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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Service I REAL vvv.'vv  FOIl SALE : apartments, FT BOX 787., 1-Y6R-- Test 4th- • homes, each. , Wash. school buses, V, 2, .o visit our shop closed [igious supplies age, .jars, land Wash. WATER 7/8-tfn PARK, room nlc Artesian electric STEWART er. Also Oakland BaY, -- "CHARIS" 626-R. tile a professlonal community over ears -- Appoint- hone - 372R. FOR ESTATE in Real ,front lot with lum- dndows, for 5-roonl HOllieS on Arcadia Road. • Gaay, at, 3, Box "7-17 modern house -tK 5 Roosevelt (end of By owner at above D7-17-24 k bouse on 4½ acres well, chicken house, ,2600. Located on Shick lop on Lost Lake 125 First -R-4. E, F. Landis. 7-10-31 :-ho.s-w--€orn- FOR :itchen, 2 ,lice lots, l, garage, and large 'file roofing, siding 2-ROOM zer at 1411 Railroad. St. House __ 5-29--s-2s ready to set 5-foot trailer house, r and exterior, onl Valley, Mobileglide 10-ACRES of Jroad Ave,, Phone under 4-24-tfn nearly :res and four room out on Lost Lake Ld from clubhouse. UPRIGHT pIANO: 619 Fairmont or tion. $185 7-10---8-14 * - q Lake lots, Phone NEW 4 Room K7-10-24 hardwood 1room semi-modern orated, partly turn- matic hot :'den, new well, 5 furnace. Good highway soutit of port. Good Hansen's store. 7-10-17 G. I. $7150 , #, 4 ROOI kY CASH electric hot e of land built and kD TITLE Herbert , Wash. 6-26--7-17 V V vqv,p.lrwr 'tvv"tt I LOOKING LOST 'TO ROAD just out- 28th: a 3-room modern 81W. furnished, includ- LOST: Thursday e with oil hurning pleasa l, clectric pure.p, at L. Id fruit room; AIJ Altha 'INS. er strap ..... . * * " nal office %LF ACRES on .y North with 2-" white utility roon and  peared nly 4 years old,] contact ags 1,000 ft. high- t Phone 254. , 0 ft. cased-in well] i.c pump; $4,100. I , with 2 bedrooms, Lple fleers,, electric utomatic electxic $15 wcel: ty room and laun- Bremcrton ,tionally large liv- een approved for m bo handled on s otherwise; You he. $6,500. MODERN in Ste- some work to be )tal 100x139 feet, ,ights; only $3000, :earn home, large Ld laundry trays; fished with ncw ). fuel and . . lnout. iCE LOT on high- w Addition, with mr, total 60 x 220 and sewer, nice CAPABLE B£ ;ide. $1,200. ' garden or 787. , €. Consult a Rcalto home or Matlock [NTHEO 147. 'itle Ins. Building ca1 or B. elton p2one CANAL s% modern, won- 7topics and Canal and shrubs. $3500 dern, some inside snesplcndid view i Canal. $5000 1t  Modern house lmuse, gravity tch. $12,200 OSWORTHY LTOR 7ashington ao 441 7-17-tfn. ice, )F LOTS lze up to 1 Block ' ready for a or A HOME diately atecl within city rater and light. tockwell ;te and 7th E 133-J 5-8tfn. I1 ing lots, Olympic .11 for $750. d housc Mt. Vicw Local NaG 4 acres near home at Union ead Agency AN 120 t9400. SHtlers in the state a party of On Nov0m- city of Denver P.HIM anlf RUTH at of God qe.vv v.,v v v qr •p,v v.wv fL'V V V'V "P'"r V t" 'V V V LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NOTICE 01," IIEARING NOTICE IS t]EREF.Y GIVEN th'lt a public hoe ,ing will be Ileld on Monday, r I ')1 1nit It 7 't0 P M in the ,.U 3" - ..... ,t. ;  ..... ." , , Cty C nlnlissfon I{oDIU, .Ctt !t;dl, Shelion, Washing till. on lll' qtl sLt 1 Of t.hangJng classification of the her,.- nhel,w described area fl.OlO [lesidelt- lial lo C, mmll.rciat classification: Lot 9 of Block ]2. llilh'resl Ad- dition I. the City .d" Sh(,lt(a. NOTICE IS pUITIIER C, IVEN thai al the hereiunb,ve gulled IIHIO Illl(I Idll:o a hearing will he heh[ on lhe (lilt sth*n of W]ielb ,r or not aPl*roval shml(l rm gl.anted for the "z, re(,tlon of a court al),qr/otent build ng or1 the |'ol- ]owinl.  dewt,rihed properly OV I)rt'ot - ises: Lols 1 and 8 of Block 1 Angle- side Addition No. 2 of file City of Shelton. f CITY PLANNING cOMMISSION of the City of Shelton, Elhot ]=L Spring, Secretary. 7-10-17-2t Phone 476-M MCGill, Pastor First Baptist Church [ Bovce, Pastor Fifth and Cota Streets 9:45 a.m. -- Young Peoples Meeting 6:45 p.m. Morning Worship ll,a,m. Evening Service 7:45 p.m. Olive Lutheran Church The Church of th Lutlleran Hour ,.HILLCREST HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-]V£ and 230 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a, m. Methodist Church Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine Suhday SchoOl at 9:45 a.m. Mooning Worship 11:00 a.m. ,, .ermon Topic: "What Do YOUs.:hink WAYNE WRIGHT, Mi "re 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 ch of ChrisL Scientist SH ELTON Ntate of V'aulllngtan OI"FI('I,'. OF UI'I,;I{VIOI{ el," Ii YI)IeAI'LI(', Olympia NOTI('I,: OF.(;ROiNI) %VATER l¢lGIl'r APPLI('ATION NO. 571; TO WIIOM IT iIAY CONCI,'XIN: N)ti(.e is her(fly givell that l,uffone l']rown O|" Sh,li)l] iasllillulOn. tin[tel' date of Julv l. 19,t7. filed with the Slate Snpervis,n, of Hvdr:ttfli(.s, Olytu- Ida, Washington. nn :]Hditlati,,n for a [)('rlnit IO withdraw DIIblJ(' l'ount] wa- 1OI'S by rll(,an.q (if a pUlll ) w('ll situ:xt#(l 9 Ilil's N, vth of }lelton ill lho amount of 20 g'allons per llllnUlo SUbJ('I't to ,'xistin rights dtlring h'vigalion .qen- son. each ye:/l' for the purposo of il'ri- ation; that thv hit.attire of tile with- rawal works is within SWU= of NPP,:I of St.