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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SALTY&apos;S STYLE SHOPPE 12th and Bayview  Angleside N0W OPEN Dresses - all sizes 9 to 50 Featuring Large Sizes and Lingerie Hours 12 Noon to 9 p.m. PEARL SALTWICK PHONE 219M Pasteurized and Milk TRY LATZEL DAIRY - we OELtWn-- OWe protect the quau ; of the milk we han- dle by modern method in tmr modern plant. GRATSINGERS' and SONS TELEPHONE 215-J-2 Every Saturday Night Mason County's Lai, gest Dance Floor Shelton Roller Rink DANCING 10 P.M. TO 2 A.M. itF:,i:UllU EAltlI00,Ti]T Smart Accessor00 to Holds 7 twolve-pocket 10 or 12 inch Jlbumk .Exciting simplicity--and value, fool Ideally suited to limited living quarters, "Rug<utters" call It a "going" cabinet, Popular with the young as welt as the older home-makers, too. The exclusive "JosloW" styling, expert construction be-lie its low price, Choice of lustrous walnut or mahogany finishes. Olsen rniture 325 Railroad ihone i02 Sheitmi IOOF Installs Officers New officers were installed, by the Shelton Lodge No. 62,.I.O.O.F. at their regular meeting July 9. New Noble Grand installed by District Deputy Grand Master Harry Carlon and Guy Call who acted as installing officers, was W. F. Rawling, while the new Vice Grand is Thbmas Myers. The re- tiring Noble Grand is M. J. Hel- ser. Mike Twai'dowski was apointed warden, Thoinas Watts, the Con- ductor. Left Supporter to the Noble Grand is Ellis Wells, while the Right Supportei'. is James Fraser. Fob the Vice Grand, Rob- ert Ebert will be Lef Supporter and Charles Dahlinan Right Sup- porter. S. J. Roohey remains in bffice as Caplain, and Llbne] L emap and Melvin DObson are Inside arid Otit- side Guardd, reSpectivbly. Guy Call is the Recording Sec- retary and Delmai. B, Cble the FlnafiHal Secretary, While Lea Young is TreaSurer .... The final plans for a conlblned LO.O.F.-RebekRh picnic to be held at Shangrt La, the ISland Lake summer home of Guy Call; were mmounced at the Wednesday eve- ning meeting. The picnic will be held next Sunday, July 20. COUPLE tNE|) BY DOUBLE-RING LThe chapel of the t. Olive uthrari ChurCh Was the §et'ting for thb nf0rmLi weddtfig 0f PeP- flaughtr 0f Mrs. of Inlw; and of ekttt, tO ME and Mrs. Tle bride suit with White hIt was the suit With a White veil. a htte B!ble centered with a'col-$ag ct' tHbe gardenias. Whit Stin strvaineF ad White Seet peas Wre .astiAd tb the Bible arid flo Wdd g÷acefulY in frott. . lfrs. AlVin Woolb#eh of Sat- fie, siiter of the' biqde¢ vas the maid of hono. She we§ attired in a brown Wool sdt With Whitc afi! brown adesS0rleg and wore a cbi'sagd 0' pinR i-oseSpd. Mr. Floyi Fulleb of Shelt0n, brother of the gi'oo m, acted as. the beat man. Befdre the cerei/bny began Mrs. Albach played "Be- cause." Cii6osbs Gi The bride's mother wore a light beige pin-stripe suit with black ac- c6ssorie and a corsage of garden- ias. Mrs. uller chose a green suit With blacR accessories for her so's wedding and a corsage of gardenias. S0CI00L tT Thb' nbwlyweds left amitl a shower of rice for a wedding trip along the Oregon coast anti through the California redwoodS. The. groom is a gra0uate: of .Irene S. Reed.High Schobl and is employed at Revealer; Th' will Snake their home in Shelt@h. GIRL SCOUT CAMP SUCCESSFUL, ACCORDING TO GIRLS, STAFF The Girl Scout day camP held June 23, tlu'ough July 2, at the Naval Air Base proved to be a big success, according to all the young ladies who attended and the com- mittee in charge. An Indian theme was used to co- ordinate the whole camp program; units picked tribe names, made head bands and costumes, peace pipes and tommyhawks in prepar- ation for the big Potlatch held the last day Of camp. Costumes Were made of broWn paper and crayon, acbess0rles made of natural ma- terial, as leaves, grass, pine cones, etc. Immediately following the cere- The following are the names of mony a receptibn was held in the hose who attended the camp and church parlors which were deco- the unit tribe name.theychose: ated with assorted Sweet peas, A Hopi  Sandra Hedrlckson, three-tier cake With a traditions! Anne Kinsey, Leona Longoria, bride;ad groom oa top cnteyeSLL:aren McKinney, Anna Mae King- the .br s table;, whiqh 'qa/ ,Yley,Norma Jean TobleI',, Sharen ered vlth a lac cloth, and wahl;rney , Lynn Wagoner, +Bernice flanked oreither side With can-[Yeck, Carlita Durand. delabra'and silver urns. Arapaho  Bog Anderson, Mrs. William Kriener of OlymlBrooke Anderson, Barbara Bell, piaand Mrs. William Fox. df ondra Jane Bolton, Janis Sue Rochester; Wash,,. poured, while Brown, Donna Lee Burnett, Robyu Mrs. Ben Fox of Centralia So,wed Dassel, Donna Grant, Beverly the cake. Jones, Phyllis Linton, Glenda Rob- rThe girls were given use of the buildngs now owned by the school board and the weather was so nice all during camp days that almost all the activities were cariqed on out-o.