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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1970
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In County By TERESA TRIMBEL KEEP GREEN GIRL This past weekend, Smokey and I visited Potlatch and Lake Cushman State Parks. The weather was beautiful and Smokey got rather irritable toward the end of the day with his "outfit" on. Nevertheless, all the kids were delighted to see him and shake his hand. He gave each of them a litter bag filled with all kinds of goodies like coloring sheets, comic books, Smokey stamps and whistles that he had prepared especially for them. We certainly don't realize the importance of fire prevention until we lose some beautiful portion of ourforests through careless use of fire. The Keep Washington Green Association was organized to combat the forest and range fires. It was the first such program in the nation. Since then, thirty six other states and several foreign nations followed suit. During the '40's it was an accepted summer sight to see heavy smoke from wild fires in the forests areas of Washington state. Thirty years later, fire prevention education has helped to bring about a dramatic reduction in forest and range fires losses. Today, Keep Washington Green is just dedicated to the elimination of man-caused wild fires. Motivation is forever present: smoke on today's horizon means loss of income and jobs, wildlife, scenic beauty and outdoor recreation areas. It also means air pollution. The public, the prevention and control agencies and the forests industry, have all learned a great deal about fire prevention in 30 years. The success of the past 30 years is a challenge to us to make the next 30 years even a greater success. Besides handing out the Smokey material, we also gave out a packet of Washington Green Guard material to those kids (ages 8-16) that were interested. The packet includes a Green Guard Manual which has in it a membership application blank and member's wallet I.D. card, an "iron-on" identification badge (my younger brother wears his on his pajama pocket!) and a letter to the parents. If anyone is interested in becoming one of the Washington's Green Guard, I will send you a packet. Write to me at: Teresa Trimble, Rt. 1, Box 140, Elma, Wn. 98541• Smokey and I are anxiously waiting to make other visitations but while we are waiting, Smokey would like to list his version of the ABC's: Always hold matches till cold. Be sure to drown all fires. Careful to crush all smokes. Mason County Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School ..... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ........... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) . 7:30 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor 91 0 East LEWIS B. Sunday Morninq C. Y.'s ; Evening Bible NORTHSIDE BAPTIST C Phone 426-2488 123 W. C St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. paul Bible Study ........................... :~ Worship ............................... ~L Midweek Service ........................... SEVENTEEN MASON County 4-H members and two adult leaders attended the State 4-H Club Conference in Pullman June 15-19. Attending, left to right, front row, were Kathy Stickley, Kathi Baldi, Chris Rickards, Tina Nelson, Eileen Kronquist, Patsy Sharer, Nancy Ewart, Cheryl Bedell and Traci DeMiero. Back row, left to right, leaders Mrs. Jean Sharer and MRs. Lynn Wilson; Teresa Murry, Rona Harper, Nancy Evers, Patty Sutton, Carl Wilson, Lea Morris, Brian Chambers and Cliff Taylor. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHU Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister Bible School " ..... 