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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lamed FOR &apos;e appointed ill per,or Court on involving three Earl F. Jaccs, M. Adams, B. a and Marion inted. ob'ert H. Young yier were ap- sers for the es- .. Woodall. • Church estate, e Huston and R. pointed apprais- LCREST r/ounces Its Appointment 5ES AND SERVICE IN THIS AREA FOR L POWER CHAIN r Immediate Deliver SI-IELTON'MASON COUhTT" JOURNAL ag' - -"--•. : .7: ...... '. '< .................................. L ....... LL_Z_..--.'. ..........................................  ..'.' ........ :"_.'.'___' . .' ...'_:". .................................... SttEtTOit VS. BOYS CLUB TONIGHT IN OLYMPIA AT 6 P.M. FAS 1BALLERS PUT ONE-SIDED CONq LSTS IN LEAGUE RECORDS FAWI'BALL STANDINGS V¢ L r f ra Active Club ........... 2 0 18 2 Morgan-lCacrett .... 2 0 21 9 Rayonier. ................. 1 1 28 17 Creamery ............... 1 1 5 11 Moose Lodge .......... 0 2 4 22 An]t.l'i('an Legion .. 0 2 0 15 ].aiisl: ,(,or'e Rayon,or 19, Moose 2 Morgan-Eacrett 6. Legion 0 Aetivians 9. Creamery 2 Morgan-Eeerett 15, Rayonier 9 (J aine. Monday Gym Fieht.-Morgafi vs Cream- cry Loop Field --Legion vs Moose Gaines Thursday ] 499 Fairmont & Olympic Gym Field--Activians vs Mor- '}; gan i; Loop Field--Creanlery vs Ray- Tile hlmbermen posted wins over Ray0nier, 15 to 9, and tile Ameri- can Legion. 6 to 0, while the Ac- tivians kept a clean slate with a surprisingly easy 9 to 2 triunlph over the Mason County Creamery and Rayonier entered the victory column with a 19 to 2 paddling of the Moose Lodge ill a game halted at tile end of the fourtll innnlg by a combination of raiu, darkness and lnutllal consent over tile Otlt- come. Rayonier's run spree was marked by by two l]ome runs wal- loped by Chub Nutt and another by Kelly NULL, as well as a whole passel of ground rule doubles into the dense growth of left and center fields atthe gym diamond. The millmen let the cat out of the bag that they are ill a vicious hitting mood this half by scbPing Loggers Entered In State Semipro Ball Tournament Shelton v¢ill ll'lve its fir.qt entry ia the state senlil)ro baseball t(n r- l:ament this 3'cal' ;rhea the Ix)g- p.ers will be one of 16 Lean-is in Washington wllich ellen a round- robin two-game-elimination con',- poUt,on at lellillgham on Aug- nst 1. The first team to wiri fwe straight games wins the .;tate title and the right to rcpre::erlI: Wash- ington in tile national senlipro lourlialnent at VViehita Kan.:as. it takes two losses to elinlil.qte a lean, fronl tile toul'ilament. 'Pile Loggers will play their first game at one o'clock tim afternoon of Friday, AngusL 1. and may play 9, second game that same even,lag, according to i3usiless Mmlager Frank Willard. The Loggers have 15 players registered on theh" eligibility ros- ter for the tom'namenL but just ¢ow many of them will be able tc leave their urork to play in the tournament .... at least the first day---is uncertain. The list includes Pitchers Jess SiDELINI SLANT s by ILL DICKIIZ TOUGH ALL AROUND Like that famous "shot that was heard around the world." one little foul ball can nlake a lot of omin- ous noise in baseball. Sheltonians have heard it With considerable rnisgivings this past week, over since the second finger of Carl ,Qlllillst:ell'i throwing arm took the bruht of a tipped pitch in last week's Lincoln game. It pot the husky Shelton receiver otlt of .Lotion for the crucial 4th Dis- trier junior legion play0ffs which start tonight, thereby weakening tile chances of what obviotlsly is fsr and away the best team in the district of Wimling the district title. Young