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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;aii00ok Ciommun tyG!urch Has Vaca ion 0000i:ic;iiiiii00;00; 00°00'000000;nionlRTsid00;ntsEn'tertain I MATLOCK-- This week there is Daily Vacation Bible School at the Matlock Community Church, sponsored by the Student Mis- si0nary Council. There will be a program Friday, July 27 at 7:30. The farmers tlere are trying to hay, but it's very discouraging hay weather. Just a few hours of sunshine in the afternoons. MRS. MARIE McKAY of Shel- ton was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Morris and daughters Jenny and Jill of hong Beach, Calif., called on Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Monday. Paul Martin of Oklahoma spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cockburn. The men were old army buddies. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffman of Tacoma spent Sunday after- TV SETS FOR RENT Don't Mlu the Fun and Entertainment of Television TAYLOR RADIO ELEGTRIG 4th & Cota 426-6602 Hearing. MR. AND MRS. Edward Valley and sons David and LeRoy spent Sunday evening with the Rodger Spakling family. The LeRoy Boothe family, Ho- quiam, were weekend guests of their folks, :Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. We are sorry to report that Herbe't Brehmeyer, Jr., is in the Clinic Hospital with an eye in- jury, but hopes to be out in a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaicr at- tended the alumni picnic of Ro- chester high school at Borst Park in Centralia unday. MR. AND MRS. WAYNE Evers and family of Shelton, and Jeanne and Sandra Calkins of Santee, Cal- ifornia spent Friday evening with IIr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and son Pat spent Sunday in Tacoma with re!atives. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunter cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hear- hig Frklay. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Provo and five children of Seattle are spend- ing the week with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunter. MRS. L. F. COOK of Montesano and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dwyer and two sons of Whitter, Calif., spent last week Tuesday at the Kenneth Howard home. The Dwy- ers are cousins of Mrs. Howard. Mr. arid Mrs. Herbert Helin called on Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hun- ter Sunday afternoon. DON'T BE DEAF! Qoee that shock you? It is meant to do just that; to shock you into doing something about your hearing loss. / Do you strain to hear what people say? Do you have to ask people to repeat? Do you find that others seem to mumble and not speak up? Do you stay home from good times because hearing is hard work? If your answer is "YES" to any of the foregoing you may need hearing help. We can tell in just a few minutes, and it won't cost you a penny. Conic to see our representative at Eells and Valley Al)pliance Center Friday, July 20 between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. Or, if you can't make it then, telephone 426-4663 and he will call at your home. DON'T DELAY! This few minutes now may change your whole life. L Daniel E. Bruner BELTONE HEARING AIDS 106 E. 4th Avenue, Olympia FL 7-3521 Montesano spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Decker, Aberdeen, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. MR. AND MItS. GEOR(]F At- den of Calemisa, Calif., were drop in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash Friday evening. The Geor'ge Aldens will visit the world fair and friends in Seattle a couple of weeks and spend some time with the Cash family. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dick of Hoquiam called on Mr. and :Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and family and Mrs. Richard Hopkins and family and Mrs. Paul Johns- ton and baby, all of Sbelton, were Tuesday dinner guests of the Herbert Brehmeyer, St. family to help Michael Brenmeyer celebrate Kitty Johnson SATURDAY the Andrew Mc- Garvic family had a picnic and party in honor of their nephew, Bob Geiger, who leaves to work near Chicago soon. Those attend- mg were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Taylor i and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Geiger and family, of Ta- coma, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell and family of Puyallup, and the McGarvie family and Miss Nan Taylor. Mr. and Mrs.