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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i; ;16 IE0--MA0N COU 0UNAL -- PuBltsI4e in Many Gather For Ahern Reception "l"h, hniqdest nmnmnts of the past 50 yavs were hroHght into foclis al: Ihe goic.ten wedding re- (:el)lion hold ;tt Nlf(ltrv P/I']{ foF Holman and Mintie .Ahol,n, Joining togetimv in congratulat- ing the couple were 230 friends 1rein Arizona, (2alifornm, Oregon. mid nllmerous parts of Wqshing- ton. The AherllS wish to express their lhanl¢. for l.he many cards fend gifl,s )'e(:tqved. Th:tllk8 are ex ) t(,ndetl to MvH. el to R.adlke, Mr. Hazel \\;, Mrs, Beatrice N'.- son, Mrs, CharlotLe Vhitfm'd and Mr. and Mrs, Trexler for a,sist- ante in l]te rcp(ion. DANCE EVERY SATURI)AY NIGHT 9:30 l).m. to 2 a.m. Admission $1.25 TROPICS TWO GENERATIONSTwo generations of Mason County Foster Parents attended the Lions Club picnic for foster parents and chil- dren in Kneeland Park last week. On the left are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hooker and on the right, her parents, iMr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson. Mrs. Hooker holds the 11-day-old baby she is caring for. The three girls are three of the foul foster children Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are caring for. Also pictured are the Hookers' two sons. FREE FILM With Each Roll Left For Processing WITH 8 OR MORE PRINTS Black and White --- I27 - 620 - 120 Degree 0f Honor Beach Picnic set The Degree of Honor Protective Assoc. will' motor to 8outh BeaCh near Grayland for an outing and picnic at the beach cabin of the Edwin Pettys, Tuesday, July 24. Those desiring transportation are asked to call 426-4010. That man is truly free who de- sires what he is able to perform, and does what he desires. Rousseau ATiiLETE'S FOOT IIOtV TO TREAT IT Apply Instant drying T-4-IL. You feel it lake hold to check |robing, burning, in minutes. Then in 3 to 5 days, watch lureeted skin slougll off, Vutch healthy skin replee it. Ir not pleased IN ONE HOUR, Your 48¢ back at any drug store, NOW AT PREPP'S IIEXALL DRUGS ZIEGLER'S ,DEVEU)PING'PRINTING CAMERA SHOP 124 North 2nd Street Phone 426-6163 Club I Woman Of The W,;e Joan Hunter finds tirol living on a farm eliminatez any idle time sire migtit have and with three children, she keeps pretty mucl on tle go. She is the mother of two boys and a girl, Kurt, 8, Grog, 3, and five year old Jayni. Although neither Joan nor her husband, Jim, have time for many outside leisure activities, they do belong to the Mason County Bell Riders club. The Hunters have been members of the club a little over 9. year, and in this short time, they have become a real asset to the organization. Joan has entered her horse, Fancy Ladd, in five shows and has placed in four of them. "It takes a lot.of work to Reep tim horse in shape" ,Toan commented, "but I try to ride him awhile each day." She has Owned the horse since he was  colt si years ago and has taught it the basic walk, trots, cantor, and smoothness and skill in his leads. She took first place honors in the last Mason County zone ap- proved show that was held. Tiffs placing makes it possible for ter to enter the State Championship rlln Off ill the Western Pleasure Class riding in the fall. Just a few weeks ago she attended the zone approved simw of the Silver Spurs: Saddle Club in Br'emerton. She en- lered the Senior Western Pleasure division and won a fiftl] place ribbon. ' Residents of Skokomlsh Valley for the past ten years, the Hunters cwn about 2500 acres of land, in- cluding the Christmas trees that the Hnnter Brothers own. They have four other horses and in the summertime the whole family en- joys taking mountain trips into tle Olympics. Sun. Field Meet For heltonTrailblazers Shelton 'Trailblazers of Mason County will hold it Field Meet Sunday at 1 o'clock at the Club Grounds. Next chlb meeting will be in tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul John- ston, Edgewood Apts, at ttie Air- port, Apt. 301 at 7 p,m. You'll Find DA00RIGOLD PRODUCTS Well . . . . almost everywhere in Mason Oounly anyway. E V E R Y W H R Better Because It's Fresher Fresher Because It's Local,, Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn. Shelton Plant Located at 3rd & Grove I Phone 426.4473 HOMOGENIZED Th' , : :: 7 }i':7 : : .: . (aser many sum- are vats- here. The populated arriving they built fine their ns on beau- Bobby re enjoying for clam COmbing. (better known DUgdals) has two girl all of La Hebra, their first Several years on the south Olympia are of time at INSTALLING PRESIDENT John Bartell of Kelso presents gavel to Worthy President Ray Morkert at a joint installation of Eagle Aerie and Auxiliary last Thursday. At the far right new Madam President Virginia Dundas receives her _gavel from installing president Mabel Bartell. Mrs. Turner Hosts: Canal Gardeners Hood Calml Garden Club met for lheir regular meeting at the canal home of former president, Mrs. Thomas Turner. There were 22 women present. Guests included, M:rs. Otto and Mrs. Stein, summer residents