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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 We don't just TALKServke We get it d000e! Maybe yoii'v he!tatit tb put your washer in for erv= JOe for fear we might be slow in idshing the wbrk. PleaSe don't Worry about/hat. We ARE busy of course, but we make a rule to finish each servlce job WHEN PROS- ISED-4and as early as pb- slble. Phdne us today. NAsH BROTHERS 123 S. 2nd St, Phone 334 Marines Appoint Local Recruiters A directive recently received from Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps authorizes the appointment of Vohmteer Reserve ReCruiting Officers on a localized basis by the various Reserve District Di- rectors. In line with this procedure, or- ders have been received by 1st Lt. Roy E. Ahderson USMCR 12'0(} Chestnut Bteet aid 1st Lt. Emery E. Clokett, USIVCR, 120 E. 10tli Avenue, bth of olYmpia, Wash- ington, from the Dit'ector, 13tll Marine Corps Reserve District, [Seattle, Washlngt0iL appointing them Vohinteer Reserve Recl'ui- ing Officers in,the Tlmrston and Mason Counties area with author- ity to effect reenlistments Of for- mer marines in the Marine Corps Regerve. Enllstm.ents In the iai'lne Cot'p in the pat requiie tee ihdivtdual lh Phauy casds tb make a relativ'ely long trip to th'e neae§t Marine CorIS leci"uitin SthUoh at Iris own expehse to complete the en- lititmen process. Und the pres. cnt mTangement appltcant will be sWmTL it and their ehtistment paj)ers cqmpleted in th'eir home tokens with n0 travel or inconven- ience involved. Atiyone interested in beqbning a member of the Marih'e Corps Re- sbrve is advised to contact Lieu- tenants Andersbn and 'Clokett for further' inf0imation. BALD PoPr REsoRT SOLD The Clint HafiITy R e s o r changdd hands receiitly when it was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Kenileth Rothlein. The flft'een cabiils are to be reihodeled, clearied and painted. COiJRETE WiLL LAST Our blook are going fast, but we are enleaV0Hng t0 build up a sizable stock. BETTER SEE US IF YOU NEED BI.0CkS BAYS1DE CONCRETE PRODUCTS '  ,+, + , i L ' , Sports Wear For The Sportsw se J You'll Find a Wide Assortment of sPORT COATS . and JACKETS In All Colors, Styles and Sizes "=v=VrEU =: the local eommurity helped Ed- Ward Okonek celdbrate his birth- day a week ago last Sunday at his beach home. A delicious lunch was,served. The honor guest re- ceive'd some vl:/ nice gifts. Ed- ward Okonek. St., and Al Okonel¢ went fishing at Sekiu and brought back a load of sahnon. Guests at the AI Okonek home were Mrs. Bernard Welch and Mrs. W|lllral)l. TtVelk' fikib:atYdh are fi§hing in Alaska. Other guests were cous|tl/0f Mrs, RbS from Deep River. rs. R:Oss, hb is MrS, A10konekq rh'0th'e, i|l leave loon for her home in Mich- igan after sRelfling" a year. hre with hr dadhtei's, Ms. A1 (k: onek i's. Wesserl!ng and Mrs. Welch. MrS. Margaret Rice entertained three tables at Pioochle at ler home last Ttitirs'da., inJtead bf the uual two. Guests were Mes- dame Ruth Ether.ton, Betty Tayo lor, iadalynh StiSek; tb 'Cobk, Winnie PeterStii% Ann Westberg,. Ethel Buckingham, Sarah Han- sen, Jane Mitchell, Ja}e And rus, Vi Barett and Mrs: Ribe. 1Wrs. Jane Mitchell won first prize again and Mt's. Buckifig'harh, the first won con- dation prizes and Mrs. Eekert their While with somh week, Bryan leg just ab'bve the iikl*e.' ,. .. Mrs. Vl'arrett, with ECe'lyil; Billy and Idbby, speht t Week in Seattle vlsitig relatiVeS, ...... Mr. anal MYS. T. W. Ellis .'Of