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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I"age 20 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown; U.S.A."&apos; Shelton, Washington i i i i i i i ii i ., i, i , ...... i i . Airmen Visit Lake Nahwatzel " 1 * '   Sinking S hF 0  + "  :: ,. i Deter 5h in earc r Downed Plane + + ,. , , m  _ )Uple of Sheltonians S1 b... i I il operate a jeweh'y addq ith the fLY boys ill tim squad INiy Pearsall of Ehna drovc lto !]A. ::. i % ' r []  • rant respectively, 15-f [] ri ,- marine motto of l( i,)' I ]'k(I'l Ir }'I ' '" beaded towards lhe Taeotna last Friday. 'el.v nf the trash, earlier in !.lit: I.AST $IJNI}AY guests at the : 4.., ".i :: ::/ 5;  -  [   cling the scenario a fi ,uth,a,stc' °f arl 1"107 jet' Thc Pn° Albert Kuhutc ranch were Mr'L:aicty "'t .. Iandy Case returnec| ""'"!-i}211 /(/F  FA' ..s "'.:.    resof Westport's BeClwhat felt the (an Pa.ine Air Field had pa.ra- Henry Chappelt and chihh'en of > -- rao mecca. O mt,d to but the plane was MatioelL' :'m ; 1 t-fishing in a meci mloli.dle(t. 'lh('. c.rash oecured t, ome witil them for a weeks visit. xA .  op when Beck- men of the b R heal the . ok in ':* .. - ' IvlYs. l-Ierlty Cilappell entertain- ]'l' ''''' " g''O] ' ]  11'  { ( ' ' '[1' "'f '' l m : " ::b " 2:2:: ' Pec,e Of the the .." .'  g ': I e, t's at a. picnic i .... , ,a,:....'. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson n;o Monday at Shaei'fer State Park. ; lb, e},:. gu,,s}..:, last wet:k ,thew Th,,,e guests were Randy Case, i::  lderman 'r slurs; t ' • an(lenndren rlcm, ro an(J t.,l!ma Jane Chappell, Nancy Stodden,  motorboat when fish {\\; O ft (. IlllN( ll l(laV LD( I r r ' ','. ' '' ".". '. . *'. JI (13 an l Jaekie Landis, Amanda I/iy dawned that and eked ul) Mrs. Pllil P}trl{er and '['liver, B;/.rl)ara Spalllding, Betty g in ankle-deep snar ) IF) Ill( { lntp g o In(| near /[ of  • • " i v ' seemed to indi- '  " " . • g lines and food was en.o.ed i D Was in the stern 'tinier \\;lwre they nleL Mz'. and by all rs, Salll ]-]ewson, Granger, and '3/I}" 'alht Mrs Lee Dawson drove was couldn't be ++,.++ +n+ + + ++ o,, w++ ++ v++,+, + ,+ + ++y, ,, +,++,, +to u s RIB STEAK . .+n + + wee ' , - - MONI@A'V evening" guests of Mr. Lynwood,. 0, and called on Mr. andklper )erget Hildm';manready to CHOICE BEEF °'°- '°y began edging M 1 's. Otto 17 ')stwick, Shelton. MIK]E ]tl.CI(SON returncd to ....... il ,i, lo insert his hem , l.lst St,nday after ,<:__ __. - k await arrival +,;l-. m,, ,,lrs.  ', , .' . " ....... I" Cubes or , ...., .. u ......  -a.., v, weeks stay at Miracle Ranch • i" - ..... - , ' • - • I-. . . the gun- a.e.u ",' ................. (I ttolstslm" Lake 'lhat aftel I3h, ek(}r \\; ednesday eve ........ " • Jerms, rail with Ad Prices Effective JULY 19-20-21 PORK LOIN ROAST WELL TRIMMED m dinary day of living was had lie ,;qllH.l eal' 'l'rOlll MkX{lrd Air- t,'(}T'(:c ]:,'ls(' (]rove |lp anti a few l')lil/lltrl I;.ltcl' 17:21) l),tll,) l.w(I Iov,.