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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Pu1lishecl in a0hr{sttow.. U S A " Shelton, Washington , Page 9 Thursday,  ........  . • .. .............. Altends: NeW Owners Take Lilliwaup Community Club Has Allyn House Local Teacher Has CUD Tax Money Five Building t0 IQ,mp Over Motel Successful Card Party Friday Staff Member Pad In WSU Opera Is Apportioned Permits Approved " 98 &apos;"Lor<.nor:Mr. andIA, Ho,!,po,tTubes .'h . ° B,& Fmwells.. D°uglas (Pat) Havens' Shelt°n' Mas°nC°unty'stw°PublicUtil" Building permits appr°ved bYJerome Burke. add,tion 0a L. Lord, Shelton, is has one of the feature roles in the ity Districts have paid $20,575.23 the ::ason County Commission- Washington State University sum- to county treasurer for the pay- crs vlondy included Carl W Han- g in an Air Force Rc- (0H01 glr Training Corps [ LIt3 yA; NedTV:nClliwaup JURHLg%LSohoQatIse s" en- met opera workshop production merits they make each year in L;¢'"Pment at Fairchild Community club card party ,ri- joying a visit with her grandpar- of "LaPerichole". lieu of taxes, liam'em x.-),:)dL. Hess,'rcsidence'wood cabin,$16'000;$1,500;Wil" JZe louse. • I The opera is in rehearsal now Of the money, $7,201.97 will go Meh, in J. Patterson, wood rest- day evening was a great success, cuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Aura of and will be presented in the school to school districts in the county, ] deuce, $700; Jay Hall, patio, $75, La. student at Willamette Twelve tables of pinochle were Lilliwaup. She is enjoying swim- auditorium at 8 p.m. Friday. $3,492.53 to the city and $9,881.131and ICr0re he is enrolled in dr. "" played, high score going to Ethel ming and digging clams. • to  i Baker and Olaf Bzoten; low to Mrs. Jenny Half is enjoying a  to the county. I residence, $400. PUD 1 paid $2,595.23 and PUD ........... |tt IN JAPAN I; Esther Christensen and Alton visit from Mr. and Mrs. Riter L. week. We all hope she is feeling 3 $17,980. To train specialists in the be- W LrPl:We-sleyL%iments Young and 300 pinochle to Ann Brasland and son. David and i Batchelor. Daisy Vance was win- daughter Rachel of Madison, Wis. better. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Beeson and A breakdown of the school havior ,,f metals, the University [rvh'veley j: :net of the door prize. Mrs. Start White enjoyed a two granddaughter Kathy along with funds shows District 404 received of Wa:;hlngton recently inaugu- || $908.83 from the PUD 1 money. :rated an academic program lead- ::°n4,ii: sezng at Two new members joined the weeks visit with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Don Beeson and From the PUD 3 money, Dist- ing to the doctorate degree in the |- air 8tation- Atsugi, club. They were Mr. and Mrs. H. friends in the San Francisco area. daughter Karen spent Thursday rict 20 received $396.47; District field of metallurgy. Mourick of Wa Wa Point. The White joined her later. On their L has been built by Joe in his spare club now' has 63 members. The way home they ran into some broken arm resulting from his i att,te ,nW°l'ld, Ja,ilrAA%°st,nter 42, $195.08; District 54 $365; a. ':' -"---- time the past few years. They group welcomed back Mr. and hot weatier where the tempera- accident and having his appendix b''al ....... " ........ a ...... District 118, $37.76; District 302, cu-. :ibA =.==.i=mm. will continue to operate the Aq- Mrs. Steve Ahl, this being the tures were 112 degrees, removed. J IR" AD a4rs H,,war  xr, mn $75.52; District 309, $3,442.34; C811  | 1. | varium, hrst time they have oeen  able to ON THEIR return home they Mike and Steven White are I wish [o t''hank a"Ul'wh sen"t c"Ara'd- District 311, $251.73; District 401 ......  " kdl4U[=% | | Mr and Mrs Avene Richert and attend the card parties in several stopped in San Mateo, Calif., and flying by jet to California to visit ! and best wishes to Gregg w-bile $151.04; District 402, $434.23 and []  il p -- r Else To CALL.. H "Miss "Emma tichert were guests Steve has been in.and brought back theirtwo, nephews, their grandparents. [he was recovering from his fall. District 403, $943.97. U H  U K :'|,I .ff ,,Lu: | in the home of the John Laramies cut.of the veterans rlospkal In warren and Bill Marsnan, WhO Mrs. Ed Rhodes of Toutle, [ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements are t ala00e0r00-0a-----0000ln' - DAYTON IIALL • K/VE][, ] on Sunday. eaue or months. Welcome PACK, are.having a w..onderul time with Wash., are vis!ting .Mrs. Cleve- i spending several days in Puyalinp i , Cf'q " | FRIENDS OF the Ken Graves ceve an,nrmene;. ..... nmr cousin my ampDeu_'rney land for several wees. She was L with their daughters celebrating |. vt'JL'JJ | ¢.a ........ n , , ..... f bi, cr,.±r zvxu ana tella were all quite relieves to get oacz an Allvn resident livin at one I Elio' hh-fhdf4v L t01R.R. ,---- | eing'transferred to Darrington, Mork.en were _hostesses for the to the Canal. and Mrs-- .White to time on the Olberg place. I "P'lease'remeber advanced first Man Now rs i 3  AvE. | Wash., by the Forest Service, but evenzn.g. 'l'.nanKs co 'z'ances zor her cluues at srlce tar Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacKay have laid classes start this Thursday, Second Lt. Lambert C. Buck, 'A, I||1 Ot ii YO" 426-4134 || bunny,.,_, for the new ozmortunitv,._  aonaung.n me .Przzes zorme. .car° roe airy.. . .... been kept very busy with guests F July 19, at Allyn, Fire Hall at Buck,San of Shelton,Mr" andhasMrS.beenLeonardassignedN. ULmT"4| • WU|||||W mmm-| T . • • party. T e next cara pazty wm De Mz and Mrs rnes Campben • ' • m 0 AN thin affords Ken m hm work. They from Califorma Vmiting wezc Mr. 7 p. . . to McGuire Air Force Base, N.J. "URL. oroxe up co uarrmgcon auruay ' " ...... " ........................... ' .... He recently completed a course  |u IlnU|A i  L " "uRLD AT  ....... w:ll Nicholson and Nancy Card will be mer at their cottage on the Canal. Beach and Mr and Mrs Butter land famil'" had a ver'" en"o-able i  |lr,. | to see tne home wnere cney , hostesses .... • .......... ' • - y • Y . J X i • - |J.' (',('rl  be living -- , • _ _ _ .J:-ne .t'IzEOn l-leao. rlug.e mUD baugh from Linsey. I day down at Westport, and on the ;for communications officers at :.