(:. 16. Twp. 21 N.. age..l 7.W.M. in Mason Couuly. A nlal) sh,,wing the hcation and Idan of said works and 1he place ,it' the proposed use iS on file ill the (rf (,, t" the State Supervisor of Hydraulics Olynlpia, Washington. to- g'ether with Stlch other inf(iroattion as is requh'ed Ily law. Any persoI{. (trill or carl)el'attain whose right will I)o injuriously af- fected by sld alp cati, n may file wtth the Stale Sup ,rvisor t f Hyd 'tul- it's, tit Olympia Washington, such ob- jections or rcl)resentations , ill writing. hS It( nay (l¢'sire to Inflk,!. within thirty (30) days aftee date of last public, ation, whi(.h date is July 24, 1947, Witness Iny hand and official seal Ibis 3rd day of Jtlly,. A.D. 19.t7, (SEAL) RODNEY llYKIR. State Supcrv sol. if Hyd 'at cs. By Chas, J. Bal'tholet'. Del)uty. 7-17-24-?t Forest Closure Notice The followiixg described areas within and adjacent to the Olym- pic National Fo1'est. are hereby de- clared: REGIONS OF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD. Jorsted Creek Area: Section 36 and SE}I SectiOn 35, T. 24 N., R. 4 W. Dry Creek Area: Section 15 except Cushman Reservoir, Sections 16 and 20, Nt/,2 Section 21, T. 23 N., R. 5 W. South Skokomish River Area: Those parts of Section 1, 2, 3, 10 and 12 south of Brown Creek Road, Sec- tions 11, 13, 14 15, Sections 21 to 28 inclusive, Sections 33 to 36 in- clusive, T. 22 N., R. 5 W.; except- ing the road to Camp 3 in Section 35. For protection of the above- described areas against fire, the following rule will be enforced: Going into these area or being upon the lands described is pro- hibited except with an entry per- mit issued by a forest officer, and as provided by law, the perniit shall he in the possession of the permittee while he is within the closed area. Entry shall be re- stricted to permanent residents and otherg engaged in conducting a regular, legitimate business, such as industrial operations, public works or facilities, livesLoc, rais- .ing, mining, and protection of the resources. Those entering shall he restricted to carrying on their bust- NOTI('E OF 1)ISSOT,I:TION OF NOTICE OF ,SAlvE OF STATE of 298 ° 41' 00.l" 2297.92 feet. more I'ARTN Elt.Illi' TIDF LANDS NOTICE IS 1-1EREi:Y CIVI,N thai Monroe Michaelis of Sh(,lttm. Wash- ug (in, Iind LOS DI,ltln ill" *; 'Ill|l,, r ' lingt n ]lete ofl' "l (( p l! n I ' .,v",,,ed in W'II l r 11 1p" h:ti' dJq- solved iheir pal'l Iter, hli), th(' sni(I lonl'ofi Michaelis iS COtltinll}n , tile hllsllleSS and is r(,spOll!qiblt. I111' lilt (h'bts :And obligl&liolls tl.l lh! qli(l Los 19flan s wilhdrawia4' ]r(,lll lhe ],:tl'l- nel'shi) and iS not rc.q]lolls]hle for anv (lo])| he['e nllf[er in(.lll'l',{ }),v lh bll- in(,ss. .I)aled June 10. 19.]7. MONROE MICIIA IL'LI}k 6-12-19-26-- 7-3-I0-]7-21-7t Nd). 1910 NOTICE TO CRI,:I)iTOR, IN TI-II  , SU:PERIt)I. ('.()[TtqZ ()] TF[Iq STATE Olr WASiIIN(VI'(IN /,'OR MASON cOUNTY Ill tile Mntter of lhc Esiale ,)f Charles A'. Woodal] De,'eased. Notice is hereby ivt, n ihai the undersigned has b ccn al)poinled an(l lns qualifiod as aauunlsLrator ,,f tho above; entitled estate; t]lat a P('rsollS having clainls against said deceased are hereby requh'ed 10 serve the same. duly verified, on sald lrviu Woodol[ or (llal'les T. Wright, attorney of ree- (rd, at the addl'ess ])Ch,W ,¢tatt'd an J file the sane with the Clel:k of sit Court together wittl proo! of s i i { ]  Scl'vk, within six months after the date of f rst puLilh'ation of this n, tico r the same will bc Imrr,d. Date of first publivati,)n June 26, 1947. IRVIN II. W(3ODALL Adn]inistrator of said Estate. Address: St. 2, Sh!{t(,n. Wasillngton. CHA]LES T. W.RIGttT, Atttrney for Estate, Address: Angle Build ng, Shelton, Mason County, Washinglon. 6-26---7-3-1{]-17-11 NOTICE 0F S&LE OF STATE LANDs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday,, the 5th uay !,t" August, 1947, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of sald day, in front of the main entrance door to t]le Collntv Couyt House in the city pf Sheltor, county of. Mason, Slate 91 Wasllin.$. ton, by the .County Aidttoy of stud county, the ]OllOwlng uescriued state lands, together vitll the improve- merits' situated thereon, wil.l l)e sold at public aNCt!on to the highest bid- der therelar, to-wit: NOT].--No one except citizens ot the United States, or persons Wile have declared their intention to be- conle Such, ean purchase state lands• APPLICATION NO. 1!)82t NElA of SE4 of section 36, town- sitlp 21, range 3 west, W.M., conta.ining 40 acres, nlore or less, ae- cgrdinj to the gowwnnlent survey theredL appraised at $1,000.00. Subject to easement for rlghL of way for Count:,'. oad heretofore granted under .a.ppheation Nil. ]834. Said lands Wilt t)e sold for not less than the appraised vahle above tatej ana upon ule terms and condltlons following: Not less than one-tenth of the DUr- chase price must be paid at tile time of sale. The puren, aser, if he be not the owner o'f the nnprovements, must forthwith pay. to the officer making the sale tne ull amoun of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated, One-tenth of the pur- cilaso price must be paid annually- thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per con- turn per ,annum: Provided, That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, interest and statutory ees at any time ana obtain aeed. Tne Pur- chaser of land eontainin timber or other valuable materials is Prbhibited or less. to tile line of extreqlle IOW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That tide, thence along the line of ex- Tuesday, tile 5th uay of August,' trelue low tide on au asziuluth of. 18 ° 1947, colunlencing at tcn o'clock in the 22' 20". 