July 19, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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, , I
For Sale
• i
USED EASTMAN 35 mm Camera. Guod
e.ndition. $19.50 will, case. Zlegler's
Camera Shop. 7/19
MOSS IN YOUI¢ IAWN? Now is tile
time to apply Mossite from Gray-
mone of Shalton. Free use of spread-
For Sale
m J
TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E,
MILLIONS OF RUGS have been clean-
od with;Blue Lustre. It's America's
finest. Lumbermen's Mercantile.
L 7/19
¢AX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid
or. Phone 426-666]. 4/19 tfn
transparent plastic coating, never
EMBERSIIi'P-in S}lelfS-n--G))If'}21tt{ needs waxing, polishing or scrub-
2100 wdue, for 275. Terms. 426-3649, bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside
B 4/5 tfn or out. See Graystone. 5125 tfn
ELECTROLUX SALE, service and PIONEER SAWS--sales-'and--service.
:upfdies. John Rice. Phone 426-6103.
Frt:c demonstrations.
R 1/7 tfn
NEW 1000 WATT, 110 volt light plant,
trailers, boats, campers. $198,50.
Saeger Molor Shop, 426-4602.
1217 tfn
Y-()UCANITISP more watsr and
longer with Falrbanks Morse pumps.
See them at Shelton Electric Co.,
We are open Sundays. Shelton
:Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163.
3/29 tfn
R AB B IT -'YER S 'fJ'{sale,-also rab-
bit fertilizer. Phone orders between
] p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone 426-3626.
Mc 8/20 tin
at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St.
.............................................................. For Rent '
Sp gG ,
ortin oods FoR RENT Two room fm'nished
BOATS -- 8 and 10 ft. prams, $40 and heated apartment, Adults only. In-
$60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts quire 311 No. First, phone 426-3025.
12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. P 6/28 tfn
Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, FOR--REN-----T-0R SALE -- Four bed-
1.015 E, Dearborn. 426-8511. Bar- room home. Inquire at 426-2250.
Din. 426-6837. B 12/14 tin P 7/19 tfn
16" FOOT DAY--0RU[SIR --LL Good con- '-0R--RiN"-----T,{'--l)e-di.oom furn-
dltion. 20 h.p.. Arnolt Inhoard. Vee Ished hesse, electric heat. view o£
bottom. Excellent for year round the mountalus. Phone 426-3143,
sahnon fishing, 2750. or trade for P 7/19 tfn
1957 pickup. Phone ES 3-6845 Brem- - ...............................
crton or EA 5-8955, Seattle. , SMALL HOUSE on Hillcrest. 1512
D 6./14 tfn I Boundary. Newly redecorated. Re-
frigerator, lint water heater, electric
FTi=C-gXLPT--/5odiT-*itTibL-s-tSB/I stove with trash burner, movable
cabin boat with inboard motor and 220 eleetrle heater. Inquire John
boat trailer. Price $525. Inquire Rt. Getty, 1601 Franklin St., phovc 426-
6265. 7/19 tfn
FO15J "R-EI'T (Sn'-e" [-m'.d d
conditioned ranges, refrigerators,
washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap-
pllmce Center. 615 tfn
MI'Ni.'T-U FLOWER arrangements.
