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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 16, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 16, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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and Regulations for ,the Public Use of Lands and Roads ged by the Department of !!i, Resources i2~)10 DEFINITIONS. The fol- apply to all of the listed "Developed Recreation Sites" 'reProved observation, swimming, picnic sites. "Camping Equipment" in- to accommodate the transport, and the bing Paraphernalia. "Department" shall mean the Resources. "Vehicle" shall mean any Capable of being moved upon ' Upon, or by which any persons or may be transported or drawn include, but not be limited 'trucks, motorcycles, motor br'scooters and snowmobiles, can legally be operated on APPLICABILITY AND public use rules are tng recreational, economic and es on land and roads under the Department of Natural Re- of Washington. These rules allow Washington's trust lands historic roles of revenue pro- les COver public use activities on sites and all other lands of the Department of They cover the public use of Under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources and the of fire. These public use rules le to Persons, or their assignees in industrial harvest, or agriculture or grazing Under sale, lease or permit on lands under its juris- I is incompatible with agreements. Nor shall these Provisions of Section III, WAC lands under Department's are Withdrawn or leased by a rules governing public use or leased, provided that aPplY upon request of the agency. Public notices of Posted by the Department In such locations as will to the attention of the will also set forth to any areas on which are imposed and post in the rules shall be made in the office of the Lands, Olympia, and in Administrators. GENERAL RULES. The omissions are prohibited on on of the Depart- tll garbage, including paper, materials and rubbish ex- the area, or disposal at areas. dumping refuse or waste or Other vehicle except in food, or washing cloth- use in any drinking or Contaminating water due and reasonable care Ig lakes, streams into receptacles pro- ~, any body waste in or on COmfort station or any UPon the ground, or de- Cans, cloths, rags, metal, damaging substance in any of the fixtures in such stations or structures. (f) Using refuse containers or other refuse facilities for dumping household or commercial garbage or trash brought as such from private property. (2) Public Behavior (a) Inciting or participating in riots, or indulging in abusive, threatening or indecent conduct or indulging in conduct that destroys the normal recreational experience of other users. Persons violating this rule may be evicted from lands under the jurisdiction of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources. (b) Destroying, injuring, defacing, removing or disturbing in any manner any public build- ing, sign, equipment, marker or other structure or property. (c) Selling or offering for sale any merchan- dise without the written consent of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources. (d) Posting, placing or erecting any bills, notices, papers or advertising devices or matter of any kind without the written consent of the Department of Natural Resources. (e) Erecting or using unauthorized build- ings. Persons violating this rule may be evicted from lands under the jurisdiction of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources. (f) Exploding or igniting firecrackers, rockets or fireworks of any kind. (3) Audible Devices (a) Operating or using any audible devices, including radio, television and musical instru- ments and other noise producing devices, such as electrical generating plants and equipment driven by motors or engines, in such a manner and at such times so as to unreasonably disturb other persons. (b) Operating or using portable public address system, whether fixed, portable, or vehicle mounted, except when such use or operation has been approved by the Depart- ment in writing. (4) Vehicles and Road Use It is the policy of the Department of Natural Resources to encourage public use of all roads and trails, land and water under its jurisdiction consistent with its trust responsibilities, con- servation of soil and water, timber and grass and the natural environment, while maintaining a reasonable balance between the proper needs of conflicting user groups. Therefore, the fol- lowing rules shall pertain to all lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Re- sources and to all access roads across private lands through which the Department has ob- tained the right of public use. Rules and regulations bearing upon recreational access to Department managed lands and roads may be waived (in writing) by the Department for special situations provided that the events are consistent with the above Department policy. (a) Vehicles may travel over all roads ade- quate for conventional 2~wheel drive passenger automobiles unless poste~ against such use. (b) Roads, abandoned railway grades, skid roads, and similar routes inadequate for con- ventional 2-wheel drive automobiles and all trails are closed to vehicular use unless desig- nated or posted as open for such use. (c) Vehicular travel off-road or off-trails is prohibited except in areas designated or posted by the Department as open for vehicular travel. (d) Snowmobiles may travel over roads and trails on Department managed lands except where posted against such use. (e) Snowmobiles are prohibited from off- roads and off-trails travel except in areas designated or posted as open by the Depart- ment. (f) All regulations having to do with safety, noise abatement, speed and fire