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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SERVICES SERVICES I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. P7/12-8/30 E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, Inc. 10,000 lb. excavator and operator for hire. Two hour minimum. No job too big or small. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360) 432-3147. E5/3tfn CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years experience, reasonable rates. Refer- ences. (360)427-5941. K5/31-7/19 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and TILE, TILE, tile. Local business. Li- driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, and Design. (360) 250-6475. B7/12-8/2 storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain .............................................................. drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, LOOKING FOR someone honest and call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. reliable to clean your house, yard main- Z3/1 ltfn tenance, mowing and trimming, errands ......................................................................... and shopping? Please call for free esti- HOUSEKEEPING, GREAT rates, de- mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427- tailed and fast. Move outs, new cleans. 0484. $7/12-8/2 Call now, Ackley's Cleaning, (360) ....................................................................................... 427-1043. Licensed, bonded, insured. I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) A7/19 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for ........................................................................... Jerry. P7/12-8/30 SMALL EXCAVATING jobs, in Mason .......................................................... County, call for bids, (360) 426-9722 HANDYMAN. WE'RE springing into or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- summer but no matter what the sea- pressure washing, painting, roof and gut- R935JP. W7/19-8/9 son Ill "get 'er done"! Odd jobs, yard ter cleaning, and much more. Call (360) ...................................................................................... 490-0228. TCSHOHR933LN. S6/21tfn HOODSPORT MANE, (360) 877-9409, work, hauling etc. Ray, (360) 440-9009. ............................................................................................ Hwy 101, Hoodsport (across from Shell I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360) Station) announces extreme prices for 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer- ry. P7/12-8/30 PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restoration available. Call Koleen at CometNW, tanningl Increase your Vitamin D and save money! Single tan, $4.5 tans, $18. 10 tans $38. One month unlimited, $49 (includes 1/2 off on all lotions of $20 val- ue). Bring this ad in and a friend and get unlimited package for 2 for 1 of $49. Up- right tanning, sanitary and fast. Prices (360) 426-0824, for more information, subject to change. H7/5-26 Calls will be returned in the evening. - .................................................................................. W1/25tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 REPAIRS PLUSI Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, - Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too! Mon-Fri 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 CARS/TRUCKS Nationwide Warranty a O 462.403 ’LPA, 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton MOl.a0$ Cleanln00 Sewlce • akben 1 • lalklengal INII SaNk , •  Cltming • ira Lt  "Debds Iull • Gardanlnsi • Palnllng m€l mac Homes • Offlces :Mow.Weed • Prune II 481-6787,,,,,,11 Four Season We'll make your lawn beautiful Mowing ,, Edging Weeding • Trimming Pressure Washing FREE ESTIMATES LOW.T.X.S Leave message for Pe pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U7/5-26 FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and custom built. Lowest prices around. Call Walter at (360) 275-8421. A7/5-26 K&L YARD Services and Landscaping work. Hard working people. Mowing, weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling, blowing, barking, graveling and more. Please call Kris or record your message. (360) 432-5919. Free estimates. K7/5-26 LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years experience. Landclearing, septic sys- tem installation, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Quality work the first time. (360) 898- 7286 JOEPFE*O15MR. F3/3Otfn JIM'S MOBILE AUTD REPAIR Friendly, personalized service STARTING, CHARGING BRAKING, COOLING SYSTEMS • TUNE-UPS REPAIR • OIL & LUBE ASE certified All work neat and guaranteed Call for quotes , , .... (360), 432-3609 Conscientious Care Cleanup • Lawncare Tree trimming Maintenance Landscaping Licensed • Bonded •/nsured 360-490-7709 °r360-426..3149 Bill Perreault Lic #PROSE** 931LQ Mllt£'$ PRINTING SERWC£ Painting only. If you don't call me, you'll be sorry. • Competitive Prices • Local References (JLO) 90-116 (30) 8'77-$727 Lic# MIKESPS940L9 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c.,,....., Call Laude Lembke to schedule a visit Journal's Super Crossword Answers [ !BIEITIE!CIClEII S LIEI MIE:SIP L'O.OIT U T OIOl l]II;,o_i R All E L IJ:O g L A R .I... ...... , .L Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007 Q6/28-7/19 ,JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush/ blackberry clearing. Hauling, trimming, mowing, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup, barking. Free estimates. Year round. (360) 432-1900. G6/28-7/19 1993 19' Blue Water boat with galva- nized trailer, $7,200. (360) 877-5525. M7/19 11' ZODIAC, excellent condition, 8 h.p. Nissan, new, never used, $2,490. (360) 877-5298. A7/12-19 1988 ARIMA 16', 1996 four-stroke Merc, 50 h.p., 155 hours on motor, depth sounder, cuddy cabin, canvas top. EZ Loader trailer, $5,500. (360) 427-7876. J7/12-19 WlDEGLIDE SOFT tail. New frame, tanks, mirrors. No complete engine/ transmission. Lots of Harley parts. $2,700. More info (360) 432-3608 leave message. J7/19-26 FORD EXPLORER, 1993, one owner, very clean, runs well, loaded with extras, $2,995 OBO. (360) 275-6024. R7/19 1995 TOYOTA 4-Runner, automatic, 2-wheel drive, air, power, windows and door locks, good tires, new front brakes and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims. Good condition. $3,600 OBO. (360) 898- 6263. C6/28tfn 1998 HONDA Accord coupe, V6, excel- lent condition, 63,000 miles, 1 owner. Black currant pearl, with gold emblem kit. Fully loaded, gray leather, 4 speed automatic. $9,500. (360) 877-9255. $7/12-19 NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway, 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1965 T-BIRD, 390, 4 barrel. Ran good, $250. Chrome valve covers, $30. (360) 427-8094. $7/12-19 1997 HONDA Civic EX - Good condi- tion. 5-speed, 4-cyl. Black with gray interior. 2-door. AM/FM/CD. Power windows, steering, moonroof, doors. 164,000 miles. $5,500. (360) 427-1740. N7/12-8/2 1987 HONDA Accord, moon roof, CD, runs okay, $800 OBO. (360) 790-5953. B7/12-19 CARGO VAN, GMC 2000, 1-ton, 200K, excellent condition, one owner/driver. New tires, $5,800. (360) 877-9720. H6/28-7/19 1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, automatic, 2-wheel drive, air, power windows and door locks, good tires, new front brakes and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims. Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360) 701- 0608. C6/28tfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or le- gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hear- 1 I - ing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. '°%'°" • %=" A LI00LE FUN IN THE SUN '03 Ford F150 4DR • Leather • Shorty MUST • Sunroof SEE • Loads of options • Fiberglass tonneau, too $22,995 '04 SATURN I0N 3 • 35+ mpg • AC, CD player • Low miles • VERY NICE CAR s7,995 '02 CHEV IMPALA • One local owner • Low miles • LOADED s9,995 PRIVATE OWNER selling new 2008 Skyline Malibu 2510 travel trailer, 25', sleeps 8, $23,100 without service con- tract or $25,100 with contract. (360) 426-2689. C7/12-8/2 1992 - 30' Challenger travel sleeps 7, in good condition, cabover camper, $1,200. (360) 5525. M7/19 POULSBO • 19705 ViklngAve NW Poulsbo, WA WWW. Umilmll lime Eve! The Largest RV dealer in the entire Pacific Northw6Cstl #1 in service, volume and prices! Over 60 Million dollars of new and used RV's at amazing low HOT BUYS! 07 THOR RAINIER 25FB MSRP $18,556 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $14,995 VIN # 47CTDRM257D310759 07 FLEETW00D PEGASUS 21 MSRP $19,641 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $14,995 VIN # 4[;2212172319124 07 FOREST RIVER SUNSEEKER 2450S MSRP $71,647 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $54,995 VIN # 1 FDX[145S46DA"9;926 $368md TIIADES WA//lrED! 07 WINNEBAGO VIEW 23J MSRP $91,181 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $69,995 VlN # WDXPDt)44005932678 07 FOREST RIVER GEORGETOWN XL MSRP $123,209 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $87,995 VIN # 5{?14 MP67{3863419567 I $588.C J,- v ',,,.,, J,...,,,...,,.JI..v J,.'.. 1-360-697-444 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA "SuII to credit al010#OV. Ilwlrl beed on 20% down cash or trade, plu taxes, licensing and PDI chm Wtll ti 1 credit multi l approJ t/kKler, Tarl; 1, 8.49% toI 144 m., 2. 