July 19, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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00ournal of
home, $89,000; Michael Slavsky,
eadows' ....
: junsdmtlon during the
st week include:
[D.riving under the influenc:
]ttrtis W. Creamer, 1930 W
lug Mill Road, Elma, $1,121,365
ays, 363 suspended, $408 costs;
randon Lee Morris, 141 East An-
!°nY Road, Grapeview, $823, 365
ays, 364 suspended, $408 costs.
I No liability insurance: Jer-
ah F.K. Christy, 20 NE Roessel
pad, Belfair, and expired vehicle
s and no seatbelt, $833; Judith
tn Burr, 461 West Elson Road,
lelton, $538.
SPeeding: Rolando Moreno-
Vera, 4191 State Route 3, Shel-
a, $286; Brandy Lynn Watson,
i 0 Heatherwood Lane, Shelton,
Judgrnents in Shelton Munici-
n. Court Judge Amber Finlay's
Sdiction during the past week
e elude: in B
e[CNegligent driv g: Casey .
itvert, 320 SE Picadilly Drive,
mtyi s[e!t°nnsec°nd degree and no li-
tli ' urance, $1,076.
Divorces Granted
Eric John Larsen and Marl
n Gardner Larsen.
New Cases
i Washington State Department
labor and Industries against
-Son Painting Company, In-
rporated, tax warrants, n
]/R°nald Field against Oakla d
Y Garden Center, Incorporated,
el R. Jones, Maggie Jones,
st Coast Bank and Centennial
Bond, commercial.
, ow Financial Services, Lim-
b{1 •
' Liability Company against
shtta Faught and Jane Doe
ht, commercial.
arah Grinenko against Olym-
,.Panel Products, Limited Li-
nty Company, personal injury.
rOvidence Health System
tlllst Susan E. Huffman, tax
]_ ashington State Employment
,Vctity Department tax war-
ts against Leslie W. Gate; Tim
' rlopkins, rou I Ited
iThe Collection G p, L'm"
'ability Company against Steven
Lanini and Karen Lanini, col-
, ions.
L,As.Set Acceptance, Limited Li-
Jllity Company against Brian J.
e, commerclaLousin Author.
)Lllason County g
|Y. against Lori Younglove, unlaw-
', detainer.
'llason County Housing Author-
,against Chelsie York, unlawful
.As. set Acceptance, Limited Li-
Very Company against Shannon
Yatt, commercial.
Lake Limerick Country Club
ainst Donald W. Tryon, Mort-
e Electronic Registration Sys-
, Countrywide Home Loans,
°rPorated, Landsafe Title of
,Shington, Mason County Title
'IPany and Westsound Bank,
eclosure. eber a ainst Ernie
RUSselIM. W _ g n
aalson and Tabitha Spitler, u -
twful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
eline work and other major
tJeCts receiving permits during
[' Past week include:
.John Herman, 61 East Channel
've, Allyn, residence, $163,252;
rk Miller, 20 SE Fuchsia Ave-
,e, Shelton. residence, $121,804;
. Gale, 491 West Reller Road,
Iton, residence, $169,831; Carl
ri °Id, 1330 NE Collins Lake
i^ re, Tahuya, addition, $84,096;
aard Wooten, 200 East Happy
|1 e Drive, Belfair, residence,
/z,273; Steve Chavez, 300 East
|'e Lane, Shelton, residence,
:|17,'448; Katherine Brooks,
[1 J, SE Crescent Drive, Shel-
i°ck, $1,466; Thomas Patch,
ast Terri Lynn Lane, Shel-
i', residence, $162,058; Richard
ader, 80 East Harley Drive,
r a •
Peview, residence, $312,842;
,oa Family Trust, 660 North
n Heights Road, Lilliwaup,
|Icience, $69,314; Michael Mi-
el, 21 East Crows Nest Court,
n, manufactured home,
blue listed, and also garage,
'h2; John Speer, 60 SE Tot-
|'I bores Drive, Shelton, garage,
,620, S
t" " ally Brownfield, 4471
|_ loonafield Road, Shelton, resi-
7eal.68laVer°n t Ardlver:
350 East Eastlake Drive, S'helton,
dormer, $16,000; Ray Jenne, 1931
East Mason Lake Drive West,
Grapeview, garage, $39,525; Kar-
en and Wayne Aadnes, 151 East
North Island Drive, Shelton, ga-
rage, $37,944; Tara Snook, 120
East Harley Drive, Grapeview,
residence, $156,258; Betty Hyatt,
60 East Tyler Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $172,273; James and Ste
Greenhill, 21 East Greenhill Court,
Allyn, residence, $180,425; Gerald
Wight, 961 East Richardson Road,
Belfair, garage, $15,177; Allan
Brotche, 121 East Fairfield Court,
Shelton, pole barn, $56,916.