Se- attle speli Saturday with h Wren family. They iitlth4: Wth' them a lot ol raspei'iies. Miss Lbi-dtta O'LOugljlin aid Mrs. ena Jbhno,l hlid Vidl rethhli, Satui'dy dn  ,trip "around the loSl." Tde§day Miss O'Loughlin moved from the Wes- serling place whereshe has lived all winter While tachihg our school. She will spend the sum- mer in the okahogan cotintry. Ttih flretnah's hll Wits Well at- tended last Saturday e¢ening at Victbr. There wii1 b hnbther dance Some place, Same Spouse 5 on ,thdr 26th Julius Stock and .Web Etheit0h ,are the dfice cora- l nittee fdr 5u r Comitihtty Club. RLTON-MAJON Cor/wT¥ JOURNAL i , , ,, , i i i i i i i ! TRAVEL PROGRAM FEATURES MOUNT RAINIER AND ALL BALL GAMES (Across from Junior High) Many of the all-time record number of tourists and vacationists who plan to take tq the open road this v[a are expected to include Washitlgton's world- Us Mount Rainier In their travelS,. ,This picture I the snow-capped mountain is one of a series of R00ing Ciub Will H00)lti FirSt Session The fiewLV Clihbii Roping Club ,will h0id its first r0p!ig. Session t the llhfl), tare r eo ground, A. lIn reg0rted eStbdRy. : Formed to gih "local men and women a chande to learn to handle a lariat, ttie orgahizatf0n is invit- :ome out and a special in- to the ladle§. Anyone interested in watching the roping session toinorrow eve- ning is invited to come to Island It looks as though we are en- ]ar'ging our borders somewhat. That district which we used to kriw as Detroit is just full of peo- ple--m0stly from Tacoma. The place is growing so fast what with all the campers and a few per- manent residents. , Mr. and Mrs. Sam CHppen and two daughters Merla ani Diana, fifty-four full-color photographs of scenic vlews of the West that Standard of California will dlstribiJte to remind travelers of beauty spots they should visit. The o company rlans to give away 27,000 000 copies of the photographs through its various retail outlets. DE. rLROY EATS have moved out to thpir summer we-+ t9 spend most of the SummeP:here. irs.. Cyippen'a sister, Mrs. Ralph out on, a mLq'hty, prc-Christmas here als0. She and her htiband all.ou the theme of Patti Bnfiyan, 1 are moving frem Callforntit to patron saint of hc. hnnber induh- Paul Bunyan's ltomecdmidg.. • The biggest and best story 1're heard on Paul Bunyan for a long time is simple news. It tells that "Paul Bunyan Days" are to be celebrated in Tacoma through July 14-20, sponsored by the Young Men's Business Club. Ig's high time. I say, and all men with rcal hark on tllem will shout amen. Other sections have gone far ahead of us m exploiting tlc Paul Bunyan woods leg'ends. Little Bemidji, Minnesota, has publicized itself nationally on the Paul Bunyan theme--and hy use of a giant statue of Paul and Babe the Blue Ox in concrete, of all things I Promoters in Milwaukee, Wis- consin, have obtained national at- tention for tourist attractions of the Badger State througlk a Fra- ternal lodge called Mystic Knights of the Bhm Ox. Even in Gary, Indiana. a center of. steel production, the merchants MORRIS Olyinpia. . try! This, while the West was do- :::d':a2:A=$ Brick Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. E]dred ing nothingL£tboilt Paul and l,tbe (formerly 's Wear> H€ Made. Celebrated their wedding anniver- in its many blossom, parsnip, rom sate at :their home a :week ago and oystel/ festivals. 123 Railroad Ph0ne 494 ake -- Pie --C0ffee last Sunday. , But now Tacoma is handing the , mmm  i ; m  Tom Cutter, uho owns the place hero his due, a real homecoming. 