|U IMI m | V-=_ " LALI'I" | . ' ...... vzrs mma z'usia was reporsecl wmcn meets each wennesaay ga- . .................. Iwi,, home sto,,-ed at Aberdeen to Keesler AFB, Miss. , , ,  | 4. fTT - -- | Weonesoay evening the rioocl i to be in the Shelton General Has thered at the home of Mr and w re me ]()o's uaugnters F . .a  .{ • v:. . -- " " " " Bethel from Be i" arc V1SIT. meuy's mother. H 0 VE-"-%"  i _______ ................. , -- ...... :,===: =_.:___ ........ "_, Canal Commumty chuzch had a z o • lfa z on a 4em .- | ". . [pital "ec vcring from a fall that Mrs. Walter Allison ffuly 11. This ..... [ THE PiE P*'VE '*nc¢ ' ..... ," |ravel ,|,, li potluck supper in their honor at linured her arm is an informal-e'hbo,'hood 're,,- camp-am: al: '±'win rlaroers. I . _ . ..*. ". ...... 2'?7   -- -- IFtd,,, "'" P.Ir'llrles 1 _. • ........ i a - . ., . - e, ,. - ........ ...... I returnee IrOIT! ti'lelr tour oI Erie i I[" 'OUrs .,._,.. | the name oz vr. anti vrs.. on Hood Canal Garden Club met without officers or dues getting r. aria rs. Jzm m.ctsrme analMidwest q'hv tank ;n ,n,,t, € [. - ,amsn|p$. | Webb. Thursday the Graves leave |last Thursday at the home of Mrs. together to study Goren's point son Jim are on their way home i Wisconsin--I-;nnesota "'and-'Tol'{] 0 R n 7 Ir Railroad | for a brief vacation on the Ore- Marie Turner on Union side of the count system of Bridge playing, to Denver after visiting the Van- Dakota and visited som of theP" ,,,  :F°tels a "-' -esorBUS Lines | beg°nonC°aStthe newbef°rejoleavmg'Aug. to| Canal ' Bessie Mawson and Lillian Attendancee varies seasonally from wereOStenS'seenManYwhileinterestingthe were Sights }here relatives' while'there'_. " "  Fad0ff I}0m0n$lral|0n "fl I  . . . y Watson . , ts _ . Hough were CO-hOStesses. Roll call on to three tables. On the llth .... . Y • We hear that Doroth :I [ was answered by 21 memb "s, and g p " ms ...... .., . " has returned from Gardner, Mont. ?IDA¥, JULY 20  [ 'rHia VERN Gustafsons have et the rou consmted of Mesda e They naa a revery trip to Hurrl i .........  one visitor. Erma Martin, Edna Jessup, Rose cane tage ariel laln v'orest. They [ after visiting Tony and Dorothy :l,. [ It was voted .to hold a Bingo iHambough, Alice Reeves and the to?y !n a day at the ocean[Gornick" - - '  , Jlparty Friday evening, July 20lbostess. cram .azgg)ng, .and at Westport] The Leonard Nelson family paid HOGVR  HOOVER [ lr rf2FrpJ'Ji/r- I I at the Lilliwaup Community Club  MR, AND MRS,. JOHN Coch- wacnmg, one nsnmg Dos come [ a, vtszt last wee.k to the Ba..._' r.v |F'k -"-ifA[ $1[  1[ house, with playing to start at [rane and children Scott and Pare- m. . [Colemans to find their little boy .... E|edn¢ |[  CONSTELLATIC .] | .... 8 pm Mattie Badklund is in lcla, Billings, Mont, have returned Mr and Mrs Dick SissoR and: u ha Iv h,,rnd nn the. 1:h i i[ ,,, ll ...... il • • _ .. • .. ,w._s _.d. ................... - ' [:|OO1€ '1  The conister fl I m IN  ,;li. t' | I • av,,,,,,ll • • t' • t'41  ;' I charge of this arty and stated I name after spending two weeks family spent three lovely days [ when the family was barbecuing  - - - [[ that the money z:aised will be used[With theirj parents, Mr. and Mrs' down at the ocean digging clams. [in their yar(i. B'arney was burned  '1t WaSher k 1 offers moro c ] i .   ] "   I  y_r [[ to buy shrubs and flowers for the ] B!II Everett, of Longwo?d Beach: Congratulations to the Dang ] on both "hands while igniting the % % wets-scrubs   . . , I i:?iiii ], | | r  ]  [[Garden Club project to beautify[ hey wen sream fishing an! Carlisses, who are the mxmd uar-]charcoal I'1% . v"lRi wnovyouwor;, l -- llr-" ' I  I  Jr gl &ll[ F/ i[ lthe grounds at the Hoodsport [boating on the Canal, and all yis- ents of a baby girl. Renee Carol[ RUSS" AND PATTI Schillinger lt%k vocuumdry$  . in a cleaner. [ iWr" ,e .., -' m |  I lcecl me zair in eattle. The last arrived on the 10th of July and and girls went to Chehalis Sun-  only h [ 'AY VEAL SALE -.   .....  Jlbeen.busy entertaining ffuests wholW::kondthYeWe[,e s jied by a iweighed 7 pounds 13 ounce.. Mo-[dy for  family reunion picnic % . __ "qNO" 86 J -- -, -- ....  t mr / o . .  i// .. |1 ...... '----  .... "..-- ," 1, [ OZ eatie, WhO mace the trip in now and doin fine Greetm s to the Bob Andrews ce ano ooo rade yea, , .,Jr- r "/)" " ............ " .... oow - , 599s I .| r  ITTLL. if//. " ] I tafson and children, Battleground, ] , calm crutser. I Fireman's Ball on August 11 at, family who nmved to Rocky Bay . .LaLa , Hurray Hathaway, Olym is, vz8 ' r a / -- [ 'r   k La- _.._/( • [[ were here. Arriving Saturday eve I . P" " " I Victor Hall" Music by Mur Dun- [ f am T coma. Bob is now P.S.N.Y. 1ted hts old neighbozs and friend, m ,m [ ,,' BODIED  [[ ning and staying over Sunday [ ......... ' I ham. Be expecting the firemen [ worker. . | • were Mrs Gustafson s mother, ne vances, monaay • • Mr and Mrs H Armstrong en- l' .'- • around any time now, selhng tzc .... U t OU i [ L'[' TrT t,  [] Mrs Br m a d he,- rather and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston en- tertained their son and dau hter- I -- ,m--.m-,.iF-- "-x £][ ,. a , n . b . . . , kets. ' g r - i J,-°k_ £'YLAjI' ___ "his wl-fe, Mr and Mrs Howard 3°yed dinner w,th Matrons par- _ .................... in-law for two weeks, showing  HOOVER  HOOVER , :: xl F - ' • " • " • ents the Vances Sunda .rr uwu wynn zamity ' i\\; gonv, mb|, ;! k LARK CL|ANER | .....  m [ l FOR OUT-  ||Robinson and then-two children. ' Y" s-cut Sund .... • ,oUo W.oo,, them the interesting mghts in VZ;AL  ill lz [ |- '][TqPl[T#_ // '" [[ Sunday afternoon Vern's aister/ -- _ I. ..... . "' "A. ""," "';=" [Washington They are now on their . Nothing ¢|oons yOUr  The light and [ L L I | -*-,..a'... '$4'/MA \\;  I] and family;, the Malwin McDaniels ll Tv vAmlmHlm I t'h'eaev','  7r . ;J'''  way home to California. ,  m -- I |,. -t7 []dropped in. They are camped at] -*#-" "" ==.aupuvu [c,,.,,,..,,'..':o:;'... .'',=o.,,:1 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten k\\; rug$o, we|]oe t \\; lively Lor.k I n ]i [ [iYn°t u b, uy,five gallons or more of an; "C and G" l i tShta:rc]ee:Thth.e,- vacatmn wzth /HS Ex,lained b'i',:thy and she 'i'dzt"as'=:ozei  th rr, ' a: s s JiyJ°cOBcn e a"' the- eosygoin," \\;..