84.81 feet, thence on an azllll- forenoon of said day, in front ef the ,l(h of 118  47' 09.1". 2293,2B feet, lira n elltrancc door to tbo County nlore or le:s, to a poinl on the said Court llouse in tile city of Shclion, inc between headlands, thence on fin (Rul/t3" of Mason, State of Washington, t azinultil o" laS"" )8' ,16,5" 115,54 feet by the County Auditor of said county, and tllcnco on an azimulh of ]0(;" the foll,wing described Idte tide 55' (}8", 240,12 feet to the true p,!,int lauds, tog,ther with lh, improvements of b(,ginn}ng, h lv ng all are l of 2.72 situated thereon, will he sohl at public aeecs, clare ,,r less. aPln;nised at auction to the highest bidder therefor, $136.00: also to-wit: All tidehutds of the second class. NOTE--No one excepl citizens of the Untied States. or persons who h,ive de,']ared ilteir intention 1;o become SllCll. (:an purchase state lands. AI*I*I,ICATI(IN NO. II40T All lidclands *)I" the second ehtss. own,,d by tlw State of Wa..tbington, 2]1 lllLt C ill fl'ont of. a(lJaocnl to or al)llt(ing upen iilal pol'ii(nl of lOt 4 lyillg n,)rl]l of the south ,t40tJ feet of section 7. t(wllship 22 norlh, railge ,2 wosl %V, M. with a frontage of 13.g3 lineal chains, more or less. ap- peaised at $25.00 per chain, or $345.75. AI'i'LICATION NO. 112tt9 All lich' lan(ls of tile seeond class (wned by lh0 SUite ,')f Wasllinglon, sitnatt: in front of. adjaceat to or ohutting up(n that portion of section 26. towns]lip 24 Berth, range 3 W (st, VV.M., ill Ma:on Colmty, Washington, llmwn Its tracts 9 and 10 of block 2, of the unrocordcd plat of Allie All's Salumel' Holae Tracts. and in- chlded within the follow ng describcd t ract : Beginning at the northwest corner of said .;e(:tion 26, running', thence almg th  line between sections 26 and 27. on an azimuth ot 1 ° 53' 01 (re- ferred to the Washinglon Coordinate System, South Zone) 183.81 feet to the oleander corner, fractional ections 26 and 27. theucc along ttc Governnlent Meandcr lint, on an azLmnth of 267  (}4' 05". 932.74 feet, ttlence ahmg said meal:der lin0 off an azimuth of 276  36' 41". 478.64 feet it) an Inters(ellen with the west line of said tract 9. extended, said poinL of intersection tmvlng a Y-- coordinate of 818 833.30 feet and an X-- coordinate o! 1,37,1.319.31 feet referred to said Washington Coordinate Systent. and bt!lng ill. TRUE POINT__q_._B_E_G.IN- NING (') THIS DESCHtVTIO, : Lhenr'e on an aszinultil of 310  09' 54" 673.97 feet, more or less, tp a point on rhe linh between headlands as establisied by dcerce of September 21 19'16 .in file Superior Court of Ma- son Calmly. in base. No, 4467, Hama Hama Lo.ging CpnpanY vs..:hlIIe Ahi et al. thence on all azimuth of 297 ° ,t2' 2l" 2126.2 fect, n.lore or, less, to the line of extronle low tide, thence along the line Of extreme low tide on an azimuth of 189 ° 18' 10", 204.83 fcqt thence, alortg the line' of extreme low,tide on all azinmth of 177 ° 24' 10" 29.92 f(t, thence on an azimuth of 117 ° 14' 02" 1631.S6, thence oh an azimuth of 84 ° 49' 27", 114,70 feet, tllenc(i oil an azimuth of 192° 39' 21", 63.52 feet, thence on au azlnluth of 117" 14". 02", 304.[2 feet, more or Less. to a point on the said llne between headlands, thence on an azimuth of 121 ° 40' 43", 429.82 feet, more or less, to the point of interseciion of tile east line of Said tract 10. extended, and tile Government meander line thence along the Governmiqlt Meander line on all azimuth of 96 ° 36' 4", 243.56 feet to the u'ue ji0int of begin- ning, appi.aised at: $606.50. Oysters on above described tl'act appraised al $175.00 to be paid in casl at Ule time of sale. The above descriptio Is based on Exhibit No, 14 of ase No. 4467, Hama Hama Logging Corlpany, vs. Allie Ahl et al, and l the decree entered September 21, 1946 in said case in the Superio Court of Mason Couaty. APPLICATION NO. 11410 All title lands of the Second class. [wned ])5' Ihe State of WaMlington, situate ill fronL of. adjnceut to t,l' ;lb(Itting upon that p,,riion cd" lot 2, sect|on 26. tOWUShlp '[ north, rang,! 3 west, W.M,. known as lot 2. block 2, of tile unrecorded plat 0f A]lic Ab]'s Ullllner I-1olne Traels and llH}rc p.irlicularly described as follows: Comnleneing lit the nlcander el)r- nor, fractional st,ctions 26 and. 27. said township and range, Said meander co( ner ilaving tt Y--- coordinate of 818.- 8,1{}.70 feet, and all X+-- coordinate of 1,372,912.32 feet, refeel'ed lO the Washington Coordinale System. Soutil Zonc. and being distant 183.81 feet on an azimuth of 1  511' 01" fI'oya the, nl)rtllwest COl.ncr of said scction 26, running tllence along" tilt" govcrn- inent ineander line ou an azin/utll o[ 267" 04' 05" 734.23 feet to the teuo point of beginning, ihence contlnuhlg along said nn,ander line on an azJlouth of 267" 04' 05". 