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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
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JIql 19, 19(32 OTA VIKINGS VS " ID llglllllml]nlfTffllllllll m111ffllln]llllmmllffgmllimm]llllll]fflllRT 2 0,000  /' (i:! 11 ffllflflmlglltmlllllmlHiiimlmlflmflllllHiiimllllltlfillllllmmlHmlmmllmlHHll I'Si with .l:,i,s Alg('- aloft' lhlt[1 sol(l, ri'NliJ ;: tilt, Ill;ill \\;\'hfl it;ill I)eell ia t() the \\;Vol'hl pnl(!led Ihe 1961 OUTDOORS ;I,elled success in :old ne.u'lv doubletree', ' Hie Vikings were lir.l-ycav nigh 111,] Twin Cities by a It was loo nucll-'/.. :,,sias,,1 ,,,',,mt('iied ,'ea,'ling pro club,'ll  IN MASON COUNTY ' )f pro foolball, c\\;'(m nin!', season but g."-qi inm, soLa l]oar(l L,f :,pple carl also, ] RRlUuUusUuRiUU$uUUJ . ]M I-Lose had bcvu.", (m]e ou! standing j[-qnuuUiHiU|iHuUih9H|iiiUjJJRUJUJUnui IIUIIIIIUIIII ring a head coach, mS when it: wa EIEAI)S X'F'W isabella. The bass, up to four RCES 'mni lea }aUty prize in , VI/'%V tel is the c ,t [al¢l Point iast' FridaJ;. es Dahlm in :/h8 at Hoodsport tim a seeking red perch-baited July 10. But the poggie hauled in an Other suc- were Doll Thursday; the 00ilve,, Monday; s 2-2 blackmoutn e most h,,^ d 1' k Thompson l 8a" pound ling cod tUrda . important day  'Sla.g..Goods reports .hiag at Lake of your life! Canal ' |anna 'ou plan a simple service or an elab0 • ir,l, ny there is an Art Point wedding : nnouncement styled for you. :iety editor have all the details dry °¢ lens and at the same tinle look over 0¢ Mection of Art Point invitationS, ts and wedding accessories. [.(mnrls, .:LrC hitting plugs. Lost Lake silver trout are be- ginning Lo hit. Unplanted Meson Lake is producing a f(Y¢/ large cutthroal and rainbow lately. Cushnlan eportedly remains slow with few blac.kmouth kings .qlowing t.lp. Canal sahnon ex- I)OVli]-PIGEON Churchill had SEAN(INS SET ording to size The Vashington State Game Friday. Commission set the 1962 dates tor king off tle dove, ban(I-tailed pigeon and jack- comes snJpe seasons Friday. Doves will be legal game lhrough tim month of September, with a daily bag of 10 birds and a possessi¢m limit of 20 birds. Band-tails may also be hunted from Septcmbm" 1-30 with a daily L'ag of eight birds and eight in possession. Daffy bg and pos- s:ession of jacksnipe is similar to band-tails with the season running from October 27 through Novem- ber 25. The 1961 harvest of these gamo birds was: doves- 335,800; band- lails --- 94,200; jacksipe --- 10,700. U.S. FOREST SIltVICE RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger IlL, trier: Fish- ing is still reported good in most areas. Wild blackberries are get- tng ripe in Skokomish Valley and Dennie Ahl area. Forest users are reminded to check on those areas closed due to fire hazard before planning any trips. Hoodsl)ort Rtnger District: Seal ', i ] Rock Campground expermnced . ' l[;naximunl use over the weekend. IRId-L_I I I Other camp spots were used in q oale, B moderation Girl Scouts at Camp '  | I aobbinswold ' ' " " I.,,--, enjoyed a showing O vYlVla HI the movie "The F})rest" and a talk 1, ...  |] on national forest activities by ¢rs TVelcome|i Forest Service personnel lasL Sat- re'day. Enthusiastic fishermen re- port' fishing good at Jefferson 1 AI Lake with good catches of cut- a qlOa l hroat and Eastern Brook being )ay9-6 t,ken ash. God has endowed man with in- alienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and con- science. --.Mary Baker Eddy ViER !A-RAN - we need the floor spate coming in the first of the t Almost 14 cu. ft. r Automatic Defrost and Freezer r Slide-out Shelves r Twin Porcelainized Cr ispg \\; Butter Conditioner : Adjustable Door ShelVeS One Full Year warraP All Parts & Labor / An Additional 4 Y er rallty on tim Unit. ED CARS ARE PRICEI):T0 GO... Come in and see them THIS WEEKEND ! 