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00)ourt roundup: Gunman arrested in She!ton
"',_ 17-year-old man from the written a $500 check to her. Drive, Hoodsport, was identified in was identified in an investigation delivery and sales. Some $275 in
,;JOmish Indian Reservation, Neese was taken into custody on an investigation of theft in the sec- of three counts of violation of a no- cash was found in Sisson s wallet.
Lt ate ' • ...... ,, ' '
st d m connection with an al- two outstanding Shelton Mumclpal ond degree. He was arrested July contact order. He is represented by The manner of storing the bills
| lassault involving a handgun, Court warrants. At first Neese said 14 and is suspected of taking four Bruce Finlay. was also consistent with sale," the
[ race any potential criminal she got the check at a garage sale. metal beer signs, a neon Corona He was arrested July 12 when officer wrote.
jrges as an adult.
!harles Sydney Longshore of
North Tribal Center Road was
ltified Monday, July 16, in Ma-
b r County Suverior Court in an
t s ' . .
• tigahon of assault ]n the sec-
;t degree with a firearm.
;1 ngshore was arrested at 1:44
r. on July 13 by Shelton police
,fers responding to a report of a
Urbance involving a handgun
]}715 SE Holman Street. Erica,
llF and Edward Chavira and Tri-
I (larza saw Longshore with five
])ix people standing in the alley
tiag for someone named Curtis,
rding to police reports. Eric
lVira reportedly told him no one
z aed Curtis was in the house.
|that point, Longshore alleg-
r Pulled a black semiautomatic
I'ugun and pointed it at the four
[Pie. Longshore reportedly kept
[gun aimed at the people in the
ldence as he backed away and
[the area with the group.
Udge Toni Sheldon appointed
I les Lane to defend Longshore,
|bail at $25,000 and set arraign-
t for July 23. She ordered
ilgshore to have no contact with
tential witnesses.
!2TUESDAY, July 17
o[oKimberly Irene Neese, 34,
lu 21 Arcadia Road, Shelton, was
llhfied in an investigation of
, ]ery and attempted theft in the
, d degree.
:f.e was arrested July 16 by
/Iton Police Officer Aaron Belt
.]r responded to a report of a per-
ntrying to cash a stolen check
.:r Community Credit Union.
i;l!sher, a credit union official,
.%1 When the check signature did
'.1 atch Rhonda Whitener's sig-
;re on the account card, they
d her and she said the check
r Stolen. Whitener also said she
'aot know Neese and had not
Questioned at the police depart-
ment, Neese claimed she got the
check from Melissa Moore, with
whom she was going to split the
Judge Sheldon appointed James
Foley for detbnse, set bail at $1,500
and set a July 24 arraignment.
She ordered Neese to have no con-
tact with the credit union, Fisher,
Whitener and Moore, a potential
ON MONDAY, July 16:
• Jolene E. Stevens, 48, of 671
East Creekside Drive, Belfair, was
identified in 23 counts of theft in
the second degree and 23 counts of
According to a probable-cause
statement by Detective Mike Fos-
ter of the Mason County Sheriffs
Office, Stevens is suspected of
cashing checks on two business ac-
counts of Panzera and Sons, Incor-
porated. Joseph Panzera Jr. said
he hired Stevens as an accountant
and bookkeeper May 1. Panzera
said he received overdraft notices,
checked his payroll accounts and
discovered Stevens had paid her-
self and her boyfriend, Mike Fish-
er, about $12,000 from his accounts
at Wells Fargo Bank. She had two
of his checkbooks, he told Foster.
Foster reviewed paperwork from
bank accounts and reported Ste-
vens wrote 23 individual checks
to herself between May 1 and July
2, totaling $11,480, and cashed
them. Each of the 23 checks were
for amounts between $250 but less
than $1,500.
Judge Sheldon appointed Ron-
ald Sergi as counsel, ordered Ste-
vens to have no contact with Jo-
seph Panzera and his business and
released Stevens on her promise to
appear for arraignment July 23.
• Jared Leigh Hicks, 20, of
280 North Mount Washington
beer sign and three tap handles
from the Model T Tavern in Hood-
sport, whose owner Mark McDou:
gall reported the theft July 14.
McDougall said the theft happened
July 6 or 7 and an employee's son
told her he saw the stolen items in
the bed of Hicks' pickup truck at
Lumbermen's in Shelton, where
Hicks works.
An employee checked the bed
of the pickup and saw the Corona
sign. Shelton Police Officer Mark
Hinton contacted Hicks and lo-
cated the other metal signs in the
truck. Hicks claimed he had "no
clue" about how the items ended
up in his truck.
Judge Sheldon appointed Foley
as defense counsel and released
Hicks on his promise to appear for
arraignment July 23. She ordered
him to have no contact with the
Model T Tavern, McDougall and
a potential codefendant who was
taken to the Mason County Juve-
nile Detention Center.
• Anthony Owen DeMiero,
41, 51 NE Salty Drive, Belfair, was
identified in an investigation of fel-
ony harassment. He said he would
hire an attorney.
