Tacoma,  FULLER Dealer Spokane, Boise. ff in Your Town i, PROCEEDINGSOF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Continued from Page t.) between ,:a d Stilt ,• snd County, each acting thr(,nghits 1H,oper oilicers, and said (ounty being desirous of securing said a.tnou|lt of nloney on August 1st, 19'20, {'or llse. Therefore, bc It, and it is ht:p(.by l'esolv(.d by tim ]lOttl'd of COtlll- ty (ol]lnli ssiontyrs of I%1 ason County, \\;VsshirlKtln, Ul)On rrlcdi()n nla(le by \\;Vnl. I,L l)anicls and second(.d by .l. A. Cole tll(l illlaliinlotls]y VCde(l, that it is to Ih,! l(,.t,st of said c'oullty, to sU.l)end IIe sixty day I|otic0 |)rovide([ for in said c(mtract for the sale of said bonds ,ill(:! state hHvlrl g assented tilt!re- to for lilts block and dclix'or said bltek of bonds in said sum of sixty thousand dollars, to tile State of Vashhlgt(in on the 1st (lay of August, ]920, l/roperly signed and shorn of coupons in accor- dance with the contract of sale afore- nlentiormd and secui'e the nloneY there- (ill for US(? in the it.cad Project for !which said bonds were Issued, and that we hereby authorize and instruct tile County Treasurer of Mason County. Washington so to do upon receipt of said blook of bonds signed. Done at Shelton, Washington, this the 8th day of July, 1920. Mason County, Washington. By W. A. HUNTER, Chairman of its l6ard of County Comlsstoners. J. A. COLE, Member. ,VM. E. DANIELS. Member At test : lone V¢. I)oyle. County Auditor and Clerk of said Board. :V'riday, July 9th, 1920. Day spent inspecting roads. !;aturday, July 10th, 1920. Part of da:9 spent on roads, c<mvened in office at 1 p.m.. All present. ! iMoved and carried that if Mason County is able to procure a president to take charge of the fair, a fair will bc held. As Mr. McKean wan unable to appear and accept tbe franchise granted to the Olympic Electric Tleduktton Company, It was moved and carried lhat the Commissioners allow him 30 days in which to appear before the Board, at their August tneetlng. , . . The following resolution was aaopte(l: Proceedings of the l:oard of County Commissioners of Mason County, Vash- legion, had at thc 1st meeting of the July. 1920, term. Thc Board of County CommtssJoncrs of Mason County, %Vashington, reel in ibo (?omlnissie n[:rs' r( ()Ill in tile Court l-]'ouse at Sh(dton, in said (Ou/ly fled State on Saiu'(h y tile ]0th (lay of ,Iuly, 1920, it being" the flr.qt mooting of the July, 1920, tcrnl *ln(] there being pres,,nt ,V. A. Hunter, Chairman of tile l;oard, aline, 'V. l,]. 1)aniels and J. A. ( 'O J (.', In on] b0rs res]',oel i v( y of said I.hlflrd, %vhen, upofl n[)tion of "ItTln, l,], l)aniels, st!(tOllded by J. A. Cole, it was un[In]nlollsly voted to l)ass tile follow- Ing osohltlon" I{lqSOIATION. ROBERTS WINS HEAr .... OF SUFFRAGE Governor A. H. Robert of Ten. nessee, },as won the heart of suf trage. His promise to call a spe, cial session of the Tennessee Leg- lslature in the effort to have th, federal suffrage •amend•men adopted, the 36th state, and mak lng the measure a law, givinl woman the ballot, won for him If the Legislature adopts suffrage the women voters of America wil vote at the presidential election h November. POINTS FOR":RAISlNG GEE: Doubtful Whether It Pays to R$1ss Them Unless Good Grass Raqgs Is Available. Practlcnlly all the gese In rhls coun- try are raised in small flocks on gen- eral farms, ome men making a sl)e- cialty .f colieeting large numbers of geese and fattening them for a few weeks before they ere killed. As grass mqkes up the hulk of feed for geese, it is doublful whetimr it pays to raise them unless ood grass range is available during the summer. ,Vhcree,% it apl)oaring" to this lhmrd t hrotlg}l, ,)ll|eiltl J nt')l'nlation elite'tally ,,b,ah,,.,1 tb,',,i,.h it,,,. [..[. ,,wel] Catarrh Cannot Be Cured S(cr,,tary of Sta , t',' t, ,q(at, of by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they k4rasttJngt,)ll, lllai tilt" C('|IUS l'L'lilrlls of cannot reach the seat of ttle disease. 51tson C,,unty, %VaMIfIU2:I,m, obtained Catarrh is a local disease, greatly inilu- nndor tile sup(,rvision ,If tho (Qnsu enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S [ l)epartnlcnt .f th.' I'nit0d S al , of CATARRH MEDICINE ,.viii cure catarrh. America In the yv£r l!):0. ("iscloes a It Is taken Internally and acts through POlttlation in said connt.y of lnore than the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the ystem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE composed of some of the best tonics combined with some of the best )urlflers. The perfect combination In HALL'S CATARB-VI Is what produces such won- derful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75e. Testimonials free. F. J. Chene¥ & Co,, Props., Toledo, O, Pi00AR[ (IBROSNB) H[AhLIGflT SI00.I00 H SMOKERS' • HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts W. H. SHITH All the Daily Papers S H E LT O N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages Leave Shelton- Leave Olympia 7:80 a.m. 8:00 a. m. 10:80 a.m. 11:00 a. In. 2:00 p.m. 1:80 p. In. 4:45 p.m. 5:80 p. m. Shelton to Old Kamilche.. .50 sShelt tp Solder's .Prairie .75 neltSn to Olympia ...... $1.00 Olympia to Sniders Prairie .50 Olympia to Old Kamilche. .75 Olympia to Shelton ..... 