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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 19, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Bacteria closes Twanoh AARP'.s drivingJ 00,ate • " ' class is July 3 I closed for swimming July 9 by lla eves n mL hy i Mason County officials due to increased levels of fecal bacteria and remained closed at the start North Mason Bible Church ing skills including vision,. of this week. can come from both shore and respiratory infections and other will sponsor an AARP Driver ing, reaction time and I rno- Measurements showed bac- inland sources such as storm- illnesses. Children and the el- Safety Class on Monday, July Special attention is given to proper use of anti-lock b teria levels to be more than six times higher than the Environ- mental Protection Agency's wa- ter-quality limits. Bacteria test results in ma- rine waters at Twanoh State Park were found to have high levels ofenterococcus bacteria, a water runoff, sewer overflows, failing septic systems, animal waste from livestock, pets and wildlife, and even people swim- ming at the beach. High bacte- ria results are sometimes seen following rain events. In gener- al, officials recommend avoiding derly may be more vulnerable to water borne illnesses. Additional information about Twanoh State Park and other beaches throughout the state is available at: http'J/www. ec y. w a.g o vlp rogramsl ea pl beach/. 25th annual Allyn Days runs Saturday, Sunday (Continued from page 1.) Fever, the Peninsula Square Dancers, Country Cloggers and the Windjammers finishing up with a line dancing demonstra- tion. A very popular local dance band, the Varmints, will provide music for the Saturday night dance from 6 to 9 p.m. in the ga- zebo. ON SUNDAY, the Old Time Fiddlers will take center stage at noon and from 2 to 4 p.m. KMAS Radio will hold the final tryouts and last-chance qualifier for the 2007 "Mason County Idol" sing- ing contest. Winners will advance to the semi-finals at the Mason County Fair later this summer. Past winners will also be o'n hand to share their talents and enter- tain the crowd. Well known local artists Leroy Jesfield and his wife, Wanda, will be showing their works along with selected other artists at the Port of Allyn building in a two-day art show over the weekend. Fire District 5 and the Lions club will offer a pancake break- fast at the fire hall in Allyn from 7 to 11 a.m. on Saturday and from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sunday. The breakfast will include pancakes, eggs, ham, juice and coffee. For shuttle and schedule infor- mation check out the Allyn Com- munity Association's Web site at For other information about the upcoming two-day event call Jeff or Debi Carey at 275-9744. NMHS announces honor roll North Mason High School re- cently released the names of stu- dents who earned a place on the honor roll for the second term of the 2006-2007 school year. In order to be named to the hon- or roll a student had to maintain a grade-point average of 3.2 or high- er throughout the term. Ninth-grade students mak- • ing the list included the following individuals: Lacey Schauberger (4.00), James Davis (3.925), Sky- ler Jensen (3.925), Brett Skogstad (3.925), Craig Spurlock (3.925), Johnathan Rowling (3.850), Kate- lyn Kaye (3.825), Caleb Huxfor (3.750), Zachary Kissler (3.750), Candace Twiss (3.750), Loretta Velaochaga-Klugger (3.750), Me- gan Weatherwax (3.750), Ryan Kuhn (3.675), Cooper Thompson (3.675), Heather Colson (3.600), Jessica DeYoung (3.600), Kate- lyn Graham (3.600), Tia Lacijan (3.600), Joshua Lopez (3.600), Anne Gower (3.575), Jewelissa Lowe (3.575), Dart Merrill (3.575), Ashley Rowland (3.575), Robert Vandling (3.575), Tyler Lukkasson (3.525), Mikle Eash (3.500), John Fullington (3.500), Nathan