Your Craft. Hobby and Health cor-
ners. Bar-Din. 520 Franklin. Open
Tllursday and l'iday. B 6/22 tfn
peel. Pemnanent finish and sealer,
does not discolor with age. See
Graystone. 5/25 tfn
DUTOI:I BOY PAINTS ' We are open
Sundays, Shelton Marine. Hillcrest
Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn
Galbraith golf Green. Graystone of
Sheiton, 426-6661. 4/19 tfn
4/12 tfn
419 Railroad. 3/16 tn ...................................................................
................................................. LOWREY ORGAN SALE--Johnny'e
NEW KODAK :35 m,n fully autonmtic Mosic Box, 205 Cots St., pllone 426-
Camera. $89.50-$69.50. Ziegler's Ca- 4302. 2/1 tfn
n,era Shop. 7119 FOR -IT, V,--W--00-D -- /6:ineh and
RI-(YI__B--LA-C-K---)-P---SoILT-, fll-V--di-, over, Slab $12.50 a cord: Pole wood
road and fill gravel, washed sand $14 cord. Phone 426-4867. S10/12tfn
and gravel, drainage gravel and pea ,-]A-D--i-:-[d-!.l7---n--a--le-
gravel for driveways. Norman An-
derson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Zeiss 35ram automatic at our new
Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. discount pries. Reduced from $182.50
7/25 tfn to $99.50. Limited time only. Ziegler's ina, Union, TW 8-2252. 3/15 tfn
f'-dYFiA'dZSTONE FOR PYLON, the -Ca*ne:a-.. S h°p-- ................. .../28_tfn B-0---'iS/'MOT'(RS: -'TRjI.:ERs: eiiitp'=
amazing, improved finish for floors FUCHSIAS. 65c. Hanging baskets 3 ment at Walt's Mm;lne Supply, on
and furniture that lasts and lasts Lakeside Primrose Garden. Mud veautiful Hood Canal, Phone Hoods-
and lasts. 5125 tfn Clay, Spencer Lake, 6128 - 7126 5t port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn
pulleys and shafts. All t_pee sal- A-1 shape, $50. Call 426-6734. T 7/5-19 cellent eondltion. $90,00. Call 426-6811
• • ...... t20 v generator, $300 or will trade FO-R--Sh-Li,19-5f-5J'-h..--E[;h-d
FOR "SAL Wi -- Largo selection of re- for 14 ft. aluminum or fibre glass
boat. Call after 5:30, 426-B586.
H 7112-19
old. New eond, tion. Will deliver.
Phone 426-8231. Mr. Rose or 426-2156
evenings. R 7/12 tfn
exlension table, buffet, oak rocking
ellair, three oak dining chairs, in-
eiue,'a|or, bookcase, brass bed, two
pair double bed coil springs, fruit
.mrs. tools, neck ties. and misc.
articles. Inquire 522 No. Seventh.
B 7/19
FOR- SALE-=:7"(_)llii--giiSd--tiscd - dump
box. complete with hoist aud all
controls. IU excellent condition and
LWREy-(-jRGAN-S-Ea'--j}I-{ is .I-5 yard size. Pim,,e 426-67,i8.
_..u.s)c Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn Z 7/19
RENTAL EQUIPMENT .......... M()DEL J20L Coves Band Saw grinder,
.nt,','tch(r roll leveling bloek, weld-
CHAIN SAWS. lh)tary Lawn Mowers•
R,,el Lawn Mowers. Garden Tillers.
a'hl(lr Wlixers and P, dishe, s. Wheel
Ba,'rowL Electric Saw llectrte
Drills. Saher Saw,. Sanders. Exten-
eden Ladders. Slop Ladders. Pipe
Wl'cneh¢. Shelton Marine Supply,
426-8163. 6/7 tfn
()'L]-- GROWTH Vb0d-f0r-salh - AnY
lenglh, Phone Olive,' Polly, 426-
2352. 4/20 tfn
Ii Kfff+)yNff-( n;,,i-+eiiiil-N gi,di i6k-Thb.
shp of llundreds of "halld-mades"
520 Franklin. Open Thursdays, and
Fridays. 1.: )/24 tfn
8LAB WOOD $12.50 et,rd, l".le wood
and fireplace wood $16.00 ('.rd. l*h.
426-3010 slier 6 p.m. IC 7/19 tfn
$39.95 - $32.95. ZleKler s t:,mmra
• • 7/10
stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25
em:h. 227 Worn Cots. 12/1 tfn
ALDER and POLE wood
Any Length $14 Cord
ALSO--Cedar and Fir slabs
$12 cord.
PHONE 426-8134
Lc 7/19 tfn
,is , , i i
Eliot Blueberries
30¢ pound delivered
Call 426-8337 evenings
i i i
ing clan,p, swages sl,apors, tells]on
buck, onuses. Prec.islnn Saw (:h'ind-
ing, 163,.d & So. Iaeific. Spansway,
Wtlsil .... P 7/19-26
81N ( : t'C VI,. i:) /-'si';i ii'-'fiT/icfi+iiii-'ir or
salv. Slightly used• ilttachn,ents tn-
cluilin bullonholer. $180. Console.
Phone 126-6809. Kidd. Dayton Rend.
Hox 138. Evenings. 7/19-26
N li:W FISH .7:: Ndw--dIdhii-- a n d
goldfish bowls. 426-,1378. 638 Arcadia.
V 4/I2 tfn
i .ENDIR-i.iiYEltiiF-hi87-Gi;Oho}i-.
