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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 - ii -- i • , °, i! GET ,,o ms.m .m ' Now that the array of battle is determined for tile pri- mary election through the closing of the filing period we'd like to toss out a thought we've harbored for many years. It's simply this: county public offices should be determined on a non-partisan basis. Party politics should have nothing whatever to do with who holds the offices of county sheriff, prosecutor, auditor, treasurer, assessor or commissioner. A start was made toward this end when the school su- perintendents office was placed on a non=partisan basis the same as the court judges. We don't elect our port or fire district commis- sioners on a party basis, nor our municipal officer's or school directors. Why then should county offi- cials bear a party label? We believe firmly there would be greater fairness in de- cisions if there was less tendency to let party affiliation be a consideration, that the "good of the party" might have lessened bearing on the action of public office holders. The emphasis would be stronger in a voters mind when he was ready to cast his ballot on the individual candidate's ability and qualifications rather than what party label he SI:IELTON--MASON COU1WI/OURNhlJ-- Publiatieit in Ohmsfmastown, U.g.A., SheKon, Washington Thursda J . SEAFAIR PRO GRID GAilE PITS r,00[0000E$OTA VIKIHGS VS w"''vqrv'vvrlblblll[#lll II1 SEATFLE (Special) .-The Mln-lOl'l]lcl'ly set'vcd the Unive}:dty of : a nlayor, lirsl with Los Ange-L nmre than 20,01  nlllmlllmllllamllillimllHHmmmll -  -  nesota VikinGs, cinderella [etll2l ¥;l:¢}tJl!'t,(}ll as assist:mr :]i]lleLic I( s, [ t(! [ (lo • ;3: t v " 1 w V* I Dad broil sol(]. .................................................................... of the National Football League director, rnse to his high I)o:l. e t 1' i h, p 1  to t It' \\;Vo '1 ,01te}(*i the i961 ',,'ill brin a Horatio AI el-story qfler first workin sevel ,l yeals 'h. ,n,ionsfi 1,., 0111 E I . . . g. . G. . . .... g , , • , , I , P. t l, ] .6,000 ::pFORNPuKsHzs-- wi!,,am " M. Dlckle to the University of Washington as press agent for tlle Los AIw,e- The formula :;polled s ;cress ill 'old ileal'Iv d ±.u,rmlu.'r--OLm anrum Stadium on Saturday, August 11, los lalns. After his appointment : big way. Tim Vikings wcrc lirst-yea{' i'lP2'h ,- .,m. up ,m alklNAUPJt --- ouema Joflnson • • "- OFFICE ASSISTANT .... Mary Kent NEWS EDITOR --- John Baker ADVERTISING MANAGER -- Barbara Nelson SOCIETY EDITOR ..... Marl Waters PRINTERS --- Russ Stuck, George Myers, Dave Thacher, Asa Pearson, Keith Ross SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance Outside Mason County, $5.00 Memher of National Editorial Association Member of WashinGton Newspaper Publishers' Association COPY DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISING --- Tuesday noon WANT ADS --- Wednesday 10 a.m. PICTURES AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p.m. SOCIETY NEWS -- Tuesday noon RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES -- Monday 10 a.m. SHELTON-MA.SON COUNTY JOURNAL, INC., Publishers Mailing Add,ess: Box 446, Shelton Phone HArrison 6-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle DOWN THE ROAD By Charles Peck The phone rang. It was Don ty well taken charge. Paulson. Control of Apple Scab starts in "Say", he said, "what's wrong late winter and must be carried That's the day Norm Van Broc- to run the Viks, he chose Husky Lq'ected in the Twin Cities by a It was too klin's sophomore pro football lean} will clash with the San tih'ancisco 49ors in Greater Seattle's annual pro grid classic as one of tte sports highlights of the World's Starting from the top down, tim story of the VikinGs is sunnned up in one big word--SUCCESS. General ManaGer Bert Rose, who TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are I hr. and 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, July 20 Low .............. 1:57 a.m. 6.0 ft. High .............. 6:49 a.m. 10.6 ft. Low .............. 1:48 p.m. -2.3 ft. High .............. 8:52 p.m. 12.9 ft. Saturday, July 21 Low .............. 2:49 a.m. 5.2 ft. High .............. 7:50 a.m. 10.5 ft. LOw .............. 