July 19, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pencer Lake Bar ant Grill, (360)
o's';tion,-must be
m;owe'ek and all
Ellltutional cleaning experi-
esu-me 0r pick up
plication at Mason General Hos-
1, Human Resource Dept., P.O. Box
F, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 42!7--
WANTED. Administrative As-
t Port of Hoodsport. The Port of
)0deport is seeking a part-time (25-35
urs Per month) contracted Adminis-
ive Assistant to ass st the Port Com-
SSiOners with the day-to-day functions
the Port The position will be respon-
e for a "variety of administrative and
SUpport duties, which require a
range of skills and knowledge of
|e, nizational policies and procedures.
ese include taking minutes of meet-
Is, Composing and editing correspon-
.nee, developing and distributing pub-
information, web page development,
'roll and other administrative activi-
as directed• A full job description
be requested by email at portmail@
',.Com. To apply submit your resume
Salary history to: Port of Hoodsport,
, Box 429, Hoodsport, WA 98548 or
rcnail@hctc com. The Port of Hood-
_is an equal opportunity employer.
rth Mason Medical Clinic. PRN, eve-
iSor early morninas, Monday, Tues-
, Thursday, Fridayand Saturday, 17
rs Per week• Prior institutional clean-
Preferred. Send resume or pick up
plication at Mason General Hoe-
Human Resource Dept•, P.O. Box
, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-
j lalvarez@masongeneral.com.
StTON COUNTY Transportation Au-
(MTA) is currently seeking a
'Time On-Call Dispatcher. This
ition is responsible for dispatching
to drivers, at the window and over
die, coordinating vehicle move-
, trip dispatching, maintaining re-
coordinating driver and vehicle
ments, and providing back-up to
ulers for short breaks. This peel-
quires the ability to follow instruc-
t s and apply acquired knowledge to
0iently direct day to day operations,
Well as respond to emergencies•
ellent customer service skills and
ntion to detail are critical• This posi-
equires a strong customer service
ration, verbal communication skills,
lant telephone and radio commu-
=on skills in dealing with the public
Other employees, the ability to work
Dr minimal supervision, the ability to
linate scheduled demand for trans-
ition with resources available for
lnOmical and efficient operation. The
SSful applicant must have a high
K}ol diploma or GED computer soft-
e experience and a' general knowl-
,, Mason County geography. Ex-
ence in passenger transportation
the ability to spe0k Spanish are
g; q desirable qualifications. The posi-
Will fill part-time shifts in the sched-
".as Well as cover for scheduled time
or dispatch staff and coverage for
• ss or emergencies. For a complete
description and application packet
tact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426-
"* x133. Position closes August 1st
P.m. M7/19-26
details see www.healingtherapy.
Msts H7/5-26
tice, 2 years experience minimum• (360)
432-2293. N6/28-7/19
CARING PEOPLE needed! You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care (360) 570-0049• H6/28-7/19
LOCAL COMPANY looking for experi-
enced flatbed drivers, 48 states. Must
have current CDL, clean driving record.
Call (360) 427-7652. C6/28-7/19
OFFICE ASSISTANT, must be proficient
with Excel, Power Point and Internet
marketing. (360) 426-4024• R6/28tfn
LIVE-IN CAREGtVER needed for my
mother on weekends. Salary negotiable.
Inquire at (360) 426-5817. B6/28-7/19
(360) 432-8837. E6/28-7/19
HELP WANTED: Workers for small shell-
fish company, daytimes. Send resume
to Blind Box 658, c/o The Journal, P.O.
Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584.7/5-26
time position; 32 hours per week. Re-
sponsible for prompt, courteous, pro-
fessional reception and service to the
residents, general public, and staff.
Assist Executive Director with daily op-
erations of the facility. Must have good
phone skills and computer knowledge to
include Outlook, Word, and Excel. Must
have the ability to work welt with others,
organize and prioritize workload, and
have the flexibility and knowledge to be
on call in the absence of the Executive
Director. Senior healthcare experience
preferred but not necessary, we will train
the right person• Salary DOE. Apply in
person at Maple Glen Assisted Living;
1700 N. 13th Loop Rd., Shelton, WA
98584. M7/19
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time,
days, evenings, and weekends, good
2nd income. 5 year good driving record,
good people and driving skills, some
commercial experience required. Must
be able to pass drug screening• Knowl-
edge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or
older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
(360) 426-8294. M7/19-8/9
KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in
Torten Shores has openings, ages 2-5.
