July 17, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 17, 1947 |
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17, 1947.
il,m iv i i i
AMONG YtOR MCHA RhinesTwins,
bll n | . ]14 .] , close shaves and neat trims are ] iture building is rapidly approach- ; bard, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs.
lit K iti It II ltJ back together again with. the re- I ing and Proprietor Ole Olsen, Roy Clarence S. Rhines, 1304 Railroad
........ r = AT 1 l.lrl ,,--- opening tlfis week or t ne -K I Glfford and Lyle Mullen are very Ave., Shelton., recently enlisted
t:,L IN lJ[/. .LN / LI,'2] ,,v Muo Barber shop in the moKeHlllnop I bus. y these• days cleaning up the in the U. S. Navy Chief Partch
...... . ..... i 0F I-t05 OWN annex by Sever (Sam) and I myriad of details which must be USN, Recruiter in charge of Naval
iiAi'i: lit.) k'lJltl] ll ,,_ Homer McComm . .. l attended to in preparing a new recruiting in this area, announced
i[/4hr. |lh ]|-t|Jr J)i ONE Hill and McComb were zorcea to I business location, today. Rodney and Ronald both
............... e, ...... temoraril break up their part- I They have lans for a grand attended Shelton high school, both
........ , tnWING UP . ' of Ya dozen years last No- o enin whichPelver Shclton and are ardent baseball enthusiasts,
..rhip I P g Y
J'(| $ m, .... embe, r when they had to give up Mason County resident will want having played, for Shelton high
,)7',.V 39 ) their location in the bank build- to know about, so watch The school as pitcher and catcher com-
,, , , .L " " eded ' "
.. ing when the bank ne the I Journal for coming announce- binations, Ronald winning dis-
r, - ^'-'ri A,'&rHOU snace for an expansion o its quar- I ments about the date and other tinction with fifteen strikeouts to
................... te'-rs. [ details of the opening, his credit in a seven inning game.
-- - .... t 0 Hill hooked on w!th Watson * * * Both boys declared their inten-
amole Garaee all Set up ,, Ros in the litter's snopne.xt to J. Earl Carr has a receptive ear.o tions of naking the Navy a career
- .' =* ' -- *he Firestone Store on Kanroaa l listen wnenever ne eem iKe talK- ana after neir nasic training ac
....... • .,,,'ii1 : . k- "_ " .... ,, cComb sent the inter- in about "old times" now that San Die o, Calif., plan to attend
cmues au narawarc, ,,.u. /}l? ,alUengMC bit of hristmas tree I Cet Richards has become a Ms- Aircrewan School, where their
..... .... ,-*J q /1::::'59r" ] cutting" a bit of relief for other[son County resident ability to coordinate their efforts
d overneatl ltoor and t-,,- i! r tonsorial experts here and in Port I The two men became acquainted and work as a team will be of the
0 : ['" Angeles who wanted vacations, J shortly after World War I at a highest importance. ,
. x,, DAYMEN T 3 yEAR . [t: and quite a bit of fisning ana rest- dance at Des Moines, near Seattle, In battle an Aircrewman is one
........ ,, .;., -"., [] r -T ing .[ and from that meeting blossomed of the team that helps win the
lii.I)U lllOlllJll . .i: [] g -.J '..'... Now they've found a location a friendship which resulted in Mr. fight. He is a gunner. However,
( J to resume their partnership and Richards entering the newspaper he has two separate and distinct
.li:.4 I ... ... "-"- -. -,t. j ..... n-w *heir work of keeping Shel-. profession as a typographical Jobs. He fires, the guns during the
IMili'l|#'lli If iI OIf]lli| |1[ ) Ik " ton's masculine populatmn neat worker, learning the trade from short minutes of battle; before and
.hill,Ill ell n nt %liVl°l I 3V*:' / '...'.:!ii and natb, I Mr. Carr, then a pressman and after, he is a skilled technician.