-doors, The girls partici- pated in hiking, charcoal sketch- ing, nature study, potato printing, £lay modeling and outdoor cook- ing, with every girl making a gift Some00ncludedOf clay. mode!s, pine cone necklaces and bracelets and tommy, hawks. I Other aqtivitie wei'e singing and dramatic, skits. Mrs. Oliver Ashford taught the girls sevei'al new songs and Mrs. Ollie Cleve- land hod charge of het0ing the units With €[rs, rnat!cs. Each day the girls met for an all-cahp as- sembly before cahp closed for the dty, .for ptnging and a skit put On by a different unit each day. Tte girls fr0m 10 years pud older received an extra treat; July 1, they ,were allowed Lo stay over night at .the c/imp site, Another specl¢l treat oneday a week was a m0)e.shown after lunch. They consisted of a comedy and a reel of= sorigs A tbl Potlatch every unit pre- sented some entertainment ending with everyone having a slice of watermelon. The day camp committee is es- pecially indebted to Mr. ten Wal- ton, George Andrews and Herb Grill and crew, navy chief now stationed at the air base, for their help in camp plans; and to the school board for making available the excellent site. The staff consisted of Mes- dames Newt Townsend, Lea Tif- fany, Oliver Ashford, Virgil Smith, elite Cleveland, Lobert Bell, Hor- ace Skelsey, Jr., Winston Scott, Herb Angle, Everett Reichman, Mrs. Roy Peach and Misses Nad- lne Lauber, Janet Swanson, Wini- fred Eells, Betty Remsberg, Bar- bara Kreienbaum, Sheila McGill, and Betty Fulton. ertson, Karen Snelgrove, Peggy /SABEI,LA CLUB MEETS Isabella Club let at with eight rnernbrl, yisit0r, d I cltil.dri pies- ,iast Wdnesty, OUly 9. The next reglar meetlng is to be at the home.of Ella Rose With SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Bruce Thor)e Sun- ay, July 13, by her daughter, Shirley. Gifts were opened and i'efreshments were served, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lapioli, Mr. and Mrs. hil W. Durand, Bob Bellinghaus- en, and Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe, ',F.W. HOLDS MEETING The V.F.W. auxiliary will have Its regular meeting tomorrow, 5uly 18, at the Memorial Hall. The supper committee has been nnounced as Stella Booth, Elsie abroski, Esther Morgan and [amie Clark. EBEKAH LODGE PLANS NNUAL PICNIC AT LAKE The Ruby Rebekah Lodge will old its annual picnic at the Is- |and Lake summer home of Mr. t.d Mrs. Guy Call Sunday June Those members wishing trans- portation to the lake should be at he Odd Fellows Hall not later than 11 a.m. and are requested to bring a basket lunch. ECILIA EDMISTON RECENT JUNE BRIDE Cecilia Edmiston and Arnold bivingston, son of Mrs. Pearl Ar- esen, were married at 3 p,m., une 29, at the Reldorff farm with udge Walter A. Magoon officiat -, ng. The home was decorated for he occasion•with white and pink i-osebuds. The bride wore a white suit with aatehlng hat and a corsage of ardenias. Mrs. Elgin Sharp, the bride's only attendant, wore a rown *suit and a corsage of pink Snd white carnations. Mr. Elgin Sharp acted as the best man. The bridegroom's mother wore . dress of powder blue and a cr- ation corsage of pink and white. he couple will make their home in Shelton. A reception was held immed- !ately following the wedding with ;he bride's table decorated with a two-tiered cake with a traditional bride and groom on the top. ADES SUBST-T-I-TES  BOVEES TAKE 27 , Reverend George gads, retired Baptist minister, will substitute or Reverend J. O. Bovee Sunday, uly 20, while Reverend and Mrs. Royce take 27 young people to the nual Baptist Bible Camp at ke Retreat, 14 miles east of ent. This year's delegation is the largest from Shelton to attend the annual program at Lake Retreat. BIEIIL