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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ly 19, ]962 8I-ILTON--MAS0N COUNT JOURNAL -- Published in "Ghristmtown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Pag e 19 i -- ,i . , i i i ii ii ...... 2 .............. L L • . . . , ,, , , • . , , ...... • • ": -- - .,,,,,,,,, ; ,,, ,,,, I, , , • • . • • • "I&apos;P_UrSCIay,' :et joy that comes Harvard Umvermty Library has Lezl Publmatmns Legal Publlcatmns PGAnG (^a,al OG,,I....,M, I/00II^. [Mission Film To Be "---------2arr0w• a collection of more than six rail- "--" ' , ........ - "' IIl|l.l,Mk ilU|hllffi| .llilil01111i&ll u¢ll|r2w 'mes: Haddo.d n Sl...,,,,,-n..., .... I ...... u .... r'''n ...... ,,ohlmes. .NOTI('I'. ()1" tIFARIN(, NO 3308 vinvvit vvw.,-- I vnvntvnmsvnJ s Jr/_ i OL.... ilia ItL.,.ik L .....  NO. 3376 (gN AI'i'LI('ATION FOR FRAN('III,E NO'rl(!l,; OF IIEAitlN(I  • u- A-- -- [ .... llHU|| ill| UIl|U|lllU| [ .... : ....................................................... NOTI('E TO CI{I.]l)l'ri)ns NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IqNAL AC( OUNT AND a[ll......l== KaJL.=&... II II I/ ,, , ' " " " , " ) ' r l ,..,,.,.:N',' ,,,1.,, Ib<.<,a,00e 00P.r.HrllV .00i31OSq lviflllrlli00 i|PflTn l "i'll r. .. •  , . • " ". . , H c(il'[)ol'atlon IIllS llla(li ZLiJlJ|It?ht: z'l| t', .t'/ n .+<.+....+-+.-J+-•-:.' +-;+. +vvw===.. ..-,.....-.-. IIHVIIIP ISIUlI, II ?."y" ', ...... ] , ' 1N II-ilu St U l+A+l()l++(+O[iIT ()l, :P}P:] Ih,' lilt', ,+' County Col| STATE ()F' WASI-LIN(;TC)N 1N ANi)  1 r)lstrit:t clml•ches will be m tin+ STATE ()IV. WASII[(,(T,2'; ,,f Ma+m County Washington. tas re- FOR. MASON COUNTY IN PRO- ,[ r ,,_ lOIll'S re Chl 'ch SL ndav fo ' MASON C()UNTY tN xL, " .......... 4 ('ui"d • x, PCW !]6 55 040) for a Nine- BATIks ' • q , .+. ,+  ' , +.+,m ::,:,.,+.,:,+,+:.:<+::+,:.,: ,+,,+,, ,, ,,> +,. ,,, ,,,+ ,:,, ::,. Manaeer Gav.q ,,, e..gpna 00rnwn ih< 1, .,..m.. s,+, +,<.l. ,,..: v. z,o,+,<,. ll|0 ralill'l']A I "%]l\\;l%'[vil'd" I '!- cros and ol'cuov the ]'(ads and tligh- EDGAR L. BYItNE allu NPt,]_II!] S. IUilll]Vi V|V I Vl mul,t||V Ekll VM Ill; wilt SIIO\\;V [lie finn, "?l"ne iset){.i ef ceased. ,avs ill ih(' (',;unty of Mason. State I,YRNE. huslmnd and wife, D'ycas.ed. 1, .... m, .. I P the River". This is a missionary NOTI(U IS HII.II3Y GIVEN that of'Wistlgion, for tll l)urpose of 1o- NOTICE IS IlEREIIY (]IVltAN tila[ Are y,)n \\;Val[nlg LO reLiFe conl- B'," l'al'Y Valley +;i,, ,,, th,, Dh;1;,,;,,, Tl;nrl tlw undczsin¢.d, Anna Maz'm Reich- eating anti €'<mstructing natural gas Michael J. Byrm,. as administrat<w <)i nletelv before you file i•or social ;-rw(::-] ' q';,,'c',,,,m,,, --,, u,, ............. vy ..... .'+"??"+\\;, man has been al)l)oint,'d and has quail- d.tstribution pi )clinch ahmg', und+q, tlw Estates of F(iar L. J)yrim an(l {:eciu'ity benefits'> If so, don't .... " ................................... aken +rein an acu.tal nl(n(mnt . heated. The envy of the neighborhood for $17,200, ili: i ,i} s, •' " • ........ • elow F H A +,lp'praisal Hnrry' Tlu'r,+sa' al Estate Legal F nly  "Q.' t ) : .'('.:', :if [lv::i¢ Two i)lo('ks froul town PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY, ANYONE i'i 0F'THESE THREE LIKE RENT • , 6 rooms in all, garage, oil floor furnace, basement, Per month nntil down payment of $500 is paid. h, dining room, 6 rooms in all, fireplace, garage, $6,500, NATIONALFoB,F01tfi !011th Until $500 is paid in. Rtlollal)l(!. Call .,!'2';- %% YNO()CHI+I 7,'t tin ' ' N;" 5 roorns in all, nice location, $5000, $50 pet' month ................... Public notico In aSilS.:_ , _ on Bayshore highway, pursuant io the pr0Vli lma;l flOwn. tank and bulkhead, ol Pub:it Law 273'-';i'  trees. $3500. $5000 dn. Stat. 132-16, U.S',UIT[LIg,r one 426-6837 evenings, tim Cooperative *+ll eXC_.C ''U GOING BUSINESS Tavern and Lunch B5/2-1 tfn :;ci!i:i:de:!!t, ` ;:I:equticdOtl?W location, doing a fine bttsiness. D.sIGN-----TJiI'{e I)::d 2 (l f )llly $4,000 down. nt!al' school. Electric J dock of 1)roperty, I'HA into by ani • e . Pllone 426-8682 afl,er Of Anlerlca and tl;=lf't- Ebiidi:(;(:;+i-Jon:(:++ieam: all mercbantab +.ti:_ "" k3K+'IJl lJJJl+Jl ffLII'IJL • tJ .It designated for cut +.*ll. :h bnilt-in broiler, wall- bracing 621 acreS, Illlml  E+m--nmr -- ........ 