(360) 426-8610. K7/5-26
NEW STATE licensed daycare oper-
ated by a college graduate now accept-
ing applications. Opening in Oak Park
neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home
Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085.
FOUND KEYS, Island Lake boat launch.
(360) 426-2080. F7/12-19
MOVED, LOST our cats. One orange/
white (like Morris) and a small black cat.
tn the vicinity of 12th Street. Reward•
(360) 426-3708. $7/19-26
FOUND. Female gray/black/orange
$6/28-7/19 tabby, fluffy tail, at Shelton Library 7/15.
................................................. (360) 705-2013. O7/19
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings,
age 2 and up. Great learning environment,
large fenced yard. USDA Food Program
participant. 3 blocks from Mr. View School.
(360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn
JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed
childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly
group. Lauri, (360) 426-769. N6/28-7/19
KRISTY BLAIR'S Daycare. In-home, li-
censed, Food Program - NCN. Monday-
Friday 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. openings• 2 and
up, full and part-time. (360) 427-8082.
THE GIGGLING Goose Daycare has
1 full-time and 1 part-time (Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday), ages 3-5. Call
Sara Jenkins for more information, (360)
426-3649• G7/12-8/2
SINGLE WHITE male, 51, ambulatory,
disabled, nice home, seeks disabled
or employed single female• (360) 432-
0327. M7/19-8/9
TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric
bass, with amp and stand (new), $150.
(360) 427-3131. H7/5-26
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4695 for
advance bookings. P6/14ffn
ferral Registry, CNA licensed will take PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We
care of your elderly parents. Good cook, come to you. Over 30 years experi-
non-smoker. (360) 432-3539. B7/19 ence. Leave message. (360) 352-8426.
STARVING COLLEGE student looking .......................................................................................
for work till Americorps job assignment TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod-
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently ing real estate market. Get your real
as smart, I will do most any home- and estate license/sales training while you
yard-type work with a smile. Shane, keep your job. Unlimited income, 100%
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn freedom in your new career in eal es-
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- tare sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages
and musical styles welcome• Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com for available times. P5/25tfn
LOST MAINE Coon cat. Phillips Lake
area. Large, longhair, brown stripes,
blue-green eyes, white feet. ID tag.
(Twitchit, 426-7682) microchipped. Pre-
cious family member, I'm heartbroken,
please check sheds. Call with any news.
(360) 432-7951. W7/19
FREE DOZEN, 10-week-old feral kit-
tens. Box trained. Kitten Rescue full,
need special homes. Call between
noon-4 p.m. We'll deliver or meet at
park. (360) 427-6864. R7/19-26
AFRICAN GRAY parrot, large cage.
Only handlers need call. (360) 229-
4044. D7/19
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
P 11/23tfn
START YOUR own landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A7/5-26
Suntan Plus Cash
tt0, Would you like to work on your tan, get some exccrcise, and get paid for it'?
No bosses looking over your shoulder! l)eliver phone books in your area
[. You pick the hours you work. Start Today!!!
,lympia, Lacey, Elma, McCleary, Rainier, Rochester
nelton, Tenino. Union, Yelm • Please call:
, Tem.porary Positions... l- 800-373-3280
Onday Friday 7"30 AM 7"00 PM ( ST
,,.J " "" " ' '" Mu.'t have "alld dri 'er's license, insured
A1 YeIILIww dop..,..b, ,,,,o.,, , ,. yo.,., o, ..
4,=:7=€::jlk L/.,,qI, T... i:q,,. o,,,,,=,.: ::m,,y% .......
BOXER PUPS, all natural. Tails, dews,
ears intact. Born Mother's Day. Papered
$850, no papers $350. Mom and dad
on-site. (360) 229-0217. N7/19
AKC Lab pups. Wonderful family dogs,
great hunters. Excellent pedigree.
Health, hips, and eyes guaranteed•
$400-$500. Sell or trade. (360) 275-
5068, Belfair. R7/12-8/2
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County• Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
CALLING ALL dogsl Companion
or competition lessons• Puppy and
manners starting every month• Ral-
ly, agility, conformation, and more.
Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.k9kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility.
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
PET SITTER in'your home while you
are away. Stress and worry-free for you
and your pets. Now accepting reserva-
HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles
from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701-
5695. R6/28-7/19
WOOL SADDLE pads, hand letted, solid
wool. Approximately 29"x34", 2-3 Ibs.,
1" thick, natural brown and dyed colors.