ON HONOI ROLL Arthur Biehl of Shelton has been amed on the spring quarter honor 011 with a grade average of 2.38 its the Eastern Washington College t Cheney, Wash. He is the only Shittm student on the honor roll, t bihgo party July 23: Sdt, I%i£fl} '00rltE SEA WOI00 Ida Lupine, John Gaa'fl6| Jtiek Ibii00ii'S imrriVtal Story of dror Afloat Sundy, Mbtidtty, Tiisdy July 2b-si. iSick ihym, vea iien ,,CAgt00I00AL COSTA RICA  IN TECHNICOLOR esar Romero, Celeste lio|m The lost Magnificent MusiCal ! ! WedilJlay 0niy, 361 28 TWO tCtAURES "WILD COUNTRY" Eddie DbRt tia Ills ]gOrse, Davidson, Jerry Weston, Ardice Tidyman. Navaho--Nadine Andrews, Bar- bara Baxter, Sally Boysen, Fran- ces Cole, Patricia Joslin. Melinda Libby, Marcia Lund, Elaine Melin, Mary Lou Ranf, Lonise Yonng, Sandra Chase, Virginia Wyatt, Margaret Kcnepacke, Leona Sav- age, Joy Tidyman. . BlackfeetSandra Ann Boysen, Carol Cole, Mary Heuston, Judith MeGtnnis, Jacqucline Miller, Pat- ty Price, Doe. Bunion. Patricia Ry- a, Carolyn Kelly, Betsy Bell, Mary Jordan. Mohawk--Arline Andrews, Mar- lab Ashford, Barbara Ashford, Claudia Barbour, Marylin Bar- bour, Avis Boice, Marilyn Dotson, Garby Elmore, Audrey Kiiner, Marylin Muhson, Sharen err, Je- anne Price. Irma Richard, Nancy Retlly, Sally Stewart, Yvonne Tidyan. Former Shelton Pastor Reports From Ellensburg The Reverend Hardwiek W. Harshman, pastor of the First Methodist Church in Ellensburg, and former pastor of the Shelton Methodist Church, reported that he is "having a great time in EI- Iensbtrg, and has a wonderful church." The Reverend Mr. Harshman added that his new church seats about 400 in the sanctuary, and that he hay had many college stu- dents from the Central Washing- ton College of Education at his services there. He is planning to have a secre- tary to help with his work begin- ning September 1, and will then spend more time on the College campus. Wedding Bells On 54th Anniversary Choosing their grandparents' 54th wedding anniversary for their own wedding, Miss Barbara Ann Westover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert L. Westover of Ehna, and William Howard Dinning, son of Mr. and Mrs. J./A. Dinning of Dayton, were married June 25, at the I0me of the bride's Imrents in Ehna. Reverend Norman Smith of the Baptist Church of Elma, of- ficiated at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaBru, grandparents, acted as best man and matron of honor for the young couple. Following the wedding a dinner was selwed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Westover honoring both couples and a reception was held in the evening. CENTRALIAN VISITS Mrs. B. F. Neely of Centralia is visiting her father, William Daniels, and a sister, Mrs. Eugene Martin, iu Shelton for several days. SEATTLE VISITORS Mr. and Mrs, Ells Bean of Seat- tle are in Shelton visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Durand, and children Leslie, Diane and Bradley, for a few days. MINNESOTA TRIP PLANNED Mr. and Mrs. T. Tough are leav- ing on a trip to Minnesota. They will visit Mrs. Tough's sister, Mrs. George Golla, in Cloquet. ................................................... .x .............................. - __ 'MILADIES' Former Star Athlete CHANGE TO visits Veegan Home Dr. Harry Deegan and family of NEW STYLES SheIto,, have as guest this week Lieut. Col. Frank (A1) Crane, For a sneak 1)review of what rot., and his wife, from Arlington," "Milady' '(;an expect to wear in Virginia. The Cranes intenfl to suits and (:oats this Fall we pre- spend a year in the Northwest. :ent this report of what is being Cohmel C)'ane, recently retired .ohown in style (,enter, over the fl'Onl the Army, was tt nationally nation, known collegiate athlete at the The designers have been to Ear- University of Pemsylvania, where ope this season for the first time he was a classmate of and fellow since the war and have put adef- "tthlete with Dr. Deegan. The two inite Paris influence in the Fall men also attended Stadium High apparel. The suit jacket is long-- school in Tacoma and Washington er with a nil)ped-in waist line and State Collcge together. emphasized pocket detail giving The former Army man was a a Parisian-rounded hil). Many Rose Bowl football player and out- pockets are padded giving a quaint standing track record-lolder. Old Fashioned look of the Gay Ninetics. 