July 19, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 19, 2007 |
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PEO EDUCATIONAL AWARDS recently went to three Olympic College
Shelton students. From left are students Elizabeth Marie Leon, Colette
Rosenow and Feather Wagner, along with Marty Brooks, president of
Chapter B of the PEO Sisterhood.
awards scholarships
three students at OCS
cipient, she received $800 from the
Rosenow, the mother of a two-
year-old son, is studying for a
licensed practical nursing cer-
tificate, then plans to study for a
practical nursing certificate, then
plans to study for her registered
nursing certificate. She has been
employed as a medical assistant
by a number of' health-care provid-
ers in Kitsap County. She received
e ree students at Olympic Col-
18!8helton. Feather M Wa er,
it - . . gn
]e ,.re Rosenow and Elizabeth
0 ae Leon, were presented with
;fT M. Knight Achievement
1,, !rds at a meeting last month of
Grant writing topic
for Alliance meeting
The Mason County Nonprofit
Alliance will focus on grantwriting
at noon this Friday, July 20, at
the Shelton Transit & Community
The center is located at 601
West Franklin Street (next door
to the Shelton Cinemas and across
the street from Safeway).
Presenters will include Vittrice
Abel, a freelance grantwriter,
and Bob Bottman, part of the
grantwriting team of Save Our
County's Kids (SOCK).
The Nonprofit Alliance is made
up primarily of social service
nonprofits in Mason County who
want to better serve their clients
by joining together in an organized
network, but meetings are open to
all nonprofits.
Nonprofit Alliance meetings
are always on the third Friday
of the month. More information
and directions to the Shelton
Community & Transit Center are
available by calling Sue Sheldon
at 432-0815, or e-mail sock@sock.
org. Kim Klint may be reached at
427-9670, Extension 543, or e-mail:
kak@co.mason.wa.us. Attendees
may bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea
and water will be provided.
is back ,n
'][Pter B of the PEO Sisterhood, bachelor's degree in nursing and $200.
[hilanthropic and educational registered nursing certificate. She ..............
nization. .... /
nas been employea as a K1Qney Q1- .-- , , . ,. , .
l;gaer, " ........ 1he wiary wi. rmgnt Acmeve-
men Awarus are aeslgnea m ormg RASIp B E E 1
I • women increased opportunities in
boy, is studying to obtain an alysis technician for the past eight
• years. Also a Maury Scholarship . . .
, uahn 1 higher education Kmght was one
[1. g certificate and associ- recipient, Rosenow rece'ved $500. ,.
rclegreeinbusiness. Sheplans Leon is the mother ofboys ages 9 ofMasonCountysforemosteduca- IRIONBE I
[tUdy for a bachelor s degree in and 14, and wife of a retired sailor, tors and an early superintendent
.Lrting.,| Also a Pell Grant re- She is working toward a licensed of county schools.
fp d g d I
o rocee in s ordere
K " P NOW! I
amllche threats sus ect
4i ental-health evaluation $500,000 bail, was arrested follow- to the scene and fired tear gas into
1Len °rdered f°r a 34-year-°ld ing a tense' five-h°ur stand°if July the residence" At first' deputies I /
a man arrested July. 2 aier 2 in the Kamilche area. The sheriffs thought Brown field was trying to
agun at two law enforcement office reported that at about 11:30 surrender until he went back into
r rs. p.m. deputies were notified by fam- the residence and armed himself
ess Daniel Brownfield, of 4469
ily members that Brownfield was with a shotgun. Deputies used a
[0onafield Road, appeared July
| threatening to shoot and kill them. taser to subdue Brownfield.
Mason County Superior Court Family members said they took
Brownfield's shotgun but he took it
back and informed them he was go-
ing to kill everyone and didn't care
if he went back to prison.
Family members did not ini-
tially report the incident but called
911 when they believed Brownfield
was outside the residence at 4469
SE Bloomfield Road.
Deputies and Squaxin Island
tribal officers responded to the Ka-
milche-area residence and located
Brownfield in a trailer at 4581 SE
Bloomfield Road. He allegedly re-
fused to come out of the trailer and
told officers he was going to kill
them and himself. At least three
shots were fired by Brownfield
from inside the trailer. One shot
was fired where deputies had been
standing when they ordered him
out of the residence.