(tit i,m. $.15. Phone 426-8227. or 426-
413. A 7/19 8/2
F,)R ,Al/;E--: ::-sfi:[fiJ6-'fiiTii:--t,:dii6,.:
Gu,d ('omiiiion. 426-418.1. S 7/19 Irn
S ortin Gpods
16 FT, )EINELL --- now $975• dR Ft.
1.a ,sil'ake. 45 h•p. (l'ly. $750. Cabin
},mi, 20 It $575. Ho,,d (?anal Ma-
I'llla. UJ,lOll Wash.. phoue TW X-
2252. 7119
ii iiii
2 - I)avenport and ehaif' sets
2 pieces ......................... $50
2 - Club chairs .................... ca. $15
1. - Club chair (tilt) .................. $15
2 - I*ull size mattress and coil
springs .......... pet" set $30
l - Sewing rocker . ....................... $5
I -dinette t'tble (mahogany) $15
6 - chrome chairs (red) ............ $1S
I - Day and night bed
(like new) .................... $75
1 - Gts range .............................. $45
I - Oil and electric range ........ $45
1 - Eleetrie range 40" ............ $35
3 - Television sets .............. ca. $50
1 - Record player {very good) $45
2 - Automatic washers ...... ca. $65
326 Cota St. Phone 426-4702
, iii
and Delivery
Phone 426-6364
Moving Anywhere
In Mason County
II . I
Boat Building
Repairs '
Seaswift Marine
2316 Olympic Hwy. No.
Phone 426-4652
1 Box 587, Capitol Hill, P 7/19
vertible top, steering wheel, dual
eontrols. 1956 15 h.p. and 1957 7
h.p. Evim'udes with crulseaday
tanks, 3/4 ton capacity. 1958 Elgin
trailer with spare tire and wheel.
$700. 426-6785. M. A. Dickinson.
6/14 tfn
EVINRIJD-E SALES and scmlce.
are open Snndays. Shelton Marine
Hiilcrest Hardware. 426-8163,
8129 fin
EVI] SALES and rvlee. Sc
out-board service• Hood Canal Mar-
Starfllte, outboard wlth controls, 40
hrs on motor. $450. 426-8086.
S 7/12-19 - 2t
Used Cars
1953 WILLYS. real good rubber, runs
good. Call 426-8689 before 2:30 p.m.
1t 7/I2-
i}5{J' PLYMOUTH Blvedere, 4--ii0-6-E.
All the goodies! tGood condition.
Call 426-8674. C 4126 tfn
For Rent
FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom unfurnished
waterfront home, 2 miles northeast
of Sholton. Phone 426-3119. F 7/12 tfn
FOR RENT -- Furrl|sh','d-o:}dr0-/)ni
house, $40.00 per month, Phone 426-
8595 evenings. La 7/12-19
doubie garage, elose to downtown.
Call 426-8166 after 6 p.m, B /28 ttu
F(S i-- REN T-:5:--M b-d ii i:n--(;a:: i,u-i d
wat rfL'ont ]lonlq. ten nlllo8 from
Si,elton. large area, fruit trees, $125
per hie. phone Taco,,|a SKylhle 9-
...... F 6/28 tfn
FOR RENT -7-dffib fg-" 0i.'"i m 6,d.
late oct ul)ancy, 3 bcdroonl honle
on Wyandotte. Phone 426-4505.
T 7/19 tfn
roe)is tl,lfurnished house, fenced
yard. References. Phone 426-3218.
B 7/19 8/2
F('J l- -[ E N T-'-Z----O]il}---6.;.i}:O cm:[- -Ulf-
st.ai/, tlpartnlent..Ceralnic tile kit-
chen and bath. Ample elosets. Phone.
426-642,1 after 5 p.m. 3" 7/19 tfn
Large front, upstairs room --
for light, housekeeping. Ev-
erything furnished including
clean linen. Pi]one 426-3643
or 426-4679.
4 room house downtown
location, partly furnislled --
wired for washer-dryer --
adults -- $60 per month --
heat, garbage included. Phone
426-3643 or 426-4679.
R 7/5- 19- 3t
house on West Railroad. Available
about August 10. Call Mrs.
426-6331. D 7/19 tfn
you haven't room for? Send them
to Lawton Apt.oMotel. Apartment
now available by daT, week or
month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177.
7/16 tfn
Convenlent to mills and downtown
stores. City sewer and water, At
highway bridge. S 4]4 tin
UNFURNISH,D two-bedroom house.
Available June 23. Wired for electrlc
washer and dryer. $55 per month,
Inquire 642½ Dearborn. P 6/21 tn
AVAILABLE completely furnished )x*e
bedroom apartment downtown, 126
Alder. Adults. Phone 426-3535.
O 6/21 tfn
G-AG-(SR RT-'-at Goldsborough
apartments, south second, $6 month.