2:34 p.m. -1.2 ft. High .............. 9:32 p.m. 12.8 ft. Sunday, July 22 Low .............. 3:46 a.m. 4.3 ft. High .............. 8:59 a.m. 9.4 ft. Low .............. 3:24 p.m. 1.2 ft. High .............. 10:12 p.m. 12.6 ft. Monday, July 23 Low .............. 4:47 a.m. 3.4 ft. HiGh .............. 10:19 a.m. 8.9 ft. publicity man .Ioim Thonl)son to first-year enthusiasm immatcim(l yearling pro club occupy that capacity in his of in the hisl.(,ry of pro football, c\\;'en nin g season, but  ganization. And for a coach, he t)efoe !he MinnesoLa 13oar(l of "pple cart also, picked Norm Van Brocklin, who Dire(,tors and GM Rose had bcKur, some outstanding had just about rim out his string' to think of hiring a head coach, mg when it; was tl Jl the t[ most IN M, UlUUllllllll fl lllUllll W UIWiIUIIIlUl VFW Is the current lea- )rize in the VF%V his 23-9 king last Friday. barely eye-hsh- bahlmm's 23-S Hoedsport the Canal salmon ex- Churchill had to size Friday. king off tto y conlC, S seeking red perch-baited July 10. But the poggie hauled in an Other sac- Don Thm'sday; Monday; -2 blackmouth lhUck Thompson o Pound ling cod aturday carried. With my apple trees? All their on through the spring and into the Low .............. 4:19 p.m. 2.8 ft. k important leaves are curling up and tanning summer. One shot with any HSgh .............. 10:56 p.m. 12.4 ft. l)op E The majority of voters do, we concede, vote black." known material will not do the Tuesday, July 24  day oods reports If Den's question has been ask- work. It takes four or five doses Low .............. 5:50 a.m. 2.d ft. with the guali]ications of the individual candidate ed once this season, it has been of old-time lime sulfur to do the High .............. 11:52 a.m. 8.6 ft. \\;\\k y Can;:al Lakl uppermost in mind, yet,it cannot be denied, either, asked a hundred times. Don is not job. Low .............. 5:21 p.m. 4.3 ft. " of that in Iar too many instances the opposite has been .alone. Everyone seems to be haY- Write or call tim County Agent High .............. 11:43 p.m. 12.0 ft. Wednesday, July 25 our life l true. ing apple tree trouble, for your free copy of Apple Scab LOw .............. 6:52 a.m. 1.4 ft. I A disease Knom as Apple control. Tack it on your workshop High .............. 1'.'32 p.m. 8.9 ft. Scab is the trouble maker. It is wall as a handy reminder of things Low .............. 6:33 p.m. 5.7 ft. \\;\ * I For example, next fall when you go to the polls and caused by the parasitic fungus, to do early next year. Thursday, July 26 ] II conic to the office of county commissioner what faintest Ventura lnaequalls, if you want to LAST WEEK I went fly-fishing High .............. 0:33 a.m. 11.6 ft. # • ,. | tot' trout in one of those little Low .............. 7,)3 a.m. 0.a ft. n eIOM get highfalutin about names, mountain creeks beyond Camp Go-  .......... ] Whether you plan a snnple service or a ., m particle of consideration should be given to the fact that Apple Scab occurs world wide gn .............. z:au p.m. u' t' i :v  W I John Bariekman is a Democrat while Oscar Levin is a Re- wherever apples are grown. It is vey. Climbing ovr a log jam to Low .............. 7:50 p.m. 6.6 ft. * ate ceremony there is an Art Point wedding *" /.J - I especially bad in localities with applx)ach a pool, I looked down .......... # " " " IUUQ I publican? cool, moist springs and summers, for better footing. There on a __h|t'll _l:old tatloa or announcement styled for you.  |_ Sales That is why nfecLion has been so lock was a slick green frog about VMlilllllmZ-ll] Vl|J$11Illl  !l 0ll|a_ • I The answer is a simple and emphatic NONE/ severe in Mason County this year. the size of your hand, half asleep n .|aP.k ,,  Let our society editor have all the details cry ° Your vote should be wholly and entirely on whether" What can you do about it now? on a rock, basking ill the sun. D  .... Wll I H va,,nv II - o .I Not maria. The disease has pret- I dangled a fly in front of his , ,V - " " " k ovcl: ,,vaVOllle Harold Sehnitzer snared tx o  eddmg plans and at tile san-e [lille IOO  I John or Oscar can do the best job in the office they Candidates 00peak00 nose. Fie blinked a. time or two. firsts and a second and Nell Sel- ' -- ' ........ ""5    Um 1 seek. Quick as a flash, his white tongue jestad a first and third to pace A b complete selection ot Art yomt lnVlta[IU-   - -_l shot out and he had It. Then he Mason County's contingent in the :"  . . i spit it out. He squirmed around stock ca: races at Si'lverdale Sun- -.': I10uncclnCfltS and wcddln accessories  It l So we say, the sooner we place our other county public '"'51   "  I "'" . . :' i: ' ee I "Mth our com,limcnts . :i! 0 y Day 9 - 6 m *', q%un'" {lOP and worked his Jaws, appar-da Fr . i , : ;. tVash offices ill the same non-partisan category as we have already entty trying to get the artificial chmtzer won the first heal and t taste out of his mouth; like a tile B Main and ]'an second to Jim j,lf VirgiaiaCourtcnay'setiquctt  W J) " 1 done with the school superintendency and our judicial pc- busheler who reached for snoose *-- ' "O Stark of Kitsap county in the A booklet. Ask tbryour copy. ] - "' I sitions the better government we're going to get. Angual Meetig00 sawdust the boys had substituted.and got hold of crank-case-oiled Main. std's triumph was m Lhe _  That frog was the best strike thSej ...... MALE .,..h,n '" eat and he was third in the  .  i I had all da,y. But frogs are A Main. Two other Mason Courtly  ., '-rb, ."' 2----" .,#i RISK smart, I bet he II think twice, when entries earned secondary I)rizes ..7 [|----[, 1 . __ z¢Ar'---------7 -.w44ri-- f----------i---------. ...... m The incentive to go swimming has been at low ebb be- Hope SurGed sa'onG in RepubU- another fly comes swoopinG in Vie Wright finishing thii'd m th ,lll! I] ;/d.,.|l]lt,'-t,, ,| II-_ can hearts for election of at least front of his nose. third heat and Bob Coots second J])' (L't * L -]- *JU  [$ ':l II   ll ll cause of our fallish weather this sunlnler and as a result a one GOP legislator in the 24th So will the busheler when he in tne Iourtn eat. ' " "r...' "' '*'' l II., ll,, • I ' few less lives have been lost by drowning than perhaps district after reports made by forgets his can and has to GO on .......................................................... _ ** Clallam county candidates attend- a bumming jag. --lr. would have been normal, ing the Mason County Republican - " " convention last Wednesday night l/ However, in case you get the urge you might bear in in Memorial Hart. - ,1 -' MID SL00MMER Both Arthur Munson, rancher , E rnind a few facts that time has lroven and insurance com- from Beaver, and Clayton Fox, ARE PRI i panics have listed. Po,'t Angeles newspaperman and ['4b_')/)A, il fiction writer, told a good sized If you're a male, your chances of drowning are gathering of party workers that Come in and se( • ihere is evidence of a strong con- six timesgrcater thani[yo're awoman. Themost servativc resurgence in the upper INVENTORY CLEARA daugerous years are from 5 to 35. But whether you Olympic Peninsula.  r ' ANY PHYSICIAN THIS WEEKl VOTERS IN T1]EIR, areas are ----.'l]'/ wear boxer trunks or bikini, and whatever your "'fed up with the Democratic pal-- ,ANYWHERE 1961 Falcon Wal age, yo can tell the oddsmakers to "go jump in the ty". the two Clallam county leG- lake" if you learn and follow a few simple swim- islative candidates told the Re- 1961 Mercury 2 ( publican gathering. "We feel a CANLKGIVE YOU YOUR . d |h flo ruing rles, yea,'."differenttheyam'°sphereagreed andthts electiOnpolnted SH._' :! Many, many of ihe ilems shown below are a l. our ©os! -- we nee e or spa00e 1959 Gahxie 2-( ].--Good swimmers are made, not born. Children should to the election of three city of- SA Ul  a | ie " 1958 Rambler ficials in Port AnGeles, who, al- commodale ruck load of 1963 Merchandise we have coming mn the first of I a955 Ford Fairl," be enrolled in approved swimming courses so they lean1 to though they were in a non-parti- . rL1 ' Swim properly under the guidance of specialists, san ballot, were known Repubh- IN JUST h MINUTE. 1954 Ford Custol cans. It is tbe first time in many IS 0 N L Y 1953 Dodge 4-do years this has happened ill Port IT YOUR 2---Rescues should bc made by boat if possible. Many Angeles, Munson and Fox said. " " * Ahnost 14 ca. ft. 1953 Buick Roa FOX had filed his candidacy for AG S people drown while trying to save others. Swim to the res- the House of Representatives on- PROTECTION AIN ]' t 1953 Packard cue only if there is NO OTHER WAY, such as in a boat or ly a few hours before the conven- throwing a line or floating object the victim can grab. Row tton, although he had declared his t : . 