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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:! ?":L .T,dl _.__1962 . SHEI.,,,TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--. P ubHshed,,in "GhrMmasfown, U.B:A.," She]t0n, Washington Page '15 Thursday' ,io,oorYo,thL,,00,vo, For o,,..,,.,..,.,., o..+oA,,,,. W il D II UUV t |lU|hl;I Visiting For Month  Olympia Talk July 25 • Dr.. and M's. He,'her, G. An,le R,chard Chrmtensen, Repu- Visit To Friends In Alaska ..,,, u,,.,, +n+. .+, ++, ,o. ++ +o, ate,+.,+ zz,UgL |||b|| ||Y| j\\;zs[ completed hi's r.eside.ncy at w;ll speklias°lynilpZilea; 'Wdt By Sally Taylor CleElum at a family reunion held I A comprehensive survey of pub- the Sacramento General Hospital. nesday evening, Jtfly 25, at 8:00 PIONEER --" Thomas Olson, at the SWUK recreation center]lie employment in the United They plan to vacation in this o'clock in the Jefferson junior high with more than 100 relatives pro-IStates reveals that the number ares fern month, staying at. the school auditorium. WATER WELLS -- TEST HOLES sent. Mrs. Cook had an opportun- of Mason County residents on home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ity to visa with an aunt she had- large.g°vernment payrolls is relatively Herbert G. Angle. His topic will be concerned with CHIFFON DINNER Naokins 2 .o 49 ........ Ct. oo 41 Wax Paper z...o,, Starch Yon" r '/' Liq.ld ........ Gal. OTTAGE KRAFT PINT t[%S"terl.nd, an em- ason County Credit • 0c led for Court Clerk ' ticket. : the-,i,.e,, of a lt',llflz'Y contest for I*t "ruination Republi- ,' e job are Ed |b e "" haura Wagener. Itylp tte, incumbent will -e end of his present .:m,,therlad w :! at" as born in , tended school there 0 Years of business naSemployed by the |" ngland for five herland e l I 6, husband, clifford, I _ said In her  !rlalld redit union for the es has been she r's office about .. iee. rHanSeeks Post 54, C]allam a Republican House of the 24th son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Olson, John's Prairie, left last Tuesday by airlines for Petersburg, Alas- ka. Tom will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Halversen. Ray Drebis, Agate, had visitors from Baldwin Park, Calif., this past week, Mrs. Johnson and son. The Berwyn Thomas' had as iheir guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brainerd from Coos Bay, Ore. Also the Peter Scotts and th¢ir three daughters from Wenham, 'Iass. Leo Bishop trailered his horse to the Lorang ranch Saturday for an overnight stay and the next day joined four other riders in taking in about 20 miles of the proposed 100 mile trails for th state ride in September. Leo rotat- ed that the horses will have t be in excellent condition for Lhis ride, as he trails are mostly up and down hill, very little level trails where riders can make good time at a lope. The trail is lald cut in a clover leaf pattern arozmd the ranch with the Bonneville power line going pretty much through the middle of the route. The ground is good, not rocky. However, it might be somewhat slick if real wet. Old logging roads and trails make up the marked route. If anyone is interested in going over the rest of these trails with Leo in the next few weeks, he would like them to call him, as this is considered one of the best riding areas in this part of Washington. THE WEEKEND of August 11- ]2 there will be a pleasure ride sponsored by the State Parks and Trails Division of Western State Horseman Assn. This will 'be a 28-mile ride, beginning at the Staircase (in the Olympics) and riding to Marmot Lake. Excellent camp grounds, same as those last year will be available. Riders will bring their own food and camp equipment for the overnight stay. This is not a suggested ride for beginners and all horses must be shod. There will be a charge of 50c for entry fee, and tan be paid to Ed Carney, Rt. 2, Island Lake. ANYONE DRIVING out in the Agate area will have an oppor- tunity to see the new herd of Shet- land ponies purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Sack Yeck and brought here from Rochester; a stallion named Cotton, and four mares (two of which are expectant mamas) named Peaches, Topsy, Cindy and Cookie. All cute names fitting 1 my candid- for these tiny horses. on Sunday was a busy slaw day because I for Bell Rider members. Pete and LBS. direction