$5/11 tn
SPACIOUS one--and two furnish-h-e
bedroom apartments, Iota of closets,
clean and neat. Very pleasant place
o live. .gewood Apartments. Air-
port. 426-3772. S 3/19 tfn
FOR RENT or le-7---e one-bed-
room house, close to school, fenced
yard. Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tfn
FOR RENT: Three bedroom Duplex,
located downtown, Inquire at 121
South Third or Phone 426-6544, Chain-
berlin. C 7/12 .tfn
partly furnished. $40. 426-2061.
B 7/12 tfn
SL-I E- P N-G- - Re-6 MS, w it h- kitch--e---n pi--
vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North
Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn
--RT Reed Apt. 2 bedroom,
unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La-
Bisseniero Agency, 426.4666 or 426-
4336. D 3/29 tfn
F'-()R---IE-NT-"--T;w-'o- bedroom unfurn-
ished apartment. Hot water heat,
city.utilities, range and refrigera-
tor rurmsned. Holly Hill Apts. Con-
tact Apt, No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426-
2446. B 5/18 tfn
.... at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 fin
FOR RENT Across from E-ve-i;gr-een
school, spacious partly" furnished
apartment. View window, every
room overlooking garden, car port,
laundry included. $60 month. Adults.
Inquire 818 Pine St. Apt. 4. 426-3857.
__ 4/26 tfn
house, water and. garbage furnished.
Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn
month and up. Downtown location.
Pllone 426-3011 evenings. 6/7 tfn
units ideal for single men or wo-
men, Also attractively furnished one
bedroom apartments. All untilities
furnished, except lights. Reasonable.
Phone 426-2121 or d26-8177.
12/4 tfn
Classified Service
I - Hide-a-Bed davenport.. $199.50
1 - Dawmo ........................... $89.50
I - Englander trundle bed. $139.50
(makes twln or full size,
brown )
3 - All wool 9x12 rugs .... ca. $75.00
1 - All woo! 10×14 booked
rug ............................ $95.00
2 - 9x12 Fiber rugs ........ ca. $22.00
2 - 5-pc, chrome dinette
sets .................... ea. $65.00
2 - 5-pc, ctz'ome dinette
sets ................... ca. $95.00
2 - 3-pc. bedrooms suites
each ......................... $1.35.00
(double dresser, chest,
bookcase bed)
328 Cota St. Phone 426-4702
Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn
ROOii'-NT(, blown rock wool Lnsula-
tion guaranteed. Ph. ,t2@-6417. 6/30 tfn
Classified Service
McCULLOCH SALES and Service. We
are open Sundays. Shelton Marine
Htllcrest Hardware. 426-8163.
2/29 tfn
and interior. Free estimates. Work
aranteed. Bennett Painting Co.
one 426-3248. 5/10 tfn
stallations, oil convers ons. Shelton
Furnace Co,, 321 So, Third. Dial 426-
6121. 5/1 tfn
and general mason work. Call
Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844.
H 6/21 tfn
HOUSE TRAILER towing--anywhere
in state. Phono Olympia FL 7-5358
Robert Shumatc. Olympia,
S 6/21 tfn
EXPERT--'F.WfNG, all types of gar-
ments '. dresses, cocktail dresses.
• formals, "suitm' sportswear. Nicki
Burnett. 426-6328. 7/19
Lost and Found
LOST -- One water ski in Little
Skookum Bay. Glass. pink and white
stripe. Phone 426-8385. 7/12 trn
L--OS-T- One boy's baseball field-e's
glove, left lmnd, between Nortl
Cliff and Safeway store. Friday
evening. Phone 426-2220. T 7/19
accurate precislon grinding, Now at
aeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone
426-4602. 1/15 tfn
tots, copper, salvage of all kinds.
Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill
Streets, Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn
GLAMOROUS profession h)oking for
ualified applicants. Free training,
all 426-2417 for appointment.
W 7/19
$2 AND MORI per hour avail-
able for ambitious, mature wo-
men. Avon provides complete
training. Investigate now. Write
Avon, 604 Ellinor, Shelton, or call
L 7/12-26 3t
.... Hair& Feeds
-- Top'Quality Bud- Cut
We Serve the West Coast --
Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev.
Quincy Hay & Grain Co.
George & Marysviile, Wash.
Sunset 1-2180 if no ans. O 9-209
GARD])N rotovating, field plowing,
barnyard Iertilizer, well-aged alder
sawdust, pit run gravel, compost
fertilizer. Phone 426-3678. 4/5 tfn
PR EPAR*--ib(0-1. " -t}["id- E s-(a-tc--Ex a t {ii n -
ation. No expe F,ellCC. necessary.
