July 16, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 16, 1970 |
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this hot weather is You can save a bundle during
tery Ine is enjoying B & R SALES special Whirlpool
be getting at least a event. Refrigerators and freezers
to water everything are now specially priced according
; getting quite dry to manager Jerry Watilo, so drive
do be careful when in soon and see ....
flag and make sure Larry Knutzen, manager of
life is completely LUMBERMEN'S OF SHELTON,
announced this week, the
t,h!s hot weatherbeginning of the Fuller paint sale.
zs a good time toLots of people have asked about
red hot bargains on it, now it's here, so rush right in
nlost Shelton andand get some...
ty stores. Just aSEARS national home
hem are. appliance sale is now in full swing
S where manager and manager Maxine Rhoades has
is holding a Julywashers and dryers right on the
end all clearances, floor of the local catalog store for
bed the prices onyou to choose from...
roughout the store, For a mouth-watering tasty
ay and don't misslunch or dinner, drive in to
MINOR'S A & W drive-in on Mt.
View. Owner Minor Williams is
always ready to serve you with a
n Plants delicious round of hamburgers
Work topped off with creamy shakes of
all flavors, so make your next
~irnber Company's lunch at ,,the "Island of
rd Plant in Shelton Refreshment . ..
~egular schedules George Valley, owner of
,d began June 29CENTER, is continuing his great
~st of Simpson store wide clearance of
refrigerators and freezers. Now's
p ants in Shelton the time to cash in on savings, so
r Vacation. The dash in today...
nd the lumber Clint Harrington, manager of
Plant will be PENNEY'S, started the
until July 20. semi-annual clearance sale this
operation at week and you can really find
Canyon River some tremendous bargains
since their throughout the store. But hurry,
due to weak
in lumber and
fires were
in the Camp
the past week.
said both
crating on a
~Orts from all
nerships in
m, northern
feet for the
according to
John Austin,
and Range
n in Portland•
25.8 per cent
and 5.5
year's May
as this sale won't last forever...
Art Mell, owner of MELL
CHEV-OLDS, announced this
week that the service department
is now number two in the division
in overall performance•
Congratulations to Bruce Willey,
service manager for a job well
done .....
For a fabulous door buster
special, run into MILLER'S
SHOE DEPT. for low, low prices
on ladies' dress and casual shoes.
Manager Kirk Criner has really
lowered the boom on these shoes
just for you . . . Jean Hartwell,
owner of MODE O'DAY, says
that the sale has been tremendous
and is continuing it for another
week. Better run in (and we do
mean run) and capture the
That's -30- for this week
but remember what Charron once
said, "He who receives a good
turn should never forget it" he
who does one should never
remember it."
- DL
the first five
totaled 926.0
up 7.2 per
.What kind of a
in but I
we go through
e Value.
COlor Pack
Reg. $1.95 NOW
Reg. $ 1.80
Reg. $1.75
'A.M.. 8:30 P.M. [
Closed Sundays
-- Evergreen Square
Fred Lockwood Dies In Puyallup James Farrimond Dies In Hospital The socialist or anarchistsWhnt ,
seeks to overturn pre e t 1 'x6"x6' and 8'
conditions is to be regarded as
~ ~ tte was Past Master of the Reba Bauer of St. Anthony, attacking the foundation upon D~'III~M ~'I~AI~
~~ ~ North Fork Grange in Oregon. ~ ~l~l~. Idaho, and Jossine Saurey of
~ and past Master of the Twanoh ~ ~R~ Rexburg, Idaho. whiChone whoCiVilizati°nstudies thisitselfsubjectrests .... will ~v~..w,,tlhlMip,.. .....
...... ~ Grange; he was a member of the ~ ~° ..... ~ He was born in Twin Groves, soon be brought face to face with 8=~,nv
~" ~ Mason County Pomona Grange t~i :~ Idaho, on November 18, 1922•
~ ~ No. 20. He was instrumental in ~ His schooling was in St. Anthony, the conclusion that upon the 7Y2¢ fin ft
~J the organization of Mason County I~ii ~!i!! Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho, and sacredness of property civilization " "
li: ~1 Senior Citizens and was the first I~i: ~ Seattle, Washington. He served in itself depends - the right of the r.DAMT
~ chairman of the group. He was~~ ~~ the U.S Navy during World Warlaborer to his hundred dollars in v,u-~...
the saving bank, and equally the LHMR~ ~
i~ ....... ~ .~: ,, I I.
legal right of the mflhonalre to hi .....
ve , a tive in emocr .c .... ..... "'" --"
party in Mason County and in the James Fa~imond served as ou, ~. ,st 426-6612
: ~, ~ ~ Socialist party of Pierce County. :~i: ~ ~,. Bishop ot the Snelton Ward of the millions. - Andrew Carnegie ~=
~' ~ He and his wife had met all %~ ............ ~ ........... .....
