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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 7 o presents gavel |llation of Eagle ght new Madam from installing nic For loose kend e Lodge No. 1684 he Moose, Chapter tare their annual I outing Saturday Dyhut State Park ,res. This event is Family as well as ;is of Moose mem- HOW &apos;IONS many sum- al'e r a.nnual vaca- here. The populated arriving they built fine their as on beau- Bobby enjoying for clam combing. (better known DUgdals) has and two girl Kathy, all of of La Hebra, their first several years on the south Olympia are of time at visiting are Mr. Auburn and and Mr. and i 'i Dollif. They g and wa- she tried has decided C !r , from now e a s had a :aets' the Nell ue• Thursday ,guests were Mrs. i  Children Cathy, Hosiery , ' il o eattle. TGh] 'N,il, and JUliee for Wedding dat • all ofreg'3 r  h:'" .Spent'# or box raip, t ? the°neworldday eautely thrilled ' sveryone who captured b her  . y • e *l!ty, and thour- " eils choice for Benefit Concert Raises s63 For Grapeview School Kitchen The melodies drifting out into lhe quiet evening from the school- lmuse last Wednesday originated 1rein tile nimble fingers and golden lhroat of balladeer Earl Robinson who donated bis talents for a one- man concert. A composer, singer, conductor, teacher and folklorist, Earl Robinson has the rare quality of a true balladeer and the envi- able ability to gal:tler tits audience, whatever the size, into an intimate troop and hold it in his spell. He certainly had his Grapeview audi- ence of about 100 captivated for an hour and a half in which he and his guitar entertained with several of his own compositions as well as other American songs. The money donated, amounting to $63, will be added to tile kitchen l emodeling fund. Since Robinson had used the school building and its piano for practicing and com- :osing during his stay here, the evening's concert was his thought- ful way of saying "thank you" to ql.e community. He was the guest of his pa:'ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J• Robinson, between engagements on his current concert tour. He left for Seattle on Thursday for an appearanae at the University Uni- tarian Church. Fair Harbor Grange ladies served coffee and cookies et tile conclusion of the program. WE ARE IIAPPY to report that Mrs. Henry Gatlin. who underwent urgery last Thursday at Bremer- ton Naval Hospital is "getting along just fine" taccording to her husband) and was expected to re- turn home Tuesday of this week, Also recuperating satisfactorily falls. They returned home Satur- day evening. SUMMER GUESTS at the Mar- tin Goetsch home are Mrs. Eld- ing Laur and children, Junior, Bet- ty, Wanda, Darlene and Donna, trom E1Paso, Tex. Esther reports that often having had grandson Schuyler White with her for three H nd Bags :i ays the house is sure empty. contests, volley- a Reinhart and Della Goetsch f u'se-shoe pitching or  f 0rl'! Des Moines spent one day last s and contests for week visiting friends and relatives ill b enjoyed by here. Della is a former correspon- 'ire on tile beach Belier of the Journal and wrote this :ral attraction for lins Jrs. are column for quite a while. )n Saturday eve-  |)ortsWlrl the senior Everett and Helen Simons and for clam digging son Frank attended the Dilly Belle Carson and Show in Seattle last week. Sunday. r Cindy an asked to bring MRS. LILLIAN Knox and silver for their  Green- daughter Gigi have returned to a dish or two for Belier ua stay California after a two week stay :e picnic. Coffee, located with her mother, Mrs. Olive Shun }p, ice cream, and War- tes. They also attended the fair. nts will be furn. NEW of schools Saturday