He was taken into custody after
the sheriffs office Special Emer-
gency Response Team responded
• Ideal for siding, wood, stucco, block
and masonry surfaces
• Expands & contracts w/temperature
• Soap & water clean-up
124 99,°,<
'taP'Model 663-91 Model 663-91
(151397) (15356)
• No special primers needed
. on previously painted surfaces
Excellent durability in all climates
9, 134',,',
'WIIIIWMode1668-91 Model 668-91
(152923) (151501 )
,peeling &
:':iii iii ii!!iii:: :: iiii
• Made with mineral spirits
• Thins oil-based paint, stain, and varnish
• Helps eliminate brush marks
• Improves leveling and increases
penetration 99
• Cleans brushes and
degreases tools
Model GKPT94400
5 GAL :
• High-quality kit contains-yellow Golden
FIo 3/8 roller, sturdy 9" roller frame with
a 5-wire cage and threaded grip, and
11' rust-resistant
1-quart steel paint
Model R914-9
Prices effective July 18 - 22, 2007 Limited to stock on hand U.haul pricing Delivery available for additional cost
.................. PROllulld '
114 E Cedar Street
Weekdays 7:00-6:00
Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9:00-5:00
rraigament, but Judge Toni
o ordered a stay of proceed-
t.hen attorney Rick Cordes
7 l he court the incident that led
r0wnfield's arrest may have
a attempt to commit suicide.
ed that'Brownfield be evalu-
Y Western State Hospital for
tency. A review of the evalu-
is set for August 13.
wafield, who is being held on
peal housing
00thority will
00eet July 26
Pl Board of Commissioners of
Ii;' ason County Housing Au-
nty Will meet at 8 a.m. Thurs-
July 26, at Alpine Way Re-
[eat Apartments, 900 Alpine
Credit Union/
Shelton • Ehna • Mcleary
800.426.5657 • ww.ourcu.com
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
PEO EDUCATIONAL AWARDS recently went to three Olympic College
Shelton students. From left are students Elizabeth Marie Leon, Colette
Rosenow and Feather Wagner, along with Marty Brooks, president of
Chapter B of the PEO Sisterhood.
awards scholarships
three students at OCS
cipient, she received $800 from the
Rosenow, the mother of a two-
year-old son, is studying for a
licensed practical nursing cer-
tificate, then plans to study for a
practical nursing certificate, then
plans to study for her registered
nursing certificate. She has been
employed as a medical assistant
by a number of' health-care provid-
ers in Kitsap County. She received
e ree students at Olympic Col-
18!8helton. Feather M Wa er,
it - . . gn
]e ,.re Rosenow and Elizabeth
0 ae Leon, were presented with
;fT M. Knight Achievement
1,, !rds at a meeting last month of
Grant writing topic
for Alliance meeting
The Mason County Nonprofit
Alliance will focus on grantwriting
at noon this Friday, July 20, at
the Shelton Transit & Community
The center is located at 601
West Franklin Street (next door
to the Shelton Cinemas and across
the street from Safeway).
Presenters will include Vittrice
Abel, a freelance grantwriter,
and Bob Bottman, part of the
grantwriting team of Save Our
County's Kids (SOCK).
The Nonprofit Alliance is made
up primarily of social service
nonprofits in Mason County who
want to better serve their clients
by joining together in an organized
network, but meetings are open to
all nonprofits.
Nonprofit Alliance meetings
are always on the third Friday
of the month. More information
and directions to the Shelton
Community & Transit Center are
available by calling Sue Sheldon
at 432-0815, or e-mail sock@sock.
org. Kim Klint may be reached at
427-9670, Extension 543, or e-mail:
kak@co.mason.wa.us. Attendees
may bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea
and water will be provided.
is back ,n
'][Pter B of the PEO Sisterhood, bachelor's degree in nursing and $200.
