July 16, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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im rson po
................ -. .......... .., ~,+:~ ~.~:+U "I feel that students have the the older generation as a means of group. "It gains nothing," heHe is rather
, • ~ ~q~ :'~ right to protest' states Jimcommunication. 'Maybe they states. "One must give in order to fuss about thel<
:. ~ +~+.*+.+:~.~(.~, ~ ~, Peterson, a junior at Central would read, when they wont get. Whatever one wants, one hair. "I und¢l
~. ~ .i+:.ii+)~ ~i:ii: Washington State College, "but listen," he said. must try to attain it by 'that prison im .
~.:: ...... j + ~/? ~.
~:.~ ~ ~ ,~• ~.~. ~ ~ not the right to be destructive; Peterson deplores the use of demonstrating that one is worthy short hair cut+s,
• ~.y ~'+.~., ~+" ~i ~ ~ nor the right to prevent others force by students or any other of it." automatically, sage.the
from attending classes, which is guys• ' And .,
~~0~E~,~I~+O~S4~ i =+~ 1~ -~ ~ resided direct interference with the rightSin this area. Negroes were ................... '+:+':"'~°"" fellows on the ou~°
ofothers.' ::i~y ~: : ::::iii:!!! ~~ bad or they',dl~
He came to Shelton in 1965 :~!.~-: ::: ~ ~~~ well-cropped. _
from Presser; he noticed ~ Jim Peters0n
immediately that no negroes ~ employed at Joi~
reviewed"by :j the Sch°i;:+ el Board~ at $200a~month~ '~~!'~j " rsald the c ntracti" ~- l'l I~]~:~.~ :~~~des .#~,:i'.x.:~F ::>'(.)/'` totalPets include avalue ofhUgeapproximatelypUre bred "~ : ~ . dim Peterson~+ i/
: i " ~ , station "If you w+
part of the community from
• i :" " work for it," he
~| L " + ~o ~..~f ~i ~'~ :': :i:;::: expect somebody
+ +-i,:u~ ........... :s I ~ ~ ~ .+~:. ~ which he came, and he regrets the
):: i ~ ~ ~+09 I'L'_~ ~ ~' D~~ t ~J I~ b+ ++~ ~': '~ "+" .... ...... absence of integration in Shelton. . ~ you."
' :~+ i . 6:00' "~+ I|~|I' _--.,IT's O. ~+~+| T ~(o) ~++. ~ ~ eL.. i~!!+i.~ .... • He believes that discrimination ~~lli! ~1
kLI I ;;., ~,~7 /'~ ;. 3:Of)~+ lIl ,lk !~ ~|~, ps. I,~ll~ I~.[k,~ .~ +~+ ;~ .~ {i:- • and prejudice result from lack of ~ ~ ..
_/.+¢ .... '+,~ ~ .... [] • :+~ /~,+,:~ ,,~; :~:.., understanding, and that lack of
"~ ~ "+20~ "+ understanding results from lack of
I~ w~ i':;~ ^^~..I t+~ b ~+~ LI / ,,ut,~o, i-sJ, ....-., , t. " ~Z?':; " Jim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. : : :~ ' i
+ + lhi+ TaA tta , PickeringR' J. PetersOn.Pass isTheirboundedh°me on°n i
; three sides by water, and during
I + I!+TRA}LI RS_.kqt!
occasional extremely high tides,
L ~'~t~/]~i/~'~ they are temporarily on an island. ~ii ~ , +'~+++m M~
++++ I++ G ;Ott.-r"u
Jim enjoys boating, fishing,
:+ +MO.ORG'YCL[S + ::
• • swimming and water skiing. He is
/ very fond of cats, and his favorite
__;~ +elI/)~: I Siamese who delights in chasing
dogs, and a smaller cat,
i/ /~ ~., + ..f~" ~-~! ~k - ~. __~. ~.,~ half-SiameSe.Peterson was graduated from .; i ~ ~ U~I~
+ ~,~,.~ "S" " +, ; '.~/~ i! ! Shelton High School in 1967. For ~ I : ~
" +/s+. ...,~ . ~. . .... ~, _ . ......... __ two years and one quarter he
(z .... ++: attended Olympic Junior College
F ~ ~,, ..... ~+: : ~.~i~::~:~::i. .~. +. in Bremerton; he enrolled last ,/
: " " %" ....... • ? ....... " 1968 rOYt
• ........... :~'~ +/:i winter in Central Washington ~ ! Corona, 4-Or.,
i ' ~:;:i! +;~:! "~ ''+ State College, where he i AutomatictranS"l'
!!': ! completed two quarters; he will ; 25,000 mileS.."
return in the fall to complete the
0 ,lill
final quarter of his junior year. He
~i + (,~ ,i , i.i is studying business and
economics, and plans to make a 440--4.Dr., liE-~[
" ,~ ,. ~ i:~ . career in business management in .. REDUCED ......