9:45 a.m. Family ServiCe .... ' Worship .........11:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer Child Care Service Available at 11 n By VIVIEN OLSON LILLIWAUP-Welcome to Dean and Joyce Fields who have taken over the Eldon Store. Mr. and ers Buks are still available, and make excellent gifts• 1 Apologize My apologies to the PAT ore on missing. But the two year old was soon found in the company of the family Beagle, Buster, not too far from home. in this country. With the exception of one hospital which was modern, the others were old buildings pretty much run down and the patients crowded in small First Church of Christ, 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 1 l :00 a.m. -- Church l '. Wednesday evening testimony meetings Reading room located in church. Reading 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Man. & Fri., Wed. even Mrs. Fields came here from the McGradys. Have the feeling I've VisitsOreint wards and very tiny private "'rlsnermen's"'t.tuo Lake Quinault area and are still in pulled the same boner before. I'll Mrs. Jean Everett of Holiday rooms, She found it nice to be the process of getting moved in. try not to let it happen again. Beach returned to her home last back to work in the Mason P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rfl & Cote / Fields was for many years a ...... week after a 23 day tour of General Hospital which is From 9:15 a.m. to lO:30a.m, every SundaY( • . . ~nloY vacauons mechanic, in. the logging . . Japan. She was met at the airport certainly a contrast to the best SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1970 operations a.t Qumault. wee ThevFink?sspe~t.._ .___.._-. -- ____th;nJ°~-l:bol; by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans and she saw over there. Faiths mother Mrs. Florence Bible Study: REV. RAY MAINWARING lacy nave two daughters, married, and living at Aberdeen Canal cabin. The.~oup consisted Ross. Strangers in Paradise Speaker: DICK LEWIS ,, Auto Gla= ;hain Saw and Hoquim. They also have three o[ Mrs. wenoeu, rmKe. e anajeannener Sonall The tour Mrs. Everett took to The sassy Jays have brought Subject: "THE PANORAMA CITY STORY ,~ I .... Ga and Gary s wff , , New and Osed--Renta s going on four grandchildren. ..ry .... the Orient was aboard a chartered their family of four ruffled, ~" Oregon Chains & Accessories o i ~ e a t tie ; a no son and jet out of Vancouver B.C. and the raucous, and rapacious children to Expert Inftallation Small motor tune-up & repairs Community Club daughter-in-law, Mr. and she was with was made upfeed on the sundeck ,railing. Eric Kours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., dailyDon't forget the pinochle Wendell Finke Jr. of California, of grad uat e nurses from and Freya, the Cassin s Finch, are I JIM PAULEY, INC. p a r t y at the Lilliwaup and their young son. Grandson Washington and Idaho. Along teaching their three rotund and Mike's McCulloch sho- t'h 15th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 2215 Olymp=c" Hwy N 426 4639 u P Commun!ty Clubhouse Friday• Andy created a bit of excitement with the usual sightseeing they rumpled babies to drink from the St. David's ,..urch " "' " And don t forget that the Kuk momentarily when he turned p visited five hospitals in Japan. hummingbird feeders. Two young Jean's first introduction to towhees come hopping in search Fourth & Cedar. shelton, washington Souths,de utomotivo Concrete " the Orient was 20 yrs. ago when of the scattered crumbs, spilling l Tune-up*Brakes " i J _Ready.mix Concrete J she was on active duty in the more than they eat as they 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks I - •- -- . . • Navy Nurse Corps during the awkwardly scratch with both feet 11:00 A.M. -- Family Service ( / Tires * Lu~ I I --Sand, Gravel, Brick&Stone I Knm,l ,h _ Ar .n Jnln_¢ Korean war. Her return trip this at once. Dozens and Dozens of rhe Church is always open for meditation and Pf~l~ | Free Pickup & Delivery | I --Fireplace Screens & Tools ; I " "'" ................. time after many trips between baby hummers seem never to fly - . .... ~, ,,c,,,,~o ! F re D str=ct A Seattle and Yokahama aboardmore thane few feet away from / TOM'S ship was to have a chance to see the blossoming fucias and many ' ,- ...... "~t. llst & Railroad 426-393C1 7th & Park 426 3344 m ore of Japan than time feeders decorating both floors of • " " By MRS RAY KRATCHA The volunteer firemen turn permitted while in service, the front of the house. George, ! Auto Repairin t.,Ulltr¢lt;tlr~...... :n-y I SOUTHSIDE-The Mason County outthey received with their radms.Very good to the fire calls Landing in Tokyo 10 hrs. the new isSqUirrel since Nutsy'SfirstSad , _/ ~L.t r~| I --Major Overhauls I iiCustom Quality uull- ring Home Fire District No4 has accepted after departure in Vancouver, her demise, busily occupied, Faith Lutheran ~,u-- I " _ . J the Kamilche area into the Fire All fire calls are recewed by tour