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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MONEY MOVESNorman Friday, Seattle.First National Bank staffer from Seattle, who supervised the physical move from the old to the new home of the Shelton branch, and Tom Gordon (bent J JJ J L ..... LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 8helton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Russ Morken, Secretary Phone 426-4071 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2rid and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport over) haul money by the sackful into the new building as Sheriff's Deputy Chub Nutt stands guard. Demos to Hear Eugene Brown Services Held Funeral services were held at I p.m., Tuesday, in Batstone Fun. eral Home for C. Eugene Brown, e0, Skokomish Varley. The Rev. Wallace Bell officiated. Interment was in Shelton Memorial Park. Mr. Brown was born. February 18, 1902. in Shelton and died Sat- urday, in Shelton General Hos- pital. He had bees employed at Simpson Insulating Board Plant before retirhg. He was a member of the Skokomish Grange and Sko- komish Community Church. He is survived by his wife, Phyl- lis, Skokomish Valley; a son, Charles Brown, Seattle; a brother, Harold C. Brown, Los Angeles, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. A. L. O'leit], Shelton and one grandson. speak. Roy Ritner is chaimnan of the speakers program. State Official Mrs. Jea Decker,. asstst=n sec- retary of state from Olympia, will be spetkalr at the joint meeth of the iVam Couty Democrat Centrsl CclziCtee an4 Democrat- ic Club at 8 p.m. July 26 in the court house. She wi speak o1¢ the functions of the office of ecretary of state. Committee ehizcr for he Democ2at picnic a Potlatch State Park Aug. 5 will meet this Fri- day at the home of Mr; and 1Yfrs. John Kneeland, Potlatch, to make plans. Mr. and Mrs. Kneeland are gen- eral chairmen of the picnic. All Democratic candidates from the cottony and the 24th legislat- ive distract wifl be invited to ..... WeeKS BEST BUYS SHOPPING Former Resident Dies In Colorado Mrs. Nancy Evans, 75, Grand Junction, Colo., died July 5 in Grand Junction. She was a form- er Shelton resident, leaving here about 1950. She was born March 12, 1887. Funeral services were in Grand Junction July 9 with burial at Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Grand Junction. Survivors include four daugh- ters, Mrs. Florence Marler, Mrs. Comanche Edwards and Mrs. Gla- dys Hughes, all of Shelton, and Mrs. Frances Engel, Sitka, Alas- ka; one brother, Lawson Holder, Texas; two sisters. Mrs. Ernest Guilloud, Texas, and Mrs. Gladys Kibler. California; 13 grandchild- ren and 11 great-grandchildren. One son, Richard D. Evans, pro- ceeded her in death. HOUSE PAINT FIBERGLASS PATIO PANELS 21" x 96" FOR DO-IT- YOURSELFERSI WHITE STAIN RESISTANT SAND OR WHITE $39s GAL. $3 08 EA. ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORS 2'-8" or4$qdsl=3'-0" x 6'-9" -Jm and lumber. See us today foe the do-it-yourI/er's fmvofite amtedal...Wmt Cant lumlma +68oo ,48oo 3800 SPRAY PAINT 16 OZ. CANS ALUMINUM WINDOWS SLIDING 3'x2' --   $1.6.35 4' x 3' $22.43 6'x 4' -- -- -- $35.81 STAINLESS STEEL SINK. DBL. COMP. -- 21 x 32 with Faucets and Strainers '53ss TAKE-HOME "PAY" -- Mrs. Fobert Kramer, 2228 Callanan street, held the lucky number at the Seattle-First National Bank's open house Friday night and took home the handsome port- able television set. She is shown with her hus- band and daughters, along with bank manager ON YOUR MARKS--Forest Festival Queen Darlene Bloomfield performs the traditional ceremony of cutting the ribbon prior to the official opening of the doors of the new home of the Shelton branch of the Seattle-First National Bank Friday evening. McOlanahan Will Head Mrs. Hansen's Campaign Here L. A. Carlson (left) and master of ceremonies Keith Jackson. Transistor radios were won by Mrs. Dennis Dodge, little Johnny Eager, and Charles Kneeland. Estimates placed the open house attendance in excess of 4,000 persons. Th Daughter Of Local Couple In Accident A long-distance telephone call brought bad news to a Shelton couple Tuesday night. : Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wooldridge learned of a farm accident which left their daughter Carolyn, now :Mrs. Marcus Pierson, with a bro- ken back and confined to a hos- pital bed at Neilgh, Neb. Carolyn, a 1955 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, was helping her husband with the hay- ing when part of the steel super. structure of a tractor hay-stack- ing device broke and struck her. The Piersons live on a 480 acre" farm where they raise cattle and pigs. They have been married six years and are the parents of three daughter;. !LK ON POWER MOWER GLOBE OUT A School of Public Administra- tion has been established within the Graduate School of the Uni- versity of Washington to vrovide professional training for 'overn- ment service. 