July 19, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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.... ThIlrsda
' G',,,as
committee and
the public utjlitl
lhe last session
He was a metal
tion, fisheries,
institutions ,$
He is a
Fair Commission
dent of the
He has served
Ponmna Grange
years, was
President of
He has been
man of lhe
Young Man
eat of the
=r of ceremonies
as were won by
ny Eager, and
placed the open
)00 persoWs.
me telephone call
ews to a Shelton
s. A1 Wooldridge
:m accident which
ter Carolyn, now
erson, with a bro-
.'onfined to a has-
eilgh, Neb.
t955 graduate of
high school, was
3and with the hay-
of the steel super.
tractor hay-stack-
and struck her.
live on a 480 acre"
,y raise cattle and
t been married six
ae parents of three
U.S. traffic accidents claimed
38,000 lives in 1961. More than
three-fourths of these fatalities
occurred on rural roads and high-
Avmlable to you without a doctor's
prescription, our drug called ODRI-
NEX. You must lose ugly fat Jn 7 days
OF yOIll' lnoney back. No strenuous
exercise, laxatives, massage or taking
0f so-called reducing candies, crackers
or cookies, or chewing gula. ODRI-
NEX is a tiny tablet and easily swM-
h)wcd. When you take ODRINEX you
still enjoy your meals, still eat tim
foods you like, I)ut you simply don't
have the urge for extra portions he-
cause ODRINEX depresses your appe-
tite and deereases your desh'e for food.
Your weight must come down, because
as your own doctor will tell you, when
you eat les,, you weigh less. act rid
of excess fat and live longer. ODRI-
NEX costs $3.00 and is sold on this
GUARANTEIC: If not satisfied for any
reason just return the package to your
druggist and get your full money
bac.k. No questions asked. ODRINEX
is sold with this guarantee hy:
Evergreen tquare - Shelton
Mail Orders Filled
award from tile
Jaycees and th SAVE UP TO 50%
Award from the
of Eagles. ;: TT 1
-i .......... n(;lena
-00tnnual Beam)
J f¢luslv, i: klS|
Public Administra- /ii
established within
;ehool of the Uni- ,9
aington to provide ov)¢J.,e.lbb, :''
dning for govern- g'iT": ",fllllllllllllllllllll[l
lipstick and Buy= Deep Cleanser', exclusive
il fills In cream cleanser with Penetrel" Floats
away every trace of roll, make-up.
Original French Free= Skin DewO, invisible moisturizer
I In U.S A. for fresh, dewy look under make-up.
• 3.00Value
Quality Used Cars O00rl,O nowise
,outhGustom Suburban ':!:: /
toulh Savoy V-8 . . . 'I/#J; N7
,or Sedan, Radio, Heater, Automatic f / /7"
• . :', .....
t.ac Super Chief . . .'.o /l. , N,-..
mr Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Automa l ¢'/c.';
II I It i ¢l=,theorl In
sler_wlnusor ilaretop, o# P lhq tub al French Buy= Mas¢.oro4Aahc e, first and finest
• ' ............ tic, P ' bet , now mude automatic mascara Water roof
)or, aolo, Meaer, u=u.== flawl ' P '
ces Seat. New Paint--Real e' : fid nv=!slble mostur- Free, Coverfluld', ma,e make u a
...... : , d, make.up oil day. o tube flawles coverage, no "shPr.
.h 3.05 Vafu,
(rolel 4-dr. : jTa Ow 200
k 2-dr. Hardtop ;:i .l.UST FOUR OF 19 EXCITING
k 4.dr, Sedan "qINATIONS OF MAKE-UP, HAIR,
Used Trucks Pharmacy
,s 4.Wheel Drive PickuP,
:er, Hubs, H.O, Bumper. New pain
|-I02 t4on Pickup.