afternoon guests of ose Lodge. ave pretty Mrs. Dale Peugh were Mr. and! g to attend are mess left Mrs. Kenneth.Rose and girls Mar- m either George ring win- tha and Janice. The girls were Orlons, bulk)' the overnight • guests of the ) or Gerry Hart sizes 36 26-3047) of the is va- Peughs. :ms in his group. $3 99 to and The Stan Yates have as their :rs a;so if further ' this week. houseguest Stan's sister, Lena sired. Sarger at- Coffman of Sultan, Wash., and .'s at a regular of the joining them this weekend was ore Mr. and Mrs. at Austrids Stan's brother, Faust, of Tacoma. ' Lead, South Da- 0reek, near Sunday the H. V. Glasers and cw, .Terry Cowan. Evergreen .Ansi- children were the guests of Mr. f Shelton Moose from and Mrs. Francis Cooper for a ........ Pay Pa( 32 mere- clam bake on Squaxin Island. Fri- .; • Another day Donette made a trip to Hoq- ad P at Lake uiam to visit her parents, the ,nt ...s .ay members Donald Eddys. Mrs. Eddy trader- Mrs. Sae- went surgery last week on her Will be at- hip and needed Suzie to be her of Wash- legs for a week. majoring Mrs. Jerrells, Mrs. Waite and minoring M:rs. Glenn Yates went to Olympia on a "Strawberry pic'lin party" "W. Streck- last week. Heard via the grapevine they got 90 pounds of berries. to Willa Sunday Mi Moor's sister, Mrs. boarded Russel Pearson and son Jan (sta- te the tioned with the Air Force in Cole- drove rado) spent the day on Harstine met Zelda for a family visit. then- Harstine Island Grange meets Friday night at 6:15 for a potluck at- dinner. Business meeting follow- of the ins. Morgan Eacrell' Harstine Island grocery store , S has new hours: It will be closed Mondays; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to az,.s New 6 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. DIRCTORY 0000tllNU DOMBINATION u.o )OR REX FLOOB COVEING i,ges from Storm Mt. Vhav Ph. 426.2292 Door fo Screen  Door... Baator Rellr ]BoLlbx out IN SECONDS : S0tdermg • New eox BOON6 PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 42e-4832 623 s. st. Ph. 426.3483 ONLY  2995 oo. 426-6283 " THICK o,. 426-3327 OPerated • l=lemta for all ocoason • lowe EYERGREEN FKORIBT$ 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 Auto Glass • Expert • I nstmllmtlon JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426.8231 Bike Shop • Sales and Repair I • Locksmith - Keys Made • Hobbies SLEYSTEI'8 BJKE ;8HOP Roy Clinton 223 Cote. St. Draperies • oustom made • fRe estimates • work guaranteed Jj C, PENNJE.Y O, 305 R R Ave, Ph, 426-8283 SPACE-All inserts stay on door all Y eCr WORK--Sliding Panels tilt out for ATTLES--Panels cushionedin wool ing ENTILATE TOP OR BOTTOM • SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for years of trouble-free serv|ce IGAN, EAGRETT ST Phone ffter majbr :urgery in Seattle last week was Howard Padden of Treasure Island. Mrs. Padden, who had been staying near bim in Seattle, returned home Sunday evening with her daughter Pat who came np from Porthmd to be with her. Expecting to be dis- charged from Providence Hospi- tal Friday, Padden should retnrn l:ome tile santo day. Sad news comes to us trom our friends and weekend neighbors, "Buck" and Ruth Price this past week. Ruth and daughter Peg, with college friend Jayne Rucker, were invMved in a two-ear acci- dent neat" Tumwater last Friday evening in which one nn was killed and Ruth, Peg and Jayne were hospitalized with severe cuts and bruises. We were so orry to bear of this and hope that by now, all three are "on the mend". Mrs. Les Souie had an enjoya- ble visit with her niece, Miss Gayle Cockburn in Tacoma last Saturday before bidding her a fond goodbye at the train depot, Gayle, who left for Button Bay, Vermont, with 16 