99.57 feet lhence on ml azimuth of 287  17' 25.8". 79.64 feet. thence on nn azimuth of 315 ° 49' 42,5", 1175.23 feet, re,re or less, to a pohlt on tile line between headlands as established hy decree of Septem- ber 21. 19.i6. in the Superior Cnurt of Mason County. Hanla Italna Logging Company vs. Allie Ahl ct al, Case. No. 4467, thence on all azinluth of 298 ° 3.t' 47", 2282.55 feet luore oe less, to the line .of exu'eme low tide, thence a|ong the line of extreme h)w tide, ,,n a,, azi,nuth of 18" 2' 20' :l# feet. thence on an azimuth of • 11' 00.1" 2287,92 feet clare or less, to a point on said line bet@con head- lands, thence on an azinlutll of 135  29' 04.7". 1180.37 feet and tllence on all azimuth of 107" 00' 47.7", 160.09 feet to the true point of beginning, having an area of 2.66 acres, more or less, appraisc, d at $133,00; also All tidelands at' the second (.lass, owned by the State of Wasilington, situate In front Of, adjacent to or abutting Upon that portion of 1ot 2, section 26, township 24 north, range 3 west. W.M..known as lot 3. block 2 of tile unrecorded plat of Allie Altl's Summer Home Tracts and more parti- cularly described as follows: Commencing st the meander corner, fractional sections 26 and 27, said township and range, said pmander co( ne.r havlng a Y--- coordinate of 818,- 840.70 feet, and X-- coordinate of 1,- 372,912.32 feet, referred to the Wash- ington Coordinate System, Soutll Zone and being distant 183.81 feet on an azimuth of ° 53' 01" from the northwest earner of said section 26. running thence along the govcrnmont meander line on all aszhnutil of 267  04' 05" 833,80 feqt to the true point of beginning, thence continuing ahmg said nleander line on an azimuth of 267 ° 04' 05" 98,94 feet to an angle poinL therein, thence continuing along said meander line on an azimuth of 276 ° , 36' 41" 2.27 feet, thence on an azilnnth of 310 ° 15' 08", 1168,29 feet. nlore or less, to a point on the line between headlands as established by decree of Septemher 21, 1946 ill the Snperior CourL of Mason County, Hama Hama Logging Company vs, Allie Ahl ei al, Case No, 4467, thence on an azimuth of 298' 28' 25", 2277,12 feet, more or less, to the line of ex- treme low tide, thence along the line of extreme low tide on an azimuth of 18 ° 22' 20" 35.50 feet, thence on an azimuth of 118 ° 34' 47", 2282.55 NO. :I35 NOTI('E AND SI'MMONN IN ('OINT¥ TAX I,'t) R I,:C LON I [[ I' N(I. 31 IN TIIE SIJPEI.T()R COURT OF' Tl'LIq STATE OF WASItINGTt)N FOR MASON C()UNTY MASON COUNTY, WASIIINGTI)N. a Ml Ilil'i )al (N)r mrath)n and oee of the I.ount es of i]le State ot Wash ngtoo, P]a Jill J ff. vs. A. Lin,lquisl. el UX all persons tlore- inafier nanled :IS owners (If 0ny ef tile hereinafter doscribed real prQperty. and till )el'sons unkllown owning (tl" i.lalnllng t(' OWlh oe having (,1' elnilIl- Ing to have, nny right, tltLe, estate, interest or equity ill :lad t,) 'lli(I ]irop- ee[y o1' ally pflrl th(reof. I)ofenda nt s : You, and ea('h ,)f you, are he!'('bY notified that tile above nanled plaint- if(. Mason County. a mtnictpai eor- iioratiou, and tree (,f the lawfully organized and existing counties ,,f tile State (,f WaMllngiou, is the nwner and Io]der of a certlflcale of delinqtlency issued ill ont, certificate In book fornl and dated tile 121b day of, July, 1947, by lhe Treasurer of said Mason Coun- ty, Washington, and Issued to ihe sad Mason County for the aeveral amounts due and owing for taxei on each apd every lot, tract, or parcel o,f land hereinafter mgre partieumrlY. described and set forth, said anmunt being act out opposite each partictLlar deseriptidh and being the amotnt uue ttl¢l (lelinquent upon each purticular lot. tract oe parcel of land respeet- lwdy f6r taxes for the year 1941, for wblcll said Mason County clainm right f fro'(closure as will nlore specifical- ly al)poar by reference to each lmrtic- uhu' description herein, together with all Interest, costs, and t)enaltitm there- on up to and including the 12th day of July, ]9.t7, till' natne of tlw person, firln or cor )tlratJon to WilOnl of whitil said properly is assessed being scL f.rtil with each particular deserll)tion, all of said llroperty being situated In Masou County, State of Washington, and hoing more i)articularlY decrib'bd as follows, t0-wit : Original Certificate No. 1, ]oll 1, Aagetg, Lint, 3, Assessed to LinIquist, ,  UX: Tax No. 652 A-I.. Sot!, 8, Twp. 21 N.. R. 1, W.W.M. Assessor's Tax No. 652 A-1 ts described aa fol- lows: All tide lands of tile so(loud ('.lass lying between the line of mean low tide and thh line o[ extrelne h)w tide ill front of that p hrt of Lot 2, Section 9. Twp. 21 N., R 1 West W.M, measured alouK the meander line as follows: Beginning at tlle pf,lnt of intersecthm of South line el Lol 2. with said meander lille and running tllenee north 45" East 5.57 c]lains la.tor0 or less to an angle point lp :mid mdander line: thence Noeth 18:. de- grees East 7,13 etlains, more or less, to ttle point where the clean:let line is