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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Includes police pursuit: Gun charge against Arraignment comes a bit Lamont is dismissed late in multi-charge case In the midst of a series of omni- bus hearings for a Mason County Superior Court defendant Mon- day, the court determined that the young defendant had not been ar- raigned on one of the charges. Jay Dick Thorpe James, 27, of 17661 North Highway 101, Shelton, entered a not-guilty plea to charges of theft in the first de- gree through attorney Jeannette Boothe, who recently took on his case as a public defender. Boothe and Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca Jones Garcia, standing in for Deputy Prosecutor Rein- hold Schuetz, then continued to exchange information in omnibus hearings before Judge Toni Shel- don on all four charges currently pending against James. A number of the charges pending against James stem from a chase through Shelton on June 21 when he drove a truck allegedly stolen in Thur- ston County through town with • Kyle Daniel Lane, 22, of 9748 West Cloquallum Road, Shelton, pled not guilty to posses- sion of an explosive device without a license. He is scheduled for an omnibus hearing on August 6, a pretrial hearing on August 10 and trial during the jury term begin- ning August 28. He was arrested July 5 at State Route 3 just south of Arcadia by Officer Chris Kostad of the Shelton Police Department, who stopped the vehicle Lane was driving for having no front license plate and learned Lane had five outstand- ing Mason County District Court warrants for his arrest. When the officer searched the vehicle he re- ported finding a black plastic con- tainer which was wrapped in black electrical tape and had a fuse pro- truding from one side. Kostad said he notified the state patrol bomb squad after identifying it as an im- provised explosive device. 12:38 a.m. June 23 when officers from the Shelton Police Depart- ment were responding to a report of a disturbance at 808 West Pine Street. She and Martin had been arguing because he asked her to move out since he and Riker were in a relationship. Wheeler is ac- cused of "trashing" the bedroom and throwing a concrete cinder block at Riker's vehicle, damaging the rear passenger window. • Carrie Lynn Hawley, 47, of Shelton, pied not guilty to posses- sion of heroin. She provided an ad- dress of 247 South Second Street, Shelton. She is accused of having the heroin when she was arrested June 23 by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department, who contacted her on a traffic stop for improper lane travel and con- firmed an active warrant. A charge of unlawful possession of a firearm filed this spring against Shelton area resident Michael Lamont was dismissed without prejudice in Mason County Superior Court on Monday• An individual who has been convicted of a felony is not by law allowed to own or handle a firearm without taking action to restore the right to keep and bear arms. Lamont was charged after records disclosed a felony theft charge filed against him in 1982, when he was 18. Lamont's attorney, Eric Valley, told the court that the underlying charge was reduced to a misdemeanor when Lamont pled guilty 25 years ago, so Lamont has no felony convictions. Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca Jones- Garcia, standing in for Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz who filed the charge, concurred that the filing was the only reference on which the cur case was based. Judge Toni Sheldon dismis the case. Two people scheduled arraignment on July 13 separate Mason County Supe Court cases were told no chaJ had been filed. * Bobbie JoLynn Myr appeared for arraignment charge of possession of sta property in the first de Judge James Sawyer exoner .