other Tacoma girls had been selected by her Girl Scout troop to represent them at the Girl Scouts' 50th An- niversary Roundup. About 10,000 girls from all over the world are expected to attend. Faye remained v. guest of Gayle's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cockburn, until Sunday evening• LONG-TIME FRTEND of Mrs. John Stevens visiting here for several days recently from her home in Eu'eka, Calif., was Miss Mabel LynCh. friend of Carolyn's. Last weekend at tbeir summer beach cottage on Stretch Island was enjoyed by the Art Ables of Tacoma. Two of our most enthusiastic bowling belles, Ann Westberg and daughter Marcclla, just missed |aking first place in the "Morn Census To Seek HomeRepair, Food Information Information on eating habits and expenditures for residential alterations and repairs will be sought in the July Quarterly Household Survey, Sltelton is one of the 323 samp- ling areas in the nation in which the information will be sought. Mrs. Polly A Swayze, at. 3, is in charge of the local interviews. The surveys are taken by the Bureau of Census. Information on the amount of beef, bread, lettuce, milk and $pples consumed over a three-day period will be asked. The resi- dential alterations and repair questions will deal with expendi- tures for painting, repair and re- placement of heating and air con- ditioning systems, phnnbing, roof- ing, flooring and related home repair projects. and Sis" League at \\;Vest.parle Lanes ill Bremerton Monday night by a scant but dlsappointing one- half game• They brought home ,m impressive trophy anyway ..... Ann's frst of the year and Mar- C(!]la's second. Miss Leslie Anne Rice nd The- odore Carl Linde were united in marriage aL a simple ceremony held Sunday afternoon at the BeN fair Community chat'oh with mere. bers of their immediate families present. Acting as Leslie's Matron of Honor was her sister, Mrs. Jim Frost, while Byron Linde served as his brother's Best Man. Leslie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Rice, Grapeview residents for many years. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Delaney, Ted is from Gilberton (near Bremerton ). Since tile bride and groom are both ,ttending summer quarter at Wes- lcrn Washington College in BeN lingham, honeymoon phms were posfponed. IMPROVEMENT CI,UB TO MEET TUESDAY A special meeting of the Hood Canal Improvement Chtl) Ila.s been calh, d for next Tuesday, July 24, at 8:00 p.m. in the Union :,ommunity hall. On tim agenda are the topics of the new fire district, the com- mnnity water situation, the ehtl)'s two I)a,rth,s, and other I)usiness. I like to walk down Bond street, titinking of all the things I don't desire. ---Logan Pearsall Smith Retirement Pay Higher Locally NEW YORK, (Special) ....... The larger incomes that Mason Comi- ty residents earned over the years are now producing added benefits for tbem. They are generating extra divi- dends in the form of larger pen- ion checks for those who have re- tired or have become disabled. The size of these clecks, which are going to former workers and their families under the insurance program of the soci'l security system, is in proportion to the wages earned during a period of years prior to retirement. Because their earnings were greater, their contributions to the l)ension fund were greater. The net result, for local resi- dents, is retirement cheeks that are bigger, on the average, than those going to people in most parts of the United States. The facts and figures were made public in the annual report of the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, just released. They are based on the payment schedules in effect at the beginning of this year. Recipients in Mason County, they show, were getting checks amounting to $837 a year, as com- pared wiLh $779 a year elsewhere in the United States. In the Pa- cific States the average was $819. The overall amount being col- lected by local residents has been going rip, year by year, as tile scale of benefits has been boosted md as more people have become eligible for coverage. As of January 1, 1962, total,pay- ments were at i:be rate of $1,583. 