- flying helic(qHoerS app()ared on I he F,C(*Ile. Oln? circled tile store gev- el'al til)l,es until hc made collla,e[ wilh the fly boys ill tim squad Ct,)' {heI'l ,}'le3; lle;td(r(I Iowar(ls lilt' N('OlIt' flf Lilt) trash, earlier ill tilt: d a 'V, t',hUt¢'(] LO :qalet?] bill lilt plane was denlolishe(t. solltbwest ,q/llleff*.l" +a]]le ]/a.rlKI. s |beir gll('st.,4 grnndehihiren tichard and Cllen(ta Me\\;V.qrlH 01 {i)'llla.el ', Nllll(lay they picked up Mrs. Phil Parlgel chiMrerl of Olympi' and all drove till re) the ealrtp gl'Ollnd ileal' Wit. Ra.irder where they nit|. 1', aIld Mrs. Sam ]-]ewson all oil joyed I1 and Mrs. Itewson returned to their bo)yle hll'e Snnday evr)ilillg. ;r)(l Mrs. Janles Bleekcr were Mr alld Mrs. Otto Bosl.wick, Shelton. Shell, oil, calle.d on .]alli(S noon Kathy Hiekson and Francis 21/2 lo 31 lb. aver, ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpi Springer .rod children drove up to Brinnon I;l Stnlda.y where they visited with Mr. a, nd Mrs. Fred Sl)ringcr. TIwy also visit.ed wilh Mr. and Mrs. H.obert 131erM of Spokane, ,VIIo %vel'e lleNl.N of the Sprillgers ill [.:{ r hlIloll, SITNI)AY I}INNEI[ guests or M3'. and Mrs. Anq(,l TvP1L we+re Mr. :l'ld Mr'-;. Kellnolll Jolnls(lll and family of SkoRomish Valhky. Mi:t lctty Kelley (ff Matlclek :rlrl Miss Sandra Tllpper of the l,esort enjoyed very inu(th t,he ciI'cIIS lll b;h¢,llon Sn.tllrday lligllt. .i was lhe \\;V(malchee Y'oIIt|l Clr- 2HS. Mr. and Mrs (lyde Pearsall ol Elrna vigited Sa.tllrda.y evening at lilt, holn, of Mr. ;tnd Irs Arellie Kdley, ]V]I'. ,ltld Mr,q, I¢l'alll( (Alt)p(ir und Teresa Trimble left for their weeks stay at the ranch which is located near Port Orchard. Mrs. Clifford Ford spent sev- t ral day9 last, week in Auburn visiting i;. the home of ier friend Mrs. Sam MeCorkle. Thank you neighbors for yore" lieVv'8 [111(I as you kllow we ]lavc ,,old the Resort and decided Lo lal(e a fe.w weeks vacation so dllr- }ng lny :tbsenee this coltllllll will be wrH.t.en by :] yotlng lady nanled Sandra Tupper. Her folks pur- chased lhe Resort from us recent- ly. Sandra graduaLed from Para- mollnl HiK]I Sehool lasL year ]]] ];tl'alll(Hlnt, Ca, lif. and Js t very eha!-ming y(mng htdy thal I know you will enjoy giving' your news to), We will be headed for Ala- blLl/Ut SO(llq but will receive the Jollrl]:ll so Call kee I) lip on tile l(inle i},Jws. See yotl all when ""+"++"" ......... +i FRESH LEAN at tb*' hoTne of Mr. an(r Mrs. Rob- ;:..... ... :.,!:":i, .:";( " vid CI1 l/llil] 'ba nl i'o(ll'iled honle wit 1 the Co()r.' f( r a w(el+.'s .... .... 00,...,s 0, CHOPS Visit ;it |he Lake, +'"'+""'+ + PORK ,,lid ,,,,ll,,,, ,,,(,e ,,,,d.y din,,,'+ LAKEFAIR FETE . ................. After viewing' ()lympia's Lakc- 35 Earn Library '"" "'"'"" +'"""'" ++""+ Ib Presidcllt ClJve Tr(l V of tile. lltSOll (;Or)lily I,'oresl, leesLival Associa- [J(HI, l'et)orted tO the ,JOLlI'lla.]: " ,,@i"'.. ........ 