No value was listed for the fol:
lowing projects:
Rhonda Conner, 411 West Ben-
thein Road, Elma, manufactured
home; Janis White, 220 East Deer
Drive, Shelton, manufactured
home; David Prim, 2380 East
Harstine Island Road South, Shel-
ton, manufactured home.
July 10:1:18 p.m., brush fire,
East Johns Prairie Road; 2:16
p.m., structure, 212 SE Stroud
Road, mutual aid with Fire Dis-
trict 4; 4:30 p.m., vehicle fire, 461
East Capital Prairie Road.
July 11:5:41 p.m., brush fire,
mural aid, 212 SE Stroud Road,
July 14:8:02 p.m., 104 East J
Street, chimney fire.
July 16:10:28 p.m., 87 West
Fairway Drive, smoke investiga-
Tuesday, July 10
Police received a report of an as-
sault in front of the Shelton Civic
A break-in was reported at a ga-
rage in the 1700 block of Boundary
At 11:36 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 1200
block of Dickinson Avenue.
Wednesday, July 11
At 3:09 p.m. a two-vehicle, non-
injury collision in a parking lot at
the Shelton Civic Center was re-
ported involving a SPD patrol ve-
hicle and a van.
Around 6 p.m. a caller com-
plained fireworks were being set
off in an area between Grant and
Wyandotte avenues.
Reports about prowlers came in
at 11:37 p.m. from a caller in the
500 block of Dearborn Avenue and
at 11:44 p.m. from a caller in the
800 block of South 16th Street.
Thursday, July 12
Vandalism was reported to the
Mason Transit bus shelter in front
of the Shelton Civic Center.
At 12:46 p.m. a disturbance was
reported in a parking lot at Mason
General Hospital.
A caller reported finding "bot-
tles of booze" under stairs at the
library and asked what to do with
Friday, July 13
An individual reported being
robbed by a tall, slender male be-
hind the Shell station on Hillcrest
shortly after midnight.
Police responded to the report
of an assault in the 1700 block of
Holman in which a gun was re-
ported pulled.
Police responded to property-
damage accidents on Olympic
Highway North at 1:48 p.m. and
4:21 p.m.
A caller reported a man with a
buzz-cut trying to sell the caller
heroin in the 200 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
A caller reported a 2-year-old
boy missing in the 1200 block of
Washington Street.
County deputies assisted Shel-
ton police at a possible burglary at
a fruit stand on Olympic Highway
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 300 block of East C Street.
Saturday, July 14
An attempted vehicle theft was
reported in the 500 block of North
Fourth Street at 12:51 a.m.
Medics were notified that a
baby was born safely at home on
Springfield Court.
A license plate was reported
stolen from a vehicle on Boundary
A property-damage hit-and-run
was reported on East K Street,
and the same vehicle was reported
in another hit-and-run incident at
110 West Alder.
Vandalism was reported at the
Mountain View Alliance Church.
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 1000 block of Ellinor Avenue.
Sunday, July 15
Officers responded to the report
of a "big fight" near the Shell sta-
tion on Hillcrest.
Wire was reported stolen from,
• property on East Walnut Street. "
A vehicle prowl was reported on
Firwood Court.
A scooter was reported stolen
from the 500 block of Dearborn
Monday, July 16
Officers responded at 12:52 a.m.
to a disturbance involving two fe-
males in the 100 block of West
Cota Street and at 2:54 a.m. to a
report of two males fighting at the
intersection of Ellinor Avenue and
Division Street.
A break-in was reported at Fifth
Street Espresso. The caller said
the cash register was missing.
Vandalism was reported at a
business in the 200 block of South
Second Street and to a building
in the 700 block of South First
A caller from the 1700 block of
East Shelton Springs Road said a
chicken "moved into" the caller's
backyard and wanted to know
what to do with it.
A vehicle prowl was reported
in the 400 block of South First
Officers responded at 9:22 p.m.
to a report of a fight in progress in
a parking lot near Olympic High-
way South and Cascade Avenue.
The Mason County Jail record-
ed populations as follows during
the past week:
Wednesday 114, Thursday 115,
Friday 116, Saturday 114, Sunday
112, Monday 112, Tuesday 116.