of " is not only :ill Rober tried the game diet- OVerdue,,, Mun- Fion at th Grays Harbor Sheriff Posse show held at the Elms fair- rticularly con- grounds. Ray Sha,,p and Alf Rib- U inability of tile bons..:were competing also but ;WANSON ati0n to live up none bzlIght ribbons back. At "Y L iPonsibilitY. We the sixth annual Ross Rider 4-H eels in d'ebt in EACH el. are never go- Junior show, held at the South- t by inercns, ing wes Washington Fairgrounds near 28-OZ. 89 in Norway with his TINS Y age. He at- Port Angeles %. arch he o ez ]' ag   p "ates. !]'ith  "armor, he was Pkss. ' |.lg" ae United Fish-  tat ger. 4 ,,.o,. $1Tins ,. :'i'k ma a • s bookkeep- t j-er of four child ev 19 Was killed " P i" Who CROCKER 11 ill, 2! Mrs. Mona  | "¢ a- na Greg and , trend School in 28-0Z. BOTTLE active in the has play- orchestra 15 fireman. member of Organiza- C]allam ew Board; Gran of Di- Crea- Board Soil Con- West Repub- lic is a the Forks Ads Pay STLE'S Chehalis, Shirley Williams riding Joker won a second in a team flag race and g third in a 3-l.egcd race--two kids tie their ins, de legs togetber and lead their hors es across a, field to a finish line. Good for a few spills and skined knees. Darryl Williams riding Lady, won a second in a 220 yazxt race, e. second in a team flag, and a t0urth in the 3-1egged race. Mol ly Taylor riding Dandy, a half Arab, won a third in English plea- sure. Dorothy Hogben, a former member of the Bell Riders was ihere showing her Arab stallion, Sejanus, in the Parade of stallions. THE 10-DAY HORSE show, sonsored by Rainier Horsemen, Inc., and lzeld at the Studebaker's Quarter Horse Ranch, Enumelaw, will end July 22. So far your re- porter has not heard of any Shel- tonians attending this big event. Another good show coming Sun- day will be sponsored by the Kit- sap Saddle Club at Port Orchard with halter classes in the morn- trigs9 a.m. for Arabs, half Arab, Quarter horses, and a color class (Pinto, Palamino, and Appolosa). There will be a trail horse class, games, and Western, and English pleasure open and Western pleas- ure for Arab anti Quarter horse and an Appolosa costume class where the riders dress in authentic Indian costumes and ride bare- back.. Mrs. Mary Cook and her son John and his wife Sally spent the weekend of the 7th and 8th at LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVIE0' INSURANCE POLICY YOU COMPLETE HOME AT Homeowners now can IAL cover all their household insurance needs with one i be. lfs, asy for agents, hke ourselves, to g" i 'hl ' rags, comlelc insurance coverage possible, H "% -'' - ' , ). ly... ibi:l, ;:.o- EE,AL ,lO,,mow. ,ol,. ,,o. lh,; It _ "s many other time-saving, money-saving iq?Ap uld be our pleasure to'discuss all the advan- } tuzC0, LIFEC0 or GENERAL Insurance poli- ;Q - "Convenience :i  UR :1 "E+MB°ROFF°oO+ENCY Phone 426-3357 n't seen in 35 years. The many friends of Vincent' Patti are sending a message cf cheer while he is in the Clinic hospital and hope to see him home soon, Grange Backs Power Request By WPPSS The Mason County Pomona Grare this week sent telegrams to Sons. Warren Magnuson and Henry M. Jackson and Reps. Julia Butler Hanson and Don Magnuson ui'ging them to support the con- struction of power facilities in the new reactor being built at the Hanford Atomic Works near Rich- land. Washington Public Power Sup- ply System, an organization of public power groups, has applied to the federal government for approval for them to finance the construction. TWO RESTEI) Donald E. :Moore and Margaret O. Moore, both of Belfatr, were arrested by Mason County Sher. iff's officers this week on charges of disorderly conduct. There are more people so-em- ployed locally, per 1,000 popula- tion, than is the case in most sections of the country. Taken into consideration were all those employed in a civilian capacity by the Federal govern- ment, by the States and by coun- ties, municipalities and other branches of government. Because government at all lev- els, is playing an ever-increasing role in the lives of people, there is heightened interest in the growth of public employment and in its rising cost. The facts md figures are brought out in a series of reports issued by the Department of Com- merce, based on data gathered in the 1960 census. They show a total of 898 per- sons in Mason County who work for some