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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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41"&apos;qv*rV'O" ...... ed  . . . ,rm Stller t ........ I Fo , dDqlt  _.--.ialai ._ _! Ii JH  I ++,',,"""'"'" r b' '  - prv o- OR SALE: Heavy dut Vaughn d ag PRESCRIPTION SERVIC on merit- . . FOR SALE: 3- ' 5  " I glllaVViiaVa iiHV I 75 cash. Rt. 3. Box 211. L7-17 direct with you on z0ur doctor's KIMBEL OIL CO im hoses, oar, anu exul!dings -n jz± 5 77  ..... : | ..... ' --  --- i "FOR-- SALi'or Ttade--fo'--coW.--5  oraer .F.repp'a rug tore, econu " Free estimate, rnono 17-14 ..... " ! I gaited saddle horse. Phone 15"F-1. anu auroaa. lO-tzn. ............. fl-u-z ...... I  ' ' Bm:ke (h'uson. Rt, 3 (& mile down ................... ,, ,-  wv vvv vv ,rvvv Arcadia Road). FOR SALE PHONE 26 for home m}lk delivery. Mll-14tfn. ]R-'BALE: LoW bea trauer. O:aJx 20 tires With fifth wheel hitch. John Vincent, Rt, 1, Box 230, Shelton Valley. 6-5-tin IR SALE: Garden hose,-H/llcrest Hardware, 7-17 7-17-31 FOR S ig+-S:K£E--++q7-fffampshlre Re(T-+I: lets, nearly four months old. Reas- .----.,. ...... . . ...... ....v enable. 4. Anderson, Moore's Addi- (:)R SALE: Boat. motor and trailer. 1618 RJdgeroad. Phone 684-J. W7-17 at K/liner Electrfc. 207 Cola. 7-17 "FbR "'SXLE--+ii-6--"iiO:;/i: -A] --  watt light plants, with kit of i'e. pair parts, $250. Western Supply Co,, 218 North First St. Phone 126. at Klllmer Electric, 207 Cots. 7-17 dI1++SJGl''le,+K-vY )cE--Vi:e;-4-+i+G -+OR--SALE=.-8e-O+-i'pI+o-"r'-''e 6 feet. Hillcrest Hardware. 7-17 for auto parts and accessories. First   " ' ' ' ' and Mill Streets. DhDne 596 7-tfn to dii. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn. -F5 R "'SXLiF+i(# -5fh +g-t:b+ffi- fF 5h-? not slab wood, any length, 1 load or a hundred, prompt delivery. C. R, (Cliff) Screen, Star Rt. 1, Box 95, Shelton, Wn,, Phone 216-3-8. 6-19-tin I I I FOR SALE l-Coil Spring 1---SpPing Filled Mattress 1--Pressure Canner 1+Apex Vacuum Cleaner Apply Eaton Body & Fender Third and Grove Phone 84 I I I Dk AXE: Raspbcrrles• qu plek, bring containers, 1( a pouna. 'none 217-R-4. 6-28-tfu Jersey and one Guernsey. Alber Nordquist. RLe. 1, Box 24. 7-3tin "FOR SAI:,E: 5-h.p. Johnson outboard motor, $55. Phone 254, Union. L. W. Bonnet. 7-8-17 Jersey bull. Norman W. Castle, Rt. 2, Box i06,. ,,. %3-17 shakes. Roy McLucaa, Route 1• Box 218AA, Shelton. 7-3-10-1.7 -FOR SALE:  MeD)ugli--kJicleit-cabi- net, Herren washing machine, Em- itters cook stove. A. E. Swearlnger, loute 1, Box 141. Mill Creek road. • 7-8-1. id R X L-- L+] ;/  ' , hi[e [ -'-6-f" ki fi n sinks, singles and doubles. IIlllcrest Hardware. 7-17 with magneto, also 2-wheel lteavy duty hard rubher tire trailer. Ted Rausehert• Grapeview. Wash. 7-I0-17 burner converted, complete wlttl coils, hot water tank atzd oll drum, Also Simmons steel bed with coil springs and mattress• Jack Dam- mann. 920 East Dearborn. 7-10-17 _ ktd and I4-month old bulk+ also some used lumber in different sizes. , Josephine Lusin, Rt, 2, ]ox 268. Shel{on .... 7-10-17 iOR SALEV+/+iT6y-[=6iFr-iiiid"+ plier+ pen, Like new. Phone lgq-J. K7-10-24 FOR" -S.Ei+" B|:mi-wln:Willlams out- ide house paint, $5.50 gal. Catto Iardware. 815 Railroad, Phone 48. 5-22-tin suitable for ranch use, or small shop. G. W. Palmer, Matlock Route, Mat- lock (near Becvllle School).