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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... Harry C. Cole John Emil Carlson Former Resident Ti Dies On Monday Harry C. Cole died Monday in the Mason General Hospital at the ~----------------------- age of 67 years. He was a 40 year Dies In Home Dies In Seattle John Emil Carlson, Rt. 1 Box 30, Grapeview, died Tuesday in his home. He was born March 12, Dimple H. Norris, a former Shelton resident, died in Seattle on Monday. She was an operator --------------"-----------"-------'-----'--- Applying for marriage licenses resident of Shelton. 1890. with the Shelton Telephone These tides are for the Unionat the Mason County auditor'sHe was Civil Defense DirectorHe was for 13 years a Exchange for 30 years. area. For Shelton and Oaklandoffice this week were: for Mason County, and was a shoemaker in Shelton. He moved She is survived by a son, W. aCoantyJusticeCourt forfeit; Fred Ross, Rt. 2, Box she found a bicycle. Bay add one hour and 45 minutes Paul Patterson, 55, member of the Bayshore Golf to Port Angeles and wasone ofBurton Eidsmoe of Tacoma; by on the docket in462, Port Orchard, failure to keep A coin purse which was found and 2.5 feet. B r e m e r t o n, and Florence Club. the original stockholders in the six grandchildren; and seven great Lty Justice Court fight of center line, $15 forfeit; in the telephone booth at Hartman, 52, Bremerton. He was born Feb. 18, 1903, inPeninsula Plywood Co. He grandchildren. lenn Correa during Paul Strom, 265 Island Lake Dr., Evergreen Square was turned in to Thursday, July 16 D o nal d O 1 so n, te gal, Roswell, N. Mex. He is survived returned to the Shelton area three A memorial service will be vere: Shelton, following too closely, the Police Department. High ....... 1:47 a.m. 11.1 ft.Bremerton, and Alyce Witt, legal, by his wife Martha M. Cole ofyears ago. held at 11 a.m. today in the $15 forfeit; Robert Temple, 331 James Cross reported a set of Low ....... 9:41 a.m. -2.6 ft.Bremerton. Shelton; a daughter, Mrs. Don He is survived by his wifeAcacia Funeral Home in Seattle, LDepartment ox Island Lake Dr., failure to stop at rings missing. High ....... 5:41 p.m. 11.7 ft.Lonny Gish, 17, Shelton, and (Betty Ruth) Zamzow, Shelton;Hanna of the home; a son, Glenn with cremation following. aWers, St. Rt., B of stop sign, $15 forfeit Gregory Vehicles driven by Stanley Low ......10:17 p.m.9.0 ft. Carol Simpson, 17, Shelton. three grandchildren; a brother, Carlson, of Port Angeles; a , over possession Wade, 2601 6th Ave., Tacoma, Hendricks and Floyd Fowler Friday, July 17 Dale Clary, 37, Bremerton,John Cole of Shelton and a sister, daughter, Mrs. Alice Davis, ) forfeit; Arthur failure to keep right of center collided on Highway 101 S. andHigh ....... 2:41 a.m. 11.3 ft.and Charlotte Wedlund, 26, Mrs. Cora Pruitt, Phoenix, Ariz. Seattle; a sister, Mrs. Alena ;107 19th Ave.,, The service was held Johnson of Tacoma; four nieces; ~r POssession ofline, $15 forfeit; Samuel Culp, Cascade. Low ......10:29 a.m. -3.4 ft. Seattle. P.O. Box 753, Silverdale, Vehicles driven by Celia High ........ 6: 17p.m. 12.3 ft. Wednesday in the Batstone and three nephews• l"x6"x6' and 8' forfeit; Georgespeeding, $15 forfeit: Patrick Masteller and Charles Robertson Low ......11:11 p.m.8.7ft. Funeral Home with the Rev. The servicewillbeheldinthe I Huson, Tacoma,Peck, 2236 King St., Shelton,collided on Highway 101 N. and ~------------------------------------------- Edwin Zschoche officiating and Batstone Funeral Home at l p.m. ROUGN CEDAR n of oysters, $40 defective equipment, $15 forfeit Pine St. , Saturday, July 18 burial in the Shelton Memorialtoday, with the Rev. Edwin I Santi, 2041 S. SIDING eral Way, over John Radovich, Rt. 1, Box 52, A door at Merv s Tirecap was High ....... 3:35 a.m.11.4 ft. Park. . Zschoche officiating. Interment Silverdale, illegal consumption of found open. Low ......11 : I 1 a.m. -3.8 ft. Donations to charity were will be in Seattle. $25 forfeit, intoxicants, $25 forfeit Fredrick Don Cox reported a ski vest High ....... 