'ting, range, disbwasller, 1 axxiii -- INSUICANUE dryer. Pimne 426-8078. Sc.ctJs 9R 10,W1.7, t![*+ -- S 7/19 tfn " ' "' "" 7 '9 J'r 19 So. 4th -- Phone 426-4666 '(7--b-({d;.oo---ii}),l--oi Sections 3, , '.,, r. Furnished built-ins, R. 7W. W.M., I . refrigerator, fireplace, 2, 11, 1'4, 15, 22, Evenings Call aier system and septic R. 8W., W.M., 00' on level lot to lake 35 and 36, T• 426-3132 A1 LaBissoniere, Ph, 426-8649 :., su' '"dll+, 22, PA4L , UrVIR]'a prtc:lly,('Ph,+j___ 426-8806 Harry (Bob)Wiles, Ph•426-8296 Coolnrati'+ _+ by Olympic NationalSUn ++, , p po +i referred Properhes Waterfront Realty son Tinlbcr ington, on July volunlcs are : 9 Douglas-fir, 20,' westcrn ilclnioC 5,900 M board cedar. The rail! per M board fee lus-fir $8.70, w( species $3.85. This Includes rates, per /Vf dcl)osit for sah Ave. Phone 426-8535 beach with dock. Call P 7/19-26 :h built-in broiler, wall- ,ting, range. Dishwashsr ar. Plone '126-8078. S 6/7 tfn T: 265 feet, tiu'ce bed  built-in appliances, fire- 31 acrcs on tickering t,000.00 Phonc 426-4915 -ad-E-m-oTle-z:n f fi rniShed le for 35 ft. or larger • Phone 426-6732 or 426- Mc 6/23 tfn ]Jg--h-t-}micc.leel--w(od : base rate p tricity and water avail- Douglas fir d behind Robin Hood additional d• Call 426-3548 after 5 and other I4 5/31 tfn red cedar -1 tilt---lt { i:iti re- t h,:e.c m, Well kept yard, conl- d. Patio, garagc, elec- lying -- nlust sell. Conl- ;9.700.00• Call 426-2109 or liner. V 7/12-8/2 41 t. garage, 60' x 300' lot, lo view of Olympics, n dining, living and I)eu- rner luoving to Tacolna. :u" lease with option. 8<t. B 7/12 tfn fii 7--s-K77. s-7-Td-- t/i:C  i i l )tic tank• . nlile from uol. Call 426-672'7 eve- C 7/12 tfn J-AC};C lea'god" "iffl" lanl I'es eleD+rt!d n()lUe bel'r,('S )use, barll alld ofllel' out al*(]lul tools, ful'lli tul'e +. total price $9,00(I some Slllit]l. Rt. 3 Box 394 L Shelton, Wash. 7/12-9/27 ON LAKE very largest lakes 'eni,lsula• ld offer as a special ff the following: "ots$5000 each soon be ring- for all spec into one of st umpagc sb homes tire rates We have adjustnmnt U 4 bedrooms, 0.5 of the eragc of the nlon large garag- ion indices, as price range. Service for the Pe information. and the follow las-fir -'+------'--- other cedar None. price for stnml home with to timber sc :ept rooms, a nionths yard• for this fine In no event, ment rates for offer for the tlnln the base not look When the yOU did. al'e lower tllaB difference bet -'----'----- value of the I raLes an(i at corded for is perfect for age ,'ate for a Will like hlcr0as(!d abll the suiJse, room, 1he base rate and the ex- lated total do] ont- in excess of difference. If a fenced of Washington ( as Well as a County or by a( shop area. A have it reasoIla 1)reposed sale, public ]learin oIIice of iie Office Building, (,u the 20Lh daY SUBURBAN SPECIAL Hurry to see 8 acre tract with dandy 2 bedroom home. Located close in with good well and some cleared land. Easy terms to qualified buyer• sUMMER FUN This excellent Waterfront lot is the perfect spot for your summertime fun, 100' of low bank waterfront with good beach• LOW COST Another ideal waterfront spot 75' of low bank property with perfect beach, tidelands includ- ed at only $2,600•00• BRAND NEW Come to see the new homes on Mt. View. They are built for comfortable living and may be moved into for as little as $400 total down payment and clos- ing costs• A trade on your home will be considered. Call for a showing• Evenings Call- "- Vern Dronen -- Marden Stroud -ots--$5500 each &ots---$2275 each : mooring lagoon n water bathing ivileges. !own, balance easy. {skiing, etc.) or spec- IS IT! Ask for lit- miles south of Allyn h of Shelton on Hi- .'n follow "Paradise" Shore Estates Seattle 7, Wash. 1Elrose 2-4306 , ESTATE Offers E TO RETIRE of Shelton; 12 acres :ion; old hbme and ,rood soil, near store, good buy at $7750 Me. 4E CAR KEYS P.M.. PDT. Req  ing will net be,, i°:;:; 4/26-4318 ...... 426-4000 <'eived ill the -i:", Olynipi{ 'Waslling.l " July ]2 2962. I)at Lloyd G. Gilimor,,,ff Olympic National 'fl NOTICE-II?OO?h.7 NTO  ,' :'UmN'::Nn:;'E' Wco i: - I'IOME ON MOUNTAIN VIEW Notice is bei]e u. Washington StlW. nf sion, l)epartment  e ndition.- Large ]iv- ' weplace Box 327 OIynU ha' a,.(rdwood loors, large utility room. ing for' bid-s fel ...'ic w'lth ample eating space for family a six inch well..hll yard, tank and sul, mel,?",ge bacl} completely A gelher with slesslawn and flowers, growing neigh- sw tlhes, aud aC°opel-,m below FHA appraisal at $17,200 with 10% e<)nllflcte a fully,.1! l'i lelu ;it lhe .LI)l.a°iJq(  Ills 'J lo("H,d on pin ,. ,'ilL 0Lr- 21. approxnn,'l.tciY, Co,iOllle ,_ R HOME ON MOUNTAIN VIEW Poulsl)o in K'tsav t.B aa8 jU.t" 4 .... Sealed bid" s .wl" t ' ,u, h - -=. refinished inside. It has fireplace office of the Dlt }'|ttlStlff'ardWood floors, part basement, oil heat, new waler. %Vashing' ,I?"%S- u On corner Iot with'extra lot adjoining which :Thursday. Aug tl b ri' ' galore! Priced to sell at $10,500 with terms. tiles and there ,q" ' and read. n of "il2'4KiN^,, PI equal il icatl0 $ I, D "7' ' ,p"g hedroo ESCRIBES THIS HOME 1 * (it'li'l ( d "lalT; :lnd spcctf]th eleS, large closets, tiled bath and shower, ltv- tain,,d"without '.