'LOST 52 tbs FAT! The skirt length is a subject be- • ing greatly discussed. The skirts are straight and longez" adding a Amazing Candy Plan decided new look. All styles of Slims Down Figure pleats will again be popular. Mrs. C. D. wens. Texas. writes. "I TIle ln0st popular fabrics are wascontinually tryingdifferent ways ]. llard finis, lied worsteds gabardine, welhcdt° reduce.170undl.but withOUtThen lsuccesS'tried thel :"x and men s weal' flannels. ¢ Deep, hVDSplan andVlmminlost 52Candypounds.Reducing]Now I  [' rich color tones as Forest Green e Weigh onlF 118." Youl" experience  .J Raspberry Purple, Moch Grey, and Wetlsmay°rmayn°t bethesameaMrS.hut why•not try the AYDS 6If of course, Black are being used. way. Thousands ofothershave ttaed AYJ)S Plan successfully tooand: , , 1 Coats will beseen in gay plaids i In clinical testa €onducted b$' mele&l I with long and full backs, many , doctors .are than lO0tw$natoM ] [' 14 tO IS IOUndt avert • In a few will have hoods that inay be de- I .o. .. ,.. vff| v,,=.,. I  I c=., .a.=,.. p.. . I tached or dral)ed gracefully back WiththisPlanyoudon'tcutotltau¥ I.', over the shoulders. meals ttlrchell ,potato., meatl or li DreSses are vcry feminine with butter, Yous(mpfy c[tt them down. t 1 t's simple n.nd easierwhen YOl enq¥ flared princess lines and rounded delicious AYDS all directed. INs i drugs, NO |atiYi. O egerC3ae. No  ,,:. shell]tiers, lIally Dalman sleeves ,,,a,,.go. Absolutely Imtmlell. JO   and lavishly full skirts will be tavt=upplyofAydt.only.2$.Ifj not delightc'd with relult.t ONIY  seen. BACK on the very first IOX. lhoao This new style trend may bring MCONKEY PHARMACY a change in lairstyiing perhaps FIR DRUG STORE even to the wind bown, cheek pit (Tear Out This Ad as a Reminder) cuils of the late 20's. "Heaven Forbid." Ballgame and Picnic Set for IBEW Sunday Lake Isabella will be the scene of a picnic to be held by the IBEW, local B882, next Sunday. A softball game at Loop Field scheduled for 10 a.m. will begin the day's festivities for the local electricians and their friends and families, with the scene shifting to/ the lake following the game. The feud between the Power- house workers and the Electricians will be settled at the Loop Field tilt, and additional games, with pop aad ice cream and prizes for all will be offered at the lake pic- nic grounds. Townsend Club Meets The next regular meeting of the Shelton Townscnd Club nmnber three will bc held at 8 p.m. next Saturday, July 19, at 408 Cots St. The business session wiR hear a report from the District Council meeting at Montesano, and will be followed by refreshments. All persons interested are invited to attend the meeting. Use the Journal Want Ads-- they really get results! JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS ChlldPen and Adult TAP, TOE BALLET, BALLROOI, A O B/,TI C and All Styles Ever Wednesday to 5 p.m. Alderbrook Trail+s RIDING R STABLE OWNED and OPERATED by G -N- Two Miles East of Urion Three Miles Phone Union 342 Phone Horses and Saddles for Some people still have the strange budgets don't entitle them to good They're the vci'y people who they buy must give good aM,sat thing you find at Penney's is tested give you every dime's worth of value spend-all that, and more! Ra Also Many Styles Sheer black rayol misty ioveliest, ca ows over the fi cool as shade its pletely, charmingly a new mood, a new mid (lays. Dest your most belovet they're always re your most importal the rest of your and wilted. So smart fr those su ... inexpensive at. - Wednesday July 20 - 23 Dick Powell "JOHNNY O'CLOCK" Evelyn Keys HERES YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $9.90 BL Come in and estimate the number of pennies in the jar in our window by 5:30 Friday, July 18th. Nearest Number Wins Blanket DNE WEEK Thursday - Wednesday July 24 - 30 IN TECHNICOLOR EVERYBODY MUST SEE "THE YEARLING" Starring Gregory Peck 50¢ for this Show le R;ooms ervioe and o the t! We f iger ate B' THE SMART FE PHONE 1 tank and be a 'or constant cc of ST' gallons for new oi @ d milk product foods taste bread, che, milk for tl for the cog dessert -- what WiChou these than goo< most near "-rich in vitsmi Proteins. No gz take the place Products. all the famil: form "every FOR EVER