agency of government, not counting those engaged in agricultural administration and control. Of this number, 585 are men and 313 sre women. In terms of the entire work- ing force, it amounts to one gov- ernment employee for every six workers locally. Specifically, 16.9 percent of the total are listed as government employees, compared with 13.0 percent in the rest of the United States. The local ratio was higher, also than that in the Pacific States, 15,3 percent. Much of the expansion in per- sonnel is occurring at the muni- cipal level, notes the Internation- al City Managers Association, as cities strive to meet the constant demand for more police  protec- tion, better sanitation and ,roads, ublic welfare and other services. In a period of seven years, it points out, city employment has risen 20 percent and municipal payrolls have increased 59 per- cent. Throughout the United States, the number of civilians employed by all gove,aments, Federal, State and local, is now approximately nine million, equivalent to 46 for' every 1,00O people. In the State of Washington, the ratio is 58 per 1,000. Well Drilling 426-4245 or 426-2455 Ihe "New Concept in Politics", Edgar G. Eisenho,er, Tacoma attorney and brot]er of former President Eisenhower, will intro- duce Christensen after giving a  report and review of the grave  problems facing America today. Use Journal Want Ads Bedell DrilKng €). LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Stmlton Phone 426-4713 ] =., ]1 H ] ']111 RETAIN Jim McFADDEN STATE REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRAT Mason County Deserves and Needs a Member of the Rules Committee i t SALE STARTS FRIDAY AT 9:30 A.M. FarSerware nly Steam iron Regular $19.95 CLEARANCE $12.95 1 Only Dainty Maid Steam iron Regular $14.95 CLEARANCE $8.95 Ladies Summer Dresses Jr's.  Regulars  Half Sizes Regular $5.95 to' $29.95 % off Ladies Summer Coals Ladies Wool Skirls Sizes 8 to 18 Regular $10.95 to $29.95 % off Ladies Slacks Full Length Wool Coats Regular $19.95 to $49.95 1 Only Sizes :tO to 16 Fosloria Steam Iron Short Coats Llar $().! li :} $ Regular $12.95 $m e, Regular $14.95 to $29.95 CLEARANCE --i a 1/u  1Only ' % off off ,... Fostoria Hand Mixer • ....... RegularcLEARANCE$13.95 --,111+=-'" 1= +" All Summer Hats 1/2 pnce Regular $2.95 to $5.95 2 Only Fosloria Hair Dryers Regular $15.95 CLEARANCE $6.88 1 Only G,E. Porlable Grill Regular $24.95 CLEARANCE $8.95 3 Only 24" Barbecues Regular $10.95 CLEARANCE $5.88 2 Only 24" Barbecues Wool -- Part Wool & Corduroy Regular $6.95 to $19.95 Ready-to.Wear Dept. • i MUNSINGWEAR SAMPLE SALE PANTIES- SLIPS, GOWNS& PAJAMAS SIZES: 5 -- SMALL -- 34 - als0- BLUE SWAN SAMPLE SALE PANTIES, & SLIPS SIZES: 5-6 SMALL -- MED. -- 34 ACCESSORIES & LINGERIE DEPARTMENT @ BEACH TOWELS Motor and Hood Regular $16.95 CLEARANCE $12.95 1 Only 3.1b Dacron Sleeping Bag Double Mattress Packet, Full Zip, Slightly Soiled Regular $21.50 ql CLEARANCE .,,-6.50 2 Only 6-lb. Celacloud 42 x B4 Sleeping Bag Reg.,at 4g5 $18.95 CLEARANCE 1 Only FWright & McGill ishing Rod GBS-9 Regular $25.95 CLEARANCE 19.95 Girls Dresses 1 Only Ru-Mer.Reel Regular $32.00 CLEARANCE 16,95 from $1.98 to s4.98 Sizes 3 to 6x and 7 to 14 TERRY TABLE CLOTHS % off $3.98 ,o $6.98 Men's Boat Neck Shirts 3{ Sleeve- Large Assortment Regular $257 $3.98 Men's Bermuda Shorts Sizes 32 to 42 '317 per pair while they last Men's Boxer Style Swimwear Sizes 30 to 42 MEN'S Short Sleeve Sweat Shirts V-Neck -- Green & Blue Sizes: Medium & Large Regular $2.29 s16 9 only Boys Bermuda Shorts Sizes 8 to 18 Regular ,247 $3.49 & $3.98 Boys Beachcombers Sizes 8 to 18 Regular s247 $3.98 pr. ONE GROUP Boys Swimwear - ,17 7 ONE GROUP Men's Short Sleeve & ¾ Sleeve Sport Shirts '197 ONE GROUP Boys Short Sleeve & 3/4. Sleeve Shirts '177 I Only BEACH BAGS • Men's Wear I)epartment • Ru.Mer.Reel ,...... ,,... 1/ O f f o.e Group RcgularCLEARANCE$28.95 $tdk4uplifSO+ UlrlS uoats  daCKelS . , . .. ...... ummer Tarnage Summer Handbags One Table Gifiware & bizes  to bx and 7 to  ,, oo , - . - - /3 O l | leg'ular Price $2.98 to $9.98 Houseware.ltems 1/3 0 J | Odds and Ends Table 1/? nrin00 at 1/ price Priced as Marl,ed " " r" .'v Giftware & Hardware • • Kiddies Korner Dept. • • Dry Goods Department • • Accessories & Lingerie • e ALL SALES FINAL • NO r REFUNDS • NO EXGHANGES • LUMBERMEN'S Mi00RCANTILE %