$100. (360) 426-5807. L7/19-8/9
HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse straight load,
older but good brakes, $1,100. (360)
352-8426. N7/19
W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years ex-
perience, free estimates. (360) 432-
8663• Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
PAUL'S ROCK Walls & Landscap-
ing, dedicated to your satisfaction• Ex-
perienced, honest, dependable. Free
estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured.
PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or
(360) 490-6670. K3/ltfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn
SHUFF'S FENCING• Locally owned and
operated fence company. Specializing in
residential fencing• Licensed, Bonded,
Insured. Call for a free estimate• (360)
427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs
and pruning• Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant• Benjamin
(360) 426-0084• B2/15tfn
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB
(360) 426-7181. J3/Stfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry• Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds)• Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/9tfn
• 25+ years experience
• References
I • Free estimates
tions. Sarah's At Home Pet Care Ser- I = Senior discounts
vices, (360) 239-1076. Licensed and 360-432-8847
bonded. M7/19-8/9 II 360-4904985
-- tic. (;ARHAI'*942KH
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
| I
Casino Dealer's School
Are you looking for a new and exciting career?
Do you enjoy meeting and talking to people?
If so, in just 10 short weeks, the Lucky Eagle Casino
just might change your life. We will be
offering classes that can teach you the skills
necessary to become a
Casino Table Games Dealer.
Classes begin Monday, August 6, and will be held
Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
The Lucky Eagle Casino values our associates
and has a first class recognition program
with excellent wages and benefits.
Please call one of the Lucky Eagle Casino
contacts listed below.
For information call Allison Carter or Melynda Clark
at the Lucky Eagle Casino Human Resources
12888 188th Ave. SW, Rochester, WA
(360) 273-2000 (ext. 223/315)
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Cone. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
General cleanup
Pressure washing
Free estimates, lowest prices
Leave message for David
• New homes
• Remodels
• French drains
• Siding
• Decks
A Full.Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• All types of projects welcome
• Excavating • Framing
• Additions • Garages
• Foundations • Logging
• Finish • Roofing
Free estimates
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
Pencer Lake Bar ant Grill, (360)
o's';tion,-must be
m;owe'ek and all
Ellltutional cleaning experi-
esu-me 0r pick up
plication at Mason General Hos-
1, Human Resource Dept., P.O. Box
F, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 42!7--
WANTED. Administrative As-
t Port of Hoodsport. The Port of
)0deport is seeking a part-time (25-35
urs Per month) contracted Adminis-
ive Assistant to ass st the Port Com-
SSiOners with the day-to-day functions
the Port The position will be respon-
e for a "variety of administrative and
SUpport duties, which require a
range of skills and knowledge of
|e, nizational policies and procedures.
ese include taking minutes of meet-
Is, Composing and editing correspon-
.nee, developing and distributing pub-
information, web page development,
'roll and other administrative activi-
as directed• A full job description
be requested by email at portmail@
',.Com. To apply submit your resume
Salary history to: Port of Hoodsport,
, Box 429, Hoodsport, WA 98548 or
rcnail@hctc com. The Port of Hood-
_is an equal opportunity employer.
rth Mason Medical Clinic. PRN, eve-
iSor early morninas, Monday, Tues-
, Thursday, Fridayand Saturday, 17
rs Per week• Prior institutional clean-
Preferred. Send resume or pick up
plication at Mason General Hoe-
Human Resource Dept•, P.O. Box
, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-
j lalvarez@masongeneral.com.
StTON COUNTY Transportation Au-
(MTA) is currently seeking a
'Time On-Call Dispatcher. This
ition is responsible for dispatching
to drivers, at the window and over
die, coordinating vehicle move-
, trip dispatching, maintaining re-
coordinating driver and vehicle
ments, and providing back-up to
ulers for short breaks. This peel-
quires the ability to follow instruc-
t s and apply acquired knowledge to
0iently direct day to day operations,
Well as respond to emergencies•
ellent customer service skills and
ntion to detail are critical• This posi-
equires a strong customer service
ration, verbal communication skills,
lant telephone and radio commu-
=on skills in dealing with the public
Other employees, the ability to work
Dr minimal supervision, the ability to
linate scheduled demand for trans-
ition with resources available for
lnOmical and efficient operation. The
SSful applicant must have a high
K}ol diploma or GED computer soft-
e experience and a' general knowl-
,, Mason County geography. Ex-
ence in passenger transportation
the ability to spe0k Spanish are
g; q desirable qualifications. The posi-
Will fill part-time shifts in the sched-
".as Well as cover for scheduled time
or dispatch staff and coverage for
• ss or emergencies. For a complete
description and application packet
tact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426-
"* x133. Position closes August 1st
P.m. M7/19-26
details see www.healingtherapy.