1961 Falcon Wagon 1961 Mercury 2 dr. 6 1959 Galaxie 2-door Hardtop 1958 Rambler 1955 Ford Fairlane 1954 Ford Custom 1953 Dodge 4-door 1953 Buick RoadInaster 1953 Packard 1952 Ford Mainline IINE SELECTION OF TRUCKS-- 1960 Ford ½-Ton " 1956 Dodge ¾-Ton 1954 Ford Panel 1953 Ford ½-Ton 1946 Dodge ½-Tou 1942 Ford -Ton PAULEY, INC. '2156 Dealership: 5th and Railroad, Used Cars: 5th and Cota SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohrtmastown, U.S.A.," Sl)elton, Washington • I Ii I I ii ii gll II I II i I , !1 i ilml,, , i ,,= i i i LEGION LOSES TO PUYALLUP IN PLAYOFF OPENER BY 9-4 Shelton's penchant for gener- Darkness blotted out an hn- osity on the baseball diamond left pending victory potential for its American Legion representa- Sheltou's American Legion ball Lives teetering on the brink of learn at Elma Thursday night, elimination fron5 the 4th District erased an 8-run entry in the score- championship series Sunday. book and-returned to the Elma Crucial errors which donated Townics a 5-1 trimnph ha seemed five une;irned runs to Puyallut) lost. resulted in a 9-4 defeat for Ihe The t.c:ams were in the eighth Shelton forces at Western State inning of a return game---Shelton Hospital and left them facing the l-:ad won the opener at Loop Field, necessity of snaring victories from 14-3--when cracked a grand-slam lheir eonquorers last night and homer to start the big run binge. next Sundqy to capture the title. Terry LaBissonicre followed The two rivals wei'e scheduled:with a double, and subsequently 1(5 play thc second of their best- Ron Landis singled and Roy Kim- of-tt]ree series a couple of horn's bel tripled among other assorted after proses-time yesterday, again happenings which put Shelton at Western State. If the third: unners on the paths for the total game is necessary it, too, will be of eight. played on the same diamond Sun- Until that time Shelton hadn't day at 1:30 p.m. beeu able to take advantage of DON ANDREWS was the vic- opportunities presented by John tim of thc shoddy Shelton de- Matau and Ed Michalak, scof lense, which put him in a two-run ins a lone run in tile fifth on La- hole in the top of the first inning Bissoniere's triple and Tim Shoe- without a Puyallup hit. A bad dy's single. Double plays snuffed throw and faihn'e Lo hold a throw, cut potential scoring opportunities both by third-sacker Bill Sloan, in the second and third innings. did the damage following a base Meanwhile, Brian Snyder was on balls, pitching excellent ball but his Again in the third a throwing defense lcaked at critical' rod- error by shortstop Roy Kimbel ments to allow all the Elma runs following a wMk accounted for to come under the unearned clas- t, wo more Puyallup markers, ty-sification. lng the score at 4-4. Two trolled in the fourth as the Shelton had grabbed the lead result of a dropped throw at first in the bottom of the first frame and three in the sixth were with four rams when, hitting the chargeable to another dropped first four pitches lofty Joe Mac- throw at second. In both instances Lean got over tile plate, Kimbel the bobles came on the lead-off trippling to right, Darrell Coch- batters to open the gates. ran singling to right-center, Sloan The box score: singling to right, and Brian Sny- Shelton ab r hi Elma ab  h der singling to center, one