| 7-10-24 aren't pure white. Inquire Route 1, Box 215, Mrs. Merrill Saeg¢r,10q7,24 FOR SALE: Western roping saddle, + bridle and martingale, exeellent con- dittos, $50 00. Phone 591-RX, ' ]8-in. wheel. 8h.p, heavy duty twin , lnarine rooter. 2 bunks, life preserv- . ors, round bottom, deep ke.el. $600. ' I:lerbert Pledt, Box 76, Hoodsport, phone 3-J-2. . %10-17 '+ ,o'--Sk-tMi+-7 :iT'i,-:-dl'i am--p-io-h-T;[<jE + Kood condition, $150. Inquire I{erh elson. Rt. 1. Shelton. - N7-10-17 ' "FOR-'SALE-'-T+6;go . ;thing' ]ihihe in good condition, $40+ Pimnc Union 886. Mc7-10-2 i0iaJL/g :--S/,ial klt:,ih(;h range Wltt/ water coils, converted to oil, A.H. Ayertb H0odsport, Wash, 7-10-tin , Phone 9-F-12. 7-I0-17 F(JR'RN'-'0 a rtm e n-t'b'd or week. Motel style, Everything furnished. Corner First and Alder. NOW Real-Silk Merchandise * Llngerle Dresses Skirts Blouses * Handbags * Finest in V[en's and Ladies Hosiery * Many other quality items K. L. MANN Box 1, Lilliwaup, Wash. DROP A CARD or phone Shelton 221-R-4 7-3-31 it it Wheels Balanced On Your Car New Stewart-Warner post- war electronic balancer. $1.50 per wheel Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 I I FOR SALE: Sherwln-Willlams out- side house paint, $5,50 gal. Catto Hardware• 15 Railroad, Phone 48. 5-22-tfn FO'R'SALE:  Portable fire englne 500 gal. wooden tank and fire brick. Ksmih!he Auto Parts, Olympia HI- way south. Box 452, Shelton. 7-10-17 I I FOR SALE WESTERN FURNACE No. 25 Complete with Jacket, Fan and Pipes Also Oil Burner $100 for outfit G. C. ANGLE I t ill ]|1 II] KITCHEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made+ to order. For free estimates Plzene 217R2 or 217R3. Pcterson Bros. 8-1tin. Tractors and Gas Engines. New and used water systems, home-freezers, Reach-in ReYrlgerators, light plants and nmny other hard-to-get items at REDUCED PRICES. Stop ' SEE MISKELLA REFRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Olympia Hiway at Aberdeen 'Y". Ph, 9690 Olympia, or wrltc Rt. 1, Box 148. 5-1-tin RZr;:=.-'sd&;iiTY i;WifCiiff-ffF-'JYe' free for cutting. Accessible, Angle-[ eide. See ti. G, Angle. 4-24-tin ' Brdadtomn rug and pad, excc, nent uondltion. Fred Bell, 107 North 8th, Phone 294-R. 7-17-24 ice at HiIlcrest Hardware, 7-17-31 i-6 A+-gXLE+i+-- .,filh]T6F- . gfffiF+-ii+:5, $17.80, at Killn|er Electric, 207 Ceta. ............... 7-17 FOI SALE: "-a-l¢-b-atT-ffl[l-'-eJic.locd + cupboards and connter with sinks. soltablc for store or tavern, Clleap. Maple Auto Court on Matlock Road, 7-17-24-31 -5R--+qXE -- i+:5 t  ';:i:a-F,'- -F 5k chah', ltassock, overstuffed chair and 4-piece bedroom set. Plmne 251-R. 7-17 FfJR" SALE :'-+/.Jaiig" Del tj(/-¢j]i-"];ii'nge. copper coils and izot water tank. $100, Mrs, Ed Hobl. Union. Box 68. H7-10-17 (near Olympus .Manor:). ......... __7717 V(f+2-iR-gg-ia%W-iKil6i+JKh+iii!fii: )-f"X=LE?-Wi-ti(7i-c[]:j barber (h]l: Jted quantities at Mel Chevrolet. per8 $14. Double down arctic sleep- Car izes 4:40);21, 5:50X19, 5:50x17, ln hag, $25, 2-wheel utility trailer, " 6;00x16, (J:0xl6, 7:00x16, 6:50xi5, $9o. Phone 538-M. M7-17-3L 7" 15 all truck th'e slzes and -= ...... - ............... : ...... ] ................... .:.,. ;,. ......... ' . FOR SAL: Montag enanel wood • uu vl all Size,% ,eso USeQ tires IU r  vo' e •  d condition ange, I t .olol, gee , all Popular sizes. Moll Chevrolet, qwontlefh ,mfu,.v *,)rc 7-1/-! First and Grove Phone 777 or 778. --+=::-="+" =.'