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body and fender repair and TIMBER SALE relive Agr ent tar action is to secure a divorce from and serve a copy at your Answer ORDINANCE NO. 106 recreation and s p p g " Methodist Church: .The~,~
N A T I O N AL FO REST the Management of the the defendant upon the grounds upon the undersigned attorneysWHEREAS, pursuant to RCW that the approximate location of ~en'secl incubi1
painting. Free estimates. TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC Participating Forest Properties in stated in her complaint on file as for plaintiff at their office below 36.68.060, Mason County is the impounding structure is ~,- and ,ar%nT~!~
S]]/13tfn NATIONAL FOREST, SOUTH the Shelton Cooperative aforesaid and for such additional stated; and in case ofyour failure authorized by the legislature to within SEV4SEI/4NE1/4 of Section illegal t-o be used 0n,~il~l~
BACKHOE SERVICES with late FORK SKOKOMISH 1969 No. 2 Sustained Yield Unit entered into relief as is prayed for in said so to do, Judgment will be establish a park and playground 5, Township 20N., Range ~wa(ks. A/S0~"~
2W.W.M., in Mason County. be~ oPe~dl~
model ]5 ft. backhoe. 15 years SALE, located within T. 22 andby and between the United States complaint, rendered against you according to systems, and Any objections must be unlicensed driver on =="" ,~
experience. Also sewage systems. 23 N., R. 5 & 6 W., W.M., of America and the Simpson B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON the demand of the Complaint WHEREAS, various requests accompanied by a two dollar or si_dewa!ks. __.~ tBI~,~-]
Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr. partially surveyed. Public notice is Timber Company, Dated Attorney for Plaintiff. which has been filed with the have been sent to the Board of($2.00) recording fee and filed At the same_ ,}ffi;~.l~l
426-3053. 6/11tfn hereby given that pursuant to the December 12, 1946, an estimated Office & Post Office Address: Clerk of said Court. C o u n t y C ommissioners to with the Department of EcologyO "'~bhe~'~./~I
provisions of Section 5 of Public 34,100 M board feet of timber Angle Building, The object of the action is to establish such a system, and within thirty (30) days from July ~;;xcept ~'11~
BATHROOM AND KITCHE-N Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. marked or otherwise designated Shelton, Washington 98584. obtain a final Decree of Divorce WHEREAS, there are no 23, 1970. no Motor Bike shall,~l~l~
remodeling. Roofing, patios, 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and for cutting will be sold to 6/11-18-25-7/2-9-16-6t from the defendant, present organizations capable of Witness hy hand and official ~r;~atipn to~t~t~]~
carportS.Osborne,s Smaller426.6241.jObSo1/25tfnalSO. Call Seattle,SimpS°nwashington,Timber onC°mpany'July 27, HAARMANNP E T E R S O N A N D providing these services for public seal this 8th day of July, 1970. ~on'-said Pr°,tl~.~
recreational purposes, GLEN H. FIEDLER only to be used on%'~
1970. The minimum acceptable ~ B y / s / R O B E R T H. T H E R E F O R E B E I T
bid per M board feet is: NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER PETERSON D E P A R T M E N T O F same as any regular ~v~" .~1
J Douqlas-fir, $38.65; white fir, FOR SALE, OLYMPIC Attorneys for Plaintiff vehic.cl.e. _ ,~.,~inarl¢~
unk Cars Servkes ORDAINED by the Mason ECOLOGY
$11.50; western redcedar, $5.95; NATIONAL FOREST, SOUTH 621 Rust Building County Board of Commissioners 7/16-23-2t These ordinan~="~
as follows:
western hemlock and other FORK SKOKOMISH 1969 No. 1 Tacoma, Washington 98402 ~e t~'warn!.,r~ll~l~
coniferous species, $15.85. InSALE, located within T. 22N.. R. 6/18-25-7&2-9.]6-23-6t 1. There is hereby created a NOT-----~E~D ~Patrol, Co~l~ll
County Park and Recreation
addition there is within the sale 5and 6W; T. 23N., R.5 and 6W., Board, to be known as Mason WATER RIGHT ~~C~n/J~l~l/I
area an unestimated volume of all W.M., partially surveyed. Public NOTICE TO CREDITORS County Park and Recreation APPLICATION NO. 11021 ~shingtO~' " .,'~11