He was arrested July 15 by a
sheriffs deputy responding to a
reported disturbance in the area of
Salty Drive and Santa Maria Lane.
John Greenway said DeMiero, a
neighbor, threatened to shoot him,
his dog and his wife with a cross-
bow. DeMiero claimed he did not
own a crossbow and had not threat-
ened anyone.
Judge Sheldon set bail at $5,000
and scheduled arraignment for
July 23. She ordered DeMiero to
have no contact with John Green-
way and his wife, Shannon Strong.
ON FRIDAY, July 13:
* Robert Dale Beasley Jr., 40,
of 220 East Tahuya Drive, Shelton,
]00ex offender is jailed
20-year-old convicted sex of-
st living in Shelton has re-
' a 30-day sentence for fail-
register and a warning
potential prison sentence
ils to abide by all registra-
[0requirements again.
Shun Adam Briggs of 40 East
79 a Place was sentenced on
in Mason County Superior
ft. He pled guilty at his ar-
.raent June 29. He was con-
.I of rape of a child in the first
' in 2000 and had moved
t Yakima County to Mason
.ty and did not register with
?herifl's office.
n s an unranked felony, the
Sacing range is from zero to
days, Deputy Prosecutor Re-
al a Jones Garcia said. "This is
Cle , ,,
,t fendant s first conviction,
es Garcia said, "and because it
.[st offense, there is an agreed
"taendation of 30 days.
Lr e defendant should consider
s warning shot across the
rJ If he commits another failure
,Ster he will have a range
Bfc.o 14 months, a prison sen-
: Briggs pied guilty at ar-
.?;mtent and says he lost sight
Priority of registering," said
d Ser, defense counsel. "He
s it, and he won't lose sight
ggs said, "I realized that 1
oaess up. This is not the type
Le odel I want to be for my
[ [ apologize."
tl ;SaY°::ctne and °nly °P"
a minimal sen-
q Judge Toni Sheldon told
1 She advised him to make
t cer who handles sex of-
t r ,,
i, egistration his new best
= ' and reminded him he has a
g obligation to register. She
d legal financial obligations
uv to the crime victims' com-
Ltion fund, $450 in attorney-
.COUpment for the county and
)1 In COurt costs.
MOnday, July 2, in superior
01,elissa- Ann Johnson, 25,
Grant Avenue, Shelton,
.sentenced to three months in
fr POSsession of methamphet-
e, resolving a 2006 case. She
.tertainated from drug court.
th an offender score of one,
'atdard sentencing range is
Zero to six months followed
re to 12 months of communi-
e r,rvismn, Deputy Prosecutor
'JOrcy said. He said Johnson
has a previous drug conviction in
superior court for which she was
sentenced on February 5, 2005.
"I'm sorry I messed up drug
court. Life started happening and
I didn't know what to do so I ran,"
Johnson said. "I do plan on being
clean and sober. I've been doing
NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)."
Judge Sheldon said Johnson
would be on 12 months of supervi-
sion and ordered her to have a sub-
stance-abuse evaluation and fol-
low all recommendations for treat-
ment. She imposed legal financial
obligations of a $2,000 drug fine,
$500 to the crime victims' fund,
$450 in attorney-fee recoupment
and $250 in court costs.
• Santiago Perez Pablo, 30,
of 1411 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton,
was sentenced to two months in
jail for escape in the second de-
gree. When he pied guilty he ad-
mitted he walked away from a
Mason County Jail litter crew on
December 1, 2006.
With an offender score of zero,
the sentencing range is from one
to three months, Deputy Prosecu-
tor Reinhold Schuetz said. He rec-
ommended a mid-range sentence.
Perez Pablo is currently serving
time on two convictions for driving
under the influence, and he will be
under community supervision as a
result of those convictions.
Perez Pablo apologized to the
Judge Toni Sheldon said the
sentence would be consecutive to
any time he is serving in district
court and imposed legal financial
obligations of $500 to the crime
victims' compensation fund, $450
in attorney-fee recoupment fo r the
county and $406.50 in court costs.
Court-certified interpreter Kar-
en Horn translated the proceed-
ings into English and Spanish.
• Stephen Gregory Bird, 39,
of 4841 Lemon Road NE, Olym-
pia, was sentenced to 45 days for
possession of cocaine on February
19, 2005. He was convicted after a
bench trial.
Judge Sheldon used the first-
time offender sentencing option,
which provides for a sentence of
from zero to 90 days followed by
two years of community supervi-
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy
said there was a lengthy period
of warrant history. With no prior
felony convictions the standard
sentencing range is from zero to
six months followed by nine to 12
months of community supervision.
He said the state would not object
to a first-time offender waiver.
In court, Bird said he had "one
slip" back in February 2005 and
then he "jumped back on the
wagon." He said he was in Con-
necticut dealing with other issues
when he was on warrant status.
"This took a very low priority in
my life. I want to get this behind
me." Bird also wrote a letter to
the court which the judge read
prior to sentencing.