Tuesday, July 10
Fire District 2 responded at
10:17 p.m. to a smoke investiga-
tion at 411 NE Bear Creek-Dewat-
to Road, Belfair.
Items were reported stolen from
two Shelton-area residences: on
West Delight Park Road, where
the caller said someone came in
through an opened sliding glass
door, and on SE Cole Road, where
the caller said someone came in
through an opened window.
A caller from a business on East
Mikkelsen Road reported the theft
of a cash box.
Trespassing was reported on
property on West Forest Lane
North near Matlock.
A caller from East Harstine
Place reported harassment.
Squaxin Island tribal officers
received a report of a disturbance
involving two people walking along
SE Old Olympic Highway.
Wednesday, July 11
Fire District 16 responded at
5:08 p.m. to a report of a brush fire
at 501 West Eells Hill Road, Shel-
Squaxin Island officers received
a report just after midnight of an
attempted break-in at a residence
on SE Ko Pul Loop. Just after 8
p.m. officers responded to a report
of an assault at a residence on SE
Klah Che Min Drive.
A caller complained about a dirt
bike riding up and down SE Mill
Creek Road near Shelton.
Trespassing was reported on
property on East Deer View Circle
on Harstine Island.
A caller from NE Tima Road,
Belfair, reported receiving threats
over the telephone.
Supplies and tools were report-
ed stolen from a job site on East
Way to Tipperary at Lake Limer-
ick. Two guitars and other items
were reported stolen from a garage
on SE Shadowood Drive.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
on NE Davey Jones Court, Bel-
A break-in was reported at a
storage unit on East Johns Prairie
Road near Shelton.
Thursday, July 12
Fire District 2 responded at
11:01 a.m. to a smoke investiga-
tion at 1091 NE Belfair Manor.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ing at 3:10 a.m. to a disturbance
on SE Tys Ul Tad Loop requested
assistance from deputies. At 1:24
p.m. officers responded to a re-
quest to remove a patron from the
casino. At 11:51 p.m. a caller com-
plained about "large" fireworks be-
ing set off at a tennis court on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
Vandalism was reported to
mailboxes on East Forestcove Lane
near Shelton, and a caller from
East Stavis Road near Shelton re-
ported the theft of a mailbox.
A caller from Ripplewood in the
west end of the county complained
about the area being overrun with
rabbits and said someone dumped
rabbits and they keep multiply-
Residential burglaries were re-
ported on East Bourgault Road
East near Shelton and in the 600
block of East Walnut Street just
outside the Shelton city limits.
A caller from East Evergreen
Road, Belfair, reported fraud.
Friday, July 13
An injury accident was reported
on Anthony Road.
Fire District 16 responded at
6:51 a.m. for additional work on
the fire off Shelton Valley Road.
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to the report of the theft
of multiple sclerosis medications
from a Salish Court residence.
Fire District 2 responded at 7:14
a.m. to a fire reported on Log Yard
Road and at 11:02 a.m. to one re-
ported on NE Harpoon Court, and
at 9:29 p.m. to a reported wildfire.
DVDs and games were reported
stolen from a residence on Mik-
kelsen Road.
A caller from milepoint 16.9 on
State Route 106 reported a boat
Squaxin tribal police responded
to the report of a safe stolen from a
residence on Klah Che Min Drive.
The victim of a dog-bite incident
at Lake Cushman was reported at
Mason General Hospital.
A 42-year-old man was reported
missing from Chasalt Lane.
A caller reported her father
had phoned after hitting a bridge
in a vehicle, but she did not know
where the accident took place.
Burglaries were reported at
residences 17.2 and 17.4 miles out
North Shore Road north of Ta-
Fire and law-enforcement per-
sonnel responded at 6:35 p.m. to
a car-motorcycle accident at State
Route 300 and Sand Hill Road.
An assault was reported at the
drag strip at Sanderson Field at
8:02 p.m.
Saturday, July 14
Officers were notified that a
man was beaten and robbed at
Brown Creek Campground, and
thefts were reported at campsites
at Lilliwaup Creek Campground.
Later, a dog was reported stolen
from the campground at Brown
Fire District 12 responded at
10:37 a.m. to an injury on Shelton
Valley Road.
A stolen refrigerator truck was
reported located at Star Lake.
An outboard motor was report-
ed stolen from a residence 17.2
miles out North Shore Road, near
a home reported burglarized.