# the $2,500 bail which My posted and told her if she charged at a later date would receive a summons in mail. She was arrested J i9 in connection with a ve which had been reported st( in Thurston County. • Michael Allen GI4 was scheduled for arraign after his arrest in investigation of possessioV methamphetamine. police pursuing him. A number of stolen items were located in the vehicle when it was recovered after hitting other vehi- cles in downtown Shelton, accord- ing to police reports. IN OTHER court action during Monday's motion calendar: • Malcolm Douglas Campau, 45, of 281 SE Nordquist Road, Shel- ton, was arraigned on one count of the charge of manufacture of a con- trolled substance, marijuana. He entered a not-guilty plea through attorney Jeffrey Steinborn. Campau was arrested July 2. by Sergeant Martin Borcherding of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, who served a search warrant at Campau's residence and was led to a large growing operation in sever- al rooms in a barn on the property. More than 1.02 plants were seized, according to Borcherding's report. Campau is to appear for omni- bus August 20, with pretrial and readiness hearings September 24 and 28 and trial to begin October 2. Steinborn told the court his cli- ent is not a user ofdrngs and asked that no urine testing be required. "If what you have said is borne out, the frequency or requirement for testing may be changed," Judge Sheldon said. • Anthony Michael Sam Mar- tin, 23, of 401 NE Bear Creek-De- watto Road, Belfair, entered a not- guilty plea to a charge of posses- sion of stolen property through at- torney Ran Sergi. He is accused of having a stolen black Honda Pre- lude. Information filed in the case by Sheriffs Deputy Kelly LaFrance indicates the Honda, whose ve- hicle identification number was reportedly scratched off, had been reported stolen to Shelton police. Martin reportedly told LaFrance he bought the vehicle from a man in Bremerton for $250. His omnibus hearing is set for August 13, and he is to appear for pretrial August 27, a readiness hearing August 31 and trial dur- ing the term beginning September 4. • Federico Hernandez Diaz, 31, formerly of East 861 Capital Village Lane, Shelton, was identi- fied in court on a potential charge of felony hit-and-run in mid-June of 2006 after a passenger identi- fied him as the driver in a hit-and- run collision that involved an in- jury. Diaz allegedly fled the scene on foot. Diaz pled guilty to the hit-and- run charge through attorney Ran Sergi. Judge Sheldon ordered him to appear for omnibus proceedings August 20, pretrial and readiness hearings September 24 and 28, and trial in the term beginning October 2. He remains free on per- sonal recognizance. ON FRIDAY, July 13: On July 2, four defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned and are scheduled for omnibus hearings on July 30, pretrial hear- ings on August 27 and trials dur- ing the jury term beginning Sep- tember 11. • Christian Shawn Jor- gensen, 29, of 4050 NE North Shore Drive, Belfair, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of assault in the second degree and assault in the third degree. He was arrested June 15 near Mason General Hopsital where he had been admitted for a mental- health evaluation but left prior to being checked in. He is accused of pushing a doctor who was evalu- ating him in the emergency room and walking out of the building and trying to pull Roger Garrick out of his vehicle in the parking lot. Garrick said a man in a hospi- tal gown opened the driver's side door and attempted to pull him out of the vehicle and then fled on foot. Police found him near Govey Street and Mountain View Drive and returned him to the hospital. • Brian Eric Adair, 34, of 130 East Twanoh, Belfair, pied not guilty to charges of resisting ar- rest, driving under the influence and driving with a suspended li- cense in the first degree. He was arrested June 16 by Trooper Joshua Merritt of the Washington State Patrol respond- ing to a report of a van stuck in a ditch near Milepost 12 of State Route 106 blocking the eastbound lane. Adair was outside the van at- tempting to get it out with the aid of a pickup truck and an extension cord. The trooper returned to his vehicle to get flares and call for a tow and reported seeing Adair get in the van, start it and try to rock it out of the ditch. The trooper said he smelled a strong odor of intoxicants and Adair agreed to field sobriety tests. Adair is accused of attempting to get away as he was being placed in handcuffs, pulling and pushing the trooper and grabbing his fin- gers. • Barbara A. Wheeler, 27, of 90 East Panorama Way, Grape- view, entered not-guilty pleas to charges of malicious mischief in the third degree and malicious mischief in the second degree. She provided addresses of 90 East Panorama Way, Grapeview, and 808 West Pine Street, Shelton. The third-degree malicious mis- chief is charged as domestic vio- lence. Wheeler is accused of dam- aging property belonging to Pat- rick Martin, with whom she had a dating relationship, and of break- ing a window in a vehicle owned by Carrie Riker, who is in a dating relationship with Martin. Wheeler was arrested about Do you remember when the Port of Shelton was building two or three buildings a year and filling them with qood-paying jobs.00 Guess we got off the track! By Russ Denney I'PANTORIUM CLEANEPJ & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.rn.