l]llOlt_hh OUlluz " k iiii "" * * * [ stereotyper with the Seattle Star. He may be the radioman of the
AT rlrTll RV "" [ i:':'i:::":i!!:'.ii:i}i';!!iii!:ii:iii':il More improvements to the.bust- I They also entered a partnership plane the ordnanceman or ..its
z-- .,=.v .,...,= " f i :|::::::::::::::4:::::::::::::::: ..... il heSS section of Shelton incmue re- I in wnich they urcnased together mechanic Whatever ne joo Calle(l
. .:{ : ,:,':::,:,':'b:,:.':':':,;.:.':':':':':':':':- -- .... -- P "
- ....... A !;] ILl cent neon sWn installations at the the Tremper estate of 360 acres at upon to do, the twins with their
PHONE 9690 - OLYIWr "..t :::.:,......... ' ....... o-- ctric Ar '
1 i Cota Grill and Killmer El.e , I eadla Point m 1936. Mr. Carr excellent knowledge of the desired
i i A2L--- ' b°th°n' Cots :t:e:t at aria near {:{! t,atYEht:hf:slv 7 tsu{: sThro:uCcli!g:e::a!eae.wkfprl
.............. , a dolral E i eA::a icr s r: fm )hi: Tyl w Rdu } Ri:hadn eJ u } t iaricn:dm eudn i I s 7mt
:o, i( llir .......... unaay, --hn he moved his wife Shelton Motorcyclist
ulDi the services ana helping nan• u and his s * "
,, , &TION • next J on Douglas here perm- HI hwa
-- tll=..=. - I .=--i91 ylD AUTnta- ,, Clint Wlllour this week and . '1 anently Injured on g y
Iil'lMIli I ,llJLllllr *1t} Cllak',':-' ' and that same statement can e I Several of th wsfrfrnnt tracts A vounff Shelton motorcyclist,
i.UiVm, ll lll llill'--:' .< / i l iti=m ..,,t==.tt said for the Pantorium Cleaners. . of the original .................. acres e urchased Rober't V. ault, 17, suffered min-
L Jlnn ., _ _ .3' ..... by the Rxchards-Carr partnership or in]urms when t e m. e he
: Tailors where Doroth W]llour s • g P • ' " h achin
i , ../ " m,l -- one ot tne ley. memoers o£ ,, have subseouentlv haen sold and was (lrivinff struck an auto ariven
!lli il ':i l -- " staff.. M.r. and Mrs. Willour ..are I as many ran-re pernan-en'-t residents by Herbert-R. Forester, 22,of .Ho-
vacacomng m ualEornxa vm auu dded to th ' n umm on the utympla neicon
vvJ, iinq ljF il i 'J a is county s populatio . q " , "
n , ,', II i- * * * [ Mr. Carr, who spent 25 years highway July 8.. ....
J= m _, rp-- After nearlv a year of operation J with The Seattle Star typograph- The acciaent, wnm.n occurrea
........ • ' _ []' under lease, Bill and Bessie Wolfe Iical staff, recently purchased the near Mud Bay .Junction, causes
...... - "- - : :J [] Ill --' *hi week returned to their old Jretail sales department of the $150 damage,to the 'orester auto,
lll Ill] llf|ll .-- chores'o-f-personally directing the ] Eliot Electric Equipment Company and about $400 damage to t!m
[ I i | ] [ - ] | -'_ll • ll2-=_-- .... ol --- nnration of The Grove. popular l here. motorcycle arivei\\; ny rauit. ".me
lliti I! i" et-in-g-establishmentonHood,-'qan-] Last weekend he was host to cycle burned ana was almost a
- _-_ . -- - , : - : al between Potlatch and Hoods-one of his old fellow-workers on total loss. . .........
.. . pork The Star, 'rank Webster, manag- am was treatea ac one neicon
,.] : --------- _ -[ ing editor. General Hospital, then released,
....... Jm'J| " I] • , , His home is at 1726 Holman St.,
--n- 1=3E, ,i/ ,^__ J l Since July 1 operatmn or 1me ShtoT was chared with negli-
lU * ver S er Olympia Feed Store at First and . .
}OR SANDEKb - : ,... am) Hom J] -ilroad has been under the dir- gent driving following the report
, , R, of State 'atrmman A. B. VemKe,
' HIII ,,,..I llAI!AUD I/ecUon of Rudolph . Sanderson .... +^ ha-crossedthc,,ellow cen-
IllL dl|U IV|tJP31V| J I ssV'oTdhr°e yehaere 7-li'neiiY i,the path of t he
,, h Mr anaerson na ------ -.---- ----
In Our Location on Announoa fh .i e #h JJbeen in busines in Olym;i, Sc-
-*, ,...,..,,., ,-vk,,,,, ,.. .... v I/n.ttle and Tacoma as wiae. a cnoice o masculine ap-
.. . .. i,= ..... . ....... lI--1V[r. Sanderson succeeds James parel as the most fastidious per-
aounlaln = £u - 14, RAIJIJh"I, 1-1| IP [l C White as manager of the store son could wish, but even 'Vern
. JLt JLtZ']kI,I.I'AI$ k.]llL.]l I/for Fred Holm owner The new himself was surprised at just how
• Wj | [J manager has llumerous improve- great the variety was after tak-
• liJ liv' <. ments in mind for the store which ing mm-year inventory a zew ays
N THE OLYMPIC H #1 In the annex to lU .... rr out as -uickl- as a-o
-'8, Sn i line writ ca y q y . . .......