>, ,]ltt0n+g.un.t fireplace, dining room with enchanting II 1 1 lgll I * cO ' IR lChen ".' +' .. "' '7;'o,,,,/ °vl'-" Yli .... lots of cupboards, built-in oven, table i • " ' '"'{ •" n-ig th PACK " " ' " ' " at Gm:si. V,;a. A C11 ED READY'TO MOVE ERNES_T.S honey is located on Hillcrest close to DistrictR W I4Eg iee' • 'i€ 1, elecLric heat, large utility room, separate garage, fenced in yard. Will oom home with ap. /3 acre. Close in )se to shopping Cell- l and shrubs. Only JNTRY LIVING in Shelton Valley Shelton; nice ram- 8 rooms including ired for 220; dug arage, fruit trees, xcellent soil, some I'. Sale pricc,'$14,750 ged. ITTLE GEM :anch style home on farnily room witl ed yard, hot house rdcn area, carport gc. Owner leaving PAR REALTY 135 -- Hoodsport 5439 or Evenings oz' HA 6-8682 ', SALE llmgs on East Pine m. $5,000 @ ae at Union being :waterfront), $6,00 'EARSON NOTICE T( Notice is Washington I sion, Box 327. Olyl ling for bids ing one 40' Lnlilding and ed metal buil( tions at the located in the tion 4. Townstl West. W•M. Materials Coutractor windows, doorS, and all fastene ('on nl(!tol's statlation. Sealed bids office of Turowal el', a,m., will then and and read. PrequalificatlO requh'ed. l>laus and obtained, District EngD pia, Washin +if tile p]luls (ill filo ai the Elibineer, Tui office of the ,rod at the  ellanco. Office R. r. Dist 0, NOTICE IN 'l'I IE S']'ATE MASON Ill lhc Matte LpR()Y V¢ Rl+] ]' Mallei Uiillled ;ind of said e.,datC. clailui against qUil'ed l(i ,cI'VC duly vorifi,'d. #il h,.i' attorllf!Y Snytlei • :it llic :iiid file lhe ed for $9,500. WN or the upstairs may be used as an has kitchen, one bedroom, separate and rent out the upstairs to help make the has large living room, dining room, Utility porch, 5 bedrooms. All this for 0ME living room with fireplace, dining room view from all of the rooms, I25 feet of waterfront, 250 feet deep, Come in and make an offer• THIS HOME IS ALL YOURS Ion, 2 bedrooms, living room, oil heater, Owner will hold contract. Full price paying rent. T OF TOWN that likes to entertain with a whopping fireplace• 4 bedrooms, well designed Fenced in yard with a patio ideal ng. You can move right in this home care. Located on Angleside and priced option to buy. LOT 60 x 100 cleared---close to schools and shop- 7th and Cota. Priced for $2,500. Its BARGAIN a little fixing, lots of fruit trees, four P and a skip out of town., A real buy for room with fireplace, electric heat. for $17,200.00. le one bedroom, kitchen, breakfast nook, Lied on Angleside. Priced for $3500• ABOUT OUR BUILDING LOTS Phouc 426-3061 ReNT O%vller, nings A 4/5 t/n -- WATERFRONT -- ACREAGE fled as Ex('cutrix (,f the Last Will llll(l Ti,slalnclll alld of Lhe estate ot ]'askvrvilh'. dtq ,!ascd ; and lhal till lJ!ll,li7 hnting" claiinn against lira said csial() ill' the said deceased ar(' Ii(,l't)by I'e(luil'tfd to Sl!l'\\;'t! ttl( saliie duly verified in dul)]icatc with the litcessal'y Vi)Ucilll's attIl(F}led, upon till.  tuld(q.sign(d fxectltrix or beF attl)l'nly I,f r(,c(li'd al ttl,+ laJ. ' office (d' B. Franklin ih.ustlJn, Angle F;uildin g', Slielton, Wa.ilington, alld fih sucn clainls togetll,'r witil pro(if of service with tile Chq'k of Ihe aimw! entitled Court within six (6) inenths after the (hih of iht' first l)ublication Of tills lUd iC0, to-wit : 12 •luly 1062, (u" all (.lailti. not Sll ])l'l!ne.*lled and filed will |il, f(ll'eVeF bllrl'ed• ANNA MARIE REICHMAN, Exeeuirix, Estate of Theresa ]3nskerville, deceased. Address : Walker Park Adds., Shelt'n, Washhlgioll P.. FRANKLIN ttEUSTON, Aloi'ney f,,r said Estaip. Angh. Rldg., Sh(.lton, Was}ling[on 7/12-19-26-8/2-41 eal Estate • A GOOD COUNTRY BUY, 2 ACRES, 3 BEDROOMS, spacious living room. Sparkling spring wa- ter, small brook. Overlooks broad valley, 8 miles Southwest of Shel- ton. $4,500. • 5 LUSH ACRES, HALF clear- ed, secluded. Six miles Northeast. The house is not much, just 3 rooms and a path. Good well, ex- cellent garden, fruits and pole tim- ber. The $3,000 price includes ro- totiller, garden tools, some furn- ishings. • 3 BEDROOM HOME, MS. VIEW. $350 DOWN INCLUDES CLOSING COSTS, FHA financing. Well designed. Large beautifully panelled family room, full wall- width windows. Spacious living- dining area. Hardwoods through- out. F-A wall furnace. Separate storage and work-shop. Priced to sell at $7,500. Only $350 down FHA. • 4 BEDROOM HOME, DOWN- TOWN LOCATION. Across street from High School. A good looking family home plus a one-room apartment on ground level. Garage and large storage attached. $8,000. Terms