A two-car collision was reported
on Shelton-Matlock Road at 10:37
A stray emu or ostrich was re-
ported in traffic 1.2 miles out Ag-
ate Road.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
at locations 7.1 and 7.4 miles out
North Shore Road near Belfair.
Lighted signs and banners were
reported stolen from the Model T
Tavern, Hoodsport.
Squaxin tribal police responded
to the report of a theft on Klah Che
Min Drive.
A burglary was reported at 21
East Timberlakes Drive.
Squaxin tribal police assisted
the state patrol in a vehicle-acci-
dent investigation on State Route
A caller from Lonesome Creek
Road complained that a neigh-
bor was deliberately blaring mu-
sic while the caller was holding a
A one-car accident was reported
on State Route 106.
Shelton police assisted deputies
at a disturbance on East Blevins
Fire District 2 responded at
11:44 p.m. to the report of a fire,
listed as an illegal burn, at Twin
Sunday, July 15
A theft was reported from a
'booth at the drag racing site on
Sanderson Field.
A one-car roll-over was reported
on Mason Lake Road.
Squaxin tribal police investi-
gated the theft of money from a
residence on T'Peeksin Lane.
Fire District 16 responded at
1:12 p.m. to the report of an injury
in the 2100 block of West Railroad
A burglary and vehicle prowl
was reported on Kamilche Lane
and a vehicle prowl was reported
on Highway 108. A burglary was
reported on East Colvos Place.
An injury cycle accident was re-
ported on Cloquallum Road.
A woman was reported missing
from Rainbow Place.
Fire District 2 responded at
7:23 p.m. to an injury resulting
from a one-cycle crash on NE De-
watto Road.
A vehicle theft was reported a
mile out Bloomfield Road.
Skokomish tribal police were
notified of a vehicle accident on
Sunnyside Road.
A vehicle accident was reported
at 8:14 p.m. on Agate Road.
A property-damage hit-and-
run was reported on North Shore
Lumber was reported stolen
from the Belco mill on Johns Prai-
Monday, July 16
Fire District 2 responded at 8:09
p.m. to a burn investigation at 201
NE State Route 300, Belfair.
At 12:28 a.m. Squaxin Island
officers responded to a report of a
disturbance at a residence on SE
Skalapin Lane. Officers returned
to the residence at 1:52 a.m. when
an assault was reported and re-
quested assistance from Skokom-
ish officers. A theft was reported
by a caller from SE Klah Che Min
A caller from West Little Egypt
Road in the Dayton area reported
receiving counterfeit checks and
money orders through the mail.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
on NE Twin Lakes Road, Tahuya.
An alleged sex offense was re-
A caller from East Spruce Street,
Union, reported harassment.
The following restuarants and
other food-handling establish-
ments were inspected during the
month of June. Red violations,
which are high risk, are improper
practices or procedures which pro-
mote foodborne illness. Deficien-
cies in the high-risk factors are
required to be corrected within a
set time. High-risk factors may be
reinspected to ensure compliance.
Repeat high-risk violations will
result in enforcement actions.
Blue or low-risk factors are con-
trols that when violated enhance
the addition of pathogens, chemi-
cals and physical objects into food
items. Deficiencies in the low-risk
area must be corrected by the next
routine inspection.
According to an official with
the county health department, the
number of red and blue demer-
its is not necessarily equal to the
number of violations found. The
inspections are performed by Jess
Mosley and Rose Swier, environ-
mental health specialists.
Reinspeetion, June 1:
Vern's, Shelton, no violations.
Routine Inspections:
June 1:
Purdy Creek Espresso, Shel-
ton, 10 red, two blue (improper
cold holding, food establishment
permit not posted, no equipment
thermometer to monitor cold hold-
ing), 12 total.
Missy's Espresso, Olympic
Highway South, Shelton, no viola-
Sunny Day Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Granny's Espresso, Shelton, no
Ravens Brew at Sage Book
Store, Shelton, 10 red, five blue
(equipment thermometer missing,
improper cold holding tempera-
ture), 15 total.
June 12:
North Mason School District
central kitchen, Belfair, no viola-
June 15:
Village Espresso, Union, no vio-
Java The Hut, Shelton, 10 red,
zero blue (food worker cards not
current, improper cold holding),
10 total.
June 19:
Camp Saint Albans, Belfair, no
June 22:
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Zingaros Espresso, Shelton,
no red, 10 blue (improper storage
of in-use utensils, packaged food
stored on floor), I0 total.
Urraco Coffee Company, Shel-
ton, no violations.
(Please turn to page 26.)