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Serving Shelton and 215 South Second /ason County for 82 years 426-3371 i i Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007 Yakima man is sentenced for rape of 14-year-old girl A 22-year-old Eastern Wash- ington man who admitted having an ongoing sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl last year when they were both residing on the Skokomish Reservation was sentenced to prison after a hear- ing held on July 9 in Mason Coun- ty Superior Court. Scott Shone Miller of 3750 Brownstone Road, Yakima, was sentenced to 14 months for rape of a child in the third degree. He was she heard Miller "plead in tribal court as a sexual predator" when a restraining order was issued pro- hibiting him from contacting her daughter. She said, "This has been a long, hard process for her to get over this. I chose not to have her here so she can try to go on with her life. It was a big blow to her when this came out in the paper." The victim's parents requested a maximum sentence and a no- contact order• said, turning to the victim's ily. "I never intended to hurt body. I m sorry these events tr pired. We were lost people wh0! together in that sense." Judge Toni Sheldon said was imposing the 14-month ) tence "because this was not a ff time event." She said Miller wc kll be on community custody for 3 ) 48 months and ordered him to 0 1 plete a sexual-predator treats program. She imposed restricfi t residing on the Skokomish Res- ervation when the incidents were reported last fall. He pled guilty in June. According to a probable-cause statement prepared by Detective Mike Foster of the sheriffs of- rice, Miller had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl identified by initials in court documents. In an interview with Foster in Octo- ber 2006, she reportedly admitted having intercourse with Miller six to eight times over the past year and said it was consensual. HER PARENTS, Mark Johns Colson and Marcella Johns Colson, spoke at the sentencing hearing. Ms. Johns Colson said she chose not to bring her daughter to court after an article on Miller's arrest was printed in this newspaper. "Scott has lied and manipulat- ed our family," Mr. Johns Colson said. "He preyed on my daughter's insecurities. She was 14 at the time," the mother said. The father said Miller was told to stay away from his daughter by numerous people, "and he chose not to." MS. JOHNS COLSON said 00lrrest w00rr00nts Warrants were issued for the following people who failed to ap- pear for proceedings Monday, July 16, in Mason County Superior Court: Casey Edward Brown, $10,000; Elmer Harlen Chase, no-bail; Jessica Lynn Watson- With no prior felony criminal history, the sentencing range is from 12 to 14 months, a prison sentence, Deputy Prosecutor Re- becca Jones Garcia reported. She recommended a sentence at the high end of the range, saying the sexual contact was not an isolated incident. "This as an ongoing relation- ship that was cultivated, fostered, by the defendant," she said. In a hearing in tribal court on a no- contact order, she said, "he made an admission about the relation- ship." MILLER APOLOGIZED. "I know I have wronged them," he after his release from prison I cluding a prohibition against I ing contact with persons age of 18 unless supervised Died responsible adult and approvelB sl the Washington State Depart n , of Corrections. She said Miller must follow  i offender registration require and ordered him to have no covg with the victim and her famil| l life. She imposed legal fma | obligations of $500 to the cr victims' compensation fund, $ for a defense investigator, $45€ attorney-fee recoupment for county and $780 in court cost restitution hearing is sched for October 15. t Ic t, 00]ournal (Continued from page 25.) June 29: Fifth Street Espresso, Shelton, 10 red, seven blue (food worker cards not current, permit not posted, thermometer