Msts H7/5-26
tice, 2 years experience minimum• (360)
432-2293. N6/28-7/19
CARING PEOPLE needed! You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care (360) 570-0049• H6/28-7/19
LOCAL COMPANY looking for experi-
enced flatbed drivers, 48 states. Must
have current CDL, clean driving record.
Call (360) 427-7652. C6/28-7/19
OFFICE ASSISTANT, must be proficient
with Excel, Power Point and Internet
marketing. (360) 426-4024• R6/28tfn
LIVE-IN CAREGtVER needed for my
mother on weekends. Salary negotiable.
Inquire at (360) 426-5817. B6/28-7/19
(360) 432-8837. E6/28-7/19
HELP WANTED: Workers for small shell-
fish company, daytimes. Send resume
to Blind Box 658, c/o The Journal, P.O.
Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584.7/5-26
time position; 32 hours per week. Re-
sponsible for prompt, courteous, pro-
fessional reception and service to the
residents, general public, and staff.
Assist Executive Director with daily op-
erations of the facility. Must have good
phone skills and computer knowledge to
include Outlook, Word, and Excel. Must
have the ability to work welt with others,
organize and prioritize workload, and
have the flexibility and knowledge to be
on call in the absence of the Executive
Director. Senior healthcare experience
preferred but not necessary, we will train
the right person• Salary DOE. Apply in
person at Maple Glen Assisted Living;
1700 N. 13th Loop Rd., Shelton, WA
98584. M7/19
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time,
days, evenings, and weekends, good
2nd income. 5 year good driving record,
good people and driving skills, some
commercial experience required. Must
be able to pass drug screening• Knowl-
edge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or
older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
(360) 426-8294. M7/19-8/9
KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in
Torten Shores has openings, ages 2-5.
(360) 426-8610. K7/5-26
NEW STATE licensed daycare oper-
ated by a college graduate now accept-
ing applications. Opening in Oak Park
neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home
Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085.
FOUND KEYS, Island Lake boat launch.
(360) 426-2080. F7/12-19
MOVED, LOST our cats. One orange/
white (like Morris) and a small black cat.
tn the vicinity of 12th Street. Reward•
(360) 426-3708. $7/19-26
FOUND. Female gray/black/orange
$6/28-7/19 tabby, fluffy tail, at Shelton Library 7/15.
................................................. (360) 705-2013. O7/19
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings,
age 2 and up. Great learning environment,
large fenced yard. USDA Food Program
participant. 3 blocks from Mr. View School.
(360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn
JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed
childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly
group. Lauri, (360) 426-769. N6/28-7/19
KRISTY BLAIR'S Daycare. In-home, li-
censed, Food Program - NCN. Monday-
Friday 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. openings• 2 and
up, full and part-time. (360) 427-8082.
THE GIGGLING Goose Daycare has
1 full-time and 1 part-time (Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday), ages 3-5. Call
Sara Jenkins for more information, (360)
426-3649• G7/12-8/2
SINGLE WHITE male, 51, ambulatory,
disabled, nice home, seeks disabled
or employed single female• (360) 432-
0327. M7/19-8/9
TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric
bass, with amp and stand (new), $150.
(360) 427-3131. H7/5-26
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4695 for
advance bookings. P6/14ffn
ferral Registry, CNA licensed will take PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We
care of your elderly parents. Good cook, come to you. Over 30 years experi-
non-smoker. (360) 432-3539. B7/19 ence. Leave message. (360) 352-8426.
STARVING COLLEGE student looking .......................................................................................
for work till Americorps job assignment TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod-
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently ing real estate market. Get your real
as smart, I will do most any home- and estate license/sales training while you
yard-type work with a smile. Shane, keep your job. Unlimited income, 100%
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn freedom in your new career in eal es-
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- tare sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages
and musical styles welcome• Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com for available times. P5/25tfn
LOST MAINE Coon cat. Phillips Lake
area. Large, longhair, brown stripes,
blue-green eyes, white feet. ID tag.