\\;Andrew McGarvie accompanied by their company, the Mitchell family went clam digging Monday momling. SUPT. AND MRS. Eugene French and family left Tuesday for a camping trip around the Loop. Supt. French reports the school loard is busy lneeting with W. A. Johnson, the architect for the new school building and wants to state lhere is no charge until the bond issue goes through. Southside 4'H Auditor Aspirant Clubs Discuss Plans For Camp Katherine (Kitty)Johnson, will be the Demoel;atic candidate for Mason County Auditor in the No- vember general election. Mrs. Johnson has lived in Shel- ton since 1931 and is a graduate of h'ene S. Reed High School and attended business college. She is now employed by tim Shelton Title Company doing title search work. She was employed for 5 /, years: at Lumbermen's Mercantile as an accountant. Active in Democrat party af- fairs in the county for a number of years, Mrs. Johnson has served as precinct committeewoman and delegate. Sire is past president of the Mason County Orthopedic Asso- ciation and former vice president of the helton Girl Scout Coun- cil ...... She and her husband, Delbert, head of the State Highway De- partment legal staff as assistant attorney general, have two child- ten, 17 and 13. By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE -- Time Watch- ers 4-H club met Thursday and decided on their date of leaving for camp at the ocean at Kalaloch. Linda Longacres gave a demon- stration on cleaning an oven, and Judy Rains gave a demonstration on egg-fou-yung. The club members decided on the decorations for camp. The Time Watchers discussed the fair and food contest coming up in August. Thunderbirds met at Mary Wetter's last Wednesday. Robert Ktmbel gave a demonstra- tion on the parts of a cow, and Chuck Sheppard gave a demon- stration on a rope to lead a cow at the fair. Thunderbirds are washing cars to raise money for camp. Mary Wetter served cup cakes for re- freshments. Busy Bells 4-H club is meeting once a week to work on their pro- ject work and skit for camp. Busy Bells 4-H club along with the Thunderbirds 4-H club had a picnic at Twanoh last Thursday. Cindy Jackson of the Time: Watchers and Bob Spooner of Grapeview are exchange campers i with Thurston County 4-H .this week at Millersylvania State park. Four Leaves 4-H club met Thursday for a short business! meeting with the meeting called to order by the president Lindt Trotzer. Fair pamphlets were giv- en out to the club members. The 4-H'ers discussed camp and work- ed on their record books, and praetied their camp skit. Mrs. Vcta Holtorf and Bobby were vis- itors at the meeting, and Bar- bara Wolf's coushl, Tins White- sides, also was a. guest. Robin Vacationing Visitors At Homes By Ethel l)alby UNION -- Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Aldrich have had as house- guests last week, their cousins Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Green of Jackson, Mich., and also friend' of the Greens of the same place. The party left for Vancouver, B.C. Sunday. After a visit in British Columbia, they are returning to Seattle to visit: the fair, leaving Aug. 6 for their native state. Mrs. Paul Schlosser joined a party of some 16 members of her :"Book Worm" study club friends, and their husbands, of Shelton, on a trip to Seattle last week. The group enjoyed dinner at Ruby Chow's Chinese Care, and later attended the performance of the dancers from the Philippines, at the Opera House. MRS. SCHLOSSER remained on i in the big city an additional cou- ple of days for a visit with son Ralph and family before returnng to her Union home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey were hosts Sunday afternoon for a picnic at ,their Canal home to the Shelton Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters and the DeMolay group. Some 60 young people were present to enjoy the afternoon swimming, water skiing and boat- ing, which kept the group enter- tained. Assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Correa,, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Dewell, Shelton, and the Mesdames Van- Arsdale, J()slin, Wolf, Redmond and Neuenschwander. Curtis Grout, Union, was DeMolay Dad. MR. AND MRS. REED Tindall of Seattle, and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dahl, spent last weekend at the Curtis Grout home. Mrs. Tindall is the former Judy Bakke served refreshments. Guests visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trotzer and family are Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Trotzer of Wausau, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trotzer and family of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trotzer of Wau- sau, Wis., spent last week visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Dick Goodwin of Pendleton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha and John Kratcha visited Mr. and Mrs..Ray: Kratcha and Janice last Tuesday evening. (rotlt. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Krienbaum returned to tlleir Union ltome lasl Thursday from their Seattle aprt- ment, and arc remaining for the season. According to reports coming irom the Bruce Hanleys (Supt. of Twanoll State Park, the tall, .trong metal fence along the lower margin of the camp and trailer park, bordering the Navy Yard Highway, will protect children and also adult pedestrians, who are now forced to cross at designated el;osswalks. Drivers of cars along the Park area will also be able to drive the stretch of highway with less feat' of children dart- ing out before them, and also less worry with regard to jay-walkers. ANNOUNCEMENT is made of the engagement of Miss Kathleen Keyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keyes of Olympm, to Jerry Cowan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cowan of Union. Kathleen (granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson of Union) Is a graduate of Olympia high school. Her fiancee is a graduate of Shel- ton high school. He •also attended Western Washington State Col- lege, later serving four years m the U.S. Navy, and is presently employed in Shelton. As yet, no definite date is set for the wed- ding. Mrs. Douglas Grout had as re- cent weekend visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mallory, relatives-In- law, of Seattle. Wands and Pat Nilson have had ene round of house guests at ttJeir Canal cottage the past few weeks. Recent vmitors were Mr. and Mrs. V. AuClaire and children of Eu- rika, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nilson of Waterman, Geraldine i Olivet" also of Waterman, Mrs. Doug Nilson and children of Gorst. Mrs. William Orr and Erma Roes- sel, and Mrs. Don Lorclace and young daughtcr were also pres- ent. WANDA NILSON, Union Post- master, was at Matlock Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, busy with her postoffice training work as official instructor for the de- partment. Kenneth Dalby of Seattle is spending his vacation wiLh his fa- ther, Ed Dalby, on the Canal. :: ..... ii}: :iii ii!:!iTiii: i :: ::i::i::!::!i:iiii::i:::/!/ii::i::ii:: : : " ";:!:i::' . _:i:!:i:i:! 7 i:i:i:!:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i'::iSi:!!!!iiii:iiii!i!i;ii! i!i! !i!iiii!:!i: ,:k : .....  ....... _ Eugene D. Dennerline, circuit Puget Sound supervising minister for 17 neigh- Camp on Lake boring congregations of Jehovahs ning six weeks Witnesses, and a frequent visitor July 15 through to the local congregation, will be Three of the a featm'ed speaker at one of the children enterin hu'gest Christian conventions through six this fall scheduled in the Pacific North- three for those west this summer, it was announ- seven through ced here this week. Dennerline Lutheran will speak at the "Courageous and Tacoma Ministers District Assembly" of deans. Jehovah's Witnesses which is ex- pected to attract about G,(00 den of at least six egates from 100 eongregation to councelors. Longview Aug. 3-5, acce:'ding to The camp Gill, presiding mL-!:::::' cf 2he ble st'udy classes Shelton Congregatiou. " recreation The ci'cuit supervisor will also boating, games, hll serve as head o1 the assembly skits and treasure cafeteria department. His speak- ing assigmnents include "Bene- fits of the Theocratic Ministry following school," Aug. 3, at 7 p.m., and Daniel Aug. 4 at 3:50 p.m. "Subjecting Ourselves to 'Every Human Cre- ation.' " Skokomish Ghureh Looking For Bell The Skokomish Community Church is looking for a bell to use to install on its church. The church, being built by members of the congregation, is about com- pleted. Bob Bearden, a member of the congregation, said anyone who might have a used bell thejr would sell or donate can contact him. Han00 ][Fuchsias H. I. Rte. 2, Box 220 Spencer HA Our Thanks... to all our wonderful friends and customers who made our 12 years (and 38days ) at LAKE NAHWATZEL ,RESORT such a pleasure and our best wishes to the new owners " MR. & MRS. AL TUPPEB and MR. & MRS. DICK TUPPIB Lee & Mary resident Steve Vi- for the District of the here and la- the insulat- Simpson Consultant for to Canada astern United L ehool board Dist- the library unexpired as eommis- city of of the of ,the Amer- and Muising, Years at the, Grand Rapids, and later f Local 161, of' Sul- Union has been a life- nd has been Since his re- one in the leg- a first-hand tion prob- in- For and M Wee John ? family Young Wed Dick ] day at Peg Thurs( James • Our sincere thanks for your nice compliments about our new banking home here in Shelton. If you have not yet had an opportunity to see our beautiful building, you're always wel- come during banking hours: Monday through Thursday, 10 to 3 p.m., and 10 to 6 p.m. on Fridays. We look forward to seeing you, and serving your banking needs with our more than 70 Seafirst banking services. The Officers and 5tail FRONT ROW--Bill Holder, Bill/hlderson, Laurie Carlson, Warren Moe. MIDDLE ROW--Harriet Dewell, Mildred Kempton, Agnes Anderson, Dorothy Phillips, Ernestine Furlong, Elsie Zehe, LeErma Kingery, Peggy Bennett, Nancy Doak. BACK ROW--Linda Anderson, Phyllis Mc Fie, Jewell Crume, Sharon Huisingh, Shirley Pogreba, Pat Smith, Ruth Toney, Laura Hermes. Missing---Wanda Stevens. SHELTON BRANCH 5th & FRANKLIN * " O( Phone 426-89a MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION / edu- non-parti- superin- Shelton former- Elemen- degree in West- of and is resident of Associa- ttors in for the