'drive, Heater, 3-Speed. New
irolet 3/4 Ton Pickup
! wheel base, 4-speed, Heater,
'national 3/4 Ton
! wheel base, 4-speed, Heater,
ditioned, 6-ply tires, overloads
/.ton Flatbed
11A-ton Pick.up
0hevrolet 1/2.ton Pie
I1,0, A-Ion Pick.up
uolel I.ion Panel
[e ?-ton Pick-up
e 11A-ton Cab &
Top Trade-in Allowance
Phone 426-3327
have enough towels for
beach! All fine first quality,
at Penney's special low 60th
White, yellow, fawn, baby
,o,.., 2,0.88 °
'irst St.
SHELTON--MASON CTY JOURNAL- Publishetl in "q?hristmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington
FEATURED AT FAIR--The Silver Star Riding mailed out last week to all who exhibited last
Club shown in the above picture will demon- year. Copies may be obtained at the county
strate to 4-H members and others wishing to extension office or at the Shelton Marine Supply
participate the care of judging of horses as one on Hillcrest. The agricultural department would
of the features of the annual Mason County Fair like to have more entries of forage crops and
scheduled for August 17-18-19. The demonstra- single stalk corn or sunflower. The eye-catch-
tion will take place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, ing new fair signs at the highway entrances to
August 18. With the fair less than a month away Shelton recently set in place were made by Clar-
now, the various committees are active and plan- ence Beauchamp.
ning for the best fair yet. Premium books were
AI/Nuu m be-00 E[ T mA, s-e A it T iCl PAT
one tsttngs
• • • OLYMPIA Municipal Airport ---I tained by and large tht'otlgh mili-
AmIIIDI I'-IIAIA The Air Force is back at this I lary surplus channels. In most
,UIIIIIIU Ilgl World War II fighter base, but leases, the equipment m well worn
the. mission is vastly different, as ] through years of service with ae-
New telephone numbers--in step two Shelton Reservists are dis- give military branches, and putting
• ' • rogram are covering it into operating condition is one
with a natmn-wde p - .... , .
,.cheduled for Shelton and Hoods- Capt. 3ohn D. Mallinger, 204 of the bh, challenges of the Recov-
Island Lake Drive, and Airman eymen's versannty.
port customers by Pacific North-
west Bell.
Manager John M. Doyle an-
nounced today that All Number
Calling is scheduled to go into
effect here with the 1962 tele-
phone directory to be delivered
early in August. All Number CaN
ling (ANCI makes use of a three-
digit number prefix tollowed by
iiour numbers rather than the
more familiar 2-letter, 5-number
The change is necessary so that l
more numbers will be available
to meet the tremendous imtion-
wide growth of telephones and
the spread of Direct Distance Dial-
mg (DDD).
"The present system does not
Frovide (mough dift:erent comer
nations of letters and numbers
to care for future growth," Doym
said. Twenty years ago there were
less than 21-million phones in the
U.S. Today there are almost 80-
million, and statisticians predict
there may be more than 140-mil-
lion phones by 1970. Without ANC
'he present letter-nt|mber system
w0tud exllanst by 1970.
of PNB's phones--more than 1,-
000,000 in \\;Vashington arm North-
ern Idaho--will be done on a pro-
gressive basis.
"Every telephone listing in our
directories will have to be chang-
ed," Doyle explained, adding that
this was a maim" factor in spac-
ing the entire ANC program over
a period of years.
ANC is actually no great de-
parture from the present method
of dialing. Telephone switching
equipment is "blind" to letter pre-
fixes and accepts only the pulses
i from "1" to "0". For example,
the prefix "HA 6-" is understood
by the equipment as "426". Tne
change to ANC here will be on
this same basis, with numbers
replacing their letter equivalents.
"ANC will not only provide the
new numbers needed dtlriug the
next few years but will make dial-
ing easier since confusion between
letters will be eliminated," Doyle
Alaskan fur seals had dwindled
to 150,000 in 1911. Outlawing
slaughter of the animals on the
high seas pe|'mitted rapid recovery
to a recent high of one and a half
million seals.