--  ¢ieanSbore €orpera.floors. I] ]L, V  [ [r yothuecarne-ur price.. Here's .h.e greatest i[ Mrs. Ryan, mother of Mrs. Hale, ] Boats are exempt from 80 per- of the nicest bizthdays ever/" land Jim spent Sunday at Mullins P._ Conv@rtJb  rand stair col | ,a. | ,usout'sie I[ was improved enough to return !cent of all except state taxes, not ni:n:naenn°rgn¢e°aer°r; j Lake Resort..The occasion being  On|  peting. I II  ca,,; .... e.^^, <a,,,,m .... ., [  h0u'seS5o,:,,,,="':=_  I/from the hospital to Botts Nurs-assessed at 20 percent of their -.. y ....... -line annua! pmmc oz me uance \\; " No. 32 k. I -":" "'-'."-""-==-"="='.- -*[ r c-,7ots '' ''..#::= J i ing home Frfday, but on Satur-vahze, Willis Burnett, county as- spenang seven'a l_ clays .wzm tae/Clu b that Jewel and Susie belong tUt--lSLAUtOrKUUNUUUNI: ID" V"F [ '0fi:Paint nut:' v""" " "i ':'"'-'.'-',w ,-' u ...... .' I[day fell again and is not resting sessor said. vo.n, osez}s, zotn ram]!ys pent[to.| i ---- S  q I ,__ .. " r G d P_ i E/'2,'-" ,,O/?lresplres AugustAu .rtml. ' 1962". 'paInt' porcn ana aecK enamet, I/|/ver".L 'tta y we'l, ,.lEichler,tms wv, ua.sister of Mrs. The 20   ".,v"el ................ r mis-statedt'  ........ in Friclay. at. the ocean, alggng, clams. [ We.. are.. ha),.:lpy gt° re.port .that" 64 9i 411 WII 9'5 U S (holce o oo gust 15, 1962 oze value on boats was and looking around Westport Mzs Tezell s dau htet Betty m  SHOULDER Cut lb. O  I '; I/Mike Gwinn, returned to her The Journal last week. Jim Kowalzyk celebrated lfls.j recovering nicely from her opera- 1 IrL% ---o-mmm e" a.a ........... vame l i Portland€ home on Tuesday after  ' I feel that it is an unfair ex- 10th birthday on the 7th. He and / tion. Lois will be returning soon " Factory Representative will  on hand to | US (:hake .A.*[ |  PAIIUTe eg. a.a vame [[,pending 10 days here with her -mption when boats which are,],eVral friends spent the day at[Irom Billings, Mont. demonstrate famous HOOVER Pzoducts. 1 lArl ' ,',..., . MUll i -', 'rtll| I . I/family. almost always used..f6 pleaau:lshow in Bremerton, return-.I ..Howard Wynn is enjoying his |vP or nolce io. v [ | I ,_ ,. - --i ,, .... A i/ A farewe'll dinner for Bob and are given an exemption", Burnett  lg Home to have cake and ice[course 'data processing", which 1 ...... /  tautM n i|mkAa IPA I/iris Stienhoff was held at the said. [cream. [takes 25S0 to comp,ete.  APPLIANCE DEPT. -- 2nd FIoor I [i ,____ .. ,o,,. ="  |. "mtUll LUI|IUK;I VU, Icooal House in Shelton on Sat The laws granting the exemp I Mrs Steve Boyce is out of the/They learn the technical parts of I " - [  rst St. Phone 426-4303 I/local forestry couples " legislature in 1931 and 1945. ' having to return at the end of the [learning how to run the machine. , u.s. Choic, 0€] r---.._z2 ............... I/ " ! 91 : . € :i   , , OUTDOOR  , E00RATINGnI:uTI:n ms vz SlO .,.,.,, .,,,,,, ,= . . : DINING ROOM I 12 x 20 Rugs ! %9I L $66.00 . ] Latex Wall.Paint, quant, limited ½ price [ i 89 0 Early American Rugs, 9x12 & 9x14 $39.00 i i Rug Samples, four sizes . . .  price [ 36-in. Vinyl Counter Topping . 25¢ foot [ t & "'" ,arge size , , . , $85 0 , . I 33¢ __ .--- . U|,: Chaise, o]-" . : 7 p, Walnut Din|ng Room Sel $250,00 4-in Coe Base ...... . 