Judge Sheldon converted 30
days to 240 hours of community
service and ordered Bird to have
a substance-abuse evaluation and
follow all recommendations for
treatment. She said he would be
on 24 months of community super-
vision and imposed legal financial
obligations of a $1,000 drug fine,
$500 to the crime victims' fund
and $400 in court costs.
* Shannon Marie Arndt, 27,
of 181 Sea Vista Lane, Grape-
view, was sentenced to 30 days
for possession of methamphet-
amine, resolving a 2006 case.
Judge Sheldon sentenced her un-
der the first-time offender waiver
and said she would receive credit
for 23 days which she had served
while the case was pending with
any remaining time converted to
community service.
The standard sentencing range
is from zero to six months, Dorcy
said, with nine to 12 months of
community supervision.
Court-appointed defense coun-
sel Eric Valley said Arndt, who
has admitted she has a sub-
stance-abuse problem, had been
"in a good place" prior to her ar-
rest in this incident back in May
2006. He said she had been clean
and sober for eight months prior
to the incident which led to her
"This has been a hard road for
me to come back from, but it was
an easy road to go down," Arndt
said. "I have been working, and I
have a steady job now. I got my
family back through tough love."
Judge Sheldon said Arndt would
be on 24 months of supervision and
ordered her to have a substance-
abuse evaluation and follow all
recommendations for treatment.
She imposed legal financial obliga-
tions of a $1,000 drug fine, $500 to
the crime victims' fund, $1,892.40
in attorney-fee recoupment and
$600 in court costs.
he showed up for a trial readi-
"ness hearing in another superior
court case in which he is accused
of breaking into a residence at 10
East Colvos Place, Shelton, March
23 and assaulting Carl L. Hills,
who was living with Rene M. Dem-
mon, with whom Beasley had a dat-
ing relationship. A protection order
in that case prohibits contact with
Demmon and Hills.
On April 15 Kristopher and
Brandy L. Kord reported seeing
Beasley and Demmon together at a
party. She shares custody of a child
with Mr. Kord and she reportedly
told him she did not want their son
to know she was living with Beas-
ley "on the sly."
On July 4, Hills reported seeing
Beasley pick up Demmon in the
parking lot at Wal-Mart and then
head north on Highway 101. Detec-
tives Jack Gardner and Luther Pit-
tman located the vehicle July 10 in
the driveway at 220 Tahuya Drive
and at about 10:32 a.m. the detec-
tives said they saw Demmon leave
in the vehicle.
Judge James Sawyer set bail
at $3L?,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment for July 23.
• Roy Lee Sisson, 37, of 405
Dearborn Avenue, Shelton, was
identified in an investigation of
possession of methamphetamine
with intent to deliver, possession
of Vicodin, a prescription narcotic,
with intent to deliver, possession
of less than 40 grams of marijuana
and use of drug paraphernalia.
He was arrested at 10:42 p.m.
July 12 at Pioneer School by a dep-
uty responding to a report of a sus-
picious vehicle parked in the front
parking lot. The deputy recognized
Sisson from previous contacts and
learned there was an active Shel-
ton Municipal Court warrant for
Sisson's arrest. The deputy de-
scribed Sisson as uncooperative.
According to the officer's report,
a glass smoking pipe with white
residue was in plain view on the
seat of the pickup truck. He re-
portedly found three small baggies
of a substance which field-tested
positive for meth in a coin purse in
Sisson's pants pocket and a small
baggie with a green vegetable ma-
terial which tested positive for
In the vehicle, the deputy also
found more baggies, one with nine
pills identified as Vicodin, and the
other containing more pills crushed
up; a 1.3-gram baggie of suspected
meth; three digital scales; four cell
phones; multiple empty baggies; a
hand-held police scanner; and an
agent used in the cutting of meth
for sale.
The deputy wrote, "The manner
in which the suspected meth was
each packaged individually and
in large amounts is consistent not
with personal use but rather for
Judge James Sawyer appointed
James Foley as defense counsel,
set bail at $5,000 and scheduled
arraignment for July 23.
• Mary Louise Balaski, 40,
who was arrested at 1210 Deer-
view Circle, Shelton, was identified
in an investigation of possession of
She was arrested July 11 by De-
tective Robert Noyes of the Mason
County Sheriffs Office and other
law enforcement officers investigat-
ing a Mason County Public Health
report that several people were liv-
ing on Deerview Circle property
deemed "unfit for use."
The Harstine Island property
was declared unfit two days after
officers from the sheriffs office and
West Sound Narcotics Enforce-
ment Team served a warrant and
found an illegal methamphetamine
laboratory, illegal narcotics, para-
phernalia and hazardous materi-
als. Balaski and her boyfriend,
identified as Steve M. Banks, were
living in a travel trailer in which
officers reportedly found a small
plastic baggie containing a white
residue which field-tested positive
for meth.
Judge James Sawyer appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense counsel
and set bail at $5,000, citing "a
significant history of warrants."
He scheduled arraignment for July
• Matthew Calvin Peterson,
28, of 941 Valley Road, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of possession of meth and obstruct-
ing law enforcement.
He was arrested July I0 in the
Safeway parking lot by Officer D.
