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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TASTE THE DIFFERENCE BINNS ICE CREAM WHOLESALE and RETAIL New Cabinets Now Available to Dealers CRYSTAL I C E 1 lb. CLEAR Try Some New FlavoPswPEPPERMINT, LEMON CARAMEL, BANANA, TUTTI FRUITI, BLACK WALNUT• BINNS ICE CREAM 8th and Franklin Phone 49-M i I LOST MY &apos;" BULGES AND FOUND COOL COMFORT SPENCER iIiI Have a. coo. SPENCER designed es)ecially for YOU! It's truly re- markable how a SPENCER smootlla away bulges, improves posture, relieves back fatigue and warm weather exhaustion, yet IT cOSTS NO MORE! BERNICE SCHREIBER Phone 799-J DEALER 1416 Summit Dr. SPENCER ,nd,vidua,,y SUPPORTS Designed - i), Millions of'temperate pe@]e ezjoy BEER, Eke light refreshment beverage "It'8 the Water" THE ORIGINAL r tIGHT lADLE DEER THE OLYMPIA BREWING COMPJ,!NY. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, °'T, I . I ' U.S.A. BUY RIGHT . . . A SUBSTANTIAL WITH S0ClFIL Double Wedded Couples Observe 45th Anniversary Last Snnday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Oral Mercer of Olympia cel- ebrated their ,15th wedding anni- versary together. Mrs. Ernest Suko of Olympia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, held open house in lonor of the two couples. :Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Mercer had a double wedding 45 years ago in Marsh- field, Wisconsin. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Mercer carried their brides to their wedditig in twin, surry topped buggies. The wedding cake at the open house was topped with the original clasp hands that were on the first wedding cake in 1902. Guests from Shelton at the cel bration inc.luded Mr. and Mrs. FlOyd Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Venzke and sons, Fred ahd Rodger; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace An- deison and daughter, Sandra: :Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wingard and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brook. oPEN Am CHURCH The public is invited to.attend. the Baptist Open Air Clmrch set.v- ice to be held at 7 p.m. July 26, at Knee:land Park. TIe neeting will ,b'e conduct'ed by the Baptist Young People and will feature singing and special music. Two speakers from the lo- cal group will give talks. POTLUCK SUPPER HONORS NEW REVEREND JULY II A potluck supper was held. ire the <First Methodist Church in honor of the new minister and his wife and daughter Friday, July 11: Following the supper the choir director John Steinberg, lead the grohp in comraunl:y Staging. A number of the older members of San Francisco, Calif., are visiting Mrs. McEvoy's sister, Mrs. Frank 'Huntington, on the Canal for a month and are getting reacquaint- ed with old friends. This is Mrs. McEvoy's first visit to her home in several years. Visit Cut Short Byl Bad News first visit in 12 years to childhood scenes h Mason Counl.y was shortened two days for Eug- ene Mason of Cleveland. Oklaho- ma, gnest of his brother, Nolan Mason of Shelton, when word was received Saturday while the broth- ers were in Vancouver, B. C., that Eugene's wife and daughter had been injured in an 'automobile ac- cident near Independence, Kansas. Eugene left Sunday on the Union Pacific Streamliner for Wichita. Kansas, where lids wife is hospitalizec with a broken leg. His daughter was bruised and shakes but not badly hurt. Eugene htd enjoyed a weeks visit h'ere with Nolan, fishing with e0nSiderable success in Hood Can- el. He had been a resident of Skokomish Valley from 1921 to 1926 as a young boy and this was his third v}sit back to his old home since leaving, the first in 12 years. W. S• C. GIVES TEA lq'0l'0'RINi '8. IGHT The Woman S Society for Christ- Dan Servfce of the First Methodist church met in the chUicch parlors Wednesdday, July 9. The meeting was ca)led,to order by the pre,n- Gent ]Yh. W. :IV[. Elliott. Devotion hs givlen by !M:I:S. William Br0dt. Mis. Bernice Stewart entertain- ed with two vocal solos "Trees" and "My Task". She was accom- Panftd bY. Ml$• John Steinberg. A duet "Under His Wing" was sung by Mrs. Stewart and ,:Mrs. Steinberg'. Reverehd