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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19.62 , HAVE (H;ESTS 8. L. Foster and Minn. are brother and wife, the and other rela.t.ives family aim() plans sisler in the &apos;World's RE OF BLEM NSERTS 00ROGRAMS iOTES lEEDS ;IGHS ,vices we offer. :t size is 10 x 15. It is a sturdY, ill press designed for short runs. It's A Date Teday, Thursday, July 19 Rotary Club weekly hmeheon, noon, Shelton Hotel. Navy Mothers Club, 8 p.m., Me- morial Hall. Nat|lrday, July 21 State Ptrol drivers license ex- nminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30, police stal ion. Shelton Yacht Club weekend cruise to Quartermaster Harbor. Sunday, July 22 Shelton churches invite yotl to attend the church of your choice. Shelton Eagles and Auxiliary picnic, I p.m., Maple Beach. Mondty, July 23 County conlmissioners weekly meeting, 10 a.m., county court- house. Royal Neighbors meeting, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Tuesday, July 24 Kiwanis Club weekly hmcheon, noon, Memorial Hall. City Conmlission weekly meet- ;ng, 2 p.m., city hall. Dirt Dobber garden club outing to Hurricane Ridge, meet at PUD Building, 8 a.m. Golden Age club, 6 p.m. potluck, Memorial Hall. Sah, ation Army truck in town, call 426-6564 or leave donations on the porch at 325 North Fifth. Goodwill Industrie., truck in town, call 426-4847• Wednesday, Jtdy 25 State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer,.9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., police station. Thursday, July °6 Rotary Club weekly hmcheon, noon, Shelt'on Hotel. FREDSONS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fredson, Sr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen, Friday evening. After an enjoyable vacation with relatives and friends, the Fredsons retmmed to their home in Red Bhfff, Calif. I I : NOTICE OF !It SERVICE EXAMINATION i POR DEPUTY SHERIFFS ::''-l County Civil Service Commission will conduct an 0lYlig': examination on August 3rd, 1962 at 7:15 p.m. i=,lSh=,. avings Time in the Auditorium of the P•U•D. . , +'i on , W?shmgt:n . . establish an em 1o - PPePisg+b: ths exam nat on s to p y men for the position of regular Deputy Sher- =t must be a citizen of the United States, an elec- Y =n which he resides, able to read and write the le and must have been a resident of the State of at least one year. 1lust be in sound health with no physical handi- ;ver have been convicted of a gross misdemeanor a High School education or equivalent. time the entrance salary for Regular Deputy month. + WILL WED--The engagement of Susan Elizabeth Moran to Mr. Wayne Glandon, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Moran. Mr• Glandon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Glandon of McCleary. He is with the U. S. Navy serving at the U. S. Marine corps Air Station, El Toro (Santa Anal, Calif• M ss Moran graduated with the 1962 Irene S. Reed high school class and Mr. Glandon is a 1960 graduate of Lima high school. No date has been set for the wedding• ! KamilcheWoman Is Honored On Birthday By Frall('es Slnlmons KAMILCHE ........ Three birthdsy cakes and various gifts were pre- :ented to Mrs. Edwin Taylor q'hursday of last week when she celebrated her birthday. Friends Shelton GencrM Hospital Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson, Rt. 3 Box 161, a girl, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph D. Scott, 710 Simpson St., McCleary, a girl July 12. i AMONG YOUR"-""----- ++' ++°+ + + '++ + ered to extend greetings and lleip cat the birthday fare. Monday of this week was 'also a happy day i MERCHANTS +r Mrs. Taylor as she |ell the hospital to stay at home fur the Stlra l'ller, Mrs. Charles [)rake and Mr. and ADI)ITION TO ENLAI¢GE Mrs. Ron Whitener, l:}ellingham, SHELTON SKATING ARENA .:pent last