Floyd Prlszner has done a capable job of understudying Sundsten in the two games Mnce the ilDury so the big batchir's loss isn't as jolting as it might have been to his team, but it may depriving Sundsten of a Chance to realize a life amblttan--to be a professional ball player.. be pretty thoroughly established now that it takes a good lusty wallop to carry that distance, and StlCh long-ball hitters as sian Ar,nstrong, Dan Cornlier. and others on visiting tear,is baven't been able to deposit a drive in its enclosure yet. Mary Crtwritgh, playing with tile 1946 junior legion club, Ken Carlson. playing with the 1947 Highclimbor team, and Bill Courage, catcher for tlle West Seattle Athletic Club last year are tile only one t6 bilnig drives into the football stahds to diitc in actual game competition. Getting away from baseball for a moment, another item of foot- ball interest drifted up from the Grays Harbor region last week in tile announcement that Elma has named a new high school football i coach. The new Eagle grid men- tot' is George Fallstrom, former Pacific Lutheran College player, I who played four years of tackle , for the Lutes before the war dur- ing the days when they were District Junior Legion Playoffs Getting Started Titular aspirfitions of four teams go on the block this evening in Olympia as the 4tll District Amev- icml Legion junior baseball /)lay- offs open at Stevens Field ill a twin bill starting at six o'clock, Shelton's undefeated team, which breezed through eleven games in the l'egular 4th District schedule without a loss. is paired against tile third place Taconla Boys Club team in tile six o'clock skirmish, while Olympia and Puy- alhlp tangle In the second game, wllich will be played under tile lights. The winners of tonight's two games then meet Saturday night fro' the 4th Dlstrtc champion- ship. If Shelton and Olympia get into the title-deciding clash the flip Of a coi, n will decide whether the game xill be played at Loop Field or at Stevens Field. In either case the ganle would be a nocturnal affair starting at 8:30 o'clock. If any other combina- tion of teams reaches the final game it will be played at Olympm. KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Equiprnen ; Operated By .... Experienced Men : FOR • LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING • DIT,HI NG "'" @ BS,EMENT EXCAVAT ING • BULKHEADING @ PILEDRIVERS " ]?or Land or Water . DUMP TRUCKS * For Hire @ PILING AND LOGS Lopsided contests marked cvery L SUPPL , city fastball league game of the past week with Morgan-Eacrett SON chalking up two victories to move (Hillerest) Ul) to the top rung beside the Ae- FIRMS UNDER ONE 5s5 tivians as the second half sched- ule got into full swing. .-. o. #19 HNvay ( ItFd0000 ! _-, ,00ilil---00i nine runs off Sandy Dozell, the league's ace ehueker, as they lost that 15 to 9 donnybrook to Mor- gan-Eacrett last Thursday• Doz- ell hit what should have been a home run with the bases hill hut missed third as the lumber dealers ran up a big margin, but thi mill- men came back in the late innings Phillips, Jack Stewart. and T, nly Iqelson; Catchers Doll Satra and Bill Mccoinb; Infielders B u ,' t DickinSoil lb, Jim McCbmb, llill LevetL ,Tack I-tudson, and Tony Cotites: and OUtfielders S t a n Armstrong, B u c k Armstrong, • 'Chlek graltoil, George Booth, and Herb Pashkovski. Sundsten, accompanied by three of llis junior legion teammates, went to Everett a weekend ago to take part. in a basebLll school conducted by the St. Louis Browns• The others were Ma.rv cal'twzight, Ken Carlsoil, and Ken Cardinal. Stmdsten and Cartwright so im- pressed the conductor