intersected by the South line of Stale O'ster Reserve,, Plat No. 98, lind having a frontag'e of 12.'J0 lineal chains, nlore or lens, in(asured ah)ng the nleander line. Year in Coetifh!ate 1941. CerLifJeate $.22. Original Certificate No. 2, Roll ], Page 60, Line 10, Assessed to Evans, James SW,6 SWli. Set:, ]2, Twp. 20 N.. R. 2, W.W.M. Year n Certificate 1941, Certificate $7,30, Origipal Certificate No. 3 Ro|l 1, Page 65, Line 10, Assessed to Heath, Hcm'y; N. and W. 20 P't. of W. 38.80 acres of Lot 2, Sec. 20, Twp, 20 N., R. . W.W.M. Year In Certificate 11941. Ce-tiflcat e $.44. Original Cortifieato No.. 4. Roll 1, Page 119, Lille 31, Assessed io Di£kee- son, Wm, B,; Tract 2 of NWA NE.i, Sec, 29, Twp. 22 N., R. 2 W.W.M. As- sessor's Tract No. 2 is described as follows: Beginning at a point 330 ft, South of a point upon tile Soetion lille between Secs. 20 and 29 and 1320 ft. . on said lille West of the Sec. i)ost Branch of Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. 8ubjeit Next Sunday: "LIFE" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. from 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock. invited to attend tle services and visit .... the Reading Rom. *HURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET ness and to going to and from their places of business and their homes or places of abode; also to travel during daylight hours when so stipulated in their permits. Vi01atoi's of the foregoing rule are subject to fine of $10.00 to $100.00 o1" 90 days in jail, or both. Effect- ive from July 17, 1947 to October 15, /47, Closure requested by United States Forest Service. ART GARTON, Director, Department of Conservation and Development, State of Washington. 7-17-1t by law 1ram cutting or ."em)ving any such timber or materials witil0ut first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands until the full amotlnt of the purchase price has heen paid and deed issned. All sales of state .lands are made subect to the reservattuns of oils, gases, coal ores. minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the addit, ional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chaI. ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, dondltions and rcservatious, of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements foe rights-of:way and the carrying of tim. her,., stone, minerals and othcr pro- ducts over the same. OTTO A, CASE Commissioner (,' Publ c Lands. 7-3-10-]7-24-31--5t. e BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Thurston County Federal S : avlngs & Loan Association thePayment of the 40th Semi-annual Dividend at the Rte of 21/2% Funds invested by july 10th, i947 Will Reib Dividends from .July 1st Financial Statement Close of BUsiness June 30, 1947 ' per ASSE00rS Loans ........................ $1,495,688.18 • l on ContraCt ........... :._ 3,957.56 Owned and in Judgment None and Securities .............. 1,16i,100.00 on Hand and in Banks .............. 118,300.92 lUilding and Edluipment, depreciation .............. 88630 Charge and Other Assets 1,388A1 LIABILITIES Mmbers' Share Accounts ................ $2,649,831.4T A[Vance from Federal Home Lah Bthk ............................ None Brrowed Money .................................. None Loans in Process ................................ 46477.77 Other Liabilities 567.10 Specific Reserves 1,388A1 General Reserves 74,400.00 Ufidivided Profits ............................... 40,65B.62 ReserVes after dividends have beth paid. Assets .................................. $2,81331.37 Total Liabilities ............................ $2;813,321.37 YOur funds #¢ith thi, Assoclati0n are ifisurefl up to $5,000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation as provided by la. n County Federal Savings & Lea, Ass0dati0n ( , :I; 4", Draham DIRECTORS V. Bridriktine Hazel WiliO" H. C. i81 / Fred Holm Carlton I. Sears owned hy the StaLe of Washfngton, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Lot 2, section 15, townshil) 23 north, range west, "V.M.. lying north of the south 175 feet of said Lot 2. with a frontage of 20.16 lineal chains, more or less. appraised at $25.00 per chain, or $5O4.0O. API'LICATION NO. 11171 All tidelands of the second class, owned by. the State of Washington, sitUate in ,front of, adjacent to or abutting lp0n the. west 228 feet of lot 2, section 23, townhip 20 north, range 3 West, W.M,, With a frontage of 3.56 lineal chains, more or less, a])0raised a t $45.00 per chain, o|' E.e'Pting, however, arty of tim ab'- ore described tide lanas which may 1)e included in an oyster tract: deed- ed by the State of Washington to Andrew Getty, July ]9. 