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commission roundup: Rodeo royalty win titles
00nne commends board By REBECCAWELLS Laboratory. Mak has participated 2007.
It was virtually a tailgate par- in Mason County 4-H for 11 years BESIDE$ READING their
peview resident Ray Jenne Clerk's Office. ty. and is currently president of the speeches, the contestants un-
Night Riders 4-H Club. Her par- derwent personal interviews,
of things to say at • Authorized Dave Loser, the Four contestants turned out to ents are Hans Mak and Laurie answered impromptu questions
meeting of the Mason Equipment Rental and Revolv- vie for titles on the Mason Coun-
Board of Commissioners ins Fund manager, to utilize ty Rodeo Royalty Court for 2008. Mak-Hebden of Shelton. and performed horsemanship
day, July 17. First, he ex- post-for-quotes and telephone- Two, Jenny Johnson and Katie BOTH JUNIOR princess can- patterns, icluding a queen's run
his supportofthe Mason bid procedures to purchase 50 Mak, competed for the queen's 4idates won their 2008 titles, and a flagrun.
oard of Commissioners' feet of pipe and culvert for public crown, while Emily Worf and Worf is 15 and will be a sopho- Judges were Candy Gratton,
proposal to place a ]/]0 of i works. The approximate cost is Kailyn McIrvin tried out for the more at Shelton High this fall. Sarah Davis and April Brunzie.
sales tax on Now.mber's $9,000 plus tax. She is the daughter of Scott and Gratton, from Bremerton,
to fund emergency cam- • Authorized an ordinance junior princesstitles.
in the county. Jenne amending a section of the Ma- The competition took place Kerry Worf of Shelton. She has is president of the Miss Rodeo
in person at the cam- son County Code to increase the Saturday, July 14, at the Mason spent eight years in Mason Coun- Washington program. She is also
lets' meeting to commend amount of sales-and-use tax for County Fairgrounds and Con- ty's 4-H program and is currently on the advisory board for Miss
ng to improve the public facilities and economic vention Center. Each contestant president of the Country Cadence Rodeo America and is pageant
emergency communica- development from .08 to .09 per- gave her speech from the back of 4-H Club. She also has been a director for the Miss Kitsap Fair
cent. a 2007 Dodge Quad Cab donated Shelton Kings competition cheer- and Stampede.
leader for three years and spent Davis is from Cosmopolis and
by Gillis Auto Center. This cam-
gems to be an asset to the • Authorized an agreement pany has been a major sponsor of one year on the Shelton All Star is currently queen coordinator for
of those departments with Scott E. Wilson to provide a the Mason County Dodge Truck Cheer team. the Thurston County Posse. Brun-
deploy and it will pro- market appraisal of Mason Lake Rodeo. McIrvin is also 15 and a sopho- zie, from Aberdeen, was 2004
information to Picnic Park. more-to-be at Shelton High. She Miss Kitsap Fair and Stampede,
told the board. And on Tuesday, July 10, cam- JOHNSON WON the queen's is a lifelong resident of Shelton 2003 Grays Harbor Posse Queen
r, during that same meet- missioners: crown. She is a 17-year-old stu- and is the daughter of Mike and and 2001 Black Hills Wrangle
commissioners autho- * Authorized the Washington dent enrolled at both Shelton Lynette McIrvin. She has been in Rodeo Queen.
g $19,282 in the State Interagency Committee for High School and Olympic Col- Mason County's 4-H program for Michele Hunter, the 2007 Ma-
for the current ex- Outdoor Recreation resolutions lege through the Running Start nine years, currently serving as son County Rodeo Queen, will of-
for the Mason County for the Mason Lake Boat Launch program. She is an honor stu- secretary of the Wind Riders 4- ficially pass on her crown and title
Department. This Project, Latimer's Landing Proj- dent in the top 10 percent of her H Club. She has been a Shelton at the fifth annual Mason County
will cover increased op- ect and the Camp Govey Back- class, president of FFA, a mem- Kings competition cheerleader for Rodeo Shindig in March at the
expenses and workload country Trails Project. ber of German Club and a three- one year and already was serving fairgrounds. The new queen and
the recent election of a • Awarded a contract for the year member of the Shelton High as a junior princess on the Mason her court will appear at numerous
Hartstene Pointe Pipe Bursting School Dance Team. She has par- County Rodeo Royalty Court for activities throughout the year.