of the school known as, tile "Flying Circus" from the fancy passing feats of Mary Tommervlk and Mar v iiarshman. After his discharge from Army s6rvice Fallstrom re- turned to PLC for post graduate work and acted as line coach for the Lutes last yea,'. Hank Silva, whose name will be familial" to many Shelton sport fans from his athletic feats with Aberdeen high school basketball and baseball tefiiis, was gi;¢en h "night" by Grays Harbor fans last t Although Shelton went through . its regular. Seheduie uhbeatim and For Sale. defeated Boys Club by a 6 to I PHONE margin in thc one game between the two agTegations (.tale second was hahcHled), Coach Ndrrn Hill: i yard's nine is not at its peak no'; beCaus of the loss of Carl Sunda stin, its hUSky and highly capable regular catcher who Brok(. a finger ten days ago. It wilt also be tackling a team .which has been improving steadily after a slow start, as a 5 to 2 victory over It--Or Will Get .................................... to score five times in the sixth To make way for their tourna- that both were invited to go to and again izt the seventh• ment competition the Loggers Albany, Oregon, this week where • .  Dozell pitched his fourth shutout have moved tlaeir home game wigh another .baseball school is bei 000BB FBEI0000T of the Year as he limited the.Le-Olympia scheduled for August 2 held so the Browns scout eoui TRAVIL zeal Dealer for : gwlnle u, we hlTSteaMlnt?Ya 6ngo ht bacl to Friday, August. 8... look them over more h0rougll. week in a ball game which was his Olylhtiia last Sattuda,, night tit = a;:CTtiS rfl#M " g . . , The loggers, currently noming With a smashed finger on nis,, ........ 11 ,,. .......... i ]:' ,, . ," Z' . .... - - S e • ,. . ' . , vsw lalzulltxtxttt.w .xtlt a- °f2; 21i: tl:: , i! IY INAT tllUmph. It was the second second place in the Ever,reen 'thr0win. hand Sundsten wont e .f{.. ,. +.... T..,,I. = ......... u|ympla atests. .... ' ' " ' ' L , . ' , , -. . * , ......  . .,, ,. .... ,, ......... o -llllyaro playou pitcnin lans n stlalght calcimining for the e- League may fred themselves attending, the *]ban SchooL. At Class C farm at Aberdeen South ................ " "gP" " &&&&(! uxe 2-compartment quick.freeze and !,i I/ IlrB .. - '. , , can lot donnny JomlSOn to start io foot .................................................... !! : IEIGIIT SERVICE ton MOOmlST$ - " n" uick freeze ' OUR IELIVERY IN SIIELTON ;lUXe z-compartme t q -  ..... • " : should be routed via Str Indian, Fe Dock, ;'El%l%Uqicl?Treeze'";nd"'to;age ! at viii. tr. Sk0okum Chtef, Milwau'ele DoelL JULY '7,3 or, 16 cubic foot ................................ .,$I'i' ..... No. 2 Tile rest or the second half I clespite the<fact they are not lea" I,  ma" not b'e to bitter a 'ill ' '  - g' " ' --. ' The Northwest is delos • . .... , k  o P tion to the senior All-State foot- If Shelton oes throu h to the schedule iollows: in their own league, s behexed ,- ." • , . ,, . g • g Julv )i ..... Morgan-Creamery to be due largely to that 4 to 0  " . . , r ' ' ' , " r' . ball squad, is keeping in shape for West Side finals the inter-district things in a great big wa , g to sallow, howeveL fol een had Y FIXTURES, APPLIANCES, SUPP.b"i:';iiveiT:coe Schedule as foilows:  i"(' . a dally, except Sunday at o p m for (gynl-fteld), Legion-lvIoose (Loop i victo,;y. Shelt)7 iung tip over the .mhaetlolrllmll]eavne.enteao the big game August 23 in Seattle, playoff.schedule will. require Hil!- this week, with huge doings _...,,/'l,i .",, 7: .,. Olympia and Shelton Field) nowerful Math'env-I3acon team of q. . ... _._ V ......  wnicn macnes uae cream ot e- yara's laas .to play five gaines In in each of three great states • = .