X 59 As a result Ot l:na¢ inventory
ILING ADDRESS- P.O. Be. ..,| r1[-1[1 ]L/l[ll]l (][-T'D I/eondttions permit.
• ,tlOl '! Xl kLyJLKgrl]kl kDJLJLJI. II * * * every man in this community will
rles Weirauch r,,- ' i - J/ Vern Miller has maintained right be interested in the.news contained
.iL: 110 FIRST STREET SHELTON J[ along that the men's wear store in a, large ad .bearing the Miller
. ' J/which he owns and operates in men s nop mgnature on page u
. , ,, ........ " ' '" I the r Shelton Hotel building offers, of this edition of The Journal
. :,
Molthoid Roofing PaP x
, . ,deo , r s , .
O'Ne,,, Bu*,.g. F,rst n." _ lll¢ € .I
' ,I" "Pound q Lb. € lJllJ m'
t GRADED GOOD BEEF • /N t Ir*lrl !1 Y !1% / lflrlRrl
: ll IJ I O uart t
POund 49 .:: , ,k:::<.:::;:::.. "1€
Pound 1111
Pou,,d 49
, i i
.,c,u,,. an HI'
Our prices are very [] • n I i
competitive we have U
twelve departments to i i i,
serve you. We have I ' '::
daily delivery service ', 11i il:
at no extra charge. We 2€,72 ;/'((
have a large parking •
,o, ,o, ,ou, oonv=- il, ;
ience. Ours is a home
owned store and com- "
Pi!n:rs!:Ur//Ufh hJ:i; ' -- ,
account if you wish.
Egg Noodles and Turkey 49 ¢ @ : Kraft's
Ranchers Pride ............................................ 34-oz Cans , . . -.
Bottle ....................... : .............................. ................ . llj " i Pint €
Canned Chicken ; Jars ........................ ,-v"
Royal Ch ............. Can.
00!am Ch°wder ............................... 4-9; ,oo00o w,,o00 00tlm
Chow Mein Dinner S9 ----7 HI-HO CRACKERS
Benn Gee ........................................................ Package
Package ......................
Caltone Big 5 ... ........................................ Large Can
itE003,d Towels. ..... 2-pkg. 29 € e
IMg,_'"'.' I Scott
Toilet Paper .. 6 for 59 ¢
I'1 'WAFFLE/ _ _,..
I1 FLOUR I 1 , R'*
O0000d00oEng!!shVan!!!a ...... 49 II.-_J ........................ ..
Nalley s
Popt Corn 119 ¢ ' - .....
Sum More ............................................................ 2Cans -- Lumberjack Syrup l
Sandwich Bags in €
Handy .................................................... o iu ac,o --- Bottle .......... 33 ¢
• • 4 €
Drinking Straws ' 19 Gallon Jug ..... 1'62
500 in Box ..................... , ...... :f-.,,. .............................. :: .....
Shelf Paper - 27' 0H0tFor Drink Cps i, " ......... .._n
Washablo --25 ft. long -- 13 inches wide 2 Pkgs. il
Baking Cups € , JELL-E-SEALS
and Jellies indcfinitely arid clean, dust proof
For Cup 'X,akcs ........................................ 2 Packages w Dust l=roof ..... Easy to Apl)ly • Keeps Jams
Sw?t.ter.s...: ................................................. 19' 2 Pacl, ages ........ 19
Dandy Maid ..... Scours, Polishes, Cieans ........ 2 For ram-- ----..-._;,,s(als •.- ---.-- , , ----- ,fl'tv°':alodl")'°stt'ferlJ'Pfq°°idSg(:: ,=.._Id':
New Flexible (100-ft. 1.49) under your ice tray ...... it prevents sticking.
Plastic Clothes= Line 69'
]Plexible as rope will not rot sag or stretch o0-ft. -i,,
Duo- Dustln Sheets € Small White Beans , €
Picks up : convenient ....... nlqP' . Cello .................. Package . ................. ' 2-1bs --
.... : i "° ii
!{!t!',]t FOOD00.00
i I ..-.-==
Plct Sweet Peas ............ 25 ¢
Mixed Vegetables ........... 28 ¢ Golden Bean,
Golden Sweet Corn .......... 23 ¢ Cleaner
Pict Sweet Strawberries ..... 40 ¢ Qt. 1.00 Gal. 3.00
Established 1895