-'+'+-.'+++'" .<-.-'7:'-.-'----%; --= ; .......................  ............................. OR SALE: Wool baus antl scatter- IiOR SALE: Revereware at Hlllcrest r-,'s O-tl  v -f,u' 5+.u0 W7-17-31 Hardwar . 7-17 .......... v ................ ' ................ , .............................. ........... . ................................................. BOATS FOI?, SALE' 22-ft. Monk de- lvOR SALE: ?10-year old mare. approxl- s vn .wanon't tab n cru ser mately 1500 Ibs. A -yr old horse • . " -1 ..... + " + " +' Un)vesal muter and lb-ft, speed gentle D 1T. not DI'OKen I.O narn SS or bent tstl" Crm',,°"ion JuSt ovcr- saddl= a b]t 900Ibs..Ca_.H at Swan= hauled. Inqulre Sheltou Machine _.sIt' loatPArcala ICaa_'.' Shop and Moorage or Phone 364. . R .SALIg: Young ptg. Del, Adams, D7-17-3, lvLatlock R[ Box 76. : 7-I7 • I I I HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT ..... THIS MAGNIFICENT SPANISH STUCCO 5-BEDROOM HOME is in the center of the Pacific Northwest's sum.lcr playground of boating, surf riding, swinm'dng, fislJng and hiking. It is only three yearn old tuad is luxuriously carpeted from wall to wall. The living room is 16x22, there arc five bedrooms and a 13x15 dining room. It has Gcncral Electric hot water llcat, triple phlmb- ing, a large recreation room, a boathouse and a triple garage. THIS OUSTAND1NG 1tOME IS LOCATED NEAR UNION, on Use soutlcrn end of £amous Hood Cana/ W/lOre Um water is warm, yet is within 30 nfinutos drivc of Bremerton or Shelton and 45 minutes of Tacoma or Olympia, It llas 100 feet of excellent water- front and is beautifully landscaped. Total Price $31,500 FORD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 520 Burwcll St. Phone 245 Brcmerton :__ i ,11 _ ,, i i.. ,.1 i i .'- .Jr- • ' I,m . tion, North Hill.  7-17 WOOD: rI EAVY SXB-- NiS-'Fr 6i- wood, $9•00 large load, delivered. Shelton Valley Lumber Company. 103 So. 12th. Phone 548-J. 7-17--8-13 FOR SALE: Basement furnace, wood or oil. with plplng, jacket attd fan; also oil burner, cheap price, sec H. G. Angle. 7-17-81 PJR--gXL-E:----Fu- Royal ;portable typewriter, almost new, $80. May be seen at Journal office. 7-17 Underwood typewriter, $50. 619 North 5th, Shelton. L7-17 FC)-R-'S/ki:E-'--l'+'iohe made crawl'-r.r tractor and 1 right-hand buzz saw mandrel. Cheap. James D. Ford. Rt. 2. Box 251-B, Shelton. 7-17-31 -FOi sALE:John- Dee}"e"10:Jh:-plow, I)ractleally new, Inquire 202 E, Pine St. Mc7-17-24 FOR SALE: E/ectrk; stove, sink, 3 windows, 3 weed grills, child's swing, small motion picture projector. Phone 171. G7-17 2x4's. sheeting and brick, G, E. Sharer, Allyn. 7-17 WANTED - - _ ,+qal'rv"ll' ,+r',lP, _ WANTED: Salesman to .take Vacuum Cleaner agency. This is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire Sewing machines will be in line when nvailable. This could be andled on apart time basis. Must be finan- cialZy responsible. Write or phone • or appointment. House of Pahner.  632 Washington Avenue, Bremerton, Washington, Phone 2576, 7-10-tin W-/NTED --eleetric refr'lgerator for small home, must be in good con- dition. 