July 19, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 19, 2007 |
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For a cause, they can and will:
Real Men Can Cook
Lavender Fest on tap,
and lavender wanted
Men will show off their skills
in the kitchen in an effort to help
the homeless next week. Three or-
ganizations involved in homeless
issues in Mason County are spon-
soring a fund-raiser called "Real
Men Can Cook."
Their culinary demonstrations
will run i¥om 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. on Friday, July 27, at Saint
David's Episcopal Church Parish
Hall, on Third and Cedar streets
in Shelton. Real Men Can Cook
will ibature local community lead-
ers, and homeless advocates, pre-
paring delectable treats from all
around the world.
Participating in the event will
be Moses Kirika from Saint Da-
vid's Episcopal Church, an advo-
cate tbr the homeless, making food
from Kenya; Charlie Gay, editor/
publisher of the Shelton-Mason
County Journal creating his fa-
mous cream brulde, and Shelton-
Mason County Chamber of Com-
merce Executive Director Dick
Taylor grilling a delectable Turk-
ish dish.
Other participants include Jim
Ghiglione, Dave Salzer, Jim Frye,
Tony Benner, Juan Perez, Andrew
Be61ik and Kevin Gordham.
Funds raised by this event will
be distributed among the county's
three organizations that assist
with homeless issues, Turning
Pointe Domestic Violence Servic-
es, Mason County Shelter and the
to help the homeless f?fav?eklndilHerNeapaVtt Tupper
on Harstine Island, but islanders Tupper's Floor Coverings and
Moses Kirika
Dick Taylor
Store, Saint David's Episcopal
Church, and Mason County Shel-
ter. Checks should be made out to
Mason County Shelter.
For more information please
call Patti Sells, 490-4714.
Saint David's Episcopal Church
Emergency Cold Weather Shelter.
A $10 donation will include
tastes from each chefs culinary
creativity, coffee and hot or iced
tea. Tickets may be purchased at
the following locations: Sage Book
County seeks volunteers
for waste advisory group
dates fill all of the vacancies.
More information about this
committee is available under
the tab "Advisory Committees"
on the county's Web site: www.
co.mason.wa.us or by calling
Solid Waste Program Manager
David Baker at 427-7771.
pointed, members serve three-year
Anyone interested in partici-
pating on this committee may
submit applications to the Mason
County Commissioners, located
at: 411 North Fifth Street, Shel-
ton, 98584. The county will accept
applications until qualified candi-
Mason County has several va-
cancies open on its Solid Waste
Advisory Committee. This commit-
tee meets monthly and addresses
aspects of the county's waste man-
agement system.
This includes recycling and
household hazardous waste pro-
grams, goals, and funding. If ap-
Two hits,, short run:
Driver arrested
for two crashes
she saw it go offthe roadway, kick-
ing up dust as it went.
Thurston said she passed the
pickup truck and had stopped for
the traffic light at the intersection
when she saw the vehicle behind
her. She said it hit the bumper of
her 2002 Honda and then the driv-
er backed up, went around her ve-
hicle and proceeded down North-
cliff Road. Thurston was not in-
jured, according to police reports.
Five minutes later, a collision
involving a red Toyota pickup and
another vehicle was reported in
the parking lot of Mickey's Dell at
110 West Alder Street downtown.
The state patrol responded to
the scene and arrested Anstey.
A 28-year-old man was arrested
ater crashing his pickup truck
into two separate vehicles at two
different locations within five min-
utes on Saturday afternoon.
Jeffrey Anstey of Shelton was
arrested July 14 by a trooper from
the Washington State Patrol and
could fhce potential charges of
driving under the influence of in-
toxicants, hit and run and reckless
driving, according to information
fl'om the Shelton Police Depart-
The first crash was a rear-ender
at 2:20 p.m. at the intersection of
East K and North 13th streets. Te-
resa Thurston of Shelton reported
seeing a red Toyota pickup truck
driving erratically and told police
_ Northwest summers can be brutal
,i J, i: - hot, cool, hot, cool-- from
.-,.--J/ff: k,_.' ,O.j, day to day Improve your family's
' .t -:-.I[comfort, safety and health as well
' / as saving serious money with a
l'.... new energy-saving Trane XLi heat
-. A,,-, pump comfort system.
