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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 17, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 17, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• ,: '%7   ,, ?%: L :Page 14 SHELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAL .................. Thursdayil!!:':: . VV,r v-ar,rvv'vvvv'qr i recently purchased several lots on cal ersey ni0n the brow of the hill above the old Dealer .... for LAUNDERALL Better Washing • Results •  Greater Safety k Larger Capacity Greater Economy : Pre-Soak/ng Eliminated High Pressure Gun-Type Oil Burners FOR FURNACE CONVERSIONS We have a few Johnson & Crane Co. OIL BURNERS for Immediate Installations Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORTp WASH• i r ii i,i i i i iii Bulldozers have been busy about town. Lyle Blttle has had a road put into his mill. His neighbors, Harley Neldon, James and Fran- cis Wright, continued on the good work and now have a good en- trance to their property. Mr. Nel- don also had the house and con- tents, where Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wright have been living, moved up to the James Wright property just back of Lyle Bittle, also had land leveled for his new home. Extens- ive work has been dope on the :lch()ol grounds. The entire play- field has been smoothed over, a deep ditch dug across the upper part and tile put in just above the school building. Albert Mei'cier has had a road put in to their camp where he and his Wife are now spending a vacation of seT- Ill I I HOME LOANS Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. Kent home, has had it all cleared and a road built to it. Gent Mason of Oklahoma is' visiting at the home of his broth- er, Nolan Mason. A happy "Gabfest" occurred in Mrs. Noble's attractive apartment at Olympus Manor one day last week when her two sisters, :Mrs. Sophia Ecton and Mrs. Hannah" Billi}ghurst of Tacoma visited her. Cards have been received telling of the birth of Michael Scott Mc- Henry, July 1st at the Shelton Hospital, an eight-pound 10-ounce boy. His father, Carrel McHenry, is in Alaska fishing. Mrs. Mc- HenzT is living with her mother in Shelton during his absence. Mrs. Bird McDuff of Seattle has been a guest at her brother's home, Douglas Grout, for a couple of weeks. Word has been received that the "Bull Moose" manned by ,Capt. Louis Pfundt, and a crew of six arrived at Ketchikan on the 12th. They had a fine trip up and by this time are probably at the fishing banks. Last Thursday evening a very happy surprise was staged for Mrs. Harlan Blake at the home of Mrs. Allan Rau. She was in- vited to meet Mrs. Rau's sister- n-law, Mrs. Russell Viger. When she arrived a large group of her friends were assembled and the table laden with attractive gifts for her. Court whist was played with high honors going to Mrs. Vern Wyatt and low to Mrs. Wright Carlson, Others present besides those mentioned, were Mrs. Richard Buechel. Mrs. Lee Gott, Mrs. Curtis Grout, Mrs. Frank Nosworthy, Mrs. Larry Scheel, Mrs. William Wing, Mrs. George Latimer, Mrs. Harry Maw- on, Mrs. tester Bonner, Mrs. Gene Stark, Mrs. Merrttt Stark, Mrs. Clyde Boyle, and Mrs. Steph- en Viger of Shelton. The cut prize was won by Mrs• LesSer Ben- Hits Big Time; Gets Gold Medal Midge, a 12-year old registered Jersey cow owned by Wivell dair- ies here produced enough milk in the last year to boost her into the Gold Medal certificate class, ac- cording to the May records of the Dairy Herd Improvement associa- tion released last week. Midge produced 506 pounds of butterfat in her last 305-day lac- tation period to make her eligible for the gold medal, and put her in the same class with Beauty, a grade Guernsey owned 'by R. J. Bidstrup of Wapato. which gained the gold medal distinction for producing 5,000 pounds of butter- fat in her 14-year lifetime. i Top producing cow on DHIA test in the state during May was 'Rose Arbour Beauty Spofford, a six-year old registered Holstein, who produced 21,940 pounds of milk containing 784 pounds of fat on three times milking. She is owned by George Resell•n•, Van- collver. Second place went to Snookle an eight-year old Guernsey owned by Berthold lnglin, Olympia. Snookie produced 728 pounds of butterfat in 13,514 pounds of milk. Last year she was one of the high producers of the year with a 305 day record of 732 pounds of but- terfat. Topping the four-year old classi- fication for the month was Avon- dale Design Pinnacle a registered Jersey 'owned by A. J. Wilson, LaCenter, with a record of 10,583 pounds of milk and 595.7 pounds of fat. The three-year old section was lead by Posch a registered Hol- stein. Poseh, owned by A. J. Ga!