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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17 i ....... SHELBY ADSERO, a Mary M. Knight School senior, stands at her campaign table at the SkilIsUSA National Compe- tition in Kansas City, Missouri, in June, where delegates could talk to her about her candidacy for national office. She won an at-large position. MMK's Adsero national officer with SkilIsUSA A Mary M. Knight student was recently selected for a national po- sition with SkillsUSA, a nonprofit organizatiori with chapters in high schools and colleges. Shelby Adsero, a senior next year at Mary M. Knight, represent- ed Washington State as a national officer candidate at the SkillsUSA National Competition in Kansas City, Missouri, this June. She was among 19 candidates. To run for office, Shelby com- pleted an application process, finished several levels of a pro- fessional development program, delivered a speech and answered questions from current national officers and other organization ed for an official title during the training that is held in Leesburg, Virginia, this month. SkillsUSA, formerly known as Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, is a "partnership of' stu- dents, teachers and industry rep- resentatives, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force," according to SkillsUSA's Web site. The organization helps prepare students for careers in trade, technical and skilled ser- vice occupations, including health occupations. Mary M. Knight has had its own SkillsUSA chapter for more than 18 years; the chapter currently has about 20 active members. Mary M. members. Knight's Jamee Whitman, a soph- Shelby was elected to an at- omore this year, was elected as a large position and will be select- SkillsUSA state officer. Vehicle law changes July 22 to affect fees, handicapped parking The 2007 state legislative ses- sion has brought some changes in vehicle licensing fees and pro- cedures that will take effect July 22, said Mason County Auditor Karen Herr. House Bill 1304 seeks to pro- tect human lives on state road- ways by strengthening federal and state safety regulations governing commercial motor ve- hicles. Fee increases in the au- ditor's office will be a part of the effort to establish rigorous rules and compliance. Registration fees for commer- cial motor vehicles will increase from $10 to $16, and special fuel trip permits will increase from $25 to $30. These additional fees will be deposited with the Wash- ington State Patrol and be used for commercial motor vehicle in- spections. Also, vehicle three-day trip permits will cost $25 instead of $20 per permit, and WSP inspec- tion fees will be raised from $50 to $65. Another new law affects park- ing for the handicapped. The Washington State Department of Licensing is required to grant special parking privileges to any person who has a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk. Porphyria, acute sensitivity to light, has been added to the list of disabilities for special parking privileges. And physician assis- tants have been added to the list of persons eligible to determine if an individual meets the criteria for the issuance of special park- ing privileges. Scoff Reid Perry Lynda Jim LOW COST Ci{IMATI()N Complete $ 5 9 5 360-705-2857 or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours Always low cost with dignity AMERICAN BURIAL & CR4ATION SF, RWC Lori Aclron County entities join l brce' post new tourism Web " A new tourism Web site featur- ing Mason County is now open for business. The site, a cooperative venture of the county's two chambers of commerce and local governments, showcases the Hood Canal and South Puget Sound region. It was funded by lodging-tax revenue. The site, www.explorehood- canal.corn, features editorial con- tent, photography, mapping capa- bilities and panoramic views of the area. Visitors will find lodging and dining information, discover things to see and do and view an extensive event calendar. They will also have the ability to post and read on top- ics in blogs. THE WEB SITE takes advan- tage of Web 2.0 technology includ- ing social networking, Google maps and blogging. Those with special interests, such as kayaking, biking, hiking or golfing, are encouraged to post to the blog for that category. As of last week there were already more than 80 posts to the blogs. It's a chance to share personal knowledge or ask a question of the community. The chambers are also asking visitors to post their tourism pho- tos or share their opinion on the blogs. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to add their own listings for publication on the site. All listed tourism-related business- es and organizations are invited to add a description and photograph to their listing for no charge. The chambers are also asking business- es and organizations to add a link to the Web site. THE PROJECT was co-man- aged by Frank Kenny of the North Mason Chamber of Commerce and Dick Taylor of the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Those two executive directors worked with the Joint Chamber Tourism Advisory Council, a com- mittee of volunteers from around Mason County who provided ad- vice to determine the direction and focus of the Web site. The project was also strongly supported by Ma- son County, the City of Shelton and the Squaxin Island Indian Tribe. In addition to the Web site, the chambers and tourism advisory council also produced a new full- color tourism brochure for Mason County. Some 125,000 copies are now being distributed on Washing- ton State ferries and throughout Western Washington. The bro- chure invites visitors to come and explore Hood Canal, South Puget Sound and the Olympics. Hood Canal Creative, a professional writers, desi photographers from Mason ty, provided the material Web site and brochure. The Web site and the first steps in a larger marketing strategy with of drawing people to visit, play in Mason County. Comments on the ects may be directed to 275-4267 or by e-mail at Taylor at 426-2021 or " aM by Blaine & Linda Shelton Floor Covering 001-your public library Aj'00 Be a detective. Find out what activities ' your library is offering this summer. .,j-" ..S" ...........  ............. To find your local library visit (omcost. • :...-71 ., WASHINGTON STATE LIBKAg¥ Sectttary of State mt4 m r,l AREA CODE its name indicates, an rug is intended to cover a area - not the entire floor. When termining how much area to be sure the rug is nor too small. To define tion area and y, an area rug that is and wide as the space. For example, it about as long as the sofa in of which it sits, and about as as an adjacent chair. rug that covers too much of floor beyond a conversation will fail to define the area crete space, and all cy will be lost. Many of our clients marked to us that one of the I sons they FLOOR COVERING is that we  able to read their thoughtS bring out their individual this is what you are looking in help with your home flooring design, from area to luxurious carpeting, give us a call. We'll take you by step, start to finish, from cept to color coordination stallation. We're located at lJ Olympic Hwy So., and you reach us at (360) 427-2822. HINT:, An area rug must sufficiently large to date all four legs of any that stands on top of it. Your GILLIS AUTO C NT R SERVICE and PARTS TEAM • Cars .Trucks • SUVs • RVs • Motorhomes "Complete service all makes and models" t SUMMER IS i t HERE! t I A,R COND'TmN'NG I Check.up and Inspection I . Visual inspection for leaks I I. Systems vacuum test as needed I I' Dye test available at extra charge I • Freon and A/C services extra I I I*1 Lice inOudes molorhomes and diesels Wilh Coupon Expires 8/4/07 Cash value U20¢ Pus I and waste disposa fee, L. ,._  .I Michelle • FREE shuttle service . Complimentary wash with any service The Quafity Care Auto Service Card/ • It's fast Decisions while you wait (usually about 5 minutes) • It's dependable Use in the dealership for maintenance and repairs • It's user friendly No annual fees • 90 days same as cash!! (On any purchase or service over $150) t SERVICE & i i VACATION I I 4 OUT t I Lube, Oil & Filter Service I Includes up to 5 qts. of Unoca176 5W30 I oil, oil filter, labor & !nspection I 4 Inspect brakes i "] Coolant €ondlton & protection level i I 4 Tiros, shocks, suspension | Belts & hoses I 4 All fluid levels I I. I I I I Motorhomes & diesels extra With Coupon. Expires 8/4/07. I Cash value 1/20€. Plus tax and waste disposal fee. I, ... ,-. ,,.- J OPEN SA TURDA YS FOR PARTS and SERVICE  1 Railroad Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton :III1, 5 Star Certified m Bob G. Bob A. ***** (360) 426-5585 Parts and Service open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Jack B Tom Darren Fred Josue Rollin Mark Casey Eric Amie Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007 17 i ....... SHELBY ADSERO, a Mary M. Knight School senior, stands at her campaign table at the SkilIsUSA National Compe- tition in Kansas City, Missouri, in June, where delegates could talk to her about her candidacy for national office. She won an at-large position. MMK's Adsero national officer with SkilIsUSA A Mary M. Knight student was recently selected for a national po- sition with SkillsUSA, a nonprofit organizatiori with chapters in high schools and colleges. Shelby Adsero, a senior next year at Mary M. Knight, represent- ed Washington State as a national officer candidate at the SkillsUSA National Competition in Kansas City, Missouri, this June. She was among 19 candidates. To run for office, Shelby com- pleted an application process, finished several levels of a pro- fessional development program, delivered a speech and answered questions from current national officers and other organization ed for an official title during the training that is held in Leesburg, Virginia, this month. SkillsUSA, formerly known as Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, is a "partnership of' stu- dents, teachers and industry rep- resentatives, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force," according to SkillsUSA's Web site. The organization helps prepare students for careers in trade, technical and skilled ser- vice occupations, including health occupations. Mary M. Knight has had its own SkillsUSA chapter for more than 18 years; the chapter currently has about 20 active members. Mary M. members. Knight's Jamee Whitman, a soph- Shelby was elected to an at- omore this year, was elected as a large position and will be select- SkillsUSA state officer. Vehicle law changes July 22 to affect fees, handicapped parking The 2007 state legislative ses- sion has brought some changes in vehicle licensing fees and pro- cedures that will take effect July 22, said Mason County Auditor Karen Herr. House Bill 1304 seeks to pro- tect human lives on state road- ways by strengthening federal and state safety regulations governing commercial motor ve- hicles. Fee increases in the au- ditor's office will be a part of the effort to establish rigorous rules and compliance. Registration fees for commer- cial motor vehicles will increase from $10 to $16, and special fuel trip permits will increase from $25 to $30. These additional fees will be deposited with the Wash- ington State Patrol and be used for commercial motor vehicle in- spections. Also, vehicle three-day trip permits will cost $25 instead of $20 per permit, and WSP inspec- tion fees will be raised from $50 to $65. Another new law affects park- ing for the handicapped. The Washington State Department of Licensing is required to grant special parking privileges to any person who has a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk. Porphyria, acute sensitivity to light, has been added to the list of disabilities for special parking privileges. And physician assis- tants have been added to the list of persons eligible to determine if an individual meets the criteria for the issuance of special park- ing privileges. Scoff Reid Perry Lynda Jim LOW COST Ci{IMATI()N Complete $ 5 9 5 360-705-2857 or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours Always low cost with dignity AMERICAN BURIAL & CR4ATION SF, RWC Lori Aclron County entities join l brce' post new tourism Web " A new tourism Web site featur- ing Mason County is now open for business. The site, a cooperative venture of the county's two chambers of commerce and local governments, showcases the Hood Canal and South Puget Sound region. It was funded by lodging-tax revenue. The site, www.explorehood- canal.corn, features editorial con- tent, photography, mapping capa- bilities and panoramic views of the area. Visitors will find lodging and dining information, discover things to see and do and view an extensive event calendar. They will also have the ability to post and read on top- ics in blogs. THE WEB SITE takes advan- tage of Web 2.0 technology includ- ing social networking, Google maps and blogging. Those with special interests, such as kayaking, biking, hiking or golfing, are encouraged to post to the blog for that category. As of last week there were already more than 80 posts to the blogs. It's a chance to share personal knowledge or ask a question of the community. The chambers are also asking visitors to post their tourism pho- tos or share their opinion on the blogs. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to add their own listings for publication on the site. All listed tourism-related business- es and organizations are invited to add a description and photograph to their listing for no charge. The chambers are also asking business- es and organizations to add a link to the Web site. THE PROJECT was co-man- aged by Frank Kenny of the North Mason Chamber of Commerce and Dick Taylor of the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Those two executive directors worked with the Joint Chamber Tourism Advisory Council, a com- mittee of volunteers from around Mason County who provided ad- vice to determine the direction and focus of the Web site. The project was also strongly supported by Ma- son County, the City of Shelton and the Squaxin Island Indian Tribe. In addition to the Web site, the chambers and tourism advisory council also produced a new full- color tourism brochure for Mason County. Some 125,000 copies are now being distributed on Washing- ton State ferries and throughout Western Washington. The bro- chure invites visitors to come and explore Hood Canal, South Puget Sound and the Olympics. Hood Canal Creative, a professional writers, desi photographers from Mason ty, provided the material Web site and brochure. The Web site and the first steps in a larger marketing strategy with of drawing people to visit, play in Mason County. Comments on the ects may be directed to 275-4267 or by e-mail at Taylor at 426-2021 or " aM by Blaine & Linda Shelton Floor Covering 001-your public library Aj'00 Be a detective. Find out what activities ' your library is offering this summer. .,j-" ..S" ...........  ............. To find your local library visit (omcost. • :...-71 ., WASHINGTON STATE LIBKAg¥ Sectttary of State mt4 m r,l AREA CODE its name indicates, an rug is intended to cover a area - not the entire floor. When termining how much area to be sure the rug is nor too small. To define tion area and y, an area rug that is and wide as the space. For example, it about as long as the sofa in of which it sits, and about as as an adjacent chair. rug that covers too much of floor beyond a conversation will fail to define the area crete space, and all cy will be lost. Many of our clients marked to us that one of the I sons they FLOOR COVERING is that we  able to read their thoughtS bring out their individual this is what you are looking in help with your home flooring design, from area to luxurious carpeting, give us a call. We'll take you by step, start to finish, from cept to color coordination stallation. We're located at lJ Olympic Hwy So., and you reach us at (360) 427-2822. HINT:, An area rug must sufficiently large to date all four legs of any that stands on top of it. Your GILLIS AUTO C NT R SERVICE and PARTS TEAM • Cars .Trucks • SUVs • RVs • Motorhomes "Complete service all makes and models" t SUMMER IS i t HERE! t I A,R COND'TmN'NG I Check.up and Inspection I . Visual inspection for leaks I I. Systems vacuum test as needed I I' Dye test available at extra charge I • Freon and A/C services extra I I I*1 Lice inOudes molorhomes and diesels Wilh Coupon Expires 8/4/07 Cash value U20¢ Pus I and waste disposa fee, L. ,._  .I Michelle • FREE shuttle service . Complimentary wash with any service The Quafity Care Auto Service Card/ • It's fast Decisions while you wait (usually about 5 minutes) • It's dependable Use in the dealership for maintenance and repairs • It's user friendly No annual fees • 90 days same as cash!! (On any purchase or service over $150) t SERVICE & i i VACATION I I 4 OUT t I Lube, Oil & Filter Service I Includes up to 5 qts. of Unoca176 5W30 I oil, oil filter, labor & !nspection I 4 Inspect brakes i "] Coolant €ondlton & protection level i I 4 Tiros, shocks, suspension | Belts & hoses I 4 All fluid levels I I. I I I I Motorhomes & diesels extra With Coupon. Expires 8/4/07. I Cash value 1/20€. Plus tax and waste disposal fee. I, ... ,-. ,,.- J OPEN SA TURDA YS FOR PARTS and SERVICE  1 Railroad Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, Shelton :III1, 5 Star Certified m Bob G. Bob A. ***** (360) 426-5585 Parts and Service open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Jack B Tom Darren Fred Josue Rollin Mark Casey Eric Amie Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007