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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i II s At meral %11 be held at afternoon for died Monday hospital. The *right will of- es, to be held 3rn September sins, Mo., and wo years ser- If. He was a Y. wife, Mabel, ire, Josephine qually, and a Hammond, of M OS TIFUL ,NAL and West )n ,SKETS UGS WELRY LED DOD Until 8 P.M. Mondays 1947. oo.,, Taxi-Grocery YOUR "'' (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND PINE U Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for DRINKS -- Plus -- AND FISHING EQUIPMENT OIL PRODUCTS -- AUTO SUPPLIES ,[crete L RP : lVes UND$..°,., ! You protects ag,  ue .... ' do%n undo -\\; ing rocks, I,e rosive, roaQ :: '. ,car ol ar -Jk o! Muss-less Concrete-ing witl  to, DO THE MIXING and deliver rubbery any ear tieter e life Bob Ervin THE BUICK 633 So. 1st St. COncrete order on the job, ready It's the time, labor and money way to get the work done. Our available contractors' names is e, too. Get me meats • • ° exceSS Elc 9c }c Fisher's Means oualltyl ' ,J' CAKE FLOUR Royal Satin ( 39¢) SHORTENING .... White or Wheat, lz Mrs. WRIGH2: Compare prices!: : F'or tasty meat pies! 0,0  BISQUICK ............ C.H.B. Improves meat CATSUP ........ lge. Nu Made, Pure, fresh stol( I, MAYONNAISE ......... 2.32) .k=. U & I SUGAR .... Kitchen Craft or (3old .ultg! FLOUR ........ 25-Iv' " w ! I S=fers re,vet, 0-o=. ,at'" I CHOCOLATE " o5 € " "Full O'Gold" FanoyLI$'O" [01 ORANGE JUIC ' Fresh stock, 10-oz. Pkg'-&l }'! -- POST RAISIN 1.)i Evaporated (case 48 tall ' li' CHERUB MILI .... :ilO' li Camels, Luckies, Old Golds ;|l, CIGARETTES .... ' #t ] I Puss'n Boots, 8.02. Call  lt ,/] CAT FOOD ............ f] FOX Orange Soda, Foxy Or ROOT BEER . (6-oz. -- plus bO ) market changes and stock. i!/': SHELTON-YIASON COUNTY JOtmNXL Olympic Loop Highway Will Provide Many Scenic Thrills The following is the acount of a trip taken two weeks ago by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers dm'- ing Tom's vacation from The Journal mechanical staff: The question of "where to go" when ,vacation time rolls around is a never-ending problem. The choice between mountains, lakes or beach is a tough one, but the solution is simple. A trip around the "loop" on the Peninsula will cover all the choices --and it's practically in our own back yard. Strangely enough, too, few of the local people have really made the trip around the loop, although everyone plans to "someday." Well, to those who haven't done it, we can now say, "Brother, you don't know what you're missing!" We started about noon Sunday, top, although the road is one con- tinuous series of hairpin curves, and is steep enough to make the car grumble at being driven in sec- ond gear. There arc no guard-rails on the sides, either, to give you a feeling of security when you sneak a glance over the side. (I didn't:) From the top, though, the vista is awe. inspiring. See For Miles /lthough it as a little hazy, down the canal, and looked over down the canal, and lo0k over most of Puget Sound, and even spotted Port Discovery and Dun- genness. Funny thing, too--the mosquitos were fierce up there at the top of the mount aim From Mr. Walker we headed, north again and stopped for lunch at Port Discovery on the spot: said to be the landing place of beautiful series of sights we'll never forget. Dipping down into the Olympic National park we followed the shoreline of beautiful Crescent Lake for its entire length'---and every turn brought a new pano- rama of the scenic grandeur of the region. High mountains sur- round the lake at every point, some rugged, rocky snow-capped peaks, others softly rolling bluffs. Giant cedars and firs centuries old make the picture complete. Move On Again We would have lingered there, but the sun was sinking low, so we moved on again. After passing a stretch of high- way which was rough--being im- proved by road crews--we reached Sappho. We were somewhat surDrised by Sappho, a queer little town with A stiff westerly breeze was whip- ping up the spray and bringing huge waves crashing on the shore. We hadn't realized before how chilly it could get on such a beau- tiful, sunny day. On to Winlock We finally left the ocean for good and drove through Hoquiam and Aberdeen to Raymond where we spent the night, then on to Winlock to visit relatives, stopping enroute at Rainbow Falls park, a pretty little state park. , West of Winlock we climbed a hill to a lookout where we could see the valley south of Chehalis, and also got a fine view of Mr. Rainier and Mt. St. Helena. On our entire trip around the Olympic highway loop we en- countered no heavy traffic, and therefore enjoyed the drive to the fullest. The absence of tourists with a camera and no definite Captain Vancouver when he ex- one