940 a year. On the receiving end were some 1,892 retired workers, disabled workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, children and parents. i LOYD GIBSON Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Representative KIMBEL MOTORS I Chrysler-Plymouth Cars i International Trucks Les Joslin SUGGESTS/ Vacation Time is accident time. More accidents occur during sum- mer when people are enjoying va- cations. A West Coast Life Acci- dent Policy can help provide against financial loss. --I| • A¢CIDIINlr • NIIAL,,__ 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE . PHONE 426-6373 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoskins (Joanne Stevens} are settled in their new apartment in Seattle, according to Joanne's mother, },rs. Stevens. Ineidently, the love- ]y string of pearls worn by Jo- anne for her wedding was the gift of good friend and neighbor, Miss Jasmine Britton. It was a real pleasure to be in the "Doghouse" last weekend Bianchis' that is. At least Dom- inic and Lyl thought so, with Lyl's mother, Mrs. Clara Free- stone and son Jim and family there for the weekend. Jim is the proud owner of that beautiful :ew "Pacific Mariner" we've admiring as it whizzes around the island. After a 4-month illness Lyl is looking fotvard to a week's vacation with her family at their waterfront cottage on Treasure Island. Miss Susie Fulmer returned to Grapeview last Thursday evening with Lloyd Richey after a two- week visit with friend Pam Rich- ey at the Richey's home in Seat- tle. Touring the World's Fair and other points of interest in the "big city" made a vacation long to be remembered by Susie. MR. AND lER& HAROLD Retz- man offered their home and hos- pitality to long-time friends from Seattle last Sunday. They were My. and Mrs. Dndley Daneman, son David and daughter Darcy, logether with Daneman's mother, Mrs. David Daneman, who spent most of the day at the Retzmans' Stadium Beach home. Accompany- ing them was Mrs. Myrtle Mocker who had worked for several years with Mrs. Retzman for David Daneman, Sr., at Sunde and d'- Evers in Seattle. The Danemans were enjoying their first visit to Grapeview since 1950 when they were present at the l=Letzmans' well-drilling. Mrs. Kay Sanford managed to keep from getting too lonesome in the absence of son Danny by entertaining her daughter Sue Ann and adorable 10-month-old grand- daughter who came up from Eu- gene, Ore., for a few days. They were here with Kay at her Stretci Island home from Wednesday un- til Saturday of last Week. In the past week the Walter Claytons, Sr., have played hosts BONELESS HAM "Fiesta" Fully Cooked, Whole or Half 85 c IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES Full *Gut, U. S. Choice, Verifine RUMP ROAST u.s. choice 79  Verifine .... lb. BOLOGNA 39' BY THE PIECE LB. FRYERS Grown,Fresh WashingtOncutup, 43' SHUR-FRESH ........ LB, VEAL STEAK ""°&. 6/69* Hawaiian Wan! , !::' PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 19.20-21 Right To Limit! APRICOTS WHITE ROSE POTATOES CANTALOUPES TOMATOES CUCUMBERS ROMAIN U. S• No. 1 Wash. Grown JUMBO 45 SIZE, CALIFORNIA FIRM RED RIPE FOR SLICING, CALIFORNIA LMP .. !0/39 € 5159 c 19' LONG GREEN SLICERS, CALIFORNIA E Crisp, Green, a Tonight, Fresh from Serve Salad Local Fields to two Hoquiam cofaples. Last Thursday'Mr. and Mrs. Franklin WiIson aId daughter CloAnn spent '":)"?:' " IA:KLaA K | NE joying short local tours and the ladies :latin" passing the time wor- .:'..C: king on fancy work and visiting. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pal- :.' 2 mer,. also of Hoquiam, enjoyed SALAD lunching and visiting With the GRATED TUNA ,, REUSEABLE | COPPERTOHE ,.....,e:t. SHUR-FRESH A . CANISTER ;::!: "}, .. OR PERFEC SA-,OSl MAXWELLHOUSE ttl t '..,,, ":;.V..{.:".','.,.. • V..,?..,..... ., COFFEE 00:ii " "W NNEAPPLE JUICE Tns 77 DOLE "Flavor Spun" /=7(€ ," 46-oz. Tins .................. ,/i . TOMAT0'' JUII)E TASTEWEL L Tsngy A/$1 & Thick, 46-oz. Tins ........ iP/ TASTEWELL Half Tins TASTEWELL • 1 Pound Cartons Claytons. COOL WEATHER seems to have no discouraging effect on visitors to Griggs' Acres. Week- end guests enjoying the nice fat qysters and cool green woods were M'. and Mrs. Terry Berkeley, Calif., who have been visiting Mr. R. B. Franklin (Mrs. Dearborn's father) in Tacoma. A Sth birthday was the cause for celebration at the Oscar Sund home last Sunday and "man of the hour" was none other than Oscar h!mself: About 50 people were on nand o congratulate him, including son Warren with wtfe Lorraine and two daughters and con John with wife Jennie and children. Lorraine's mother, Mrs. Andrews came from Yak- .to attend the affair. Oscar's cousin, Bill Sand, Stretch nd brother Arthur Sand and wife visiting here from their home in were there to participate in the fun, too. Grapeview friends attending were :Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton, Sofas ttansen, :Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks and Mrs. Anne HI.C ORANGE EACH EACH £c 5/001 °° 5/001 °° ': "": :' :!:::'::':':" ...... : ..... , ".<`...¢::.`.;.::`.:`.:...::.:.....:.::.:...!.i.i?....:.:i.i::i..`;``:..*``:........." / W" ;!'.:" ...... ":':':'.::::":",.':2" V/' ' .-:: - ...... • '.,.  ::'::::.::t uu,,r rx,m,'lj5 "-../;;. :' ;.;,;".!.:::::' . "';,. i! G'HUNKS 12-oz. tins 3 ) ":i!",, TIDBITS 1'2 oz. hns }; . :- , ::::. . . :'::: ,.:::r ' SUGED 14.oz.tlns,;}  "/,-":',:-' J/ ! 4;;:' ..::,. ..':'::;:::•' '::e.:.. .... ''"" Shur-Fresh Bakery! \\; Westberg with daughter Marcel- la. MR. AND MRS. VERNON Pu- das and two Children were guests Ofberg,Vernon'Sfor sister, Mrs. Ann West- dinner last Saturda evening at Ann  ..... Y • . - [recch Island home. AJSO present .^., ^,._. were .trs PU- uu, B S,LUUtr and   -  amer Mr. and wrs. pencer Collins, Sebeka, Min- resoa alia her st-'- - - er ann nus band, Mr. and :Mrs. Melvin Olson and two children, also of Sebeka Bill Sund and IV[-- - - " • - _ r. an(1 Mrs Ar ;nur un joine-, - " " • . , u cnem. Vmtors thin week at the Stretch Island home of Mr arld iV[rs Llovd ihYmf; /MI rs. Richey's nephew .... . r. and Mrs. Jim Mc- Glocnnn Wth their two children, BM::;i%a'darolyn, from North • • n vacation, the faro- - .., -- eatle urin the worza S a, -- g :"- - " mgoyng the tri wit;n ne tamil,, ;. " P -'",J , renny, a young OR GRAPE DRINK \\; BIG 46-OZ,TINS _ 4/001 FROZEN FOODS! PATIO STEAKS Sunnee €.€ 15-oz. froz.v ,RSH STICKS BOOTH'S 59¢ 14-oz. froz. SHUR-FRESH FRENCH FRIES 16o 4/$1 • Frozen ?p! ? Shur-Fresh M e Bar 6-pack 29 Chun King, 16-oz. =-/---,°/°°€ , Shur-Fresh Ra,sln Snails 4pack 31 ,BEAN SPROUTS Ch'un King, 23 -lb. DATE nllffJlll Shur-Fresh 4elA BEEF CHOP SUEY i€ NUT Dncm# 15-oz. loaf " SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS1 RALPH'S on H,Ilcrest OPEN ON SUNDAYS Where Satisfaction is a 'Buy' Word Chun King 2 3/4-1b.  n Chicken CHOW MEIN (]:" tl Chun King 16-oz. &W¢ I[ ;= SOYA SAUCE = -- kt ' It Chow Mein Nood es ' r. II CHEESE FOOD " Outch Tat 49 ¢ 2'LB. BOX