Wayne Wright gave an tntere, sting, talk regarding his work as an Army Chaplin while in North Africa. Following the program a recep- tion and tea honoring Mrs. Wright was held.,. Tlie t:'ables were decorated With Uiniier flowers by Mrs. Phil Fredson. the congregation recalled various The hostesses were Mrs. Walter pastors of the past 30 years,, and Snelg'ove, Mrs. Horace Crary and told Of their activities in ePving Mrs• W, M. Elliott. the church. ' ' Mrs, Robert C, Johnson told FARMERS FiE-ID-])AY some of her husband s experiences fifO BE HELD JULY 16 When he was pastor and how he The annual farmers field day will be held this ?ear Wednesday, le.a'd the movednt for tocl op- July 16, at the Western Wasling- tion. Brief responses were made by ton Experiment Station. Reverend Wayne Wright, Mrs. Fai'riers will have the opportun- Wright and daughter, ity of seeing the many experi- ..... ments being cbnducted such as RIIO'S VISIT HERE pastur .and hay trials, fertilizer John Terho, Mr. and Mrs. Ru- t plots of grasses and legumes, pro- dolph Kangas and children, Ricl'- pagation Of berries, strawberries, ard and Mary Lou, former resi- raspberries, blueberries, breeding .denjq of Shelter and now residing of resistant varietLes of strawber- ries and othe.P frnits. Many new in Kelso, were ov'ernight visit0rs varietie S o peas, potatoes, corn in Shelter last week. Mrs w-,' ' * ........ ' ..... and other truck crops along' with "o "s'" - ......  meren me,noes ot sloe aresa- t w. nor home ana remuves m , .... - nsfor ............ ing th commercml fertilizer will ,o ' (1 ana guzutn, 2¢lmnesota ......... f -- "o .... 11 b -1- he exec{s to be ,)n o),,,,' t .... De snow].   ur w e ne en*hs l th ug'h the poultry and dmry de- 7,: 1 .... '" "  [bring their lunches, coffee .nd Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McEvoy of cream. Ice cream Wiil be furn- GARDEN CLUB PICNIC The Shelton Garden Club will hold a picnic lunch at noon, Mon- day, July 2:1. at the home of Mrs. George Drake, 202 Alder Street. ] Each member is asked to bring their own silver, cup and either a 1 salad or a hot dish. The hostess.J committee will furnish rolls, cof- fee, cream and sugar. The club[ will furnish the dessert. I II I I SAVING -- WAR SURPLUS-- WHITE PAIN1: 100% Lead and oil. Zinc base. Top grade Navy Surplus. Outside Jt tl White  G?LLON ............ ,}ie SHIN00tE STAIN Chrome Green, Red -- 4 1 GALLON ............. ..................... 1= a lW Why wait to paint?. Finish your house with a high grade material at a Iovv c6t. NAVY OXFORD ' 100% leather Dress Oxford. Mfgs., F or- sheim, Nuhn Bush, Bostoniarb Stacy Adam,, Etc. Size, 6 6.95 to 12 PAIR ............................ WORK SHOE Soled, Double PA,. ................ 5.50 -- EXTRA SPECIAL ARMY FOLDING. CAMP C0S Used, but tn good Condition. Buy two for the price of one. Suitable for cam. ing beach hOrn,s, back yards, etc, Easily collaps ble fop 1 igg storing away, A real buy -- ONLY, EACH ............................................ MISCELLANEOUS AND HARDWARE Muffin Pans, 12 jeotlon ................................ 39€ Bunk Beds, hardwood ................................ 8.g5 Mattresses, cotton ........................................ 3.95 Axes ................................................................ 2.7 12" Divider ......................... : ................. : ........ 1.00 8" Lineman Plier ........................................ 1.75 aA" Socket Set (Snap-On) ........................ 27.50 Hand Drill, Miller Falls ............................. 3.95 Inside and Outside Calipers, All Sizes Air Mattresses (fabric lined) .................... 12.95 Sun GlasseS, Polaroid, pair ........................ 39¢ Hatchets ........................................................... 97€ Pack• Boards ...................... -. ....................... 2.95 Flash|ights complete with battery .......... 79¢ Fryin Pan:s .......................................... 15€ and 29¢ Tents, i6x16, complete with poles ..- ........ 49•50 Tents, 9x9, Officers, wall ........................ 25.50 Stainless Steel Trays ..................................... 