7T -  .... . - -. which he calls Vulture's Roost, is The Lore Grows . . . spending part of his time in olym- Paul Bunyan is my business. pia where lm is cmployed by the Like tl;e loggcr who'holds cut- Eagles Lodge. Alyn'l-- Juvehile Department: Kay Ste- vens celebrated her ninth birth- day wth a pai'ty at her hpme on ,,v,,,,, ..... ,,,4,v,,-,- Jily 12tti. Just about all the girls Mi's. Howard vVoodard, Clar- ahd boys of the gi.ade school at- ence, Esther and Beverly, are now I IS ot ended. EVelyh Bfirrett w0n first vacationing in Denver," Colorado, isrie for carrying a bean on a and Will visit with relatives and kfiife, ahd Barbara EthertOn, friends there for several weeks. ahd Rice and Diana Taylor won Mrs. John (Frances) Tuten was honored at a bridal shower last first, second and third prizes, re- p;pectively, for. putting Clothes pins p. a 0ttle. Mrs. Ann Westberg, ho, they tll us is very good at this Sort of thing, hhlped Mr Stevens, . it Would seem we are going to ]ive quite a primary grade, in school next fall. The names: Har- ley, Somers,. Leslie Rice, Larry Etherton, Archie Gilbert and Rich- rd Ok0nek, :it seems to us that oiiae Of these babes in arms i]Ust a yeiT short• time ago but that's the vas, it goes. Drily Barrett is spending a few days with his gi'andparents in se- Are You A FO00OI) ADDI00? Helnie Hilderman Makes a Spbbialty of \\; Sea Food Dishes dt the TMrd and R=Ulroad Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. L. Wilson. She was presented with many lovely gifts in the presence of 25 guests. All enjoye a potluck hmcheon. Mrs. Bill Reno an'd Miss Shirley Wilson we ttte tgstesses. We arc gld t o have Mrs. How- ard C0dk and her children back • 6 6 6 ... to pdy an extra price s0'0000ething r00lly good, The difference between good pfiiitiiig and poor planting is not in the price yoti pay bat iii the skill of tli00 pfl00ter you chOose. N We hR!ie been printing fop iaiy years, We have kept " U @ith th( Changing trends of piintifig t:yl htl ve, tdel that we can safely iiy. that bpr wo/.k €oi4pete§ with the best, not only in quahty bu in cost. WHEN YOU NEED PRIIPIiG AGAIN GE YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH AT The j 0 U R N AL Phone i00 ovm" hind and is amazed that trees do grow, I wonder at thc spread of the Bunyan legends. Right now I have a hand In three books concerned with the old timber tales. One is a new book called "Paul Bunyan's Bears." which is now making its t)ainful way through the press. Another is my old original "Pmfl :Bunyan." first published in 1925, and now in the works for a new edition that will appear next Jan- mary. A third is a collection of Bunya1 stories fronl wtrious sources, with an introduction as my t)art of the job. I have heard runlors of others Out of a file of sample items I cite a Ivortune Magazine article on "Paul Bunyan, Giant"; a South- ern Pacific national magazine and newspaper advertisement that pic- tur(s Paul Bnnyan and Babe ill the making of the old Oregon whale corral at Coos Bay; a full page poem fronl the New York 'I?imcS Sunday ]Vagazine entitled, "Paul B:myan is Back"; an Es- in our €ommunally again. They moved into theh' present home on July '4th and are now comfortably settle'd. Mr. Cook is still in Ahs- ka., The Community Club will meet next Wednesday, the 23rd. ISe- member the date and corne out. Rev. Johnson will conduct pray- 1947. AT LAST YOU CAN BUY AN A GARAGE OR SHOP FOR ONLY