10,¢ foot i $1.17 H A,,I |'"llIQ & m,.t nL ---- , , .. (llng, poly lom pad . $21.50 40 x 109 (Two 18-|n. [eaves) fin Cove Base Corners . . . . 10¢ ca. i i  ll[ L ""  UIUb '[].hail' , , , I41$,UU Chir, folding, poly fom pad . . $9.50 . All "Ira Stock" Wallpaper . . . 50¢ S.R. [ $2.33 II -j ::llit.. : ..... ..-" Umbrellas .... 2 Gabmel$, oak . . . . $39,95 ca. Juvenile Print Rugs, 7½x9 . . $3.50 ea. [ allen  B' i IL" Uavenpori, 80-in, $159,00 • . _ • ........... .a venile Print Rugs, 9xlO . $5.50 ea." I , Juvenim Cot . . . ........ 95 liah,  .-"-- . $5 Large Bar and 4 Bar Slools , $99,00 UNFINISHED I ,'"".--eTee,.-|,,, .. ,,-Oo. .,9''.L "-,'"' -P,eee,,, ,, :, $350, nn Bam-oo Shades: 3 ft ....... 99¢ ! FURNITURE. I • .. |V|.., 4 ft., $1.59 5 ft., $1.79 9 ft., .R.39 Buffei, lame , , , , , , , $49,00 leaf ,,,,, n , , , , , ,..v.v,,,, , ,,,..,,..,,,,.. !i Panel Beds, full s,m I 7-04L tl|| • .::: ::. .'.'::::::::::::i:::::: .: ".: ::':::::::"... ' • - , |"' Sludio Safe . zn nn n:, ..-.t],.n IA.| .... H'Ji Nomore defrestlnK APPLIANCE I rlne"  JA' ' ..... : Ll' ,. --'" "'' " i I i I "''l'" ' l:::iJ=   ,:.1J .i,J..:i:'   ..... Set'""" ..,,,.,o,,,, 2 pcs. $189.00 HI" I-| ever" Frlg da re 'xc|u'siV.w Frost-Proof, t let .fr°stS°rmStem-or DEPARTMENT re.Chair .......... $8.50 I i " : t . ........ i::::..;;:.:;:.}i 'lenty O room t Dressing Table .... , . . . $9.00 [ • • ! U m ! :" " :?@::  frozen foods, meats, ,,,, n,.,.,,. 4.,b. 73€ i' ', "Uavenporl, 92 in, , $189,00 ,  Oak Chest  ,ru,,, .., .,.,o- -'..;.;a.;.-- Cabinet ........... $1.95 i , , ,,  ....... --w Chest. ........... $12.95 I "",anal ][ 1 e L 14 CU ft, Fro,t Proof • --ill "',.nailabies , , , v2rr,c Balchelor0hesl, walnut,, $59,00 m,,-- "$299.95 ii JUVENILE I I . ,.,., 6, .,.... w.. Fm,,u,00 I €.   m "*mOllS . . . . . ""':"aGII ,,,-,,, , , , , , , .,ua,uu _.. . _ ..... W,th I nnerspring Mattresses F . . . . $375.00 J/,JF In-'"';'' '. u_.,_..."' ..... rlgida|reFreezer U ma II1 DU , , , 15 cu ft, Frost Proof W T '"asional Oha|r . , $69,00 _ q nx , , , , uu,uu . , .. | s.yr Crb I li-, 15airs,-- Uookcase_ Headboard Beds: Used Refers,, Ranzes, Washers,. Dryers ,s45o i  I1 '"-" , ,, , , , , , $79,00 Full -;-.. a az; ,. cna nn [;o]e Bassinet . • • • • • ,$13.95 I I Lat Twi • Packard Bell 23.|n. TV, mahg. $249.95 17, -i h'P%0ne,r0uo. $10.95ea,h ns|ze....... ;3',95 StrollerFl°°r Jumlmrs ....... " ....... .... $1'.955{"95 || o r E • s • [ 'Ar, 'J  i, Oesk ,L- °'-- .......,, ar]y American Bedroom Set $175,00 Packard Bell Hi.FI Stereo. $239,95 outh Chairs, metal ...... $7.95 I il -"', OaK , , , , . ;5",OU *pieo. w,t, .,tip,.x ..... Car Scat .............. $5.95 i I at II T !A,!NG PROBLEMS'. IIO,E FURMSHIN EASY TERMS I li :M TO US ON IRIDAY, JLLVY HJP'J::=" --- FourGredit Plans -- . I ILANK$ GS -- 2nd FLOOR s.,, ,.,   LE RZCHARDS, of the ]ZOO - J-X4111:r'_ 30 Day locounl Revolv|ng [ Th-rsd,,. July t NY will be here to show you t!m g[a-_ I iliUiD£DIUil:M'¢ IUIi:DCAMTI/I: 90 Day Acc0unt ..... ct I • hrouh S,*ury.' the famous HOOVER Products. L-a-; LUIIIi.PlGhlIIbll P lllLn .rsnlnni.i= 0ontr a 21st'. We reserve -  ....................... r;ght ,o I[mlf qua , ties. No sales