Eleven evening oh, sacs. sponm)red by
the Tacolua Board of Realtors. bt!-
) (
gin July 23. Iuquire Alb n'ta Smoke.
P.O. Bux 1405, Tacoma 1, Wash.
Tile kindness and Sylnpathy of
R-/CERXqb-R-ff-h-d freezers, re- nelghbm.s and friends in our rccen
sorrow will always relna|n' with us
conditioned, 'easonable Shelton Re- as a precious lneinory. Our .sincere
frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone thanks and gratitude for all those
426-8082 day or night, 1./18 tfn aets.
F'OR EXPERT MAS'-RY, f i especially wish to thank the
chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, departnlent for locating the
426-2278. 3/1 tfn in Canada.
--The George Greavcs family
yen, and highly L ,
Dairy, beef and eharolats,
per Brothers Inc. John
426-2084. C 12/15 tf*
Near Schools -- Ideal for Teachers
I Bedroom Large View Windows, All
Rooms Overlooking Gardens and Brook.
Carport, washer-dryer, lots of storage.
Adults $60 Furnished or Unfurnished.
818 Pine St. Phone 426-3357.
O 7/19 tfn
Home Furnishings --- 2nd Moor
Eolls & Valloy Applianoo Genlor
GASH PAID FOR Your Washor.Dlr Neadquaders
Good, Glean, Used Furnilure H
and Applnances. M
T .. A
' Wanted ,
u m
VVANTED: Bell suitable for church.
Call 426-8358. B 7/12-19
r X[q/r -Tb--BL/g74 d-to---80u ii i niproved
acres on road. Write Ward, 801 Dart-
mouth, Tacoma 66, Wash. 6/28-8/9
care for your children in my home.
Phone 426-6391. A 1/11 tfn
R-E--615j D"-" t r i-d--e b7d "
Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426-
4823. 2/13 tfn
roofing, and shingnng. Contract work
preferred. Phone 426-3010. F 7/12-19
think it can't be fixed call Henry
Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn
SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth-
ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber-
ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433.
Real Estate
MUST SELL n,y two, :.'d:', :: h::l¢
il,'lnledJacely. Two bh)('ks frool town
on 1 lots. Reasona,.)le. Call -'!'2'!-
2419, 7/D tzu
ONE ACRE on Bayshore highway,
well, septic tank and bulkhead.
Young Iruit trees. 23500. $1000 dn.
Bardin's, phone 426-6837 evenings.
.................................. B __(2! tf
roolu hol,lC near school. Electric
heat. half block of 1,roperty, FHA
bank tern,s. Phone 426-8682 after
5 p.n,. L 7/19 tfn
LARdE ° i" h RE-E-- biid i=(7/;fi-}m,ne_ Fan 17
ily 1.oo111 with built-in broiler, wall-
to-wall carpeting, range, dishwaslmr,
washer and dryer. Phone 426-8078.
................................... s ?tq
MODERN three bedroon, hou,e on
Lake Spencer. Furnislmd built-ins,
electric slove, refrigerator, fireplace,
automatic water systenl and septic
tank. 120 x 600' on level lot to luke,
8/8 tfn
WANTED --1000 recappable tires. 0K
---Rub-be-r-We!ders'---Mt-ylew'--1-/)0_ tfn all sandy beach with dock. Call
WOMAN WANTS WORK of any kind
by day or hour. Call d26-4378 eve-
nings. V 6/7 tfn
brush picker. Phone 426-2028 after-
noons. W 7/12-26
M-A-IR'RiED MAN 22 years or over with
manageulent ambition. Nationally-
known sales company has protected,
established territory available. SaN
ary $460 per month to start. No ex-
perience necessary, thorough training
given, no travel. Must be interested
in ostablishing a permanent career.
If interesled write to box A c/o
this paper. 7/19 8/2
.Business Opportunities
FOR SALE -- Equity in restaurant
and ice cream store building, stock
and equipment. Good business, 422
No. First, Shelton, Wash. 426-2291.
B 7/19 3/2
Pets, Livestock
FOR SALE -- Lot8 of good mixed
horses. Several Palominos and Pin-
tos, Located six miles south of Mat-
h)ck Store. Boyd Zcpp, Rt. 1, Elma.
Phone .t26-67.13. Z 7/19 tfn
/0 R- skLE Z--FF;-f-6v-,q-gi.--fi:hil-f;;6
beef, Also logging team of horses
with harness. Route. I, Box 359,
Browning St., Rochester. Wash.
