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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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E+ F 1 6 agte Card Party . Another ca:=d pary spollsol&apos;ed by the Eagles Auxiliary of Shel- toll Am'ie is schv, duled for Sat- urday, July 28. The public in in- viled tO atteod. At the his[ cl.l'iI 1)arty prizes were awarded I.( Phillip Ande,'sen, naen'8 tlib; I,eorla Aadq'sell, ivo- lllerls tl it'h ; I:{()y 5i OO1'(:', SOUoIId Clara E4'icks(m, ladies second Loui:¢ Herzog an(| Virginia I)ml- I'ta,, trav(dirlg pinochle. ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. ,lames tddwards and Mrs, FraJlk (iaFh!l' l'eturrled to Shell:on a.fter atl.endillg l.h{ fllllf?lqtl of ltleir ntoth(,v ill (q}h)rado la'd: week. I'ol'(lorrow is lhe greatest labor- saving d,.vice t)f today. IK autz - Phone 426-4412 b on't take ='eeplace your cracked wtnt]shield e' windows with PITTSBURGH SAFETY GLA Our corn plete =to€ks oh DUPLATE ® Soe.ty Plots Olam DUOLITE ® soe.w Wl.dow m,., SOLEX ® Heat-Absorbing Gla. "O you prompt, efficient gla r acement joba in all maR and Illodelm of cars on the road today. CALL US FOR FRE F..STIMAII GRIMES & McNEIL 3rd & Grove Sts. BRIDE ELECTMr. and Mrs. S. W. (Buck) Price wish to. an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann to Mr. Charles William Friauf, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Friauf of Vancouver, Washington. Miss Price is a graduate of the Univer- sity 9f Washington, where she was a member of the Totem Club and 15resident of the Rally Girls. Presently, she is teaching in the Vancouver schools. Mr. Frlauf attended Washington State Uni- versity and has recently been discharged from the army. A fall wedding is being planned. Picnic For Eagles ADDING A ROOM? At Maple Beach A picnic at Maple Beach this Sunday has been slated by the helton Eagles and Auxiliary. The picnic is scheduled to begin at :t pan. Cream, sugar and coffee will be furnished. Pop and ice cream will be served to the child- ten. Members are reminded to bring groceries for the grocery basket. Heat it ELECTRICALLY! If you're adding one or more rooms to your home, ELECTRIC HEATING is the ideal . answer. No pipes, no radiators--just clean, quiet, efficient electric heat. See Among the types of electric heat avail- andable wallare radiantinsert heaters.Ceiling heat, baseboard units, Emers0n Electric heat is easy--and economical--to mm install.., does not require extensive duct con- | nections or alterations. Too, you can enjoy sep- == arate temperature control in your new room and or rooms for the best in convenience and eco- oomy SIc Get the facts about electric heat, and en- re0 joy warmth by wire--the newest and best way to heat your home. ai "LIVE BETTER -- ELECTRICALLY" ,U NO. Johnny's w00,o Husic B0x ED TAYLOR, comrrdss[oner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager 205 Cota St. Golden Age Club Golden Age Club will meet at the Memorial Hall Tuesday for a 6 p.m. potluck di)mer. A dance will follow the dbmer At the last meeting 52 mere- hers were present and visitor Mrs. Fred Dimocl of Stockt(m. Calif. Members are reminded of the ]urmnage sale held every Friday md Saturday at. Second and Cota. from 9 a.nL to 4:30 p.m. The right to think is the real difference between us and our en- emy .... Elmer Davis Elane Rodgers And Ralph Saeger Wed In Lutheran Rite Miss Ekme l.odgers became l he bride of Ralph A. Saeger of San DicE o, Calif., in a double , ring ceremony Jiffy 1.1 at ML. ()live Luthe]'an church. The Rev. Gerald L. [:lt, l'nlall p(,rforrled the cel'G- n'ony lIt:!()lO nlelllt)ers of the illl- nedia( o l'anfilles. Organ nnlsiC \\;VHS provi(ted by Mrs. L. L. Putvin. Miss Rodgers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rodgers and RMph the son of MI'. Had Mrs. Arnold Saeg'er, all of Shel- ton. Given in marriage by her fa- thel', tim bride wore a beige dress with matching jacket and whito accessories. Pink and white car- nations forFled h(,v bridal bou- ctuet. Miss Lynda Rodgers, cousin of the bri(le, was maid of honor. She was attired in a blue dress with white accessories and colonial bou- quet of daisies. Edward James Brewer attended the groom as best man. Approximately 100 guests at- tended the reception in the church l)arlors, fo;lowing the ceremony. Mrs. Lawrence Spencer was atthe guest book and Mrs. Leslie Rod- gets and Mrs. Betty McFadden were m charge of gifts. Serving lhe cake were Mrs. John W. Luhm end Mrs. Geral Rodgers, aunts of the bride; and pouring was Mrs. Raymond Schnitzer, aunt of the bride and Miss Sharon Steele. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. Vollie Lew- is, Roseburg', Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bang, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan White. Tacoma; Mr. Milton San- born. Port Orchard; and Fannie Johnson, Seattle. The couple both attended Irene S. Reed high school. They will he making their "home at San Diego, Calif., wlzere Mr. Saeger is sta- tioned with the Navy. RoyM Neighbors Meet Royal Neighbors of America, Camp 8858, will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, RefreshmentR will be serw;d by co- hostesses Mrs. Mary Cox and Mrs. Jerry Himlie. i JULY RITEMiss Ardice Willeen Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cunningham of Kent, and Richard A. Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kemp of Tacoma, were married July 6 in Shelton's First Methodist Church. The bride attended Irene S. Reed high school and graduated from Federal Way high school. She is a graduate of Edison Technical School. Mr. Kemp attended Auerswald's School of Accounting and is employed at Blythe Company, Seattle. Ardice Cunningham Becomes July Bride In Double Ring Ceremony Baskets of white stock and pink I and white Esther Reed daisies dec- I orated the Methodist Church for I the July 6 wedding of Miss Ardice I Willeen Cunningham and Richard A. Kemp. The bride, daughter of 1Vfr. and Mrs. James A. Cunningham of Kent, married the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kemp of Tacoma. WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN?I • • • lip Recipe Favorites of County Residents MRS. WALTER ALLEN is pictured above with her two grand- daughters, Linda, left, and Shirley at right. The 'girls live in Aberdeen and like to stay at grandma's every chance they get. At any given place or time, Mrs. Allen"s recipe for Salmon Cas- serol is a.hit.with the young and old alike. A real hearty recipe and one thaLis appropriate for this region is the Sahnon Casserole dish of Mrs. Walter Allen. The Allen's ° t Make this your Buick le Sabre summer (it costs lots loss than you think.) B#ick ales ap$ sore #g. Ad e f he big teaser, s is the beautiful Bick £e$62"s red ho$ eae buy! Jest look wlm" $eSbre byers getl Famous Bulc quafi'ty, eoom, ride an comfort Be,k s geeat Wildcat Y-& l#wk  ex&sY dggced Ykras: egineoig (nme m¢d ferwaPd) fOla aOal fla[ feen$ floor, straight $rvk+'ng, f/a[ eemedng, easy andling. Bulck'$ tamos Yur,ne DeiW--Amer, ca  ..,nootes' automati t. nsmssa. uick's finned M#mmu feint raes (aeelaimed Ne est" ia the hoi?mss]). ff M: .a xtra eos D £e2$ab,e.and ge Sabre s przeed olose to the low flr&e e;ws  +m gEck dMe has jest e-etocked hs show. co00+ 00UICK SUMMER SUCCESS SALE 41)4@4M)O,411BS41114J4J4J414B4414e'BOe@O • • o e ,, • *. = • • • • • * .... . . , . . . • • • • • •. •. e e eeeeeiI$11 eeoeeeooqeoeoooooee petto SHELTOH MOTOR ,GO. First Street ._ ......... |I8 le/rffM Big values/See your Buick. De21or for Double ' Check Used Card ,, ,, _ , Rev. Robert R. Rings perform- ed the double ring ceremony be- fore approximately 150 guests. Ruth Enticknap, soloist, was ac- cmnpanied at the organ by Mrs, Loui Larson. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a gown of sheer nylon with border print over ivory taffeta. Her illusioned veil was caught to a coronet styled headpiece. A white orchid with stephanotis and pink rosebud formed her bridal bouquet. Maid of honor, Connie Flowers of Seattle was attired in a blue lace dress and carried Esther Reed daisies. Mr. Fred Davis of Texas served as best man. Ushering were Elwood Sullivan, Roger Schmidt, Ken Cunningham and Don Ben- nett. The church parlors were decor- ated with white stock and Esther Reed,daisies for the receptiou fol- lowing the ceremony. The three tiered wedding cake was topped by the traditional bride and groom. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Alnm Baker, great-aunt of the bride; Mrs. Clara Huntley, cousin of the bride; MrS. Joseph C. Brown, cousin of the bride; lrs. John K. Bennett, Mrs. Gordon Ben- nctt, Mrs. Stanley Glen, Mrs. Gel ham McCammant, Cathy and Car- ol Bennett, nieces of the bride, Re- becca Stiner, Peggy Bloomfield and Francis Clifton. The newlyweds will be making their home in Seattle, where Mr. Kemp is employed aL Blythe Com- pany. McMILLIANS VISIT Mr. and Mt's. Earl MeMillian and family of Dundee, Ill. have been visiting at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Koch. Mr. McMillian wan stationed at Ft. Lewis 18 years ago while in the army. The family visited the Seattle World's Fair and enjoyed picnick- ing at Camp Grisdale. They visit- ed the site where the movie "Ring of Fire" was filmed. The McMil- lians will be going