49¢ MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS  COME IN AND LOOK AROUND TARPS OUR SPECIALTY  11 SIZES  INQUIRE  LOWEST PRICE,S IN TOWN B-10 FLIGHT JACKET Alpaca lined, beavrcollar, nylon outer, knitted sleeves, " waist band -- A $26,0r0 VALUE FOR -- EACH ........................................ 9,95 's Mercantile AND OPERATED • . ."OUR AIM IS TO SERVE YOU" Everyone Wetoome 1st and Railroad I I VETERAN OWNED Phone 212 I IIIl i I III I II ' ' "': "'fr ' ' : " ' x : " 5"  .......  ......... II I I ished by tim station, SAINT DAVIDS PARISH PLANS PICNIC SUNDAY The Saint David Parish will hold a. picic supper at the home of Miss Clara Eastwood next to A1- derbrook Sunday, July 27. An out door service will be held at 4 p.m. wit hsupper following'. Those Who with supper following. Those who Bishop Stephen Fielding Bayne, Jr., wife and family, and Reverend and Mrs• Elmer Christie will be honor guests from Seattle. Anyone wishing transportation or having extra space in his car is asked to call Mrs. Oliver ford at 7,W, Each family is requested to brin table setting and folding chairs. Any Eptcopalian not belonging to this parish is also invited. Further infdrmatiJn may be ob- tained by calling .the general chair- man, M'S. Gebi;'e Cr6pper, at 490. Chase and returned trip to along tim hen on to they vis- family who idents. The rthward to ag. ) they Spent with Mr. td Mrs. Low- ers arid family in Portland, Oregon. EAGEMENT ANNOUNCED • Mr. an!.Mrs. . D. Reorder an- noulKcd the engagement of their daughter, Elaipe Bearden, to Bill Essex, sdn of M:r. and Mrs. G. B. Essdx of Ellen§lug. They plan to be married the last of August. MARRIAGE LSES Applications for marriage li- censes were filed at the office of the County Aud!tor last week bY the follovirg couple: Donald R. Ripley, legal, and Ruby. J. Cox, 24, both of Seattle, JUly 9. Harold N. Johns, 4,1, Shelton, find :Neva iJyness, 30, Olympia, July 11• Herbert L, Moreland, 29, and Edith Mac :imerman, 28, both of Brem'ert011, July 12. Etwin,H. Dlldine, 36, and Doro- thy Dory 33, both of Port Or- chard 'July 12. James O. Cas0n, Jr., 23, Baring, Ore., and Erma Lisk, 20, ShelteR, July 12. Donald (2.[ Howard, 18, and Pat- ricta Hemphill, 16, both of Shel- teR, July :14. John Maynard Jones, 34, Taco- ma, and Gertrude E. Way, 41, Tumwater, July :15. Frank L. LaLoge, 40, and Julia Anderson, 38, both of Tacoma, JUly 15,, Carl Stratton, 37, and Mildred Dayton, 30, both of Shelton, July 15. DEGREE OF HONOR PICNIC The Degree of Honor will hGId its annualpicnic, 6:30 p.m.. July 22, at Kneeland Park. &ff 'nern- hers and iheir families are,invited. 4-1[ MEAL CONTESTS IIELI) AT I!I(!I SCIIOOL The annual ,t-H Meal Prepara- tion Contcsts for Mason Co!mty will be held Thursday, 3uly ]7. at the Irene S. Reed High School. Teams entering 'n'e: Breakfast--Grace and Millicent Mo)r'e, Skohon]ish Qnecns: Jaekie Welty and thtth I(ingery, Matlock. Lnnch .... Zanie Carol)bell and Barbara McCoy, Little Women: 3ea] Welty and Evelyn I,:ingery, Matlock. Dinner ---. Betty Newman and Virginia Seay, Southside. Each team l)htns, prepares and serves a l-nc, al, :lc(?oI'ding" to the project in which they arc enrolled. They re judged on selection of, menu and table setting', buying, preparation, serving, entertain- ment of guests, and housel(eepig. The breakfast teams serve ,! pt,r- sons for $1.25. luncheon---6 for $2.00 and dinner---6 for $2.50. Mrs. 'Harry Newman. ]ende;, from SouthNide is in charge of tim contest with Mrs. A, K. Scott of Dayton assisting. Mrs, Frank Minor of Skoko- mish Valley, a member of the ,l-H Advisory Council, is in charge of the Baking Contest. Donna Scott is the only club member enrolled in the baking project. She will bake white bread, cherry pro, and chocolate cake, and will be scored on workmanship and the finished products. BOth contests are judged by th Danish system, and all meal pre- paration teams who score blue ribbon--90 or above---will be a guest of the sponsor, Sears Roe.. buck, at dinner this winter. Don- na may qualify to represent Mason CoUnty in the Baking Contest at the State Fair. as will the top scoring meal team. H00odsport (By Frances Radtke) Early Shelton DOctor Returns, Visits Here Dr. E. C. tLuge, an eqrly day doctor pracLi(:ing hc)'e in 1!)07. was a visitor in Shelton last week, looking Ul) some prol)ery and ohl nequaint'tn( os. f)r. RLlgO is re- lne, nlb¢,re(I ris Lhe t irst to make his calls on rnotorcyc[c. He recently retired from ])l'qcti('e in Neat, tl 9,rid ix taking life easy• Inor [li, the HondsporL sciloolhotlse, Plans had originally been for a i g, ar=den party but the l'[{lll Slioi/ed tiler. 