took her first through several gorging on syrup and nuts, then Planning and Complete Blue P'rmts | --Brakes & Ignition | I " I District No. 4. the Radio Dispatcher at the Fire --Welding & Tune-ups | I M,chael J. ByrneBIdg. Co. I The Kamilche area has no fire Station in Shelton. large cities on the Main Island of carrying the latter off, hopefully 7th and Franklin I | 426-6435 I truck at the nresent time Then the Dispatcher turns in I Special Winterizint| Horshu including Osaka and Expo to feed his family. Pointy I Bonded and Licensed " r I ED'S SERVICE I I I " the alarm to the Radio Plectrons 70. Unfortunately it was raining a footprints in the dust indicate the WORSHIP: 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. downpour their day at the Fair presence of deer, investigating and CHURCH SCHOOL" 9:15 a.rn.. ,,IO • . i1~~" 219 So. 1st 426-1212 J I Remodeling Cabins| received in the proper Fire and although overwhelming maybe tasting Father's garden. Christian Worship, Fellowship, EducattO ' ~AI~ • * District, which in turn the one that receives the calls takes the spectacular it was uncomfortable Then into this idyllic paradise PIIKenneth Robinson. Pastor o C~ To finding one's way by rain soaked come the strangers. Trail bikes n ii Cmrnetic ; ~v• •,.w~,~ sv truck to the fire. maps over the 800 acre fair site. roaring up and down the road at . BeautY_Merle Norman Cosmetics | I-H-()LIE)AY MAGIC COSMETICSI-- s -- = We have ten Radio Plectrons Thewhile waiting for.lines for the main exhibits looseall hourSto run°f dayyappingand night.constantlyThree h 1 --Complete Hair Care I Ir ..... I Ask Ahnllt which are always ready to receive were lengthy but very worth- or four, or more, dogs turned I -wi - Wiglets- Switches | l t-ree uemonstranons on I .~vv fire calls ! I l .... Sklnt?:reM keu_ I If- I . The Mason County Fire " I -Free Dem°nstrati°ns I "aslc/t'° ec e a p/ ..... _ I D,strxct Comm,ssloners reetiSt ChurC Employment From Osaka the group, which and digging, and worse, in the was headed by a bilingual gardens. Beer cans and bottles DONAWAY ENTERPRISES I EI-AINE'S BEAUTY SALON I / I Association has written a United Method 428 Henry St 426 1317 I 6th & Laurel 426"45821J~ • " | The Bureau of the Census will resolution to oppose the Japanese girl guide, went by ship tossed carelessly into the canal G and King St ._,,r through the Inland Sea (another and on the beaches. Wheels REV'HORACEH'MOUNT"'vUin'~"'~;c; conduct a survey of employment consolidation of the fire district rainy day) to the southern most spinning and tossing gravel as cars and unemployment in this areain Mason County. island, Kyushu and spent several race up to replenish the beer and 10:00 A.M. Worship Se " a ts/.; Sicycl -- Drug¢ [ during the week of July 19, John Ed Garner of the Washington 7~. ed,. Church SchoOl f°~n I New and Re-Built | I --Helena Rubinstein I E. Tharaldson, Director of theState Commissioners Association days there returning to Honshu the wine jugs. J Factory Trained Mechanic I I --Cosmetics | Bureau s regional office in Seattle was at the last meeting and for theTheyremainderhad Ofa thevarietyrOUt. of I Complete Line of New Parts I | --Prescriptions I announced this week. explained to the firemen the 1970 transportation during the trip, . ,,, ,r J andAcce$$or|e$ I I --Hypo-A, IlergicCosmetics | The households to be budget, and it could be madeout first over by jet, then by bus, Mte Moriah Lodge - ~ I~ J SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP I I open 7 days'Week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. | I NElL S PHARMACY I interviewed here are part of a any time now. ship, express trains that travel 135 1~ , leW, I 3 =ock$ east of Airport Grocery on | ISth & Franklin Ph 426-33271scientifically designed sample that Garner is planning on retiring m.p.h., "dragon ferry", narrow NO. ! 1 MT. OLIVE LUTHER&N t,I • I Spring Road Phone 42e-49a9 I I " I is representative of the entire U.S. soon and Ed Swanson is takinggauge railroad in the Japanese J~ MISSOURI sYNOD . (:t~ population. The employment and over the duties, alps, subway and last but not least ~ Fe & A. Me 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. Z~ . Floor Coverin- unemployment statistics are Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tedtaxi cab in Tokyo. Tokyo's cab SUNDAY, JULY 19. 