Patton of the Shelton Police De-
partment who said he saw a green
Dodge Neon with a cracked wind-
shield and learned the registered
owner of the vehicle, Peterson, had
a warrant for his arrest.
A male in the rear seat identi-
fied himself as Corey Peterson,
born September 30, 1984. Shelton
Police Officer Tasesa Malaya ar-
rived and identified the man in the
back seat as Matthew Peterson.
There were no warrants for Corey
Peterson but Matthew Peterson
had five warrants including a no-
bail warrant from the Department
of Corrections. A tattoo on Matthew
Peterson's arm matched a descrip-
tion from DOC.
The officer asked if he could
search bags of clothing that were in
the trunk, and Peterson allegedly
consented. A pipe was found with a
residue inside it which field-tested
positive for meth.
Judge Sheldon appointed Ser-
gi as defense counsel, set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled arraignment
for July 18.
Hood Canal at Union
Thursday, July 19
Low ................... 3:38 a.m ............ 4.8 ft.
High .................. 8:36 a.m ............ 8.7 ft.
Low ................... 2:54 p.m ............ 1.6 ft.
High .................. 9:42 p.m .......... 12,0 ft.
Friday, July 20
Low ................... 4:24 a.m ............ 3.9 ft.
High .................. 9:41 a.m ............ 8.1 ft.
Low ................... 3:33 p.m ............ 3.3 ft.
High ................ 10:11 p.m .......... 11.6 ft.
Saturday, July 21
Low ................... 5:11 a.m ............ 3.1 ft.
High ................ 10:57 a.m ............ 7.8 ft.
Low ................... 4:15 p.m ............ 5.1 ft.
High ................ 10:42 p.m .......... 11.3 ft.
Sunday, July 22
Low ................... 5:59 a.m ............ 2.2 ft.
High ................ 12:34 p.m ............ 7.9 ft.
Low ................. .5:06 p.m ............ 6.8 ft.
High ................ 11:17 p.m .......... 10.8 ft.
Monday, July 23
Low ................... 6:49 a.m ............ 1.5 ft.
High .................. 2:39 p.m ............ 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 6:23 p.m ............ 8.1 ft.
High ................ 11:56 p.m .......... 10.4 ft.
Tuesday, July 24
Low ................... 7:38 a.m ............ 0.7 ft.
High .................. 4:07 p.m ............ 9.7 ft.
Low ................... 8:18 p.m ............ 8.9 ft.
Wednesday, July 25
High ................ 12:41 a.m .......... 10.1 ft.
Low ................... 8:27 a.m ............ 0.1 ft.
High .................. 4:57 p.m .......... 10.5 ft.
Low ................... 9:51 p.m ............ 9.0 ft.
Thursday, July 26
High .................. 1:32 a.m .......... 10.0 ft.
Low ................... 9:13 a.m ........... -0.6 ft.
High .................. 5:33 p.m .......... 11.1 ft.
Low ................. 10:43 p.m ............ 8.8 ft.
Oakland Bay at Shelton
Thursday, July 19
Low ................... 5:33 a.m ............ 4.1 ft.
High ................ 10:01 a.m .......... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 4:49 p.m ............ 1.4 ft.
High ................ 11:07 p.m .......... 14.5 ft.
Friday, July 20
Low ................... 6:19 a.m ............ 3.4 ft.
High ................ 11:06 a.m ............ 9.8 ft.
Low ................... 5:28 p.m ............ 2.9 ft.
High ................ 11:36 p.m .......... 14.1 ft.
Saturday, July 21
Low ................... 7:06 a.m ............ 2.7 ft.
High ................ 12:22 p.m ............ 9.4 ft.
Low ................... 6:10 p,m ............ 4.4 ft.
Sunday, July 22
High ................ 12:07 a.m .......... 13.7 ft.
Low ................... 7:54 a.m ............ 1.9 ft.
High .................. 1:59 p.m ............ 9.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:01 p.rn ............ 5.9 ft.
Monday, July 23
High ............ ,..12:42 a.rn .......... 13.1 ft.
Low ................... 8:44 a.m ......... ,.. 1.3 ft.
High .................. 4:04 p.m.. ........ 10.5 ft,
Low ..... , ............. 8:18 p.m ............ 7.0 ft.
Tuesday, July 24
High .................. 1:21 a.m .......... 12.6 ft.
Low ................... 9:33 a.m ............ 0.6 ft.
High ......... , ........ 5:32 p.m .......... 11.7 ft.
Low ................. 10:13 p.rn ............ 7.7 ft.
Wednesday, July 25
High .................. 2:06 a.m .......... 12.2 ft.
Low ................. 10:22 a.m ............ 0.1 ft.
High .................. 6:22 p.m .......... 12.7 ft.
Low ................. 11:46 p.m ............ 7.8 ft.
Thursday, July 26
High ............... ,..2:57 a.m .......... 12.1 ft.
Low ................. 11:08 a.rn ........... -0.6 ft.
High .................. 6:58 p.m .......... 13.5 ft.