1952 Ford Mainl or throw first, GO only as a last resort, candidacy earlier, CRIPPLING ' * Automatm Defrost lef ' A THIRD GOP candidate for . !i lhe legislature, Mason County's and Freezer  % Steve Vigor, was in attendance PINE WE'RE LOSING OUR OAKE .od also spoke to the gathering SELECTIO along with other Republican can- We, who have lived in Washington for a number of didates, who included Ed Faubert  Slide-out Shelves 1960 Ford ½-Tel y#ars, find ourselves in a contradictory'position, county"hal MrS,clerk,GeorgeLawrenceWagenerGosser forf°r CrisP# 1956 Dodge ¾ assessor, Nolan Mason seeking re- Hammond Organ * Twin Porcelainized 1954 Ford Panel We like to recall pristine lakes, uncrowded fishing election as attditor, and Oscar Le- streams, rural highways uncrowded by cars. At the same via seeking election as county 1953 Ford ½-To commissioner in the third district. 6 Lessons & " 1946 Dodge -T time, we promote more people. We hold a World's Fair, Cow n t y Central Committee 30 Oay Home 200 * Butter Conditioner 1942 Ford -To dedicated (among other things) to inducing thousands of Chairman John K. Bemmtt cx- Use- All for LleW families to move to our area. horted the gathering to work har- : der than eve,' in support of the Mrs, LouJ Lars0n , Adjustable Door ShelVe JIH PAULEI party candidates this year and !i , , Actually, these things are contradiction in pointed out that under new laws 426-3376 -- Rt. 3 B0x 325 " J terms, precinct committeemen had to e Year Wa rr#lffi i :, elected by a vote at least equal or call " Olle Fuli f fo 10 percent of the ballots cast. .. :,f W0,_ HONE Dea In the really crowded east, people just don't take off on Vehna McInelly, Central Corn- 6herman Clay Music Co., los .426-3261 vacation, secure in the knowledge they will find a place to mittee vice chairman, introduced Olympia All Parts & Labor   ' " j " ti-2156 Use light, or to camp, as they travel along. They must make the candidates present. An Additiolml 4 ,gear   ::: reservations in advance, and they are never far from the next family, runty on the Unit. We ,night as well make up our minds that we can't have SOMETHING NEW ADDED AT ................ NEW TWELVE POUND 18 ©u, ft, lit botl,--.nspoiled Natu,'00 more people. GOLE'S MOBIL SERVIOE SAVE*170 AUTOMATIC WASHER & Lake Washington, once virtually surrounded by wo6ds TWELVE POUND DRYER , DEFROST, q and not too long ago at that, has been converted into a pc- To provide a better all-around service f0r your car FREEZER tential cesspool by he burgeoning population now sur- $J''80 BOTH FOR $357-70 W/T -- pounding it. As sewage has poured i]to the lakeonce used We have employed , . . / for drinking water--the algae grows and now is discoloring the water'. As the a]gae die, they not. only look bad, but they GAlL STEENSEN 19 iHGH 40 iNGH smell bad. WITH DOUBLE } To OOT OF, L00ss PORTABLE TV OVEN The Seattle area is ,s'pc,tding millions #o divert $148,80 AUTOMATIC sewage from Lake Washiugton. Experts tell us that AUTOMOTIVE • Motor 'lllle-ups ................ its "restoration" will take a deea(le, but the lake MECHANICAL • Brake Repairs will TLC, LIe'F b( as it was. It has gone beyond th, e SERVICES " " Muffler Repairs PLUS THIS BONUS TO EVERYONE WtIO COMES INTO OUR STORE BE r FREE ])oDt Of ??0 returtt. Available Daily, including Sundays, except Saturdays. AND THE FIRST OF AUGUST __ TICKETS TO TItE SEATTLE" ' ' ' " Perhaps, in the distant future, our descendants will ) .: wondc, r why their ancestors were so intent on more and ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO! SAN DIEGO PAI)RES BALL GAME AUGUST FIRST.  I more population. Certainly, the uncrowded regions are more [] pleasant for those who live in them. Our present population COLE'S' HOBiLGAS' S"V'CE TIMBER APPLIAH{:E phobia seems to be a form of self-punishment. Perhaps we 114 S. 21) have a subconscious sense of guilt because our land has. been st and PINE Phone 426-3906 so delightful. Whatever the cause, we often wonder whether Pholle SAE it all makes good sense. (Montesano Vidette) ST