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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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In eci ool ouse mmunl il ,ng a fifteen to five of people who the fate school house to special turned down and expense of Uilding for the Use. The consensus present being money should Hall, a building rather on an additional we can never own at the present one seems to need for. Either and kitchen have to be back and forth School was to be ~avor of hanging for a least one 'rhaps a need or within They frankly a sentimental the building and the future when a arise. The meeting was concluded by a brief report on the Labor Day dance. Most everything, with the exception of the food, which will belined up closer to the date, has been arranged. At this point a word of extreme caution is urged for everyone using the Island Garbage Dump. Please be very careful not to dump a car ashtray with a hot cigarette or any thing else that might start another fire. Last Sunday night the Natural Resources were called to battle a very bad fire at the dump. Along with water from their pumper truck Johnny Budd moved his cat in to battle the flames which burned clear across the dump and luckily was brought under control before any timber caught fire. John and Pat Dunlap are hardly finding time to cook and eat as they try to keep items made ahead for the Craft Shows they are participating in this summer. Last weekend turned out weel for them at the Mercer Island Arts and Craft Show. This coming weekend they will be heading for Tacoma and a Show at Lakewood. After that they will have a couple of more shows and then have a bit of a breather before the fall shows start. Driving down the low road we noted that the AI Nagels have the frame work up and a roof on their new shop north of the John Budds. And on the other side the Jack Cruickshanks are coming right along with the addition to their home. Incidently, Jack and Eileen were called to California on a very sad mission. Saturday they received work that Jack's brother had suffered a fall and was in a coma. They made reservations for the next flight they could get on. The brother, William had just recently retired and he and his wife had gone to their vacation cabin at Guerneyville, near San Francisco. While his wife was unpacking her husband suffered the fall down an embankment and onto a raodway where a passing motorist found him He died just shortly after Jack and Eileen arrived never having regained consciousness after the fall. The funeral is to be held in San Fransisco where the couple made their home. The Steig Gabrielsens plus their cat and dog headed north early last week. Their destination being Galiano Island in the Canadian San Juans. From here they drove to Tsawwassen about twenty miles or so across the border. From here they ferried across to Galiano Island where they had reservations. They did a little fishing as they had taken their own boat along. But mainly they just beachcombed and explored. Leaving the Island they stayed at Bedwell Harbor where they bumped into some old friends from their former home town of Gig Harbor. Coming via a different route they ferried from Swartz Bay through the San Juans to Anacortes. An invitation uo on the bridge of the ferry was the highlight of the homeward bound voyage. They arrived back on Harstine Sunday morning after a very enjoyable trip. Checking in on some new residents the Marshall Olsons we learned they had had wall to wall people most of last week. At least with just three usable rooms it certainly seemed that way. Visitors included their daughter, the Goodman family from Wenatchee, a niece, the Eugene Lundquist family and some friends the Sig Hansons from Longview making a total of 14 including the Olsons themselves. They also had an aunt and uncle, the Harry Sutherlands of Port Orchard drop in during the week. At this writing they just have three "leftovers" this week, their daughter and her two children. While Patti and Jerry Ryckman held down the homeplace this last weekend her dad, Bud and her two brothers, Vince and Mike headed for an outing at Mt. Rainer. Coming back via Tacoma they spent the night with Bud's sister. Helen Franich and her family and took a drive out to Pt. Defiance on their way back to the Island. Monday evening Patti prepared a gourmet dinner and invited her sister, Sue, and Chip Bevers out for the evening,. Dessert being a little wild blackberry pie which Patti and Jerry picked earlier in the day and Pat transformed into a pie worthy of traveling a considerable distance if necessary. Other news from down Ballow way is that Celia had a good share of her family home over the weekend. Son, Joe, was down along with a neighbors son who had just come home after four years in the service. And from Shelton son, Dick and his family. He spent a good share of time taking care of his garden which is a real eyestopper. And coming from Olympia was daughter, Margaret and family. Over at the John Hitchcock home we're sorry to report that John is still laid up and pretty miserable. But he says he just as uncomfortable one place as another so they have been getting around a bit anyway. Last week their oldest grandson, Marv Carnes, who is still home on leave until the end of this month was out for a three day visit. To correct a previous error, Marv is headed for King Cove, Alaska. He has been in New York for the past two years. Just prior to coming to the Island he and a friend had been up on a camping trip to Lake Ozette in the northwest corner of the state. Over the Fourth ttitchcocks and their son and daughter and families all camped on the southend of the Island known to many as the Cedars or by its alternate name to old time residents, as the Calves Pen. Last Sunday John and Beulah Hitchcock took a drive up on the Canal and stopped in at the Carl Nattus home to see Aina Anderson. A family get together was in progress with most of the members of the Scott family