Phone BR 3-5779. C 6/28 tfn
F'0R- -S A L E-':--Q [mi. ti-i:-ii o;e/-iaat {'e.
Good riding horse. Hoodsport TR-
7-5545. A 6/14 tfn
horse, sired by Yellow Joep. $250•
Phone evenings 426-3748. S 6/21 tfn
Real Estate
"TwO BEDROOM all electric cabin
" for sale on Hood Canal Mrs. ]-leh"n
Frew, 3257 Fubrnlan Ave., East, Se-
:attle .,o Wash. J 7/19 8/2
o1" torn down. Phone 426-3098. Hen-
ry Landis, 2328 Jefferson. L 7/]9 tfn
i6R-SAIi---Tffi.}i:.-6edi:5iii - hous-6
one mile from town. 2 acres. $6000.
Phone .126-8480. V 7/]9 tfn
Bordeaux school. All plastered, hard-
wood floors, eleetrlet heat, separate
garage, extra large' lot, partially
fenced yard, view o1' Olympics. Mod-
erately priced. Call 426-3501.
_ E 7/12 tfu
suburban and three bedroom sub-
nrbtln holnes, For sale or lease.
Phone 426-41,17. S 7/5 tfn
PTiJ-iiE E--Xb iiE s7-2-i;/V-}i;ii/s dT-ii6fv
426-6725. P 7/19-26
ily room with built-in broiler, wall-
to-wall carpeting, range. Dishwasher,
washer, dryer. Plone 46-8078.
_._ S 6/7 tfn
/x-,r E R-F R--6Ni,--1735--fli r. c -go d =
room tolne, built-in appliances, fire-
place, about 3 acres on Pickering
Passage, $19,000.00 Phone 426-4915,
Shelton. H 7/12-8/2
country hon,e for 35 ft. or largm"
house trailer. Phone 426-6732 or 426-
4026. Mc 6/28 th
FOR SALE -- Eight choice l e.761--W(od -
ed lots. Electricity and water avail-
able. Located behind Robin Hood additional
Ins on Canal. Call 426-3548 after 5 and other
p.m. K 5/31 tfn red cedar
F-Oi--s-XLEi--Neai--ii[ti:a-eti-e-tl,:ec for all
bedrooln ]10111(.*, Well kept yard, conl-
1)letely fenced, Patio, garage, elee- tire rates
trie heat. Moving -- nlust sell. Con> adjustment
plete price, $9,700.00. Call 426-2109 or 0.5 of the
=_1337 East Ellinor. V 7/1 o.-8/2 .It crags of the
'l'/-IR1E"-BEDR.OUI--Xfigiih-iio;ii: i(,n indices, as
full basement, garage, 60' x 300' lot, Service for th(
unobstructable view of Olympies, and the
city, bay from dining, living and beu- las-fir
teen,. =y owner moving to Taeolna.
Will consider lease with option.
Phone 426-858.i. B 7/12 tfn
well and septic tank. ,,. ,nil(! fronl
Pioneer School. Call 426-6727 eve-
_ nings. C 7/12 tfn
FOR- S{-L-E--]:(J-Xii;{i iogged--0ff limcl
about 1 1/./, acres cleared sonle berrles
2 bedrooll, house, barll a,ld other out
buildings, garden eels, furniture
will sell as is. total price 29.000 some
terms. Jack Smith. at. 3 Box 394.
Arcadia road, Shelton, Wash.
One of the very largest lakes
on Olympic Peninsula.
We own and offer as a special
one or morc of the following:
3 Shore Lots---S5000 each
6 Shore Lots--S5500 each
25 View Lots---S2275 each
with boat mooring lagoon
and warm water bathing
beach privileges.
Only 10% down, balance easy.
For pleasure (skiing, etc.) or spec-
ulation, THIS IS IT! Ask for lit-
Located 7 miles south of Allyn
12 miles north of Shelton on Hi-
way 14-A then follow "Paradise"
signs to lake.
Paradise Shore Estates
100 NW 36th Seattle 7, Wash.
Phone MElrose 2-4306
July Offers
20 acres West of Shelton; 12 acres
under cultivation; old hbme and
outbuildings; good soil, near:store,
school bus. A good buy at $7750
terms negotiable.
A nice 2-bedroom lmme with ap-
proximately 1/3 acre. Close in.
City water, close to shopping cen-'
ter, nice yard and slubs. Only
$6225 cash.
20 acre farm in Shelton Valley
10 miles from Shelton; nice fam-
ily home with 8 rooms including
3 bedrooms; wired for 220; dug
well; double garage, fruit trees,
strawberries, excellent soi), some
growing timber. Sale pricc/$14,750
Terms arranged.