Mer- rill (3.500), Nicole Walter (3.500), Karissa Weber (3.500), Emily Anderson (1.350), Nikia Fronlich (3.350), Tanner Laur (3.350), Ze- nith Savary (3.350), Zachary Both (3.325), Erik McCullough (3.325), Michael Douglas (3.275), Timothy Winslow (3.275) and Samantha Horkey (3.250). TENTH-GRADE students making the honor roll included the following individuals: Briean- na Brownawell (4.00), Olivia Chu (4.00), Juliet Crummey (4.00), Dora Marian Esteban (4.00), Ma- ria Theres Fujiye (4.00), Jayda Greco (4.00), Kristen Huddle (4.00), Maci Hunt (4.00), Amanda James (4,00), Mackenzie Kocher (4.00), Ashley Muldoon (4.00), Joshua Toohey (4.)0), Sheela VanRees (4.00), Michael Vierela (4.00), Lauren Wightman (4.00), Maloupu Williamson (4.00), Lau- ren Carey (3.925), Rebecca Henry (3.925), Samantha Hull (3.925), Sarah Landreth (3.900), Kather- ine Carey (3.825), Kayla Lopez (3.825), Cristy Norcross (3.825), Brady Blackburn (3.750), Sydnee Brown (3.750), Angelia Crutchfield (3.750), Jonathan Haft(3.750), Ja- cob Home (3.750),'Hanna Paysse (3.750), David Bean (3.675), Ran- dy Button (3.675), Danielle Cook (3.675), Mary Perron (3.675), Cynthia Riddle (3.675), JoAnna Sprouffske (3.675), Elliott Wallace (3.675), Jeanelle Ward (3.675), Jessica Bayer (3.667), Taylor Pe- terson (3.600), Shelby Johnson (3.575), Elizabeth White (3.575), i i JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Lic #JESFII*228DO Stephanie Hicks (3.567), Casey Ostrander (3.567), Melissa Vogt (3.525), Daniel Baker (3.500), Sholena Blackwell (3.500), Rocky Guimont (3.500), Aliahna Luk- kasson (3.500), Lacie Messenger (3.500), Samantha Pruitt (3.500), Jesse Stuart (3.500), Mitchell Fortner (3.450), Alannah Furseth (3.425), Alden Furseth (3.425), Em- ily Davis (3.350), Darell Newman (3.350), Nicolas Byerly (3.325), Nona Nelson (3.325), Bethanee Randles (3.325), Megan Arnold (3.250), Hannah Hicks (3.250), Jennifer Hupper (3.250) and Willy Leestma (3.250) ELEVENTH-GRADE students that made the honor roll include the following individuals: Kyleigh Camacho (4.00), Alexandra Chu (4.00), Kim Nguyen (4.00), Han- nah Fitzmorris (3.925), Brittany Mellegard (3.925), Joel Oblizalo (3.925), Lea Hopkins (3.900), Marissa Stevenson (3.850), Can- dice McBride (3.825), Leah Staub (3.825), Patricia Stecker (3.880), Joshua Murphy (3.767), Adam Stedman (3.750), Chad Nicols (3.700), Kimberly Cole (3.675), Lo- gan Hart (3.675), Sarah Smither (3.675), Steven Nelson (3.667), Garrett Bell (3.600), Kyle Hous- ley (3.600), Jennifer Zeh (3.600), Jesse McQuillan (3.575), Daniel Smith-Guffey (3.575), Davona Left (3.567), Travis Alatalo (3.500), Keagan Crosswhite (3.500), Ben- jamin Jensen (3.500), Anika Pratt (3.500), Leanne Remington (3.500), Mitchell Kissler (3.480), Seth Gunter (3.433), David Creed (3.425), Peter Flett (3.425), Ty- ler Hoyt (3.425), Alyssa Jensen (3.425), Meaghan Kelly (3.425), Kayelyn Stanley (3.425), Ben Thaves (3.400), Brianna Badili (3.350), Randall Wetting (3.350), Anna Heitstuman (3.333), Mary Rabinovitz (3.333), Charles Snow (3.333), Justin Hamerly (3.325), Luke Huxford (3.250), Brynne Chamberlain (3.233), Christo- pher Burdge (3.225) and Nathan Schackmann (3.225). TWELFTH-GRADE students making the honor roll included the following individuals: Mailani Acdal (4.00), David Beisley (4.00), Kyle Bowmer (4.00), Kayla Chali- foux (4.00), Bridget Claycomb (4.00), Rachel Fryer (4.00), Dana Kuhn (4.00), Adriana Lippy (4.00), Brittany Litaker (4.00), Sarah Lyman (4.00), Mary Angel Lytle (4.00), Troy Olson (4.00), Lind- sey Seamons (4.00), Micah Zech (4.00), Rebecca Zick (4.00), Justin Eastman (3.925), Anthony Grae- ber (3.925), Joshua Getty (3.900), Chelsey Baniaga (3.850), Dan- iel Patten (3.850), Brian Pulley (3.850), Kyle Walsh (3.850), Ve- ronica VanHoover (3.825), Ashley Geary (3.800), Merrie Woodland (3.775), Kayla