" - Callfora FREE ESTIMATE today
$ OFF :
(*Consists of furnace, heat pump and Clean Effects air cleaner)
Present this coupon at time of appointment. Not valid with any other offer. I
Savings with this coupon only Cash value 1/20€. Expires 7/31/07 |
1131 W.
Kamilche Lane
(360) 432-9965
It', Hard To Stop A latw;
aren't the only ones with the fra-
grant herb in mind.
Donna Mann and her daugh-
ter are planning ahead for the
holidays. Mann's son-in-law, Com-
mander Alistair Borchert, is cap-
tain of the USS Gonzalez DDD-
Traditionally, they put togeth-
er about 300 or more "Christmas
socks" for the ship's crew, to help
the sailors feel special. Mrs. Mann
came up with the idea to make
about a hundred little lavender sa-
chets for the women on the ship.
Originally, she had planned to
buy however much lavender she
needed beyond the modest amount
growing in her own garden.
"Then it dawned on me it might
be a loving touch if it all came
from home gardens!" she told The
Journal. Since lavender must be
cut back anyway and some years
she hasn't had any special use
for hers, it occurred to Mann that
other people might love to donate
their lavender to the cause.
teriors is accepting lavender
tions on Mann's behalf. The
ness is located at 1069 SE
Route 3 and is open from 8
to 6 p.m. Monday through
and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Mann says there is no need
dry the lavender. People can
off just a few sprigs or box
full of the herb. All quantities
be ve.ry appreciated. She will
sure to pass on thoughtful
sages and/or names left with
lavender to people on the ship.
"The scent of summer
into a little sachet at
seems especially wonderful.
excited to send that loving
from our homes to women
are away from their homes in
vice to our country at
Mann said.
As for the island's
Festival, there's information
times and events in John Coo
column on page 28 of this
Fund established for
victim of Totten fall
A benevolent fund has been set
up for the Mason County visitor
paralyzed last month in a 40-foot
fall at Totten Inlet.
Those wishing to assist in the
convalescence and recovery of
44-year-old Megan Lumley-Mar-
tin may do so by cash deposit in
"The Megan Lumley-Martin As-
sistance Fund" at any Bank of
America branch. Benethctors also
may make out checks to the bank
in care of the fund and mail them
to 910 Black Lake Boulevard SW,
Olympia, WA 98582.
Lumley-Martin was a guest at
the home of a Totten Inlet friend
June 20 when she fell to the beach
from a 40-foot cliff. She suffered a
severed spinal cord and now needs
a trained service dog and
sive work on her home to
it handicap:friendly, and
expenses combined with
medical bills are ganging up
her, says her Totten Inlet
Theresa Zorad.
2.00 gal
Taylor Towne Store
& Subway
70 SE Lynch Rd. •
Dr. Hook Shrek
Dragon Pack Rat and Tuggs
2911 E. Brockdale Road
Diego Hookules Scrat
At the intersection
of Highway I01
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
SKO0 8 T 0 RE
TOBACCO Made flesh at our own factory
$ 49
Reg. $21.95 + tax NOW BOX
=12gg+ tax
One Pound Bag
SUR6[0 6[N[PdK'S WqMH6: Qoittin Smokie0 ]
Now Greatly HeOuces Serous Risks 1o Your Health.
h C,ETON + tax
Little Cigars
+ tax \\; , ,, ,:.
Walk-In Humidor
of Fine Cigars &
Humidor Accessories
Try our own
Hand rolled-Fine cigars
.............. i iii'! 'i r $,, R.ECEIV] g PER GALLON I',
.65 + tax Ptcselfl th,s oapo* for your FREE KTP Clul,;,]r*l (kx,d film ALL Fu'Hlln, POaL VBLS
HOURS: Mon-Th 6-12 / Ffi & Sat 6-2 / Sun 6-llpm
The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington "Safe To Shop"
"Dedicated to your comfort"
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007
For a cause, they can and will:
Real Men Can Cook
Lavender Fest on tap,
and lavender wanted
Men will show off their skills
in the kitchen in an effort to help
the homeless next week. Three or-
ganizations involved in homeless
issues in Mason County are spon-
soring a fund-raiser called "Real
Men Can Cook."