end of May, the civil Proposal to Northwest Under- ticipated in Mason County's 4-H
department had already water Construction of Vancouver program for eight years and cur- mitt F JttF
than 70 percent of its for the amount of: $139,279.63. rently belongs to the Rebel Riders
though its normal bench- * Authorized a total of $2,000 4-H Club. She lives in Union and
May is around 40 per- in Lodging Tax Fund applica- is the daughter of Russ Johnson * Household • Clothing • Sporting Goods * Tools * Toys & Much Mars
also endorsed this tions by the Hoodsport Commu- and Barbara Bell. BABEAIN$ EALOBE PmCSaOOnT/19_7/27
nity Events Association for the Mak, her fellow contestant for
out there is a tre- 2007 Chum Derby, but denied queen, just graduated from Shel- All proceeds fund the ;' O! CHRISTMAS IN JULY
age of'law enfbrce- its $5,000 request for its Fourth ton High while also earning her Mason Senior Center I Jl]ial z
officers nationwide and re- of July celebration due to the ex- cosmetology license through the -505 Olympic Hwy N Halloween, Easter & ChriJimu Stuff .I
them (:an be expensive, pense, liability and lack ofjustifi- New Market Vocational Skills Gateway Shopping Cantor Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5
this budget transfer cation for financing the purchase Center in Tumwater. She is now 42- Donations accepted: Monday - Saturday 10-4
step to help fulrill the of fireworks. 19 and works at Sims Vibration SAwNG bfaso COUNTY Eswcrs zN rx s wo s 18 Yrs
the county's doing a
joh trying to fill the mmm""m"m""""m""m"""""m""I"
he told the board.
Lynda Ring- 00arriage £icenses
was absent from this
since she was attend-
National Association of mmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmm.mmm.mHm...m.mmmmmHm..mm.mm
conference in Washing-
She will return to her Applying for marriage licenses bower, 24, Shelton.
during the past week, according John Thomas Walters, 32,
" to the Mason County Auditor's Of- Elma, and Alison Mac Goldy, 21,
business, commis- rice, were: Elma.
Christopher Raymond Les- Nickolas Peter Sallas, 19, Shel-
two new public lie, 27, Dartmouth, Canada, and ton, and Kaya Leann Seljestad,
Anne Voyce Stephanie Michelle Wormuth, 22, 17, Shelton.
in the billing division Shelton. Steven Alexander Meyer, 32,
health department Lee Lawrence Cramer, 58, Beaverton, Oregon, and Diane
Thompson-Matel is a Grapeview, and Nasarita J. Con- Elizabeth Wells, 33, Beaverton.
lhlic health nurse. Both
recommended by cha, 46, Grapeview.
Arid Thomas White IV, 29, Shel-
the new direr- ton, and Kathryn Marie Davis, 38,
lic health. Shelton.
a contract be- Andrew Joel Kaplowitz, 43,
County Juvenile Olympia, and Sharon B. Kroll, 46, Th Gpdr of Good E-ir"
and the Juvenile Rehabili- Brewster, New York.
Adninistrations for Ag- Paul MichaelCaviezel, 50, Se- S&S Farm Fresh Produce
Replacement Training attle, and Arleen Leslie Wedvik,
:ation. 50, Shelton.
two contracts Kenneth Austin Beese, 30, New I
Consolidated Juvenile York, New York, and Sarah Dawn I ALWAYS TOP QUALITY PRODUCE
Contract for Juvenile King, New York.
provides funding for Alexander N. Lemley, 30, Al- NO W FEA TURING
Court sentencing alter- lyn, and Andrea Michele Karuza,
for the period of July 1 34, Allyn. All natural local yeggies
through June 30 of Marcus DeWayne Smallwood, " Green beans • Peppers
court. This pro- 27, Belfair, and Eva Creseo, 26,
'10,000 for costs associat- Belfair. - Cucumbers ; Squash
Aggression Replacement Justin Wayne Cuzick, 35, Bel- Chemical tree
fair, and Kimberly Joann Hocka-
the Functional day, 30, Belfair.
Contract for ju- Timothy Earl Willis, 50, Shel-
with Kerry Duke. ton, and Joan Agnes Jones, 47,
a total of $1,400 Shelton.
for funds from the Robert Alvin Nagel, 38, Shel-
Assistance Fund as rec- ton, and Karena Kay Eidsmoe, 36,
by the Veterans As- Shelton.
g Committee. Matthew Fredrick Lafave, 35,
a grant applica- Shelton, and Robin Rea Noyes, 42,
the Washington State Shelton.
for a microfilm reader/ Joshua Gregory Smith, 23,
for the Mason County Shelton, and Amanda Marie Beer-
Compare our
fresh fruit &
• Freshest produce available
to your local
: ..... supermarket
rySl 0 arrivals
OFF Eve Purchase all the
.... Coming 5oon . Large Delicious Yakimo Tomot00oes
Look for our sign- Hwy 3 at Deer Creek
NorthWWW3iloO,' 5962 Hwy_ 3, Shelton - 253-405-2832
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County Journal - Page 9
commission roundup: Rodeo royalty win titles
00nne commends board By REBECCAWELLS Laboratory. Mak has participated 2007.
It was virtually a tailgate par- in Mason County 4-H for 11 years BESIDE$ READING their
peview resident Ray Jenne Clerk's Office. ty. and is currently president of the speeches, the contestants un-
Night Riders 4-H Club. Her par- derwent personal interviews,
of things to say at • Authorized Dave Loser, the Four contestants turned out to ents are Hans Mak and Laurie answered impromptu questions
meeting of the Mason Equipment Rental and Revolv- vie for titles on the Mason Coun-
Board of Commissioners ins Fund manager, to utilize ty Rodeo Royalty Court for 2008. Mak-Hebden of Shelton. and performed horsemanship
day, July 17. First, he ex- post-for-quotes and telephone- Two, Jenny Johnson and Katie BOTH JUNIOR princess can- patterns, icluding a queen's run
his supportofthe Mason bid procedures to purchase 50 Mak, competed for the queen's 4idates won their 2008 titles, and a flagrun.
oard of Commissioners' feet of pipe and culvert for public crown, while Emily Worf and Worf is 15 and will be a sopho- Judges were Candy Gratton,
proposal to place a ]/]0 of i works. The approximate cost is Kailyn McIrvin tried out for the more at Shelton High this fall. Sarah Davis and April Brunzie.
sales tax on Now.mber's $9,000 plus tax. She is the daughter of Scott and Gratton, from Bremerton,
to fund emergency cam- • Authorized an ordinance junior princesstitles.
in the county. Jenne amending a section of the Ma- The competition took place Kerry Worf of Shelton. She has is president of the Miss Rodeo
in person at the cam- son County Code to increase the Saturday, July 14, at the Mason spent eight years in Mason Coun- Washington program. She is also
lets' meeting to commend amount of sales-and-use tax for County Fairgrounds and Con- ty's 4-H program and is currently on the advisory board for Miss
ng to improve the public facilities and economic vention Center. Each contestant president of the Country Cadence Rodeo America and is pageant
emergency communica- development from .08 to .09 per- gave her speech from the back of 4-H Club. She also has been a director for the Miss Kitsap Fair
cent. a 2007 Dodge Quad Cab donated Shelton Kings competition cheer- and Stampede.
leader for three years and spent Davis is from Cosmopolis and
by Gillis Auto Center. This cam-
gems to be an asset to the • Authorized an agreement pany has been a major sponsor of one year on the Shelton All Star is currently queen coordinator for
of those departments with Scott E. Wilson to provide a the Mason County Dodge Truck Cheer team. the Thurston County Posse. Brun-
deploy and it will pro- market appraisal of Mason Lake Rodeo. McIrvin is also 15 and a sopho- zie, from Aberdeen, was 2004
information to Picnic Park. more-to-be at Shelton High. She Miss Kitsap Fair and Stampede,
told the board. And on Tuesday, July 10, cam- JOHNSON WON the queen's is a lifelong resident of Shelton 2003 Grays Harbor Posse Queen
r, during that same meet- missioners: crown. She is a 17-year-old stu- and is the daughter of Mike and and 2001 Black Hills Wrangle
commissioners autho- * Authorized the Washington dent enrolled at both Shelton Lynette McIrvin. She has been in Rodeo Queen.
g $19,282 in the State Interagency Committee for High School and Olympic Col- Mason County's 4-H program for Michele Hunter, the 2007 Ma-
for the current ex- Outdoor Recreation resolutions lege through the Running Start nine years, currently serving as son County Rodeo Queen, will of-
for the Mason County for the Mason Lake Boat Launch program. She is an honor stu- secretary of the Wind Riders 4- ficially pass on her crown and title
Department. This Project, Latimer's Landing Proj- dent in the top 10 percent of her H Club. She has been a Shelton at the fifth annual Mason County
will cover increased op- ect and the Camp Govey Back- class, president of FFA, a mem- Kings competition cheerleader for Rodeo Shindig in March at the
expenses and workload country Trails Project. ber of German Club and a three- one year and already was serving fairgrounds. The new queen and
the recent election of a • Awarded a contract for the year member of the Shelton High as a junior princess on the Mason her court will appear at numerous
Hartstene Pointe Pipe Bursting School Dance Team. She has par- County Rodeo Royalty Court for activities throughout the year.