Davis (3.767), Amy Gastineau (3.767), Samuel Knecht (3.767), Deborah Porter (3.767), Farrah Fakhraee (3.750), Mi- chell Flett (3.750), Kandice Knox (3.700), Amber Robertson (3.700), Meghan Bartosovsky (3.675), Brett Bielec (3.675), Cody Bow- man (3.675), Ember Byron (3.675), Melissa Nys (3.675), Alicia Brown (3.667), Amy Davies (3.767), Sar- ah Park (3.667), Jacob Sanford (3.667), Graciela Tapia (3.650), Joel Roinas (3.600), Erin Schwartz (3.600), Erin Budler (3.575), Lucia Dilska (3.575), William Adams (3.500), Alexander Castellano (3.500), Tiara Hannafious (3.500), Jordan Lowe (3.500), Serena Scaggs (3.500), Amy Summerill (3.500), Stacy Vincent (3.467), Lacey Porter (3.433), Cole Bab- bitt (3.425), Carly Cabrin (3.425), Nicholas Caraway (3.425), Ra- chel Alatalo (3.350), Harley Berg (3.350), Donalyn Johanns (3.350), Tom Luebke-Sando (3.350), Max Younkin (3.350), Donald Gunter (3.325), Autumn Gareis (3.250), Fred Gold (3.250), Ezequiel Nich- olson (3.250), Kayla Starkel (3.250) and Courtney Newman (3.233). WHAT A NICE COMPLIMENT Help Support OPERATION ALOHA "5ending aloha pacges to our troops" Mark, bnitra and Brennan We would like to say THANK YOU to all of our customers for referring their friends and family to usl The highest compliment we can receive is a referral-that shows that you have put your trust in us. Here at Ayers Automotive we strive to give everyone the same high quality, caring service. Whether it's tune-ups, brakes, heating and air conditioning, diagnostics or scheduled maintenance, you will be treated the way you should be, fairly and honestly. AYERS AUTOMOTIVE, the NEW shop in Grapeview is a family owned business. We work on most foreign and domestic cars and trucks; give us a call to see if we can help you with your automotive repair needs!! Mark is a fully Iicem   Tenickm with 20 Fears of AYERS AUTOMOTIVE - Service with Aloha Please call us to schedule an appointment 360-463-0925 or 360-275-0405 l;,t/ Monday-Friday By Appointment I I p' age 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 19, 2007 30, and Tuesday, July 31. The eight-hour class will be held between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. on both days. The class will be open to the pub- lic and membership in AARP is not required. Drivers under age 55 may participate, but should check with their auto insurance provider to determine if they qualify for a discount. Those completing the class may qualify for a discount on their auto in- surance premium. The classes are designed to as- sist experienced drivers in coping with age-related changes in driv- Two more blood drives set in Belfair The Puget Sound Blood Center has two remaining visits to the Belfair area over the next couple of weeks. On Wednesday, July 18, the Blood Center will again be at the Theler Center, this time from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Monday, July 30, a blood drive will be held from noon to 3 p.m. at North Mason United Methodist Church, located at 25140 NE State Route 3 in Bel- fair. On Thursday, August 16, the Blood Center will be at the Ma- sonic Center, located at 23341 NE State Route 3 in Belfair, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. safety belts, air bags and 1 restraint systems. Helpful ance is given in the ability sess one's own and others' ing skills. Information is st., concerning vehicle safety,d sive driving and recent c ! in traffic' laws_ is $1 Tuition for the class person and prereglstration" quired. Those that are int in attending the class shou!d' 275-9646 to make a reserva Saturday, July 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • Collectibles, furniture • Household items • Books, tools, plants • Specialty BAKED GOODS Garden accessories ' .... Children's items ,. i . St, Hugh _ Episcopal Church 280 E. Wheelwright