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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Iocutory anted mulery di:vorces :1 V[ linen County aturd:ty. was: granted a. (le- ]a)&apos;gison, arid was a minor child. ltcd to Bernadine ,ion(!s gaVe ]ler ilinor chil(h'eu. rlocul.oi'y (tccr'e, Ul'11d from John her the CtlSlody ildrcn, aid a 10 ;E VISITORS Art Howard have moil Bhfffs, Iowa, .They are Mrs. r and family, Mr. t I3rewer and son, s. Lollise Bewer, "7[ O ,va I'd. SLeOmllaso Coum aotrnn ......................................... l00ame ommltte s I Lake Cuslunan Graceful ew Liner on Seaffle=Victorla Run Automatie Cleaners ix still a far cry from tim auto- Not Practical matic plant. The last survey Puy;allup Fai ........................ n,ado indicated that 55c out of ev- • For r Research Proves cry dolhtr you pay your cleaner .... R 1 if he is a good one----goes i:o pay "Committees from the Extension ] (By lr:mcc:; Radtke, "Will n completely mechanized labor costs. Today the figure is .J. Service of the State College of Enjoying Lake Cushman for drycleaning service ever be avail- probably larger. ; Washington to handle various di= three days of last week were lh'. able? .Will we some day be able Garments and household fabrics )GNI= wsions of the 4-H Club show at. an4 Mrs. P. W. t3reen of Los An- to drop a coin in a '.;lot and. after apparently vary as much as worn- ., tim Western Washington fair in geles an(1 .loan and I,:athlecn waiting a few minutes, receive en's hats and practically no two Puyallut) were announced this Leighton of Edg'ewood. wh<) cqmc perfectly clea)aed and finished gar- received in a plant on tlm same wool€, to visit the Marl Ryans. meats? day are identical, Among their These committees will be re- ] :Mr. and Mrs. Lea Sandvig en- This inquiry was directed to the characteristics which must be tak- sponsible for the various fields nf tertained Mr. and Mrs. Dave Due National Institute of Cleaning & en into consideration are: fibre work as assigned them in the 4-H from Tacoma and daughter, Kath= Dyeing as a result of infm'mation content, weiglt, weave, color, dye show. The committees include: ie, over the week end." The Sand- which point up the enormous and and method of application, real- Dairy and livestock: F1 o yd wgs also took a three day trip to growing importance of the indus- dual shrinlcage, mztng, strengtlL WORK GI Svinth. Grays Harbor; Harry Glen- Portland the first ])art of the week try. attachment and properties of ae- son, Skagit; Claude Doran. Pierce; to visit hTrs. C. R. Angeow and A recent survey in a city with cessories, special treatments (such Ralph Roffler. Cowlitz; and ]I. family, a million population revealed that as water or moth resistance), age . B. Nichols, Pullman. Robert McLachlan spent one during tle previous three months, and condition Of the articles as Next to Foods: Helen Steiner. King; week in Tacoma returning Friday 94.5% of the population---or 39 well as the degree to which they Jennie Wright, Skagit; Fern Me- to entertain week end visitors, out of 40 people--had had at least have been previously worn, faded ." Gregor, Island: Marie Loehry, Kit- Stanley Greenlaw from ]3rcmer- " some drycleaning done. or soiled. Furthermore, literally sap; and Eleanore Davis, Pullman. ton whose brother ix the baseball The yafhf-Hke M. V. Chhlook, new Puget Sound f|agsh/pt A completely mechanical sere- hundreds of different types of soil Clothing and Home Fm'nishings: pitcher for the Tacoma Tigers. cuts the waves at |8)/2 knots in successful trial run. ice, the National Institute ac- and spots require different modes tnowtedges, would undoubtedly re- of removal. Agnes Sunnell, Pierce; Ruby Mr. and Mrs, Verne Hill re- Dourr" Knudsen, Clallam; Alice Thors- turned Monday from a 10 day A new era in the long history ell roomy car deck will carry 100au- duce both waiting and eost. How- -sDme tense, King; and Marjorie tusk, trip to eastern Washington, Idaho erryboating on Puget Sound is[tomobiles. . eyer,/, acly with o Pullman. Garden: William Wargo, Pierce; and two days in Yellowstone Na- being ushered in this month withl According to Capt. Alex M. Pea- tional Park. the placing in service of the M. V.] body, company president, no cost Bert B a d h a m, Kitsap; Dale Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art GiN Chinook, new flagship of the 23-1 was spared in decorating and fur- Dasche, Thurston; John Dodge, more over Sunday were Mr. and vessel fleet of the Puget Sound nishing the Chinook, "making_her tO0 na 2.00 Pullman. ,2 Poultry and Egg: Homer Row-' Mrs. T. N. Paul from Oakland with Navigation Co. comparable to the finest hotel in 2 "  Pe.a., ).co 9 ley, King; Bob Englund, Lewis; their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chat'- Replacing the veteran ferry Iro-[ comfort