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25
00ournal of
home, $89,000; Michael Slavsky,
eadows' ....
: junsdmtlon during the
st week include:
[D.riving under the influenc:
]ttrtis W. Creamer, 1930 W
lug Mill Road, Elma, $1,121,365
ays, 363 suspended, $408 costs;
randon Lee Morris, 141 East An-
!°nY Road, Grapeview, $823, 365
ays, 364 suspended, $408 costs.
I No liability insurance: Jer-
ah F.K. Christy, 20 NE Roessel
pad, Belfair, and expired vehicle
s and no seatbelt, $833; Judith
tn Burr, 461 West Elson Road,
lelton, $538.
SPeeding: Rolando Moreno-
Vera, 4191 State Route 3, Shel-
a, $286; Brandy Lynn Watson,
i 0 Heatherwood Lane, Shelton,
Judgrnents in Shelton Munici-
n. Court Judge Amber Finlay's
Sdiction during the past week
e elude: in B
e[CNegligent driv g: Casey .
itvert, 320 SE Picadilly Drive,
mtyi s[e!t°nnsec°nd degree and no li-
tli ' urance, $1,076.
Divorces Granted
Eric John Larsen and Marl
n Gardner Larsen.
New Cases
i Washington State Department
labor and Industries against
-Son Painting Company, In-
rporated, tax warrants, n
]/R°nald Field against Oakla d
Y Garden Center, Incorporated,
el R. Jones, Maggie Jones,
st Coast Bank and Centennial
Bond, commercial.
, ow Financial Services, Lim-
b{1 •
' Liability Company against
shtta Faught and Jane Doe
ht, commercial.
arah Grinenko against Olym-
,.Panel Products, Limited Li-
nty Company, personal injury.
rOvidence Health System
tlllst Susan E. Huffman, tax
]_ ashington State Employment
,Vctity Department tax war-
ts against Leslie W. Gate; Tim
' rlopkins, rou I Ited
iThe Collection G p, L'm"
'ability Company against Steven
Lanini and Karen Lanini, col-
, ions.
L,As.Set Acceptance, Limited Li-
Jllity Company against Brian J.
e, commerclaLousin Author.
)Lllason County g
|Y. against Lori Younglove, unlaw-
', detainer.
'llason County Housing Author-
,against Chelsie York, unlawful
.As. set Acceptance, Limited Li-
Very Company against Shannon
Yatt, commercial.
Lake Limerick Country Club
ainst Donald W. Tryon, Mort-
e Electronic Registration Sys-
, Countrywide Home Loans,
°rPorated, Landsafe Title of
,Shington, Mason County Title
'IPany and Westsound Bank,
eclosure. eber a ainst Ernie
RUSselIM. W _ g n
aalson and Tabitha Spitler, u -
twful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
eline work and other major
tJeCts receiving permits during
[' Past week include:
.John Herman, 61 East Channel
've, Allyn, residence, $163,252;
rk Miller, 20 SE Fuchsia Ave-
,e, Shelton. residence, $121,804;
. Gale, 491 West Reller Road,
Iton, residence, $169,831; Carl
ri °Id, 1330 NE Collins Lake
i^ re, Tahuya, addition, $84,096;
aard Wooten, 200 East Happy
|1 e Drive, Belfair, residence,
/z,273; Steve Chavez, 300 East
|'e Lane, Shelton, residence,
:|17,'448; Katherine Brooks,
[1 J, SE Crescent Drive, Shel-
i°ck, $1,466; Thomas Patch,
ast Terri Lynn Lane, Shel-
i', residence, $162,058; Richard
ader, 80 East Harley Drive,
r a •
Peview, residence, $312,842;
,oa Family Trust, 660 North
n Heights Road, Lilliwaup,
|Icience, $69,314; Michael Mi-
el, 21 East Crows Nest Court,
n, manufactured home,
blue listed, and also garage,
'h2; John Speer, 60 SE Tot-
|'I bores Drive, Shelton, garage,
,620, S
t" " ally Brownfield, 4471
|_ loonafield Road, Shelton, resi-
7eal.68laVer°n t Ardlver:
350 East Eastlake Drive, S'helton,
dormer, $16,000; Ray Jenne, 1931
East Mason Lake Drive West,
Grapeview, garage, $39,525; Kar-
en and Wayne Aadnes, 151 East
North Island Drive, Shelton, ga-
rage, $37,944; Tara Snook, 120
East Harley Drive, Grapeview,
residence, $156,258; Betty Hyatt,
60 East Tyler Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $172,273; James and Ste
Greenhill, 21 East Greenhill Court,
Allyn, residence, $180,425; Gerald
Wight, 961 East Richardson Road,
Belfair, garage, $15,177; Allan
Brotche, 121 East Fairfield Court,
Shelton, pole barn, $56,916.