missing, im- proper storage of in-use utensils), 17 total. Dollar Tree Store, Shelton, no red, five blue (improper storage of food containers on floor), five to- tal. Missy's II, Olympic Highway North, Shelton, 10 red, no blue, (improper cold holding), 10 total. Dayton Grocery, Shelton, no red, five blue (food stored on floor), five total. Temporary permits: June 2 for Mason County For- est Festival in Shelton: b4 of ownership, no violations, r, June 23: McDonald's, Olympic High1 North, Shelton, sanitation inS] tion after sewage backup, no v tions, b June 29: Kobe Teriyaki, Shelton, ins]  tion after remodel, no violatio June 30: t A Lighthouse on Hammer ) Shelton, no violations. Complaint Inspections: i June 13: " Happy Hollow grocery ii enforcement inspection for se system, no violations. ' June 15: Hoodsport Marina, Hoods] h (water line broken during s U system repair; water samples t rq H:ke:Ur ....... • ..... Mason County Forest Festival, , ::ut)laa A ruce w Paradise Amusements, Fleetwood en after repair were satisfacttk '  ........ '  ........... " • • , no violations ' • ........... Espresso, King Enterpmses, Liza s • ri vau±.o ]n mree cases revolving Fine Food, Food .... Hut, BC Frozen June 22 m legal financial obligations, two .... : [. from 1988 and one from 1989. ireats and Catenng. _ McDormld's, Olympic Higll( Two people failed to appear June 30: North, Shelton, 10 red, five ) July 13 and Judge James Sawyer Lake Limerick Days Shelton (sewage backed up into re,,t • J , • rant), 15 total Issued warrants for their arrest: O,,enin,  . t ,  Ins"ections, re. Magdelano Roy Perez, $15,000 : June 29: .1'R'n and Annette Michele Potter, June 1: Subway Sandwiho ,helC ggn $10,000. Mickey's Deli, Shelton, change unable tovalidate co'm00piaint. L? ad l UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS t *Motor Oils and Oils Hydraulic • Industrial Lubricants  [::, Automotive Oils h • Metal Working Fluids *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling ' l * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns I1 • Greases and Gear Oils * Heating Oil Delivered i, • Solvents, Antifreeze l * Cutting Oils * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene Located at Sanderson SITla Industrial Park , Includes police pursuit: Gun charge against Arraignment comes a bit Lamont is dismissed late in multi-charge case In the midst of a series of omni- bus hearings for a Mason County Superior Court defendant Mon- day, the court determined that the young defendant had not been ar- raigned on one of the charges. Jay Dick Thorpe James, 27, of 17661 North Highway 101, Shelton, entered a not-guilty plea to charges of theft in the first de- gree through attorney Jeannette Boothe, who recently took on his case as a public defender. Boothe and Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca Jones Garcia, standing in for Deputy Prosecutor Rein- hold Schuetz, then continued to exchange information in omnibus hearings before Judge Toni Shel- don on all four charges currently pending against James. A number of the charges pending against James stem from a chase through Shelton on June 21 when he drove a truck allegedly stolen in Thur- ston County through town with • Kyle Daniel Lane, 22, of 9748 West Cloquallum Road, Shelton, pled not guilty to posses- sion of an explosive device without a license. He is scheduled for an omnibus hearing on August 6, a pretrial hearing on August 10 and trial during the jury term begin- ning August 28. He was arrested July 5 at State Route 3 just south of Arcadia by Officer Chris Kostad of the Shelton Police Department, who stopped the vehicle Lane was driving for having no front license plate and learned Lane had five outstand- ing Mason County District Court warrants for his arrest. When the officer searched the vehicle he re- ported finding a black plastic con- tainer which was wrapped in black electrical tape and had a fuse pro- truding from one side. Kostad said he notified the state patrol bomb squad after identifying it as an im- provised explosive device. 