and a feeling of welcome ley Dunn from Oakland, Mrs. Kate quois, the $2,000,000 Chinook will[ to the traveler." S Fenton Smith, Snohomish; and Paul and h'. and Mrs. L. S. VVal- make daily overnight trips from There is a spacious lobby, prom- pluta Johu Miller, Pullman. ton from Tacoma. Seattle to Victoria, two trips daily enade deck, a lavish salon, after Contests: J. A. Johnston, King; Visitors of the Del Laramies between Port Angeles and the lounge ant a luxurious Garden Phone 63 George Purcell, Pierce; Floyd ) LAMP Svintlz, Helen Steiner, Agnes Sun- Monday night at dinner were Mr. Canadian city and a return trip to Lounge forward in the ship. In ;1  nell, William War'o and Homer and Mrs. R. A. Cornell and family Seattle from Victoria in the late addition to the coffee shop, 108   o from Staten Island, New York. afternoon, persons can be seated in the large 50 I I Rowley. :Mrs. Cornell was the former Doro- By far the most modem vessel semi-circular .dining room framed thy Schmidt of Lake Cushman. ever operated in inland waters, the with huge windows whichgive an • u I mmammi Accompanying them were :rs. Chinook is the result of years of unobstructed view of the passing Cornell's parents Mr. and Mrs. planning to keep abreast of the scenery. Spacious deck space, both Dick Schmidt.  ' ' growing tourist travel to Victoria open and enclosed, give every op- KIMBE[ Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott left and Vancouver Island. The new por.tunity for brisk walks or re- -" gatm'day for a week of traveling luxury ship is over 318 .feet long, laxation in the sun. to visit rlatives at Spokane, with accommodations for approx- Beneath the car deck are four imately I000 passengers, and: will 16-cylinder diesel engines hooked sleep 208 persons in its.100 state- up to electric motors which will rooms, which are all equipped with cruise the Chinook at 18 knots. air-conditioning, hot and cold run- Radar and ship-to-shore telephone ning water, toilets and beds. The areamong the many new naviga- old steamer berths are gone. The tional features of the vessel. 1 WEEKLY SP )TTON SHEET 70x95 inches PLASTIC BED LAMPS' In 5 ColOrs A "Cozy Corner"  Wash., and Spirit Lake, Idaho. They will also visit a sister at MOTORS Plummer, Idaho, and a brother at , is a place where ! you cuddle, "pet, snuggle and stick ). your neck out o0 " far. e Us for Comfortable 321 spa €00.sA CONsoI.ET A#D [eUI00S OF TOP RDING$ WORTH oreasy a can satisfy your desire to enjoy ! lie and records, During this : the famofis Bendix Space.Saver ,aph and receive as a premium lbums containing the most l :e's beauty in a cdmpact cabinet.' we performance with an automatk s ten or twelve inch records o11ection. Act now! The offer PRODUCT OF BENDIX AVIATION 0LSON THE CARMEN THE BING CAVALLARO CRESSY ALBUM L'atesl at will Today's most Western tunes er sung popular tunes played by 1he by America s ae and Poet of the favorite Piano baritone Factory Approved - " Plymouth - International PARTS SERVICE ted to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Truck - Tractors and Heavy • Logging Equipment In Our RVICE BUILDING RST AND MILL STREET g I PHONE Testing Welding 465-W by .the Latest Sunmaster Method No Guess Work ulYI--between these residents of Chi- at Wrigley, :Field, another kind of watich the White Sdx in action a Chicago thi summerI Cruise on cool clubs. Ride the new Tour And you'll or/th6 way on the NORTH in a new, low-fare Northeri 13celtic comfortable Pullman, drawn by a smooth € "Next door," good fool is cooking in a .the new coach bluffer-lounge car, there s Yoursdach chair alinost becomes nd iiutl down the leg rest. You'll comfort along the Main Street of new equipment has joined old-time INFORMATION ND RESERVATIONS H." E. DE SHIELDS First & Turner hone 127 NASH BROT PPLIANCE Tekoa, Wash.. and relatives at Palouse. Cloquallum saturday ,,.,.,........,.,..,....,.......,ll,....... Dan O'Leary was a guest at the A. E. Loertscher home over the The picnic held at the old Buck's week end. Prairie school ground was well at- Mrs. ary Daley was at her tended and much enjoyed by all mother's home Monday to help who took part. with the first canning of vcge- Cash prizes were awarded to tables this year. those winning races and other con- The Korzeniowskis are enjoying tests during the day with plenty the long anticipated dream come of ice cream and treats for the true of having a refrigerator. They kiddies and also for Morn and bought a large one and installed it last week. The Tony Annen- Dad. seas a'tso are proud owners of a The farmers m this district are lovely eIeetric range and refriger- ator for' their new home. Hall. Everyone is welcome to at- tend. Bring sandwiches or cook- ies or anything to help out on the lunch as there is no admission charge. Pomona Grange will meet With the Cloquallum Grange next Sun- day and we are looking forward to this occamm with great pleas- ure. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freese were callers at his mother's home last Originally Settled by the French very busy at present with harvest- The city of Detroit, Michigan, ing of their hay for which the There is to be a dance next Sat- was originally settled by the weather has been perfect for the I told, so it can be properly French. It passed to British rule occasion. Up to date, Mr. and tlooked into. [at the close o£ the Frenct and Mrs. Jess Anderson were visitorS/urday night at the Cloquallum Indian war. at the Len Andersons Monday [ evening, nadirs Oscar00°ve L Chicks, Waste Their Own Feed gren had as her guests over the Fourth their daughter and family from Malone, the Arnold Loff-t g-rens. James Stout was a caller on James Prine Monday. William Graham was a caller at the Albert LeGault home Monday. The dance hall at Cloqua!lum was decorated very effectively by our young decorating committee, the two Misses Makoviney and Miss Norine Chattman. Louise Worman is in Puyallup valley picking berries with other members of her family. Larry ix spending his vacation in Elms.. Glen Johnson had as their guests over the Fourth his sister and family and his father who is now residing on their place with them. His mother was also at the home of his brother, George. Diana Johnson has returned to her lome after a short visit with relatives in Seattle. :Mr, and Mrs. Joe Betts, former residents of Cloquallum. were guests at the William Bethworth home and also were at the picnic the Fourth of July. Frank Stark, who has been re- LARRO RESEARCH FAR PHOTO siding on the Cloquallum for the past year, has moved to Aberdeen. "The wasting of feed by chicks can shows the wing nuts for adjusting the He lived in the Jess Anderson be kept at a minimum," saysDr. T.T. movable reel and the hopper. summer home. Milby, of General Mills Larro Re- Another essentialln the construction iV[rs. Thomas Musgrove and search Farm, An important thing is of a feeder which will reduce feed family were gests at the box to use the eorrect sized feeder for wastage is a lip on each side of the supper given by the Grange at various age chicks. Then be sure the feeder. This stops the chicks from Cloquallum recently. They were hoppers are properly filled. The ac- scooping out the feed with their beaks. former residents of this district, ceptedrule is to fill the hopper about Mrs. Mary Daley has returned two-thirds full." A practice'used frequently is to place a piece of hardware cloth on top to her home in Elms after spend- On the construction of the feeders, of the feed in each hopper. This makes ing some time at the home of her several things may be mentioned which it very dfficult for the birds to bill out motlter, haxre been successfully employed. The any feed.. Mrs. James Laddly had guests feed hopper should be so made that The use of pellets not only helps frorn Seattle over the Fourth. the chicks cannot get into the hopper to prevent chicks from wastilg feed, They were out to enjoy both th'e to scratch out the feed. This can be bat als0 Cuts down wind waste where picnic and dance with the otler .accomplishedbyeitheroftwomethods. feeders are placed outside. members of the Johnson family. First, a freely revolving reel may be Daniel O'LearY has retuhmd to attached to the feeder thus preventing Occasionally a chick will squeeze Seattle after spending the holidays th' chicks fr0m roosting on it. This reel into a hopper, but the foregoing aug- with his family, who no W reside on should be adjustable so that it may .gestions will help enormously to elfin- the Hilboki place on the prairie, be raised to 61low the chicks sufficient inate feed waste, They will also do The box. and pie social held Sat- head room. Second, a wire, grill can much tO keep litter and droppings out urday night was a success and be placed on top of the feeder allowing of the feed hoppers. very much enjoyed by many Of the he brds adequate space to eat but Saving feed in this manner can do Mason county .folks as well as at the satire time preventing them from a lot to increase the efficiency of the some from Grays Harbdr. ¢ntm'ing the feed¢r. The above picture flock. Bob Chattman and his sister, L.|0B3-10 Norine, and Rose Makoviney vere :' in Shelton last week. Mrs. Carl ICnauf's mother, Mrs, r _,.=.. -  , is better now, Mrs. Ladly was in Seattle last week to see her brother who has .=, .en very ill and in the hospital .-%& ith a raft.Joy op, eration .... Mrs Betlworth was a Shelton ' '  " busne caller last week. Mrs, Albert LcGault recmved a package from Germany from her son, Albert, Jr. Among the things --''ffDlYE ---E'Td sent were some exquisitd haled- made silk lace and also several pieces of beautiful China and some silver candlesticks. Albtert is a fmer student of Shelton schools and is now serving With the Air Corps in Strubbing, Germany, as base radio operator there. We of the Cloquallum grange wish to thank all merchants who bought advertising space from our Featuring Everything That Is Best for Your Car committee last week. We wish to Body and Fender Work Electrical and Ignition say that one table top was com- pleted with all spaces sold. Engine Rebuilding Painting Department The Bethworth family are hosts Frame and Axle 'Straight'parts Department t9 guests from I0wa. relatives of eniDg Mr. Bethworth.' Expert LubrlcaKion Car Washing Mrs. Makoviney was a business caller in Shelton Saturday. Major Motor Repairs Wrecks Rebuilt Happy Loertscher lost a fine Motor Tune Up Auto Supplies cow sometime back, same being Better Faster Repair Work At Lower Cost mistaken for a deer so it would seem, by someone shining deer at ILL CV0LE C0 night. A. E. Loertscher reported at Grange last meeting that there have been several deer carcasses a to substantuate such a theory. It PARTS WHOLESALE -- RETAIL was agreed that something should Store Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. be done about it, but no one made any accepted suggestiOns. MRybe First and Gre -- Phone 777 or 778 the game commissioner should he Dine and Daitce Club OPEN EVERY NIGHT Except M0ndty with Orchestra Saturday in th0 former AIRWAY DiNE-0ANCE Club Location 6 Miles Southwest Of Bremerton on Shelton Hlway C, aLering to Under such conditions, there is Dinners - Parties ever. this organization adds the a definite limit to the extent to possibility is not at all likely. Dry- which machines can encroach upon L.K. KEATING ..... cleaning, a complex process itself, humm skill arid responsibility in includes too ntany factors which drycleaning. Individual care will Phone Bremerton will probably always require AIRWAY 4 undoubtedly always play tim mot skilled individual analysis and a.t- for reseevatt0ns important role, particularly in tention. quality work. ' ' ' ' ......  ' Of course, cleafiing plants all employ modern machinery but this , , , .... , ,- Month=Old Baby Dies .Johns, TIRII.00DET00NuY B ES =, OUR ter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johns of Skokomish Reservation, dled in Shelton July 14. "=w='°*'='=" I 0 L at Slelton, and ix survived by her parents, a sister, Marguerite, and a great grandmother, Mrs. Mar- garet Cagey, and a grandmother, Mrs. Hattie Johns, Funeral serv- ices will be held at 1:1 a.m. from the chm'ch ho,,se t Skokomisb WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN Reserva tion. LITTLE JACK H'ORNEI gR'S A PH;CE AgOUT A LOCT DO6 RAG. WgLL TNAT AIN'T YOU. NERE'c A gOY LOOKING I;OR A J08 ARD TRAT AIN'T M. 014 BOY! gEP, g'f A Plg;CE Ag0UT WRAT TO DO ON YOUR VACATION. ;]4ALL f ,Wl GO TO SUNNY ITALV OR OUT/ Don't take a chance :with worn out tlresl... get new Goodyears. Long lasting Gbodyear IF you have that lost feel- $.=a,r] tire bodies are built extra Itrong tar extra safety. Long-wearing Goodyear*"" ing and can't seem to find treads otior you a choice of de- signs to meet Your driving needs the right gift for that spec- plus tax --give you sure-looted traction. 6:00 x 16 LESS TRADE-IN ial occasion, a visit to BECKWITH'S will solve NEW TIRES DESERVE NE'W TUBES your problem. I BECKWITH'S 00MELLCHEVROLETC0 GIFTS - JEWELRY - MUSIC (,-'gj 1ST AND GROVE PHONE 777 129 Railroad Phone 143  'x, IG,CAR QUALITY t You'll like that Big.Car You'll likb that ig.Car styllngl performance! You'll find it fun to drive W. You'll like the long, low lines of the nsw Chevrolet. You'll like Chevrolet. Ttere's power an.a pep. the 10ok of massiveness and sturdiness. That big, beautiful to spareintheonlyValvedn-Heafl Unistesl body iS by •Fisher, you know--tha only Body by Fisher Engine that powers a popular- in the low-price field I pr oed oar. And Chevrolet s quieot  comfortable, r0ad-hugg ng way 0 gding is so restful--so relaxingb ' '" " .............. " ' THIS--you'll level But your greatest thrill will come when you find out  that Chevrolet is the Iowost- priood line in its field . . . and tile lino that costs loss for gas, oil and upkeep. Chevrolet's the one car that gives you Big-Car Quality at Lowest Cost l YIou'll like these Big.Car featuresl Chevrolet's packed with features that You'll like our givo you Big-Car comfort and safety, serv|¢e, too! Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes, for example, with exclusive design features --for the way it keeps for safer, surer stops. Unitized Knee- your car at its best all the year round. Action, for instance, that adds stability Drive in soon--and and ease of steering, as well as riding regularly. comfort. CHEVROLET Nell Shelton -- Phone 777 'irst and Grove , ii .... i