weel<end at the Wesley Construction has begun on m \\;Vhitener home. They .tll attended anks for this examination may be obtained addition to the Shelton Roller 1he Foster Parent pxcmc lue )n secretary, JordalT Clapper of Route 1, Box Arena on Mr. View. The eonree :,day of last week .t Kneelall (Phone 426-4961)• Blanks must be re- block extention of the existing Pa]'k in Shelton sponsored by the e pos,session of the secretary not tater than building will house new skate Lions Club. to be eligible for this examination. rooms and a fireplace roots whel'e MI{. ANI) MRS. iiOIJ,IS Hag- getty and three chihh'en of Au- skaters may change to their :ora Mo. spent last week visit- IN COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .,:lates and enjoy snacks. Proprie.tor Arehie Young said ing at the H. O. Villines home. by EUGENE E. TAYLOR, Chairman that Wednesday skating night and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robertson parties are continuing during the and Mrs. Wayne Robertson re- turned last Mouday from a two- building of the 80' x 13' area., week visit to visit the Henry Rob- ............ ertson's daughter, Mrs. Carl Verse in Ncvato, Calif., and relatives in Ignaci'a, Colo. + BOY WERE ['ev' a;:ld Mrs' R°n l)aii('Y a|ld t three children moved fron' our ! I ii area last week as they traveled ' in their house trailer to Salem, Ore., where they will spend some WE BUSY! days astheystarLouLinthe evangelistic field. Twenty-two friends and rela- R DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY" HBORHOOD'S NEWEST We know you Irprised at the truly economical Dry Cleanomat's new service. Do come again- )P while your garments are being ry Cleaned and ready to wear. ttves gathered at the Gene Taylor home recently for Sunday din- net. They were Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold Jr., of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Butts, Mr. arid Mrs. Nat Waldrip, :Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wald- rip and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tay- lor and children. HERB AND RUTII Nelson eal- ied on Mrs. Roy Mohney last Sun- day in the Olympia hospital. Callers at the Eugene Taylor home last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Newell Ellison and Edwin Taylor and the Justin Taylor fam- ily. Ministering at the local church and visiting in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed Sigo the early part of this week were Rev. and Mrs. Earl Trefethren, Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor end Mrs. Sarah Butts drove to Seattle last Saturday to attend the wedding of the daughter of Mrs. John Arnold of that city. Too Lale To Classify F-()R- RDSNT -- Downt6@n: 2 bedrnom (possible 3) with full basement plum c.arl)ort. $55 per month. Call Water' front R ealt .Y: ..+,126y8535:_ .............. 1119 FOR-RENT -- Furnimhed downtown Apt. Very roomy, just $55 per month .--(:'all 1,Vatorfronl Realty. ,t26-8535. 7/19 iOR +: "RENT . + si;ue-i ms --2--b+/;(li'6diii Hillcremt home, wired for dryeY, ch)se to school and mhopping. Avail- abl+ immediately at only Sbb per month. CalI Waterfront Realty, ,t26- 7/19 THE FINEST DRY- EQUIPMENT MADE cleaning are dry c/caned 0d0r-free LAND "- • b Paul Chaffees To Be Honored. At Anniversary Picnic Relativeq and friends of Mr. and Mrs. P;ufl' Chaffee, tlarstine J:l;in(I l'OSidellls, ave invited to at- I end ;1 .t5th allnvel'Slll'y Yelnlion and pollucR picnic at lrm.t Borst Pack, Cent,alia. The celebration will be held 3allll'(hty, starting at 3 p.m. with an afternoon program. Fhe picnic dinner will be served at 5 "o'clock. liomting will he their children, Don Chaffee. Mrs. Betty Radclet, Ernest Chaffce, l-.