20" ROTARY Reg. $89.95 3 H. P. -- Self-Propelled 18" ROTARY Reg. $55.95 2 H. P. --4 Cycle 18" ROTARY Reg. $44.95 2  H. P.- 2 Cycle • Reg. 98 ¢ $1.79 Mason County's campaign chair- man for Congresswoman Julia Butler Hanson will be Byron E. MeClanahan, Shelton, according to an announcemet today by Demo- cratic Central Committee Chair- man Harry Elmhmd. Mrs. Hansen, seeking rc-elec- Third Congressional District, m N NT he only Democrat filed for this REM A S office in the September 11 pri- mary election. Refering to McClanahan's ap- 9 i  • I am most ,€ pc ntmen., she said, " " 1 grateful to have the support in SQ. FT. 5iason County of Mr. McClanahan nd all of the other fine citizens who have offered to assist him in my behalf." McClanahan is Mason County Prosecuting Attorney. "Mason County's Hansen for Congress Committee," he said, "will con- eentrate on getting out as large a vote as possible in the forth- Conner For Paul H. Conneri illCllnlbellt Representative, lasL week. 14e has rved slate senator and epresentative for yeaFs. He was committee and the public lhe last sessioU He was a memt tion, fisheries, institutions committees. He is a Fair Commission dent of the He has served Pomona Grange years, was Angeles President of He has been man of the Young Man ent of the award from tle Jaycees and the Award from the of Eagles. A IS WITH U.ItTIENTH AAA TRAFFIC . PC STER CONTEST U.S. 38,001 three OCCIlI' ways AVltlJ;t |)V0SCI' NEX. o1" 3% (XtI'Ci of SO- o1" co, NEX Lowed still ( foods have cause tite az Your ' as yo/ you e Of P.X NEX GUAl ['0asol drugg back. is soh MC' SAVE UP TC ti:] HeleI ubins "!It real [ Salt I ONE,.. GET A BEAUT' ):lck", lipstick and Buy= D nes lips as it fills in cream cl I away e' Original French Free: Sk made In U.S.A. for fres Work On Four-Lane Highway On Schedule The construction of the four- lane highway south of Shelton is actually ahead of schedule al- Quality Used Cars..o00i00o ,00vo: '59 Plymouth Custom Suburban., V-8, Power Steering and Brakes, AutomatiC' er, Power Tailgate window. '59 Piymouih Savoy V-8 . . . 2-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Automatic '58 Pontiac Super Chief . . , 4 Door Hardtop, Radio, Heater, '57 Chrysler Windsor Hardtop, / I Original French Buy: Mm  tube, nOW made automa :wless coverage, doesn't 4 nVlslble molstur. Free: Co take.up oil day. O tube; I =.. 3.05 Vo; )(15¥ FOUR OF 19 I 'tREATMENT PRO #-Door, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Brakes, Seat. New Paint--Real sharp. '56 Chevrolet 4-dr. '55 Buick 2-dr. Hardtop '54 Buick 4.dr. Sedan though it is slowed right now, State Rep. Roy R. Ritner said this week. He received the infor- mation from the State Highway Department. Funds have been set aside to Used Trucks Ne """"0'""° complete the work to Lynch Road eJ I/ bY July !963, he said. 1Is FI Two tlaings have been slowing :ie . { the project the past weeks. Con- -.!ruction on the bridge at Kamil- ' • p  ,tilload  c,,o has bee,, halted by the iron- 60 Wdlys 4.Wheel Drive Pick j.t workers strike and the clay soil Heater, Hubs, H.O. Bumper. New P on the hill above Kennedy Creek  ,has been giving trouble. 59 IsH. B-102 ½4on Pickup' ' . The soil does not dry out after Overdrive, Heater, 3.Speed. New grading because of the damp, cool weather. coming primaries, a vote that will clealy show Mrs. Hasen the ap- preciation we all have for her effective work to build Southwest Washington." '67 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pickup Long wheel base, #-speed, Heater, '64 International 3/4 Ton Long wheel base, #-speed, Heater, new reconditioned, 6-ply tires, overloads '55 IH s.ton Flatbed MAHOGANY PANELS L (.) (.) K WE'RE HOW IN ', Ford 1/.ton Pick-up . V-eROOVE ¼ x8 '49 (2) Ohevrolot 1/2-1on Pick,UP s '49S OUR NEW HOME ,. IN-H.O, 1/:,on Pick-up .at First and Cota Streets '47 Ohevrolel I.ton Panel '47 Oodp /4on Pick-up '62 Dodge I/-tonGab & I x 60EDAR Smooth . . . 4/€ ft. x 40EDAR Smooth ,06 fL 4 x 4,CEDAR Smooih ,12 fl, Industrial € Builders Supply SAVINGSt PEI PAIR SPECIAl 1st and PINE HA 6-4393 have enough beach! All fine at Penney's spec White, yellow tur.quoise. for 88¢ f (formerly Signal Service Station) MERV'S TIRECAP Top Trade-in BANK TERMS We're not all settled yet but we're ready to furnish you with your needs in RECAPPED -- NEW -- USED TIRES for all makes of cars and trucks Phone 426-8104 Merv Settle KIMBEL MOTORS CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH " RAMBLER -- 707 So. First St. l