6:53 p.m. 12.8 ft. requested in lieu of flowers. Donations to the cancer fund 71/2¢ lin. ft. 1, Box 146 POSsession oy George 1 lth Ave. N., POssession of Yandl, Seattle, over s, $30 forfeit; 24th NW, r POSsession of Department Radovich, 6826 15th NE, Seattle, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, 10 days in jail, suspended; Brian Wilson, 6826 15th NE, Seattle, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, 10 days in jail, suspended; Roland Slater, 403 Edgewood, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $125 fine, 30 days in jail, license suspended 90 days; Ralph Moore, Rt. 3, Box 271, Shelton, over r, 2221 Soundview center line, $16 forfeit; Oliver fishing without Berg, 68 1 9 S. Montgomery, forfeit; Ralph Tacoma, failure to stay right of 902 Kline St., center line, $15 forfeit; Pamela a license, 2562 for game $25 forfeit; 9018 ll6th fishing with 1, $25 forfeit; N. Highland, m a no parking 3ey no parking area, $20 Price, P.O. parking in to obey m Public access SUspended; P.O. Box 236, game fish $25 forfeit; 10251 10th for game fish $25 forfeit 7320 44th ishing for $25 12508 fishing for pole, ~erly Solene, fishing a license, $25 1 Ith game fish ;25 forfeit; S. Hazel, game fish with Michael fishing out a license, Natural Resources 1, Box burning fine and I0 1127 Rainier l, minor ;0 forfeit; pod, consuming it; Michael Zabeth, Consuming Schafer, Bellevue, Ransome Box 127, ing While days Thale, driving fine, ed. Patrol hess, 651 remerton, t; Verner Oakdale, 3P sign, 2016 speeding, .Harding, 10 William x 232, forfeit; Seattle, Ronald Rd., lane Frances Butterfield, St. Rt. 1, Box 335, Belfair, switching vehicle license plates, $25 forfeit; Steven Williams, 18048 10th NE, Seattle, riding without helmet, $15 forfeit; Walter Gerhardt, Rt. 1, Balkwin, Wis., failure to stay right of center line, $15 forfeit; Gary Martin, 2420 Jenner, Bremerton, speeding, $1 5 forfeit; Mike Peterson, PSNS, Bremerton, failure to stay right of center line, $15 forfeit; Alfred Prante, 119 N. 10th, Elma, improper stop in roadway, $10 forfeit; Michael Valley, Allyn, failure to stay right of center line, $15 forfeit. Park Department Boyd Bell, 1114 Poindexter, Bremerton, illegal possession of intoxicants in state park, $30 fine. Municipal Department Roy Campbell, Rt. 1, Box 94, Shelton, third degree assault, $197.50 fine, $2.50 costs, $47.50 restitution; Glen Brown, Rt. 2, Box 929, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, leaving the scene of an accident, $310 fine, 35 days in jail suspended, license suspended 90 days. County Building Permits Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to E. L. Cliffe, home, $25,000; Cushman Olympic Camps, sanitary station, utility-rest room building, $25,000; James Freeberg, cabin $5,000; W. C. Parr, two-bedroom and bath apartment, $I 0,000; John Powell, alteration of beach home, swimming pool, $I0,000; Quadrant Corp., recreation center, $I00,000; Charles Searl, summer home, $3,610; Dimitri Tudd, summer cabin, $3,000. Shelton Police A door to Faith Lutheran Church was found open. Mrs. Susie Syrjala reported 3/16x4x8 1, Box $15 taken. Vehicles driven by Donna Moorhead and Richard Willhite collided at Third and Railroad. Elizabeth Pierce reported two tires and wheels taken. Rob Durkin reported a wallet missing. Mrs. Helen Hanson reported a 50-foot garden hose and sprinkler taken. Winthrope Rogers reported a garden hose and sprinkler taken• Daisy Rivera reported $75 missing from her home. Mrs. Lillian Nesbitt reported an attempt to break into a truck. Sheriff's Office Don Deemer reported a ski tow rope and ski life belt taken. Linda Fadden reported a boat adrift. S. M. Baunsgard reported a boat adrift near the Harstine Bridge. A pick-up driven by James Okonek hit a deer on Highway 3 doing about $400 damage to the vehicle. Jim Dailey reported a carburetor and tires taken from a car. Ralph Jones reported he found a boat. John Madoriney reported gasoline taken. Gas was reported taken from buses at Hood Canal Junior High. Dick Lewis reported a boat missing. The door to the Hood Canal Yacht Basin was found open. M. V. Gopaul reported a vehicle broken into and a sleeping bag, air matress, gas lantern, chest and two cameras taken. Charles Nutter reported vandalism to a sign. Cith Building Permits Michael McCord, bedroom and family room addition, $5,000. Fire Department July 12, 6:10 p.m., fire in an abandoned house owned by Don Morrison. The house was located at 1539 Fairmont. It had been damaged by fire last year and was listed by the fire department as having no value. July 9, 2:30 p.m. fire in grass, brush and scrap limber at the Delbert Hartwell residence, 2032 Stevens. Superior Court Default Divorces Dianne Morris from Glynn Morris. Bi-Fold Clam Shell Designed, In Cultured Marble With Cabinet & Fixtures 95 Double Compartment Stainless Steel Complete with Attachment and Fixtures spray • Turn left off Hwy. 101,2 miles south of Shelton, drive I mile on Cole Road. I Low ...... 