PHONE - J O4 6 TREE SERVICE species hardwood which will be notice is hereby given that NO.4123 Board. STATE OF WASHINGTON otthosevehictes. ., ~';ii
426 _ DANGEROUS TREES paid for at $1.00 per M board pursuant to the provisions of These ordinanCet ~'~
feet. Additional deposit required Section 5 of Public Law 273, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 2. The Mason County Park andDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, ubli hod and poste0.~,!~
, 1/9-30 SAFELY REMOVED for slash disposal is $1.13 per M 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, O F T H E S T A T E O F Recreation Board Shall consist of OLYMPIA. p s . C0U-" :
board feet for all species. Atotal U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the WASHINGTON FOR MASON seven members who shall be TAKE NOTICE: That State, City and n~l~'~aI
COUNTY IN PROBATE. appointed by the Board of PASSPORT INC. of Seattle, Enforcement Ago .~=~ll~Jm
enforced as the lawS~"#!!m
PAIN11NG ml NY WAtt volume of 500 thousand board Cooperative Agreement for the IN THE MATTER OF THE County Commissioners to serve Washington on July 6, 1970, filed use of said vehicles II
feet in addition to that which is Management of the Participating ESTATE OF NANCY MELISSA without compensation, a p p li cation for permit to property comes u
surplus to needs of domestic users Forest Properties in the Shelton NICHOLSON CARD, Deceased. 3. For the appointive positions withdraw public ground waters
RESIDENT and Topping ..~ ~_ Trimmingand processors as stated herein, if Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on the County Park and through a well situated withinjurisdiction. , IE
Board of Trustees ., rh~ i
COMMERCIAL H~Ws "''"~ Clearing any, is exempted from domesticentered into by and between the that the undersigned has been Recreation Board, the initial NWV4NEV4SEV4 of Section 5, The UnitedMethOdi~.~,~' ~
FREE ESTIMATES processing. If successful bidder United States of America and the appointed and has qualified as the terms shall be two years for two Township 20N., Range 2W.W.M., of Shelton, Washi~gg~,
~d~ aH~RIRRsluSr notifies Forest Service prior to Simpson Timber Company, dated personal representative of the positions, four years for two in Mason County, in the amount
Bo ed C.C. COLLIN;ERMs 357-9971award that he will not export all December 12, 1946, an estimated Estate of Nancy Melissa Nicholson positions, and six years for the of 150 gallons per minute, subject JohnMerrittK.F'BennettWingar°' ~.~
or part of the exempted volume, 36,100 M board feet of timber Card, deceased; that all persons remaining positions, to be served to existing rights continously,Laurence Bedell ,,
tfn the exempted volume in the marked or otherwise designatedhaving claims against said deceased in each instance to the next each year for the purpose of Mrs. Gordon Benne~
CALL 426-8773
| 7/4tfn Town&Country contract will be adjusted for cutting will be sold to are hereby required to serve the following June30 thereafter, the community domestic supply. JamesE. Barrom ~,i/
accordingly, so that the Simpson Timber Company,
- same, duly verified, on the term for each appointive position Any objections must be David A. Thacher ;~
. Appliance Service uncommitted export exemDtions Seattle, Washington, on July 27, undersigned or his attorney of shall be six years and shall end on accompanied by a two dollar Guy E. Powell ~/
Pclving Conlrclctor Parts & Repairs for Major may be assigned to one or more1970. The minimum acceptable record at the address below stated June 30. ($2.00) recording fee and filed
subsequent sales. Bidders are b id per M board feet is: and file the same with theClerkof 4. The Mason County Park and with the Department of EcologyDean Pa~
ASPHALT PAVING Electrical Appliances a d v ised that violations of Douglas-fir, $30.35; western the said court, together with proof Recreation Board shall have the within thirty (30) days from July
--Driveways Ph. 426-3410 the Domestic Processing hemlock and other coniferous of such service within four (4)following powers and duties; 23,1970.