1128 North 12th Street, Shel- ton, Wash. W7-3-17 I I LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing plaices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 Tt I I-EP"-V¢TED: Dart time ho"o'- work and care ofchlldrea for free rent and compensation. Inquire Rit- 1-18ffm. her's Care, f1NTED'+-d'ead-stocl¢ , prompt free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 21-J-18. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. -27tf WANTED: women to work as oyster; 1 cullers at Oyster Bay, Call 10ng dls- I taned, Oyster Bay, collect. s] fnP I Oscar Zaadell. lO:1.8.L'n WXITRlSS and kitclen help waato Apply Hotel Shelton CoOtie ShOpl feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympla, Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn for sales position. Thorougll training will be given the successful busl. heSS and sales experience or train- ing helpful. College background not required but desirable. Personal in- terviews will be arranged with men who seem qualified. Write Box F, Mason County Journal, F7-17 MANAGERS WANTED for grocerya--n- meat departments of department store In southwest Washington. Sub- stantlal pay, p, ormanent P0ln Gve all. detall In Jetter to 0 + ms. washlngon. '7-1Y k|ttens, Dick Vaughn, Cabin 4. %a slmro Resort. RELIABLE MAN with tar wanted to [:all on farmers in Mason County. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital re- quired. Permanent. Write today. • McNess Company, Dept. B. 242:3 Magnolia St,, Oakland 7, Calif. 7-17-24 WANTED: Practical nurse wants work. Convalescents and new mothers pre- ferred, Mrs, James D. Ford, Re. 2, Box 251-A, 7-17-31 VANTED: Woman for ge-'-a-Vou- cleaning, 1 day a weelc Inquire at The Journal office. H7-17-tfn W)t--I'T':ED +" Good cook. until Is-f S0pt., at summer home on Canal, excellent wages. Call itoodsport 25-J-13. D7-17-24 USED CARS FOR SALE: 1934 Studebaker' Com- mander sedan, good condition, good ttres, $300, Pbone 251-R. 7-17 0R-SXII or Trade: '85 V-8 delivery, new paint, good tires, good motor. '37 Buick convertible, radio and heater, new tires, new knee ac- tion. good shape thruout, lhone 284-R. 7-17 dan, exeellent condition, $195. In- quire 1403 Railroad. Phone 669. W7-17 sedan, radio and underseat heater, good condition, upizolstery llke new. $1295, Fred Archer at Firestone Stqre.. _  7-3 BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights -- Brakes  Toe In TESTED FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECESSARY REPAIRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets PHONE 673 FOR'-':'X/E--0= ..-, ".-: , : ord V-8 sedan, good condition, good tlrcs. now pamt job radio and heater. Jor a earlier n]odel. 855 Fairmont Ave, V7-3tfn trailer house, tandem 27-ft., 2-bode roe!us. Fully. equipped. Electric braaes. This trahor on market slls fqr $2650. Must sell on account sick. hess. T/llnk! Only $1650. Don't hesi- tate, Hurry. Phone Bromerton 570 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, N7-3-17 FOR SALE: sula]l-trallcr-iT-iouse, bed. mattress and springs, 2-burner oil stove. 152I Union St., Sheltont,7Vgs] 250,0;.Model A convertible $100.00. vcrsnatvs Sevyl.ce Station, 3 miles sotith, Olymlnc /ignway. 7-10-24 4-Wheel drive, good tires, powerful winch, will pull 14-ill. fit' stumps, .Wilbur Petcrson, Star Rt. 1. Bor ]34, Pllone 217-R.2 or 217-R,,3. 7-10-24 i('FOR . SALE: - Prsctically new house traitor, new laint and tires, lots of 10eker and cpboard room, |co box, stove, and hot plate See at Buick Garage. ask for Brockman. 