end of May, the civil Proposal to Northwest Under- ticipated in Mason County's 4-H
department had already water Construction of Vancouver program for eight years and cur- mitt F JttF
than 70 percent of its for the amount of: $139,279.63. rently belongs to the Rebel Riders
though its normal bench- * Authorized a total of $2,000 4-H Club. She lives in Union and
May is around 40 per- in Lodging Tax Fund applica- is the daughter of Russ Johnson * Household • Clothing • Sporting Goods * Tools * Toys & Much Mars
also endorsed this tions by the Hoodsport Commu- and Barbara Bell. BABEAIN$ EALOBE PmCSaOOnT/19_7/27
nity Events Association for the Mak, her fellow contestant for
out there is a tre- 2007 Chum Derby, but denied queen, just graduated from Shel- All proceeds fund the ;' O! CHRISTMAS IN JULY
age of'law enfbrce- its $5,000 request for its Fourth ton High while also earning her Mason Senior Center I Jl]ial z
officers nationwide and re- of July celebration due to the ex- cosmetology license through the -505 Olympic Hwy N Halloween, Easter & ChriJimu Stuff .I
them (:an be expensive, pense, liability and lack ofjustifi- New Market Vocational Skills Gateway Shopping Cantor Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5
this budget transfer cation for financing the purchase Center in Tumwater. She is now 42- Donations accepted: Monday - Saturday 10-4
step to help fulrill the of fireworks. 19 and works at Sims Vibration SAwNG bfaso COUNTY Eswcrs zN rx s wo s 18 Yrs
the county's doing a
joh trying to fill the mmm""m"m""""m""m"""""m""I"
he told the board.
Lynda Ring- 00arriage £icenses
was absent from this
since she was attend-
National Association of mmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmm.mmm.mHm...m.mmmmmHm..mm.mm
conference in Washing-
She will return to her Applying for marriage licenses bower, 24, Shelton.
during the past week, according John Thomas Walters, 32,
" to the Mason County Auditor's Of- Elma, and Alison Mac Goldy, 21,
business, commis- rice, were: Elma.
Christopher Raymond Les- Nickolas Peter Sallas, 19, Shel-
two new public lie, 27, Dartmouth, Canada, and ton, and Kaya Leann Seljestad,
Anne Voyce Stephanie Michelle Wormuth, 22, 17, Shelton.
in the billing division Shelton. Steven Alexander Meyer, 32,
health department Lee Lawrence Cramer, 58, Beaverton, Oregon, and Diane
Thompson-Matel is a Grapeview, and Nasarita J. Con- Elizabeth Wells, 33, Beaverton.
lhlic health nurse. Both
recommended by cha, 46, Grapeview.
Arid Thomas White IV, 29, Shel-
the new direr- ton, and Kathryn Marie Davis, 38,
lic health. Shelton.
a contract be- Andrew Joel Kaplowitz, 43,
County Juvenile Olympia, and Sharon B. Kroll, 46, Th Gpdr of Good E-ir"
and the Juvenile Rehabili- Brewster, New York.
Adninistrations for Ag- Paul MichaelCaviezel, 50, Se- S&S Farm Fresh Produce
Replacement Training attle, and Arleen Leslie Wedvik,
:ation. 50, Shelton.
two contracts Kenneth Austin Beese, 30, New I
Consolidated Juvenile York, New York, and Sarah Dawn I ALWAYS TOP QUALITY PRODUCE
Contract for Juvenile King, New York.
provides funding for Alexander N. Lemley, 30, Al- NO W FEATURING
Court sentencing alter- lyn, and Andrea Michele Karuza,
for the period of July 1 34, Allyn. All natural local yeggies
through June 30 of Marcus DeWayne Smallwood, " Green beans • Peppers
court. This pro- 27, Belfair, and Eva Creseo, 26,
'10,000 for costs associat- Belfair. - Cucumbers ; Squash
Aggression Replacement Justin Wayne Cuzick, 35, Bel- Chemical tree
fair, and Kimberly Joann Hocka-
the Functional day, 30, Belfair.
Contract for ju- Timothy Earl Willis, 50, Shel-
with Kerry Duke. ton, and Joan Agnes Jones, 47,
a total of $1,400 Shelton.
for funds from the Robert Alvin Nagel, 38, Shel-
Assistance Fund as rec- ton, and Karena Kay Eidsmoe, 36,
by the Veterans As- Shelton.
g Committee. Matthew Fredrick Lafave, 35,
a grant applica- Shelton, and Robin Rea Noyes, 42,
the Washington State Shelton.
for a microfilm reader/ Joshua Gregory Smith, 23,
for the Mason County Shelton, and Amanda Marie Beer-
Compare our
fresh fruit &
• Freshest produce available
to your local
: ..... supermarket
rySl 0 arrivals
OFF Eve Purchase all the
.... Coming 5oon . Large Delicious Yakimo Tomot00oes
Look for our sign- Hwy 3 at Deer Creek
NorthWWW3iloO,' 5962 Hwy_ 3, Shelton - 253-405-2832
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County Journal - Page 9