3rd Class Raymond D. Putvin, 643
Dearborn street, are anmng the
40 men participating in a two-
week active duty tour with the
9613th Air Force Reserve Re-
covery Squadron (composed of
Air Reservists from an 8-county
t, rea) which hegan last Saturday.
htstead of manning the twin-
tailed P-38s based at Olympia
nearly 20 years ago, the job of the
new Air Force tenants here is to
help insure the nation's re-strike
potential in case of a nuclear-age
Clayton J. Barnes, Olympia, a
\\;Vorld War II fighter ace, the
squadron is one of the more titan
200 such Recovery units estab-
lished during the past year at
civilian airfields throughout Lhe
country. An Olympia airport buil-
ding renovated by the reservists
will be the permanent headquart-
(rs of the 9613th.
Mission of the Recovery squad-
tons is I.o bolster the re-strike
capabilities of regular Air Force
mits by providing emergency f-
eilities for combat areraft and
crews ,,vho;e h(/lne bases n'light
be; knocked out by ltn initial en-
(my attack.
Colonel Barnes, chief pilot for
the Washington State Game De-
partment in civilian life. said that
a solid schedule of training is on
tap for the nleu of his squadron
(hiring their first two-week ae-
live duty tour, which will end
here on Sunday, July 29.
AIR FORCE planes are sched-
uled to fly in at various inter-
vals during the next two weeks
for practice recovery missions, the
connnander said. Recovery n'ke:
will simulate such activities 'as
radioactive decontamination of
aireraft, emergency treatment of
WOllnde(1 or injured air crewmen,
and aircraft maizltenanee.
The 9613th is one of three such
squadrons in the Puget Sound area
lmder the 8640th Air Fm'ce Re-
.erve Recovery Group, command-
ed lay Col. Gmmar J. Sather, whose
headquarters are at the Sand
Point Naval Air Station in Seat-
tie. Other squadrons in the group
are the 9611th at Boeing Field
and the 9612th at the Seattle-Ta-
coma Internstional Airport.
Maintenance and carom|mica-
lions equipment, vehicles, supplies,
nnd other materials are being ob-
lind prints, solids iu 3 YDS.
Penney's extra-special $1oo
assortment! Deep tones
--rich patterns--heavi-
er weights! Save!
Extra savings .... in
money, time, work!
Rich p 1 a i d s marline
Wash, need little or no
ironing. Tin,rifle as-
sortment, values !
Hurry to'Penncy's, fill
in the colors you need.
even white and black!
Coats & Clark's cotton,
size 50; 40 yards each.
:Find col0rs you need, 2 FOR
in long and short
lengths! Stock up for I 0 €
all your sewing proj-
ects, just 10€ buys a
• pair !
In many instances, officer and
enlisted personnel of the 9613th
and other Recovery units served
with distinction during World War
II and the'Korean conflict, and
have been associated with Reserve
activities for years.
"The Recovery program is one
of the biggest jobs ever given to
Air Force reservists," Colonel
Barnes declared.
Voss (front), Gay Taylor (left)
and A. Roy Dunn worked up a
neat batch of calluses setting
three Kiwanis International
signs at city limits on Mt. View,
Hillcrest and Bayshore road Sat-
urday, just In time for the club's
annual hotcake breakfast which
is scheduled for Sunday, July 29.
The breakfast .is a benefit proj-
ect for the summer swimming
and life saving classes to which
the public is invited.
BELL, daughter • of Edgar Per-
due, Spokane, has received her
Bachelor of Art degree in ele-
mentary education at Northwest
Nazarene College, Nampa, Ida-
ho. The Shelton student was
among 98 students receiving de-
[0000.yonier. CoMes, Earnings
n us ce, ourl
High First Hall o/year ,,.,,,.
