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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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d J ,) FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1920 II NEW FALL HATS IN EMBROIDERED FELT This chic fall ereUon is of hand-embroidered felt, the brim Jtlone being the field for design. A rather narrow band encircling the high crown and bowed in front. Ths ends of the ribbon finished with either litUs balls or tams. The under 81de of the brim is laced with delicate-tinted silk. preferably pink or bluep giving a beau° tlful cast of rt Ut upon the taes. Cornell Wood Board in sheets as large as 4x12 feet, for lining houses, partitions, etc. Easily and quickly applied, and panelled, painted or kal- cimined makes a fine finish. Carried at Journal Stationery Shop. t PBOFESSIOIAL CARDS t Maxwell Maternity Home 711 West Fourth St. Phoue 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON , , i H,.I Office Phone 441. Ree Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the 9fiee of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Pomtofle Building, 8heRon, Wa. Open 9 to 12--4 to 5 Evening by appointments. Horn Bldg. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insuane Shto. Wash CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEYTW, Phone 463. SHELDON, WASH, (Rooum ? &amp; S us BidS.) ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelten PHONE 231. Shelten, Wash. Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARREI L ,I , GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurace and Conveyandmg Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Ins'Uranoe. ', JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Happiness Not Found In Crowds. Contact with great crowds is no &arantee of happiness. Almost every roan at some Hme or sm)ther gets the ever far the great city. If he opeL! only mingle with the crowd tha throng the streets and ru) stmlders with multitudes striving f" sacceem or tlnlimited pleasures he wuld he sure to revel in happines. How rude the awakening mast be when he trle it. The great city doesn't know ¥o have entered it. Yes may be the oroc of your own town but Foe nm stand on the street f the city sad watch the passers-by for hours a a time and no one will say a wol to yo. There Is no more loesome feel. Ing in the world than that  feeling yourself alone in tlm mids of people, IPs as bad as being thirsty in the mid- de of the oce#n. Crowds do nt happiness.--EXchange. No, 558. OTICE 0' AXg 0' w-AL STATE. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County• In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ADAM ERV1N COWAN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, Tibet in pur- suance of an order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, made on the 12th day of July, 7920, in the matter of the estate of Adam Erwin Cowan, deceased, the undersigned Administrator of said estate, will, in obedience to said order, on Saturday, the 31st day of July, 1920, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the Court House of said Court in said County and State, expose for sale at private sale all the interest of said Adam Erwin Cowan, deceased, in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: "Beginning at a point twenty rods South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section twenty-seven (27) i in Township twenty-one (21) North oil Range two (2) West W. M., and run:[ ntng thence West to the west nne oz. said Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter, thence continuing said o llne westward into Lot three (3) a dls- trace of about forty (40) rods to a deep gulch in said Lot three (3); thence Southwest in said gulch for about thirty (80) feet to the Meander Line of said Lot three (3); thence Southerly along said Meander Line of said Lot three (3) to the southwest corner thereof; thence East along the South line of said Lot three (3) and the Southeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter to the Southeast corner of said Section twenty-seven (27), thence North nine hundred ninety (990) feet to the point of beginning, containing fifty-six and seventy-five hundredths (56.75) acres Together with all lmpr,ovem en'ts thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Terms of Sale--Purchaser to assume $1500.00 mortgage with Federal Farm Loan Board. Balance one-half 'cash. remainder not more than two years with 6 per cent interest on the de- , [erred balance. Bids to be filed with County Clerk at Shelton, Washington, or with B. T. Baker, Administrator, care James O. Marts, Martin Bldg., Olympia. Washington. Subject te confirmation of said Su- perior Court• . _ . : " Dated at Olympia, wasmngton, this 12th day of July, 1920. B. T. BAKER, Administrator ofeta Administrator of said Estate. By JAMES O. MARTS, Attorney. 