7-10.24 trai or. good tires, electric brakes, 25-1b. !co box, sl]lk, oil leater, gas stove, lots ot eupoard space, sleeps four. $560. Hcrb¢.rt Pledt, BOX 76, IIoodsport, Phone /3-J-2. 7-I0-17 for dual axl0 logging trailer, Phone ;d.8-R-2. D7,10.17 WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rial uaranteed. Vern Davldson, 908 Ellinor. Shelton. Phons 229W. 7-18tfn H---MSTITCHING: 10¢ yar, also tonholing. Mrs. Ellls Wells, 405 At: cadla Avenue. (Corner Areadis aria Boundary Streets.) 2.26-tfn • done. Mrs. M. MeCann, 222 So. 4th St., Phono 489-M. 6-10-tin VL-- - -X -L-- - -SRTc-h- t-   ors for carpenters. Phone hours will e Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m., and Fridays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m, Phone 212. S. A. Torkelson Business Aent. 5-22-tin I| Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 518 Park St. Phone 284-R UNDERSEAL Protects against rust, ping- spots from flymg rocks and gravel. GUARANTEED for the life of your car. $35 and $40 Available at Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 III SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garde Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 I BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING Ralph Danielson RT. 1 BOX 12A Phone 218 R2 tin WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: 2 to 4-room house, or bnproved acreage within easy walking distance of helton. Richard Reese. Box 104, Plummer, Idaho. 7-17-24 RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W iltll tl ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2nd Phone 685 I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-R 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service t CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done I I Rugs and Uphostery CLEANED Work done in own home Fast and Effecient Service Write D. L. Ward 819 So. Decatur Street Olympia, Washington 7-3-31 i i HOWELL ROOFING CO. LOCATED AT Shelton Sheet Metal Works 321 South Third PHONE 105 Shingles -- Flat Roof -- Miscellaneous Asbestos Asbestos Gutters Thickbutt Built-up Dutch Top Tar and Downspouts Hexagon J Gravel Coating ASBESTOS SIDING BRICK SIDING SPRAY COATING FOR LARGE AREAS ROOF REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS EsUmates Furnished Free i # CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging s Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS I Prompt Scrvice -- H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washinton Phone Union 1354 t ,t t t i t BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING  UPHOLSTERING LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK J. M. SCOBEY TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES  ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R, Lcwls, President, Blmzch B. Bell, Vlce-Prcsident C. Nolan Mason. scrctary-Trcasurer Agents Tor PUGET SOUND TITLE INSU RANCE CO. OF SEATTLE TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS -- Sold and Repaired -- H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 114 W.Jth OLY[FIA Phone 8044 Office Furniturqt : Iilca and Fireproof Safes FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes• J. A. Sehlange, Box 28, Belfair, Phone Be/fair 552. 