1904 under appllcltiOW No. 2958. API'LICATION NO. 11170 All tide lands of the second class owned by the State of Wasllingtoa. situate in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon the east 234 feet of ihc west 462 feet of lot 2, scction 23, township 20 a north, rarlge 3 west W, M.. with frontage of 3.66 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $45.00 per chain ,or $164.70. Excepting, however, nny of tile above dbscribed tide lands which lnay he included in nn oyster tract deed- ed by the State of Washington to An- drew Getty, July 19. lit04, uvder all- plLcation No, 2958, A PP],ICATION 11172 All tide lauds of the sg_cond class, Owned by the State of WaMflngton, situate in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of lot 2, section 23 ,township 20 north, range 3 west, W,M. lying east of the west 462 feet and west of the east 365r feet of said lot 2, witil a frontage of 9.50 lineal cha|ns, moye or less,, ap- plised at $45,00 per cnaln, or $427,50. .xceptlng, however, any..of the above described tide lanes wmen may, be included in an oyster tract deeaea by the State 0f Washington to An= drew Getty, July 19, 1904 unaer Ap- plication No, 2958. APPLICATION NO. 10953 All tidelands of the second class, owned by the state of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon that portion of lot 2, section 26. township 24 north, range 3 west WM. known as the ,unnum- bered 'tract o'f block 2 )f. tile unre- corded plat of Allie Ahl's summer Home Tracts and mol:e particuhuqy deseribed as follows: Beginning at the meander .cornet  fractional sections 28' an 27, S a_ township and range, said meanaer corner having a Y-- coordinate of 818. 840,70 feet. and an X-- coordinate of 1,372,912.32 feet, referred to the Wash- ington Coordinate System South Zoue, and being istnt 183.81 fcet on all azimuth of i  53' 01" from the north- west corner of said section 26, run- ning thence along the government meander line on an azimuth of 267 ° 04' 05" 685,17 feet, timnce ,on. an zimuth of 286" 55" 0". 240.12 trot, thence on an azimuth of 315 08' 46. " 1185.54 feet more or less, to a point on the line' between' headlands ts es- tablished by ecree of eptember ').1, 1946 it the Superior Ctlrt of Mason County, Hama Hama Logging Com- pany vs. Allie Ahl et al,,Cae ,ooj 4467. thence on an azimutn O l zv  47' 09.1" 2293.26 feet, more or less, to the line of extreme low tide, thence along the line of extreme,low tide on an azimuth of 18" 22' 20', 58.47 feet, thence along the line of extreme low tide on an azimuth of 26' 07' 30" 164.70 feet, thenco On an azimuth ] O t !.19 ° 30' 08", 2305.56 feet more or less; to a point on said llne 'bteen head- lands, thence on 'an azimuth of 188" 02' a6" 1219.61 feet thence on an azimuth of 87 ° 06' '39". 730.50 feet. eOre or less to a point on the ll(m tween said 'sections 26 and 27. thence 0n an azimuth of 181" 55' 01";254.60 feet to the point of beginning, ha,lng an area of 21.25 acres, more or less, appraised at .$1,062,50; al2o owAnlel tidelands of the second class d by the Statb of WahlBgt0n, situate in front of adjacent to, or abutting upon that 'portion of lot 2, ection 26, township 24 h0rth, range S west, W,M., known as lot 1, block $ of the unrecorded plat of Allie Ahl's Summer Home Tracts and more ,par- ticularly described as foll0ws: , Commencing at the meander corner. fractional sections 26 and 27, said town§hip and range, said meander corner having a / eo0rdtnate of 818.840.70 feet, and an X-- coordinate of 1,372,912,32 feet. referi'ed to the ashington Coordinate System, Soutll Zone and being distant 188,81 feet on an azimuth of 1  58' 1", from the northwest corner of said section 26, running thence along t!le. ,govcrn meat meander lille on ,an azimuth o $67 ° 04' 05", 685,I7 feet to the tre point of beginning, thence €ntinu!ttg along said meander lille on an amm- tlth of 267" 04' 05" 99,06.fee thence on an aszimuth f 87  OCt 47,7", 160.09 feet, thence on a ziitauth of 815 ° 29' 04.7" 110.87 ft,, more oT |ess, to a point on the line between -headlands as cstablished by decree of September 21, 1946, in the Superior Cour of Mason County, Hama Hama Logging Company vs. Allie Ahi et at, t:aso No. 4467' thence on sn almuth Tile above descriptions are based on Exhibit No. 14 of Case No. 4467, Hanul Him a Logging Company vs. Allie Ahl  et a, and the decree entered Sep- tember 21, 1946, in said ease ill the l Superior Court of Mason County. I Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated  and upon the terms and conditions for oWing: I ", Not less than one-tenth of the pur- -ihase price must be paid at the time Ot sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of tile inlprovenlents, must forthwRh pay to tile officer making the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of tile improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of slx per cen- turn per annum: Provlded, That .any purc!laser may make full payment of prlnclpal, interest and statutory tees ht any time and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of, land containing timber or other vuable materials is prohibited t)y law zrom cutting or removing any euch timber or materials wlthouf first obtaiplng consent of the Commission- er of PubIIo Lands, until the ffll am- ount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales' of state lands are made subject to the reservations of otis. gas- es, Coal, ores, minerals and fossil ot every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and conditions prescribed In section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. ,, ,, Said land will be sold subject t0 the terms conditlons