--Parking Lots 4t requirement constitutes breach of species, $10.05. In addition there NOTIC.E_o~rI~
contract and may result in is an unestimated volume of all months after the date of first a. Shall elect its officers, Witness my hand and official . ~R'A~TbC~;~It~
Bob Kimbel Const. ' contract cancellation, or in species of hardwood which will be publication of this notice or the including a chairman, vice seal this 8th day of July, 1970. ,. Not~er'/s."llerebY0~l~lJ
426-4243 -- Shelton ROTO-VATING refusal to award timber sales to paid for at $1.00 per M boardsame will be barred, chairman and secretary, and suchGLEN H. FIEDLER tne f~:~lowin~a~;'l~l~
the violator, or debarment orfeet. Additional deposit required Date of first publication: July other officers as it may determine D E P A R T M E N T O F Warrants are cal~=hu= 1"r.¢1~
..... Satisfaction suspension from bidding on for slash disposal is $1.04 per M 2, 1970. it requires. ECOLOGY
future timber sales. If requested board feet for all species. A total Donald R. Card b. Shall hold regular public 7/16-23-2tat me ~:~thheat'i;1~
cease J ulv .-!6. ~1~'~ !u~
MOSS ON ROOFS? Guaranteed by the State of Washington or by volume of 500 thousand board Personal Representative meetings at least monthly.
Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, feet in addition to that which is GLENN E. CORNEA c. Shall adopt rules for ST--T--~-E~ 16 1970:
or by any person deemed to have surplus to needs of domestic users Attorney for Estate transaction of business and shall LEASE APPLICATION ' C~RnvtE:ToEs.X~'t° ]
We remove by spraying. 426-2857 Evenings f a reasonable interest in the and processors as stated herein, if Bell Building keep a written record of its NO. 59546
Free Estimates. 4(23t n proposed sale, or in its terms, a any, is exempted from domestic 121 South Fourth Street meetings, r e so lull on s, 102 acres of State land in N~A2D6~6UN~0 .~,:
public hearing will be held in the processing. If successful bidder Shelton,Washington transactions, findings and Mason County to be leased for COU ADFUND i
426-4316 426-1086 ---- mm =,= ==='-m office of the Forest Supervisor, notifies Forest Service prior to 7/2-9-16-3t determinations, which record Christmas trees. Lease period isWarrantNoS. = .... ~
U HAUL Federal Building, Olympia award thathewillnotexportall ........... shall beapublicrecord, from August3,1970toFebruary inclusive; ,~
Mc6/25tfn I~1 Washington, on the 17th day ofor part of the exempted volume, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS d. Shall initiate, direct, and 1, 1980. Public Auction to be EQUIPMEN=T REBH]~
July 1970 at 2:00 p.m., PDT. the exempted volume in the ROOF CONSTRUCTION ON administer county recreational held on August 3, 1970 at 10:00REV~vMI~I~F=U~n~t01i~
DAY & SONS Requests for public hearing will contract will be adjusted RANGERS RESIDENCE AT activities, and may select and a.m. at the Mason County ran~el =~il
Trucks & Trailers not be considered unless received accordingly, so that the SCHAFER STATE PARK IN employ a county park and Courthouse. A copy of the leasei~o~. 5407
in the office of the Forest uncommitted export exemptions MASON COUNTY. recreation superintendent and containing all requirements is incl
CUSTOM BOB K Supervisor, Federal Building, may be assigned to one or moreSealed bids for roof such other properly qualified posted at the Department of LSTR~I~.~.I
IMBEL Olympia, Washington, on or subsequent sales. Bidders are construction, installing windows employees as it may deem Natural Resources Office in SCHOOL_D/
ELD before July 8, 1970. Dated June advised that violations of theand installing siding, on the desirable. Shelton; the Mason County 311--GEN,ER,~ t0~.