Their culinary demonstrations
will run i¥om 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. on Friday, July 27, at Saint
David's Episcopal Church Parish
Hall, on Third and Cedar streets
in Shelton. Real Men Can Cook
will ibature local community lead-
ers, and homeless advocates, pre-
paring delectable treats from all
around the world.
Participating in the event will
be Moses Kirika from Saint Da-
vid's Episcopal Church, an advo-
cate tbr the homeless, making food
from Kenya; Charlie Gay, editor/
publisher of the Shelton-Mason
County Journal creating his fa-
mous cream brulde, and Shelton-
Mason County Chamber of Com-
merce Executive Director Dick
Taylor grilling a delectable Turk-
ish dish.
Other participants include Jim
Ghiglione, Dave Salzer, Jim Frye,
Tony Benner, Juan Perez, Andrew
Be61ik and Kevin Gordham.
Funds raised by this event will
be distributed among the county's
three organizations that assist
with homeless issues, Turning
Pointe Domestic Violence Servic-
es, Mason County Shelter and the
to help the homeless f?fav?eklndilHerNeapaVtt Tupper
on Harstine Island, but islanders Tupper's Floor Coverings and
Moses Kirika
Dick Taylor
Store, Saint David's Episcopal
Church, and Mason County Shel-
ter. Checks should be made out to
Mason County Shelter.
For more information please
call Patti Sells, 490-4714.
Saint David's Episcopal Church
Emergency Cold Weather Shelter.
A $10 donation will include
tastes from each chefs culinary
creativity, coffee and hot or iced
tea. Tickets may be purchased at
the following locations: Sage Book
County seeks volunteers
for waste advisory group
dates fill all of the vacancies.
More information about this
committee is available under
the tab "Advisory Committees"
on the county's Web site: www.
co.mason.wa.us or by calling
Solid Waste Program Manager
David Baker at 427-7771.
pointed, members serve three-year
Anyone interested in partici-
pating on this committee may
submit applications to the Mason
County Commissioners, located
at: 411 North Fifth Street, Shel-
ton, 98584. The county will accept
applications until qualified candi-
Mason County has several va-
cancies open on its Solid Waste
Advisory Committee. This commit-
tee meets monthly and addresses
aspects of the county's waste man-
agement system.
This includes recycling and
household hazardous waste pro-
grams, goals, and funding. If ap-
Two hits,, short run:
Driver arrested
for two crashes
she saw it go offthe roadway, kick-
ing up dust as it went.
Thurston said she passed the
pickup truck and had stopped for
the traffic light at the intersection
when she saw the vehicle behind
her. She said it hit the bumper of
her 2002 Honda and then the driv-
er backed up, went around her ve-
hicle and proceeded down North-
cliff Road. Thurston was not in-
jured, according to police reports.
Five minutes later, a collision
involving a red Toyota pickup and
another vehicle was reported in
the parking lot of Mickey's Dell at
110 West Alder Street downtown.
The state patrol responded to
the scene and arrested Anstey.
A 28-year-old man was arrested
ater crashing his pickup truck
into two separate vehicles at two
different locations within five min-
utes on Saturday afternoon.
Jeffrey Anstey of Shelton was
arrested July 14 by a trooper from
the Washington State Patrol and
could fhce potential charges of
driving under the influence of in-
toxicants, hit and run and reckless
driving, according to information
fl'om the Shelton Police Depart-
The first crash was a rear-ender
at 2:20 p.m. at the intersection of
East K and North 13th streets. Te-
resa Thurston of Shelton reported
seeing a red Toyota pickup truck
driving erratically and told police
_ Northwest summers can be brutal
,i J, i: - hot, cool, hot, cool-- from
.-,.--J/ff: k,_.' ,O.j, day to day Improve your family's
' .t -:-.I[comfort, safety and health as well
' / as saving serious money with a
l'.... new energy-saving Trane XLi heat
-. A,,-, pump comfort system.