- lacher and Son of ML. Vernon pro- duced 13,415 pounds of milk and 596 pounds of butterfat. The fu- turity class of two-year olds was BLANKET KEEP WARM THIS WINTER With An Automatic ELECTRIC BL00, Kff GENERAL ELECTRIC .... $n.9.excise " UNIVERSAL .................... Use Our Lay-a-way Plan and BUY. NOW PRESSURE COOKERS Universal 2-qt $11.95 UNIVERSAL 4-qt $13 50 = WEAREVER 4-qL $14 9S CANNING SUPPLIES KETrLLS--- JAR-FILLERS 3O is the vacation b many fellow Lg their annual jaunts gen- sights and eper- The Jour- ation to vaca- staff members to recount the for pub- )er. Your in knowing and people recounting of so just as you go Ling, whip Journal pub- will elim- of telling in- and will You Are Invited ner. A delicious buffet lunch with Mrs. Larry Scheel and Mrs. Gene Stark in charge of the, urns, com- pleted a delightful evening. "Bill" Thompson has been under the doctor's care this past week. Mrs, Ira Morse came home from the Shelton Hospital Sunday, bringing with her her son, Teddy Robert, who was born the Sunday before. He will join brother, Ter- ry. Our First Navy The United States navy came TO ATTEND into existence in 1775, when small vessels were armed to intercept year old son, David. Sunday, the supplies for the British troops in 13th of July. Those present were Misses Karen and Andrea Knee- Boston. Before the end of the land, Louise and Sandra Paulsqn, OPEN HOUSE rying 1242 guns, had been placed Dianne Kneeland and Mike Glover in sel,vlce• and the honor guest. Ice cream and cake were served and games played. DANCE Grange this T]mrsday and as there will be important lusiness to attend to we hope to have a good 000000SPITAL EVERY turnout. The wiring of the hall is done. There is, however, other iN work to be done while the weather is good. CL The 4-H Club held their picnic at the Slater home last Saturday • and although the rain dampened their outside play some, they re- port a good time. Dale Belling SATUROAY fresh-airgaVe themtaxi.rides in his Model T,, The Kimbel boys haxe been spending a week "at Alderbrook S Fifth and BIrch StrcetATURDAY.JULY , with Mr, and Mrs. Rutledge. S Mrs. Frank Warren spent Wed- MASONIC nesday of last week at her sis- ter's place in Belfair. Cbas. Baker has been ill for the lq TEMPLE past ten days but is now at work again at the court house in Shel- UNION tile ton. Mrs. Charles Bake]' called at Winsor home BETWEEN I0 A. M. AND 4 P, M. ill Shelton one day last week. The Karnnes entertained friends. and relatives from far and near the past two weeks. One a broth- Music by The Esquires DEDICATION CEREMONY 3 P.M. At. ed/00 headed by Lady a registered Hol- stein, owned by Albert Steffen, Monroe, with a production of 500 pounds of fat in 13,114 pounds of milk. Speckles, a 15-year old grade Guernsey owned by John Hallen, Mr. Vernon, was tops in the vet- eran class of cows 12 years and over, with 586 pounds of fat in 10,531 pounds bf milk. t V  vvrvv ,vvrv  v v v,r % Shelton Valley Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover en- tertained in honor of their five- Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 I II ......... ;------ "7" ......... -,[,,7 .... 7 ........ ...... , ,-" ,-, ,'i, Y'- ...... , , ,,, , A New Hat.A New Suit-For Your Home e ! n I )UV ,me ! depends upon the quality of paint used. m Fine paintlasts nmch longer than cheap' I RE-R00F NOW-- paint and the labor cost--the greatest I WHILE THE .GOOD WEATHER IS HERE. costmaplttjob ;sthesame ..... ' :" " -" '" " I We Have All Kinds of Roofing Supplies ! ,00OLUO,NO ' ' M u rp00y I OLYMPIC PERFECT-FIT S}IINGLES A Paint for Every Puree and Purpose 1 , COMPOSITION SHINGLES • In many colors and designs ,arc iiac high-grade paints that give you ,i , , n  -- n , . • , , I and OllEk TYPES O SIHNGLES true economy. They do a better job, ast 1 , ,v c  BIo ROOF STAIN hmgcr, and are true to color. '" c re "o }. n ..... ' I , For added protection mend them, ' , LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY " ()wtd and Operated by Everett Dillon nd Joe Simpson 420 South b'irst St. CLOSED SATURDAY AFTERNOONS , Phone 56 .2= .1111 li IIII __ , ,  n H  t I I I I=1 I I II ] / " L[, er they had not seen for a decade whose lmme is in California. Your correspondent was in town on Saturday and got in on two birthday parties. The first one at rs. C. V. DeRosier's place. They ow live in the first Angle home on Cota Street. There she met her niece, Mrs. Gee. McFetridge from San Diego who had just or- :fred with her three children, Phyllis, Peter and Ksthlyn, and in the evening a birthday party at the Winsor home in hono'r of Mrs. Loui Winsor whose birthday is until August 7th, but the cake COPPER WASH BOILERS iit more inter- . i.r r Mason county looking to the areer that of- LAVATORY WASH BAS00 ,e., adventure With the many fall to the lot ' :ed States naval .=d art excellent SNALL SIZE .............. $11,0 Ooplishing sueh :'I;k COngressman Rus- T aT'fr C'TrT: $4m d /'l,0Wea;n° noes that ne l l! .............. .IL [•@V . d,..:'.aca mree appoint- LESS TRIM |tl011S-¢'. at A:nnapoi- ' ue made from !- you  . i d' g men of this early set- respect, and can RODS REELS Shelton's were of an and sincerity *rmount the day along difficulties rig. They out their and started the years, and and ice cream tasted just as good as if it had been on the riglt date. of Shelton of handed PE 60 PO Se( Fll are bei of And been d progres Acco visitor drews, Portlan est Ser' vice pro Franeis rived at Othei were C coast: Seattle; Gamble Talbot; supervi, U.S.F A. Hall and R[ Portlan. Simp: ficials which honored baum, J. Mac], Levin, South ( on•or Deggell pia, an ager c plant. The  ing disc dents x by Mel ployee. "It ' It look€ wa vii on(Is," , Journal He ac idents saw the Shelton noon , tory di,' Two week t] ing dis rier, . Wells, Marine. The f objects said th and re three r The flight ¢ as "ur rhythm jects d from ea 97 Sl "':;"7:';'7"'-:-- BAIT oounter- Annv riarstlne lslan(l ,., ann ua:ten:o n m Shal - -'2'. " '''''  Wl ,.: 4nn. Jo'mson, Mr. ,and ------ . alL2: } "_uaL Mrs, lrvm .Wingert and Sundius Is' ,x ,,Ul :cnter e Jolmson attended the funeral of ...... he=land Park. ]Retreat thext cousin, Mrs. Anion Hen- ]]]41 'i a parm[ Baptist """ " " " .TO part in ) his p , Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe ' i-" - ' - page. ' i" "ooust ann the sta Mr. and Mrs Gunnar Io s '  .... hel led , • • . : hn, Oil  . , . were out on ,t sl h " . nelton, ]Sldnvin'. g t seeing trp s f I ..... =" Sunday touching, at Gig Harbor, . , or the get- _ Ollalla, Port Orchard, and Belfair  a UE w  m=, . . ,,  ..... ,( [ ) A BOY before returmn home ason c • " g . .'. a ounty A be, • ' ay to renew [ Perry hter " " AM PING SUPPLIES , Oe,,o,,, Mr. and Mrs. C. J Corbitt and  ) go ' .nent Frioav the  ......  :. ' and:rM" r'Su'fi?s?" . . °a,.i...... ....... Hunter s and Flshermens Guide Maps entertained at sup er Sunda r '= 4 % rs P y M .  . , . -- and M • Glen A. Harriman, Jr., ' ' i and .on of So.thside and Mr aud [ermls Rackets and Balls ......  ,% -' Mrs. LaRdy Fuller and famiiy of -- __ . . ':!:   I pickering Guests at the Hu¢,o A Glaser Golf Clubs, Bags and Balls : A,. %" me over the wee  ' ; '  he k end were Mr , ",' , IV" and Mrs. Vincent Glaser and Miss B ': , TaMargaretcoma.] Glaser and friends, of ass Balls and Gloves • v" " Mr. ad Mrs. Martin Goetscl 'r . ,d daughter. usi., were Sielton [ La g.e Assortment Salmon Plugs ' [ 0x. -- ,hoppers Monoay g . __ . ,,: auy 3 DAY r a,,d Mrs a,,y Smc Slee In Bags as .;As l.t we!'Lr" i,l:. d. I1 P ' Air Mattresses !:[t B:We understancl there is to ben ' HAROWARE OEPARTMENT " '; 't"4l . new sumnler hol}le at'Point Wil-Im . :,;l t m --- n SOn. 13:. and.Mrs. Harold ')a,vis nm  _  _ , n / m  / of Sea€tie DR(1 a load of lumber )n  In Aria.,# - #/ ':! _ -- delivered Sunday. 1• --  m/ .mimlm , ell. ,[,,E .x. Dave Render of Seattle is spend. In g@, aS  ". ,,'i'm O,P" n/Via,, ,, , ,,r, F .;J¢ , 7 ANY ITEM 1N m " Ove. ': {i.'  led by Mrs. Mamie Nicholsoi of ' " "" ' " Agate, took Mrs. Nellie Hile and Jm Estabhshed 1895 :lll_ n k.• chiiclrcu home to Hoquiam last im , - T?,ule o .n Weancsday. [ i i: m a ] V Ig, ml to. =.i!dtnu