(:n;tr(i Chaffec, md Mrs. 1)on Marble. Of the 100,000 students who have been graduated from the University of Washington since it was established in 1861, about half have been graduqted since 1946. Marriage Licenses APt)lying for nlarriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's cffiee this past: week were: Donald B. Shulty, 32, Port Orchard and Nancy Caldevin, 20, Bremertm+. Clinton A. Lund, 51, Port Orchard and Nondus Person, 55, Port el'chard. Samuel B. Messer, 23, Grand t:q)ids, Mmh. and Darlene Graffe, 37, Shelton. Ray Quigley, 56, Smmyside and Virginia Lee Nelson, 50, Sunnyside. Frank W. Gott, legal, Seattle qnd Rachel E. Maxwell, legal, Seatth::. Roger Larson, 18, I?ort Orchard and Cheryl Ann Thompson, 18, Port Orchard. Stanley J. Darland, 32, Bremer- ton and Genevieve Fisher, 35, i3 rein erto n. DINE "OVER THE WATER" • . .IN THE PANORAMIC SPLENDOR OF" LAKE CUSH- MAN AND THE OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS. The Swis Alps have nothing on the beautiful setting of Mason County's newest quality dining dining facilities, where you can relax with your favorite cocktail In "THE LIARS DEN", and dine on TOP QUALITY CHAR-BROILED STEAKS and DELICIOUS SEAFOOD DINNERS. Complete Dinners from $2.50--Child's Plate $1 LAKE CUSHHAH RESORT Hoodsport, Washington Phone TR 7-5388 Reservations if desired--We cater to group luncheons and dinners  DINING ROOM OPI,3N 7 flAYS A WEEK i i i i i ill[ ill ............................................................................... ' --+- 7-+-- .............. "7-', ........... +" ............ ": .................................... SANDAL ,...e+ 49' sizes colors • 49¢ Childrens Sizes .................... 350. at home Evergreen Square F#r $ofte6 lovh'er ItMr Maree FINS HOME FERMANENT KIT ' Prc-mlxcd neutralizer ends mess, fu*s, !iiH!+}i+i+;i:i Fits sizes 3 thru 5 Fer regular  A A_ ........ ,.,. 14,1 .... ...... 00y'7" "." Z_,l I E'ZPOR DECANTERS i1 I with mugi¢ flipper spout + +++Ill]/ 1L1 28" x 16" N .'  I rld easy-to-pour cap, I IT]/k',\\;IX ' > Is':" giant  ,aL Both '130 '/I/ll1 i Air j SPEED is,. 40 oz. size ....... ONLY II ..... ]I Mattress| HI Regular °r' Sp000 wlth Built-in pillow. ' 11 OZ. Menthol Handy _QQ carry bag wv _ included. Slyl; Tommy Barton GOLF BALLS o,,,..,,,..,.,.... Long on distance 19 men and ladies. 96= o.d 150 Bondware Giant 32 oz. t' f fader Quality - tl! Cold,Drink Cups ortSmore' iTli; Reg. SHAMPOO "'' whltp?alP 1'11 Package Spray co=,., Hot Drink Cups 2" 14t Castile or.Egg Reg. 6 oz. li Long wooden handles $1,98 I of 24 66 c A.oso o and leather th0np. I I Jug Bar-B-Q Utensils Reg. 1 Gal. Plastic 6j t 9€ ::., Keeps Hot or Black & Cold  Reg. 5 ° 32 oz. win,,. 11ss COlorful Worthmore GARDEN Wdffeen Bubble Bath GLOVES =.,,. ' FILM At,, ,,0,,, FLAt Chrome finish. 3 Imasilion wltch, , InP|PES • executive puts this lovely four bed- rzlins ii 0 room homo. on the mat:ket. Nearly a wirtr. Vnr'i,tv nf arena, t' • 2 acres, with fruit, berries, garden, and// .- ........................ r-- - a.yti,,,,,, c 1,'.,-o $.!t8_$ 8 oggOOR ,-+2 hter "h,nes atwork. , , ! .... --'----__ " ., ++i++++-++tV-+--_++:,++:-iS+]]: iD]V.AI L -jl ++7 X lm llllli lllilPY 4PI41;I231WIIIIHI+ If pies for male. Also stud servlee. V White Terry C fstyles .E,.'.., l[lllf MIIIII UI IV Vll;;llllll]k li ihone 426-6940. F 7/19 tfn 111+4 +; I_ vim ] v= ""  .... " II fiif,]fNI01vfsT--P{i;;.--;i-iif-Lilieii with colorful t + ' 'U w .   i , ,,(  prints. 1 + 1 Ill,':! 1  --. . ,__.. ,41 o1...4._ _ |1 phlnted n ga Ion cans, ready t¢ g • _....., I!,!:+ ._ °""*+°° o u ..,-o+..++ +no : !  or ,,ChiC. e; ;I;I: Book Matches, o .... Si c  # ++ I +: : + + + g L It +o+, ++++,o: ,, ++++ ml   ' i ' ' i ' ' I " !::+ elton Rmn A,n=00.r.tM Clean00n aundrv .... + .... =-=--++ .................... ;+i'' wvI|I WlpV ,m v-- 4 II A man whose normal weight is '-': • . --  .,,__. Ix,,1| , II 150 pounds would weigh about 50 : ':I ..' +_ ,xcross trom Ully x=-* I/pounds if all the water in his sys- ......... iI