Street, AI ( u n at Northwest Experience, left od Wheelwright Street to church.) ,oJo?y)EY p o a to the community, LUNCHEO00 Featured Speaker Jonathan from Pre-Paid Legal Service Wednesday, July 25 th ll:30am-lpm Theler Community Center Lunch $8 Jonathan Lane, from Pre-Paid Legal Service will be the featured speaker the monthly North Mason Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon Wednesday, July 25, at Theler Center. Mr. with respect to identity theft. He will cover current laws about handling public information of employees and more. For more informatioR, contact Frank Kenny at 275-4267. The North Mason Chamber of Commerce holds a regular monthly luncheon meetin featured speaker on the fourth Wednesday of every month at Theler Community You ! to everyone who helped sponsor the awards banquet for Mason Bulldogs State 2A Eastpitch Champions for 2007 Crown Auto Sales Westbay Auto Parts Hood Canal Auto Sales Hood Canal Interiors Les Schwab- Belfair Randy's 76 & Shortstop Prudential NW Real Estate R-gang Custom Embroidery Last Chance Garage Preferred Real Estate Ehresman Family Chiropractic Peninsula Topsoil John Campbell Denture Clinic George Kenny School of Chainsaw Carving Belfair Valley Nursery Johnson Inc. - General Contractors Mitchell Lumber Kiwanis Club of North Mason Jerry and Nancy Reid Ken and Peggy Van Buskirk Jack Johnson Bruce Landram Shirley and Ernie Aries Harlan and Ramona Olson Lester and Betty Krueger Shed Cloud- Olympic Federal Savings Allen and Tom Shearer Randy Neatherlin Margie Kaiser- Peninsula Union Petersen Chiropractic FD#2 I wish to express my gratitude and say a very special thanks Brian Petersen and FD#2 and Chief Beau Bakken for organlzi the wonderful parade on Friday, June I st. Also, special kudOSi to Ken Van Buskirk, Ernie Aries and Randy Neatherlin for spearheading the awards banquet effort. Finally, thanks to tile LakeLand Village Clubhouse for a great venue and to Tina Ny 0 for catering our event. --Paula Or. Bacteria closes Twanoh AARP'.s drivingJ 00,ate • " ' class is July 3 I closed for swimming July 9 by lla eves n mL hy i Mason County officials due to increased levels of fecal bacteria and remained closed at the start North Mason Bible Church ing skills including vision,. of this week. can come from both shore and respiratory infections and other will sponsor an AARP Driver ing, reaction time and I rno- Measurements showed bac- inland sources such as storm- illnesses. Children and the el- Safety Class on Monday, July Special attention is given to proper use of anti-lock b teria levels to be more than six times higher than the Environ- mental Protection Agency's wa- ter-quality limits. Bacteria test results in ma- rine waters at Twanoh State Park were found to have high levels ofenterococcus bacteria, a water runoff, sewer overflows, failing septic systems, animal waste from livestock, pets and wildlife, and even people swim- ming at the beach. High bacte- ria results are sometimes seen following rain events. In gener- al, officials recommend avoiding derly may be more vulnerable to water borne illnesses. Additional information about Twanoh State Park and other beaches throughout the state is available at: http'J/www. ec y. w a.g o vlp rogramsl ea pl beach/. 