11:59 p.m. 8.t ft. Sunday, July 19 High ....... 4:35 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low ......11 : 59 a.m. -3.8 ft. High ....... 7:29 p.m. 13.1 ft. Monday, July 20 Low ......12:47 a.m.7.2 ft. High ....... 5:35 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ......12:47 p.m.-3.4 ft. High ....... 8:05 p.m. 13.2 ft. Tuesday, July 21 Low .......1:35 High ....... 6:35 Low .......I :29 High ....... 8:35 a.m. 6.2 ft. a.m. 10.8 ft. p.m. -2.3 ft. p.m. 13.2 ft. High Low Precip. July 9 87 48 - July 10 83 47 July 11 79 49 July 12 78 52 July 13 76 46 July 14 77 48 - July 15 89 52 Friday through Sunday, the weather is expected to be mostly fair with highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's. S Wednesday, July 22 Low .......2 : 29 a.m. 5.0 ft."-------------"-'--'--'-------'-----'----'--- High ....... 7:47 a.m.10.2 ft• Mason General Hospital Low .......2:11 p.m.-0.9 ft. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. High ....... 9:11 p.m.13.1 ft. Bridges, Rt. 2, Box 247, a girl, Thursday, July 23 July 15. Low .......3:23 a.m. 3.7 ft.The history of the world is High ....... 8:59 a.m. 9.6 ft.the record of man in quest of his Low .......2:59 p.m. 1.9 ft. High ....... 9:47 p.m. 12.9 ft. daily bread and butter. Hendrik Van Loon • I Shelton ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY IT'S A WARM-UP SALE BLANKETS 15% ! Prices effective through Saturday. ;:?:L • " • q O¢~shion Manor ACRYLIC ELECTRIC BLANKET WITH CONTOUR SNAP CORNERS Warm acrylic with 'supernap' finish. UL listed. Moss green, honey gold, tangerine, Siam pink, Machine washable. Twin, single control, reg. S16 1 3.44 Full, single control, reg. $18 NOW 14.88 Full, dual control, reg $23 NOW 19.44 QUEEN DUAL CONTROL Reg. 30.00 .... NOW 25.50 KING DUAL CONTROL Reg. 40.00 ...... NOW 34.00 ACRYLIC THERMAL BLANKET The all-season, all purpose blanket has nylon binding, is machine washable in warm water. Twin, reg. 6.99 NOW 5.94 Full, reg. 7.99 NOW 6.79 FAMOUS 'VELLUX' BLANKET All nylon flocked with polyurethane base, most washable blanket ever. Ultra light. the Full, reg. $13 NOW 11.05 I are requested in lieu of flowers. Ralph D. Pauley Dies Saturday Ralph D. Pauley died Saturday in the Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center. He was born Aug. 11, 1910, in Oakville, Iowa. He was a resident of Shelton for 42 years, and had been employed by ITT Rayonier, Inc. for 15 years, and by the Simpson Timber Co. for 18 years. He is survived by his wife Ella of the home: two sons, George C. Pauley and Ralph E. Pauley, both of Shelton; a daughter, Mrs. Gloria J. Mitchum, West Columbia, S. C.: and a sister, Mrs. Ethel Rhea, Elko, Nev. A service was held in the Batstone Funeral Home on Wednesday, with the Rev. Earl Evers officiating and burial in the Shelton Memorial Park. the All the world over, I will back masses against the classes. William E. Gladstone 607 S. lst 426-6612 No Trade Neededl All Sizes Indudes Fed. Excise Tax 128 S. I st. 426-2800 Ill Shop Daily 9:30/5:30 Friday 'til 8:30 p.m. I DRESSES Orig. 5/7 Orig 5/6 33 ON LY SWEAT REDUCED NOW 3.99/5.99 NOW 3.99/4.99 SHIRTS Long & Short Sleeve Orig. 2.59/3.00 NOW ' 1 a I I I I,II 72 ON LY / KNITTED TOPS -- ALL SIZES ORIG. 2.59/3.88 NOW 16 ONLY SWIM WEAR REDUCED Orig. 4/6 NOW 6 ONLY 2 PC. SHORT SETS Orig. 4.00 NOW INFANTS POLYESTER SETS Orig. 3.50/5.00 NOW 1.44/2.44 SPECIAL BUY PANT DRESSES NOW SPECIAL BUY COTTON SHIFTS NOW Thursday, July 16, 35 ONLY SURFER JACKETS Orig. 6/7 NOW 9 ONLY CROCHET VEST Orig. 7.88 NOW 19 ONLY KNITTED TOPS Orig. 5/7 NOW 10 ONLY FABRIC SKIRTS Orig. 6/7 NOW STRAW HAND BAGS Orig. 3.50/3.00 NOW SPECIAL BUYS SLEEVELESS BLOUSES SPECIAL BUYS STRETCH JAMAICAS 49 ONLY BETTER SLACKS Orig. 8/lO Orig. 6/7 NOW NOW I III I I I II 9 ONLY PANT DRESSES Orig. 14/8 NOW 1 1 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5