+i~ +~ Carshavebeenhisinterestfor
~ i;¢ ~ the automotive line. ,,:+ ~
+;i + • + ' + :" + +:++' ::+ : ++
• !~',i ;~: as long as he can remember. As a~i~:~:~+::++:+ i)i:;: ") '~+~ ~ +,.~+.):i{~+~:;!
• ~ ~i ~ ; ~, ~;, > child he built model cars, and has t
+ ~ :~=~"+= '~ ...... ~;~::i~;:~i;i types, some motorized, with a
• 0 :++-~+,~- .fV+PII+ +:,+:/ ++ a collections of 163 different
+ ++ ++++++ :+ ++ +++ + +, +++me+ +
.... ...... + +,0.,'""
++ +.+ -•, ~ .... : "+: ++:+++++ :++':;+:+~+:+ $500. Since the age of 15 years,
~. . . ~!i~!; remembers that he mowed lawns,
. .... ~:++:::::+i:!;~ i::i!!i!i:!!i?ili!,i Christmas lights, washed and ..... I fll
waxed cars, and did all kinds of
BILL SOMERS, left, and Dr. Berywn Thomas, right, display odd jobs to finance his hobby. He
the signs from the former Harstine Island Ferry Landing which is now working his way through
were added to Somers collection of maritime historical items college. EXTERI 01
last week. Thomas had acquired the signs when the ferry ceased Jim Peterson believes that
student dissatisfaction stems from
the insincerity of adult society.
i'People put up a front," says Jim
'but nobody really cares." He
su+ests the mailing of circulars to PAINT S;
;chool Building ,Plans Sent To State
Plans for the new attorney and long-time schoolbeen negotiated by Grinnelland architects in the plans for the new Multi-Service
handicapped school, to be built board members, as attorney for representatives of the district's structure
ajacent to the present Mr. View the district. He was hired on a non-certified employees was The "board voted to release Sl~J~ok~r S~t
Elementary School, were retainer basis with a retainer of approved by the board. Grinnell Ronald Ewing from the contract Lynn Hodges, Tacoma, willbe "~/6.
• " " " a he had signed earlier to teach in the speaker at the Multi-Service
ltsm+eetmgTuesday night.. _ The request+fern years leave salary increase of about 5 percent the Shelton Schoolsystem. Center Advisory Board meeting at a0LD RUSH ~PIClALS~!~~'~
in• plans were presentea ny oz aosence lor neaRn reasons was and other items He w Quid have tau,,ht
Architect Harold Dalke. received from Virginia Brigham The board voted to hir-- +1. ......... ~, .. St. David's Episcopal Church at
7:30 p.m. today.
t'c pnyslcal eaucauon at tJarrett I[I DIII'~
The plans have been and was approved on the engineering form of Bracy andHeyns High School. He will speak on the
submitted to the State Board of recommendation of Sapt. LouisThomas to do a topographical T h e b o a r d, o n t h e proceedure for starting a teen-age
Education for consideration of Grinnell survey of the site of the new hi h "
• g r e c o m m e n d a t lO n o ft h ecoffee house in Shelton. There
state" matching funds at their July A new contract, which hadscholo which" is" needed hv the. ~nnerinte+nd++nt~+.............................. vnte+d tn hire+ lira will be a question and answer GET --i, ~ll/lll/lfft~l
24 mee,tlng. . ................ Willis, presently counselor andsession following Hedges' talk.
t~atKe satu t[ tne state --~'I~lmI' l~a~ll~IQa DI J~. ]~tHIml head basketball coach at The Multi-Service Center is SO00 ~[~ ~
approval was given at that ll~IlI~l~ INIq~l[IIl ~ ~ wr • •
............ Montesano High School as High still taking the names of persons
mee[mg dins could de cauea tor .................... School Vice Princinal
. ' .... ~Jayle wentz wno ~s wRn ~ineJton Lnamoer ot Lommerce ~ . 18 yeats old and older interested
ann openea Aug. l~S. ' ' ew "
The architect said the ,,lane Lumberman s Of Shelton, was by the Chamber directors at their Other n teachers hiredin taking a Nurses Aide course at
....... v ..0 elected vice-president of the meetinmFridav mornin~ included Ken Bjorn, English at Olympia Vacational-Technical
nan a,reaay o+een approveafy t.ne ,- :+ +~+~ ~+~m His name'was sub~mitted b"Garrett Heyns Walter Johnson,Institute. The course will start
electrical inspector health ~ | " ...... ' ..... IOFF
n ........... a e+'.+. ~:..l~~~ ~ | the nominating committee, r 1 i [ n a n a a] x tn graaethis fall.