Two-bedroom ranch style honle on
Arcadia plus family room with
fireplace; fenced yard, hothouse,
fruit trees, garden area, carport
and boat garage. Owner leaving
Route 1, Box 135 -- Hoodsport
Phone TR 7-5439 or Evenings
HA 6-6227 or HA 6-8682
lhyo older dwellings on East Ptne
for a handyman. $5,000
8.Bedroom home at Union being
remodeled (not waterfront).
125 N. 5th Plmne ,i26-3061
pump and "well. $2500. Terms con-
sidered. 426-8397. O 6/28 tfn
qEVEN'-- ROOM w:,ffe,:fl:snt - h6iiad,
Walker Park addition, 2 bedrooms,
l x bath, recreation room. 2 fire-
places, double garage, dishwasher,
carpeting. Shown by appointment.
Phone 426-6686 or 426-4364 F 6/28 tfn
ing! Angleside, two-ca," garage, dou"
Art's Bulldoz h% corner lot. Call 426-3134.
Excavating -- Cement Gravel H 5/31 tfn
Art Indahl .e__Dayton. 4.6-68,w. B 25 tfn
•------' +_lA* "' ''. rooln home on two lots. Good 1oca-
5/17 tfn M ti°'ca-l!i2-6=6510'T. V B 5/17 tfn
....... 00ss., o 00oe%heuse_ fireplace,' $1,000
' ..-.F. [ 6371 mortgage. Phoned°W*'4,'-
%.t./JNJLJI.II'JL'JL.)IN %.lL/. I 1 . el', electric heat, 85 feet tide-
ED I ands 10W bank Owner 426-6811.
HOUSES MOVED, RAIS [ ' " B 6/14 tfn
i O'[ SXL--= -T//7-iiii ÷iSiim--iiTjU8:
Phone 426-6441 atl> and half, fh.eplace, electric
3/27 tfn ,t, call 426-2240 weekdays after
..... p:m. B 4/12 tfn
"' NEW..Hogi E --E k' e-l-17nt --d 6 htTw
,,, location, three bedrooms, 21, baths,
.... l.)anelled living room R H Keenan,
SEPTIC TANKS g__a Birch. " " K 6/21 tfn
Dra fleld, Digging, Sewer ts. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or
P rune 426-815_0 N 7/23 tfn
Marr Const. Co. Mu SACRIFICE two-bedroom HI,i=
*:est homo, furnished or unfurn-
Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 Soned,. large garage, corner lot, close
If no answer, Phone 426-6183 ,pcnoot and stores. Must move.
,,z sell at real bargains. Phone 426-
, , , 8549 afternoons or evenisi2/14--- tn
SHARPENED n Hoodsport, real clean, two bed-
room, garage, nice yard, patio,
• 200 E, PINE walking distance to stores, partly
H 2/8 tf'n fun]ishcd, $8,000, terms.
* * , t
" "--" phC:Utiful view of Hood Canal and
i Olympics, 2 bedroom, large liv-
W']r,D g-mnmg area, kitchen and bati],
Used Furniture ,ompletely fnrnished, 150' on high-
Will Buy or Conign way, 500' decp. ?6950. Terms.
KELLY'S FURNITURE 14 acres, 100' beach creek running
Pl]one 426-2411 through, beautifully' landscaped, 2
bedroom . , ,,
I ........ --v; 500. s, garage and shop. $2,,,
m • -- • '1¢ ;I; *
G .'I .
I[O.R R.ENT-.-.Onc 3-bedroom fur-
old SIorage Lockers .,site° i]o,,sc and one2 bedro+
unfurnished, in Hoodsport. e
• for rent , Hood Caaml Real Estat
Lemke's Service & Insurm,ce Co.
Hoodsport Union
Phone 426-6779 TR 7-5211 TW 8-2263
sized yard makes thi
bath located off:
with closet spa
sink, shower an
ring room with fit'
The envy of the
Clew F.H.A..ppraisal.
rooms in all, garage, c
until down payl
NATIONAL F01 room, 6 roonls in a
FOI S $500 is paid in.
efl.C 5 rOoms in all, nice loca
Public notice is .Paid down..a,+
pursuant to the pro
of Public Law 273,,'klA
Stat. 132-16, u.S''[I' 8LISHED GOING BUSI
Managenlentthe CooperatiVeof .':) eXCellent downtown locat
Forest ProI)erties '{'.Ill for
erativc Sustained '
,j[+, quick sale. Only $4
into by and betweell ,.__
o[ America and tll
Company, dated
all n,crclmntable ,tl, 0NIERE
designated £or tutti
bracing 621 II
Sections 9,
T. 23N., R. 119 So. 4th Phon(
Sections 3,
R. 7W., W.M.,
2, 11, 14, 15, 22, Evenings Ca
R. 8W., W.M.,
35 and 36, T. A1 1-
partially sure Ph. 426-8806 Harr
Block, Grays
GALL YOUR Always iho beSlad°al't by Goorge!