1-1():lxs; for the ff'/ir was :Mrs. Terry ravel. Many lo\\;cly 4ifts were re('cived fop the baby- to-he. A dinner party was gwcn ,un- day by :Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby for Mrs. May Johnson Mrs. Ella Lunt. Mrs. Mn}y Ohnit and Mrs. l<atic Abbcy. Newcomers to our neighborhood are Mr. and ]Vfrs. Hichard h=. Sparks who arrived with their household belongings last Satur- clay. Mr. Sparks is the new prin- cipal for Hoodsport School. There was fun for Harold Millo at Fonland in Tacoma Sonday. He tool his granddaughter. Clmrlene Hanson. and Judy Hale. They rode around on the little choo ehoo trains, airplanes and all the gadgets. Mrs. Dick Addleman and Roger retnrned Wednesday from a month visit with her parents..Mr, and Mrs. Lea Dickinson, at Oroville. Cal. She Said the weather is cool- er on Hood Canal. Visiting Mrs. Ella Lunt this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Mcrton Wadsworth of Tacoma who left Monday for a trip to Yreka, California. On Sunday Mrs. Lunt's grandson Robert Lunt. arrived from San Diego. Cal. Visiting relatives of the Archie Callahans were Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Burleigh and daughter, Susan, from Lansing, Michigan, last Sun- day. They were particularly in- Observed going through Hoods- terested in the Aquarium ag" they port on their return Journey were do not see marine life back EAst. fifteen girls and boys returning They are very much enjoying from a two day trip to Lake Lena fleir Pacific' Northwes vacation. under the supervision of Wts Wig-, Mr. and Mrs. Odum from Brem- er, 112]. Highlahd Ave., Bremer- ] erton were callers Sunday at .the ton. The ehildi'en had a lovely Ca1 Wilson, Jr., home. time playing in the snow • at an I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haines and altitude of 5,000 feet. They went son, Ronnie, of Salem, Oregon, by the Hammtamma River and ] are visiting their parents, the Dess also Visited Home Lake. They lHaines. They plan to move to hiked wo fia|les off MOnday and a Hoodsport soon, 12-mile jaunt on Tuesday so were The Community Church is very a little tired but still high in spirits on reaching Hoodsport. The trip was a Navy Yawed City School summer recreational program pro- ject. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Nerthling and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bearden and children left for Black Lake Friday on a fishing trip. They will try to catch tag fish which have been planted in Thurston county lakes and may come home with some prizes. Anyone is elig- ible to fish in this contest with hook and line• Various prizes are offered, the largest being a 1947 Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simmonds were Sunday overnight visitors of Mrs. Ella Lunt, from Gardner, Oregon. • Scout Troop 1:1 returned Friday morning frbm a trip to Nine Stream on the North Fork, where they built a bridge. They also visited Camps Pleasant and Home Sweet Home. The 10 boys let Monday afternoou under the lead- ership of William Gilbert and re- turned on the homeward journey as far as Big" Log Thursday night ]to sleep. They were awakened around midnight by pouring cain and after biking five miles it/ the rain Friday morning were met by H. E. Lockwood who brought his truck to transport them the est of the way. Abasha Lockwood and Elton Lockwood of Tacoma spent four days of last week visiting their brother, S. U. Lockwood. Mrs. Violet Grunman of Albu- querque, New Mexico. spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Paul Sweeney, returning home July 9. Mrs. Sweeney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E .Hansen, who have ] been in Hoodsport one month, also started the same day for their home in Fort Scott, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs• Robert Bleecker and son, Rodney, and Emery Finch 'of Tacoma spent three days of last week with Mrs. Hazel Blee'cker. Bookbinder A stork shower was held Fri- Route 1 Box 114 day afternoon for Mrs Cecil Zim- Raymond, Wash. TO EAT | l'}]' JOI PUNI$1.11NG- Ti4a'T I THE THING ON W&RM ON A DAV .,),-l.. H  SALAD AND I OIDN'T ]DAYS AND fE SURE: [TO  TWE CRISP LIKE TbtlS. I(LUH TklINK I'D EAT A j-.