Church of Jesus Chnst of Latter
reomrements for membershzp m
.... - • - '~:~, several years. He was recently
~ the Society of the Mayflower, but
.~ ~:;.~ ....~e~:"J h sustained and ordained as a
::"~iii~ ~ had been unable to join because ~ ~{ ~!'!!~i~ J I member of the High Council of
of illness.
~ ~ Mr. Lockwood is survived by ~ ~ | the Olympia Stake of the Church.
~i ~ his wife Alfreda of the home: two ~ ~ ~ | His work dealt with Metal
~ ~"t!~ ~ | Materials and Welding
....... ~ son s, Elton Lockwood of ~:~
~rk ~:~:i~;. ~ Puyallup and F. Eugene ~! ~ ~ i Business-the last years in
~lk::~! ~ Lockwood, Seattle: five ~~ ~ ~ Fabrication, "Blueprints, and
~ ~ daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Laura)~~ ~ ~ Management.
/ ~ ~ Alston, San Jose, Calif.; Mrs. ~;~~ ml Prior to coming to Shelton
milk ~~ ~ Gerald (Leola) Anderson, .lam~s Baker Farrimond almost five years ago, he resided
Crescent City, Calif.; Mrs. LeRoy ...... in Seattle for twenty years. He
~ ~ (Nina) Dishon Jr., Shelton; Mrs., Baker Farrimond 47 was active in United Good
/~ ~ Lester (Anita) Wolfe, Tacoma: James ~ • ,
~lki~ ~ and Mrs. James (Nadine) died last Thursday, in MasonNeighbors,. Rotary Club,
m Eckman, Cypress, Calif. a General Hospital. ~o tmmU n,tluY" ~a:; CF~:it"
~: ~ b r o t h e r, G e o r ge D e w e y He was the husband of Jeane loas asters t~ n, y g
~ Lockwood, Joplin, Mo.: a sister, Jenkins Farrimond and father of Club.
• " .... hill "Mrs "cnneth The funeral service was held
~ Mrs. Frank (Bertha) Rane, jamle LOU ~,ieu t ,. r~"
v.~ utu~,?,,~ ...... ,~,~ .... • , '~ Chapel of the Church of Jesus
~ Tacoma; 31 grandchildren: and 22 "'Lynn ' "~ JuneC~ ...... Ann,U~*"hano .... vonme'~ ttarv-,Jena on Monday at 1:30 p.m.. in the
great-grandchildren. ~.,' ...... Christ of Latter Day Sam. Burial
Fred Elton Lockwood A funeral was held on ot me name m ~nmton.
...... was in Shelton Memorial Park.
_ .... Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral tv~r. rarrlmono was a son Ol
vred Elton Loc~wooa men ce M
• " Home. The Rev. Hora aunts John WilLiam Farrimond and
Millie Baker Farrimond of Ogden,
Friday in Puyallup at the age of officiated, with burial in the Utah. He is survived by one Car Wash Set
80 years He was a former Shelton
• Belfaxr Cemetery.
resident, and had lived in Tacoma The family requested brother, Jack Ellison Farrimond The Foursquare C.Y.'s will
for thepastthreemonths • • of Clearfield, Utah, and six hold a car wash this Friday,
He was born June 11, 1890,d:unaotlfOg:wte;s the heart fund m sisters-Darleen Wright of Bisbee, beginning at 10 a.m. at the
in Minnesota, and prior to his ' Arizona; Alberta Sorensen of Richfield Station-corner of First
retirement had been employed as Dietrick, Idaho; Ruth Wright of and Railroad. Price-S1 with
a mechanic by the city of A hungry man is not a freeSt. Anthony, Idaho: Donna proceeds going to help build a
Tacoma man. Adlai E. Stevenson Jensen of Idaho Falls, Idaho;chapel at their camp.
This one's long on Value! Whirlpool
• Big 15.8 cu. ft. capacity ... holds 553 Ibs.
• Fast-freeze air flow system with open-grid
• Porcelain-enameled interior
• "Floating-Quiet" rotary compressor
• Full-range temperature control
• Million-Magnet" door
• Two easy-to-adjust leveling legs
• Tile-Seal construction
Suggested Retail $279.00
• Built-in rollers for easy handling o.,o..L
• Jet-Cold meat pan -- keeps up ¢o 24.6
pounds of meat "butcher shop fresh"
• Adjustable steel shelves, so you can
organize interior storage ¢o fit your needs
• True No-Frost system ---you'll never have
to defrost again
• 19.3 cu. ft. of space with adjustable shelves
Suggested Retail $498.00
• Built-in rollers for easy handling
• Meat pan
• 14.2 Cu. Ft. of space with adjustable sh lves
• Dual Controls
• Ice ejector kit
• True no-frost system NOW ONLY
16.6 CU. FT.
Store Open
10-6 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 10-9 p.m. Friday
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday
for your Convenience
"'J'" and Olympic Hwy. N. --
Thursday, July 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3