Lumbermen's Mer=anlih 0o. Eells & Valley
Pholle 426-4245
or 426-2455
View lots, all utilities, private dock. By Owner.
Phone 426-4252 days 426-6.530 evenings
Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton
A 4/5 t/n
volunles sOnington,Timber Onare : Preferred' Pro
western by
5,900 M board.
cedar, The nlinl
lus-fir $8.70,
This includes
rates, per M
,osit for sale Ave.
soon be ring-
into one of
We have
4 bedrooms,
large garag-
price range.
othe, ..... It
cedar None. a2ea'traetive home with
price for stun'p $. Well.
to tin,ber scaleallglg e -'SeP t rooms, a
mouths pei led,' ousti,: a,- nd fenced__ ,a-v''d
for which the adJ 'i;It,sree t ..... "'
,t howeV."lllllC " tnls zlne
no r{e, 'for eac+JI|Io 2 t0 offer for the
th;m tie ]ase. ,.atOp lll, p. Why not lnnl
d ........
When the adJUSt 0,t De glad .....
are lower than e+l'+tltli' It yOU Ol(1.
difference bctWeV ,+.l
value oi: tile" tilnberJi]i +" ' , [! ! v
area. A
have a
proposed sale, /il
public l/caring o et'$I[" "-" "
.ffice of the 'iT+,i - venmgs q
Office Building, o' *eali
,,u the 20Lh daYue#[= e "" Vern Dron,
P.M.. pDT. Req '-'IMt)U't
mg win not be cf.l;I,, a. tR.t21:
eeived iu the 0,1*0. 7/ .....
Supervisor, post tO"'.........
) ti Waslling!^
July 12, 1962. "glI
Llo>d G. Gilhnqr'F+ ' ' ___
Olympic National , ' [VAI--
- ..°'rlsl': 'e;:L'i! bl0ME ON MOUNTAII
21:.:' a';,p,.oxinla.tep Im . ER HOME ON M
Sealed bids .W.rlCt ]..,?;l, hard .... . .... refinisl
office of the D,s ltlS.t -ou loors, p8
water, %Vasbing"' ,JJY%9 .-=u On corner lot wi
Thursday. AugaSe l: galore!
then and tbere d.T Priced to sell
mld read. . IN,
Prequalificatl°n D ESC R I B E S '
required, large closets,
Plans and
tained fireplace, di:
rict lots of cu
pia. tt with
and specii 110 feet of y¢a
office of
Wa ter,
Ki tsap
Maintenance PA C K E D R E A
at G(,,'st, W ra
honey is Io
R.W. d, elecl
District separate ga
ed for $9,50
Notice is WN
Washington or th{
sion, has kitcl
Box 327. Olyc
ling for bids out t
ing one 4o' has larg
building and Utility porch,
ed metal
tions at the
located in the
tion 4, TownStl 10ME
West, W.M. living roo
Materials to
Contractor breathtaking
wi,ldows. "I25 feet ,
: and all fasten Come in and
st allation.
Sealed bids ,ND THIS HOP
office of 2 bedroor
Tumwa.t e,'
a,m., Owner w:
will then paying rent.
and read.
PrequalificatiO T OF" TOWN
Plaus and that likes b
obtained, witt fireplace.
District Engi: Fenc
0ia. Washin
nf the pl+ms You caI
nn file glt lbe care. Loca
Engineer, Tur option to bt
office of the
end at the
hmanco. Ofl'IC, LOT 60 x 1
R, W. 7th and Cot
a little fix
q)'x'(: and a skip c
I N T l I Id
In lhe Matte
Mabel room v
,;i,l(,d :,nd re:
t,f said e.tate. NT
(!laiJIl; agliillst
quh'ed lo Set're :le one bedro
duly veri fi,d.
m h,.r attorney Lted on A:
Shy(let at the
:11(1 l+ilo the U ABOUT
said Cmn't. ND
hOlit:t'+ or the
DATE of f: ii
RI .. Phone 426-
1,()tICItT L.
125V,.. N.