- |FGg.W H&KtNGS AT i'l ._. ¥ LA. --"" | as Three, Interlocutory Divorces Granted Three int erloeul o y divorces were y,'ranled in flSOll County Superior (?om't Satnvday. Emy Varvism was: granted a de- cree Ironl ,J. K. V:l)'2:isoll, afid ,,,,':is g'ivea enstndy of n lllin(ir t'hild. A deeree lr:lllted LO lornadine ,Jol/es Pl'(llll (?. J. Jon(!.q g'aVC ]]Of custody of the liinor children. The third interh)cutory (teerl,o. gTan{od to Callit Ul<i'Ad fron John U13nd, also ,,a\\;,', llt, l' the CtlSto(ly of t,w,i minor children, and a 10 rl Cl'e honle, HO%VARI)N IllAVE VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Art Howard have visitors from Council Bluffs. :Iowa, here this week. .They aro Mrs. 1-h)ward's brother nnd family, Mr, and Mi's, Clcmont I-rowel • and son, Jin3mie• and Mrs. Louise Blewer, mother of Mrs, t-[|'d, Grapefruit JUICE 2Ca.s .... Cigarettes Popular Brands Ctn ........... i ,69 PEACHES Sliced No. 21/2 ca. .......... 29 ¢ SYRUP Wheat Sweet Per Ga, ..... 1.98 OUR WEEKLY SP COTTON SHEET WORK Mr. Next to 000x95,.00l,e002 '49 PLASTIC BED LAMPS' In 5 ColOrs $4 sS0 '  A "Cozy Corner"  is a pce where ! you cuddle, pet, snuggle and stick ' your neck out {oo , far. "See Us for Comfortable necessary to postpone for a week the annual Sunday School picnic which was o have been held last . , SY WAY tim woather is good they will lneet tomorrow, July 18, from 3 to 8 • p.m. The place will bc Rest While Park. Everyone is urged to come. . potluck ,dinner is planned• 1 le, ' .... .: Mrs. Monroe Smith, former Hoodsport Forestry employee, who is now  residing in Ahska, sends news of a new arrival at her home, a baby girl born in June. Guest of Pete Allard last week was Jim Campbell of Adrian, Michigan. who is completely sold |] on Hood Canal and expects to re- main in the vicinity for ono more month. Three-day visitors of their moth- er. Mrs. Hazel Bleecker. were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gee and childrel of Centralia this week. Morn (Ida) Finch and friend, Mrs. Anna McGee. expect to re- main with Mrs. Bleecker for two m" three weeks visiting. Several Hoodsport residents at- tended the funeral services for Harry Follette Wednesday, July 9. Mr. Follette was' well known in the Hood Canal district as pro- prietor of the Gateway hm and his passing is regretted by many local friends. Guests of Henry McClanahan this week Were brother. Bill Mc- Clanahan and family from Iola, Kansas. BOOK BINDING Llbraries and Schools Songs and Prayer Books Periodicals, Magazines Newspaper Files OId books repaired and rebound. Prices Reasonable Karl Krupa Pork & Beans Van Camps 15 I/2" 0Z" 31 ¢ 2 for ........ EGGS Grade A Lge. ........ 73 ¢ I 321 IGNE Dourr' Owers-and- spce acly with a ¢l,t 1.00 na 2.00 L2s ' kO0 I:JlO Phone 63 i Row KiMei MOTOI " Factory App - Plymouth - PARTS )ed to Re :: ....... All Makes " Truck - Tract, Logging Equ • In Our ,i cash or easy Now you can satisfy your desire to enjoy both radio and records. During this purdhasc the famods Bendix Space.Saver phonograph and receive as a premium record albums containing the most day. Here's beauty Jn a compact cabinet short wave performance with an that plays ten or twelve inch records record collection. Act now! The * PRODUCT OF BENDIX AVIATION iiayi--hotw00o at Wri , Watbh th, Chicago thi at .famous i: in a new, h comfortable Pul "Next door,"  .the new coach THE At JOLSON THE CARMEN THE sING CAVALLARO CROSBY ALBU ALBUM ALBUM se of L'atest re ea Songs that will Today's most Westorn tunes lied forovor sung popular tunos t played by 1he by Amerlsal by the one and Poet of the favorite only Jolson Piano baritone NASH APPLIANCE comfort new equipr TRAVEL INFORI I." E, D First  Tdrn,