(Twitchit, 426-7682) microchipped. Pre-
cious family member, I'm heartbroken,
please check sheds. Call with any news.
(360) 432-7951. W7/19
FREE DOZEN, 10-week-old feral kit-
tens. Box trained. Kitten Rescue full,
need special homes. Call between
noon-4 p.m. We'll deliver or meet at
park. (360) 427-6864. R7/19-26
AFRICAN GRAY parrot, large cage.
Only handlers need call. (360) 229-
4044. D7/19
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
P 11/23tfn
START YOUR own landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A7/5-26
Suntan Plus Cash
tt0, Would you like to work on your tan, get some exccrcise, and get paid for it'?
No bosses looking over your shoulder! l)eliver phone books in your area
[. You pick the hours you work. Start Today!!!
,lympia, Lacey, Elma, McCleary, Rainier, Rochester
nelton, Tenino. Union, Yelm • Please call:
, Tem.porary Positions... l- 800-373-3280
Onday Friday 7"30 AM 7"00 PM ( ST
,,.J " "" " ' '" Mu.'t have "alld dri 'er's license, insured
A1 YeIILIww dop..,..b, ,,,,o.,, , ,. yo.,., o, ..
4,=:7=€::jlk L/.,,qI, T... i:q,,. o,,,,,=,.: ::m,,y% .......
BOXER PUPS, all natural. Tails, dews,
ears intact. Born Mother's Day. Papered
$850, no papers $350. Mom and dad
on-site. (360) 229-0217. N7/19
AKC Lab pups. Wonderful family dogs,
great hunters. Excellent pedigree.
Health, hips, and eyes guaranteed•
$400-$500. Sell or trade. (360) 275-
5068, Belfair. R7/12-8/2
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County• Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
CALLING ALL dogsl Companion
or competition lessons• Puppy and
manners starting every month• Ral-
ly, agility, conformation, and more.
Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.k9kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility.
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
PET SITTER in'your home while you
are away. Stress and worry-free for you
and your pets. Now accepting reserva-
HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles
from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701-
5695. R6/28-7/19
WOOL SADDLE pads, hand letted, solid
wool. Approximately 29"x34", 2-3 Ibs.,
1" thick, natural brown and dyed colors.
$100. (360) 426-5807. L7/19-8/9
HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse straight load,
older but good brakes, $1,100. (360)
352-8426. N7/19
W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years ex-
perience, free estimates. (360) 432-
8663• Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
PAUL'S ROCK Walls & Landscap-
ing, dedicated to your satisfaction• Ex-
perienced, honest, dependable. Free
estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured.
PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or
(360) 490-6670. K3/ltfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn
SHUFF'S FENCING• Locally owned and
operated fence company. Specializing in
residential fencing• Licensed, Bonded,
Insured. Call for a free estimate• (360)
427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs
and pruning• Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant• Benjamin
(360) 426-0084• B2/15tfn
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB
(360) 426-7181. J3/Stfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry• Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds)• Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/9tfn
• 25+ years experience
• References
I • Free estimates
tions. Sarah's At Home Pet Care Ser- I = Senior discounts
vices, (360) 239-1076. Licensed and 360-432-8847
bonded. M7/19-8/9 II 360-4904985
-- tic. (;ARHAI'*942KH
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
| I
Casino Dealer's School
Are you looking for a new and exciting career?
Do you enjoy meeting and talking to people?
If so, in just 10 short weeks, the Lucky Eagle Casino
just might change your life. We will be
offering classes that can teach you the skills
necessary to become a
Casino Table Games Dealer.
Classes begin Monday, August 6, and will be held
Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
The Lucky Eagle Casino values our associates
and has a first class recognition program
with excellent wages and benefits.
Please call one of the Lucky Eagle Casino
contacts listed below.
For information call Allison Carter or Melynda Clark
at the Lucky Eagle Casino Human Resources
12888 188th Ave. SW, Rochester, WA
(360) 273-2000 (ext. 223/315)
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Cone. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
General cleanup
Pressure washing
Free estimates, lowest prices
Leave message for David
• New homes
• Remodels
• French drains
• Siding
• Decks
A Full.Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• All types of projects welcome
• Excavating • Framing
• Additions • Garages
• Foundations • Logging
• Finish • Roofing
Free estimates
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Thursday, July 19, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33