25th annual Allyn Days runs Saturday, Sunday (Continued from page 1.) Fever, the Peninsula Square Dancers, Country Cloggers and the Windjammers finishing up with a line dancing demonstra- tion. A very popular local dance band, the Varmints, will provide music for the Saturday night dance from 6 to 9 p.m. in the ga- zebo. ON SUNDAY, the Old Time Fiddlers will take center stage at noon and from 2 to 4 p.m. KMAS Radio will hold the final tryouts and last-chance qualifier for the 2007 "Mason County Idol" sing- ing contest. Winners will advance to the semi-finals at the Mason County Fair later this summer. Past winners will also be o'n hand to share their talents and enter- tain the crowd. Well known local artists Leroy Jesfield and his wife, Wanda, will be showing their works along with selected other artists at the Port of Allyn building in a two-day art show over the weekend. Fire District 5 and the Lions club will offer a pancake break- fast at the fire hall in Allyn from 7 to 11 a.m. on Saturday and from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sunday. The breakfast will include pancakes, eggs, ham, juice and coffee. For shuttle and schedule infor- mation check out the Allyn Com- munity Association's Web site at For other information about the upcoming two-day event call Jeff or Debi Carey at 275-9744. NMHS announces honor roll North Mason High School re- cently released the names of stu- dents who earned a place on the honor roll for the second term of the 2006-2007 school year. In order to be named to the hon- or roll a student had to maintain a grade-point average of 3.2 or high- er throughout the term. Ninth-grade students mak- • ing the list included the following individuals: Lacey Schauberger (4.00), James Davis (3.925), Sky- ler Jensen (3.925), Brett Skogstad (3.925), Craig Spurlock (3.925), Johnathan Rowling (3.850), Kate- lyn Kaye (3.825), Caleb Huxfor (3.750), Zachary Kissler (3.750), Candace Twiss (3.750), Loretta Velaochaga-Klugger (3.750), Me- gan Weatherwax (3.750), Ryan Kuhn (3.675), Cooper Thompson (3.675), Heather Colson (3.600), Jessica DeYoung (3.600), Kate- lyn Graham (3.600), Tia Lacijan (3.600), Joshua Lopez (3.600), Anne Gower (3.575), Jewelissa Lowe (3.575), Dart Merrill (3.575), Ashley Rowland (3.575), Robert Vandling (3.575), Tyler Lukkasson (3.525), Mikle Eash (3.500), John Fullington (3.500), Nathan Mer- rill (3.500), Nicole Walter (3.500), Karissa Weber (3.500), Emily Anderson (1.350), Nikia Fronlich (3.350), Tanner Laur (3.350), Ze- nith Savary (3.350), Zachary Both (3.325), Erik McCullough (3.325), Michael Douglas (3.275), Timothy Winslow (3.275) and Samantha Horkey (3.250). TENTH-GRADE students making the honor roll included the following individuals: Briean- na Brownawell (4.00), Olivia Chu (4.00), Juliet Crummey (4.00), Dora Marian Esteban (4.00), Ma- ria Theres Fujiye (4.00), Jayda Greco (4.00), Kristen Huddle (4.00), Maci Hunt (4.00), Amanda James (4,00), Mackenzie Kocher (4.00), Ashley Muldoon (4.00), Joshua Toohey (4.)0), Sheela VanRees (4.00), Michael Vierela (4.00), Lauren Wightman (4.00), Maloupu Williamson (4.00), Lau- ren Carey (3.925), Rebecca Henry (3.925), Samantha Hull (3.925), Sarah Landreth (3.900), Kather- ine Carey (3.825), Kayla Lopez (3.825), Cristy Norcross (3.825), Brady Blackburn (3.750), Sydnee Brown (3.750), Angelia Crutchfield (3.750), Jonathan Haft(3.750), Ja- cob Home (3.750),'Hanna Paysse (3.750), David Bean (3.675), Ran- dy Button (3.675), Danielle Cook (3.675), Mary Perron (3.675), Cynthia Riddle (3.675), JoAnna Sprouffske (3.675), Elliott Wallace (3.675), Jeanelle Ward (3.675), Jessica Bayer (3.667), Taylor Pe- terson (3.600), Shelby Johnson (3.575), Elizabeth White (3.575), i i JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Lic #JESFII*228DO Stephanie Hicks (3.567), Casey Ostrander (3.567), Melissa Vogt (3.525), Daniel Baker (3.500), Sholena Blackwell (3.500), Rocky Guimont (3.500), Aliahna Luk- kasson (3.500), Lacie Messenger (3.500), Samantha Pruitt (3.500), Jesse Stuart (3.500), Mitchell Fortner (3.450), Alannah Furseth (3.425), Alden Furseth (3.425), Em- ily Davis (3.350), Darell Newman (3.350), Nicolas Byerly (3.325), Nona Nelson (3.325), Bethanee Randles (3.325), Megan Arnold (3.250), Hannah Hicks (3.250), Jennifer Hupper (3.250) and Willy Leestma (3.250) ELEVENTH-GRADE students that made the honor roll include