on the canal. An interesting program was given by Mrs. Lois Pierce, presi- Joint Picnic For Shelton Moose This Weekend Shelton Moose Lodge No. 1684 and Women of the Moose, Chapter No. 462, will have their annual joint picnic and outing Saturday and Sunday at Oyhut State Park, r:ar Ocean Shores. This event is for the whole family as well as dent of the garden club. Mrs. friends and guests of Moose mem- Pierce told of her recent trip to bers. H d B g$ Alaska and Mattie Backlund, gar- Clam digging contests, volley-I an a .den club delegate to the state con- ba games, horse-shoe pitching vention, gave a complete report of nd other games and contests for or 2 for: l.le Yakima convention. Farewell Wishes were extended to Mrs. Arthur Gihnore wire will be moving to Vancouver, Wn. in August. Mrs. Gihnore's husband has retired from his work with the City of Taconm. The Garden Club will sponsor a game party at the Lilliwaup Hall this Thursday evening beginning at 8 p.m. The party is to help raise money for further plantings I.'t the new Hood Canal School. The club has already nlade young and old will bt enjoyed by all. A big bonfire on the beach will be the central attraction for those present on Saturday eve- ning. Low-tide for clam digging is at 11 a.m. on Sunday. Members are asked to bring plates, cups and silver for their own group, and a dish or two for the potluck-style picnic. Coffee, cream, sugar,, pop, ice cream, and other refresiments will be furn- ished by the Moose Lodge. Those planning to attend are good showing of trees, plants and asked to Inform either George shrubs. Petunias and Dahlias are Doak (426-6242) or Gerry Hart making a colorful display for the 426-4792 or 426-3047) of the late sHnlmer nlonths. ]umber of persons in his group. August 2 will mark tile date for Call these numbers a;so if further the next meeting of the Garden information is desired. Club, ThO potluck picnic will be heht at the home of Mr. Tom Webb and the gentlemen are in- vited. Everyoue is asked to make ,.. fh)wer hat which will be judged and prizes will be awarded for the i)es looking hat. South Dakota Guest Visits Moose Lodge Women of the Moose Lodge had as guest at the last meeting, Mrs. Deloris Provando of South Dakota. '/'lie women made 23 gallons of potto salad for the Rayonier picnic held last Friday. New members front Shelton will be enrolled at the Olympia Cimpter meeting tonight. Members are urged to be present, Transporta- ti(m arrangements can be nmde l:y calling Connie Cronquist 426- 2020. Recent visitors at a regular lodge meeting wore Mr. and Mrs. Ray Provanda of Lead, South Da- kota. Their nephew, Jerry Cowan, s a member of Shelton Moose Lodge No. 1684. '" ' ..... Journal Want Ads Pay RETURN tlOME The Sydney Andersons returned home Friday night from a twelve day trip to Montana and Canada. Mr. Anderson returned to Cut Bank, Montana for a 20 year class rennion with his former class- mates. A welconle surprise was meting with Dick Baker of Los Calif. who has visited frequently. The reunion inehlded three days of entertainlnent. Friday afternoon was spem: golfing and Friday eve- nmg two receptions were held. SatLirday included a banquet and dance anel a family picnic on Sun- day. On their return trip home, the Andersons visited Courts, Canada, and slent two days with the Bruce Wet'hers at Corum. Hosiery . , all or box of Morgan, Eacretl's Amazing New Belier Sp( Belier Belter ,Ca NEW Orlons, bulky sizes 36 $3.99 to Evergreen Pay Pac ALUMI COMBINATION DOOR Changes from Storm Door Io Screen Door .... iN SECONDS / ONLY '29as visiting are Mr. Auburn and and Mr. and Dollif. They and wa- ttled has decided from now had to Tues- the :Nell were Mrs. ad Julie Gil date for one day the World thrilled by her and thour- choice for Jrs. are the senior (?arson and Cindy an Green- stay located War- of schools ave pretty mess left win- nsen is va- and this week. Sarger at- of the at Austrids Creek, near .Aust- from 32 mere- Another at Lake members rs. Sac- Will be at- of Wash- majoring minoring W. Streck- to Wills boardd met Zelda  them i at- dinnei has n Mondl Thurs 6 p.m a.m. Oi i 46-4832 H I ]L( FULL I" THICK o,. = / ENGAGEDMr. and Mrs. Ray- • SAVE SPACE-All inserts stay on door all ye# 426-3327 I St nold Mason wisl$ to announce • SAVE WORK--Sliding Panels tilt )the engagement of their daugh- ter, Connie Jean to Mr. Brad • END RATTLES--Panels cushioned'in wool Bi Easton,_son of Mr. and Mrs. El- stripping I mar E:aston of Herringtoh, • VENTILATE TOP OR BoTToM I .Wash. Connie is a graduate of irene S. Reed high ,school. Mr.  • SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM Eston graduated f r o m high m fnrw refer years of trouble-free se£v|ce sc ool in 1960 and is now L/CP1 -" "'-" in the Marine Corps stationed in Bremerton. He plans to attend college at Pullman No wedding date has been set " FISH COOKING ideas galore in MORGAN, EAORETT .ate. the new free book put out "by the Extensiort Service. Pick one up in the Post Office basement in Shel- HILLCREST Phone ton or phone 426-4732 to have one mailed to you. .lt. I