RICHFI 22, 1970. Wynne M. Maule, Domestic Processing requirement ranger's residence atSchaferState e. Shall improve, operate, Auditor's Office; and the officeWarra.nt-Has-(~" . !
ROTOVATING tfn Forest Supervisor, Olympic constitutes breach of contract and Park will be received by the State and maintain parks, playgrounds, of: inclusive; _,t~ll
National Po, est. may result in contract Parks and Recreation Commission and other recreational facilities, BERT L. COLE 3SwOCagr___LD,.~,=.TRI~~~ !~~ll~T
Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 HAND SAWS 6/25-7/2-9-16-4t cancellation or in refusal to award until 3:00 p.m., Friday, July 17, together with all structures and Commissioner of Public Lands
timber sales to the violator, or 1970. " " me equipment useful in connection P.O. Box 168
machines no job too large or TABLE SAWS SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION debarment or suspension from Plans and specifications y therewith, and may recommend Olympia, Washington 98501
NO. 10471 bidding on future timber sales. If be obtained from the State Parks to the Board of Mason County 7/16-1t
small. A~ ~7=m SHARPENED IN THE SUPERIOR COURT requested by the State of and Recreation Commission, Commissioners acquisition of real Tr~re~of=Mat~0~-
O F T H E S T A T E O F Washington or by Grays Harbor 7150 Clean Water Lane, Olympia,property. NO--T~F'-'OF~-G Sta'~;gf=~Nashingt~'i_,~
1--v'w--,,-- 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) WASHINGTON IN AND FOR or Mason Counties, or by any Washington 98501, Telephone f. Shall promulgate and FINAL ACCOUNT (seal) ........ wasld~F~
, 4/9tfn Ph. 426-6687 6/~z,n THE COUNTY OF MASON. person deemed to have a 753-2020 or from Park Ranger, enforce reasonable rules and NO. 4096 • Dated at SheltO-, "'-
HENRY J. ISAKSON, reasonable interest in the Alan Sinclair, Route 1, Box 87,regulations deemed necessary in IN THE SUPERIOR COURT July 16,1970 _~
Plaintiff, vs. JOHN L. DUMAS, proposed sale, or in its terms, a Lima, Washington 98541, the operation of parks, O F T H E S T A T E O F ~~
Dozers& Bockhoes JR., and the unknown heirs ofpublic hearing will be held in the telephone 482-3852. playgrounds, and other WASHINGTON FOR MASON ------ l
WElL John L. Dumas, Jr.; LOUISE R. office of the Forest Supervisor, The commission reserves therecreational facilities, and may COUNTY. NO)-'~ICEO'*~PR~pF~.
DUMAS, and the unknown heirs Federal Building, Olympia, right to reject any and all bids. No recommend to the Board of In the Matter of the Estate ofWATI='RIR~I~I'.'~I~
Gravel & Crushed Rock DRILLING of Louise R. Dumas, if deceased, Washington, on the 17th day of bidder may withdraw his bid, Mason County Commissioners G R A C E G A R D N E R -"'NO-2Z~a~ASI41]~
also all other persons or parties July 1970 at 2:00 p.m., POT. after the hour set for openingadoption of any rules or THOMPSON, Deceased. ST_ATE O~P ~I~'-E(;T
unknown claiming any right, title, Requests for public hearing will thereof, or before award of regulations requiring enforcement NOTICE is given that the Final DEPARTMENl v, ~llli
estate, lien, or interest in the real not be considered unless received contract unless said awards areby legal process which relate to Account and Petition for OLYM~=,,~IC.E: ,,EI~."