1.00 Leaves Olympia from Braeger's Place, opposite Bus Station FRED THOMPSON AND RUFUS DUNBAR I'/,ll r I'IIOllStl I}l ] tt, l'ols lIJl (l lens thttn five thousal3d peI'soIIS, and li being Ill'it- vided hy Chtllstt,r No. ]68 el th, Ses- sloe l,aws of the State of ,Vasl,lngton [tl" Ihc yt,ar t,ql,q that Cl',unli(,q In said State, havln[z fl l)oplllallon of ov,}r font thollsand and l|n (]/r live t|lotlsalld shc]] belonu • to Hn(I [), kiloxvn "as coull ° ties of tile scvent]l class, Therefore. believing it to b io the best i II t(q't'st ('*f l flSOE (Ot111 ty, Sittte Of VaNhiEP.'ton No to do. he it. tqnd it is hereby after dl|a dt.liberathm, bY the ]()ar(t of (¢KII11y Col]lnlisiont,l's 0|' s'i 1 Count, y, n nflniInoils] y determined and resolved at this the 1st meeting of the July, 1920 term of said ]€pard. all members being l)rosent and concurring therein, that the returns of thc Census .Department of the Federal Government, based upon its census enumeration made in the year 1920, for the County of Mason in the State of Washington as ofBcielly announced by the Hen, I M. Iowell Sccretary of State for the State of ¢'ashington, to this Board, wherein and whereby it is found by said canvas and announeedoffic4ally as aforesaid, that said County of Mason, State of Washington, Was by said can- vas at said time and tn said manner made. found to have a population of over FOUR THOUSAND persons, and less than FIVE THOUSAND persons. be and the same is hereby by us unanl- mously adopted as being true and cor- rect and that in accordance therewith and in conformity with Chapter No. I68 of the Session Laws of the State of "rashington for the year 1919, providing therefor, it is hereby by this Board unanimously further resolved that said County of Mason in the State of Washington, shall henceforth be- long tO and be known as a County of the seventh, (7th) class, said classi- fication to take effect in conformity with said Act of said Legislature on- tained in said Chapter No. 168 of the Session Laws aforesaid. Done hy the Board this 10th day of July, 1920. W. A. HUNTER, Cbatrman of te Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Wash- ington. W'M. E. DAN]ELS Member. J. A. COLE emher. Attest : IONE W, I')OLE. Auditor of Mason County, Washington, and Clerk of said Board of County Commissioners. 19gard,. adjourned to meet August 2, 1ONE. W, T)OYLE Clerk. %V. A. HUNTFJ:t Chairman. For a +raveler. When a traveler returneth home, let ,, hhn not leave the eonntrles where he hath traveled altogether behind him; but maintain a correspondence by let. ters with those of his aequalntance which are of most worth. And let his travel appear rathr In his discourse than in his apparei or gesture; and l his discourse let him be rather advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories; and let it appear that he doth not ehange hls country manners for those of foreign parts; but only prick In some flowers of that he hath learned at)mead Into the customs of his own country--Lord Bacon. • the We can furnish you the kind of printed sales letters and circulars on HAMMERMILJ.. BOND that will get yore' mesagein the right way to the manwho can buy your oods. Use more p'nted |alesmanship. Ask u.  Headquarters: Shelton, Hotel Shelton. Olympia, Knox Garage A TRIAL WILL YOU. 'OTHING that we could say would so thoroughly convince you of the value of Chamberlain's Tablets as a personal trial. Wc can tell you of thousands who have been permanently cured of chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headaclm and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces. FOR SERVICE, CALL The Olympic Garage Phone 461 A nice roomy car for hire at all hours at reasonable prices. Stop and see our wire-grip tire with a 7000-mile guarantee at the same price you pay for a 5000 mile guarantee. We still have some second-hand car bar- gains. A new Briscoe coming this week. Drop in and see it. PLEMONS BROTHERS, PROPS. That is what evmTone who patronizes our fountain says of it. And rightly, too, it is as good as can be and we know also you will enjoy a cup of our hot chocolate and a nut sundae. Let us serve you. ..,,, PAUL$0N'S SOFT DRINK STORE SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring _samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies C. mt]( n(n Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and presaed . . $1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed . 2.00 Skirts " "' " . . 1.00 Coats ' 1.00 Jackets " " . . 1.00 Pants .... 1.00 .. .. ,, Pants sponged and Pressed . . Dresses . . . 1.75 up Overcoats dry cleaned and izrssmd 2.00 Fancy Dtreases cleaned and Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00 pressed ........ 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton WHEN VISITING IN SEATTLE--TRY Hotel Holland Modern and Fireproof Reasonable rates for transient and week! rates for permanent guests. Fourth Ave. at Jefferson Opposite new court house, four blocks fro depots and docks Eugene Brunner, Mgr. STR, S G. SINPS ON i i THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip. connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Ielton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3. SH£LTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY t } j I i (