July 19, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 19, 2012 |
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A small fire at the Elwood
Apartments caused an evacuation
last week.
The fire was detected at 8:36
p.m. on Friday at the apartment County Fire District No. 5. "We indoors. Mason County Medic one and
complex located at 2020 Adams St.. were able to shut the gas off and "It caused minimal damage tothe Shelton Police Department re-
Shelton. that extinguished the fire."the siding on the back of the corn- sponded first with district No. 5.
"Essentially, what happened The complex was originally plex." Yates said. "We were lucky. Yates said he requested PUD No.
was a small gas leak on the back- evacuated but once the fire was If it would've happened in the mid- 3 and Cascade Natural Gas as well.
side of a gas meter located at the out and firefighters determined it dle of the mght, it could've gone "The cause of the leak and the
back of the apartment complex," had not extended into the building, undetected and that would've been ignition are undetermined." Yates
said Lt. Greg Yates with Mason residents were allowed to return disastrous." said.
Mason County Coroner
West Stockwell released the
identity this week of a man
killed in a single-car fatality
crash early Monday morn-
Juan Carlos Espinoza
Alcazar. 31, of Allyn was
killed after authorities say
he lost control of his 1996
Chevrolet S-10 pickup at
2:12 a.m. Monday, five and
a half miles sou~h of Union
on McReavy Road.
According m authorities,
Alcazar was driving in the
northbound lane and lost
control in a left turn. over-
corrected and left the road-
way. The truck then left the
road. struck an embank-
ment and rolled at least
once before coming to a stop
on the road.
Alcazar was wearing a
seatbelt: According to au-
thorities, he extricated him-
self from the truck, and was
sitting outside of the truck
on the road when medics ar-
He succumbed to his inju-
ries at the scene. According
to authorities, speed was a
contributing factor in the
Nonprofit moves forward apartment.
With fair market value for
on new buildings a two-bedroom apartment in
Shelton rated at about $750.
the grant allows the shelter to
By NATALIE JOHNSON help about three families per
~ut~die@mc~soncou~t3 ,cornmonth.
........................................................................ The rest of the grant goes
toward homeless prevention.
Last week the Mason or helping families on the edge
County Shelter learned that stay in their homes.
it would receive the Wash-"That's five to seven fami-
ington State Emergency Solu- lies per month ... who would
tions Grant in the amount of be homeless if they didn't get
$64,348. the help," Nielsen sai;l.
The money is designated toAnyone with an income be-
go toward rental assistance low 30 percent of the Area Me-
in Mason County and is split dian Income (AMI/. which is
into two categories rapid $18.050 per year for a family
rehousing, for families who of four, is eligible to apply for
are homeless, and prevention, assistance.
for families about to lose their While it continues work to
housing, said Deb Nielsen. ex- help homeless families in Ma-
ecutive director for the Mason son County, the shelter is also
County Shelter. moving forward on plans to
The Shelter administers the build several new buildings in
grant funding, she said. Shelton.
While grant funding is al-Early this year the shelter
ways welcome, Nielsen saidsecured an $825.000 Commu-
the funds can only help a small nity Development Block Grant
portion of families in need. administered through the city
"It's better than nothing,", of Shelton.
she said. The grant was the last
The grant runs from July 1, piece of funding the nonprofit
2012 to June 30, 2013. needed to begin the process of
When you break down the building its $3.2 million shel-
grant, she said, $47,876 is des- ter in Shelton.
ignated for rental assistance, This week, Nielsen said the J ..... i photo by N~t~,~ Job ....
and $16,473 is designated for shelter is almost finished se- Deb Nielsen, executive director of the Mason County Shelter,
administrative costs, curing the permits it needs to
Of that $47,473, about begin construction on the proj- reviews plans for the nonprofit's new shelter, which it plans
$28,000 goes toward rapid re- ect. The nonprofit plans to so- to start building soon. The shelter also received a
housing, or relocating home- licit bids for the construction Washington State Emergency Soluntions Grant for $64,348
less families to a new house or soon. for rental assistance.
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Calls reported to Shelton
Police, Mason County Sher-
iffs Office and Tribal agen-
cies included:
At 9:33 a.m. on July 9,
a burglary was reported in Assaults
the 200 block of West Eu- At 11:20 p.m. on July 9,
did Avenue. A wallet was an assault was reported in
reported stolen, the 3800 block of East State
Route 3.
At 2:19 p.m. on July 9, a
kayak was reported stolen Sex crimes
from the 12700 block of East At 2:24 p.m. on July 9, a
State Route 106, Union. Es- sexual assault was reported
timated value is $828. on East Madrona Way. The
assault took place at least
At 11:38 a.m. on July 9, six years ago.
a shed was reportedly bur-
glarized in the 600 block of
Fairmount Avenue. A lawn-
mower and weed eater were
reported missing.
At 12:45 p.m. on July 12,
a burglary was reported in
the 1600 block of Jefferson
disclosed address of North stolen from the 100 block of At 7:33 p.m. on July 13, a
At 11:53 a.m. on July 14, Lake Cushman Road, Hood- East Dogwood Lane, Union. theft of two motorcycles was At 9:59 a.m. on July 15,
a burglary was reported to sport, reported in the 1500 block of a vehicle prowl was reported
an empty commercial struc- At 5:24 p.m. on July 12, a Monroe Street. in the 2000 block of Laurel
ture in the 23500 block of At 3:09 p.m. on July 9, theft of gas was reported in Street.