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27
00)ourt roundup: Gunman arrested in She!ton
"',_ 17-year-old man from the written a $500 check to her. Drive, Hoodsport, was identified in was identified in an investigation delivery and sales. Some $275 in
,;JOmish Indian Reservation, Neese was taken into custody on an investigation of theft in the sec- of three counts of violation of a no- cash was found in Sisson s wallet.
Lt ate ' • ...... ,, ' '
st d m connection with an al- two outstanding Shelton Mumclpal ond degree. He was arrested July contact order. He is represented by The manner of storing the bills
| lassault involving a handgun, Court warrants. At first Neese said 14 and is suspected of taking four Bruce Finlay. was also consistent with sale," the
[ race any potential criminal she got the check at a garage sale. metal beer signs, a neon Corona He was arrested July 12 when officer wrote.
jrges as an adult.
!harles Sydney Longshore of
North Tribal Center Road was
ltified Monday, July 16, in Ma-
b r County Suverior Court in an
t s ' . .
• tigahon of assault ]n the sec-
;t degree with a firearm.
;1 ngshore was arrested at 1:44
r. on July 13 by Shelton police
,fers responding to a report of a
Urbance involving a handgun
]}715 SE Holman Street. Erica,
llF and Edward Chavira and Tri-
I (larza saw Longshore with five
])ix people standing in the alley
tiag for someone named Curtis,
rding to police reports. Eric
lVira reportedly told him no one
z aed Curtis was in the house.
|that point, Longshore alleg-
r Pulled a black semiautomatic
I'ugun and pointed it at the four
[Pie. Longshore reportedly kept
[gun aimed at the people in the
ldence as he backed away and
[the area with the group.
Udge Toni Sheldon appointed
I les Lane to defend Longshore,
|bail at $25,000 and set arraign-
t for July 23. She ordered
ilgshore to have no contact with
tential witnesses.
!2TUESDAY, July 17
o[oKimberly Irene Neese, 34,
lu 21 Arcadia Road, Shelton, was
llhfied in an investigation of
, ]ery and attempted theft in the
, d degree.
:f.e was arrested July 16 by
/Iton Police Officer Aaron Belt
.]r responded to a report of a per-
ntrying to cash a stolen check
.:r Community Credit Union.
i;l!sher, a credit union official,
.%1 When the check signature did
'.1 atch Rhonda Whitener's sig-
;re on the account card, they
d her and she said the check
r Stolen. Whitener also said she
'aot know Neese and had not
Questioned at the police depart-
ment, Neese claimed she got the
check from Melissa Moore, with
whom she was going to split the
Judge Sheldon appointed James
Foley for detbnse, set bail at $1,500
and set a July 24 arraignment.
She ordered Neese to have no con-
tact with the credit union, Fisher,
Whitener and Moore, a potential
ON MONDAY, July 16:
• Jolene E. Stevens, 48, of 671
East Creekside Drive, Belfair, was
identified in 23 counts of theft in
the second degree and 23 counts of
According to a probable-cause
statement by Detective Mike Fos-
ter of the Mason County Sheriffs
Office, Stevens is suspected of
cashing checks on two business ac-
counts of Panzera and Sons, Incor-
porated. Joseph Panzera Jr. said
he hired Stevens as an accountant
and bookkeeper May 1. Panzera
said he received overdraft notices,
checked his payroll accounts and
discovered Stevens had paid her-
self and her boyfriend, Mike Fish-
er, about $12,000 from his accounts
at Wells Fargo Bank. She had two
of his checkbooks, he told Foster.
Foster reviewed paperwork from
bank accounts and reported Ste-
vens wrote 23 individual checks
to herself between May 1 and July
2, totaling $11,480, and cashed
them. Each of the 23 checks were
for amounts between $250 but less
than $1,500.
Judge Sheldon appointed Ron-
ald Sergi as counsel, ordered Ste-
vens to have no contact with Jo-
seph Panzera and his business and
released Stevens on her promise to
appear for arraignment July 23.
• Jared Leigh Hicks, 20, of
280 North Mount Washington
beer sign and three tap handles
from the Model T Tavern in Hood-
sport, whose owner Mark McDou:
gall reported the theft July 14.
McDougall said the theft happened
July 6 or 7 and an employee's son
told her he saw the stolen items in
the bed of Hicks' pickup truck at
Lumbermen's in Shelton, where
Hicks works.
An employee checked the bed
of the pickup and saw the Corona
sign. Shelton Police Officer Mark
Hinton contacted Hicks and lo-
cated the other metal signs in the
truck. Hicks claimed he had "no
clue" about how the items ended
up in his truck.
Judge Sheldon appointed Foley
as defense counsel and released
Hicks on his promise to appear for
arraignment July 23. She ordered
him to have no contact with the
Model T Tavern, McDougall and
a potential codefendant who was
taken to the Mason County Juve-
nile Detention Center.
• Anthony Owen DeMiero,
41, 51 NE Salty Drive, Belfair, was
identified in an investigation of fel-
ony harassment. He said he would
hire an attorney.