F.O.B. SEATTLE WAREHOU$ WHO HAS OF HIS OWN biAS ONE NG UP See Our Sample Garage all Set Price includes all hardware, fraifiiiig cut---and Overhead Door and NO DOWN PAYMENT  3 $16.60 Month MISKELLA AT MUD BAY "Y" PHONE 9690 - OLYMPIA ',!': Sheiton Company FLOOR SANDERS In Our Location o11 Mountain View ON THE OLYMPIC Ht+mO!,l Box 5S, s#! I MAILING ADDRESS- P.O. pH0 ' Charles Weirauch quire irtiel, "Paul Buflyan on " ' + Saipan"; f Ford Times piece, _' "Paul Bunyan Was Ire First"; I ' a great farm magazine's quarter " pag+e ad in the Chicago Tribune, headed, "This Coh)ssus Makes Paul Molthoid ROOfing P ltt ) :BunVan a Piker," with two-thirds  I  of l'he space a picture of Paul :P -' Bu.y... Double Craft Sheeting S ...+..+..ore o, .o '1 sam° might be shown. Skill Drills LaWil Word ot' the Sa('hem . . . Now the young business men of :wer and Hand Grlll"I" vi' Tacoma ha:e eitercd the claim that the Tacoma is. the true home JLt of Paul Buny'm; L &  i   [ Their autloritv is tire nnques- Amepeo Garden Hose la tioned :achem of lumber history and forest lorc, Stewart Holbrook. ecently in the New York He,'- p  rurin'-lb"s ..--a vden aid-Tribune, Holbrook gave some other Pnul Bunyan books a, chilly :nlff or two and min'e kind words. He said I had the real Paul LaWn• Seed and snagged. And ilion tie told where the real Paul Bunyan came from. "Mr. Stevens simply picked his Paul out of an old pile of Doug- las fir slash he found in a clearing on the west slope of Moun Rain- ier (Tacoma), not far from Ohop." That is enough for the young go-getters of Tacoraa. They chal- lenge all t:olncrS lo show  strong° cr home c.laim on mighty Paul and Babe the Blue Ox. Auto Owners Warned They May Face Fine I Weedicides Power Hedge I OLYMPIA O'Neill Building, FirSt & Rillr Admiral TOMATIC ELEtIRIt- Sever H (Sam) ILL and Announce the re-op M. K BARBE In the anne THE SMOK[ 110 FIRST STREET- m BONELESS B Wake up fb[ks!--fiee Time the day's work was OUR MILK brings you st Makes your work teem (This iS No. 24 in Ma creamery si'apbook in cash 1; LI 00OOnd 29 PICKL[ BEEF TO 17 years. The Vaughn team in their game with Silverdale V.F.W.'s won by a score of 9 to 8• ltst Sunday. Tlmy play again next Sunday at Silver- dale, MOVING AWAY. , Good luck to you--'and make the Job eas|er for yourself by letting us take card of the transportation of your ef- fectsanywhere in Washing- ton ! SItELTON TRANSFER .... 221 S. 2nd Phone 66 For correct in[o;rac, tion contact youI oearcst VETFRANS ADMINISTRAw + l'lON)'offie. date of sale. The larger penalty may be waivhd if tlm motorist can show lcgal proof that his auto has been in storage up to the time applica- tion is made for new license plates, ]VIrs. Panley added. ON YOU G[ INUPANCE AP09 m'aL lj8¢tlY tNCOME PROC13DH FOR OU @ er service on Thursday night, the Ill Bllying Late Plates 17th, in the Allyn Church. Mason County Auditor Susie E. GRADED Gee Mrs. Gene Scherfenberg and Paulev warned motorists today children of Bremerton spcnt sev-that t+ley must face a $3 penalty SHORT era! dtys last week witl tier par- for buying 19,t7 license plates after ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Austin. the legal datc for obtaining plates. Mr. ahd Mrs. L. H. King visited She also pointed out that there his sister, Mrs. Frank Blair, at is a $1 penalty for the transfer Of Walls Walls over last week end. title of autos sold if the transfer 29 This was a happy occasion as Mr. is not made wiLhin 30 days Of the Pound King had not seen his sister for