7,9g% tor 240 m. Pr ices a lml  i il liceose or malatorY r" cbet $625 to $2,000 (POI clurOes are Inctoded in all  ), NI ur may be di frol ime r mw chage a ume ,ndce fee of up to $35. Pltces are rml al to deators o ler to be comned wl lr, y  0ffem, aml are not d on pre,Ats beals, See beser f comptoto dets. SERVICES SERVICES I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. P7/12-8/30 E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, Inc. 10,000 lb. excavator and operator for hire. Two hour minimum. No job too big or small. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360) 432-3147. E5/3tfn CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years experience, reasonable rates. Refer- ences. (360)427-5941. K5/31-7/19 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and TILE, TILE, tile. Local business. Li- driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, and Design. (360) 250-6475. B7/12-8/2 storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain .............................................................. drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, LOOKING FOR someone honest and call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. reliable to clean your house, yard main- Z3/1 ltfn tenance, mowing and trimming, errands ......................................................................... and shopping? Please call for free esti- HOUSEKEEPING, GREAT rates, de- mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427- tailed and fast. Move outs, new cleans. 0484. $7/12-8/2 Call now, Ackley's Cleaning, (360) ....................................................................................... 427-1043. Licensed, bonded, insured. I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) A7/19 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for ........................................................................... Jerry. P7/12-8/30 SMALL EXCAVATING jobs, in Mason .......................................................... County, call for bids, (360) 426-9722 HANDYMAN. WE'RE springing into or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- summer but no matter what the sea- pressure washing, painting, roof and gut- R935JP. W7/19-8/9 son Ill "get 'er done"! Odd jobs, yard ter cleaning, and much more. Call (360) ...................................................................................... 490-0228. TCSHOHR933LN. S6/21tfn HOODSPORT MANE, (360) 877-9409, work, hauling etc. Ray, (360) 440-9009. ............................................................................................ Hwy 101, Hoodsport (across from Shell I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360) Station) announces extreme prices for 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer- ry. P7/12-8/30 PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restoration available. Call Koleen at CometNW, tanningl Increase your Vitamin D and save money! Single tan, $4.5 tans, $18. 10 tans $38. One month unlimited, $49 (includes 1/2 off on all lotions of $20 val- ue). Bring this ad in and a friend and get unlimited package for 2 for 1 of $49. Up- right tanning, sanitary and fast. Prices (360) 426-0824, for more information, subject to change. H7/5-26 Calls will be returned in the evening. - .................................................................................. W1/25tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 REPAIRS PLUSI Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, - Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too! Mon-Fri 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 CARS/TRUCKS Nationwide Warranty a O 462.403 ’LPA, 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton MOl.a0$ Cleanln00 Sewlce • akben 1 • lalklengal INII SaNk , •  Cltming • ira Lt  "Debds Iull • Gardanlnsi • Palnllng m€l mac Homes • Offlces :Mow.Weed • Prune II 481-6787,,,,,,11 Four Season We'll make your lawn beautiful Mowing ,, Edging Weeding • Trimming Pressure Washing FREE ESTIMATES LOW.T.X.S Leave message for Pe pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U7/5-26 FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and custom built. Lowest prices around. Call Walter at (360) 275-8421. A7/5-26 K&L YARD Services and Landscaping work. Hard working people. Mowing, weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling, blowing, barking, graveling and more. Please call Kris or record your message. (360) 432-5919. Free estimates. K7/5-26 LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years experience. Landclearing, septic sys- tem installation, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Quality work the first time. (360) 898- 7286 JOEPFE*O15MR. F3/3Otfn JIM'S MOBILE AUTD REPAIR Friendly, personalized service STARTING, CHARGING BRAKING, COOLING SYSTEMS • TUNE-UPS REPAIR • OIL & LUBE ASE certified All work neat and guaranteed Call for quotes , , .... (360), 432-3609 Conscientious Care Cleanup • Lawncare Tree trimming Maintenance Landscaping Licensed • Bonded •/nsured 360-490-7709 °r360-426..3149 Bill Perreault Lic #PROSE** 931LQ Mllt£'$ PRINTING SERWC£ Painting only. If you don't call me, you'll be sorry. • Competitive Prices • Local References (JLO) 90-116 (30) 8'77-$727 Lic# MIKESPS940L9 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c.,,....., Call Laude Lembke to schedule a visit Journal's Super Crossword Answers [ !BIEITIE!CIClEII S LIEI MIE:SIP L'O.OIT U T OIOl l]II;,o_i R All E L IJ:O g L A R .I... ...... , .L Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2007 Q6/28-7/19 ,JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush/ blackberry clearing. Hauling, trimming, mowing, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup, barking. Free estimates. Year round. (360) 432-1900. G6/28-7/19 1993 19' Blue Water boat with galva- nized trailer, $7,200. (360) 877-5525. M7/19 11' ZODIAC, excellent condition, 8 h.p. Nissan, new, never used, $2,490. (360) 877-5298. A7/12-19 1988 ARIMA 16', 1996 four-stroke Merc, 50 h.p., 155 hours on motor, depth sounder, cuddy cabin, canvas top. EZ Loader trailer, $5,500. (360) 427-7876. J7/12-19 WlDEGLIDE SOFT tail. New frame, tanks, mirrors. No complete engine/ transmission. Lots of Harley parts. $2,700. More info (360) 432-3608 leave message. J7/19-26 FORD EXPLORER, 1993, one owner, very clean, runs well, loaded with extras, $2,995 OBO. (360) 275-6024. R7/19 1995 TOYOTA 4-Runner, automatic, 2-wheel drive, air, power, windows and door locks, good tires, new front brakes and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims. Good condition. $3,600 OBO. (360) 898- 6263. C6/28tfn 1998 HONDA Accord coupe, V6, excel- lent condition, 63,000 miles, 1 owner. Black currant pearl, with gold emblem kit. Fully loaded, gray leather, 4 speed automatic. $9,500. (360) 877-9255. $7/12-19 NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway, 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1965 T-BIRD, 390, 4 barrel. Ran good, $250. Chrome valve covers, $30. (360) 427-8094. $7/12-19 1997 HONDA Civic EX - Good condi- tion. 5-speed, 4-cyl. Black with gray interior. 2-door. AM/FM/CD. Power windows, steering, moonroof, doors. 164,000 miles. $5,500. (360) 427-1740. N7/12-8/2 1987 HONDA Accord, moon roof, CD, runs okay, $800 OBO. (360) 790-5953. B7/12-19 CARGO VAN, GMC 2000, 1-ton, 200K, excellent condition, one owner/driver. New tires, $5,800. (360) 877-9720. H6/28-7/19 1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, automatic, 2-wheel drive, air, power windows and door locks, good tires, new front brakes and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims. Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360) 701- 0608. C6/28tfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimina- tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or le- gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hear- 1 I - ing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. '°%'°" • %=" A LI00LE FUN IN THE SUN '03 Ford F150 4DR • Leather • Shorty MUST • Sunroof SEE • Loads of options • Fiberglass tonneau, too $22,995 '04 SATURN I0N 3 • 35+ mpg • AC, CD player • Low miles • VERY NICE CAR s7,995 '02 CHEV IMPALA • One local owner • Low miles • LOADED s9,995 PRIVATE OWNER selling new 2008 Skyline Malibu 2510 travel trailer, 25', sleeps 8, $23,100 without service con- tract or $25,100 with contract. (360) 426-2689. C7/12-8/2 1992 - 30' Challenger travel sleeps 7, in good condition, cabover camper, $1,200. (360) 5525. M7/19 POULSBO • 19705 ViklngAve NW Poulsbo, WA WWW. Umilmll lime Eve! The Largest RV dealer in the entire Pacific Northw6Cstl #1 in service, volume and prices! Over 60 Million dollars of new and used RV's at amazing low HOT BUYS! 07 THOR RAINIER 25FB MSRP $18,556 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $14,995 VIN # 47CTDRM257D310759 07 FLEETW00D PEGASUS 21 MSRP $19,641 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $14,995 VIN # 4[;2212172319124 07 FOREST RIVER SUNSEEKER 2450S MSRP $71,647 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $54,995 VIN # 1 FDX[145S46DA"9;926 $368md TIIADES WA//lrED! 07 WINNEBAGO VIEW 23J MSRP $91,181 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $69,995 VlN # WDXPDt)44005932678 07 FOREST RIVER GEORGETOWN XL MSRP $123,209 HOT BUY IN JULY PRICE: $87,995 VIN # 5{?14 MP67{3863419567 I $588.C J,- v ',,,.,, J,...,,,...,,.JI..v J,.'.. 1-360-697-444 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA "SuII to credit al010#OV. Ilwlrl beed on 20% down cash or trade, plu taxes, licensing and PDI chm Wtll ti 1 credit multi l approJ t/kKler, Tarl; 1, 8.49% toI 144 m., 2. 7,9g% tor 240 m. Pr ices a lml  i il liceose or malatorY r" cbet $625 to $2,000 (POI clurOes are Inctoded in all  ), NI ur may be di frol ime r mw chage a ume ,ndce fee of up to $35. Pltces are rml al to deators o ler to be comned wl lr, y  0ffem, aml are not d on pre,Ats beals, See beser f comptoto dets.