through Yel- lowstone National Park on the re- turn trip home. * x s: make their residence on Little Skookum Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Allen grw up as neighbors on the Bay, living only a few houses apart. Their home overlooks the beauti- ful bay site and is sui'rounded with acres of fruit trees, flowers, and large garden. The spacious orchard provides an ideal play spot for granddaughters Shirley and Linda of Aberdeen whose mother is Joan Chappell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Allen. The girls like to spend time at grandma's house and often do. The Allen's have two palominos, Orbit and Cracker. Orbit was pur- chased and named about the time of Astronaut Glenn's flight into space and Cracker got his name from his birth date, the fourth of July. The pinto colt is called Skookum. Mrs Allen and her husband are members of the Silver Star Riding club and the Progress Grange. They have been in the Oyster busi- ness since 1948. When free time is available they enjoy water sl¢iing and scuba diving. Mrs. Allen has used her ,,SalmOn Casserole" recipe for numerous occasmns since she was married and finds it a trusty and tasty din- ner dish. DEEP SALMON PIE 2 tablespoons soft butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 eups milk scalded 2 tablespoons chopped onion % teaspoon salt pepper 1 cup cooked green peas 1 cup cooked cubed earrot, I tall can sahnon (2 cups cooked salmon) Blend butter and flour and add to milk. surrmg until smooth. Add onion and seasoning and cook 10 mtnutes. Mix peas, carrots and flaked salmon in deep 8 incl bak- ing dish and cover with hot sa:Lce. Top with favorite biscuit recipe. Bake in hot oven, 450 degrees for 35 minutes. Former lViinister Will Speak At Methodist Church • The Rev. Charles tlatten, for- mer Shelton minister, €rill speak at the Shelton Methodist church lhis Sunday, July 22. Services will be held at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rings are on vacation. Mary M. Knight Alumni Meeting Sckeduled Tonight The officers or the Mary M. Knight A.hmmi Association are having a committee meeting to- night at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. They extend an invita- tion to any ahunni member who would like to help with the plans for the dance and picnic to be held August 18 and 19, to attend this Yacht Club Set This The Shelton cruise to for "m overnighter Pier at Dockton on Smday. hoping for Members who earlier on Friday as Oro Bay and Anderson to Quaitermaster day. Success iv the r one who hicks for meeting. FRI. SAT. O  - • Breakfast Dirt Dobber Outing . o,sO--',,,: At Hurricane Rid g e • Olivia. DeHaV e ,'kJ'" he" Bonel ess . Dirt Dobber garden club mem- • "L0ght in t,e:]m bers will have an outing Tuesday, • Both i.n m=  m at Hurricane Ridge. The ladies -- _ --- ...... =::-L    IN re asked to meet in front of the • ,,n.-.on.-Tu '+,    N PUD building at 8 a.m. and bring  ouagment ?,']t:,; Ihllll-ll .......... • Spencer Tra'?.i ' LVATION ARMY • Burr L%. Salvation Army tl,lck will be - .... "--r,F,bL-' Jn Shelton to pick up discards • ICt)NI)•RP • I II Tnesday, July 24. Those wishing O--------B-UC<--NiTll,llll I 1 • • I I ihe truck to stop are asked t5 ,= Wed & Thu;;,;:r P • III caii,426-6564 or leave donations i 2 BIG hits '-14 I iL-il 0KEDi .... lied IF ... !1 Iii!ili!i!ii00 cried the hero! Let us be your hero and refinance your old mortgage. Your payments will be rearranged into small monthly installments, o- ducing both interest and principal. Stop by and talk with our loan officer. Let us put a happy ;" ending on your home-buying drama. i :! ] %1 I)1 Olympia, Washington HOME OFICE -- OLYMPIA IN 8HELTON SEE LOAN COUNS L0 KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTAT 321 S. 1st St. -- Phone 426-6592 SHELTON BRANCH Thurston County Fed, Savings & Loan Association ill I Home Office 5th & Capitol Way, Olympia . FL 7-7551 Shelton Branch 313 Rail€cad Ave,,Shelton • 426.4431 DEAR MEMBER: Your Board of Directors is a ai 1 a uce • , _ .. g npe sedtoanno the mx months permd enamg June 30, 1962, has be cessful. Our second quarterly dividend of 4/ percent num has been declared payable June 30, 1962. In With our customary practice this dividend has been your account. The Officers and Staff of Thurston County ing & Loan Association thank our many friends in ton and Mason Counties who are responsible for a volume increase of over $1,000,000.00 making possible a six months period of continued growth. We pledge to merit your continued support and friendship. Sincerely, M. M. "Bud" Lye] Shelton Branch EVE • With this coup© 23¢ for a poum Well will give a Limit 1 coupon