MaVh; II;s o?f'ice°a~ t #;;only';h: I I. He w, ll be ,ns!alled along with d; P::t ti m: n ta3 ldi z edciaP hY;dCa!
State Board of Education ~ | Lnc°m~ng preslaen-t J°nn IL Charlotte Boule :unior hi-'-' UUlC~__~ [ PER GALLON~
approval of funds remained to be [~ [ ~ennett at.. the September +'rl's "h"sical ed~catlon" Robt°'g~
obtained I! .,?:~ ~ I[ Lnamt>er meetmg. ~ +' " ..... ON TOP QUALITY FULLER 1 I I t
• | T h e v i c e o r e s i d e Owens, junior high industrial arts
The building will be .-, nt . , ~ ~.~=~ ! ~ L~IrlE][
automahcally succeeds to the Merle Mortensen, h~gh school
octa[gonal in shape and will have I [ office of president following year vocational auto mechanics and i
7,269 square feet of floor area. [] | ...... " Mike Gibson m, o;,. ~+ ~ ..... + 81 ~[¢
The board voted to retain B.~ ~i | uen.nett ~s presently ,, , ................
Franklin Heuston, Shelton [] | vice-president and will succeed r~eyns. ~.BeautilullUetP
Dutstandlng ~
I [ Dr. Jud Holloway as president.
ili~?~:,,,~ .~ • o-.+.~
/ / FuIIer'$ Finest Acrylic| , DROP CLOTH$ * * Utm on ell .urtacet Seep and water cleanup rMllll
i~ ~- Years of extra protection
+' ~i'!I " i "A" High hiding I n I I MY 4
, - • • +ay,eWent+ I I + +
.... -= '/ I I ¢ L e A N I , , [,IIL'' ] | from Fuller. U~e on fen--trlm'°''-
i i I/I I I I rior surfaces. ..... ~/ $
I/ ;-V¢ RWEAwEAR-EVERE COOKwAREE ,#/r" / ] Reg. $2.98 ga,. ,ALEPRICE
,n,.o.o,.oCo+s,a,oso,+,+on "BOY
II DEPOSIT: ,| , J Oregon andCalifornia, yourlocalbrewers / 270 I t3ualltyAlkyd, Oil-Based, Finish+ ..l, lltllnlPleltlNgl
II =..,,,., B"FRYPAN, PLUSANY :1 / / have joined with their counterparts throughout / ~t HIgh gloss @ +¢,uu urr ue
!] E [! / / the nationtolaunchanall-outattackonlitter. / ,kTough, hmtdflnish -'111
Excellent color nnd glou mtenlion a~. Take this valuable coup, u _
excellee? or thesmall lawn. Fast, I * Easy to npply local Fuller dealer. YoU II
II $|,000 a" "RV ,AN -- /! [ / Our o°ala-nt?tP::::o:tihce::7.bteYi°'thewest | r,.-, w"'BOYMAG,,,+I
'+ I sure starts with exclusive primer, I off on every gallon of qua;TM
II I~ I~41~ #l~PURCHASE 8-PC. SET $]9.95 ~! m / g twin-sPark Ignition and patented I
~e~ {RETAIL VALUE $a6 oo)
andgear system.5 positlonWlth graSShandleCatcherwlth II rior house paint advertise
! I/ ~ ~'~ [RETAI/-V-A-I"UE ;~g'l~d]"='" ~I / / But, we can t do the job alone. / standUp lock for Storage. Variable i ~1} act soon! Offer may be Ww
I/ \ ] | Litter is a problem for all people / ...o ..,n.. .,,. I
grass catcher),. Model 5239 Both I I Offer Good Through
~ / / and its solution lies within us all. I areaVallableavallab'els theat ..... MAG 19 (without I. . i @ without notice. -ug.
FSLIC INSTJ::I~(~EWESLHO~I~LOAN RATES ~"q~THE AREA! / ] Won'tyou please help by doing yourpart? ] I"--E'ER I "'""'"'+++*********""
INC.EASED I~r | .. 11 ~k|~g F [ /
+o ,o,ooo.oo , , dl "~.~
~ "~'~'~+#~d~V'+~Z~'~'~ / / In CooperationWithWalhinlltonBrewer$1nstitute" I ,MOTOR SHOP,
I 1306 Olympic Hwy S /
SHE1LTON -- First & Railroad. 426-8211 / t 1411--4thAve.. Seattle / I 426"4602 • • • OfShelton * 426 2611 Mosor'
Home Office: Olympia 1 \ ]
Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton/ ~_
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 16, 1970