No value was listed for the fol:
lowing projects:
Rhonda Conner, 411 West Ben-
thein Road, Elma, manufactured
home; Janis White, 220 East Deer
Drive, Shelton, manufactured
home; David Prim, 2380 East
Harstine Island Road South, Shel-
ton, manufactured home.
July 10:1:18 p.m., brush fire,
East Johns Prairie Road; 2:16
p.m., structure, 212 SE Stroud
Road, mutual aid with Fire Dis-
trict 4; 4:30 p.m., vehicle fire, 461
East Capital Prairie Road.
July 11:5:41 p.m., brush fire,
mural aid, 212 SE Stroud Road,
July 14:8:02 p.m., 104 East J
Street, chimney fire.
July 16:10:28 p.m., 87 West
Fairway Drive, smoke investiga-
Tuesday, July 10
Police received a report of an as-
sault in front of the Shelton Civic
A break-in was reported at a ga-
rage in the 1700 block of Boundary
At 11:36 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 1200
block of Dickinson Avenue.
Wednesday, July 11
At 3:09 p.m. a two-vehicle, non-
injury collision in a parking lot at
the Shelton Civic Center was re-
ported involving a SPD patrol ve-
hicle and a van.
Around 6 p.m. a caller com-
plained fireworks were being set
off in an area between Grant and
Wyandotte avenues.
Reports about prowlers came in
at 11:37 p.m. from a caller in the
500 block of Dearborn Avenue and
at 11:44 p.m. from a caller in the
800 block of South 16th Street.
Thursday, July 12
Vandalism was reported to the
Mason Transit bus shelter in front
of the Shelton Civic Center.
At 12:46 p.m. a disturbance was
reported in a parking lot at Mason
General Hospital.
A caller reported finding "bot-
tles of booze" under stairs at the
library and asked what to do with
Friday, July 13
An individual reported being
robbed by a tall, slender male be-
hind the Shell station on Hillcrest
shortly after midnight.
Police responded to the report
of an assault in the 1700 block of
Holman in which a gun was re-
ported pulled.
Police responded to property-
damage accidents on Olympic
Highway North at 1:48 p.m. and
4:21 p.m.
A caller reported a man with a
buzz-cut trying to sell the caller
heroin in the 200 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
A caller reported a 2-year-old
boy missing in the 1200 block of
Washington Street.
County deputies assisted Shel-
ton police at a possible burglary at
a fruit stand on Olympic Highway
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 300 block of East C Street.
Saturday, July 14
An attempted vehicle theft was
reported in the 500 block of North
Fourth Street at 12:51 a.m.
Medics were notified that a
baby was born safely at home on
Springfield Court.
A license plate was reported
stolen from a vehicle on Boundary
A property-damage hit-and-run
was reported on East K Street,
and the same vehicle was reported
in another hit-and-run incident at
110 West Alder.
Vandalism was reported at the
Mountain View Alliance Church.
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 1000 block of Ellinor Avenue.
Sunday, July 15
Officers responded to the report
of a "big fight" near the Shell sta-
tion on Hillcrest.
Wire was reported stolen from,
• property on East Walnut Street. "
A vehicle prowl was reported on
Firwood Court.
A scooter was reported stolen
from the 500 block of Dearborn
Monday, July 16
Officers responded at 12:52 a.m.
to a disturbance involving two fe-
males in the 100 block of West
Cota Street and at 2:54 a.m. to a
report of two males fighting at the
intersection of Ellinor Avenue and
Division Street.
A break-in was reported at Fifth
Street Espresso. The caller said
the cash register was missing.
Vandalism was reported at a
business in the 200 block of South
Second Street and to a building
in the 700 block of South First
A caller from the 1700 block of
East Shelton Springs Road said a
chicken "moved into" the caller's
backyard and wanted to know
what to do with it.
A vehicle prowl was reported
in the 400 block of South First
Officers responded at 9:22 p.m.
to a report of a fight in progress in
a parking lot near Olympic High-
way South and Cascade Avenue.
The Mason County Jail record-
ed populations as follows during
the past week:
Wednesday 114, Thursday 115,
Friday 116, Saturday 114, Sunday
112, Monday 112, Tuesday 116.