1970 $ g ~.,llt, BuildingSuppli . g ! collected monthly by theBureau Corey and family stopping by drivers have been dubbed Saturday, July 18 ,bleCll$ 1~ -~erw, n-w,,iams I | --Linoleum --Carpeting | far the U.S. Department of Labor Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack "kamikage after the suicidal Stated Communication nSiund:;eSrvCih:?l;,:n:B.r,. nd | Paint ~-Car,t~-Walll~ p~ ,J--Tile --Formica , to provide a continuing measureMal]inger arid family of Renton. pilots of World War II. For -:," -"'"" O;s;O ~" I ---.Complete Building Supplies I I | of the economic health of the The Four Leaves 4-H group Lodge Opens 8 p.m. I ---Plastering & Supplies ! a country fast turning to Theme: FROMrDEAD BO | REX FLOOR COVERING I Nation as a whole and of its major met at leader Mrs. Helen Bakke modern methods, Jean found the Victor T. Ellison, W.M. I NyeCo. Building Supply I Jut View 426-22921 regions. Questions on July7. I Free Delivery | | " " | employment similar to those in The neetmg was called to hospitals they visited woefully Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary |426-8224 On Cole RoadI behind anything she has ever seen " ' " the sample survey were asked of order by Judy Hurst. the entire population in the 1970 Roll was calledand dues ]lulldozer Service_ *Clearing * Level i ng *Excavating JOHN MAKOVINEY Bulldozing Phone 426-1289 :able "IV , For Service Call Car Waxin SIMONIZE PASTE WAX JOB ON AUTOS • • • $5.95 Trailers, campers, and Airplane~ at comparative prices. PhoM 426aS527 I n 1 TH IS SPACE CAN BE HAD Masonry --Fireplaces --All Brick and --Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 I :lental Service, Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS [2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 II=rs- Ii I For Fast Dependable Service J write J GAEDES CRAFTS | Star Rt. 1-Box 24A I Lilliwaup, We. 98555 J Now ~r,ving Mason County Travel,- --Air - Rail - Steamship --Bus - Hotels. Tours NO Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. $26-8272 426-4134 How About You? decennial census, now being "' compiled. Bureau officials point out, however, that the monthly survey is essential as the source of current employment data. Facts supplied by individuals participating in the survey are kept confidential and the results are used only to compile statistical results. The law safeguarding the privacy of the individual applies to all information collected by the Census Bureau. Interviewers who will visit households in this area included in the sample survey are Mrs. Alone F. Riehle, Tacoma and Mrs. Polly A. Swayze, Shelton. collected. Everyone sang, played a finger game or read a story for child care. Club members made decorations for their camp skit. The next meeting will be July 18 at leader Mrs. Helen Bakke, reporter Vicky Bailey. Ed Wetmore and Hump Nelson got a thirty pound King salmon and twenty five pounds of bottom fish while fishing at Noah Bay Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Janice Cookson and Jackie and Walter Kratcha visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha Thursday evening. For... Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass Replacements of all kinds See... D 710 Cedar Leroy Dale 426-1152 Call for Free Estimates On the screen for the first time A musical journey into the soul of a nation Cliff Richard World Wide Pictures Presents In Cliff Barrows England's popular star sings six Ralph Carmichae/ songs ... a sight and JULY 26, 7:30 P.M. sound experience 5th & cote July 26 First Baotist C (CC~NSERVATIVE| Fifth & Cote Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, Sunday, July 19, 1970 11:00 a.m. "ASK IN MY NAME!" John 14:13-21 9:30 a.m. Bible School 7:30 p.m. "Divine Healing Or Healers" CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Connection & 12th Sts. Priesthood Meeting ................. Sunday School .................... Sacrament Meeting ................. THE FRIE SHELTON ASSl IS21 Monroe St. Sunday Schooi ..... i .............. : Classes for all ages~AII ag~ ~ Morning Worship ................... Christ's Ambassadors ............... Evangelistic Service ................. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer • REVIvALTIME, Sunday Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 16, 1970