12:38 a.m. June 23 when officers from the Shelton Police Depart- ment were responding to a report of a disturbance at 808 West Pine Street. She and Martin had been arguing because he asked her to move out since he and Riker were in a relationship. Wheeler is ac- cused of "trashing" the bedroom and throwing a concrete cinder block at Riker's vehicle, damaging the rear passenger window. • Carrie Lynn Hawley, 47, of Shelton, pied not guilty to posses- sion of heroin. She provided an ad- dress of 247 South Second Street, Shelton. She is accused of having the heroin when she was arrested June 23 by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department, who contacted her on a traffic stop for improper lane travel and con- firmed an active warrant. A charge of unlawful possession of a firearm filed this spring against Shelton area resident Michael Lamont was dismissed without prejudice in Mason County Superior Court on Monday• An individual who has been convicted of a felony is not by law allowed to own or handle a firearm without taking action to restore the right to keep and bear arms. Lamont was charged after records disclosed a felony theft charge filed against him in 1982, when he was 18. Lamont's attorney, Eric Valley, told the court that the underlying charge was reduced to a misdemeanor when Lamont pled guilty 25 years ago, so Lamont has no felony convictions. Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca Jones- Garcia, standing in for Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz who filed the charge, concurred that the filing was the only reference on which the cur case was based. Judge Toni Sheldon dismis the case. Two people scheduled arraignment on July 13 separate Mason County Supe Court cases were told no chaJ had been filed. * Bobbie JoLynn Myr appeared for arraignment charge of possession of sta property in the first de Judge James Sawyer exoner .# the $2,500 bail which My posted and told her if she charged at a later date would receive a summons in mail. She was arrested J i9 in connection with a ve which had been reported st( in Thurston County. • Michael Allen GI4 was scheduled for arraign after his arrest in investigation of possessioV methamphetamine. police pursuing him. A number of stolen items were located in the vehicle when it was recovered after hitting other vehi- cles in downtown Shelton, accord- ing to police reports. IN OTHER court action during Monday's motion calendar: • Malcolm Douglas Campau, 45, of 281 SE Nordquist Road, Shel- ton, was arraigned on one count of the charge of manufacture of a con- trolled substance, marijuana. He entered a not-guilty plea through attorney Jeffrey Steinborn. Campau was arrested July 2. by Sergeant Martin Borcherding of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, who served a search warrant at Campau's residence and was led to a large growing operation in sever- al rooms in a barn on the property. More than 1.02 plants were seized, according to Borcherding's report. Campau is to appear for omni- bus August 20, with pretrial and readiness hearings September 24 and 28 and trial to begin October 2. Steinborn told the court his cli- ent is not a user ofdrngs and asked that no urine testing be required. "If what you have said is borne out, the frequency or requirement for testing may be changed," Judge Sheldon said. • Anthony Michael Sam Mar- tin, 23, of 401 NE Bear Creek-De- watto Road, Belfair, entered a not- guilty plea to a charge of posses- sion of stolen property through at- torney Ran Sergi. He is accused of having a stolen black Honda Pre- lude. Information filed in the case by Sheriffs Deputy Kelly LaFrance indicates the Honda, whose ve- hicle identification number was reportedly scratched off, had been reported stolen to Shelton police. Martin reportedly told LaFrance he bought the vehicle from a man in Bremerton for $250. His omnibus hearing is set for August 13, and he is to appear for pretrial August 27, a readiness hearing August 31 and trial dur- ing the term beginning September 4. • Federico Hernandez Diaz, 31, formerly of East 861 Capital Village Lane, Shelton, was identi- fied in court on a potential charge of felony hit-and-run in mid-June of 2006 after a passenger identi- fied him as the driver in a hit-and- run collision that involved an in- jury. Diaz allegedly fled the scene on foot. Diaz pled guilty to the hit-and- run charge through attorney Ran Sergi. Judge Sheldon ordered him to appear for omnibus proceedings August 20, pretrial and readiness hearings September 24 and 28, and trial in the term beginning October 2. He remains free on per- sonal recognizance. ON FRIDAY, July 13: On July 2, four defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned and are scheduled for omnibus hearings on July 30, pretrial hear- ings on August 27 and trials dur- ing the jury term beginning Sep- tember 11. • Christian Shawn Jor- gensen, 29, of 4050 NE North Shore Drive, Belfair, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of assault in the second degree and assault in the third degree. He was arrested June 15 near Mason General Hopsital where he had been admitted for a mental- health evaluation but left prior to being checked in. He is accused of pushing a doctor who was evalu- ating him in the emergency room and walking out of the building and trying to pull Roger Garrick out of his vehicle in the parking lot. Garrick said a man in a hospi- tal gown opened the driver's side door and attempted to pull him out of the vehicle and then fled on foot. Police found him near Govey Street and Mountain View Drive and returned him to the hospital. • Brian Eric Adair, 34, of 130 East Twanoh, Belfair, pied not guilty to charges of resisting ar- rest, driving under the influence and driving with a suspended li- cense in the first degree. He was arrested June 16 by Trooper Joshua Merritt of the Washington State Patrol respond- ing to a report of a van stuck in a ditch near Milepost 12 of State Route 106 blocking the eastbound lane. Adair was outside the van at- tempting to get it out with the aid of a pickup truck and an extension cord. The trooper returned to his vehicle to get flares and call for a tow and reported seeing Adair get in the van, start it and try to rock it out of the ditch. The trooper said he smelled a strong odor of intoxicants and Adair agreed to field sobriety tests. Adair is accused of attempting to get away as he was being placed in handcuffs, pulling and pushing the trooper and grabbing his fin- gers. • Barbara A. Wheeler, 27, of 90 East Panorama Way, Grape- view, entered not-guilty pleas to charges of malicious mischief in the third degree and malicious mischief in the second degree. She provided addresses of 90 East Panorama Way, Grapeview, and 808 West Pine Street, Shelton. The third-degree malicious mis- chief is charged as domestic vio- lence. Wheeler is accused of dam- aging property belonging to Pat- rick Martin, with whom she had a dating relationship, and of break- ing a window in a vehicle owned by Carrie Riker, who is in a dating relationship with Martin. Wheeler was arrested about Do you remember when the Port of Shelton was building two or three buildings a year and filling them with qood-paying jobs.00 Guess we got off the track! By Russ Denney I'PANTORIUM CLEANEPJ & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.rn.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Serving Shelton and 215 South Second /ason County for 82 years 426-3371 i i Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007 Yakima man is sentenced for rape of 14-year-old girl A 22-year-old Eastern Wash- ington man who admitted having an ongoing sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl last year when they were both residing on the Skokomish Reservation was sentenced to prison after a hear- ing held on July 9 in Mason Coun- ty Superior Court. Scott Shone Miller of 3750 Brownstone Road, Yakima, was sentenced to 14 months for rape of a child in the third degree. He was she heard Miller "plead in tribal court as a sexual predator" when a restraining order was issued pro- hibiting him from contacting her daughter. She said, "This has been a long, hard process for her to get over this. I chose not to have her here so she can try to go on with her life. It was a big blow to her when this came out in the paper." The victim's parents requested a maximum sentence and a no- contact order• said, turning to the victim's ily. "I never intended to hurt body. I m sorry these events tr pired. We were lost people wh0! together in that sense." Judge Toni Sheldon said was imposing the 14-month ) tence "because this was not a ff time event." She said Miller wc kll be on community custody for 3 ) 48 months and ordered him to 0 1 plete a sexual-predator treats program. She imposed restricfi t residing on the Skokomish Res- ervation when the incidents were reported last fall. He pled guilty in June. According to a probable-cause statement prepared by Detective Mike Foster of the sheriffs of- rice, Miller had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl identified by initials in court