[hilanthropic and educational registered nursing certificate. She ..............
nization. .... /
nas been employea as a K1Qney Q1- .-- , , . ,. , .
l;gaer, " ........ 1he wiary wi. rmgnt Acmeve-
men Awarus are aeslgnea m ormg RASIp B E E 1
I • women increased opportunities in
boy, is studying to obtain an alysis technician for the past eight
• years. Also a Maury Scholarship . . .
, uahn 1 higher education Kmght was one
[1. g certificate and associ- recipient, Rosenow rece'ved $500. ,.
rclegreeinbusiness. Sheplans Leon is the mother ofboys ages 9 ofMasonCountysforemosteduca- IRIONBE I
[tUdy for a bachelor s degree in and 14, and wife of a retired sailor, tors and an early superintendent
.Lrting.,| Also a Pell Grant re- She is working toward a licensed of county schools.
fp d g d I
o rocee in s ordere
K " P NOW! I
amllche threats sus ect
4i ental-health evaluation $500,000 bail, was arrested follow- to the scene and fired tear gas into
1Len °rdered f°r a 34-year-°ld ing a tense' five-h°ur stand°if July the residence" At first' deputies I /
a man arrested July. 2 aier 2 in the Kamilche area. The sheriffs thought Brown field was trying to
agun at two law enforcement office reported that at about 11:30 surrender until he went back into
r rs. p.m. deputies were notified by fam- the residence and armed himself
ess Daniel Brownfield, of 4469
ily members that Brownfield was with a shotgun. Deputies used a
[0onafield Road, appeared July
| threatening to shoot and kill them. taser to subdue Brownfield.
Mason County Superior Court Family members said they took
Brownfield's shotgun but he took it
back and informed them he was go-
ing to kill everyone and didn't care
if he went back to prison.
Family members did not ini-
tially report the incident but called
911 when they believed Brownfield
was outside the residence at 4469
SE Bloomfield Road.
Deputies and Squaxin Island
tribal officers responded to the Ka-
milche-area residence and located
Brownfield in a trailer at 4581 SE
Bloomfield Road. He allegedly re-
fused to come out of the trailer and
told officers he was going to kill
them and himself. At least three
shots were fired by Brownfield
from inside the trailer. One shot
was fired where deputies had been
standing when they ordered him
out of the residence.
He was taken into custody after
the sheriffs office Special Emer-
gency Response Team responded
• Ideal for siding, wood, stucco, block
and masonry surfaces
• Expands & contracts w/temperature
• Soap & water clean-up
124 99,°,<
'taP'Model 663-91 Model 663-91
(151397) (15356)
• No special primers needed
. on previously painted surfaces
Excellent durability in all climates
9, 134',,',
'WIIIIWMode1668-91 Model 668-91
(152923) (151501 )
,peeling &
:':iii iii ii!!iii:: :: iiii
• Made with mineral spirits
• Thins oil-based paint, stain, and varnish
• Helps eliminate brush marks
• Improves leveling and increases
penetration 99
• Cleans brushes and
degreases tools
Model GKPT94400
5 GAL :
• High-quality kit contains-yellow Golden
FIo 3/8 roller, sturdy 9" roller frame with
a 5-wire cage and threaded grip, and
11' rust-resistant
1-quart steel paint
Model R914-9
Prices effective July 18 - 22, 2007 Limited to stock on hand U.haul pricing Delivery available for additional cost
.................. PROllulld '
114 E Cedar Street
Weekdays 7:00-6:00
Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9:00-5:00
rraigament, but Judge Toni
o ordered a stay of proceed-
t.hen attorney Rick Cordes
7 l he court the incident that led
r0wnfield's arrest may have
a attempt to commit suicide.
ed that'Brownfield be evalu-
Y Western State Hospital for
tency. A review of the evalu-
is set for August 13.
wafield, who is being held on
peal housing
00thority will
00eet July 26
Pl Board of Commissioners of
Ii;' ason County Housing Au-
nty Will meet at 8 a.m. Thurs-
July 26, at Alpine Way Re-
[eat Apartments, 900 Alpine
Credit Union/
Shelton • Ehna • Mcleary
800.426.5657 • ww.ourcu.com
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7