and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights-of-w.ay and the carrying of t|mber, stone, mm- tarais and other products over the same. OTTO A. CASE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 7-3-10.17-24-81--5t, Page 1.60, Lino 6, Assessed to "Bn.)l Logging Co.; Lot 1, Sec. 30, Twp. 2,1 N., R. 3. W,W.M. Year in Certifier,it. 1941, Ceetificate $54,91. Original Certificate No. 10, Roll 2. Page ]60, Line 7, Assessed to B,I,,I Logging Co. ; Lot 2, Sec. 30, Twp, 24 N., YL 3, W.W,M, Yeai" in Certifi- cate 1941, certificate $49.84. OJqginal (.rtiftcate No. 11, Roll 2, Page 160, Ine 11, Assessed to uol Logging Co, Lot 4, Sec, 30, Twp, 24 N., it, 3. W.W,M. Year in Certificate 1941, Certificate $65,38, [ Original Certificate No. 12, (,11 2, Page 160, Line 1.2, Assessed to Buol Logging Co.; SEA SWA, See, 30, Twp. 24 N,, R. 3 W,W.M, Year ill Certificate 1941, Certificate $74,03, NO. 1912 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Original Certificate No. 13, Roll 3, Page 6, Line 8, Assessed'to Guyot, O. P,; SWIA NWlA SW, Scc, 6. T'p, 19 N. R. 4, W.W,M. Year in CerIlfi- .I,,.th .att.r. o .t, h9 Estate of Bart cat( 1,.9,41, Certificate. $2.03, .Original Certificate. No. 14, Roll 3, lfgenshtp, Dec01iSed. Pig0 49, Line..16, Aasessed to .CaLklns, . Notice ,is hereby given that the un- LUcy; SE1A SE% SE¼, Sod. 81, TWp, derslgned has been appointed and ilas qlallflqd as admiaistrator of the above 20 N,, R. 4, W,W.M, year ill Certifi- cate 1941 Certificate $2:ffl.  , efltitled estate;, that all pdrons hav- Origlnal .C0rtlfleate Nb, 17, :Roll 8, ing claims .bgt.nst said de(eased are Page 105, Lee 4, Aseed o Ohman, hereby re,¢ttured to scl'vi. the inle, Victor & JonnsDn, AleX: SE,INEIA, duly verified, on said adiiiinistr'ator Sec, 24, Twp. 23 N.. R. .1, W.W,M. or his attorney of record at thc ad- dress below stated, and file the anle Year In Certificate 1941, Certificate with tile CmrK ot said Court, tog(tiler $2g4iginal Certificate No. 18, Roll 4, witir proof of such service, withlh six Page 6, Line 3, Assessed to Soren, months after the dte of first pubIlca- William ½ int, and Sot(n, Jssle ½ lion of this notice or the same will be int.; SW, NEIA, (Je.ssie Soren's , barred, interest), Sec. 10, Twp. 19 N., R, 5, Date of first publication July 17, W.W,M, Year in,Certificate Cer- 1947. ALBERT L, BLANKENSHIP, ] tlficate $2.44. Administrator. of aid Estate Origiual Certificate No, 19. Roll 4, Page 6. Line 4, Assessed to Sorln, Address 209 Bremerton Trtist William ½ int. and Soren, Jessie ½ & Savings Bldg.) Brcnlerton, ] int,; SE,4 NEt, (Jessie Soren's l& Washington. latereat). Sec. 10, TWP. 19 N., R. 5, R. W, MILLER, Attorney for Estate, W.W,M. Year ill Certificate 1941. Cer- 209 Brem('tou T.rut & Savhlgs Bldg. tlficat $2.42. Bremerton, Whsnmgton .... Origtnal Certificate No. 20, Rill 4, 7-17-24-31--g-7-4t Page 6, Line 13, Assessed to Soren, - i William l int, and Soren, Jessie % CALL FOR BIDS ]int.; NEA SEtA (/essie Soren's i interest), Section 10. Twp. 19 N R  Notice is hereby given that the W,W,M. Year in Certificate 194'1 ;er'- Board of County Conmlissioners,, Ha- ticate $2,44. A l/, ' ' son County, WaShington, will re,give urlgmal Certificate No, 21, Roll 4, seed bids up o 2.;00 o'clock .P.M. Page 6, Line 16, Assessed to Soreu July. 28, 1947, at tile Com't Hme, William %. int, and Soren, Jessie  Shelt0n, Washington, at which time nt,; SE SE. (Jessie Soren's'  all bids will be opened and publicly interest), Sec. 10, Twl. '19 N." 1% 1, read aloud for the: , W;W.M. Year ill Certificate 19,1, 2er' ROAD OILING, NON-SKID $:N- nucate $2,42. GLE SEAL TREATMENT DN Original Crtificate No. 22, Roll 4, SCTIONS NUMBER EIGHT (8). A'age 39, Line 11. Assessed to .lovc,t NN 9), AND TEN (10) of MASON OUNTY ROAD PROJECT i Thomas: s% NW SW'/ Sec 2i )wp. 2o N., 1:. 5. w w.i', y, i NO, 100 UNIT NO. 2 tArtifil:ate Lq,tl, Certificate $3.82. Each bid Shdll .be In accordance With Original Certifiente No. 23. Roll 5, the plans, specifications, and other c0ntrgCt d0cumeIt nOW on fil0 .,With the Auditor bf Yson Cbunty, Wasll- ington, where copies may be obtalaed by depositing $5,110 for each set, De- posit will be refunded if plahs and speclfleations ire returneu in good condition. .Bid forms may. be obtained from Mkson CoUnty AUdltm', Shelton, Wash- ington. Each bic] slmll be accompanied by a etrtifiea clel or casnler's cheek pay- able to the Tressurer of Mason Coun- ty in.the, antount of 5% of bid, to be forfeited to Mason County by tit( Su('.