7-16--2t THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGB SEVEN ENORMOUS LOSS IN THRESHING Million Bushels of Grain Lest Each Year Because of Inef- ficient Methods. KEEP MACHINES IN REPAIR Separators Out o¥ AdJustment Are Cause of Greatest Trouble---Thresh- erman Should Study Manufao- turePs InstructionS. (Prepared by the United tateS Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Every Important grain state has been losing over a million bushels of grain each year because of inefficient threshing methods, declare investiga- tors of the United States department of agriculture. The government, by bringing this enormous loss to the at- tention of farmers and threshermen and showing them how to avohl it, save(1 22,000,000 hushels of grain In the 21 states in which the educational work was carried on last year. When an "verage of eight lmshels of grln is lost 0n every f.rm in the Unihd States at threshing time every veal that loss begins to have a per- seaal meaning. With wbeat worth $2.26, It Is well worth while to pre- vent that loss, If possible. And it IS entirely i)ossible. The chief source of loss is the inefficient operation of OVY00t NIAGARA FALLS IN A BARREL Add the name of C. J. Stephens of Bristol, England, as the last person to go over Niagara in a barrel. Stephens since his earli- est recoils€thin bas been able to erform the most hazardous qtunt.without the slightest fear. (The last seen of the fooihm'dy man was when his barrel rolled over Niagara and was crushed like an cF- | ?, STATE BANK OF SHELTON shell, reaching the whirlpool in frag- . !IllIlIllllllIllllIllilll mens.)__ -- i"  E No. (;40. - - [- _ HOTEL SHELTON = In the Superior Court of the State of] ---- W]ingt( m in and for the County /  " BILLIARDS AND P00I---A CLEAN SPORT -- l oi vlason. --2 i[] IMAY COURTER,vs.Plaintiff, --= Confectmnery," Cigars and all Soft Drinks  FRANK COURTER, Defendant. -- ---- ' "  .. -- EDWARD H FAUBERT, Mgr. The State of Washington: "re tn'e : ' : said Frank Couzer, Defendant: --- You are hereby sumnmned to ap- [] ' . pear within sixty (60) days after the lmiiiiIiiiilllHiiIl date of the first publication of this W. W. BARRETT THE PIONEER HARDWAR STORE Stov, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, OMs, Vardahes and Brahe, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles Nd Easels.' All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for ac ysar. umuumu Shelton Shoe Factory - AND QUICK R mOP = Manufacturers of heavy work hoes. We also = haye a line of serviceable, hig°n-tpld logger  boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done. --=,- .... ,._. HANSEN BOS, -., _=,: 11111 Mail Stage Line ....-. L.M. STEWAI, ...,,: Leave Shdton" " 8:30 a.m. $:00 p. m. 11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m. FARE ONE WAY $1.00---t'D TRIP $t.50 Tickets on sale at Johnson's Geage--Waitng Room Tickets good until used. ._:: ..... . Leave OlymPia ..,: 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m. 11:00 a,m, 5:00 p, m. • Headquarts at Central Bus Station Waiting Room and Lady At€rodent. Phone 22. r threshing machines. Any standard threshing machine will do satisfactory work if kept in repair and operated intelligently. If the op- summons, to-wit, within sixty days crater knows his machine, and sees after the 18th day of June, 1920,. that It is properly adjusted and op- and defend the above entitled action crated, grain will come through clean ,in the above entitled court, and and losses will be small. The-farmer answer the complaint of the plaintiff .should know enough about the general and serve a copy of your answer operation of a threshing machine to upon the undersigned attorney for detect poor work, which means a di. plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, rect loss to him. judgment will be rendered against Adjust Separator Carefully. you ac'cording to the demand of the To do good work the separator must complaint, which has been filed with be set level, both crosswise and length- the Clerk of said Court. wise. and then carefully adjusted tO The object of the above entitled the partleular Job at hand. The greate action is to obtain an annulment of part of the separation is done in the the marriage existing between the cylinder and immediately after the plaintiff and defendant. . grain  over it. If cracked grains ALDEN C. BAYLEY, are frequent there may tm too much Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and postoffice address: Shel- ton, Mason County, Washington. 6-18-730 7t MOTZCE O AD MITaATOI SAL' O aEAL RST&TE AT PalVAT SALE. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for ason County. (in Proi)atc.) Case No. 546. In Re E:tate of OSCAI L. THOmP- SON, 1)<ceased. NOTICE 11 HEREBY GIVIPN, That In pursuance of an Order of the Superior Court of the State of Wastlngton, in and for the County of Mason, made on the 19th day of June, 1920 in the mat- ter of the Estate of Oscar L. Thomp- son, deceased, tim undersigned, the : Administrator of the Estate of said Deceased, will sell at Private Sale, in One or More Parcels, to the highest bidder, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter xnentlonod, and subject to Confirmation hy said Superior Court, on or after Saturday, the 24th day of July, 1920, all the right, title and in- terest of the said Deceased at the tithe of his death, which w the whole and only interest therein, of, in and to those certain Lots, Pieces or Parcels of land, situate lying and being |n the County of Mason, State of Wahin'g- ton, and described a follows: THE NORTH HALF OF THI NORTHEAST QUARTER, AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST [Jll'ge p  tt  41 QUARTER. OF SECTION THIRTY, a$  - pln Ifl TOWNSHIP TWENTT, NORTH, OF I.ata. 8mall tilt* grain vte4  JDmts had bn made te amln--.lm @ma 1 plnt €rred cvey two ndnu/ tM separoe was  operation. This mean that  I c,mt e  orala vms mt. md play ot,m eFlhd; fhe speed tony be too high, or, the eoDcavs may be et too high. The teeth may be crooked or too high and not centered. Too rapid speed will also crack grain. I.Mthresh heeds m of tea fotm la the tellings. This reemlte fro missing or bkea teeth, or teeth too far apart, not cetoeed, or badly worn; conoaw set too low, or concave with t etlough teatIL T.he speed of the :No. 565. tlnder also causes many unthreshed NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI- headS. Dam aripe o moldy grala TION FOR APPOINTMENT OF lquires more than normal speed of GUARDIAN. cylinder to thresh it eat well. In the Superior Court of the State of Ort"  Know Mashlne. Washington in and for the County Grain is lost through the improper of Mason. In Probate. adjustment Of oer parts of the sop- arator as well as the cylinder, so it Is In the Matter of the Guardiaushlgf evident that the operator must be the Estate of MARIE ANNEANN My familiar with the entire] HAUMESSER, an insane yersom machin*e.-It may not be possible to,I Notice is hereby .iven that C. I. save all the grain now lost, but the[ Prltchard has filed in this Court a careless operator who does not know petition praying for the appointment "of a .uardian of the Estate of Marie how to adjust the different parts of his machine will waste a great amount un- necessarily. He will surely have to make frequent stops for adjustment. Every time a machine stops the whole crew must be. idle until it starts again ---a  loss of time to everybody con- eerned. Manufacturers furnish instruction books on the care and operation of their threshing machine. They have spent years in experimenting, and they know how their machines should be run to secure the most satisfactory results. A great deal of the trouble experienced by the thresherman is due to his disregard of or even neglecf to read the manufacturers' instructions, There are other vtys in which grain can be saved, but the proper operation of the separator is the most important. Efficient operation of the threshing machine should interest both threshe aen and farmers. RANGE THREE, WEST, W. M. Temms aa Oom&ttio of Itle, CASH, in lawful money of the United States of America, ten, (I0) per eent Jl of the purchase money to be] time of sale, balance o oonnrmatlon tm of sale, land, subject to State, County and Inheritance Taxe. All bids or offers must bs in writing, and may be left at the Law Office of M. W, Logan, Shelton, Washington, Attorney for said Administrator, or may be delivered to said Administrator personally in said County of Mason, or may be led in the Office of ths Clerk of this Pmrt, at any time after the first publicafion of this Notice and before the making of the Sale. Dated at Shelton, Washington, June 19th, 1920. W. J. REEKER, Administrator of Estate of Oscar L. Thompson, deceased. M. W. LOGAN, Attorney for Administrator, with Offi and Postoffica Address at Shelton, Wtmhington. , ; Date of first publication, June 25th, 1920. 6-25-7-23-5t I JI J. E. CONNOLLY Shelt0n Harket and Ice Plant I I Ill I I I I I_.l -' -- HARRY FORD I I II I I III I I II IIII IIIIIIIIII Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, If you are, g to build dbn't overlook the fact. We can save you moucy. Let us figure with you. A quarc deal to all is our m, Mill at Mattock. Yards Anne Haumesser, Insane, wherein it is alleged that said Marie Anne Haumesser is insane and is anon- resident of the State of Washington, and iS the owner 'of property within the State of Washington that needs the care and attention of a Guardian. You are further notified that the hearin upon said petition in this Court, is by order of the Court, set for Saturday, the 17th day of July, 1920, at  the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House in Shclton, Wash- in.ton, and that all ,ersons interest- ed shall appear at such time arid place and show cause why a guardian should not be ap.ointed for the es- tate 'of such insane peon. witness the Hen. D. F. Wright, Judge of said Court and the Seal of the Court thereof, hereunto affixed this 19th day f June, 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD Clerk of said Superior Court. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Petitioner, Sheltoa, Washington. 6-25 7-16 4