rtln Kimbel 2b-3b 5 0 2]Whiting cf 3 0 0 scoring. Cochran If 5 0 0]Bassett ss 5 1 2 MaeLEAN FOLLOWED this e Walker 1 0 0 Murl)hy lb 5 0 1 with bases-loaded walks to An- Andrews ss 4 0 2 Matau p-2b 3 0 1 drews and Terry LaBissoniere for Snyder p 3 0 llEveleth 2b-rf 3 0 0 another pair, then Tom Wingard Clary l b 4 0 10Karrc 2 1 0 LaBiss ef 4 1 11 Huttula If 3 0 0 plated the fourth with a fly to 2 center. Sheedy 2b-c 4 0 Michalak rf-p 4 2 3 After that MacLean was mastett Wagner 11[ 3 0 Harlley 3b 2 1 0 of the situation and blanked Shel- b Landis 1 0 1] Totals 30 5 7 ton for tile last eight innings. Kadoun e 2 0 1[ Meanwhile, his teammates pick- a Wingard 1 0 0* ed up the run that won the game Towle 31) 0 0 0 i in the fourth with the aid of a Totals 86 1 12[ walk, stolen base and single to left. A mental miscue which left a--flew out for Kadoun in 7th. :first base uncovered on a bunt b--singled for Wagner in 8th put Andrews ill a bases-loaded e--rannl for Coehran in 8Lb. Janl immediately aftclrard, but Score by Innings three fine fiehting plays forcing Shelton 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8--9 two runners at the plate pulled hits • 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 5--12 him out of it. Ehna 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 x-- 5 NLOAN RELIEVED Andrews hits 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 x-- 7 after the first two Puyallup bat- SUMMARY: HR-Clary. 3b-LaBisson- ters singled in the seventh, both ]ere, Kimbel, Michalak. 2-b-Snyder, eventually seoring on a eombina- Andrews, Wagner. LaBissoniere. SH- Lion of a double steal, a wild pitch Huttula. RBI-Clary 4. Kimbel, Sheedy. and an infield out. Sloan gave up Landis. Murphy 2. Bassett, Karr, two final runs in the ninth on two Miehalak. IP-Matau 2. SO-Michalak singles and a double. 3. Snyder g. BB-Snyder 7. RRR-Sny- Kimbel was Shelton's batting der 0. Miehalak 1. E-Clary. Sheedy star with three hits in four trips, a, Eveleth 2. SB-Clary, Sheedy. adding steals after his two singles. Shelton got a bad break in the - .- ,, ano'Var*"n" Brothers sixth when Andrews was nailed trying to score the tying, run o Victorious ,,a,a"a"n a .wild pitch whieh rebounded.u- usually far off the backstop.l-I had doubled to right-center to op- Ronnie and Larry Anderson, en the inning and gained third on Shelton, grabbed firsts in the: a wild pitch, trophy dash and junior A super The box score: divisions respectively in a 15-event l'uyalh|p ab r hlShelion ab r h Olympia go-karL card Sunday. Funk ss 4 1 0]Kimbel ss 4 I 3 Rex Hays, Olympia, was second RungerJb 4 2 0]Cochranlf 4 1 1 in the junior A super zace and l:lo('4tchln' 21) 5 3 21Sloan 3b-p 4 1 1 Ronnie third. ])dUd If 4 2 2] Snyder 2b 4 0 1 Hays copped a first in the junior Lynam c 5 0 llAndrews l)-3b 3 1 1 A super event at Centralia Satur- Orness ef 14 0 2 Clary lb 4 0 0 day with Larry coming in second Itenning lb 5 0 2 LaBiss. cf 4 0 2 and Ronnie third. Tevis rf 4 0 1 Wingard rf 3 0 0. MarLean l) Kingsbury e 3 0 1 Henning 2, Orness, Lynanl, Doud. SB- Toials 38 9 10 Totals 33 4 10 Ktmbel 2, Bo(,tteher 3. Runger 2, Funk, Score I)y Innings Doud, Lynam, Orness. E-Sloan 2, Puyallup 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 2-- 9 Kimbel 2, Snyder, Doud. IP-Andrews hits 0 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 3--10 C plus. Loser-Andrews. RRF-Andrews Shelton 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-- 4 2. Sloan 2, MacLean 4. SO-Andrews 4, hits 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1--10 S]oan 2. MacLean 11. BB-Andrews 5, SUMMARY: 3b-Kimbel. 2b-Andrews, I MaeLean 2. HB-Henning by Sloan. Ioeltcher, Lynam. SH-Wingard. :RBI- DP-MacLean to Funk lo Henning. WP- Cochran, Andrews, Clary, Wingard, Sloan. MacLean. Cougars Are Killers! I KAH'IL¢HE UPSETSMT..VIEW with five runs in the first inning." L 2 3 3 6 TWILIGHT LITTLE LEAGUE "A" Standings W Hillcrest ................................ 6 Southside .............................. 5 Mt. View ..... ......................... 5 Kamilche .............................. 2 Latest Results Mr. View 4, Southside 3 Kamilcne 5, Mr. View 4 ttillcrest 13, S.ouLhside 7 Kamilche played the role of g:iant killer Monday evening when the cougars knocked off Mt. View, who was tied for the league lead, 5-4 in Twilight Little League ac- tion. The inspired Kamilche crew played like champs, bombing Mr. View's Dave Winn out of the box 18 ©u, ft, ,ENOS,,, FREEZER -- Ti I m ........ ...................... _ • u II 00O,NO, - - RA' ' , D AY " S FULLY $ f i :: : -- , A R E ) STO00E ' i U € • , " .. • n JC M£ g 114 S.' ')d (j/v - TUNE.UPS Phone i I SAEGER'S MOTOR SHOP 3T Phone 426-4602 They were held scoreless by the Tigers' Roger Samples for the next six innings, but the damage had already been done. Denny Wagner pitched the vic-' tory for the Cougars. It was only a few days before, Friday, when the Tigers revived their title hopes with a close 4-3 decision over Southside. Mt. View rallied for the Winning tally with two outs in the final frame. Jim  Denoyier slammed his second sin- le of the game to light the fire. The next batter, MflTe McNeil, topped a grounder to third and in turn the third baseman tossed the' bali to second in order to force Denoyier, but it was too late and both runners were safe. A wild pitch by Hawk hurler Butch Bowman and an infield single by Scott Swisher scored Denoyier. The short scores: r h e Mt, View 300 100 0 4 9 3 Kamilche 500 000 0 5 9 4 Batteries: Wagner and Corey; Winn, Samples and Swisher. r h o Southside 003 000 0 3 5 2 Mt. View 003 000 1 4 6 4 Batteries: Bowman and Schuf- fenhauer; Samples and Swisher. B Stan(ltngg' W L ML. View .............................. 9 0 Skokomish ............................ 6 3 Southside .............................. 3 6 Hillcrest ................................ 0 9 Latest Results Mt. View 6, Southside 2 Skokomish 11, Hillcrest 9 Southside 25, Hillcrest 16 Mt. View 11, Skokomrsh 5 Undefeated Mt. View Look care of Southside 6-2 last Thursday to keep its unblemished skein in tact in "B" loop play. The Tiger seconds played Skokomish Tues- 6ay night. Mt. View scored enough runs for evenLual victory i th ini!al in- ning, but padded its lead with a pair of runs irt the. second atanza and another solo in the fourth. Hartwell homered for Southside. Summer Tracksiers Grab Three Firsts At WeoSl SeaUle Althoug'h they were small in lmmber because of a LransporLa- tion lack, coach Bill BrickerL's summer tracksters came up with creditable results aL an AAU all- comers meet at West Seattle Sta- dium Saturday. Only two car h)ads made the trip. Next action for coach Briek- ert's bunch is the AAU Seafair Junior Olympics, July 29 at Ed- monds High School. Last Saturday's gathering fea- tured many of the top athletes in the state. Jack Higgins of the University of Puget Sound won the men's century dash in 9.4 and ]he furlong in 21.9. Jack Larson, former UW miler, won his spec- ialty in 4:23.6 and the 880 yard run in 1:58.7. Shelton performers grabbed three blue ribbons, all in the 15 years and under division. Tom Lowe achieved two personal bests in the broad jump and 100 yard dash while winning both of