can be arranged. • 2 L O V E L Y BEDROOMS, OLYMPIC VIEW AREA. Nice fa-' mily room with fireplace. SpaciOus dining and living rooms. Two-car port attached. Separate garage is an extra room. Small greenhouse. Large lot neatly fenced, includes lawns , brick planters, )erries in abundance, grapes and fruits. This place must be seen to be apprec- iated. There's a lot here for $14,- 500. Terms arranged. WATERFRONT PROPERTIES • 3 ROOM BEACH HOME, 52' of fine sandy bathing beach with tidelands. King-sized living room. Concrete bulkhead. House rests on sturdy concrete pilings. Beachside storages in addition. All utilities in. Excellent artesian water sup- ply. A good buy for $6,950 on terms. • 220' SALT WATERFRONT. VIRGIN TREE STUDDED. Grand view. Spacious living room and log-size circulating fireplace. Util- ities in. Bathing beach and boating privileges. Steps down 10' bank. You will enjoy this property. $13,- 000 on terms. • 120' FINEST HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT. Includes tide- lands. 105 ft. concrete bulkhead. 15' additional boat and bathing beach. Uplands extend 400'. Excel- lent view,building sites. $10,000. Terms. 62' BEACH, Lake Phillips, good furnished cabin, 270' deep, tree studded, float. $3,500 on terms ---$500 down, $35 monthly. cOUNTRY AND ACREAGE • 10 acres, about 4 in grass. Good cased we.ll; septie tank, gar- age and small earn. Move your house trailer, on and you are in osSession after $350 ,^. - - • n .vw,i. isal- anOe $25 monthly. Call John Dev- ereux. • 4 room home 31/' es 7 he • ._ acr .... miles Nort ast. Well, trees, lawn. $4,950. Terms arranged. • 86 ACRE FARM, 35 CLEAR- ED, largely fenced. Old and new orchards. Farm home and large barn need some renovating. One small parcel timber alone appraised at, $4000 recently. About 7 miles North East. Good creek. This will make you an excellent farm property. Priced to sell at $13,500. Terms arranged. Call John Dever- eux. • 80 ACRES , WEST END COUNTY, Half clear, mostly fenc- ed. Drilled Well, septic tank. No buildings. $8,500 on terms. • 8ACRES, 2BEDROOM HOME. 4 clear, 4 pole firs. Drilled well. 4 miles out. A good price at $8,500. Terms. CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 SOUth First Street EVENINGS CALL JOHN DEVEREUX "HOME-FINDIR,, AT 426-8544 aral acrt)ns roads and higtlways ill said COLInty (knt)wn and id(!ntifled as Coullty Road No. 581 and No. 3]0 all(I Math)ok Road Bridge Nu. 310-1.,i2) lls shown i)Ii LI Ilia l) atiached to their lil)lllication, and h,cated on alld acl'l,sN l/ortlons d' Sections 25 and 2l, 'OWll- ship 20 Nn'lh. RanKo 4 West W.M.. and Se('tion 1,(}. Townshil) 20 North, ]tange 3 West W.M., in Masl,n C,)unty "?ash in Ion. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that since ihe ailove described area ls not within th,, limits of an incorporated City or Town. that the :mid Board is the proper authority to sot the time and place (,f }Ieariilg alld any an( all other restrictions thal ulig'llt be deeined lleeessary in coallection lhere- with. aeeording to Chap[er 36.55. Re- vised Code of Washington. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Hearing will be held at 2:00 P.M., on Monday, July 30, 1962. at the office of said Board. in the Court House. at Shelt,,u. Washington. DATED THIS 6th day of July. 1062. BOARD OF' COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. B) • C. NOLAN fASON Clerk of said Board. 7/12-19-21 No. 3371 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matte," of the Estate of Jake C. Bo,'si, Deceased. FLOYD E. BORST is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in dul)lieate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address helow stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof ot such service, within six months after the date of first publication of thii notice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: June 28, 1962. FIOYD BORST Executor 2112 Island Lake Dr. Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 l& N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 6/28-7/5-12-19 - 4t CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be recek'ed by the Board of Directors of Sheltn Co,sol idated School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington. for 80,000 gallons, nlore or less• of P.S. 300 fuel oil and 50.000 gallons, nlore or less. of P.S. 400 fuel oil. Bids will be received for vupplying all fuel oil or any one type Nellie S. Byrne, has fih'd in tlu! office of t]lP eJprk i)f said court llJs final ac- IJOultt and petiliou foi' dinlributh)n, a:kiltg' tht! court hi sl*tlle said l'l'p(il'l* disirlbute the. prol)erty to tho p(rsoas ilere'o eutitled and to dinchal'Ke