large general store its center was noticeable, and the few we plms to hurry us. We told the plored the.. area.; From. there we of activity. We noticed a sign did see were from California or kids to look for us when they saw wen o lyn ann eqmm. over the store heading "Rayonier Scuttle and Tacoma. We saw no us. andto makethe leisurel• y idea We. were surprised to. hear that Incorporated," and we found out cars bearing "X" licenses. complete we took no timepiece Seqmm has so little rainfall each later, that this is one of Rayon- After our wonderful trip, we but the clock in the car which year that farmers are forded to iers (Port Angeles) logging op- heartily recommend the Olympic o v i movin irrigate We were reminded of erations. • nL runs when the car s g" "h "'. ..... {Loop where you can take your Start Up Canal  e smart omry tarms m Minne- At the busy lumber mll town time and really enjoy the wonders We started , the Canal and sots when we saw all the fine of forks we found fine sleeping soon came into strange territory, heds of cattle, accommodations. One w o m a n  of nature. just beyond Lilliwaup. As we  Next Port Angeles there told us that Forks has more [ ,vvvv,vvvvvvv,, drove, we suddenly realized we Well, from Sequim we drove on rain than the Grays Harbor area, I ]lfj?2:: were in the mountains about the into Port Angeles, the city with but we encountered no rain on the ,- { time we reached Brinnon. In that the rugged Olympics in its back whole trip• vv,,,.v,v,,, short distance we had covered both yard and the Straits at its front From Forks we drove on to  The Neul Post and Auxiliary of mountains and beaches in our all- I door. We got lost going through Queers, a funny little Indian town,, the V.F.W. visited the Admiral inclusive vacation, the business district, and ended complete with totem poles. We Coontz Post and Auxiliary in If you like your mountain climb- J up halfway out on Ediz hook. tried to find some Indian baskets, Bremerton on July let. Both the ing the easy way, try Haunt We finally got straightened out, but apparently the natives were post and auxiliary m e m b e r s Walker. You can drive to the and from Port Angeles on was a all out berry-picking. L learned much about conducting G Disappointed their meetings and had a very on- - , m The road maps showed that the joyable evening. The next meet- Olympic highway follows the ing of both organizations will be ocean for many miles below Tuesday, July 15th, at the school Queets, but we were disappointed house. .to find that we could actually see The Belfair Ladies Club picnic • the beach at only two points in at Twanoh State Park was well -- Your Favorite Dining Spot Between Potlatch and Hoodsport AGAIN UNDER THE MANAGEMENT Personally of BILL AND BESSIE WOLFE Effective July 15, 1947 Assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of Shelton INVLEN,TORY REDUCTION SA-LE.00 YES! WE MEAN IT ! ! 25% off on every stock item ! From one pair of socks to an entire wardrobe Not just odds and ends-- but entire inventory to choose from. SAlE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY !! Friday July 18th Thru Saturday July 26th NO MERCHANDISE WILL BE HELD First come first served as we open our doors Friday morning. ALL SALES FOR CASH -- NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES EVERY SALE FINAL CHARGES MADE FOR ALTERATION Miller's Men'sShop ten miles. One spot was at Kal- alach, in a State park. We walked down to the beach and gathered shells and rocks. The ocean was very calm, but looked beautiful,- even to us land-lubbers. We saw the ocean again later at Moelps, after we had driven through the Quinault reservation, and that time it wasn't so calm. Heating and Plumbing Supplies 650 Dearborn Ave. COMPLETE MEN'S APPAREL Hotel Shelton Building Phone 609 attended. Everyone e x p r e s s e d having a good time. The chil- dren, especially, enjoyed the swim- ming hole. Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts performed "Fly-Up" exercises in the presence of mothers and friends on Monday, July 7th, at Twanoh Park. Those promoted from Brownies to intermediate Scouts were Sharon Demiero, Gale Travis, Carol McDonald, Elain Bland, Nancy Suhr, Carolyn WaN baum, Patricia Jones, Margie Beck, Shirley Kralicek and Janet Sharp. Mrs. Sylvia Ryan pre- sented them with wings, Mrs. Mar- garet Suhr, their new leader, gave them pins. Girls of Troop 118 elevated to second class were Ger- aldine Kretdler, Jeanine Denavan, Margie Sanderlin, Sandra Deleo, Beulah McKimson, Vonda Crow and Dixie Jonas. Badges were dis- tributed to these girls by Mrs. James Huffman. Mrs. McKimson was master of ceremonies This session was followed by a pot luck dinner and swimming. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lewis and daughter, Evelyn, and guests of Olympia spent Sunday with the J. S. Ahls of Pebble Beach. They arrived in their beautiful new yacht 'Erlyndee" following a ten day cruise of the San Juan Is- l]lds. They left Monday, heading back to Olympia. The burning and clearing on the lot adjoining the Stuyts Drygoods store is betting underway prepara- tory to the erection of a new tele- phone dial station. Mr. and Mrs. AI Bard of North Shore are entertaining her mother, Mrs. Bertha Pcderson of Couer d' Alene, Idaho. They plan to mo- tor to Bellingham next week to visit relatives and friends, Mr. Bardtwill bring back some more of his Storm King boats which have keep him busy supplying the demand, Lt. Colonel Joe Co!lyard came up from San Francisco to spend the week end with the John Stuyts. Bill Bailey of Renton spent last week with his parents of North Shore, enjoying some fishing md trips in his father's boat. Tommie Brown is spending the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. Laura White of McGills Camp. Tommie is from Chicago and this is his second summer on the Canal. Sally and Janet are visiting with their uncle, Ted Roessel at Spring- dale, Oregon, and with Reggie in the Forestry. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are much on the lonesome side. Jimmie Huffman is home after spending the past year in Japan and will soon be a civilian again. He is busy setting up a dark room that he may return to his favorite hobby, photography. Bill Newkirk is cruising north- ern waters with the Naval Reserve for a period of two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell are expected home this week from a two weeks' trip to Chicago to visit relatives and to Detroit to pick up a new car for Emmet Ori. Orvil'Orcutt is the proud owner of a new Plymouth convertible, Mrs. Mable South and Dorothy Wren have returned from a motor trip to California bringing Betty Beauchamp and son back with them. At the last meeting of the BeN fair Improvement club plans were made to run twelve new lights along the business section of Bel- fair from the intersection to the proposed location of the Masonic Club. W. Woodrick. vice presi- dent of the club, reviewed the highlights of the recent meeting of the Tourist Bureau which met at Dusty Rhodes resort, This meet- ing was attended by state, county and business men of both Bremcr- ton and Shelton. Mr. Woodridge suggested that more emphasis be placed on mat- ters of publicity and that this com- munity should join this active pro- gram of new attractions for tour- isis being a gate to the canal. The next meeting date of the Improvement Club will be an- nounced later when further dis- cussions for the possibility of a state park and a fish hatchery at the mouth of Union River will be outlined. Senator H. N. Jackson of Pierce county will be present with state engineers and port com- missioners to discuss facilities. VISIT IN SEATTLE Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Hawley and childrcn visited in Seattle over the week-end. Families and Friends of Members of Local B-882, I.B.E.W., are Invited to Attend the ELECTRICIANS PICNIC SUNDAY- JULY 20 Maple Beach ON LAKE ISABELLA GAMES AND PRIZES FOR ALL ICE CREAM  POP FOR ALL , I PLYWOOD PICNIC Sponsored by Local 9-317 SUNDAY- AUGUST 3 For all Members and Families MAPLE BEACH On LAKE ISABELLA Fo ANO GAMES FOR ALL-- ESPECIALLY THE ,DS E I OFFEE POP FOR ALL FRE ICE CREAM PRIZES EVENTS COME EARLY-- STAY LATE DON'T FORGET THE 1ST SUNDAY IN AUGUST T HE MASON COUNTY STATIONERS has the rare combination of cour- teous, friendly service, fine merchandise and rea- sonable prices• We are serving the business peo- ple of Shelton and are continuing our policy of good merchandise at fair prices. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC In keeping with our policy of serving the Automo- tive Public to the best of our ability with the Best of Quality in Parts and Accessories we have in stock the following brands of aupplles-- ALSO A COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP FOR A COMPLETE MOTOR REBUILD TO THE SMALL- EST REAM JOB. WORK ALL DONE BY A FIRST CLASS UNION MECHANIC. ALL WORK AND PARTS GUARANTEED. AUTO PARTS-- ACCESSORIES FRAM OIL FILTERS Weatherhead Gas Lines and Fittings Federal Mogul Bearings Pedrick Piston Rings Auto Lite Storage Batteries TOLEDO AUTO PARTS Pistons Piston Pins Valves Valve Guides Valve Springs Water Pumps Spring Shackles King Bolt Sets BRAKE LINING FOR ALL CARS LINED BRAKE SHOES -- EXCHANGE MACHINE SHOP COMPLETE ENGINE REBUILD MOTORS REBORED VALVE FACING VALVE SEATS GROUND VALVE SEATS REPLACED PISTONS GROUND LATHE WORK REAMING AND HONING WESTERN SUPPLY CO. Automobile Accessories, Oil, Tires, Batteries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 218 N. First St. Phone 126 ........... ] .... . _ x-