present including some cousins' from California. A recent drop-in visitor in the Ballow area was a former Islander from many years ago. Celia Glaser reported Harold Rustom of Olympia was of vintage prior to that of the Glasers. He stopped there to visit and also at the Hitchcock home to recall the good old days of early Island era. The Jim Lohrers enjoyed having Naomi's sit•r, Ada and her husband the Vern Engwalls of Vancouver as their guests. They all took a trip to the North end to see the newest development, but gave it up when the road didn't look too good. Coming home they dropped in on Marie Jacobson for a surprise. For it was Vern's folks that Marie and Oscar first became acquanted with and stayed with when they arrived in this country many, many years ago. The group spent a couple of enjoyable hours recalling bygone days. The U-pickers at the Campbell Loganberry patch are really finding the competition keen. A more accurate description of the present situation would no doubt be-"deer picker". Good news from the Gay Williams on Sunset Hill, their horse "Deep Question" recently came in second place at Longacres. Congratulations folks. College Names Albin T. Saari, a television specialist with The Boeing Company in Seattle since 1965, has been named Chief of Media Engineering Services for The Evergreen State College at Olympia, according to Dean of Library Services James F. Holly. The appointment is effective July 15. Saari, 40, will assume responsibility for planning and directing technical operations of college instructional electronic communnication systems, including audio-visual, television, response system equipment, and media facilities. His duties will involve supervision of design work and equipment installation, modification, and maintenance. ary munity Edith Johnson South speak and show Work on Sunday ,rn. at the Matlock William Barnes 25 of their Saturday at here. Guests Seattle, Island. Club held its last week Rossmaier three visitors of Shelton and Rossmaier of Club met at the night with and SCore went to ~Y and Kathr n 't - Y - o Louis Asche low score to ell and Dale meeting is July Mrs. William Erickson of Weekend at the received word brother-in-law ~r of Bremerton. a Vacation trip attended In Bremerton Will meet at ly for Pot Luck at 8 p.m. Wells Mayer and Thursday at O than two weeks deadline on Southwest Parade falls, Carol Baker already totals, is Chehalis at lia at noon. Lere are 10 ~om marching ecorated cars tnizations and baton teams, Civic units, )resentations auto clubs, or musical a special groups theme is Omorrow's referring to music will be be secured erce offices LLEY .L Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Green of Quincy called at the Elvin Hearing home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Thompson of Wynooche Valley spent Friday evening at the Edward Valley home. Brenda and Lisa Rossmaier of Olympia spent the past week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mrs. Edward Valley, Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mrs. Wells Mayer are cooking for three weeks at Panhandle 4oH Camp for Grays Harbor and Mason County's 4-H groups. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Davis of Tacoma called at the Dan WAlker home Saturday evening. Ricky Dana Hopkins and Tara Breckenridge spent several days last week at the R. E. Bradberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopkins and Debbie were dinner guests Wednesday at the R. E. Bradberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin attended the funeral Tuesday in Elma of their aund Mrs. Grace Sherwood of Satsop. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker of Federal Way, Mrs. Larry Walker and girls of Tacoma, Mrs. Dan Walker and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and children of Aberdeen spent Friday night with their folks the Archie Kelleys. The Smith family went to Seattle Saturday. Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Clevenger, Mrs. Dave Clevenger of Lake Nahwatzel and Mornal Brown of Shelton. Saturday guests at the Dick Tupper home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman of Tacoma and Bob McCluskey of Shelton. The Dick Tupper family motored to Edmonds on Sunday to visit Mrs. Jessie Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. John Summerfield and enjoyed dinner with the Summerfields. Susan Tupper will spend this week there with her grandmother and uncle and aunt. put the SPRING in your CHANGEOVER! Has rough winter driving made a "slow-poke" out of your cart Spring changeover service now~ eomhined with a tune up and safety check, will restore the power and driving comfort you are missing. For repairs that are beet for your car-and your pock. etbook-ineiet on NAPA parts. 0nly the finest replacement parts are privi]q~d to bear the famous NAPA Seal of Quality, They are made by America's leading manu- factursre and distributed in 50 states by NAPA - the world's larl~t automotlvedls- tribution net- work 229 S. 1st St. Heavy Cost ACCENT DISH in stainless by International Silver Slice 'n Serve set in famous Wm. Rogers silverplato Lovely Ban Ban dlsh in famous Win. Rogers silvorplate Yes, now you can have your choice of either of these beau- pony, each of these lovely gifts will complement even the most tiful silver gifts FREE when you open a new savings account with . discriminating table. us of only $250 more, or when you simply, odd $250 to your Stop by and choose yours soon. And, remember, too, we will present TCF account, transfer your savings account from onywf 'e in the nation oh- Flawlessly crafted by the famous International Silver Com- solutely free of charge. And we'll give you o free giftt toe. T URSTON COUNTY FEDERAL 8/ /INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION , OLYMPIA" SHELTON • LACEY • OLYMPIA Home Office • CepbI Wey • LACEY Branch - 41111 Merket Square • SHELTON Branch |!| Reilfl~l kVei Thursday, July 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15