said adullnlstrator ; and thal said aecoun[ t!ll(i petiiion witl i)e heard ou the 31'(1 (lily of AUgUSt, ]962, at 10:00 A.M. by 1lie llbot'l calitled court, at which JlUe and I)bte(! till)' l)erson interested Ill sltJd estate lllay al)pear and file ol)- (cti(Ins [hereto aIld contest till! sallle. Dated tiffs 6th day of July, 1962. HARRY DI,]YETTE DPputy Clerk rEBBLES, SWANSON & LINI)SKOG Attorneys fur Adminintrator 202-206 Securiiy Building Olynipia, Washington 7/12-19-26-3t NO. 2878 NOT1CE OF IIEARING FINAL REPORT AND I'ETITION FOR I)IST]{IBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON I'OR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In tile nlater of tic estate of DAISY ADAMS DOUGLAS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DORIS :MILLER, Adniinistratrix, iias filed in the office of the Clerk qf said Court a final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to settle aid rel)ort, distribute tile ln'operty to he persop-s thereto entitled and to dis- charge the petitioner as adnlinistratrix; and that said report and petition will be heard on the 10th day of August, 1962, at ..10:00 o'eh)ck In the forenoon of said day, or as soon the.reafter as the matter can be heard at the court ro0nl of the above-entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason County, Washington, at which tinle and place any person interested in said Estate may appeal" and file ob- jections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 6th (lay el" July, 1,.)62. HARRY DEY'TE Clerk of Court, GLENN E. CORREA Atorney for ]statq Bell Bldg., 121 South 4th St• Shelton, Washington. 7/1,2-19-26-8/2-4t NOTICE OF GJtOUND WATER frIGHT APPLICATION NO 6260 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- ()URCES. OLYMPIA. ' TAKE NOTICE: That Mount Vernon Sand & Gravel O,). for Roy Edward Grossman of Mount Vernon, Washington on April 18, 1962 filed application for I)ermit to withdraw tuhlic ground waters through a well situated within SW.:iNE7 of Section 8, Townshtl) 20N., .Range 4 W.W,M., in Mason CMunty, in the amount of 580 gallons per minute, ,,ub- (leiay, che('l¢ today. You do nol have to reLire con:p]oLely in or- dor to receive sonic benefits, said C. A. Skinner, inanag'er of the Olympia district office. There are more tha!l ;t niillion workers age 65 oz' (ivel' in this COllLtry A'ho can reeeivo s()n]e so- cial se.cuvity monthly benefits. F,e- fore 1961 a person entitled to ben- (flits who carned ow, r $2,080 and worked ;tll 12 months of 1;he year could not reeeive a check for any monih tn the year. However, as a rest!It of the latest anmndments to the law, workers of retircment age cat: receive some social se- curity payments even thougil their earnings are sl!bstantially over ,$2,080 for the year. Tbe 1961 arnendments to the social secm'ity law provide that $1 of the total benefits payaMe to a family during a year tie with- held for every $2 the worker earns between $1,200 and $1,700. Deduc- tions foc earnings in excess of $1700 will be on a dollar for dol- lar basis. Under the law it may be possible for a worker with de- pendents who are also entitled to social security benefits to earn up to $4400 in a year and still receive some social security bene- fit's. In addition, the benefiL ('.an be paid for any month in which the beneficiary doesn't earn more than $100 in wages and doesn'L partici-i pate in the operation of a business, no matter how nlnch he earns dnr- ing the year. Skinnei' urged anyone age 65 or over who hasn't checked on his social security rights to get in l touch with the Social Security i Office, 1007 So. Washngton, Olym- Pia. Legal Publications NO. 3325 NOTICI'; OF IIEAItlNG (iN FINAl. BI,:POiIT AND I*I,;TITION FOil i)lSTill IIITION. IN TIlE SUPEIIOII COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASitINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter t,f the Coliibincd Estates ol ALBERT ARTZ and MATILDA of fuel oil. iect to existing rights continuously, t-;ARTZ. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEI¢.EBY GIVEN that Specifications slay be secured at each year for the purl)ose ()f luanll- I-letena t v. ]¢.ae, Executrix o[ Illt Last the. Offlee of Clerk in the Evergreen faeturing. Will and Testauient oI Albert Bartz, School, Shelton, Wanhingtou. Bids will An)" objections must he a(eompan- deceased, and Admiuistratrix (,f tile I)e received at the Office of the Clerk led by a two dollar ($2.00) recording estate of Matilda Bsrtz. d(ceasc(l, has uutil 8:00 p.ul., August 14, 1962, at fee and filed with the State Supervisor filed wilh the Clerk .f tll', aimve en- -.,hich time the bids will be opened of Water Resources within thb'ly (30) titled Court her final report and pc- end publicly read at the regular meet- days from July 26. 