- cessll bidder in caae he l:ails to Lnter into. contract m.d file an acceptable surety bond in the total amount o bid, to fill conditions of said contract With- in five days of tile date of awarl. .Tle Boa.rd of County Connuissi0ners i-eservbs tne right to reject any 91' aii bids and to waive all informalities in tha bldd • . Dated..til.7th :day ot 3tty, 1947. H. R. DXCKINSON, alrma Of Board, of bunw uommissloners Mason County, Washington. ATTEST : " * ' SUSIE E, PAUIY Clerk of the Boai'd. 7-10-17-2t Page 57. Line 6 Asssst d to I)eya, John; Lakewood PJat "C" LOts 13"I(; BIk. 9, Year ill Certificate 1941, (krti- ficate $1.47. . ..... Original Certificate o, 2, ott ,,, Page ,67, Line 17, Assessed to lthell- I stad, Frank; Lakew0bd Plat "J" Lots I 45-,i8, Blk. 2 Year tn Certificate 1941, ; Certificate $,'90. _ ..... I Original Certificate No. 25, .ou , Page 31, Line 10 A'sessed to Olym- ia Invest. Co.;' Iillcrest Addition, , 10' of .Lot 1 Ik, 23, Year ill Cer- tlficate 19dl Certificate $2.57, } That ally' of the foregoing lots, ', tracts, or parcels of land hereiltbefore descrlbbd and having been included ill the Certificate of DolinqBeney here- tofore issued to Mason County Will be sold subject to any local inlprovenlent l assessments for pavhlg, drainage, irri- gatlon, or any otibr kind oi'" sort bf local tmprovenlont assessments law- fully assessed. .That  all,. of: the s¢veral amounts hreltahove set opposite the several l deserip(:ions 9f each particular lot, ,trc%, or parcel 0f real property bear interest at the fate at twelve lerechl I {.t), rJr annula fronl and Jllchldinl" , the, I2th day Of July 1947 until the ,pay, mellt t,lteTenf be nla(le, oa' a judg- lnent entered ]16relil. Yo, and .ach of you are imreby Slllllnt oned to 11 p])l,lll" within siI.y days t60 days) :fret Ihe d:l ,' d' tile I first puL)ltt'atill (Jr this SLI OIII(ItS and Ilotit-e. t:o-wil: within iXl" (|:lys after the 17th d/ly of Jtllv, 1,q47. exchts|ve {If snid (late. ILlld (efcnd the ahove entiL]ed ,qetion ill lhe :l]}(,ve elltitled court and servo :l Cllp)" t|" yt,nr a,n- Bg,0r UDOU ulldersigned ,li | ol, ne v Ol* plaluliff, tt h s orfico add 'oss w't'e- 'lnbelow R'lven, ov ],a/ the /mnunt as herei)tal)ove set fol,tb up(n (('il of said tracts or pf rt'els tt|' ro:l pro|l. l'ly of whh'h you are tin' owner 0" el)uted owaer, nr ill wlfich you own or tlabo to own or htIve, or ,']a]ln t )r have. auy right, ittle .r hlt,,rit tber0in, together wllh all costs, inin'- est o' penalties attached theeoto, In tile event of your fa[illre io aIl- poar aud defend such aelion and pay the aulotlui due oil stl('tl 101, teact. 'or parcel Of lltll(t assossed to yOU, 01" ill wh ch you 1lave an ]triP, rest as heIe - innhove stated, judglneat will lie l"en- dPred against you and ag'nlnst rite hit, tracl or parcel of lan d , f)reelh'- Ing tbere0fl lhe lien of Mason Coun- t for Its. certtfit, ate .of delinque, ncy, Which includes till taxes, l)enaltiPs, IntePeM. and costs against each of said lots, tracts, or parcels of land up to rind Itlchlding the date on xqhi('h said ee/'tiftcate Was issued, Any Dleading, nnswer, a Plmarancp, or :pro.,ess,, stlail bo s6rvcd upon t:h(' tlndi)rslghed atiorn¢,y f,n' the l, lainlIrf. Masoil County ,%t his office btdtl¢ stated, and a. copy tilt, reef filed witll tile CI0l'k r,f the ahove entltl0d court, MASON COUNTY. A Mnnielpal Corpol'ation, tly S, E. SMITH Troasurer B, FRANKLIN IIEI1ST(IN. Pr.sevut- [llg Attorney. and Atl ,'1('3' fl)r PI,q In tlt'f lie vein. Office aud Post Office Addrcss of Attoruey for Plalnliff: Mason Cotluty C0Ul,t ]Iollse. Shelton, Washingt()u, No 1 Pub. Jnly 17. 24. 31 Aug'. 7. 14, 21. 1,q47.' NO. ]919 NTICE TO CnEDITOR,' '1:O PRE- SENT AND FII, I,] ('LAIMS. IN "I'tIESLIIERI(')I?. COUIIT OIo THE STATig (')l' WASll INfITON FOIL MASON COltNT¥ In Prahlll e In the Malter of lbe EsJnle Of A]- beri Iturst, nlsa known ,'is 1,hrt Itlll'sl. Deees sed. NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN tlmt the undel,glgno(l. Ahn:t lh|rsl, has been appointed and Ilas tlualified as (hnlnistrIMrix of the eslale d' fhC' above na[tted de(eased: an0 I]lat all persons Ilaving cllli nl,: .lgaillst tile i: :/ : : ::15 }: :i Admln{stratrix .r hor attt)rncv oi' rec- ord. at the law office .f (-'lilts. t. Lewis, Bell 1:hlildiug, 119 So. Ietulrlll Street. Shclton, Mason (elulty. Wash,. inKton, and file SLlCh c, lainls tog'ethe,l' with preof of service with t le Clerk of tile above entiil(!d eaut't withhl Six nlonths alter tile tlal  of Lhe first puhlhathln of this notb.(,, to-wit: JItiv 17, 1947, or all claims not so s( and filed shall be forevee barred. ALMA IIURST. Administeat,'ix }f the estate'.h( Albert Hurst. also known as llert tIurst, deceased. Iloll Building, 119 So. Foul'th Street. Shelton. Mason Coun Iv, Washington. CHAS, R, LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate. 1tell lhlilding, 110 South ,till Street. Shelton. Mton County, Wasilington. 7-17-2,1-31--.8-7-4t PROFESSIONAL CARDS I HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Govey Building Shelton. Washington PHONE 720 Virginia C. Malloy Lawyer City Hall Phone ]2 Shelton, Wash, B. Franklin Heustou ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Courthouse, Shelton Phone 312 A.K. McCampbeli I Personalized Accounting Service Address: Shelton, Wash. { Rt. 3, Box 54A -Phone: Sllelton lllW CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 ,CHARLES R, LEWIS A'rroV AT LW 119-1.21 South Fourth St. Bell Building Sheltn. Washington ALDEN C, BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phon 23 o Shelton =.OT.S , i • koountlng Tax Services i 8ookkeepln0 Sygtems t 123 4th St. Phone I] tNSURARICI flERBERT G. ANGLE O f[ f,c o at Agle Buildia Dr. John R. Dodge VETERINARIAN 2.Miles South of Shelton on Olympic Highway Phone 766-R-4 Shelton, Wash. WITSIERS FtTNERAL HOME. Licensed Embalmsrll 000.7' &