Tuesday, July 10
Fire District 2 responded at
10:17 p.m. to a smoke investiga-
tion at 411 NE Bear Creek-Dewat-
to Road, Belfair.
Items were reported stolen from
two Shelton-area residences: on
West Delight Park Road, where
the caller said someone came in
through an opened sliding glass
door, and on SE Cole Road, where
the caller said someone came in
through an opened window.
A caller from a business on East
Mikkelsen Road reported the theft
of a cash box.
Trespassing was reported on
property on West Forest Lane
North near Matlock.
A caller from East Harstine
Place reported harassment.
Squaxin Island tribal officers
received a report of a disturbance
involving two people walking along
SE Old Olympic Highway.
Wednesday, July 11
Fire District 16 responded at
5:08 p.m. to a report of a brush fire
at 501 West Eells Hill Road, Shel-
Squaxin Island officers received
a report just after midnight of an
attempted break-in at a residence
on SE Ko Pul Loop. Just after 8
p.m. officers responded to a report
of an assault at a residence on SE
Klah Che Min Drive.
A caller complained about a dirt
bike riding up and down SE Mill
Creek Road near Shelton.
Trespassing was reported on
property on East Deer View Circle
on Harstine Island.
A caller from NE Tima Road,
Belfair, reported receiving threats
over the telephone.
Supplies and tools were report-
ed stolen from a job site on East
Way to Tipperary at Lake Limer-
ick. Two guitars and other items
were reported stolen from a garage
on SE Shadowood Drive.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
on NE Davey Jones Court, Bel-
A break-in was reported at a
storage unit on East Johns Prairie
Road near Shelton.
Thursday, July 12
Fire District 2 responded at
11:01 a.m. to a smoke investiga-
tion at 1091 NE Belfair Manor.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ing at 3:10 a.m. to a disturbance
on SE Tys Ul Tad Loop requested
assistance from deputies. At 1:24
p.m. officers responded to a re-
quest to remove a patron from the
casino. At 11:51 p.m. a caller com-
plained about "large" fireworks be-
ing set off at a tennis court on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
Vandalism was reported to
mailboxes on East Forestcove Lane
near Shelton, and a caller from
East Stavis Road near Shelton re-
ported the theft of a mailbox.
A caller from Ripplewood in the
west end of the county complained
about the area being overrun with
rabbits and said someone dumped
rabbits and they keep multiply-
Residential burglaries were re-
ported on East Bourgault Road
East near Shelton and in the 600
block of East Walnut Street just
outside the Shelton city limits.
A caller from East Evergreen
Road, Belfair, reported fraud.
Friday, July 13
An injury accident was reported
on Anthony Road.
Fire District 16 responded at
6:51 a.m. for additional work on
the fire off Shelton Valley Road.
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to the report of the theft
of multiple sclerosis medications
from a Salish Court residence.
Fire District 2 responded at 7:14
a.m. to a fire reported on Log Yard
Road and at 11:02 a.m. to one re-
ported on NE Harpoon Court, and
at 9:29 p.m. to a reported wildfire.
DVDs and games were reported
stolen from a residence on Mik-
kelsen Road.
A caller from milepoint 16.9 on
State Route 106 reported a boat
Squaxin tribal police responded
to the report of a safe stolen from a
residence on Klah Che Min Drive.
The victim of a dog-bite incident
at Lake Cushman was reported at
Mason General Hospital.
A 42-year-old man was reported
missing from Chasalt Lane.
A caller reported her father
had phoned after hitting a bridge
in a vehicle, but she did not know
where the accident took place.
Burglaries were reported at
residences 17.2 and 17.4 miles out
North Shore Road north of Ta-
Fire and law-enforcement per-
sonnel responded at 6:35 p.m. to
a car-motorcycle accident at State
Route 300 and Sand Hill Road.
An assault was reported at the
drag strip at Sanderson Field at
8:02 p.m.
Saturday, July 14
Officers were notified that a
man was beaten and robbed at
Brown Creek Campground, and
thefts were reported at campsites
at Lilliwaup Creek Campground.
Later, a dog was reported stolen
from the campground at Brown
Fire District 12 responded at
10:37 a.m. to an injury on Shelton
Valley Road.
A stolen refrigerator truck was
reported located at Star Lake.
An outboard motor was report-
ed stolen from a residence 17.2
miles out North Shore Road, near
a home reported burglarized.