the following individuals: Kyleigh Camacho (4.00), Alexandra Chu (4.00), Kim Nguyen (4.00), Han- nah Fitzmorris (3.925), Brittany Mellegard (3.925), Joel Oblizalo (3.925), Lea Hopkins (3.900), Marissa Stevenson (3.850), Can- dice McBride (3.825), Leah Staub (3.825), Patricia Stecker (3.880), Joshua Murphy (3.767), Adam Stedman (3.750), Chad Nicols (3.700), Kimberly Cole (3.675), Lo- gan Hart (3.675), Sarah Smither (3.675), Steven Nelson (3.667), Garrett Bell (3.600), Kyle Hous- ley (3.600), Jennifer Zeh (3.600), Jesse McQuillan (3.575), Daniel Smith-Guffey (3.575), Davona Left (3.567), Travis Alatalo (3.500), Keagan Crosswhite (3.500), Ben- jamin Jensen (3.500), Anika Pratt (3.500), Leanne Remington (3.500), Mitchell Kissler (3.480), Seth Gunter (3.433), David Creed (3.425), Peter Flett (3.425), Ty- ler Hoyt (3.425), Alyssa Jensen (3.425), Meaghan Kelly (3.425), Kayelyn Stanley (3.425), Ben Thaves (3.400), Brianna Badili (3.350), Randall Wetting (3.350), Anna Heitstuman (3.333), Mary Rabinovitz (3.333), Charles Snow (3.333), Justin Hamerly (3.325), Luke Huxford (3.250), Brynne Chamberlain (3.233), Christo- pher Burdge (3.225) and Nathan Schackmann (3.225). TWELFTH-GRADE students making the honor roll included the following individuals: Mailani Acdal (4.00), David Beisley (4.00), Kyle Bowmer (4.00), Kayla Chali- foux (4.00), Bridget Claycomb (4.00), Rachel Fryer (4.00), Dana Kuhn (4.00), Adriana Lippy (4.00), Brittany Litaker (4.00), Sarah Lyman (4.00), Mary Angel Lytle (4.00), Troy Olson (4.00), Lind- sey Seamons (4.00), Micah Zech (4.00), Rebecca Zick (4.00), Justin Eastman (3.925), Anthony Grae- ber (3.925), Joshua Getty (3.900), Chelsey Baniaga (3.850), Dan- iel Patten (3.850), Brian Pulley (3.850), Kyle Walsh (3.850), Ve- ronica VanHoover (3.825), Ashley Geary (3.800), Merrie Woodland (3.775), Kayla Davis (3.767), Amy Gastineau (3.767), Samuel Knecht (3.767), Deborah Porter (3.767), Farrah Fakhraee (3.750), Mi- chell Flett (3.750), Kandice Knox (3.700), Amber Robertson (3.700), Meghan Bartosovsky (3.675), Brett Bielec (3.675), Cody Bow- man (3.675), Ember Byron (3.675), Melissa Nys (3.675), Alicia Brown (3.667), Amy Davies (3.767), Sar- ah Park (3.667), Jacob Sanford (3.667), Graciela Tapia (3.650), Joel Roinas (3.600), Erin Schwartz (3.600), Erin Budler (3.575), Lucia Dilska (3.575), William Adams (3.500), Alexander Castellano (3.500), Tiara Hannafious (3.500), Jordan Lowe (3.500), Serena Scaggs (3.500), Amy Summerill (3.500), Stacy Vincent (3.467), Lacey Porter (3.433), Cole Bab- bitt (3.425), Carly Cabrin (3.425), Nicholas Caraway (3.425), Ra- chel Alatalo (3.350), Harley Berg (3.350), Donalyn Johanns (3.350), Tom Luebke-Sando (3.350), Max Younkin (3.350), Donald Gunter (3.325), Autumn Gareis (3.250), Fred Gold (3.250), Ezequiel Nich- olson (3.250), Kayla Starkel (3.250) and Courtney Newman (3.233). WHAT A NICE COMPLIMENT Help Support OPERATION ALOHA "5ending aloha pacges to our troops" Mark, bnitra and Brennan We would like to say THANK YOU to all of our customers for referring their friends and family to usl The highest compliment we can receive is a referral-that shows that you have put your trust in us. Here at Ayers Automotive we strive to give everyone the same high quality, caring service. Whether it's tune-ups, brakes, heating and air conditioning, diagnostics or scheduled maintenance, you will be treated the way you should be, fairly and honestly. AYERS AUTOMOTIVE, the NEW shop in Grapeview is a family owned business. We work on most foreign and domestic cars and trucks; give us a call to see if we can help you with your automotive repair needs!! Mark is a fully Iicem   Tenickm with 20 Fears of AYERS AUTOMOTIVE - Service with Aloha Please call us to schedule an appointment 360-463-0925 or 360-275-0405 l;,t/ Monday-Friday By Appointment I I