He was arrested July 15 by a
sheriffs deputy responding to a
reported disturbance in the area of
Salty Drive and Santa Maria Lane.
John Greenway said DeMiero, a
neighbor, threatened to shoot him,
his dog and his wife with a cross-
bow. DeMiero claimed he did not
own a crossbow and had not threat-
ened anyone.
Judge Sheldon set bail at $5,000
and scheduled arraignment for
July 23. She ordered DeMiero to
have no contact with John Green-
way and his wife, Shannon Strong.
ON FRIDAY, July 13:
* Robert Dale Beasley Jr., 40,
of 220 East Tahuya Drive, Shelton,
]00ex offender is jailed
20-year-old convicted sex of-
st living in Shelton has re-
' a 30-day sentence for fail-
register and a warning
potential prison sentence
ils to abide by all registra-
[0requirements again.
Shun Adam Briggs of 40 East
79 a Place was sentenced on
in Mason County Superior
ft. He pled guilty at his ar-
.raent June 29. He was con-
.I of rape of a child in the first
' in 2000 and had moved
t Yakima County to Mason
.ty and did not register with
?herifl's office.
n s an unranked felony, the
Sacing range is from zero to
days, Deputy Prosecutor Re-
al a Jones Garcia said. "This is
Cle , ,,
,t fendant s first conviction,
es Garcia said, "and because it
.[st offense, there is an agreed
"taendation of 30 days.
Lr e defendant should consider
s warning shot across the
rJ If he commits another failure
,Ster he will have a range
Bfc.o 14 months, a prison sen-
: Briggs pied guilty at ar-
.?;mtent and says he lost sight
Priority of registering," said
d Ser, defense counsel. "He
s it, and he won't lose sight
ggs said, "I realized that 1
oaess up. This is not the type
Le odel I want to be for my
[ [ apologize."
tl ;SaY°::ctne and °nly °P"
a minimal sen-
q Judge Toni Sheldon told
1 She advised him to make
t cer who handles sex of-
t r ,,
i, egistration his new best
= ' and reminded him he has a
g obligation to register. She
d legal financial obligations
uv to the crime victims' com-
Ltion fund, $450 in attorney-
.COUpment for the county and
)1 In COurt costs.
MOnday, July 2, in superior
01,elissa- Ann Johnson, 25,
Grant Avenue, Shelton,
.sentenced to three months in
fr POSsession of methamphet-
e, resolving a 2006 case. She
.tertainated from drug court.
th an offender score of one,
'atdard sentencing range is
Zero to six months followed
re to 12 months of communi-
e r,rvismn, Deputy Prosecutor
'JOrcy said. He said Johnson
has a previous drug conviction in
superior court for which she was
sentenced on February 5, 2005.
"I'm sorry I messed up drug
court. Life started happening and
I didn't know what to do so I ran,"
Johnson said. "I do plan on being
clean and sober. I've been doing
NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)."
Judge Sheldon said Johnson
would be on 12 months of supervi-
sion and ordered her to have a sub-
stance-abuse evaluation and fol-
low all recommendations for treat-
ment. She imposed legal financial
obligations of a $2,000 drug fine,
$500 to the crime victims' fund,
$450 in attorney-fee recoupment
and $250 in court costs.
• Santiago Perez Pablo, 30,
of 1411 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton,
was sentenced to two months in
jail for escape in the second de-
gree. When he pied guilty he ad-
mitted he walked away from a
Mason County Jail litter crew on
December 1, 2006.
With an offender score of zero,
the sentencing range is from one
to three months, Deputy Prosecu-
tor Reinhold Schuetz said. He rec-
ommended a mid-range sentence.
Perez Pablo is currently serving
time on two convictions for driving
under the influence, and he will be
under community supervision as a
result of those convictions.
Perez Pablo apologized to the
Judge Toni Sheldon said the
sentence would be consecutive to
any time he is serving in district
court and imposed legal financial
obligations of $500 to the crime
victims' compensation fund, $450
in attorney-fee recoupment fo r the
county and $406.50 in court costs.
Court-certified interpreter Kar-
en Horn translated the proceed-
ings into English and Spanish.
• Stephen Gregory Bird, 39,
of 4841 Lemon Road NE, Olym-
pia, was sentenced to 45 days for
possession of cocaine on February
19, 2005. He was convicted after a
bench trial.
Judge Sheldon used the first-
time offender sentencing option,
which provides for a sentence of
from zero to 90 days followed by
two years of community supervi-
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy
said there was a lengthy period
of warrant history. With no prior
felony convictions the standard
sentencing range is from zero to
six months followed by nine to 12
months of community supervision.
He said the state would not object
to a first-time offender waiver.
In court, Bird said he had "one
slip" back in February 2005 and
then he "jumped back on the
wagon." He said he was in Con-
necticut dealing with other issues
when he was on warrant status.
"This took a very low priority in
my life. I want to get this behind
me." Bird also wrote a letter to
the court which the judge read
prior to sentencing.