Expert Operotors B!II Heal estate described in the complaint in the office of the Forest delayed for a period exceeding parks, playgrounds, or other :)t~ ....
herein. Defendants. Supervisor, Federal Building, thirty (30) days. . . recreational facilities. Distribution has been filed with TAKE"NOTI,,CI~AAI~
BO I(IMBEL ¢0H ~ 426 :r H E STATE OF Olympia, Washington, on or Washington State ParKs ana g. Shall eachyear submit to the Clerk of the above Court andThat~.TOton~r'0~,Jil
B -211Q WASHINGTON, TO the said before July 8, 1970. Dated June Recreation Commission the Board of Mason CoUnty the Executor seeks settlement of Union,"Washin__~t°~i0n.f~
• Commissioners for approval, a the account, distribution of the 1970, ~~~1~
426-4243 J/22tfn ----- theDumas,JOHNunknownjr.; L. DUMAS,heirs of JR.,John andL. 22.NationalForest1970.Forest.Supervisor,Wynne M.olympicMaUle, 7/9-16-2t yearPr°p°sed budget for the follewingin the manner provided by matterseState' haveand beendiScharge'set for hearingWhich i~re't~'a~Cbrut~rOyf °0' "~t0~ to 2=lver t th:i~;d01~~
LOUISE R. DUMAS, and the 6/25-7/2-9-16-4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS law for the preparation and on August 20, 1970 at 9:30 a.m.
-~-- --~'-"-------'~'-----'------';=" ='--'~=-:-'-'-'--~-"~'--*---------'---unknown heirs of Louise R.~ NO. 4118 submission of budgets by elective in the Courtroom of the said
[~,==,=~--" I~- ~lttli~DB ......... i.=f ii~ i~-R-I~- E;~;II----- " Dumas, if deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT or appointive county officials. Court in the County Courthouse t~hga~h~~~ti~/
ALSO all other persons or NO. 4122 O F T H E S T A T E O F h. May, subject to the of Mason County in Shelton,
parties unknown claiming any SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON approval of the Board of Mason Washington.
right, title, estate, lien, or interest WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. County Commissioners, enter into Lodge Kimbel
in the real estate described in the COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of c o n t r a c ts with any other Mason County Clerk diversion is. I°~'tdci..a,l~ll,
complaint herein, Defendants: IN THE MATTER OF THE CORAV. CHAPAS, Deceased. municipal corporation, ROBERTL. SNYDER of the"l~l~n~-I~il~n~lIJlO lit '
Y O U A R E H E R E B Y ESTA TE O F E L M E R V. The undersigned is the governmental or private agency Attorney for Executor Section" 25~., ~'~iL
125]/2 N. 5th Range 2 W." ....