p' age 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 19, 2007 30, and Tuesday, July 31. The eight-hour class will be held between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. on both days. The class will be open to the pub- lic and membership in AARP is not required. Drivers under age 55 may participate, but should check with their auto insurance provider to determine if they qualify for a discount. Those completing the class may qualify for a discount on their auto in- surance premium. The classes are designed to as- sist experienced drivers in coping with age-related changes in driv- Two more blood drives set in Belfair The Puget Sound Blood Center has two remaining visits to the Belfair area over the next couple of weeks. On Wednesday, July 18, the Blood Center will again be at the Theler Center, this time from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Monday, July 30, a blood drive will be held from noon to 3 p.m. at North Mason United Methodist Church, located at 25140 NE State Route 3 in Bel- fair. On Thursday, August 16, the Blood Center will be at the Ma- sonic Center, located at 23341 NE State Route 3 in Belfair, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. safety belts, air bags and 1 restraint systems. Helpful ance is given in the ability sess one's own and others' ing skills. Information is st., concerning vehicle safety,d sive driving and recent c ! in traffic' laws_ is $1 Tuition for the class person and prereglstration" quired. Those that are int in attending the class shou!d' 275-9646 to make a reserva Saturday, July 21, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • Collectibles, furniture • Household items • Books, tools, plants • Specialty BAKED GOODS Garden accessories ' .... Children's items ,. i . St, Hugh _ Episcopal Church 280 E. Wheelwright Street, AI ( u n at Northwest Experience, left od Wheelwright Street to church.) ,oJo?y)EY p o a to the community, LUNCHEO00 Featured Speaker Jonathan from Pre-Paid Legal Service Wednesday, July 25 th ll:30am-lpm Theler Community Center Lunch $8 Jonathan Lane, from Pre-Paid Legal Service will be the featured speaker the monthly North Mason Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon Wednesday, July 25, at Theler Center. Mr. with respect to identity theft. He will cover current laws about handling public information of employees and more. For more informatioR, contact Frank Kenny at 275-4267. The North Mason Chamber of Commerce holds a regular monthly luncheon meetin featured speaker on the fourth Wednesday of every month at Theler Community You ! to everyone who helped sponsor the awards banquet for Mason Bulldogs State 2A Eastpitch Champions for 2007 Crown Auto Sales Westbay Auto Parts Hood Canal Auto Sales Hood Canal Interiors Les Schwab- Belfair Randy's 76 & Shortstop Prudential NW Real Estate R-gang Custom Embroidery Last Chance Garage Preferred Real Estate Ehresman Family Chiropractic Peninsula Topsoil John Campbell Denture Clinic George Kenny School of Chainsaw Carving Belfair Valley Nursery Johnson Inc. - General Contractors Mitchell Lumber Kiwanis Club of North Mason Jerry and Nancy Reid Ken and Peggy Van Buskirk Jack Johnson Bruce Landram Shirley and Ernie Aries Harlan and Ramona Olson Lester and Betty Krueger Shed Cloud- Olympic Federal Savings Allen and Tom Shearer Randy Neatherlin Margie Kaiser- Peninsula Union Petersen Chiropractic FD#2 I wish to express my gratitude and say a very special thanks Brian Petersen and FD#2 and Chief Beau Bakken for organlzi the wonderful parade on Friday, June I st. Also, special kudOSi to Ken Van Buskirk, Ernie Aries and Randy Neatherlin for spearheading the awards banquet effort. Finally, thanks to tile LakeLand Village Clubhouse for a great venue and to Tina Ny 0 for catering our event. --Paula Or.