Judge Sheldon converted 30
days to 240 hours of community
service and ordered Bird to have
a substance-abuse evaluation and
follow all recommendations for
treatment. She said he would be
on 24 months of community super-
vision and imposed legal financial
obligations of a $1,000 drug fine,
$500 to the crime victims' fund
and $400 in court costs.
* Shannon Marie Arndt, 27,
of 181 Sea Vista Lane, Grape-
view, was sentenced to 30 days
for possession of methamphet-
amine, resolving a 2006 case.
Judge Sheldon sentenced her un-
der the first-time offender waiver
and said she would receive credit
for 23 days which she had served
while the case was pending with
any remaining time converted to
community service.
The standard sentencing range
is from zero to six months, Dorcy
said, with nine to 12 months of
community supervision.
Court-appointed defense coun-
sel Eric Valley said Arndt, who
has admitted she has a sub-
stance-abuse problem, had been
"in a good place" prior to her ar-
rest in this incident back in May
2006. He said she had been clean
and sober for eight months prior
to the incident which led to her
"This has been a hard road for
me to come back from, but it was
an easy road to go down," Arndt
said. "I have been working, and I
have a steady job now. I got my
family back through tough love."
Judge Sheldon said Arndt would
be on 24 months of supervision and
ordered her to have a substance-
abuse evaluation and follow all
recommendations for treatment.
She imposed legal financial obliga-
tions of a $1,000 drug fine, $500 to
the crime victims' fund, $1,892.40
in attorney-fee recoupment and
$600 in court costs.
he showed up for a trial readi-
"ness hearing in another superior
court case in which he is accused
of breaking into a residence at 10
East Colvos Place, Shelton, March
23 and assaulting Carl L. Hills,
who was living with Rene M. Dem-
mon, with whom Beasley had a dat-
ing relationship. A protection order
in that case prohibits contact with
Demmon and Hills.
On April 15 Kristopher and
Brandy L. Kord reported seeing
Beasley and Demmon together at a
party. She shares custody of a child
with Mr. Kord and she reportedly
told him she did not want their son
to know she was living with Beas-
ley "on the sly."
On July 4, Hills reported seeing
Beasley pick up Demmon in the
parking lot at Wal-Mart and then
head north on Highway 101. Detec-
tives Jack Gardner and Luther Pit-
tman located the vehicle July 10 in
the driveway at 220 Tahuya Drive
and at about 10:32 a.m. the detec-
tives said they saw Demmon leave
in the vehicle.
Judge James Sawyer set bail
at $3L?,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment for July 23.
• Roy Lee Sisson, 37, of 405
Dearborn Avenue, Shelton, was
identified in an investigation of
possession of methamphetamine
with intent to deliver, possession
of Vicodin, a prescription narcotic,
with intent to deliver, possession
of less than 40 grams of marijuana
and use of drug paraphernalia.
He was arrested at 10:42 p.m.
July 12 at Pioneer School by a dep-
uty responding to a report of a sus-
picious vehicle parked in the front
parking lot. The deputy recognized
Sisson from previous contacts and
learned there was an active Shel-
ton Municipal Court warrant for
Sisson's arrest. The deputy de-
scribed Sisson as uncooperative.
According to the officer's report,
a glass smoking pipe with white
residue was in plain view on the
seat of the pickup truck. He re-
portedly found three small baggies
of a substance which field-tested
positive for meth in a coin purse in
Sisson's pants pocket and a small
baggie with a green vegetable ma-
terial which tested positive for
In the vehicle, the deputy also
found more baggies, one with nine
pills identified as Vicodin, and the
other containing more pills crushed
up; a 1.3-gram baggie of suspected
meth; three digital scales; four cell
phones; multiple empty baggies; a
hand-held police scanner; and an
agent used in the cutting of meth
for sale.
The deputy wrote, "The manner
in which the suspected meth was
each packaged individually and
in large amounts is consistent not
with personal use but rather for
Judge James Sawyer appointed
James Foley as defense counsel,
set bail at $5,000 and scheduled
arraignment for July 23.
• Mary Louise Balaski, 40,
who was arrested at 1210 Deer-
view Circle, Shelton, was identified
in an investigation of possession of
She was arrested July 11 by De-
tective Robert Noyes of the Mason
County Sheriffs Office and other
law enforcement officers investigat-
ing a Mason County Public Health
report that several people were liv-
ing on Deerview Circle property
deemed "unfit for use."
The Harstine Island property
was declared unfit two days after
officers from the sheriffs office and
West Sound Narcotics Enforce-
ment Team served a warrant and
found an illegal methamphetamine
laboratory, illegal narcotics, para-
phernalia and hazardous materi-
als. Balaski and her boyfriend,
identified as Steve M. Banks, were
living in a travel trailer in which
officers reportedly found a small
plastic baggie containing a white
residue which field-tested positive
for meth.
Judge James Sawyer appointed
Ronald Sergi as defense counsel
and set bail at $5,000, citing "a
significant history of warrants."
He scheduled arraignment for July
• Matthew Calvin Peterson,
28, of 941 Valley Road, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of possession of meth and obstruct-
ing law enforcement.