- .-a attena tne Aloany Scnool Decause , n e ,i: "rVeS Shelton daily, except Sunday oz ule conrnc wtn 3umor e Ion ,oad to he , (vm field), Creamerv-Ravoniei  the i6 state meet c0mnetitors" . ........... _.  I  the, best seniors from the rest of ' t western finals travels: between-towns scenery ha phone I"ARtfNCE CARLANDER, President July 24- Activians-Morgan seattle, which will also be 'orlc of ......  .... J ..... attics high school seniors against in < days for this is the way the At the same time, .the on ':' ii (L)0I) Field). - ............ ,-_ "' p l aye.its start!ng oniK! b 3ynicn ,s the-state, by working in the woods July 22---4th District champion - nKewme Keeping uartwlgn trom , xs 3rd Dmt, lct ch ) o .l,,lv R  Mn or' i (Loon ", .. - "" . . ' settin chokers, takin d ail ' '• " aml n at Brem- put on its brightest dresg ........ -•-_.__ose-M oal . ._ ' i 6 r i ' " g  ' g Y " tne sane ppo tln ty s • erton Field) Legion-Creamery (gym Derby Date Set . .  ' .'prints, riding a bicycle qnite a _ . , _ , , , for mid.Julysightseers. : field). ^ ÷h n,1 ..... a ..... ht mo,H, ....  . bit (sometimes. loaded with a par- .Jmy 24---3yd & 4th district win= ,,.,,,  ol,on r i,,ia,; s '. ""... - ....... .r."' "',"j "; .... ::, . "" " tv of the second art), and la in ner vs 1st & 2nd d strict winner ....  o.- ....  ." ........... . " ' ' S • " "  " P P Y g .... , . Ot tne utynlplc l(.nlnsuia  poll:s- PORTS GADDING • (Loon Field :Moose Creafi/em,  . . ......... . ._ S fastball wth the Morgan-Eacrett at Bremerton. J-- i'" VAU!'. ,,t"+,J,.,,-A2rean2er, first prize;.was.on, dlsplayaswe'll,both.Port Orchard.,nd Sequim,,jun,or legi'n and Logger base-.-'T- ........... ,,',ff ............ 's .... "<;; .... ts,- as.6thrbeauuful?.pr!Zes.. Rums ! the latest edition of [ball figure, as well as a poiaular I i . . i & .= :! ,u,   ..... izl. *,= r a,, ana regtualonfi Vlll De glv.en LO the American Legi6n's state news- I and capable city league basketball ] |,| !,   | .... . *---'. ........ " .... v ......... v each clntestan wnen ne reglsters,,,aei. Favoid t6 taki thi dis- o. +,o,o,, ,,,+ ........ +o,,a M m l v I CENTURY OF " • " ia Oil & W0ed .... " ........ ............ " ....................... ' 'i0000nP ,,o,d, Creamery Mmgan (gym h h reso, own [ anki at.e d• ' ''" €I1,' - " his boat wit t e..... 't e rs¢•l,triet crown befor.e t],e setlscm,ing all embalming and morticians, II l R ][ti .-, OGRESS PAG]AN "*'". 15oats Call De renLe(l or special :tarte d the. loss of ratcher Don ,,,,] in t.o 'an,l ,,,,,;. ch, I ............ , ng offices .Ioc . Aug. 14--::Act½vm,]s ),s Moose rules apply to persons using their [ fehrh.i, uhdoubtedly'had fie little G}'.ill"ofr[glts'edueaon'pnv - ]  < July 17-19, ; tgvm nell) x. egmn ayonler ow s i: l mus be le IS t ,gY,,, €I,, ' " ' -. • , "n.ooat:" yU al . t ' g ".] ihflueace on the pdo' B/0bmert0n ,ileges. t ............ Twin Falls, Idaho shington, combines the :'!;i:  m  - - ' - .... v he,). . . .. ' tereawimnis.nearestresort own-lshowing" Heilrick,.Sheloi ball* _ ...................... -----'-- . Aug. 18 --- Morgan-Actlylans er. An addltmnal boat is to be fOu wq/ r5,qb, ot is fhe v0Hnrr*l KK| |,,.@i, ...;]Ld CHERRY FESTIVAL : ill:'<. PRODUCTS COMPAN moop hold), Moose-Legion (gym awarded. The next nleetlng of the haokstdq wh. S,,:fei.. d , diMoeate, ,IHELTON TII)E ' II• liiltW W'tj July 17-,9, w!th the strength and ' . ....... . . . ' ', ,.-L". ;" Y'-(-'.'. .... .- , " .... tl. t he!d). .  .  assoclatloll IS to be July 2,1, 8 t).nt, fihcer on hi, thi'okviili hand as I Thursday, .Iuly 17 ] Aug 2 iayolner u, eamery h s r o•,,m h<li,-)o,\