them. He took the broad jump with a 19-6 leap and the 100 in 10.4. Bob Johnson, a freshman, vic- tored in the 880 in his best Lime of 2:09.7. BoWs brother Vern, run- ning the half-mile for the first time in regular competition after only one week of preparation, was fourth in 2:24 flat. Perry Swett :failed to place, but ran the samo 880 in 2:30 flat. Bob also got a third in the pole vault, going 10 feet even. Glenn Van Blaricom garnered a third in the 440, being clocked in 66.7. Shelton's Lee Burfiend notched a pair of seconds in the boys' 11 years and under class. He went 12 feet in the broad jump and was alsa rtmner-up in the 50-yard clash. Bian Brickert competed in the star-studded men's 880 ace. Be- sides Larson, he had Central Wa- shington's Mike Veak and Mercer Island's Tom Harmon to contend with. Brian got fifth behind an midentified Tacoma speedster. Those who made the trip but did not place were Milton Schu- reacher and Mike Johnson. Bi00leyiirds Nog 4 Of Top 5 Spots Paul Bigley birds flew home with the first three places as well as the fifth spot in last Sunday's resumption of pigion racing. The event was flown from Kalama with five Mason County lofts entering 116 birds. Bigley's winner was a blue cock averaging 1196.30 yards per min- ute, followed by a grizzled hen at 1194.40 and a blue hen at 1192.60. The three finished within a 23 second span. A Dick Giles silvcr cock at 1192.55 interupted the Bigley ;Weep, which put a buff hen a /19L43 in fifth place. Other trophy takers were 5im Bennett's blue bar he] aL 1176.10, the Stan Karvanek loft with a buff .hen at 1165.13 and a red check cock at 1098.93 and Larry Johnson's mealy cock at 1094.88. In the junior club race, S. John- son's blue check hen .hit the finish line in first place at 1097.95 ypm, followed by R. Giles' red check hen at 1091.43 and R. GHpp's speckled cock at 1026.52. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR 2n(I llO[!Ni) N'I'AIUI' IN TEAM CAP'I'AIN'N I'IAY lOirst rotln(t play was COml)leled Sunday and lhe firsl ma.Lch in the secofld rollnd *,VIrLS a(l(tt*(] O lhe records in the 1962 le:*m captain's tournamcnt at the Slmlton-lgay- shore Gt)lf Chlb. "- Jack Kin]bel and Phil Baylcy Look a 2-up decision from Jim Pauley aud Larry Larson to be- come the hfitial winners m the se(..on(l round, and will be paired against the winner (5t:' the Jack Jcffery-Ivan Myer 0 vs. Tony Nel- son-Jim Fletcher match in the ihird rollnd. Jeff cry and Myers beat ,ice Holt and Ray Rice in the first round, Nelson and t,'letcher ousled },'ranl HeusLon and WinsLon Seott. Kim- bel and Bayley took Arn Cheney and Homer W'oodard out of the LournarnenL in the opening round. Other first round victors were Clint Willour and Oliver Ashford over Harry Cole and Lloyd Van, Blaricom, Bean Daniels and Son- Null Blanks 2 Foes, Merchants Move Up In Softball Gircuit CLASS A SOFTBALL W I, Olympia Brewery ............ 7 2 ?,cCleary ............................ 6 4 Binger's ................................. 6 4 SHELTON I',ERCHANTS 5 4 Flying A ............................ 4 5 Rayonier . ............................. 0 9 Tonight Shelton vs Brewers Rayonier at; McCleary Bill Nutt tossed goose-eggs aL two opponents during the past week with the resuK that the Shelton Merchanls posted a pair of victories and move(1 into fourth ])lace ill the Class A se('tion of ihc Olympia softball league. NuLL hung a two-hit 1-0 defeat nn Flying A Monday night at Olympia to malce the upward move in the standings. His teammales :cored the \\;vinnillg ]'IMP in the eighth inning. Last Thmsday he three-hit his fellow to\\;vnsmen from I-ayonier for an 8-0 trimnph while the Mer- chants elubbed out a dozen blows to support: his glittering mound- work. Rayonier lost its ninth straight decision Monday, 1G-2, io Bingcr's The short scores: 1{ 11 E Shelton 000 000 01. 