He was arrested July I0 in the
Safeway parking lot by Officer D.
Patton of the Shelton Police De-
partment who said he saw a green
Dodge Neon with a cracked wind-
shield and learned the registered
owner of the vehicle, Peterson, had
a warrant for his arrest.
A male in the rear seat identi-
fied himself as Corey Peterson,
born September 30, 1984. Shelton
Police Officer Tasesa Malaya ar-
rived and identified the man in the
back seat as Matthew Peterson.
There were no warrants for Corey
Peterson but Matthew Peterson
had five warrants including a no-
bail warrant from the Department
of Corrections. A tattoo on Matthew
Peterson's arm matched a descrip-
tion from DOC.
The officer asked if he could
search bags of clothing that were in
the trunk, and Peterson allegedly
consented. A pipe was found with a
residue inside it which field-tested
positive for meth.
Judge Sheldon appointed Ser-
gi as defense counsel, set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled arraignment
for July 18.
Hood Canal at Union
Thursday, July 19
Low ................... 3:38 a.m ............ 4.8 ft.
High .................. 8:36 a.m ............ 8.7 ft.
Low ................... 2:54 p.m ............ 1.6 ft.
High .................. 9:42 p.m .......... 12,0 ft.
Friday, July 20
Low ................... 4:24 a.m ............ 3.9 ft.
High .................. 9:41 a.m ............ 8.1 ft.
Low ................... 3:33 p.m ............ 3.3 ft.
High ................ 10:11 p.m .......... 11.6 ft.
Saturday, July 21
Low ................... 5:11 a.m ............ 3.1 ft.
High ................ 10:57 a.m ............ 7.8 ft.
Low ................... 4:15 p.m ............ 5.1 ft.
High ................ 10:42 p.m .......... 11.3 ft.
Sunday, July 22
Low ................... 5:59 a.m ............ 2.2 ft.
High ................ 12:34 p.m ............ 7.9 ft.
Low ................. .5:06 p.m ............ 6.8 ft.
High ................ 11:17 p.m .......... 10.8 ft.
Monday, July 23
Low ................... 6:49 a.m ............ 1.5 ft.
High .................. 2:39 p.m ............ 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 6:23 p.m ............ 8.1 ft.
High ................ 11:56 p.m .......... 10.4 ft.
Tuesday, July 24
Low ................... 7:38 a.m ............ 0.7 ft.
High .................. 4:07 p.m ............ 9.7 ft.
Low ................... 8:18 p.m ............ 8.9 ft.
Wednesday, July 25
High ................ 12:41 a.m .......... 10.1 ft.
Low ................... 8:27 a.m ............ 0.1 ft.
High .................. 4:57 p.m .......... 10.5 ft.
Low ................... 9:51 p.m ............ 9.0 ft.
Thursday, July 26
High .................. 1:32 a.m .......... 10.0 ft.
Low ................... 9:13 a.m ........... -0.6 ft.
High .................. 5:33 p.m .......... 11.1 ft.
Low ................. 10:43 p.m ............ 8.8 ft.
Oakland Bay at Shelton
Thursday, July 19
Low ................... 5:33 a.m ............ 4.1 ft.
High ................ 10:01 a.m .......... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 4:49 p.m ............ 1.4 ft.
High ................ 11:07 p.m .......... 14.5 ft.
Friday, July 20
Low ................... 6:19 a.m ............ 3.4 ft.
High ................ 11:06 a.m ............ 9.8 ft.
Low ................... 5:28 p.m ............ 2.9 ft.
High ................ 11:36 p.m .......... 14.1 ft.
Saturday, July 21
Low ................... 7:06 a.m ............ 2.7 ft.
High ................ 12:22 p.m ............ 9.4 ft.
Low ................... 6:10 p,m ............ 4.4 ft.
Sunday, July 22
High ................ 12:07 a.m .......... 13.7 ft.
Low ................... 7:54 a.m ............ 1.9 ft.
High .................. 1:59 p.m ............ 9.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:01 p.rn ............ 5.9 ft.
Monday, July 23
High ............ ,..12:42 a.rn .......... 13.1 ft.
Low ................... 8:44 a.m ......... ,.. 1.3 ft.
High .................. 4:04 p.m.. ........ 10.5 ft,
Low ..... , ............. 8:18 p.m ............ 7.0 ft.
Tuesday, July 24
High .................. 1:21 a.m .......... 12.6 ft.
Low ................... 9:33 a.m ............ 0.6 ft.
High ......... , ........ 5:32 p.m .......... 11.7 ft.
Low ................. 10:13 p.rn ............ 7.7 ft.
Wednesday, July 25
High .................. 2:06 a.m .......... 12.2 ft.
Low ................. 10:22 a.m ............ 0.1 ft.
High .................. 6:22 p.m .......... 12.7 ft.
Low ................. 11:46 p.m ............ 7.8 ft.
Thursday, July 26
High ............... ,..2:57 a.m .......... 12.1 ft.
Low ................. 11:08 a.rn ........... -0.6 ft.
High .................. 6:58 p.m .......... 13.5 ft.
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27