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Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2012
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Public works and community development departments have been consolidated since 2008 By NATALIE JOHNSON he said. ’~atali~{~?ma.~o~coun( O'Leary recommended that the city go .................................................................................. through the Request for Qualifications (RFP) process and hire a search firm to find The City of Shelton Commission re- a new public works director, while Gains viewed a plan July 9 to hire a public works would remain the city's community and director, economic development director. In Aug. 2008, the city consolidated the "Our current director (Gains) is a ca- public works and community and economic reer professional in community develop- development department under a single ment and it is his greatest strength. He director. Today, Steve Gains serves as the is absolutely the best person in our orga- director of both departments, nization to oversee the Shelton Hills proj- "We have one person serving in two oct," O'Leary's brief to the commissioners jobs," city Administrator Dave O'Leary states. "Public works, in my opinion, could said. "We did that to create efficiency." benefit from a new director. Beyond the ob- However, O'Leary said that during the vious and emerging civil engineering chal- past four years, directorial duties of both lenges, we should have improved manage- departments have become more compli-ment systems in that department." cated, forcing Gains to take on more work. O'Leary said the additional salary In preparation for complex projects such should cost the city $64,500 annually, plus as Hall Equities' Shelton Hills Develop- an additional $20,000 in the first year to ment as well as the management of aspay for the cost of the professional search m&ny as 30 or 40 city projects across both firm. programs, O'Leary said it would be benefi- The commission agreed to put the item cial to the city to split the departments, on its consent agenda for its 6 p.m. meeting "It's important that we get this right," on July 16. Journal file photo Steve Gains currently serves as both the community and economic development director and the public works director for the city of Shelton. City Administrator Dave O'Leary advised the city commission Monday to split the two positions and hire a new public works director. Journa pno~o By klata]le Johnson The Shelton City Commission approved a bid this week to repave a section of K Street. The winning bid was $949,765, proposed by NOVA Contracting. that typically affects people aged 50 years or older and that can develop .due to a congenital tendency. In most cases, however. the cause is SaragNewman, D.C. osteoarthritis. Whether by excesswe use. previous injury, or aging, cartilage covering joint surfaces' ill the back slowly deteriorates. Discs between vertebrae become worn. and spaces between bones narrow. Bony outgrowths called "spurs" may also develop. As these changes occur, bones and soft tissues fold inward into the spinal canal to compress nerves. As lhe spinal We take "- canal narrows, pressure on these nerves causes pain to radiate from CREDIT ~[~RDS the lower back down the buttock to the lower leg. Chiropractic 3rd & Cota • 426-4412 Rotary Web Offset PRINTING • Advertising Tabloids • Newspapers • Magazines • Posters • Newsletters Just about anything except U. S, currency! 426-4412 treatment is a first-line defense against this pain. The conditions, such as spinal stenos]s, we address are as varied and as vast as the ne~wous system itself Could you benefit from professional, gentle, and safe chiropractic care - without the use of drugs or surgery? At NEWMAN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC. our goal is not merely to bring relief to your pain. but to identify and correct the source of it as well We're currently accepting new panems and welcome you to call 360.426.3886 to schedule an appointment• We're located al 2211 Jefferson St. P.S. Pain associated with spinal stenosis typically starts slowly and then mcreases as the space narrows further. www.newmanfamilychiro,com NOVA Contracting receives $949,765 city contract By NATALIE JOHNSON have time to complete the natalicd;masoT~boumy.cvm project on time 'provided .......................................................... the commission approved the bid at Monday's meet- The Shelton City Cam- ing. mission voted to award a The project will mill and bid to NOVA Contracting, overlay one to two inches Inc. to complete a project to of asphalt on K Street from repave K Street. its intersection with Olym- The city originally pic Highway to North 13th planned to complete the Street. project last summer, but The project also includes ran out of time before the deeper repairs to the road school-year started. Mt. structure in areas where ~View Elementary School the sub-grade or road base and Olympic Middle School has failed. It will also add are located on the portion of or replace the sidewalk on K Street to be repaved, the south side of the road. The commission ap- and replace existing side- proved a bid for the project walk ramps on the north in February, but had to is- side with ramps that meet sue a new bid after discov- current standards as de- ering that it had not illled fined by the Americans with out new paperwork re- Disabilities Act (ADA). quired for the project.The bid opening for the City engineer Mike Mi- project was July 5.-Four chael said NOVA would companies responded. Mi- chael said. NOVA Contracting had the lowest responsive bid, and submitted a proposal for $949,765, $144,985 low- er than the engineer's esti- mate for the project, which was $1,094,750. The project is funded 'bY the Federal Highways Ad- ministration. Michael said Kamin Ex- cavating, a local contract- ing company, was original- ly identified as the low bid- der, with a bid of $919,430. However, after review of its bid documents, the Federal Highways Administration discovered that the compa- ny failed to complete part of a required document, and the bid was declared not re- sponsive. The city commission ex- pressed frustration that it could not approve a con- tract with a local company. "They're the ones provid- ing the money so we ha~e to follow their rules." Com- missioner Dawn Pannell said. Dr. Samuel Blake Fami/y practice. Fami/y care. Samuel Blake, M.D.. began seeing oatients in Ju y a~ MGH Shelton Family Medicine, )n Blake Nno is board-eligible, received his medico Jegree from the University of Vermont College of Medicine '~ 2009. and como~eteo his residency a~ St. Peter Hospital Famil) Medicine ResidenG Program, Olympia, in JUly 20~2. To make an aDooln[men[ with Dr. Blake call Shelton Family Medicine at (360) 426-2653. Mason Genera] Hospital 7y " " She[ton,Fame, Me&cme (360} 426-2653 939 Mtn. View Dr., Ste. 100. Shelton, WA 98584 m w Shelton-Mason County Journal The city plans for the project to be completed be- fore the school year starts. We're doing it }10 at the 2012 Maso. A, rea Fair Eodeo! Join Paul and Babe to celebrate a century of Fair in our community! Enter the Fair! Everything from pies to primroses! Ribbons and Cash prices! Entry guides available onflne at or by stopping by these fine locations." • WSU Extension Office • Shelton/Mason County Journal • Timberland Library • Fairgrounds Office • Mason County Admin Office 2012 Fair Highlights: • Two NPRA Rodeos - Friday at 7 and Saturday at 6 • Mexican Rodeo - Sunday @ 2 Live Music & Dancing • Barns filled with animals! • Draft horse cart rides! • Rides & kids" zone • Goat carriage Rides • Two Stages of live Music! Great bands and soloists ! • Daily~Nightly Fire Shows • Kids programs daily including Character appearances! • 150+ Vendors • Delicious Variqy on Food! • 4-H & FFA Demonstrations • Non profits, Arts and Crafts • Aquaculture Display • KMAS Song Writer's Stage • Agriculture Machinery Display • 4-H Petting Zoo • Classic Car Show &Shine SAT Support YOUR Faid &dmission: $5.00 adulrs Kids FREE FRI is Seniors Day $3.00 FRIDAY- First 100 kids get a Goody Bag! Parking FREE Fair Hours: Friday: 10 am - 10 pm Saturday 10 am- 10 am Sunday I0 am- 6 pm Call for information." ~60-427-~$99 www.Masoncoun~vFair org -Thursday, July 19, 2012 - Page A-3