SUMMONED to appear within LUNDIN, Deceased. appointed and qualified personal for the conduct of park and Shelton, Washington 98584 County. _~=,,ctio~
sixty (60) days after the first Notice is hereby given thatrepresentative of said estate,recreational programs. 7/16-1t Any oD, J~"a .t"~R
publication of this summons, to t he u n dersigned has been Persons having claims against the i. The park and recreation
~"~"~-"~'~ ~ ~ wit, within sixty (60) days after appointed and has qualified asdeceased are required toservethe board established by this FR~F acc°ml~anied-'~n~a f'~J'~
the 25 day of June, 1970, and Administratrix of the above same in duplicate, duly verified, ordinance shall perform all ($2-00)~rt~e,n.t~
BRANCH OF MCCLEARY .:' defend the above-entitled action entitled estate; that all persons on the undersigned or the functions, exercise all powers, and TRUSTEES OF THE UNITED with th~'0) dlY~,'.~
in the above-entitled court andhaving claims against said attorney of record at the address make all such determinations as METHODIST CHURCH OF within thirty (aur - _~1,~
INS. & REAL ESTATE ~ answer the Complaint of the deceased are hereby required to stated below and file the samespecified in RCW 36.68 and SHELTON,WASHINGTON 23,Witnessl970~---'~vm.Y.',,'fJg_l~'~tlarld"v'~'~l~
plaintiff and serve a copy of your serve the same, duly verified, on with the Clerk of this Court, subsequent legislative acts. The Board of Trustees of the seal thi~Y~'l~¢Bt~l!l~
JAMES W. HODGES "-= answer upon the undersigned said Administratrix or her together with proof of such 5. There is hereby created a United Methodist Church of GL~L~vM~gr,~
attorneys for plaintiff at their attorney of record at the address service within four months after Mason County Park and Shelton, Washington do thisdate,
office below stated; and in case of below stated, and file the same July 9, 1970, or the same will be Recreation Fund and to which July 14, 1970, issue an OrdinanceD E P ,~ r~ , ~/~!B~
your failure so to do, judgment with the Clerk of said Court, forever barred, fund shall be placed the allocation against the use of all Mini-Bikes ECOLO(;Y
will be rendered against you together with proof of such VIRGINIA M. FAY as the Board of Mason County on any of the property of the
according to the demand of theservice, within four months after 9900 24th N.W. C o m m i s s i o n e r s a n n u a I I y
complaint, which has been filed the date of first publication of Seattle, Washington 98107 appropriates, together with
240' low bank frontage on Salt water only 11 miles from Shelton.
Over 8 acres that can be sub-divided. Some merchantable timber,
and attractive 3 bedroom home. A good buy $35,000.
Two waterfront lots on Lake Nahwatzel with beautiful summer
home. $16,500.
Phillips Lake cottage. I bedroom, nice living room, kitchen, bath,
well, nice lot. ½ block from public access. Pink aluminum siding
on outside. A real cute place. $10,000.
Saltwater Front, low bank tidelands, best beach, Lid Inlet,
beautiful view of Mt. Ruiner. Bulkhead, 3 bedroom home,
fireplace, 2 car garage, good well, Steamboat Island Road, only
Waterfront lots on Lake Limerick, Mason Lake, Spencer Lake, &
Star Lake.
124 N. 1ST.
Tom Townsend ............................... 426.6S97
Tom Savage ' 426,8584
James W. Hodges ..............................49S-32S9
C. Tab Murphy ............................... 482-2249
Was Sanders ................................. 482-3S90
Mike Murphy ................................ 482-2249
Dk~ Antllla .................................495.3S89
Jerry Pennelt ................................. 352-3423
Nk:k B~der ..................................495-3241
I Ill I I I I
'age 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 16,
with the Clerk of the Court. The
object of said action and the relief
sought to be obtained therein is
fully set forth in said Complaint,
and is briefly stated as follows:
The object of this action is to
quiet title to vacant and
unoccupied land and, in the
alternative, for a decree of
specific performance indicating
that plaintiff is entitled to have
real property which is the subject
of this action conveyed to him
and for the other and usual
incidents to such cases of action,
said real property being located in
Mason County, Washingtonu and
described as follows:
Tract 48, Tee Lake Shore
Acres, as recorded in Volume 4
of Plats, page 40, records of
Mason County, State of
By Robert H. Lamb
Attorneys for Plaintiff
1407 Alaska Building
Seattle, Washington
MAIN 2-5366
No. 10446
BERG, Plaintiff, vs. MELROSE
You are hereby summoned to
appear within sixty days after the
date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: Within
this notice or the same will be
Date of first publication July
2, 1970.
Administratrix of said Estate
Attorney for Estate
3421 Kitsap Way, Suite E
Bremerton, Washington
7/2 -9 - 16 -3 t
NO. 4124
In the Matter of the Estate of
Notice is given that the
undersigned is the executrix of
said estate; all persons having
claims against decedent are
required to serve the same on her
or her attorneys at their address,
and file with the Clerk of Court,
together with proof of service,
within four months after the first
publication hereof or the same
will be barred.