North U.S. Highway 101.a hitch was reported stolen the 3800 block of East State At 9:09 p.m. on July 13, a
from the 250 block of South- Route 3. wallet reportedly fell off the At 11:14 a.m. on July 15,
' east Crescent Drive. Esti- fender of a horse trailer in a boat was reported stolen
mated value is $300. At 7:27 p.m. on July 12,the 700 block of West Hur- from the 200 block of North
a cell phone and an iPodleyWaldrip Road. Wynoochee Drive,Hood-
At 7:07 p.m. on July 9, a were reported stolen from sport.
theft was reported in the. 100 the 800 block of West Pine
block of East Wallace Knee- Street. Estimated value of
land Boulevard. A male was the Blackbel;ry is $265 and
reportedly in custody, the iPod is $200.
Domestic violence
At 10:26 p.m. on July 9, At 8:54 a.m. on July 12,
a domestic disturbance.was a theft of a red 1992 Ford
reported in the 24300 block minivan was reported in the
of North U.S. Highway 101, 100 block of East Southlake
Hoodsport. Drive. A wallet was also re-
ported missing.
At 1:42 p.m. on July 13,
a domestic disturbance was
reported in the 100 block of
At 7:16 a.m. on July 13, a West Manor Road.
burglary was reported in the
5900 block of State Route 3. At 2:39 a.m. on July 16,
a domestic disturbance was
At 1:33 a.m. on July 14,reported at an undisclosed
a burglary was reported in address on North U.S. High-
the 2200 block of Olympic way 101, Lilliwaup.
Highway North.
At 2:01 a.m. on July 14,At 1!:25 a.m. on July 9,
a burglary was reported on an individual reported that
the corner of West Harvard their aunt is stealing from
Avenue and South Third their great aunt in the 6700
Street. block of East State Route
106, Union.
At 6:36 p.m. on July 14,
a burglary wasreported in At 11:32 a.m. on July 9,
the 1400 block of East Is- a purse was reported sto-
land Lake Drive. len from a vehicle in an un-
At 11:39 a.m. on July 14,
a theft of a mailbox was re- At 1:15 p.m. on July 15,
ported in the 200 block of a theft was reported in the
West Bambi Farms Road. 2500 block of East Mason
Lake Road.
At 7:14 p.m. on July 9, a At 8:53 p:m. on July 12, a At 12:56 a.m. on July 14,
vehicle prowl was reported vehicle prowl was reported a theft of clothes, shoes and At 9:39 a.m. on July 16,
at a Park and Ride on West in the 100 block of North a purse was reported in the a mail theft was reported in
Matlock Road. Mardell Avenue, Hood- 1700 block of Ferry Street. the 1700 block of Southeast
sport. Stewart Street.
At 9:33 a.m. on July 12,
a theft of medication and a
cell phone was reported in
the 300 block of West Wal-
nut Street. The theft took
place sometime in the past
three weeks.
At 9:50 a.m. on July 12,
a vehicle prowl was report-
ed in the 100 block of North
Triton Head Drive, Lilli-
At 11:57 a.m. on July 12,
a theft of prescription drugs
was reported on East Har-
vard Avenue.
At 2:56 a.m. on July 14,
At 3:40 a.m. on July 13, a theft was reported in the At 11:53 a.m. on July 16,
a baby stroller was reported 2500 block of East Masona deer statue was reported-
stolen from the 100 block of Lake Road. ly stolen from the 100 block
East Cypress Place. of North Duckabush Drive
At 3:51 p.m. on July 14,West.
At 11:45 a.m. on July 13, two shoplifters were report-
a 100-foot garden hose was edly in custody in the 100 At 2:26 p.m. on July
reported stolen from the block of East Wallace Knee- 16, a prescription medica-
400 block of East Harstine land Boulevard. tion theft was reported in
Bridge Road. the 100 block of Southeast
At 5:57 p.m. on July 14,Lynch Road.
At 12:47 p.m. on July 13, a credit card fraud was re-
a debit card was reported ported in the 500 block of At 4:35 p.m. on July 16, a
stolen from the 100 block of Southeast Alpine Avenue.tractor was reported stolen
East Sonja Lane. from the 100 block of West
At 9:03 p.m. on July 14,Manor Road.
At 12:48 p.m. on July 13, a motorcycle theft was re-
a 1995 Pontiac Firebird was ported in the 1300 block of
reported stolen from the Olympic Avenue. The mo-
500 block of East McReavy torcycle was a green Kawa-
Road, Union. saki KLX 250.
At 2:16 p.m. on July 13,
a theft of belongings was
reported in the 900 block of
Southeast Arcadia Road.
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 19, 2012
At 2:32 p.m. on July 12,
16 Oxycodone were reported
: My name is Jack Janda and I am running
~ :z~ ............... for re-election as commissioner of Mason
:i~~i~ County PUD #1. It has been my privilege to
terms and it is that experience that i have to offer
I have worked hard to ensure that our customers
have access to safe drinking water and reliable '
electric service at reasonable rates. It is my hope that you will allow
me to continue serving in this capacity for another term.
I I P.O. Box 449, Hoodsport, WA 98548-0449 I o
At 5:04 p.m. on July 16, a
cell phone was reported sto-
len from an undisclosed ad-
dress in Mason County.
At 7:46 a.m. on July 15, a Fires
theft of a dog was reported At 8:36 p.m. on July 13, a
in the 1500 block of Fair- structure fire was reported
• mount Avenue. The dog was in the 2000 block of Adams
a redbone coon hound. Street.
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