documents. In an interview with Foster in Octo- ber 2006, she reportedly admitted having intercourse with Miller six to eight times over the past year and said it was consensual. HER PARENTS, Mark Johns Colson and Marcella Johns Colson, spoke at the sentencing hearing. Ms. Johns Colson said she chose not to bring her daughter to court after an article on Miller's arrest was printed in this newspaper. "Scott has lied and manipulat- ed our family," Mr. Johns Colson said. "He preyed on my daughter's insecurities. She was 14 at the time," the mother said. The father said Miller was told to stay away from his daughter by numerous people, "and he chose not to." MS. JOHNS COLSON said 00lrrest w00rr00nts Warrants were issued for the following people who failed to ap- pear for proceedings Monday, July 16, in Mason County Superior Court: Casey Edward Brown, $10,000; Elmer Harlen Chase, no-bail; Jessica Lynn Watson- With no prior felony criminal history, the sentencing range is from 12 to 14 months, a prison sentence, Deputy Prosecutor Re- becca Jones Garcia reported. She recommended a sentence at the high end of the range, saying the sexual contact was not an isolated incident. "This as an ongoing relation- ship that was cultivated, fostered, by the defendant," she said. In a hearing in tribal court on a no- contact order, she said, "he made an admission about the relation- ship." MILLER APOLOGIZED. "I know I have wronged them," he after his release from prison I cluding a prohibition against I ing contact with persons age of 18 unless supervised Died responsible adult and approvelB sl the Washington State Depart n , of Corrections. She said Miller must follow  i offender registration require and ordered him to have no covg with the victim and her famil| l life. She imposed legal fma | obligations of $500 to the cr victims' compensation fund, $ for a defense investigator, $45€ attorney-fee recoupment for county and $780 in court cost restitution hearing is sched for October 15. t Ic t, 00]ournal (Continued from page 25.) June 29: Fifth Street Espresso, Shelton, 10 red, seven blue (food worker cards not current, permit not posted, thermometer missing, im- proper storage of in-use utensils), 17 total. Dollar Tree Store, Shelton, no red, five blue (improper storage of food containers on floor), five to- tal. Missy's II, Olympic Highway North, Shelton, 10 red, no blue, (improper cold holding), 10 total. Dayton Grocery, Shelton, no red, five blue (food stored on floor), five total. Temporary permits: June 2 for Mason County For- est Festival in Shelton: b4 of ownership, no violations, r, June 23: McDonald's, Olympic High1 North, Shelton, sanitation inS] tion after sewage backup, no v tions, b June 29: Kobe Teriyaki, Shelton, ins]  tion after remodel, no violatio June 30: t A Lighthouse on Hammer ) Shelton, no violations. Complaint Inspections: i June 13: " Happy Hollow grocery ii enforcement inspection for se system, no violations. ' June 15: Hoodsport Marina, Hoods] h (water line broken during s U system repair; water samples t rq H:ke:Ur ....... • ..... Mason County Forest Festival, , ::ut)laa A ruce w Paradise Amusements, Fleetwood en after repair were satisfacttk '  ........ '  ........... " • • , no violations ' • ........... Espresso, King Enterpmses, Liza s • ri vau±.o ]n mree cases revolving Fine Food, Food .... Hut, BC Frozen June 22 m legal financial obligations, two .... : [. from 1988 and one from 1989. ireats and Catenng. _ McDormld's, Olympic Higll( Two people failed to appear June 30: North, Shelton, 10 red, five ) July 13 and Judge James Sawyer Lake Limerick Days Shelton (sewage backed up into re,,t • J , • rant), 15 total Issued warrants for their arrest: O,,enin,  . t ,  Ins"ections, re. Magdelano Roy Perez, $15,000 : June 29: .1'R'n and Annette Michele Potter, June 1: Subway Sandwiho ,helC ggn $10,000. Mickey's Deli, Shelton, change unable tovalidate co'm00piaint. L? ad l UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS t *Motor Oils and Oils Hydraulic • Industrial Lubricants  [::, Automotive Oils h • Metal Working Fluids *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling ' l * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns I1 • Greases and Gear Oils * Heating Oil Delivered i, • Solvents, Antifreeze l * Cutting Oils * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene Located at Sanderson SITla Industrial Park ,