7"17-47--7-17-48 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES. Service an eupplies, Free pickup v.d .delivery, Jack Mantey, omy autnorzzed fac- tory repres_entatlve . M_agon Coun- ty. Phone toousport zw or Shel- ton 664, 7-18tin, Sw, WING MACHIN REPAIRING, also parta_f.or all re_ekes of sewing machines, Fnone bSJ. B10-3tfn USED TIRES: _ passengcr attd, truck zscapping aa r.epalrlng. Sam B Smith. Co.,. leg1__o and Cerry: Olglpla...t'pone T/. 13. . Tlre ancl batteries, ll-ltfn. BUILDINGS R/ED,. new founda- tions placeacUn er teem and other alterations. . N. Allen, Rt. 1. Box 140 (Mill Creek Road), Shelton. ..... 5-1-7-31 BURGESON RADI.O REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto ra.dlo@. cro__rcm J u.nior HiKh cnoot, ,L-..aaz,.nn. l'nonc 112W. Pick up an aenvsry. Closed Sat- m-days, or eave work at Ktllher Electric. ll-7tf-- II i We Deliver MILL WOOD FOR SALE Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 REXAIR The air conditioner and vacuum sweeper Put the dirt in water. FREE DEMONSTRATION by your dealer Rudolph Hodachek 5020 S. Thompson Ave. Tacoma, Wash, Plmne Hillside 4788 7/10-31 FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 Rellable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I II PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer' 10 Front Street Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O. Remodeling O Furniture Repair OO Appliaxice Repair Cabinets Built or Repaired O Fro6 Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3. Box 192-A Phone 462-J CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys II I I II Septic Tanks Cesspools CLEANED Fre Inspection Satisfaction Guaranteed L. E. STEPHENS Box 99, Allyn, Wash. 6-26--7-31 I CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine  Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHLNG 200½ West 4th- Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tin BERNICE STEWART "CORSETIERE" -- "CHARIS" Established Clientile a professlonal service given this community over a period of of years Appoint- ments made by phone - 372R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Waterfront lot with lum- ber', doorsand windows, for 5-roonu cottage. 6 miles on Arcadia Road. Inquire Lewis, H. Guay, Rt. 3. Box 225. 7-17 FOR SALE: 4-room ,nodern house with 5 large lot at' 305 Roosevelt (end of Summit Drive). By owner at above address. D7-17-24 FOR SALE: 6-room house on 4 acres of ground. Good well, chicken house, big garden spot, $2600, Located on Isabella Lake loop on Lost Lake Road. Phone 616-R-4. E. 1 . Landis. Route 1, Box 212. 7-10-31 F6I--S--LET 7=rm:-hohsg-wftff -coin: aletely electric kitchen, 2 nice lots, rge fenced lawn, garage, and large workshop, Man=ville roofing, siding on house. See owner at 1411 Railroad, 5-29---8-28 ivOR SALE: New 15-oot trailer house, aluminum interior and exterior, only $1495.00. Dick Valley, Mobileglide dealer, 1525 Railroad Ave., Phone 653-W. 4-2A-tin FOR SALE: 40 acres and four room house. 14 miles out on Lost Lake Road across road from clubhouse. E. Z. Thompson, 619 Fatrnmnt or Phone 278-R. 7-10--8-14 FOR SALE: Island Lake lots, Phone 160-J. K7-10-24 FOR SALE: 2-bedroom semi-modern ouse, newly decorated, partly turn- hod, good garden, new well, 5 acres, on Olympic highway south of Shelton, formerly Hansen's store. Gua Anderson. 