A two-car collision was reported
on Shelton-Matlock Road at 10:37
A stray emu or ostrich was re-
ported in traffic 1.2 miles out Ag-
ate Road.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
at locations 7.1 and 7.4 miles out
North Shore Road near Belfair.
Lighted signs and banners were
reported stolen from the Model T
Tavern, Hoodsport.
Squaxin tribal police responded
to the report of a theft on Klah Che
Min Drive.
A burglary was reported at 21
East Timberlakes Drive.
Squaxin tribal police assisted
the state patrol in a vehicle-acci-
dent investigation on State Route
A caller from Lonesome Creek
Road complained that a neigh-
bor was deliberately blaring mu-
sic while the caller was holding a
A one-car accident was reported
on State Route 106.
Shelton police assisted deputies
at a disturbance on East Blevins
Fire District 2 responded at
11:44 p.m. to the report of a fire,
listed as an illegal burn, at Twin
Sunday, July 15
A theft was reported from a
'booth at the drag racing site on
Sanderson Field.
A one-car roll-over was reported
on Mason Lake Road.
Squaxin tribal police investi-
gated the theft of money from a
residence on T'Peeksin Lane.
Fire District 16 responded at
1:12 p.m. to the report of an injury
in the 2100 block of West Railroad
A burglary and vehicle prowl
was reported on Kamilche Lane
and a vehicle prowl was reported
on Highway 108. A burglary was
reported on East Colvos Place.
An injury cycle accident was re-
ported on Cloquallum Road.
A woman was reported missing
from Rainbow Place.
Fire District 2 responded at
7:23 p.m. to an injury resulting
from a one-cycle crash on NE De-
watto Road.
A vehicle theft was reported a
mile out Bloomfield Road.
Skokomish tribal police were
notified of a vehicle accident on
Sunnyside Road.
A vehicle accident was reported
at 8:14 p.m. on Agate Road.
A property-damage hit-and-
run was reported on North Shore
Lumber was reported stolen
from the Belco mill on Johns Prai-
Monday, July 16
Fire District 2 responded at 8:09
p.m. to a burn investigation at 201
NE State Route 300, Belfair.
At 12:28 a.m. Squaxin Island
officers responded to a report of a
disturbance at a residence on SE
Skalapin Lane. Officers returned
to the residence at 1:52 a.m. when
an assault was reported and re-
quested assistance from Skokom-
ish officers. A theft was reported
by a caller from SE Klah Che Min
A caller from West Little Egypt
Road in the Dayton area reported
receiving counterfeit checks and
money orders through the mail.
Vehicle vandalism was reported
on NE Twin Lakes Road, Tahuya.
An alleged sex offense was re-
A caller from East Spruce Street,
Union, reported harassment.
The following restuarants and
other food-handling establish-
ments were inspected during the
month of June. Red violations,
which are high risk, are improper
practices or procedures which pro-
mote foodborne illness. Deficien-
cies in the high-risk factors are
required to be corrected within a
set time. High-risk factors may be
reinspected to ensure compliance.
Repeat high-risk violations will
result in enforcement actions.
Blue or low-risk factors are con-
trols that when violated enhance
the addition of pathogens, chemi-
cals and physical objects into food
items. Deficiencies in the low-risk
area must be corrected by the next
routine inspection.
According to an official with
the county health department, the
number of red and blue demer-
its is not necessarily equal to the
number of violations found. The
inspections are performed by Jess
Mosley and Rose Swier, environ-
mental health specialists.
Reinspeetion, June 1:
Vern's, Shelton, no violations.
Routine Inspections:
June 1:
Purdy Creek Espresso, Shel-
ton, 10 red, two blue (improper
cold holding, food establishment
permit not posted, no equipment
thermometer to monitor cold hold-
ing), 12 total.
Missy's Espresso, Olympic
Highway South, Shelton, no viola-
Sunny Day Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Granny's Espresso, Shelton, no
Ravens Brew at Sage Book
Store, Shelton, 10 red, five blue
(equipment thermometer missing,
improper cold holding tempera-
ture), 15 total.
June 12:
North Mason School District
central kitchen, Belfair, no viola-
June 15:
Village Espresso, Union, no vio-
Java The Hut, Shelton, 10 red,
zero blue (food worker cards not
current, improper cold holding),
10 total.
June 19:
Camp Saint Albans, Belfair, no
June 22:
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Zingaros Espresso, Shelton,
no red, 10 blue (improper storage
of in-use utensils, packaged food
stored on floor), I0 total.
Urraco Coffee Company, Shel-
ton, no violations.
(Please turn to page 26.)
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25