pre- cautions which apply to other motorized vehicles in developed recreation sites or on other lands managed by the Department shall apply to snowmobiles provided that: One head- light in working order shall be deemed suf- ficient lighting system for snowmobiles. (g) Operating a motor vehicle at any time without a muffler in good working order or operating a vehicle in such a manner as to create excessive or unusual noise or annoying smoke or using a muffler, cutoff, bypass or similar device or operating a motor vehicle with an exhaust system that has been modified so that the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle is amplified or increased above that emitted by the muffler originally equipped on the vehicle is prohibited. (h) Every motor vehicle during the "Closed Season" as defined in RCW 76.04.252 shall be equipped with a spark arresting muffler ap- proved by the Supervisor of the Department of Natural Resources whenever such vehicle shall traverse over any state lands other than on roads from which the inflammable vegetation has been cleared of sufficient width to pass a four-wheel vehicle and such road is surfaced with a noninflammable material. (i) Driving in a careless or negligent man- ner or driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquors or under the influence of narcotic or hallucinogenic drugs is prohibited. (j) Headlights must be turned on whenever the visibility is reduced to 200 feet or less due to darkness, dust, smoke, fog or other weather or atmospheric conditions. (k) Speed Limits-The driver shall operate his vehicle at a safe speed at all times and not in excess of any posted speed. (I) Right-of-Way-The driver of any vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, shall yield the right-of-way to log hauling or gravel trucks, except as otherwise provided: (i) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection, not otherwise posted, shall look out for and yield the right-of-way to any vehicle on his right simultaneously approaching the intersection regardless of which vehicle first reaches and enters the intersection. (ii) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direc- tion. (iii) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to ~nimal-drawn vehicles and per- sons riding animals and shall make reasonable effort to avoid frightening or startling such animals. (m) Following-A vehicle whose driver does not intend to pass shall not follow another vehicle closer than 150 feet provided that vehicles driven by a single organized group may follow one another at a lesser but reasonable following distance. (n) Pedestrians' Rights and Duties-Every driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. Pedestrians should clear traffic lanes as soon as practicable. (o) Animals-Every person in control of an animal or animal-drawn vehicle shall remove same from the roads to allow vehicles to pass as soon as practicable. Whenever the driver of a vehicle encounters a herd of livestock which is in control of any person, he shall not move through the herd until directed to do so by the person in control of the herd. The person in charge of the herd shall remove the herd from the road or trail as soon as possible. (p) Drive to Avoid Damage-No person shall operate any vehicle in such a way as to cause damage to the roads, bridges, cattle- guards, gates or other structures or appur- tenances which form a part of the road. (q) Parking-No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle or obstacle upon the main-traveled part of the road; any vehicles otherwise parked must leave sufficient room for the passage of at least normal traffic, provided, that this does not apply to the driver of: (i) a disabled vehicle, (ii) an emergency vehicle, (iii) a fire vehicle. (r) Engine Noise-Excessively accelerating the engine of any type of vehicle when such vehicle is not moving or is starting from a stopping place is prohibited. Pollution hurts everyone. Please do not litter. Pick up the garbage and put it in the garbage can. WAC 332-52-040 PUBLIC BEHAVIOR- RECREATION SITES. The following acts or omissions are further prohibited at Department of Natural Resources developed recreation sites: (1) Destroying, defacing or removing any natural feature or vegetation. (2) Discharging firearms. No person shall discharge across, in, or into any portion of the developed recreation site a firearm, bow and arrow, or air or gas device or any device capable of injuring or killing any animal or person or damaging or destroying any public or private property except where the Department has authorized otherwise. (3) Occupying a site for other than primarily recreational purposes. (4) Entering or using a site or a portion of a site posted closed to public use. Notices establishing closure shall be posted in such locations as will reasonably bring them to the attention of the public. (5) Building a fire outside of stoves, grills, fireplaces or outside of fire rings provided for such purposes. (6) Camping overnight in places restricted to day use only. (7) Failure to clean their rubbish from the place occupied by the person or persons before departure. (8) Pitching tents or parking trailers or other camping equipment except in places provided for such purposes. (9) Camping within a campground for a longer period of time than that established by the Department of Natural Resources. Notices establishing limitations on the period of time persons may camp within a campground shall be posted in such locations as will reasonably bring them to the attention of the public. There may be different time limits in the various recreation sites depending upon conditions, time of the year, or available facilities. (10) Failing to maintain quiet in camp- ground between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. All persons shall maintain reasonable quiet, and adults accompanied by children or pets shall be responsible to insure that children and/or pets maintain a reasonable quiet. (11) Bringing saddle, pack or draft animals into the site unless it has been developed to accommodate them and is posted accordingly. (12) Bringing pets or other animals into campground unless under physical restrictive control at all times. (13) Leaving a camp unit unoccupied during the first night after camping equipment has been set up or leaving unattended camping equipment for more than 24 hours. Such unattended camping equipment which is not removed is subject to removal. WAC 332-52-050 VEHICLES. The following acts or omissions are further prohibited at Department of Natural Resources developed recreation sites: (1) Driving or parking any vehicle or trailer except in places designed for this purpose. (2) Driving any vehicle at a speed or in a manner likely to endanger any person or property. (3) Driving bicycles, motorbikes and motorcycles on trails unless such trails are posted for vehicular traffic. (4) Driving motorbikes, motorcycles, or other motor vehicles on roads in developed recreation sites for any purpose other than access into, or egress out of, the site unless authorized and posted by the Department of Natural Resources. WAC 332-52-060 USE OF FIRE. RCW 76.04 and all rules and regulations duly promul- gated thereunder apply to recreational fires on lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources other than developed recreation sites. The written permission re- quired under WAC 332-24-080 may be waived for recreational fires by the local district administrator in designated areas within his jurisdiction. Trees, shrubs, flowers and the facilities are for your enjoyment. Please assist us in keeping them in good condition. WAC 332-52-070 PENALTIES. Failure to comply with any of the rules set forth in the preceding sections subjects the party or parties to the penalties provided by Chapter 160, Extraordinary Session, Laws of 1969, and the loss of access to and exercise of privileges on state-owned lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources for such period of time as the duly authorized repre- sentative of the Department of Natural Re- sources determines. WAC 332-52-080 ENFORCEMENT. These rules and regulations will be enforced by the Commissioner of Public Lands and such of his employees as he may designate. (1) Provisions of the above rules and regu- lations may be waived by written permission by the Department of Natural Resources except for those activities controlled by statute or ordinance. Waivers may be granted when they are determined by the Department to be in the best public interest and will result in minimal damage to Department managed land or re- sources. (2) No rule or regulation adopted for the Public Use of the Department of Natural Resources Managed Lands and Roads shall interfere with operations conducted for the purpose of the saving of life or property when such operations are directed by the proper authority. (3) All rules and regulations listed above are adopted by the Department of Natural Resources pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington, chapter 43.30. WAC 332-52-090 EFFECTIVE DATES. These rules and regulations shall become effec- tive upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after said rules and regulations are filed with the Code Reviser, except WAC 332-52-030 (4) (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), which shall become effective August 1, 1970. For further information please contact: Phone Number Port Angeles District Office Route 2. Box 123-B, Port Angeles 98362 452-9241 Shelton District Office Star Route 1, Box 37-AA. Shelton 98584 426-8242 Montesano District Office Route 1, Box 59-B, Montesano 98563 249-4142 Thurston District Office 7810 Martin Way, Olympia 98501 753-5746 Port Orchard District Office Drawer F, Port Orchard 98366 87~8085 Willapa District Office P. O. Box 707, Raymond 98577 942-3446 Deming District Office Deming 98244 592-3161 North Bend District Office P. O. Box 306, North Bend 98045 888-0181 Sedro Woolley District Office Route 4, Box 17, Sedro Woolley 98284 856-2755 Sultan District Office P. O. Box 277, Sultan 98294 7932621 Chehalis District Office Route 5, Box 518. Chehalis 98532 748-8617 Elbe District Office P. O. Box 96, Alder 98301 569-2234 Ellensburg District Office Route 3, Box 1, Ellensburg 98926 925-2027 Enumclaw District Office Route 3, Box 596A, Enumclaw 98022 825-2517 GlenwoodDistrict Office Glenwood 98619 364-2404 Castle Rock District Office P. O. Box 736, Kelso 98626 274-6644 Battle Ground District Office P. O. Box 546, Vancouver 98660 687-3125 Colville District Office P. O. Box 190, Colville 99114 684-4573 Deer Park District Office P. O. Box 487, Deer Park 99006 275-2917 Omak District Office P. O. Box 192, Omak 98841 826-0770 Columbia Basin District Office P. O. Box 7, Ephrata 98823 754-4621 "1 want to have a few words with those folks at the Journal. I was the fastest draw in the West until they came to town with their classified ads. Poeple came to me with their money problems. Now they turn to Journal classifieds for extra cash. A small, inexpensive classified ad turns those 'don't wants' into $10.. $20 .. $30 extra spending money. They're quick on the draw and always on target--reaching thousands of readers in Mason County each week. Best of all, they work for just a BUCK AND A HALF. I can't compete with that.., nobody can! Besides, maybe they can help me sell my six-shooter." Forks District Office P. O. Box 480, Forks 98331 374-6223 Thursday, July 16, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21