4¢ S R di "It was a pleasure to see our own Sinlpson-Mason County float ummer ea , +,,. ,,+ .,+ ,.,++n +;,. w,,o + V(!I'C SO pro[id 1.o htlve a pal't ill allO[)lel' cx(:itilI; alld co]orftll Pr+gramDipJ0mas 'I'll l'[ ' IIV(' CJll[(ll'(ql ll:t V(" ;li- ;'(,;t(ly (,;:lt('tl lh(qr ([ll)]Olnl)s Iol' Jq'll(l)ll¢" ¢(11 b()okN ill [,lilt "(.Jeldltl'y 21 " l{ea dill/4 Clul) ;ll ;}'l('] LOYI Ill )lit l.,il)rll'y, hially or.hers h;tV0 ('(mlul,t',:d civbl o[' Ill[l(' ])()Olg.S. and will q)t;difv wry soon for their ,qIlcqH;ls. 'lql(')'O is still p]('lqty of lllllo b('l,r(* S(l)l. 7 \\;,,,]oll lhe (lllb C] O,'4(,S |:(t! [hO{(' Vll(t i'laV(! jtlSl ,i(/})'/(ql, rll' I'OF I1('\\;'." lllel/lbel's xA'bo ( illIll- tl'llo | ]](' {.Jhlb IIO\\;V. LO 1'ea(l 1 Cll booi{S O1 their own chohx) !Foln lilt- IAbrary and (,;;r |heir ¢:Jpltl/llaS too. i{o;-t Of )ll().e \\;:bo havo fillishe¢l |.cql hooks ]1HVe ,OIH' (Ill read|IlK, just becau.;(, they filld it is fllrl. BilJy ]3a rrc,n. Mary l)uekltarrl, 13onise 1?]e)'ric|, Pa lal(.'lfl 1?]O]ltlall. Marilyn Ok;Ira), 1?h:v(qqy }{i118 ;tlld Iildv :iisI.{Oll |lave l,ead tYIOl'c |ban |Vt'Ill y br)oks PHcb. 'l'il,.'.e ',.llihb'( l [(lo have Cal'Tle(I ttl(,ir dit)]onl;s I)V r('a(un/. lell or I'fll)V(' booils: }'et]l i]alTOII. Terryl Carlsen Citl(.ty CI()\\;v, [)Oil J.)onai(l- ,(a']. Joh.1111y I];iK()l ,, (+(ll)lliC },'red- tgrl, (2oil,'lie I,'llller, Sha, ri GI',IV('I'. K'aL Hohnan, Vicky 1den. Jlldilh Iaalt.rn. Martin Leeblu'g, Leihl L(wke. Kare] Mnnll. (JbeJ'i( Miljollr, t[]ll'(tl Mot, Vi('ki Noreen. l)allny ltl i,t de, "F:|e il from hie, l.hol.lgh, |.he lOSl ;tl'|Jll]]y deeol'a|.cd eal' IlIld Ihe love|it's[ royalty I sa'¢v was our own 14h'sLival Qllcen Darlene 17Io ml fi(dd add OLIY Princesses Colleen L)ombrosl<i and Cathy ] t011S|.OH "Now P('rcy [q'lllIl( Is l't);ll pl()lld (fl" his b('auLifll eollvcrlible, but ]O \\;VFIS IIHtI'C prolld of it LIrt(l llle vir|: had .o arifully decorated H. I ].t)(i\\;V ]'le .'as pl'Olld of his pelll.t lmS.":elLers for the first thing lie Lald \\;v]leH l Hll\\;V hJnl afterward was 'loy, we sllreJy got a, nlost inlhtisiasl.ic response, all the way'. "All 1 eollld t|link o1' to say was 'Ve]J. v,'}ly JIOt ?' Ira" We &)'e mighty I'roltd of ),ilelll [oo. "I hope there will be lots of +{aSOll eOllllty people present at |he MeCleary bear festival on AII'IIS[ l IO give them and the ]Jltle (';l'eell An/;'e.]s ;1 big" hgtn(l, Tbal |)arade st;tl'Ls ;It 10:00 a,nl.". l'resi(lellL Troy cunchled by re- ll]al'ldllg [ha[ he tilougiat tile nlOSl+ tufique float |l the LaRefair l);trod was ;tn enLry frolll Victoria, B,C., d('piclinK a doff sled cr(issing /lle sno\\;vy WaSl,es Illlflel- a brilliant display of Ins aIlrora, bo)'ea]is f;anl(e(t oil eilher sJde by lnollnted Ih)yal policemen. The driver, dogs ;tnrt bol's(n]ell \\;Vel'e Il'leehQnica]]y N3re SliNarl l-;t IlS, DaA,id l;il'lg'H ] a(:livaLed. ,/tidy Swlndell, I.,(t]'Jn( Th(lll|)SOll ...................... ]¢h(mda Tb{nlD):(nl, M rR rel' 1 IN POI.ICE ()()IU]VI? *]'vh:z;Ik..l('ane|t.0 \\;;Valdril) ' Ma.rl¢ Tw(i persons appeared in Sllel- Witlenbulg, Wcndy Nye alld Julte ion Police Court /vlonday nighL Zivg-h-r. 14arty W. Peterson Jr.. was fined 'l'h' dil)lollla; will be laiverl tml $25 wJt]l $15 SllSpellded for ncKli- /)lr, t[ tile ehdl elo,;es. It,rld tha K('nl drlvln K. Jack Allen was sent- nlll)l)('l" (]|" b()O](N )*e}¢| dtu'Jng tile cnced t(i Ihree days in jail on a ,mnmer will I]c s|lt)w1] Oil t]lel]l. (:|]argo of drllnk ill pllblic. For A Big Deal On A DODGE SEE BUD PAULEY ¢ ¢ ASPARAGUS Ts,e so.,e. 3/89+¢ 15-oz. Tins ........... GUGUMBER GHIPS U'U 5/1 PORK & BEANS N ,., ...... ,/ T,., 2/45* POTATOES HUNT'S WHOLE, Stock Up! 15-OZ. TIN ............................................ SWIFT'NING SHORTENING ',. 69 € T/'tlUi AT/'I£€ .ONT',.oY Baker Buys! TOMAtOivnm00mv=::"aCATSUPStewed' 15-OZ. T'NSsNIDER,S,+ 14-oz. Bottles ...... 10€ ] 5/'1 6/'1 MAPLE BARS LIQUID BLEACH ............. 49' SHUR-FRESH,sweet. Try 'emM°ist andthis 29 c SALAD DRESSING 49 Week! Pkg. of 6's ...... SHUR-FRESH € quart iar ................ HOT DOG BUNS DOG FOOD J V E T' S" e   I a P 0 P L B v * P 13i+1 Flavor, 15-0z, Tins ............................ IA SHUR-FRESH, piok up 'n plenty for outings! Pkg. of 10'S Hey Kids! Win the world's biggest pack of Cracker Jack... Enter your name now! GRAGKER JAOK FOR ,,i- 4eP AJAX CLEANSER FRENCH FRIES PATIO STEAKS '8/+1oo REG. SIZE 4/+1 Crinkle Cut, 16-oz ............. SUNNEE FROZEN, 69 c 5 Per 15-0z. pkg. ................ APRICOTS ,+wo,, .+, .,,+ MOORPARKS -- 28-LB, BOX Home d RED GARPET Service BALLARo SWeet Milk op PILLSBURy BUttermilk 8-oz. Tube FRE6 H FROZEN C°ncentte, Stock Up! - in the other ae on his fish. himself in must have to get even my sail- a couple of later. . chmg he attempted other hand. losing battle, was, if the l thc thc rescue skip- Lo Mason Coun- for re- s Week from ilities Admin- Butler Han- prelimin- Sargent, consulting '' finishes his' the County lily of -A:' : -,e°mrnisszon can -NP+.:t ad sue to build STAR-KIST CHU :+' before the voters T ' :i Chairman Harry i i i . i!lvaPProval of th'e UR/,iru e enough to on the No- ballot. One can Star- Kist Tuna Free when you mail 3 labels! (See details on label) 3 6-OZ. TINS FOR 1957 DODGE, new motor . . $995,00 1954 PONTmAG . , . , . . $245.00 1953 FORD 4.dr, , , , . 1952 CHEVROLET 4.dr. , . 54 Motor 1950 STUDEBAKER Ghampion Rtms Fine. , $195,00 $150.00 , $75.00 WATERMELONS CALIFORNIA GROWN -- PEACOCK VARIETY 1€ ,,3 LB, CAULIFLOWER 19 c PAULEY HOTORS . PLUMS vmm 2/35' +++ I 7 Oven Baked Beans LUX .oz. fl)/0t't€ Lmmd ( ,.s ,,/O Pi? °"t' Ootorgont, 6¢ OFF 32.0Z' conlr might sus but actually it )ancake real W. Bennet nch diameter revol POWered by a gear and heated by hi to use for the nUal Kiwanis Clul and Park. The br To IW A, Sb Un Lo Masotl local throu bte • akfasL-.- plcLe bility lntil 12:30 dustr bY thc Sawt funds for 38, I), lting classes, Ir the t elalld Park mend hoLcakes, fnr t and othcr verse 0, ..ctt, ]llnlbl is e ' [or adults, plain( lader ten. Vol frolll WiVCS, tit L, Seouts, (" ]'f)"( • lerida of Lc griddle meeti Bal Regic of around memt as,uring on th oy