7-10-17 tt i t WILL PAY CASH for piece of land WITH BAD TITLE Union, Wash, 6-267-17 WORTH LOOKING INTO ON ARCADIA ROAD just out- side city limits, a 3-room modern home completely furnished, includ- ing electric range with oil burning incinerator; well, electric pun.p, full basement and fruit room; AI/ for $4150 on terms. THREE-ONE-HALF ACRES on Olympic highway North with 2- bedroom house utility roon and laundry trays; only 4 years old, several outbuildings 1,000 ft. high- way frontage; 40 ft. cased-in well with new electric pump; $4,100. NEW MODERN, with 2 bedrooms, on Mr. View; maple floats,, lecri¢ range wirmg, automatic eleetxic water tank, utility room and laun- dry trays, exceptionally large liv- ing room; has been approved for G. I. loan or can be handled on reasonable terms otherwise; You will like this home. $6,500. 4-ROOM SEMI-MODERN in Ste- wart's Addition, some work to be done; 2 lots, total 100x139 feet, city water and lights; only $3000, terms. * $ * NICE NEW 3-room home, large utility room and laundry trays; completely furnished with new furniture; $5,700. FINE RESIDENCE LOT on high- way in ,Mt, View Addition, with another lot in rear, total 60 x 220 ft., city water and sewer, nice homes on each side. $1,200. For Realty Buys Consult a Realtor M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157  Title Ins, Building Shelton HOOD CANAL Four-Room hous% modern, won- der view of Olympics and Canal lots of flowers and shrubs. $3500 New-House, Modern, some inside finishing to be, donesplcndid view of Ol.ympics and Canal. $5000 95-Ft. Waterfront  Modern house fireplace, guest lmuse, gravity water, clean beach. $12,200 FRANK NOSWORTHY REALTOR Union, Washington Phone 441 7-17-tin. LOTS OF LOTS Any Size up to A Full Block Cleared, ready for a GARDEN or A HOME Immediately Excellently locatel within city limits. City water and light. Ralph Stockwell Wyandotte and 7tl PHONE 133-J 5-8tin. I 3 Choice building lots, Olynlpic View addition all for $750. Small unfinished lmusc Mt. Vicw ;1650. Modcn house -- 4 acres near water $4350. Beautiful View home at Union $4500, H. L. Olstead Agency FOR SALE : homes, each. V 2. FOR SALE : Wash. WATER room Artesian electric or. Oakland BaY. 626-R. FOR room. FOR in HOMES :.First Baptist uOVee, Pastor Fift 9:45 a.m. -- Young Pe< Morning Worship 1 Evening Service 7:4 ........ St. House just m::  ready to set uP, + '+ • • Luther C0000rch of m+ Lut,00 G. 2. $7150* Methedis, electric hot w;t n built and cl Herbert mVnATopic: "What DO --i---""-"+! 320 N. 4th .vv.v..r7  .'RrSonage YNE WRIGHT, LOST dust00 and Unm  ton 28th: Reward. 't Th..., 81w 00+00I0000+-nurch of Ch, LOST: SH ELTON  th Branch of Tllursda er church, The First Chur Altlm :Y Boston, Mass, 8ub]ebt Next Sun er nal "LIFE" SUNDAY SCHOOL lING SERVICE ENING MEET by this cht Sunday, fro from 6:45 FURNISHEI invited to attend' one C;' the Reading R $15 weekl. tURCH AT 302 ALD[ Bremerton Phone Phone CABIN on fuel and mout. CAPABLE B£ garden or e BO. Thur hose o,., Savin00 Matlock 147. THOSE cal or B. phone mounce the Pa to Funds inve Local AN S ieo, 9 to 17, 120 Nati ASSE Loans ......... i On Contract Owned and in J1 and Securities i on ttand and in Banks and Egluipm+ Chaige and Othe Assets + Your funds ith th and L: ¸ : ? !i,  , <! • n Cou[ i Draham L, Paetibw !,11: