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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,¢ • % !5" Page6 SHELTON-IASON COUNTY JOURNA5 Thursday; . ---- .................................................................. .Y IT, ] 94 . .... -- ..... .---. .,: SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL &apos; - ..... LEGAL PUBLICATIONS . Garden Traetor Appra, sers Named i I2,oSUyRo92°F   .,, , , For Three Estates "-----w ............. m,,,)'.v.. V{A%) C()UNT*Vy  ............... Published every Thursaay morning O A ' i te in  -../.'_._-f.. .... Elncr J. Yositlhara, PlalntffL Member of Washington Ne,,spapr Publishers' Asociation ]JUllt at rl me . . :lV[aspprals?r2,,,were r?oP;%l:,('rdt FOR ......... HeW e • quick SAFE oaorleaS way to help you NO. .I936 --vS.-- and National E, Iltorl:d Association Another or tile many nanny, m-  .... # v ,, on __ keep your home free from these pests- simply sprinkle BU||AC il mcros LheU trails end in crack, gnd erevicel.' BUnAC|I -- known for over ?$ years -- onv el lhe, best protections •saints flz¢le nail? ioafltsou:s pelts. I Dunoyier's TAXI Phone 62O Stand at Chevron Gas Station - First & Cota Shelton Lodge No. 62 I,O.O.F. Meets Evez-y Wednesday 8 p.m. 1.O.O.F. IIALL Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomed W. S. RAWDING. N G GUY CALL, Secretary ond sad Fourtl| Frldys [ary Dobson, N. O. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO [ HARDWARE oRC SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SU'PERIOR COURT FOR TIiI,] STATE ()F WASHINGTON Fill3. IIASON COUNTY Gh a'la Jeanne Arlnst,'ong, Plaintiff. vs Robert James Armstrong Defendant. THE STATE C)F WASHINGTON to tio said ROBERT JAMES ARM- ST RON G' : "Oll al'( hereby su)nmoned to al)pear within sixty days after the date of tile first l)ublication of this sttmmons, to-wit: withhx sixty days after the 17th day of July, 1947, and defend tile above entitled action in the above en- titled col, r| and answer the cool)lain, of the ldaintiff. Gloria Jeanne Arm- strong, snd sel'vt aeopy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorney lot l)Iaintiff, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgnmnt will lie rendered against you according to the demand of tile comphint, which' Ilas been filed with tit(' clerk of said court. The object of bringing this action iS to secure u di- vorce. CHARLES T. WRIGHT Plaintiff's Attorney P.O. A(ldress: Angle Bldg., tmlton, Mason County, Washington. 7-17-24-31--8-7-14-21-28-7t NO. 1809 NOTICE OP IIEARING (iN FINAL REPOi{T AND PI,71'IT|ON FOR DIS- TJRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE F/rATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In l'rol)ato In the Matter of tim Estate of Albert %Vinkh,tnan. also known as Alfred Winkleman, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frances %Vllkleman Harris, Executrix of the estate of Albert Wlnklenmn. aho known as Alfred Whlhleman. deceased. has liled with the Clerk of the above entitled court her Final Report and Pctithm for Distribution among other things asking' the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the prop- erl y to the I)erst)ns tltereto entitled, nnd to (ttcllurge stxJd Executrix. NOTICE IS F1JRTIIER GIVEN that said Final ILeport and I'etitlon for Distributi.n will be heard on Satur- [[ day the l(;th day of August: 1947, tit the hour of ]0 o'cloclc in the forenoon. IU the Court Room, in tile CourL Ilon.e. in Shelion. ashington. Dated this 12th day of July. 1947. (Seal) HARRY DEYETTE, f?lerk of Mason County, Washlngten. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate :Bell Building. 119 South 4th Street, Shelton. Mason County, Washington. 7-17-24-31--8-7-4t NO. 1856 NOTICE OF nEARIN(i ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTItlI|UTION IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY - l'rohate In tile ott.eIr lof the Etate of J. Guy Lawman. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dixie Una Lawman, Exeeuh-ix of the estate ef J. Guy Lawn,an, deecased, has filed ith the Clerk of th, above entitled eoln't her final report and J)etition for distribution, asking the court to settle and approve the same: distribute the llroperty to tim l)ersons th(;ret, entitled, and'lo disclLat:ge the said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for d s- trtbution will lic boat;d on Saturday, tim 16th day Of August, 1947, at the. hoar t)f I0 (/clock in tbe forenoon at he court ro(,rn In tile court house ill holton. Washington. Dated this 2th day of July 19,17, ]tARRY DEYETTE.' C(,un(y Clerk, Mason County, Washlnton. CHAS. R. LEWIS Atorne, for said ']state. qell Ihtihling, 119 S(mth .till Street. Shelton, M.asou Couaty, Vashington. 7-17-24-31--8-7-4t N('TICE IS IE]'Y GIVEN that a ptlblic liearJl]N will be held on M( n- lly, July 21, 1947; at 7:30 P.M. in the C ty CommJsshm ]b)otn. City" liali; Sheltol:L Washing(on, on the question of changing classification of the here- Jnbelow described ayes front /'t(sJden- tial to Conunereial classification: Le)t 9 o[ Block 15. Htllcrest Addi- tion t,) the city o£ Shetton. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION of the City of Shelton. J!}lllot }L Spring. Secretary. 7-17-it So far as the history of dentis- try can Be traced, it appears to trove originated among the 'Hin- dus or Egyptians. back guarantee. Compounded from the moles natural food Used successfully for 30 years. or sale and recommended loc- lly by OLYMPIA FEED COMPANY O'Neill Bldg. - Shelton COME ONE -- COME ALL GOOD CLEAN FUN AT MEMORIAL HALL Every Saturday Night Dancing 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB AL'S WELDING SHOP MOUNTAIN VIEW Heavy and Light Welding --Acetylene and Are- TRAILERS MADE TO ORDER One Block North of Pines Auto Park llelon iS, Yoshihara. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASIINGTON, TO THE SAID IIELEN F. YOIII- IIARA, Defendant. You at'(, hereby summoned to. appear within sixty days after the date of the lit'at publication of this summons, to-wit, witldn sixty days after the 3rd day of July, 1947, and defend the above-entitled action in tile above- eBtitled court, and answer the com- ]flaint of the I)laintiff, Elmer J. Yosh- hara. aad stq've a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff. BRODIE & BRODIE, at their office below stated: and in case of your failure to Lie so, judgntent will be rendered against you accord- ing to the demand of the conLplaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for an Interlocu- tory decree of divorce in accm'dance with the laws of the State of Wash- log,on with resl)eCt thereto. BRODIE & BRODIE. Attorne, ys for Plaintiff. OFFICE ADDRESS : 205 Capitol Park Building Olympia, Washington. 7-3-10-17-24-31--8.7--.6t. Nt). 1877 Entered as second-class matter ,at tl?e pus,office at Sbelton, ,Washington WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publishers Bessie Bolen, Business Manager SffS-s es: $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1,50: outside Mason County $.75; THE O00TIMER RECALLS Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Lafe Redafe Times has shore changed around lzere. I wuz talking to "T.D." t' other day. He's the town fire marshal now, and he told me there wuz 53 new houses begun here in town since New Year's day. That brings to,mind the eyetem I seen in the old copy of The Journal whtck we used to paper the north bedroom upstairs. Yep, w,mmen is one thing that ain't changed much in the last ity years. I rec'lect they wuz a old re-tired soldier lived out South Fork way. He lived several milen from where anybody lived--Jus because of them "danged preda- tory females," he told me. Wat, it seemed like the whole country wuz out to git him hitched up i.o someone. NOTICli ' OF IlEAItlNG (IF FINAL ltEP()RT--PETITION FOR DISTRI- The, wuz a advt. telling about IIUTION, AND DISCHARGE OF AD- the 24 new residences e-rected in MIN]STRAq'(IR IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Shelton in '93 and also 17 new STATE OF WASItINGTON IN AND ptaces which WLIZ built in '94. I :FOR THE COUNTY OI  MASON tell you them wuz boom days for (IN PROBATE) Shelton then. Nowadays they's In The Matter of TILe Estafe of Minnie McFarran Sergeant, Deceased. ;building all over town, but they Notice is hereby given that Tom I ain't any sidewalk supervising and Sergeant, administrator of the estate visiting like they wuz then. [ of Minnie McFerran Sergeant, do- ceased, has liled with the Clerk of ' I re'elect that they wuz a "Punch the Superior Court of said County o' Shelton boys traveled down to and State his final report and peti- tion for distribution of said estate; Portland to,hear William Jennings and that Saturday the 2nd day of Bryan orate the, summer. Thet August, 1947, at 0:00 o'clock, A,M., WUS '97. Wal, them boys wuz Del)ariment No ..... of said Superior Court, at Shclton, in said County, highly,, impressed with Bryan's has been duly fixed by our Sups'r- oratory, and Bryan reely dragged tar Court ror the settlement of the in all the strays to hear him. said Final Report, at which time the Court masked to settle such report, Why they wuz 25,000 heard him distribute the property to the per- in Portland. Wal, anyltow, these sons entitled thereto, and discharge here boys from town got so ex- said administrator. WITNESS. the Hen. Joim M. Wil- cited they nat'rally had a few son Judge of the above entitled Court. Snorts on the way back, and so and the sea of said Court affixed when they got to Olympia they thls 28th day of Jnne, 1947. HARRY DEYETTE, wuz all sound asleep. Clerk of said Superior Court. By DORIS ANN MOREHOUSE, (SEAL) " Deputy. 7-3-10-17-24--dt. NO. 4939 SUMMONS FOR FUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OIe THt/ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Dan Johnson, Plaintiff, VS Mildred Orr Johnson. Dofendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said MISDRED eRR JOHNSON: Porter Forgot; They told the porter to rouse 'era out at Olympia, but he fer- got it, and so Shelton's contingent ended up in Seattle the new a.m. That wuz a tough one to ex- plain to the little woman, too. I like to never convinced her it wuz all a mistake. I know a trick I figured out then, though, which should be a He'd drap in to town one day, and the next thing you'd see a story in the Journal telling all the buxom widders what a fine catch he'd make. Agin' Flowers Near druv him crazy, They all wanted to make his ranch "blos- som like a rose," but he was •gin flowers. Couldn't stand the smell of the danged things. Don't rec- 'lect fer shore, but he might have been a cavalry man. Them wuz the days when they wuz a lot o' talk about prospecting round and about in the hills. They wuz one bunch o' the boys had found a couple o' streaks of color up Brinnon way. Tlley'd staked claims all over the place, but I guess they got discouraged and give up. ' They wuz some talk about build- ing a road through the Olympics i to git to the minerals in the moan- tins, too. They never did git more than a trail built up there in the Dosewallips-Elwha district though. That was supposed to be the best way, some o' the old- timers claimed, I wuz talkin' to Leo, he owns the butcher shop over on the col her, and he wuz telling me about the meant situation. That brougnt to mind the time they used to be bar-saving gadgets Duilt by Wash- ington farmers is a "garden trac- tor" that will save the gardener "many a backache," R. N. Miller, extension agricul- tural engineer at the state col lege, first got the design of his home-built device from O. O. Tor- rey, of Opportunity. Miller made the "plan" for this portable ma- chine which may be obtained free from your county extension agent. "This little tractor will run nearly all day on a gallon of gas- oline. It is easy to build and it has been highly praised by folks who have built and used it," said Miller. The average man who is handy with tools can make one of these in from one to two days, accord- ing to Miller. The frame is made of old bed iron, some light bar iron, and other odds and ends. The clutch is merely a belt tight- Saturday in cases involving three estates. In the estate of Earl F. Jaccs, appraisers George M. Adams, B. Franklin Heuston and Marion Smart were appointed. Roy Stevens, Robert H. Young and Doer Dunoyier were ap- pointed as appraisers for the es- tate of Charles A. Woodall. For the Earl H. Church estate, George Adams, Lee Hasten and R. F. Eddy were appointed apprais- ers. HILLCREST Announces Its Appointment SALES AND SERVICE IN THIS AREA FOR ener on a V-belt. Equipped with , a urk- the gas motor of an old washing ,,ans(.s )machine, the.tractor has plenty of CHAIN "" power to pun most small-toothed MALL POWER cultivators or even a good sized "duck foot." (See your county dollars, y,m agent for a free "plan" of this Available for Immediate Delivery--De•  good busi- SySh'lll machine, as well as of many other PHONE 499 Fairmont & Olympic 'like t(, machines built by Washington t >.mm.' , , , ' I  farmers' to save labor.) . l{, /':', " [ L, " I '   , " [ , ':q-*e,.¥1R[i$ ' ] L( < , """  city [ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE000000.,00o00 I l= 2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER ONE il | Co "g Well ' .... : ntractln ave It--Or Will Get it ] r00!HiPI ..... nstalling Authorized Dealer for GOULD YOu R I • * " " um s ma I Re"alrr-- O.e of the Oldest and Best P p i . p ng Any Size--Any Capacity i:. , BY We can make BEN H U R deluxe 2-compartment quick.freeze and complete range storage, 6 cubic oot .................................................... FREIGHT and water heater BEN HUR deluxe 2-compartment quick.freeze )R DELIVERY installations now. and storage, 12.5 cubic foot ........................................ ]hould be routed via 3-COMPARTMENT quick-freeze and storage via tr. Sk0okum Top Quality Guaranteed Work  Reasonably Priced You are hereby sununoned to appear wlthln sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: withln sixty days after the 7th day of July, 1947, and defend the above entitled action in the above entltled court, and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff, Dan Jot•son, and sere a copy ef your answer upon the undersigned attorney TorpJaintiff. at Jlis office below stated; and In case of" your failure so to do, judgment will be read•red against YOU according to thc demand of the comDlalnt, whlci! has been filed wilh the Clerk of said Conrt, Tit(: object of bringing this ac- tion is to secure a divorce. CHARLES T. WRIGHT Plaintiff's Attorney P,O. Address: Angle Bldg., Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 7-17-24-31--.8-7.14-21-28-7t NO. 1861 NOTICE OF ]IEAitlN(; ON FINAL RI]?ORT AN D I'I(;TITION ]!'()It DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF TtIE STATE OI WASHINGTON QR  MASON COUNTY In PrObate .... In the Matte,' of the Estate of Dan Q. Benm;tt, Deceased. N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Alma Baker. Admintstratrix of the estate of' D11n hQ, Bennett. deceased, has flied with t Clerk of tile above entitled eourt her final report and t)etitiou for distribution, asking the court tO settle and approve tit0 same. distribute the prol)erty to the persons thereto entitled, and to discharge the zaid Admtnistratrix. NOTICF] IS :FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- t)'ibuiion will be beard on Saturday, the 161h day of August. 1947, at the hour of ]0 I)'C]Dck 111 the forenoon, at the eourL l'OOOl in the court llOtlSe ill Slit,It on, Washington. Dated this i2th day of Juh,. 1947, (Sea]) HARRY DEYETTE, County Clerk. Mascu County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Atlorney for said Estate, Bell Building, 119 Soulh 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 7-17-2431--8-7-,I I NO, 1917 mite handy fee some of these young bucks today. I jest went down to Hunter and Eaton's Gen- Iral Merchandise and picked out one of them brand-new ladies sailor hats they'd just got in., Only cost me 25 cents, and from then on the little woman didn't have no compunctions about talk- ing to me. In fact, she ain't stopped yet. Mother of Local W0man Succumbs Funeral services were conducted here M6nday morning at Witsiers Chapel by Rev. Wayne Wright, Methodist pastor, for Mrs. Alice McIlquham, 85, mother of Mrs. H. M. Wivell of Isabella Valley, mlth whom she had mad her home for the past nine years. Her death occurred last Thurs- 'day after a month's illness. Cre- mation in Tacoma followed the services. Mrs. McIlquham moved to Shel- ton following the death of her husband, James, in 1938, frcnn Bellvue, Wash., near Seattle, where they had lived since moving to the Northwest from Wisconsin in 1912. Mrs. McIlquham was born at Elroy Wisconsin, August 16, 1861. In addition to Mrs. Wivell, she is [ survived by three other daughters, Mrs. C. E. Smith of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. A. Chapman and Mrs. W. S. Saunders, both of Se- attle, as well a five grandchil- dren. Too Late to Classify t H i or all claims noL st) presented and flied will be forever barred. MILLIE G, STRUTHERS, Adtnintstratrix (if the Estate of John N. Strutllers, deceased. • Address : Shettou. Washhgion, IL FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said estate Court Itouse, ShelLon, Washington, 6-26--7-310-17.4t "SPEEDY" by Olympic Motor Sales NOTICE '1'{) CItEDITORS FOR SALE: Round Oak wood stove, IN THE,SUPERIOR ( CURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON T11E excellent condition. Phone 594-M or FOR, mquh'e 1209 Cota. W7-17 . In 1)rohalo or work where I can kcep 1-year old nt the Matter of the EMate of John child with me board and room an(t Ig, Struthers, Deceased. Notice Js hereby given that tbo an- [ some contpensation. 'Inquire Journal office. Box "B". B7-17 deralgned, Mlllie G, Strnthers. has bee, n appointed and has qualified as 6IMlNT-2-iToSmsT¥ff'hTffii'e-i£-XTs-d Admtnisiratrtx of tbc estate of Jobn for saleGolden Haired Cocker Span- N. Struthers, deceased and that all lel pups. Mrs. Norman Norsby, Rt, Rersons having claims against the 3, Box 142. • N7-17 shid deceased or tho said etate aro FOR-SAiSE?-'2-c'h6'("qi'ff-o-e'" hereby required to serve the santo, near Roller Rink. Innersprlng matt- duly verified with tile necessary tess. nearly new. 128 East Cedar. vouchers attached upon tho Under- Phone 372-M. M7-17 signed Administ.ratrix or her attorney F--0"i--S-A-LE':-small metal cutH lathe/ of record at the law office of B. praeth:ally new. $50. Joe Meister Rt. Franklin ttouston, Court House, Shel- 3, Box 251, Shelton, Wash. 7-17:24 t011, Washingtlm, and file such claims together with proof of service with WXN-TED--'()RENT?-2:b(;d"]-I;d:: tly. Clcr| of the above entitled Cottrt I ern house needed badly because Within HIX (6) months after the date house I am in ilas been sold, Mrs. of th, first publication of this notice, Fred LaMarslt, North "G" St., Mt. to-wit; the 26th day of Juno, 1947. View. 7-17 condition. Phone 626-M. M7-17-31 Oi- gALE--19S5 Cliev,:olctToffpe:" #d6d tire, radio and heater. Phone 329-M. G7-17-24 i! WANTED Clean Cotton Rags WJth_ButtgaS and Snaps Removed o turtam or 1-Ieavy Underwear Journal Office See Us for Your Vacation Motoring Needs We Buy and Sell Used Cars NEW LATE MODELS NOW AVAILABLE ChilD-OF THANKS -- I wish to thank the nmnLbers of the Hot;dsport. Hoodsport Forestry serv- ice and Shelton Forestry service fire departments for their fast arrival aud f/ne work in the fire at the Alden Store Sunday nlorning. ' The excellent work of the firefightcra confined damage to two small build- logs and prevented the total loss of lay store[and llonlc. R. PIERCE, Prol,17 Eldon Store. NO. 1920. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THI STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. . I).thc el the Estate el Earl II. Llluren) Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that letters Teslsn)entary on above entitled estate were granted to the under- qgned on the 38th day of June, 19¢7, vy said uperlor Court, Notice is further given thst all l,er- m)na having clahns against said estate are required to serve them, with the necessary vouchers upon the Ad nin- islratrlx or upon tile attorney ol rec- ord Ior l]),} said estate. Roon) 5 Govev Bldg.. Shelton, Washingtou, lhc sahib having bees designated as the place for lhc transaction of tile business of said estate, and file the saute with the. CI('| of .said eonrt , together with proof O1" suen service, within SiX (J)' monlim after the date of first publiea- ttou of this notice tO wit Jul )7 oi' or said clul)lm wi}l be forevcr'b'm==c:d: IM RNICE CHURCH. Adntlnistratrlx ef said Estate. J. W. GRAHAIM. Atiorncy for AdrulltJstratrix. Room 5 Govcy Bldg., hltoa, Wuah. 7-174-l-.4t-7-.t a Hess Abattoir down Linnton and refrigerator, 16 cubic foot ................................ i t ,i No. 2 • QUALITY FIXTURES, APPLIANCES, sUppI* ' 'rT: ] k " _ , [ C P Ehot Schedule a They wuz doing big bizness " • :'V down there, shipping hess meat to -  ' : ° tacoma daily, except S Europe fer the furriners to eat. • . " _ _,_,,],, ' Reg|stered t)  '!: ,a.. Olympia and S Seems like hess wuz choice meat I Electrical Kngineer jm,,: :, 'yrnves Shelton daily, e' fer them, I prefer thet Scottish II - ---0 Pi/IPI;,LAREICE CARL .... ' White Horse, myself, purely fer 1 Title Ingnrnna. Rui]dinc¢ .qh,q+,-,. Phou (":  U'n-- --   U medicinat purposes you under- I , J!![Ulib"l' NIIMI l?nl stand. What this Bank can do for The Seattle.Hrst Nadonal Banl, through its ;42 banking offices located in the principal communities in the State of Washington, combines the friendliness and consideration of a local bank with the strength and securit Z of one of the Nation's great financial institutions. The major Banking Seryices it prorides Jor you ire: SEATTLE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Statement o] Contlifion t ]]lose of Business, June 30 1947, RESOURCES CasI anit DUe- from Banks .................. $155,702,348.97 United States Government Securities Direct and Fully Guaranteed .......... 215,252,893.19 State, Municipal and Other Pub/io Securities ......................................... 60,673,105.29 Other Bonds and Securities ............... 11,,637,052.70 Loans and Discounts.'. .......................... .-[. ...................... [ Federal Reserve Bank Stock .......................................... Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture and Fixtures ................................................................ Interest Earned Not Received ....................................... Customers' Liability Under Letters o Credit and Aeeeptane ....................................... TOTAL .......... , .......................... Totals $444,265,400.15 175,560,681.30 570,000.00 2,378,298.20 1,494,761.26 1.155.362.89 $625,42450&80 LIABILITIES Cap|tal Stoel ..................................... $ 1D,000,000.00 Surplus ............................................ 9,000,000.00 Undivided Profits ............................... 4,206,682.59 Reserves for Contingendes ...... . ........ 5,614,380.39 $ 28,821,012.98 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, ete ......... .. ......................... 1,110,007.04 DiseountiColhcted Not Earned ................................. 588,525.19 Letters  Credit and Acceptances ............................... 1,155,362.89 Depogt ................ 593,749,545.70 TOTAL .......................................... $625,424,503.80 Deposits in This Branch June 30, 1947 were $6,122,053.24 BOARD OF DIREfUl'ORS Lawrenes M. Arnold Thos. F. Glesd W.H. Parsbns J. H. Ballinger P.E. Harris B, A. Perhaln ]-Isnry BroderlcR L.C. Henry m. G. Reed ]. H. Browne/l. Jr. Charles H. Ingranl :Alfred Shemansld Charles F. Cliss Warrm M. Jenkins :lbrldgo H. StuaH$ Earl D. Doran ric A. Johnston J.A. Swalwell Joel E. Ferrla /tlchard E. Lang George Van "Waters O D. Fisher Clarence D. Martin Katheryn W11son Russell Miller 1. Accepting and Deposits You may carry a account or a Economy Savings Account. deposits involves DOt facilities, but also rience and sound lending 2. Loa.s for Any Purpose You may secure bess and personal cia[ Loans, Real Estate Loans, Personal and Consumer Credit types, 3. Transfer of Money Safe and transfer Bank Domestic the transaction of 1ocal/y and 4. Trust =nd.Estate The increasIn business and hms render these important. Assure tion of your estate use of this Bank's Department services. 5. Investment Counsel Serv|¢e Bonds and Stod sold upon customers  Bank's Investmen De Securities will be in the Bank's ment or through Safe Deposit Box. I] you are not no these services you inited to ask about most convenient __Cliff Wiveli's C} EXACO S I epresentattve in Mas 0il m ,PRODUCTS C( Iigh Grade ihml a, PRGMPT SEI at and #ranknn earliest arri valet faciliti YOU to Step oi [ember Federal Reserve y(em; Member 'ederal Deposit Insurance Carper•lisa