" - Callfora FREE ESTIMATE today
$ OFF :
(*Consists of furnace, heat pump and Clean Effects air cleaner)
Present this coupon at time of appointment. Not valid with any other offer. I
Savings with this coupon only Cash value 1/20€. Expires 7/31/07 |
1131 W.
Kamilche Lane
(360) 432-9965
It', Hard To Stop A latw;
aren't the only ones with the fra-
grant herb in mind.
Donna Mann and her daugh-
ter are planning ahead for the
holidays. Mann's son-in-law, Com-
mander Alistair Borchert, is cap-
tain of the USS Gonzalez DDD-
Traditionally, they put togeth-
er about 300 or more "Christmas
socks" for the ship's crew, to help
the sailors feel special. Mrs. Mann
came up with the idea to make
about a hundred little lavender sa-
chets for the women on the ship.
Originally, she had planned to
buy however much lavender she
needed beyond the modest amount
growing in her own garden.
"Then it dawned on me it might
be a loving touch if it all came
from home gardens!" she told The
Journal. Since lavender must be
cut back anyway and some years
she hasn't had any special use
for hers, it occurred to Mann that
other people might love to donate
their lavender to the cause.
teriors is accepting lavender
tions on Mann's behalf. The
ness is located at 1069 SE
Route 3 and is open from 8
to 6 p.m. Monday through
and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Mann says there is no need
dry the lavender. People can
off just a few sprigs or box
full of the herb. All quantities
be ve.ry appreciated. She will
sure to pass on thoughtful
sages and/or names left with
lavender to people on the ship.
"The scent of summer
into a little sachet at
seems especially wonderful.
excited to send that loving
from our homes to women
are away from their homes in
vice to our country at
Mann said.
As for the island's
Festival, there's information
times and events in John Coo
column on page 28 of this
Fund established for
victim of Totten fall
A benevolent fund has been set
up for the Mason County visitor
paralyzed last month in a 40-foot
fall at Totten Inlet.
Those wishing to assist in the
convalescence and recovery of
44-year-old Megan Lumley-Mar-
tin may do so by cash deposit in
"The Megan Lumley-Martin As-
sistance Fund" at any Bank of
America branch. Benethctors also
may make out checks to the bank
in care of the fund and mail them
to 910 Black Lake Boulevard SW,
Olympia, WA 98582.
Lumley-Martin was a guest at
the home of a Totten Inlet friend
June 20 when she fell to the beach
from a 40-foot cliff. She suffered a
severed spinal cord and now needs
a trained service dog and
sive work on her home to
it handicap:friendly, and
expenses combined with
medical bills are ganging up
her, says her Totten Inlet
Theresa Zorad.
2.00 gal
Taylor Towne Store
& Subway
70 SE Lynch Rd. •
Dr. Hook Shrek
Dragon Pack Rat and Tuggs
2911 E. Brockdale Road
Diego Hookules Scrat
At the intersection
of Highway I01
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
SKO0 8 T 0 RE
TOBACCO Made flesh at our own factory
$ 49
Reg. $21.95 + tax NOW BOX
=12gg+ tax
One Pound Bag
SUR6[0 6[N[PdK'S WqMH6: Qoittin Smokie0 ]
Now Greatly HeOuces Serous Risks 1o Your Health.
h C,ETON + tax
Little Cigars
+ tax \\; , ,, ,:.
Walk-In Humidor
of Fine Cigars &
Humidor Accessories
Try our own
Hand rolled-Fine cigars
.............. i iii'! 'i r $,, R.ECEIV] g PER GALLON I',
.65 + tax Ptcselfl th,s oapo* for your FREE KTP Clul,;,]r*l (kx,d film ALL Fu'Hlln, POaL VBLS
HOURS: Mon-Th 6-12 / Ffi & Sat 6-2 / Sun 6-llpm
The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington "Safe To Shop"
"Dedicated to your comfort"
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007