1962.. tition fo!' distribution asl¢ing tile ing of the Board of Directors. Witness ruy hand and official seal [ Court to settle and approve said final The Board reserves the right to re- this 23rd day of April, 1962. fuse all)' or all hidn. report and petitiou f(ir distributhm, By Order of the Board of Dh'eetors M.G. WALKER It,, distribut! the ln'(qmrty tlw l)cr- July 10. 1962. State Supervisor of + s, lis l;ller.¢to erlLiti'!d and to tlischarge LAURA T. MURPHY. Clerk Water l.esoul'ces the said Executrix ;llld Adniinislratrix. 7/19-26 8/2 3t 7/19-26-2t NOTICE IS FURTtIER GIVEN that ............ • said final report and petition for dis- lribution will be beard on Friday, the 17 day of August, 1962, at lhe hour (l' 10 o'clock in the forcuoon al tim ERB ROTTER and ,+,,,,,w+,,,,+,,',, ",+ ,,, H t ) DATED TtlIS 10ih day <)f July, I,)I;2, 1-1A 1 H.Y D I']YETTE ....... ASSOCIATES Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker Office -- Phone 426-6642 Evenings --; Phone 426-3530 2 BEDROOM HOUSE compleLely furnished. 100' of waterfront with tidelands on Hood Canal. Full price $16,500, terms. , $ ll: 3 CHOICE ISLAND LAKE LOTS. 50 foot frontage. Excellent ,. buildin K sites. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD LOTS on Spencer Lake, Can be purchased on terms. , . . ill 2 BEDROOM HOUSE close to shopping center. Can be pur- chased with nothing down. Monthly payments like rent. Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North 15t Street Union TW 8-2429 ¢ i i , ,H SOME EXCELLENT BUYS ONE OF SHELTON'S VERY FINEST HOMES ... This stunning home is one for the books! It's a dream from the time you drive up. Has 3 lovely bedrooms, an exquisite din- ing room, attractive den, and a very popular family room. You'll like the two colorful bathrooms, pretty fireplaces, versatile kit- chen, large separate workshop, award-winning yard, and fine kennel. A home we know will please you! By appointment. WE'RE WILLING TO BET YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS DEAL . , . Because, for the money, this is one of the nicest Older two- bedroom and den homes you'll ever find. Has lovely fireplace, full basement, finest hot air heating, and separate dining room. Beau- tiful view of Olympics, secluded patio, and nice yard with sprink- ling system installed• Only $9500! Who'll get it? A VERY LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME NEAR HOSPITALS . . . A brand new listing--this gracious home has the pluai fea- tures we all look for. Spaciousness throughout, closet space ga- lore, two pretty baths, two grand fireplaces, lovely separate din- ing room, attractive den and family room, two-car garage, and a very nice yard with winding stream. You'll need to see this one to appreciate it. By appointment. WOULD YOU LiKE A CUTEDOWNTOWN BUNGALOW7 ... Where you can walk to Work, stores, churches, etc? Then check over this cozy two bedroom home in fine location and sell- ing for only $6950. Terms• Suggest you see it IF YOU'D LIKE A LOVELY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME... This is certainly one you should see--a few of the many ex- cellent features+include wo fireplaces, dining-family room, mas- ter bedroom has private bath, a dream kitchen with built-in range and oven, oodles of closet space, a handy workshop, etc. Extra large and attractive fenced yard retaining natural beauty of this area. A buy at $18,500! Like to see it? HERE'S A REAL GOOD RENT BEATER! ... Can you imagine being" able to purchase an all-electric Angle- side home on corner lot for only $2500• This one is small, with one large bedroom, but so cozy and economical. It's yours for only $300 down and $30/month. Hard to beat! TRADE IN YOUR PROPERTY ON THIS BUSINESS! ... Not often can we offer a good going business where one per- son can net between $300-$400/month, and a couple could make more, with no experience! Easy work, and compact quarters av- ailable in building. Ideal for one or a couple, AND, 'ou can trade in your home for equity, and pay balance at $60/month. Better check this one today! SEE US FOR RENTALSWe have both homes & apartments. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone 426.6363 • 126 Railroad Ave. as(,n ('.OUllly (21el k. ROBERT L. SNYDER 1251/_. N. 5t.h Shelton. Washinglon Ath)rn:!y J'or said Eslati!s. 7/12-19-26-8/2-4t NO. 5375 NO+I'I(I,; T4) CitI+;1)IT(}I{J IN THE SUPEIIOI COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter I,l' the Estate of MAtY STEWART PATCH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEL%EBY GIVEN that Roy A. Weston i ill(: apil(linted and qualified Executor of lhe Last Will nd Testalnent and of the estate o Mary Stewart Paich, dlct, asl!d, lltaL all persons having clailns against tile saJd deceased Iuust serve the salile duly verified in duplicate with the necessary VOuchers attached. LI])On ilte Executor or his attorney and agent. B. Franklin 1-[euston, aud file sUeil claims together with proof of service with tlle Ch!rk of said Court within six montlm after 12 July 1962. or all claims nol so pre- s(nted and lih!d will he barred. ROY A. WESTON. Executor of said .Esiate, ADDRESS : Aberdeen, Idaho B. FRANKLIN ItEUSTON, Attnrney and agent for Executor, AnKle Bldg., Shelton, Washingtml. 7/12-19-26-8/2-4t NO. 3365 NO'rlCI, TO CI{EI)ITOll IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ()b THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matter el' the Estate of CLAUDE M. H()AGLAND, Dec(ased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat the undersigned hat'l ileen alipointed and have (1ua]ified as eo-cxecuLors f)f the (;state of Claude M. l-h,agland, de- ceased; tllat alt l)el'sons havillg chllnlS against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve tile sinne, duly v,,ri- fled, on said co-executors or their attorneys of record at; the address be/ow staled, and file the same with the clerk of said court, together with proof of stleh service within six (6) nionths afte.r the date of first pubti- ca:ti0n of this notice, or the santo will he barred; Date (if fh'st tnlblication July 19. 1962. JEAN E. JONGEWARD JAMES R. 1-tOAGLAND Co-exe(mtors Ill' said Estate 1205 Norhnl Building Seattle 4, Washington SHIDLER & KING By SNYDER J. KING 1205 Norton Buihling Seattle 4, Washington * Attorneys for the Enlate 7/19-26-8/2-9-4t NO. 3333  NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL ItEPORT AND PETITION FOR Di s'rI{IllUTION IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF "rHPJ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of lhe Estate of ROBERT EBERT. Deceased. Robert E. Hulligc, r, Executor of said Estate, has l'iled with said Court his final report and pvlition for distribu- tion, asking tile Cllul•t to s(!,tle said rel)ort, distribute the lU'Ol)erty to the pln'sons thereto inititled and to dis- charge said Exeut,u'. Said rellOl'l alid petition will b, heard (,n tim 17Lh day i,f August, 1962, at 10 AIM. tit tlhe Courtroolli of saJd Court, in the C,)unty Clulrtbouse ;It Stl(!ltl)ll, Washington. DATED THIS 16tll ,day of JLIly, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE Chq'k of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney tit Law 125V= N. 5th Shelton, Washifigt,m. 7/19-Ld-8/2-9-4t ]%'i[)'1'!(!1,: TO BII)I)I,'IIS Sealed Bids will be received 1)y the City of Shelton until 8:00 p.m. July 31. :1962. then opened and I)t l I ('.ly read aloud for the i)tn'cllase ()t Oil0 new motor grador. Speeifieations and additional infor- lnatlon may be obtanied froni the Clt ' Y Clerk's office at tile City Hall. Tne City of Shelton reserves tho right to reject any and/or aU bids, or to accept the bid most advantageous to the city. Dated this 17th day of July, /962. ALMA K. CATTO, City Clerk 7/19-26 2t ity is sl]ocked by th(' unexpected passing' :LWay of EUgcq'le Brown alld ext:md their deepest svnl- pathy to the family. Only ,'eemt- ly lie and his wife, at.clmlpanied by Igt!gene's brother and wife, Mr, and l.[,'s, Harold Brown of Calif- (rnia, {llld iieir sister, Mrs. Win- Bifred O'Neill, Shelton, enjoyed a two week vacation throtlgh Can- ada :!lid ;he midd!c west. Jimmy Dailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey was admitted to the Sllelh)l Clinic hospltal whe!+e lie lad severitt stitches ta- ken caulked by an ae.cidcnt with i, hay lllo%ver. MR, ANI) MRS. GEO]{GE Twid- well retltrned holne from a weeks wmation in Pentahlma, Calif., where they visited iris mother Mrs. Alice Smith. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey were Mr. r, nd Mrs. Harry Metzerthing of Kansas City, IVio. Mrs. Metzer- lhing and Mrs. Dailey are coulins and had not met ior several years. Mr. brad Mrs. Chester Valley, ccompanled by Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Huibert, Shelton, spent Mon- (lay at the Fair and report it very enjoyable, and also taking in the Lawrence Welk Show. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson and Mrs. Gladys Tozier made a irip east of the Mountains dur- ing the 4th of July to visit Mrs. Tozier's daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Ray Batson, Kenne- wicl:. MR. AND MRS. Arthur 5ohn- son and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Val- ley attended the wedding at the First Methodist church in Shel- ton of Miss Judy Trail and Dale Hicks Sahlrday evening. Mrs. Chester Valley and Mrs. George Valley served the cake and Miss Jan Valley was a candle lighter. If you are interested in tak- ing piano lessons call Rev. Wal- lace Bell, 426-8959. Mr. and Mrs. Hnmphrey Nelson made a trip to Yaldma recently to visit her neice and husband Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shes. Mrs. Arthur Johnson drove to happening on the islands. Sl!ndav School begins at 9:45 wiLh ch!sses for all ages. Young people's nleeiings I junior altd seniort are held each Stmday tvening !ti. (i Tile evening ewmgeiistic service is at 7 p.m. with Rev. Lewis B. Wysong as .;pea I,: e r. Tenino '.me day last week to visit her nlotber, Mrs. Cliff Glendereau. Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh nd family vacationed at Squire State Park and also spent several days wiLh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alberl Whitmarsh in Orting. They also stopped in Seattle for a time with their daughters Dean- rot, Lianna, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. IT WILL SOON be 4-H time, starting Monday, July 30 at Pall- handle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak left lhis week for an extended vaca- tion through Canada and on to visit relatives at Clark, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor will be 'taying at their phtce during their absencc. Mr. and Mrs• Chester Valley, Mr. and Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan attended a family get- together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart DaVenport in Turn- water last Sunday in honor Of Mrs. Valley's mother, Mrs. Sarah Lozier on lie," 88th hirthday. Among others present were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hllbert and son Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud John- son and daughter Janet, WestporI:. i i IN N I J MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J 8ts. ' Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m, Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed•) 7:30 p,m, Eugene Breld, Pastor ' i i i, ,, i i i, i i,ii, i FISHERHEH'S CLUB BA-PTI-ST:€00 5th and Cota ....... Rev. K. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, JULY 22 - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. * 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "The How and What of the Christian Life" (Part II) 6:30 p.m. Youth Groups 7:30 p.m. Evening Service "The Lifelessness of a Livewire Church" ,,,i ,, , , ,, , ,11 i VISIT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 E. Pine St. MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL .......................................................... 9:4:5 A,M. MORNING WORSHIP ........................................................... 11:00 A.M, CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ............................................... 6:00 P;M• EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .............................................. 7:00 P.M. ,,, ,N , , I I ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarenoe A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:00 A.M. -.-Divine Worship, St. Andrew's House, Hood Canal. 11:00 A.M. --- D, ivine Worahip The Church Is always open for meditation and prayer FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Rev. and Mrs. Roy Mourer Supervisors of Northwest District Sunday Morning- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:4.5 A.M. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MTG. 6 P.M. EVENING SERVICE ........ 7:00 P.M. "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" i i i i iiiii i i i , i , i ,i, i FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th snd Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class ll:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Council , , , ,,,,,, ,,,,, , ,, , , i i ii i i  i i i,, , . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Arcadia and Lake Boulevard I Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. I Worship ..... ....... 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:3q p.m. | Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. I Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service l THE METHODIST GHUROH North 4th and Pine Streeta ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Chbroh School, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. RRST GHUROH OF GHRIST, SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shell:on, Ws|h. Sunday Schpol 9:30 t.m. (hurch 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room houri i to 4 p.m. Mon. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:;. '