1 2 1 Flying A 000 000 0ff-O 2 2 Batteries -Nutt nnd Swearin- gem Van Alstine and Ell,ott. R !I E Rayonier .... 101 00 ...... 2 5 5 Binger's .... 4 1 2 4 5 ..... 16 15 2 Batteeries ..... Morgan and Ahlf; Tnrner and Michaels. R It E Shelton ..004 01.3 0 ...... 8 12 2 Rayonier 000 000 0 -- 0 3 4 Batteries ..... NuLL and Swear]n- sen; Young and Ahlf. hey Lowe over Heinie Hilderman and H.ocky Hembroff, Jim Pauley and Larry Larsoll I)Vll' Bob OLson and Guy tl,cliwiLh, Bud Pautey i,lld ,]iln Donahoe over Max Sehnidt an(1 Purl Jemison, L. L. MeInelly and Bud KnuLzen over An(ly 'I'us, m and Gary Nicloy. O[h(q' see, oil(1 Fonnd pairings plt. Vilh)tn'-Aslfnr(l vs. Daniels-Lowe, lauley-Donahoc against Mclnelly- Ktl/itzPll wilh nlalehes t.o be con]- pleled by next Sunday. a: :i: :9 AN()TIIEi 2-1|ALl, 4-NOMI'] S(ItlEI)[[IJ':I) '1'111, EVI2NING The third in Lhe 1962 season .(,ries of mixed two-ball foursomc (vents at the Shelton-Bayshore (;()If Chlb is scheduled this evening with tee-off Lime be.tween 5:30 and 6:00 o'ch)ck. Plny pairs men and women playing a single ball alternately. A potluek dinner completes the (vent, which has turned out to be (:he of the most popular feat:ures the club has come up with in a hmg timc. Page 7 ii i I i Peewee AIl-Slars To Perform Wednesday00 2 Groups To Play Peewee baseball players v/ill stage theil' annual all-star games r, ext Wednesday evening on Loop Fieht. The younger group, including 7-8-9 year olds numbering arouPzt 40 boys, will form four teams and play an inn'ing or so each, aecording to director Jerry KnuL- .on. They will play first. The older b)ys, 10 to 12 year oM and numbering about 25, will lorn) two teams and play a 7- inning gan]e, finishing up und.r the lights. There is no admission charge and the public is invited. i Western Riding • Lessons - proper handling • Group trail rides The outside ol a horse is good for the inside Of a 1.a, LITTLE SKOOKUM RANOH Phone 426-8976 i TO QUICKEN YOUR CHICKEN Gome Out and Try It's the World's Newest Way to Oook. IF YOU LIKE OHiGKEN You'll love golden brown, tender, delicious chicken cooked in pre vegetable oils, with all the natural juices and goodness sealed in EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WiTH YOUI NO LONG WAITING a.a It's cooked from raw through to the bone' IN JUST 7 MINUTES SEA FOODS ALSO FEATURED M|ilo's Diner On Hood Canal Near Potlatch -- opposite Tacoma Light Powerhouse on I-Iighway 101 Phol:e Hoodsport TR 7-9488 ls & Grove Sts. Shelton 426-.4426 Cheroe Fleetsde--Amcrica',favorite Tickup CHEVROLET TRUCKS , . ..................... : ............. ....... , ..... .................... a Eii'CHEVi;;[ET C:O:a:iANY .......................... A truck that doesn't call for a lot of attenffon, that just does its job every day, is a great asset. This is the thing most users tell us they like about Chevrolet trucks--their reliability. And this, of course, comes from quality. Sound engines, strong frames, double-wall contractio iaulated cabs, separated bodies • 9 good o00e! and eabs, t{gh tailgate.."7, st somo of the features that help Chevrolet; trucks work longer and bring back more ofyovx iavestmea; aL trade-in. If you wish you had a truck that eos you less timught and attention, put your money o quality. Make your laCXi buy & doneaaho Chevrolet truck, ........ If U,OU take u0ur truck for granted