\\;Villhmz l.)(,Mh,r( in ,Justice Court
;;t Belfnir hlst wc, ek.
on t ubM - sentenced to one year in jail, wiLh
ies established an all-time corn- vute. "It is possible thai ollr third/ six lnoilths suspended attd $500
pany record in tonnage sales for quarter might not quite equul ihe fine, suspended, on charges of
its chemical celluloses and peper- peak rate of 216,2,14 tons soM driving while intoxicaLe(I and driv-
maldng I)ulps during this year's (uring Lhe second quarter", in K in viol'H.ion of safety responsi-
.econd :1 larter, ana first six ,, onfi i a *ltat overs( ts bilily; Jo]Ul J. Sanders, t-'ort Oreh-
• . ..... Fie C I neu • ' , ','2[," Itrd, ( sor(-el'lV condue/, 10 (lays
months operatmns. Russell l. :ales ,were strong and still ae- in jail suspended on condition he
Erickson. President, reported to-
Earnings showed a 44 percent
increase over the similar half-year
of 1961, with net sales up 9 per-
cent, despite continuing depressed
price conditions for major Ray-
onier products in world markets.
For the six months, the chemical
celhflose producer earned $5,388,-
305 equal to 89 cents per share on
6,018,648 outstanding shares of
common stock. This compared
with $3,733,482 earned in the same
period of last year or 62 cents per
share adjusted to the same num-
ber of shares outstanding.
For the second quarter Rayon-
ier earned $3,135,685 equivalent
to 52 cents pershar, as compared
with $2,178,677 or 37 cents per
vhare for the like quarter of 1961.
Net sales for the six months
ending June 30, 1962 were $70,-
795,721 compared with $64,689,-
521 in the same period of the
preceeding year. The quarter just
ended recorded net sales of $36,-
201,753. This compared quite fa-
vorably with net sales of $34,593,-
968 for the first 1962 quarter,
Erickson said.
Together with its Canadian sub-
' sidiary, Rayonier Canada Limited,
the company sold 418,031 tons of
chemical celluloses and paper-
making pulps during the half-year,
compared .with 363,658 tons sold
over the same six months last
Erickson commented the lunlber
volume was 14 percent above last
year and that prices for lumber
produced by Rayonier Canada
were "holding firm". But he cau-
taunting for approximately 40
percent of the company's chemi-
cal cellulose business.
The chief executive officer also
noted that the firm's I)roadened
line ot silvichemicals contllltle(f tf,
:hake its coatribution to profits
-md company prestige.
At a ooard of directors meet-
ing here Tuesday, a cash dividend
of 20 cents per share was declared
payable Aug. 15 to sh{u'eholders
el record July 27.
Significant research on more ef-
fective utilization and disposal of
pulp and paper mill wastes is be-
ing conducted by the Pulp Mill
Research Project at the Univer-
sity of Washington, with financ-
ial supporl- from the Northwest
Pulp and Paper Association.
work 12 Sttndays on work (letail;
Craig R. Cross, Port Ore, hard, dis-
orderly enndnct, 30 days in jail
suspended on condition he work
]2 Sundays on work detail
Larry J, Bradish, Port Orch-
ard, 30 days in jail suspended on
condition he work 12 Sundays on
wm'k detail; Lyle Fanner, Belfah',
disorderly conduct, 30 days in jail
suspended on condition he work
12 Sundays on work detail,
A car horn is no substitute for
brakes-nor is instinet a substi-
tute for brains. When driving it is
essential to keep alert at all times
...... Defensive driving is more effec-
tive in averting trouble than fran-
tic smmding of a horn.---courtesy
can make the road smoother.
...... H. G. Wells
6 %, On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
Mason Gounly Savings & Loan Associaliou
New Miracle Kemfoam'by Eng-
lander is the newest developmen
in foam. It conforms to the contours
of your body. Kemfoam gives cool
relaxing sleep because it is wonder-
fully resilient . . . it can't sag or
lump. Always smooth, no tufts or
buttons. Ever so lightweight for
easy bedmaking. Kemfoam is non-
odorless. Matching box spring. You
get the complete set at one low
Deluxe Skylark Innerspring adds
up to marvelous sleeping comfort.
The firm innerspdng construction
supports your body for healthful
relaxing sleep. You're cushioned in
luxury thanks to the extra thick
cotton felt padding and rubberized
isal. Sturdy sag proof pre-built
borders keeps your bedding neat
and firm. Specially woven Skylark
print cover is of the finest quality
for durable use. Matching box
spring. You get the complete set
at one low price.
Olsen Furniture C0.
328 Cot Street Phone 426-4702