First publication July 9, 1970.
Attorneys for Estate
304 Medical Dental Bldg.
Bremerton, Washington 98310
NO. i 0460
ROBERT L. SNYDER miscellaneous revenues derived
Attorney for Estate from the operation of parks,
125½ N. 5th play~rounds, an
Shelton, Washington 98584 recreational facilities, as
well as
7/2-9-18-3tgrants, gifts, and bequeaths for
park or recreational purposes. All
expenditures shall be dispersed
NOTICE OF HEARING from this fund by the County
FINAL ACCOUNT Park and Recreation Board.
NO. 4098 APPROVED by the Board of
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Mason County Commissioners
O F T H E S T A T E O F this 29th day of June, 1970.
COUNTY. Chairman
In the Matter of the Estate of William O. Hunter
Deceased. ATTEST:
NOTICE is given that the Final Ruth E. Boysen
Account and Petition for Mason County Auditor and
Distribution has been filed with Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board
the Clerk of the above Court and of County Commissioners
the Excecutor seeks settlement of APPROVED AS TO FORM:
the account, distribution of the John C. Hagen
estate, and discharqe, which Mason County
matters have been set For hearing Prosecuting Attorney
on August 20, 1970 at 9:30 a.m. 7/16-1t
in the Courtroom of the said
Court in the County Courthouse
of Mason County in Shelton,
125½ N. 5th
Shelton, Wash. 98584
Attorney for Executor.
NO. 4057
COUNTY. In the Matter of the
NOTICE is given that the
Final Account and Petition for
Distribution, has been filed with
the Clerk of the above Court and
NO. 59674
40 acres of State land in
Mason County to be leased for
Christmas tree harvest. Lease
period is from August 3, 1970 to
February 1, ]980. Public Auction
to be held on August 3, 1970 at
10:00 a.m. at the Mason County
Courthouse. A copy of the lease
containing all requirements is
posted at the Department of
Natural Resources Office in
Shelton; the Mason County
Auditor's Office and the office
Commissioner of Public Lands
P.O. Box 168
Olympia, Washington 98501
sixty days after the 11th day of Plaintiff, vs. ELENA DENNIS, the Executor seeks settlement of NOTICE OF WATER
June, 1970, and defend the above Defendant. the account, distribution of the RIGHT APPLICATION
entitled action in the above T H E S T A T E O F estate,, and. discharge, which NO. R-22342 TO
entitled Court and answer the WASHINGTON TO THE SAID matters na~e~oen set for hearincj CONSTRUCT A RESERVOIR
complaint of the plaintiff and ELENADENNIS: on Augus 0, 1970, at 9:3~ AND STOREwATERS
serve a copy of your answer upon Y O U A R E H E R E BY a.m. in the Courtroom of said TAKE NOTICE: That
the undersigned attorney for the SUMMoNEDTO APPEAR within Court, in the/County Courthouse PASSPORT INC. of Seattle,
plaintiff, B. Franklin Houston, at sixty (60) days after the date of at Shelton, ashington. Washington on July 6, 1970, filed
his office below stated; and inthe first publication of this EUGENE HAVORD application for permit to
case of your failure so to do summons, to-wit: Within sixty Executor construct a reservoir and store
judgment will be rendered against (60) days after the 18 day of ROBERT L SNYDER therein the public waters of an
you according tothe demands of June, 1970, and defend the Attorney r Estate unnamed stream tributary of
the complaint which has been above-entitled action to the 125 ½ N. 5th Jones Creek in the amount of 25
filed with the Clerk of said Court. above-entitled Court, and answer Shelton, Washington 98584 acre-feet, subject to existing
Plaintiff's objective in this the Complaint of the plaintiff, 7/16-1t rights, for the purpose of